4205 The city of Bilbao fails to pay for the walls it had commissioned from the dwarves of Karaz Izor. Distracted as he is by the wars against Thaggoriki and greenskins, the king of Karak Izor instead sends to Karaz - A - Karak for the high king to redress this wrong.
4209 - High King Proudbeard dies after nearly two centuries on the throne. Leaving his son to take up the mantle of High King, a task he has long been prepared for. Near immediately, king Bardin sets about examining his realm, especially in regards to the military of the Dawi, and many dwarves hear a great deal of grumbling about the lack of true craft in the art of war.
4220 - With the arrival of king Redbeard of Karak Azgarad, who swears oaths of fealty to the High King. The Karaz Ankor can be said to be united for the first time since the time of woes began. Though for many this great achievement only shows how far the dwarves have fallen since their elder days.
4227 - A grand announcement goes out across Araby and Tilea, that the High King of the dwarves has promised great sums of gold and dwarven arms, should mercenaries of quality and skill come to serve in the foothills of Barak Varr. Many despite having never heard of this High King flock to the promise of regular pay from the famously exacting dwarves. When they arrive, however, they soon discover that the length of the contract is essentially for life, and the vast majority balk at the requirements. Leaving little over a thousand to try and take up the dwarves on their offer.
4230 - A grand conclave of all the warrior clans of the Karaz Ancor meet in Karaz - A - Karak. Few speak for many years of what went on in the great hall save that they have been invited to join the throng of the High King, but many joyous songs of remembrance and vengeance are sung in the drinking halls over the coming days.
4232 - The Engineers Guild finally approved the dry dock plans and instructions to be disseminated throughout the Karaz Ankor. And dozens began construction within the docks of Barak Varr. Gadrock Seamane, the king of Barak Varr is said to have gone so far as to give a brief chuckle at the thought of the grand ships he would be able to build with these new facilities.
4234 - "The battle of the red cliffs" A great fleet of Orks and Grobi launch off from the distant badlands to try and attack the island of Sartosa, wreaking havoc on the shipping of all civilized races nearby. They are eventually met by the fleets of Barak Varr, Remas, and Sartosa off the coast of the island, and battle is joined for two days. By the time the smoke of the dwarven cannons has cleared, the cliffs of sartosa have been stained red with the blood of a hundred thousand orks. Though bands of survivors scatter across the black water to plunder and reave until they are hunted down one by one. Notably, thanks to the Gnolumgi, the human mercenaries of Barak Varr, none ever get within eyesight of the city.
4238 - Druin Gundrank, heir to the throne of Karak Ungor gathers a throng of sixteen thousand from across the Karaz Ankor in Karak Kadrin, and marches to reconquer his ancient birthright. Using 6 great cannons purchased from Zhufbar, he gradually defeated the gates of the city which had so stymied every prior attempt at reconquest, and moved in to claim that which is rightfully his. Once the throng had moved within the hold however, it was never heard from again and later scouts in search of the throng found the gates of the city closed again. With some very poorly made repairs indicative of who still holds the Karak.
4243 - A formal grudge is declared by the High King against the corsairs and Sultans of Araby for their continual harassment of dwarven shipping throughout the Black Gulf. The sultans however pay this announcement with little mind. The dwarves are stretched thin between their many commitments throughout the sea, and who is this High King anyway? They know and respect Barak Varr, but what can one city hope to do against their great nations.
4646 - Waagghh Stonesplita rampages north out of the badlands in a green tide and wipes away the stolid human tribes that had survived there for generations. Now their crude settlements are littered with the bones of the fallen, and though Stonesplitta shattered his wagghh ineffectually against the walls of the everpeak. The foothills of Karaz- A - Karak and Barak Varr can no longer be described as safe in any meaningful way.
4249 - The Engineers guild finally accepts that Rivalt - Ricket can be used as a construction material, and builders across the Karaz Ankor rejoice. The fact that some immediately begin using the material on ongoing construction projects before the designs and specification actually reach their holds goes studiously unnoticed by many of the more senior members of the guilds.
