Now in her forties, Lohna is a trusted and reliable servant of the Imperial Household, and with her service in raising Ambraea no longer required, she'd been given other work.
I find myself wondering to what extent The Empress is familiar with the idea that Lohna might, in some ways, feel like an adoptive mother to Ambrea
"I don't think she entirely notices how strange it all is, anymore," Peony says. She has begun to suspect that this is the largest reason for sorcerers having such a well-earned reputation for strangeness. Just sheer exposure to spirits and other oddities until they forget how alarming it all is. She thinks of Diamond-Cut Perfection, with their insufferable over-familiarity, and their dangerous capacity to make one forget what exactly they are.
Yes, truly, Sorcerers dwell amidst all manner...
the Empress, though, is terrifying.
... all manner of things which strike dread within the hearts of right-minded mortals everywhere...
[x] [Maia] Tell Maia what you know
*shrugs* Voting honesty here on principal. We could most likely overcome it with time, and get through the... "second thoughts"... phase of dealing with this, but that would likely take a while, and during that while, there would be an awkwardness hanging over our head, so meh...
[x] [Storyline] Best Served Cold
[x] [Storyline] The Serpent Thief
politics... . If we are to be respected for our mastery of... "terrifying hermitry"... then we require sufficient terror. Leaving one who, via intent, endangered our person, to be seen to leave unscathed? Unacceptable!
Also. Amity is adorable as ever, so I kinda feel like I can vote whimsically without fear of any non-Amity votes thriving.