The Life and Times of a Half Saiyan King (Thread2)

Time For Transformation Training
Time For Transformation Training
Alliteration doesn't make you look intelligent Author -Gossard

You burst in a wave of Princeton Orange, the aura settling around you pressed in by the deep Blue of the sky around you. It crushes you, the sweltering malevolent Blueness of it all, you are weak even against mere atmosph...
Well that simply is not believable. You sigh and dismiss the form as you feel your hair absorb the orange tint and you reach the False Gossard form once more.

You burst again in a wave of Princeton Orange, the aura settling around you. You laugh, it is all so silly. A four year old genius able to shift a planet's orbit with a thought. Ahahahehehe...he...Whats the joke?
You sigh and dismiss the form as you feel your hair absorb the orange tint and you reach the False Gossard form once more.

Stability and revelry. You can truly Master this Form. You grit your teeth, you will have the ability to hold this form forever, and the ability to simply skip it entirely.
You burst again in a wave of Princeton Orange, the aura crackling against the blue atmosphere, tearing holes in reality itself. A horde of foes spilling forth, threatening CapsuleCorp below. You grin in delight, you had gotten bored of ceaseless rising and falling Ki, a quick "fight against nothing to work off the stress sounded...nothing? No, they exist." You realize you had begun speaking aloud and ball your fists.
They exist, you broke reality and must defend against the apparitions. The warriors. You feel your hair slowly shift and you throw clarity aside.
You roar in victory as you feel faces deform under your fists. You are the False Saiyan, Truly and Falsely.
With a mere thought you banish the madness and allow the orange light to settle within your black locks. And then Descend down, your aura fading away.

You snap your fingers, and orange seeps into your hair. Phantoms cross your vision but you see through them immediately. A minor inconvenience in combat rendered null and void.
You snap them again and the Phantoms rise into reality, ready to fight. The orange of your hair evaporating into your Aura.
You recognize the unreality, and the reality. And choose which one suits you best.
For you are the Master, and the Form your Employee.

And you feel it...something beyond. It was keeping something from you.
Something Deeper.


Despite all your training, you were keeping up your scientific skills. You had just sat down with a miraculous Senzu Bean to study it's eff-
"Hey Gossard let's spar." (link)


You are Gohan Briefs, the keeper of a certain egotistical self-proclaimed King.
You reach deep into your soul, your Ki flaring methodically, calmly. Sinking into the wasteland below. You do not typically meditate here but you feel it best to practice away from any civilians who could be negatively affected.
Taking deep breaths in and out, your mind flowing at the speed of a Human. The flames of your energy writhing methodically, captivating. You can feel Mister Piccolo's Ki following yours, flaring higher. Not much higher, but you can feel it grow.


That is probably not good. Your eyes open, casting blindly to the east. Over the horizon your Ki Sense can feel it, Gossard's Ki turning Green in the middle of a city. Releasing an attack!
You leave blur lines as you travel, a minor sonic boom echoing in the wasteland but quieting as you approach populated lands. Gossard had told you he was inspecting the Employees, something about a reform of the company.
You did not expect a lethal attack.

You fade into existence next to your brother, wide-eyed casting around for the fragments or ash of a living person. Only to blink and look around again disbelieving.
"Ah, so nice of you to join us Gohan." Your brother drawls, violet locks shifting faintly without a breeze "Did you know many of our Employees live in filth and are taken advantage of by landlords and local laws?"
"It doesn't look that bad." You comment, looking at the spotless apartment complex, and the street full of moving boxes.
"Not any more, though it used to be covered in graffiti and filled with filth. As you can see, I have consolidated our holdings here in East City. By moving our staff residences into a single location nearby to their jobs in a private sealed off section of the city, we can provide optimal levels of care and security to maximize efficiency. If we provide our own housing and eateries for example, we pay less tax and deal less with Non-Employees attempting to profit off our staff. The condensed location also means corporate espionage is more difficult to transmit out. It's not like our staff require non-staff relations after all, barring familial bonds who through some of my new corporate policies will eventually remove themselves as outside influences by joining them inside the complex or cutting ties."
"And the lethal Ki use?" You raise an eyebrow, crossing your arms.
"Ah, yes. This complex was not fit for Employee habitation despite all the assurances to the contrary by the agent. It possessed problems including a minor infestation, and I lacked the Ki Control outside of this form to eradicate the issues. Fortunately me, myself and this Kiblast had a solution." He throws another green ball at a box of possessions and you watch it envelop the box peacefully, dissolving only the tiny Ki signature of some form of bug.