4251 - Ships and traders with unfamiliar accents and icons have reached our shores. Claiming to be from far off Estalia. Several enterprising dwarf merchantmen eventually report that seemingly overnight forts and cities have sprung up. Inhabited by a hardy and tempestuous folk who nonetheless pay good coin for dwarven goods.
4255 - The last of the arms and armor commissioned for Bardin Hardaxe's high throng are finally completed and they march to their final destination of Zhufbar, openly singing the great dwarven marching songs of years long passed. On the march, they do come across a band of perhaps fifteen thousand urk and grobi who challenge the high throng on the mountain passes. The fact that three dwarves died in the eschewing battle was considered a disappointment by the Thane of the new throng, who insisted that the axe still needs further sharpening before it is ready.
4256 - While many of the lesser ships of the High Fleet have been put to sea already this year marks when the Gimazul-Gronti emerges from its drydock and makes a tour of the nearby realms. Many of the Sultans of Araby begin to realize exactly who this "High King" is and wonder if perhaps they should have paid more heed when that grudge was declared over a decade ago now.
4258 - Runelord Varfor the elder returns home to Zhufbar on the tail of the high throng, mind abuzz with the runic knowledge he has gained over the last few decades pouring over the designs of elder days. When he returns home, however, he is immediately struck by the similarity to the Runic arrays of activation upon the long deactivated torrent of Zhufbar to those he had just installed on near a hundred axes and hammers of the throng. With merely a few months of preparation and a few quiet conversations with the king. The runelord reconnects the falls to the great flows of runic power which thrum beneath the world's edge mountains.
With a great shudder, the iron bulwark across the blackwater begins to slide open, and billions of gallons begin pouring into the depths of the hold. Cunningly redirected to smash into the mines at the base of the hold, drilling through rock and excavating mines that would take months to dig through with the force of a flash flood. After an hour of their activation the gate is closed once more and the water is allowed to wash into the foothills below. But the wealth that they have dredged up in that time does not go unnoticed by the King of Zhufbar, or indeed by the wider Karaz Ankor as a whole.
4261 - Seeing how much lore of the ancients was recovered, and how useful they are in battle, Baidin Hardaxe orders another ten thousand sets of Runic equipment to assist the oft besieged Barak Varr
4262 - Night falls on Karaz Bryn: Gadrock Umdraklindoc, heir to long fallen Karaz Bryn becomes suddenly interested in reconquering his fallen homeland. His family and clan are elated at this and don't think to dig too deeply into what has caused this change of attitude. Within six years, a force of over twenty thousand dwarves departs for the highest peak of the worlds edge mountains.
Encountering next to no opposition, on their way to the mount, the dwarves are first stymied by the walls of their old fortress, which closed to them, they begin setting up cannon to blast down. On the first night after their arrival however, Gadrock goes missing, and tens of thousands of skeletons, ghouls, and other foul creatures rise up and beset the throng.
They defend themselves stoically for a dozen days before dwarven stubbornness finally fails and the six thousand remaining journey back to Karak Vlag, their every step hounded by dire wolves and undead bats. As well as the mocking laughter of the queen of darkness.
4265 - 4695 - The dwarves of Karaz - A - Karak descend in a mighty throng to destroy the greenskins who would think themselves safe at the foothills of the Everpeak itself. Whittling them down through a series of lighting battles and ambushes, High King Baidin finally kills all the greenskin of the Everpeak Foothills save those who hide within the forest of gloom, nestled into the base of the black mountains.
4269 - Unfortunately, while much of the throng of Karaz - A - Karak is away, the orks take this opportunity to raid and raze many of the minor holds along the eastern borders of the Everpeaks kingdom. Eventually, word does reach the Everpeak of what is happening and a hastily assembled throng rushes to assist. Fighting the orks and the battle of the bitter peaks. They do see the orks off, however, nearly half a dozen minor holds lie in ruin, and by the time the last is accounted for, over nineteen thousand dwarves have lost their lives.
