[X] Announce your status as Maia's sworn kin, lie to protect her
So there are several things at play here. On the one hand, we could trust Maia to have done her job well. On the other hand, she wasn't acting out of what her job would consider good reasons, so there's no reason to expect her execution to be up to snuff either. Lying may protect her from
legal consequences
unless someone is willing to publicly call Ambraea a liar, but that does nothing to prevent people from drawing their own conclusions and
privately taking extralegal measures, which we've kind of surrendered any standing to complain about, under the circumstances.
So I don't think this is necessarily the
right move; I suspect that as a matter both of Dynastic politics and of playing the odds the correct course is to let Maia deal with a cloud of suspicion that she successfully prevents from conclusively closing on her, while letting everyone else assume that she acted unilaterally. What I do think is that this is the
Ambraea move, for good or ill.
- What kind of message does this action send to Maia, particularly in light of that argument she and Ambraea had? What kind of relationship do they have? How deep does your disapproval of this course of action run?
It's a real mess because Maia is simultaneously looking to objectify herself (justify her actions as acting as a weapon on our behalf) while leaning on deep personal bonds to justify acting autonomously (I will do things that you don't want and have specifically told me not to do, for your own good). Telling her "I don't want you to unilaterally take on huge risks to yourself, for my sake, against my wishes, and if you do so I will step in to help protect you from the consequences, even at cost to me, which I hope might discourage you from trying again" can be read as "I won't respect your right to make decisions about what risks you're willing to take, or what you value and how you weigh the balance, even if I disagree with them".