"This cannot be legal..."
"That depends entirely on what you consider a valid lawmaker."
You pinch the bridge of your nose and sigh.
"Great, now that's settled you can install these security cameras in the apartments while I go headhunt a few Employees. And that agent."
"Headhunt does not mean decapitate. It means seek out to offer a job."
"I know that!...Now."


The internal affairs of the company and the solutions you used taught you things. Like your lack of Ki Shaping ability or Blaster Shells hindered your surgical strike capabilities.
Or that some agents neglected to mention existing tenants when selling buildings.
Still, you could solve the previous two issues with practice, and the latter through experience in the business world.

And so, each afternoon, you found yourself in the clouds once more. Reaching for the Legendary energies.
The clouds rumble and lightning strikes between them, the unearthly atmosphere you create casting a blue hue over your purple locks. Settling down into a meditative pose, you reach out towards the banished presence.
Careful to keep your Other Self from ascending, more out of politeness than anything, you cast out at the unformed Echoes.
Ancestors. Yourself. Join Them. Learn From Us. The images fill your head.

You are your Ki. Your Ki is you. You exist allwhere, and yourwhere. You swell into existence, held within your hand. Dancing free of your own body, independent but a part of a greater whole.
You Are, the Legend Is. The Legendary Gossard IS. But you are not. Not yet.
Not ready. Or able. Or Perfect. Or Semi-Perfect. Or Perfect. You said that already. Shut up. You shut up. I shut up? No you shut up, not me or I or yourself. You are confused. Probably, but so are you.
You twitch and drop from the form, panting. A thousand variants of yourself, each a different person and each one not. It confuses even your tremendous mind.

Wiping your brow you return to the form to the sound of crashing thunder.
You are back. You are not sure of the time. What is time. Oh that, no it has not been long since you arrived, only a thousand years. Not you, you the newcomer. You are the newcomer, ever since you attained the Golden Ape. No the living one. What is life, you were never born to know?
You flare and contract in your own palm. Your existence is the key. You are you, not the Legend but a part, but more than it in totality. You are the Blaster Shell, and your existence is total, it exists regardless of the Legend, outside it.
That wont work, you know that. I do? No not you, you never worked it out. You are confusing yourself again. Then what is the answer, you? I dont know, ask myself. You are! Oh, well then why'd you call me you and not...
You put up your barrier again, cutting off the thoughts that sound so much like yourself, a discordant recorded chorus of the Legend. None had any real thoughts, it was merely the echo.

You frown deeply. You had heard of this in books. Fiction and fantasy. The stepping stone to true artificial life is something called a VI, a Virtual Intelligence, which merely simulated true thought by referencing a wide array of phrases and words.
Was this to become of you? A Chinese Room trapped in the head of the next Saiyan to achieve the form? You are Legendary, but so too was every other Legend now within your mind.

You scowl and drop the barriers again. You are more than that. You are not Just a Legend. You are a Briefs! You are Gossard, not some nameless King of a forgotten race. You will rise further from the lowest depths to the highest. You will conquer the minds within you and take their secrets, building upon them into something much greater than they could every have achieved! Just like you did before that bastard tricked you into looking at the moon.
Wait wh
You crash out of the form, violet locks deepening into ebony black. Your fingers curling around yourself as your scowl deepens. Even if every single Legend had failed. Even if every single Saiyan had failed. You were not them, you were more.