4271 - 4683 Formation of the Reman Empire
The origin of the City of Remas is shrouded in myth, some say it was founded as a nehekharan colony, others say that it was where the goddess of strategy Celestasia, first taught her children Rema and Rondal the arts of war. However, since then it has grown into a great and mighty city. With fully fifty thousand souls calling the city home and near half a million in the surrounding farmlands. Mightiest of the feuding states on the Tilean peninsula. So when the call came from the north that Bilbao was under assault from the Skaven. The Remans deployed an army to help resist the vile ratmen. Forming a league of northern Tilean states to coordinate the defense.
The battles waged for nearly half a decade until the Skaven were finally driven back into their lairs. But the smaller cities of the league had suffered greatly, and could barely support themselves let alone an army. So Remus provided an offer. Pay Remus tribute, and the great city would use that to pay for the defense of the combined league. The other cities agreed, however, the new order soon began to chafe as Remus began making requests to centralize the league. Rather than holding meetings in the most central city, why not have them in Remus, the strongest and most fortified. Where else would the league treasury be kept but Remus as well. At first, there was resistance to these demands, but as professional Reman soldiers were moved toward the dissenting cities, their protests were swiftly withdrawn.
Thus within only thirteen years of the league's creation, it was dissolved and remade into the Reman Empire, headed by First Citizen Augustine Caestra. Who quickly turned his newfound wealth and power against the feuding city-states of southern TIlea, which folded one by one as individually, they could provide little resistance. After only a few years of conquest, merely one part of human-owned Tilea remained out of Remas's hands. The island of sartosa. So an army was dispatched across the seas, only to meet the combined sartosan navies halfway across the strait. The battle was bloody and brutal with no quarter given, but at its conclusion the Reman eagle was the one which sank. Another army was quickly gathered to try again, but word from the north came of another attempted Skaven invasion. So the Sartosians would have to wait.
4274 - while the torrents of Zhufbar have proven incredibly profitable for the kings of Zhufbar, within only a few years the Skaven had realized how it could be used to their advantage. Somehow anticipating where the torrents were to be aimed. they dug tunnels to the point where the water would cease its excavations and prepared breeching tunnels. And once the water flowed away, the Skaven flooded in. Chittering through the mines, some twelve thousand dwarves died before the vermin were pushed back. Afterward, the king ordered enhanced security over the schedule of the torrent. Though so long as clan Eshin remained, nothing could be considered truly secure.
4279 - Formation of the Estalian League
Little is known to the dwarves of how the Estalian league formed. Much as little was known of their cities before the trading ships arrived in Barak Varr. All that we have gathered is a legend of one Francolo Miraglio. The man who rode day and night through hordes of orks to carry the message of the unification to the cities of the west as well as a call to arms. Seven kings heard the call and marched their armies to the aid of the countrymen, but each would fall one by one in glorious battle until the armies of Estalia were about to rout. Only for the messenger, Francolo Miraglio to pick up the banner of the greatest fallen king and lead a one-man charge against the greenskins. A charge that the retreating Estalians rallied behind and ultimately won the battle.
Of the fate of Francolo, little is known. With many saying that he fell in battle after that suicidal charge. Myths and stories have already sprung up that he survived the battle, and was spirited away by either the elves or the dwarves (sources differ). To be garbed in the panoply of war by either of the elder races to lead them in battle against their foes. What is certain though is that the people of Estalia have taken this battle to show that it is the people who should lead Estalia rather than any individual king, and now a council of 54 rules the nation from the city of Trantino, on the southern coast of the peninsula.
4287 The dark night of the Stancati
The newly risen Stancati on the eastern flank of the vaults burn in the twin fires of war and famine as gifted dwarven grain dries up and they turn their steel pikes on each other. It is only six months later and after half a dozen cities burn to the ground that the dwarves purchase more food from their neighbors and slowly wean the Stancati off of their overreliance on dwarven generosity.
4294 - Wagghh Ironbeak rampages along the southern flank of the grey mountains. With the human tribes both north and south of Karak Angaraz wilting before the might of greenskin aggression. The waggh after firmly dominating the regions it had conquered finally attempts to break Angaraz itself. But while the gatehouse and the first redoubts fell to the orks. Eventually, they were driven back after six cannons were filled with the assorted detritus of the mines and fired point-blank into the charging waaggh. Eviscerating Ironbeak himself and his most powerful lieutenants. In the ensuing confusion and infighting, the dwarves quickly ejected the Orks from their hold. Though once all was tallied they were six thousand fewer than they had once been and their entire southern border now contained nothing but greenskins.
