Jagged Edge trains you, though not any particular trick. Rather, in the months that follow you find yourself parrying blades, halberds, daggers from Dancing Dagger on occasion, and even thrown projectiles with relative ease. You can't quite manage arrows, but your skills improve at a dizzying rate, and for the first time Jagged Edge brings in other men - ordinary men - to face you.
"Facing men is nothing like facing Darklings."
You look at him, as he gestures them to come into the hall. Even now, you don't speak overmuch. He trains you, and you learn, and in between there is mostly silence. Dagger chattered as she trained, talking about this or that, but Jagged Edge has told you nothing of what has happened in the last few months in the Pit, although occasionally he does look particularly sour when it is mentioned.
"Then why have me face men?"
He pauses thoughtfully, running one hand down the side of his face.
"You need to understand your fellow man. How weak they are, how slow. How unskilled. Your magics make you naturally a prodigy at the blade, the sort that is only seen once a generation among all human beings. That is not to speak of the magic you hold as well. It comes easily to you, and your accomplishments in months rival what these men must take decades to accomplish. None can rival the combination of your youth and skill - without the assistance of the Lighthouse, it is a simple impossibility."
They look at you, a stripling of a girl, and move towards you warily. You have your blades, but they're wrapped to prevent any real injuries in the fight, and as you face the first one, you realise how slow he is. Not that he is strictly slower than you, but his movements don't reflect what he is doing, in a sense - his blades don't match his feet, and take precious moments to correct.
You move in towards him, reach, size, and strength all inferior. You block his blade with one of yours, twist, and send it flying. A moment later, your blade is at his throat.
"Again. Two."
Two men is something more of a challenge, but still, they cannot move together, and you flick their blades aside with ease, striking them so they turn aside, so that their feet are put the wrong way to their bodies and they are made easy prey.
You fight for the remainder of the evening, and three days besides. At the end, you can face down seven men with ease, eight men with regularity, nine men most of the time, and even defeat ten on occasion. You cannot describe it, exactly, except to say that you can see how their intents and actions are mismatched, that their body does not naturally follow the form of their intent.
For another week he has them hunt you, moving about the halls and the training ground, trying to strike you while you cannot strike back. The longer you survive, the better, though you rarely see a smile on Edge's face. A single strike and you're out, and you need to start again.
"If you are hit once by a Darkling away from a Lighthouse, you will die. Unless you are particularly robust or lucky, or you have a Fleshcrafter nearby, or an Alchemist's potion of cleansing, you will die. Near a Lighthouse their poisons are weaker, and can be survived by almost anyone, but in the Pit a single drop of poison is near-certain death. A Spinewolf is a dangerous and difficult foe in the Pit, and even in the light of a Lighthouse they should not be underestimated."
Another session follows, and you defend yourself well, not taking a single hit for fifteen, and then twenty minutes.
Jagged Edge pronounces himself satisfied, stating "If you were taller and stronger perhaps we could seen you defeat more, but you have defended yourself well and that is the main thing."
It is the day after that that another man comes to your training session. He towers even over Jagged Edge, standing a full seven feet tall, and broader across the shoulders than you are tall. He carries a massive axe with some blades on the haft, and is dressed in what looks and smells like unwashed leather armor.
"Swallow, this is-"
"GRAAAAAND AXE!", the man shouts.
"...Grand Axe."
Jagged Edge looks particularly put-upon and grinds his teeth.
"You are aware he is to be your mentor for this expedition we are setting up. It will be simple - a weeklong expedition to the Yellow Lighthouse, wiping out any Spinewolves you see. You are not to engage anything larger, as you will die. If you get our new Bladebound killed, Grand Axe, I will make Dancing Dagger personally aware of your ineptitude."
The big man wilts almost instantly.
"Don't worry, I won't get her killed. She running interference?"
Jagged Edge shrugs.
"You are leading this little adventure. Work it out yourself. Take chits from the central repository, and head down to the quartermaster's building. Take what you think you'll need. Oh, and do try not to hog all the kills this time."
You get the distinct impression he doesn't like Grand Axe.
Grand Axe extends a hand, and you take it gingerly. He shakes it, and then gestures to you, running off like a great big puppy.
You follow him, out of breath keeping up, as he leads you down the hall, into a room, takes a handful of wooden coins engraved with something, and then races off again. Five minutes later, he takes you to a smaller building outside of the Guild, where there are all sorts of things - helmets, ropes, bags of food, everything an expedition might need. He stops at the door.
He turns to you, and suddenly realises he hasn't spoken yet.
"Hah! Sorry, mageling. I'm Grand Axe. Got caught up in my thoughts. We'll be heading out, killing a few Darklings, heading back. You'll be running interference, moving about, distracting them if necessary while I hit them from afar. I'll try and leave them to bleed out if you want to get a few kills, though with this beauty I carry it won't be easy. Anyway, anything you want to add to that? Jaggedy says you're 'barely acceptable', though from him that's actually praise."
Clear the Wolves Out [ ]
Sure, it's nice to increase your personal kill count, but the real objective here is to clear out the Spinewolves. If you let Grand Axe kill them rather than try and merely maim them, you'll be able to kill many more, much more quickly. You won't see any appreciable increase in personal power though, if at all. A riskier option.
Increase Your Kill Count [ ]
Ok, on one hand you want to kill some wolves, on the other, it's still important to ensure you clear some out. Ask Grand Axe to go through with his original plan, but also to work harder to ensure he leaves kills for you. Will see a minor increase in personal power (about two week's worth of power accretion), but less wolves will die - you might only kill half or a third as many overall. A riskier option.
Wreak Bloody Havoc [ ]
Play It Safe [ ]
Sometimes what matters isn't killing all the wolves, it's surviving for another day. Kill those who come too close to the Lighthouse, take what kills you can, but don't take excessive risks. This is the original plan laid out by Grand Axe. No real increase in personal power.
"Hmm, well, I guess we can go with that. As long as you can handle it. Next..."
He tosses you a chit.
"Go buy yourself something useful."
You walk into the store, and after a little browing, note only a few things there that might be of use. You can only pick one, though, and Grand Axe notes that you'll need to either return it to the store (for credit) or to the Guild after your expedition.
[ ] Silken Rope and Grappling Hook
[ ] In-Depth Maps of the Area
[ ] Bulls-Eye Lantern
(The second vote doesn't really matter as much - occasionally I'll offer minor choices and items to help with any write-in strategies or notions you might want to come up with or discuss)