You rise from your hand as your other self grins. Emerald light shining upon Gossard Briefs, Untransformed.
A King cares not for the failure of those who came before him. A King only learns from their mistakes and their victories and uses that to craft a new shining Present. A Glorious Utopia that He Commands!
A Legendary King conquers the unconquerable, simply because it is there.
You wave your hand and a dozen Blaster Shells form. And you begin to laugh, loudly.


October 12th

You sit casually on thin air, a few inches above the tiles of the Lookout. Your eyes focused on your palms and the glowing orb within. Delicately shaping it, twisting the manifestation of your power out of it's orb shape.
You do not stir from your practice as you feel it. You keep your Power stable, and keep twisting.
Deep in space. Not hiding unlike the Slugs. However like the Slugs it was remarkable stable. It did not flex or shift mildly, there was no fluctuations it simply Was.

A minute later you rise, handing the clumsy looking crane to your sister with a soft smile.
"If I had access to your Divine Ki, I could do Orikami." You joke. It isn't funny, but she laughs anyway. You look skyward and ask "Now what shall we do about our little visitor?"
"Airtank, wear? Go knock on ship before arrive."

There is a being approaching, with a Power around half a million. What do?
[ ] Equip scuba gear, board their ship in space
[ ] Hack their communications, say hi
[ ] Kill the ship
[X] Let it land and say hi
-[X] See if you can copy his moves. You are curious what martial arts this Alien might have, and Gohan picked up some moves from Lord Slug, and you won't let yourself be bested on the "learn new moves from one fight" front.
-[X] If he tries to start a fight, show him your Glory and put him in his place. Keep him alive though, could use more servants who recognize how awesome you are. Even if he proves useless as a fighter, maybe he'll be good for something else. Maybe he can be your hair-stylist.

[ ] Let it land and murder the pilot, free ship!

The False Saiyan form, it is lacking something...but what?
[ ] Force more Ki into the form
[X] Kick Reason to the Cub
[ ] Give up, you cannot reach the peaks of strength necessary
[ ] It requires Green, everything does!

Authors Note: For the second time, welcome to Canon.
Raditz is now an Elite and not one of Frieza's stock troops. Because why would a worldbuilder make Raditz the same power as the random mooks! He explicitly says he is a badass but not as badass as the other two Saiyans he knows of.
Oh, I'm considering adding Pretty Colors to the updates to signify people being in transformations or generally acting Powerful, what do people think? Would it be too distracting?
For their speech obviously, I'm not going to color an entire scene bright green because Gossard happened to be Legendary.
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The colored text was one of my favorite things about the first thread so I'm gonna encourage that.

Hacking is really tempting just for the amusement factor. For our form...well adding green is the only one that is a definite 'no' unless we want to free a certain someone. Adding more Ki makes sense in a brute force way, Reason has a connection in that the connection to madness the form has even if it's unappealing, even giving up makes sense from a certain viewpoint in that it's still a 'false' transformation and that could provoke something. Still leaning towards brute force though unless someone has something really compelling I missed.

[X] Hack their communications, say hi
[X] Force more Ki into the form
[X] Let it land and say hi
[X] Kick Reason to the Curb

I simply must pick the Kamina option, also kicking reason to the curb is totally something the Orange spark is supposed to do.

Edit: Huh Gohan trains power level this turn and learn Lord Slug style Martial Art.
Edit 2: Our Mad Science skill seems to have lost one point, might want to do a science action next turn. Assuming we get 4 I prefer: Legendary Gossard Unlock, False Gossard Mastery, Science, Magic Training.
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Edit: Huh Gohan trains power level this turn and learn Lord Slug style Martial Art.
Edit 2: Our Mad Science skill seems to have lost one point, might want to do a science action next turn. Assuming we get 4 I prefer: Legendary Gossard Unlock, False Gossard Mastery, Science, Magic Training.