4295 - Battle for Gloom Forest
Wielding the axes of his throng against the trees themselves. King Bardin gradually shrinks the hiding places of the Orks until they are forced to give him the fight he has refused until now. Though the Orks do come in great numbers, the High Throng waits. And meets the fury of the ork with the might of true dwarven resolve. And in such a contest only one outcome was certain. So it was that the Everpeak Foothills were finally cleared of greenskin taint. Even if it did cost slightly over five thousand dwarven lives.
4298 - The chieftains kneel
After the battle of Gloom Forest, Bardin is left to organize the newly conquered territory. But his people's homes in truth lie in the mountains. So he instead turns to those tribes who crossed south from past the black mountains as his throng cleared the greenskins from the land. Asking these Sud-Brigundians to kneel and be named owners of these lands by the reckonings of the dwarves. So long as they in times of war gave their horsemen and chariots to the throng. In turn, the throng would march to protect their hamlets. They agreed unanimously and a new chapter was written into the histories of the Dwarves and Humans.
4303 - 4336: The Klad Karu are formed over the next three decades as the King of Karak Angaraz forms a mighty shield of dwarven steel and human bodies to defend his realm. Armed with lances, greatswords and longbows, they refer to themselves as the mailed fist of the north.
4312 We have heard from traveling traders of Estalia that the land of the Brettoni has acquired the rudiments of civilization at least in the far-off lands of Mousillon and Bordeleaux. Who's maps which eventually make it to Barak Var gives us a rough but informative view on the entire region.
4318: Similarly, north of the vaults, many refugees have fled Tilea in the wake of the expanding Reman empire. With most making their way to these far off lands. Here separated from the empire by two full mountain ranges, they have founded a series of cities along the many rivers that crisscross this region.
Orks have assailed some of your Vlags human neighbors, northwest of the hold, and have slaughtered the tribes that live at the gateway of peak pass, forcing the rest to migrate to the south and west. Some of the tribes of the far north that now come into contact with Vlag however, speak a strange and archaic form of Khazalid and talk of mountain spirits of great might and craft in the ice-ridden northern mountains.
4319 - 4338: Estalia colonizes their northern shore.
The Estalian league gradually colonizes the northern shore of their peninsula, including everyone who speaks an intelligible facsimile of the estalian tongue. Though there are points of conflict this spread is largely concluded peacefully, and by the end of the exercise, the Estalian palace of princes has 33 more seats added to its chambers.
4321 - 4326: In a series of lightning attacks and devastating ambushes, the Dwarves successfully liberated the north west cost of "Brettonia", so named after the humans who dwell within this realm. And in the shadow of elven ruins countless grobi are slain by the throngs of the dwarven High King. after which (vote pending)
4328: Out of the darklands come a streaming horde of barbarians to assail Karak Vlag. Orks numbering nearly half a million assail the gaits and the keeps that line peak pass day and night. They dig tunnels within the mountain to try and work around Vlags defenses, while again and again the tens and thousands launch themselves through the battered defenses but are ejected again and again by stout dwarven defenders. Eventually, the attacks cease, as a tribe of horsemen comes sweeping from the direction the Orks came from to assault the Orks from the rear. The dwarves rally and sally forth from the gates culling the orks and moving to thank the humans. Only to see the 8 pointed star of chaos upon the Umgi banner. Instead of thanks, the dwarves give them crossbow fire until the horsemen to run, screaming curses in the fetid tongue of the far north. After the whole event had concluded the final tally was made and over thirteen thousand dwarves died in the siege and all they can do is look to the east.
For It seems the darklands to the east of Vlag have a new master, one that the dwarves cannot help but feel is worse than the one which came before.
