Voted best in category in the Users' Choice awards.
[X] [Empress] Advice on binding and treating with spirits
[X] [Social] V'neef S'thera
[X] [Social] Tepet Usala
[X] [Empress] Advice on binding and treating with spirits

[X] [Social] V'neef S'thera

[X] [Social] Sesus Kasi
[X] [Empress] Advice on binding and treating with spirits
I like this as her response to us riding in on a dragon
[X] [Social] Mnemon Rulinsei
[X] [Social] V'neef S'thera
[X] [Social] Mnemon Rulinsei
[X] [Social] Ledaal Anay
[X] [Social] Sesus Kasi
[X] [Empress] Advice on the advancement of your spellwork
[X] [Empress] Advice on the advancement of your spellwork

Getting professional advice from a master is something I just can't imagine passing up.

[X] [Social] Sesus Kasi
[X] [Social] Tepet Usala
So, 12 16 24 37 46 hours in.

Spirit's lead with 23 votes to spellcasting's 11

Sesus Kasi : 18 19 23 24 27
Mnemon Rulinsei : 15 17 20 21
V'neef S'thera : 10 12 15 17 19
Tepet Usala : 10 12 11
Last edited:
[X] [Empress] Advice on binding and treating with spirits
[X] [Social] Mnemon Rulinsei
[X] [Social] V'neef S'thera
Isn't it obvious how the Empress is going to hurt Ambraea?
She's going to praise V'neef in front of her.
[X] [Empress] Advice on binding and treating with spirits
[X] [Empress] Advice on the advancement of your spellwork
[X] [Social] Sesus Kasi
[X] [Social] V'neef S'thera
[X] [Empress] Advice on binding and treating with spirits
[X] [Social] Mnemon Rulinsei
[X] [Social] Sesus Kasi
[x] [Empress] Advice on the advancement of your spellwork

[x] [Social] Tepet Usala
[x] [Social] V'neef S'thera
[X] [Empress] Advice on binding and treating with spirits
[X] [Social] Sesus Kasi
[X] [Social] V'neef S'thera
[X] [Empress] Advice on the advancement of your spellwork
[X] [Social] Mnemon Rulinsei
[X] [Social] Sesus Kasi
[X] [Social] V'neef S'thera
Tally updated. Kasi maintains a strong lead while Rulinsei and S'thera fight for second place. Those voting for both might want to consider which horse they prefer more. Personally I like the one that has some action and demonstrates Ambraea's progress in the two years since their duel but to each their own. Also, sulky sore loser Ambraea is comedy gold.
X] [Empress] Advice on binding and treating with spirits
[X] [Social] Sesus Kasi
[X] [Social] V'neef S'thera
[X] [Empress] Advice on binding and treating with spirits
[X] [Social] Sesus Kasi
[X] [Social] V'neef S'thera