The Slug style was a mistake, it was meant to be in last turn cause he got Copycat.
Mad Science did not lose any points intentionally.
[X] Let it land and say hi
[X] Kick Reason to the Curb

I simply must pick the Kamina option, also kicking reason to the curb is totally something the Orange spark is supposed to do.

Edit: Huh Gohan trains power level this turn and learn Lord Slug style Martial Art.
Edit 2: Our Mad Science skill seems to have lost one point, might want to do a science action next turn. Assuming we get 4 I prefer: Legendary Gossard Unlock, False Gossard Mastery, Science, Magic Training.

Gohan also gained the Copy Cat trait and his Super Gohan form mastery went up.


Ninja'd by Lordchaos :(
Sort of? I am back-engineering this system from canon so there will be discrepancies obviously.
Vegeta focused more on Skills, while Goku trained Power Level. This is mostly an old habit because, until the Saiyan Saga, he believed the only way a Saiyan could get stronger was via skills, Oozaru or a mythical overpowered transformation. So the primary training he knew was skill based.

Nice to know that mastering Skills is a valid way to keep up with someone that just trains power level.

Authors Note: For the second time, welcome to Canon.
Raditz is now an Elite and not one of Frieza's stock troops. Because why would a worldbuilder make Raditz the same power as the random mooks! He explicitly says he is a badass but not as badass as the other two Saiyans he knows of.
Oh, I'm considering adding Pretty Colors to the updates to signify people being in transformations or generally acting Powerful, what do people think? Would it be too distracting?
For their speech obviously, I'm not going to color an entire scene bright green because Gossard happened to be Legendary.

Do the colors! They add a nice touch to the story :D

Poor Raditz when he comes here he's gonna be the weakest Saiyan especially know that Goku zenkaid off training with Gossard. The only people he's stronger than are the humans. The Z-Fighters won't even be scared of him considering they just faced down Lord Slug.

I kinda want to just want Gossard to go watch the Z-Fighters deal with Raditz. Maybe we can turn this into King training? He's commanding his loyal troops to deal with the pests and learning to delegate things. Every now and again Gossard can throw out sarcastic comments about being disappointed in Planet Vegeta's breed of Saiyans :p

@lordchaos99 the power boost Gohan got was from copying Lord Slug's martial art I am guessing? Where did Gohan's 500,000 power boost come from? It doesn't look l like it came from the new style he got since that would only give him (444,443)*(0.4) = 177,777.2. It looks like his power level is too high or too low.

Hmmm also looks like Gohan did some Grade 3 training. Hopefully he doesn't make the same mistake Trunks made.

Also Ultimate Gohan's power level hasn't been changed to the 500M yet.


Oh double posted, sorry guys :(
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Nice to know that mastering Skills is a valid way to keep up with someone that just trains power level.

Do the colors! They add a nice touch to the story :D

Poor Raditz when he comes here he's gonna be the weakest Saiyan especially know that Goku zenkaid off training with Gossard. The only people he's stronger than are the humans. The Z-Fighters won't even be scared of him considering they just faced down Lord Slug.

@lordchaos99 the power boost Gohan got was from copying Lord Slug's martial art I am guessing? Where did Gohan's 500,000 power boost come from? It doesn't look l like it came from the new style he got since that would only give him (444,443)*(0.4) = 177,777.2. It looks like his power level is too high or too low.

Hmmm also looks like Gohan did some Grade 3 training to.

Also Ultimate Gohan's power level hasn't been changed to the 500M yet.


Oh double posted, sorry guys :(

Vegeta is still weaker than Goku, not counting his RAGEBoost. But in an equal power spar, Vegeta trounces.