4331: The Grudge of the axe
Long ago, during the war of the beard. The king of Karak Vlag wielded an axe of incredible potency. However, he fell in battle against the high elves and the axe of stars was lost forever. Or so it was thought. The city of Brazev, east of the vaults has an eerily similar axe upon its coat of arms, which is a copy of the one which their ruler wields in battle. After allowing an examination from the reckoners, there can be no mistake. A petty lord of the Stancati wields the axe of stars. However, the man is unwilling to give it up, and the king of Vlag, especially considering the recent tribulations in his realm has requested that the high king do all in his power to return the axe to its rightful owners.
+1 shame until grudge is resolved
4333 The Reman Empire Conquers Sartosa
With the legions of Remas bleeding from their on and off war with the Skaven, it took them nearly three decades to launch another fleet in order to annex Sartosa. A invasion they handily with as the Sartosians are divided on whether to accept Reman overlordship or contest it thoroughly. Ultimately leading to them discovering that they have no choice either way.
4335 Cities in the Everpeak foothills.
After two generations of working with the tribes, cities have started to develop in the shadow of the Everpeak. Fractured and feuding they nevertheless know that their lord is the high king of the mountain under which they sit. Just as they know that despite their dislike of their neighbours, it is the greenskins to the south who are their true enemy.
4337 Death of the High King
High King Bardin breathes his last, a strong and firm king; he revolutionized the way that the Dawi made war, to the grumbling of thousands of longbeards. Adopting humans into the military of the Dawi for the first time and creating the High throng, his personal professional army of dwarves. But he also for the first time, created a human vassal of the Karaz Ankor, to act as a shield against the oncoming greenskins in a way that no basion or fortress could. He is succeeded by (vote pending)
4342 - Triumph of the Gnolumgi
For the first time, the Gnolumgi are forced to stand against a foe against whom they could achieve no easy victory. Greenskins flooded out of the badlands, a tide of blood rending monsters that would stop at nothing to reach the Dwarven gate to the sea.
Against this horde stood ten thousand in iron and silver. Manning a seemingly endless line of walls, forts, redoubts and trenches. Each of which the Gnolumgi would man in turn, hold until there was little more that could be done before falling back to the next. Hundreds of thousands of crossbow bolts were expended as they punished the Orks for every step they took. But mistakes were made. Especially as days turned to weeks and the assault continued. More and more men were caught as they attempted to sprint to the next line, or a wall of pikes slowly withdrawing would falter for just a moment and be overwhelmed. Their final warcries and screams echoing around the hills that they defended.
Eventually though there was no further to retreat to and Varr itself was placed under siege. But the hoard itself had been brutally depleted by the retreating throng. Only three times were the Orks able to assault the gate and by the third assault they broke completely, leaving below a mildly battered by defiant Barak Varr.
With only two thousand lost from the population of the hold itself, the Gnolumgi are toasted in every drinking hall of the city, and the hesitancy that the dwarves for a century had kept in regards to keeping the humans out of the hold proper evaporated. From then on, every winter, the Gnolumgi would make their homes within the depths of the hold, safe from the winter chill coming down from the west and north.
4344 - 4376 The umgi of the north civilise
In the lands north of the black and grey mountains, civilisation continues to spread, with cities and towns now seen along the length of those mountains, all the way from the black water to the norscan sea. There is little room further for these men to spread, however, for the rest of their country is occupied by the grobi who dwell in the great forest to the north. Or at least separated from their kin by hundreds of miles of greenskin tribes. Whether these petty kings manage to put aside their differences and unite against the greenskin menace is yet to be seen, though it is the high kings hope that he can find an ally in one of these lowland city-states.
4347 - Meeting with the Norse Dwarves
Sending out an expedition into the frozen north, it is not long before the dwarves of the Karaz Ankor reunite with those of Norsca. Great contests of drink and song are made in the coming days to celebrate the meeting, and though both share dark tidings of the times that have gone past, each also gives the other tools to help withstand the long night, with many oaths of fellowship and friendship sworn between the two Dawi nations.
4354 - The Dark Night of Karak Vlag
Out of the east again comes a foe against Vlags walls, so soon after the last assault that the repairs have only really just been finalised. Over a thousand warriors in black plate which could only have been forged in the fires of Zharr Naggrund come storming from the north, and these champions of their dark gods lead a host of tribesmen against the diminished throng of Karak Vlag.
Though they do not attack with the barbarity of the Ork horde, they have their own terrible weapons to wield against the Dawi. Six enormous cannons, screaming with malign energies are wheeled forward to the extreme range of dawi cannon. And as one, they fire.
Screaming purple projectiles fly into the sky, trailing fire that twists into a dozen separate colours behind it before they finally crash into the face of Vlags bastions. Detonating as the bound demons within vent their fury on the stonework in a titanic explosion before withdrawing into the ether. Vlag, of course, returns fire and as the days continue, one by one these demonic cannon which your demented couins have created are smote by your own gunpowder weapons. Until eventually the last is destroyed, and the battle truly begins.
First into the fight are the marauders which their masters have corralled into an army, who charge up the ramp that leads to the gates of Vlag. A charge that should have seen tens of thousands slain, instead sees only a tenth that number as the proceedings weeks bombardment has knocked out the vast majority of the watchtowers which once watched the entry into Vlag.
Once they reach the gatehouse though, they begin to realise their folly. They had battered the first layer of Vlags defences yes, but now they found themselves caught within the dwarves home, where they found bastion after bastion, redoubt after redoubt, and behind every wall there was another clan of dwarves grimly waiting and ready to throw them back.
The battle would last for months, as migrating tribes came upon the battle at Vlag and swore themselves to the battle. But increasingly Chaos found they could make no headway, the battle lines had been drawn, the kill zones were established and finally, the dwarves would not step back another step, not that they were much more willing to do so in the beginning.
So finally, these champions of chaos began to move and make their way up the mountain pass to break this deadlock and shatter the dwarven morale. Only for the rampway, hundreds of metres above the pass to detonate beneath their feet. Instantly killing hundreds of these most favoured of chaos. As the avalanche which followed dropped a thousand tons of rock and ice upon the survivors. Those tribes which had not yet thrown themselves into the breach fled. Their faith in their gods shaken or even shattered as their greatest warriors fall in a moment before the dwarves of stone.
The celebration within the Karak is short-lived, however. For as Vlag re-establishes contact with those minor holds which surround it. They find that nearly a quarter don't respond. Indeed all those that lie nearest to Neferatas realm are stripped bare. Not only of the goods and valuables but also of any sign of the inhabitants. Of which not a one is ever seen again.
4366 - Reclamation of the axe of the stars.
As the Reman empire closes in on the city of Brazev, the city is saved by the impositions of the Dawi. Not for any love of the Stancati or of the city itself. But because they desire the axe that is within the city's possession. An ancient and mighty weapon once wielded by the kings of Karak Vlag.
However, while he had sent the emissaries after the axe of the stars, the Dawi high king also saw the opportunity that presented itself and allowed the city to seek refuge within lands that he had influence over. Eventually settling the people of brazev at the mouth of the mighty river that stretches all the way from the world's edge mountains to the coast. A river that the Stancati named the Bogat and upon which the port city of Fluviului began to take shape.
4375 - In the lands of the Brettoni it is tradition for the mightiest of soldiers and warriors to be equipped by the people of their village so that they can act as chief protectors of their people. The Klad Karu however, have somewhat broken this arrangement. Establishing guard posts throughout the length of the province recently liberated by the Dawi, the tribes of the region have gradually formed around these isolated stone towers and begun taking on the rudiments of farming and tithe. Providing grain to the soldiers of the Klad Karu in exchange for protection.
In time it has become tradition that when members of The Klad Karu have completed their thirty years of service they 'retire' to occupy these guardhouses permanently, sometimes using their wealth and reputation with the dwarves to have walls be built around them to be made a truly fortified strong point. And the small villages slowly growing to become towns and cities as they form around these fortified castles. Which seem to multiply with each passing year in the shadow of the mountains.
4382 - 4389: Confederation on the Reik
A great confederation of the cities along the river Reik forms, with the city of Nuln at its head. Uniting in common cause with their immediate neighbors, they see off dozens of nascent wagons that threaten the strength of their new brothers. With such victories under his belt, Prince Leopold looks both east and west to see if his brothers of ancient fellowship will join his kingdom. And a crown of dwarven make is forged of priceless gromril for the young nation.