Raditz is still stronger than Gottex according to Power Levels (because Divine Ki is better not bigger) and when comparing Base forms. You know, the two year old.
And he is less than 5* their Power, weaker than Piccolo when they confronted him. So yeah, some fear not much especially after Slug blew them out of the water

Gohan improved because he trained Demon King, look in the Demon King spoiler. Gohan would only get a bonus when he hits 5/10 Exile, which is why the text mentions being right on the cusp of usablity
He maxed it out primarily because he got *3 training and the ability to Weight Train in the Millions. Well, that and having 150 Million Power letting him do subjective days of training in a second
He only trained Grade2, not Grade3. He always had 10/20 Grade 3

Fixed Ultimate Saiyan to 501M

Gohan also gained the Copy Cat trait and his Super Gohan form mastery went up.


Ninja'd by Lordchaos :(

Mwahaha, fear the Ninja.
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@lordchaos99 Just to be clear if we want to unlock Super Saiyan, will asking Gohan's help automatically guarantee it? And if we want to do it on our own is is it by getting Golden Aura from 1/10 to 10/10?
Vegeta is still weaker than Goku, not counting his RAGEBoost. But in an equal power spar, Vegeta trounces.

Raditz is still stronger than Gottex according to Power Levels (because Divine Ki is better not bigger) and when comparing Base forms. You know, the two year old.
And he is less than 5* their Power, weaker than Piccolo when they confronted him. So yeah, some fear not much especially after Slug blew them out of the water

Gohan improved because he trained Demon King, look in the Demon King spoiler. Gohan would only get a bonus when he hits 5/10 Exile, which is why the text mentions being right on the cusp of usablity
He maxed it out primarily because he got *3 training and the ability to Weight Train in the Millions. Well, that and having 150 Million
He only trained Grade2, not Grade3. He always had 10/20 Grade 3

Fixed Ultimate Saiyan to 501M

Mwahaha, fear the Ninja.

Damn it Gohan! Just master SS1 like Canon Gohan did. Don't pull a Vegeta or Trunks :( Be like Gossard (without the rampages) and master your spark!

Huh, looks like Goku's higher potential is paying dividends here. Vegeta must have some godly skills to keep up with Goku.

Man how did I miss he always has Grade 3? :oops: I guess it's cause he never used it in combat.
Did our power jump somewhere? Or editing error? I believe it was 1.6 & 2 before.

You got a Zenkai from Lord Slug. Which I have now limited to a max of x10 because AU. You and Gottex and Goku got them. Though Goku also Zenkai'd this turn against you and is now 20M.
It was previously x35 maximum because that is the Zenkai Goku got on Namek. But that is silly.

@lordchaos99 Just to be clear if we want to unlock Super Saiyan, will asking Gohan's help automatically guarantee it? And if we want to do it on our own is is it by getting Golden Aura from 1/10 to 10/10?

Yes, though Gohan would hold it over Gossard forever. Don't vote for it! I can do it myself!
You are pretty sure, yes. No-one has actually progressed from the Aura to the form yet except Gottex and her Ki disappeared. Alternatively you can do it the 'canon' way and achieve a moment of Pure Grief such as seeing your siblings, mother or Piccolo dead or finally giving up your ambitions as hopeless.

Damn it Gohan! Just master SS1 like Canon Gohan did. Don't pull a Vegeta or Trunks :( Be like Gossard (without the rampages) and master your spark!

Man how did I miss he always has Grade 3? :oops: I guess it's cause he never used it in combat.

Gohan doesn't see why he should, when his most powerful form knocks him out and his combat form inflicts him with Sadism. One step at a time.
Doesn't help that he has a Stamina-Regen Shield as well, so removing a Stamina Drain seems like even less of an issue.