4389: The Elves and Dwarves make peace
In a day that few save Frorltoung himself truly saw coming. The dwarves of the Kraz Ankor and the high elves of Ulthuan have made peace. Though thousands of longbeards cry out at giving back the crown they had taken in that ancient war. These are mollified somewhat by the sheer scale of the recompense that the Elves pay. And the ringleader of the dissenters, King Baghar of Angaraz, is forced to eat his words. After stating that he would only come to forgive the Elves if all three crowns of his ancestors were returned to him. Only for that exact act to occur merely a week later.
Though the grumbling has become quieter and leaderless, it is nonetheless still present, as many watch with sharpened axes for when the elgi will prove again that they are not to be trusted.
4391 - 4418: Near a year to the day that peace was signed between The Asur and the Dawi, a great arcane event occurs upon Ulthuan, as the magical island is drained of much of its ambient aetheric energy. An event that throws the isle into disarray as the elves attempt to adjust to their new reality. Many questions are thrown at the Phoenix king about how he allowed this to occur, yet he remains silent. As do the nobles who dwelt in his court on that fateful day, though they claim to simply be unable to recall what occurred that evening. Passing it off as anxiety caused by their new situation. It is noted in whispered voices in palaces far from the phoenix throne that the spate of 'suicides' which occurred in the following few years were suspiciously common around those nobles and their associates who had been present that evening . And that the king, who once balked to wear the crown of Aenarion, now wears it openly and proudly upon his head.
4397 - 4411: The princedoms of Estalia suffer a series of plagues and famines over the decades as sightings of the twisted ratmen are seen skulking throughout the deserted countryside. The situation grows so bad over time that after the city of Tidora is found an empty husk of its former self, the council of notables bring it to the attention of those embassies that now sit only a short walk from the capital. As the Elder races debate the issue however it is Remas who is the one to act. Seeing opportunity where others spy disaster.
4399 - 4405 War of the reik
The Confederation of the Reik extends an offer to join to all those who live upon the great river, and their offer is taken up by many in the west. Yet not by all. The greatest opponents of which are those of the Unbergen tribe, whose city, the Reikfort, stands as the greatest of all those save Nuln which rest upon the river. Though both sides reach out to the dwarves to help mediate the dispute, it soon turns to violence. With the king of the unbergen eventually, after years of brutal fighting, defeated and forced to swear fealty to Nuln before his gods of Taal and Ulric.
4410: The siege of Skavenblight
A full fourteen legions are drawn up within the city of Remas itself and march through the streets in a great show of tilean arms. Included are eight of the legions which had been freshly raised for a very different target. However with stars in their eyes and vengeance in their hearts, the legions exit north out the city gates rather than sailing south. The remans instead making for the blighted marches and dread Skavenblight, the fetid, beating heart of the Skaven Under-Empire.
The council of thirteen having foreseen this coming recalls their agents and armies from Estalia and empties the city of its slaves. Flooding the Marches in their teeming multitudes. The Remans are not the Tileans of old however, scattered and divided, and in disciplined lines they number nearly a hundred thousand strong, garbed in iron and ready for battle. Thus they hold, allowing the panicked, starving slaves to waste themselves on their shield walls. While sartosan slings and dwarven-inspired warmachines pound the Skaven rear lines.
Eventually, the Skaven break and run, returning to their sewers and holes. Then for the first time in many an age Skavenblight itself is set under siege, and balls of flame hurl over the walls into the rotting streets of the Skaven capital. The council of thirteen though had played merely the weakest of their cards. And thirteen nights from when the siege began, Skavenblight opens its gates.
Thousands of gargantuan mutated, skaven-like monsters pour from the city's portals, ravenous after not being fed for the entire duration of the siege thus far, and following behind them come the stormvermin phalanxes. Garbed and armored by the best of Skavenblight smiths. Yet the worst was yet to come, for dozens of warp lightning cannons forged by the mad artisans of clan shrike trundled forward afterward. From which eldritch lightning pours into the reman lines. To their credit, the Remans hold as best they can. But against this tide of the under empire's finest, this is a fight they cannot win. Quintus Venticose, seeing the futility of the fight. Extricated what few legions he could and marched in haste back to the northern city of Bilbao. Behind whose walls he hoped to make a valiant final stand.