He hasn't unlocked the form. That skill is unlocking the form. He is simply halfway to being able to use it. 5 more points and he can inflate like Trunks. Who simply reached the form and the only training he had was how to turn it on and off quickly as a bluff.
Right then I'll drop my plan for False Gossard Mastery next turn in favor of getting Golden Aura 1/10 to 10/10. Basically the Caulifla method of just drawing out and manifesting the golden energy within right? Also just noticed that due to maxing out Ki Shaping we can now start working on Perkect Ki Control to get Super Saiyan Blue, but I think I'll save it for much later (after unlocking and mastering Legendary Gossard, Green Grade 3, False Gossard, Orange Grade 3, Super Saiyan (Grade 1-3), and possibly Super Saiyan 2 and 3). Basically save the divine inspired Super Saiyan Blue for when it's appropriate (the gods starting to get prissy at us).
Right then I'll drop my plan for False Gossard Mastery next turn in favor of getting Golden Aura 1/10 to 10/10. Basically the Caulifla method of just drawing out and manifesting the golden energy within right? Also just noticed that due to maxing out Ki Shaping we can now start working on Perkect Ki Control to get Super Saiyan Blue, but I think I'll save it for much later (after unlocking and mastering Legendary Gossard, Green Grade 3, False Gossard, Orange Grade 3, Super Saiyan (Grade 1-3), and possibly Super Saiyan 2 and 3). Basically save the divine inspired Super Saiyan Blue for when it's appropriate (the gods starting to get prissy at us).

Yes but no? Universe 6 and Universe 7 Saiyans are different species.
They are much more attuned to the Yellow energy, but lack the Tails of their counterparts and their Green Sparks are much more placid until they transform. That's my story and I'm sticking to it right up until Toei runs another aspect of the Saiyan mythos (seriously, First Time assuming SS1 and you go SS2! BULLSHIT!).
The placid Green Sparks are their primary divergence from canon Saiyans, they lacked the sudden impetus to change planets constantly but at the same time that lack of danger made ??? do ??? which meant ??? and that's why their tails went away.
You being cryptic just means people don't understand and feel annoyed.
Shut up!
You can't make me...ooh color toggle, hmm, I am here because of the Orange fourth wall break, but I am also Gossard the Legendary KIng...To be Green or Orange...
Oww my eyes. Im just picking this one. Switching looked horrible.

Oh, I'm going through adding colors to the updates, if you think it's garish or find it works better tell me, I want things to look cool and flow well.
Im working on the Turtle Destruction Wave now, everything prior is done for now.
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Huh I just realized that Gossard and Gohan are a gender flipped and inversed Caulifla and Kale.

Universe 7: Big Bro is aggressive, brash, confident, prideful and wields Green. Little brother is the more reserved duo and blessed with Yellow.
Universe 6: Big Sis is aggressive, brash, confident, prideful who's really talented at Yellow. Little sister is reserved and shy, but also Green.

Gossard and Gohan are blood related and twins. Caulifla and Kale are adoptive thug sisters.
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[X] Hack their communications, say hi
[X] Kick Reason to the Cub

Can't wait to see Raditz's reaction to everything
Huh I just realized that Gossard and Gohan are a gender flipped and inversed Caulifla and Kale.

Universe 7: Big Bro is aggressive, brash, confident, prideful and wields Green. Little brother is the more reserved duo and blessed with Yellow.
Universe 6: Big Sis is aggressive, brash, confident, prideful who's really talented at Yellow. Little sister is reserved and shy, but also Green.

Gossard and Gohan are blood related and twins. Caulifla and Kale are adoptive thug sisters.

Huh...That's weirdly similar yeah.

Let's get trippy and give uncle Raditz a warm super nova hot Ki greeting.

That would be murdering the pilot and looting a Spaceship. Saying hi starts peaceful
were we guaranteed to get a perfect modifier on learning blaster shell or did we get really lucky with it? because using it even in base form is something i don't think Broly ever did.

Also i've been thinking more on how the hive mind works...and had the horrifying thought that with how often Broly subsumes himself in the green he might be slowly growing smarter by being connected to our genius mind....

We could go into a fight with him thinking we're fighting the hulk-berserker from canon but find out we're really fighting Doctor Doom.