The attack he was waiting for did not come, however, save a few thousand opportunists. And by year's end, Quintus is joined by six newly raised legions. Filled with young men who have never lifted a sword in anger. But they will not have to, for the north is quiet, yet full of terrors.
4413: Angaraz relieves the siege of Fluivuli
To the North of Karak Angaraz stands the city of the Stancati, Fluivuli. And over the years it has grown large and prosperous. Its harbors and canals service hundreds of ships and even the occasional dwarf ironclad that passes through their vassals port on the way to visit their cousins. However, it has also grown large enough to attract the attention of the orks of the Drakwald, who poured forth in a tide of green.
The Dwarves of Angaraz, knowing of the oaths that they had made with those on the estuary below readied their throng. But Giles Angar, of the Klad Karu, stayed their hand. This was a human matter, he said to the dwarven king. And it is time that they prove their name and showed the Urk why they were no longer welcome in these lands. So alone, the Klad Karu marched down to the sea, and stood upon the walls of that newly forged city.
Songs would be sung of that day, as the longbowmen of the Klad Karu fired volley after volley into the horde that assailed its walls. Tales would be told of the valiant swordsmen glad in dwarven half-plate who held the northern gate to the last man, killing so many that by the time the last swordsmen fell, the job was done. As Orkish bodies now stood in place of the gate which had once barred entry to the city. And Tapestries would be woven, of knights whose armor gleamed in the light of the sun, swept around the battle, and crashed into the Orks from behind. Cutting them down by the thousand as they fled into the forest. By the time the day ended it is said that one man remained for every two which had marched forth. But if such was the price to pay for honor they said, they would march forth again and again.
4414: The forging of a bond
Prince Leopold eventually turns his eyes southward to the cousins who ventured through the black mountains in ages past. To them, he offers to join the cities that have formed between the two mountain ranges into a single nation and drive back the Orks who have despoiled their ancient homelands. To the Dwarves, however, he also offers an alliance. For with near the whole river Reik under his control and seven of the 13 great tribes who had migrated to their lands in ages past with him. He now felt worthy to extend to the High king such an offer.
The High King, seeing strength, pride, and honor in the humans in the shadows of his mountains. Agrees to Leopolds terms. And relinquishes the vassalage he holds over the humans of the Everpeak foothills, letting them freely rejoin their Northern cousins. Feasts are called across the human realm as word arrives and Leopold is granted the title of King of the Reik by his new ally. Across the Karaz Ankor though, the decision is met with a much more muted reaction. Many are those who see promise in the humans and especially these humans. But many too are those who see the fires of ambition in their new partner's eyes. And they make promises that no matter how friendly their realms become. The bastions that watch the passes to their holds from the human kingdom will remain manned and maintained. for centuries to come.
4414 - 4419: The battle of the peaks
the greenskins come, not in a single wave but in a thousand tiny bands over the course of nearly five years. Forcing the defenders of Karaz a Karak to sharpen their watch and mashal their throngs. But the orks for once in their miserable lives fight with wit and cunning. Laying traps and ambushes throughout the peaks and paths of the worlds edge mountains, rather than besieging or assaulting any hold specifically.
Though the bleeding is slow, it is fatal as over years thousands of dwarves die in burned caravans or succumb to avalanches launched by whooping goblins. Seemingly powerless to deal with the issue, Yarig Frorltounge defers to a council of Thanes to resolve the problem. Who deploy the rangers to the eastern and southern mountains around the everpeak. Eventually locating the lair of the warboss who seems to be launching this attack.
Yarig gathers a mighty throng to take the fight to the Orks who would threaten the heart of the Karaz Ankor. But when he eventually arrives within the valley his prey was hiding in, he finds only a crude sculpture of a dwarf with a spear through his chest. As the goblin led wagghh descends upon the throng from all sides.
The dwarves are pushed hard as avalanches fall upon them and great trees are rolled into the valley where they make their stand before the greenskin tide surges forth to do battle. The battle rages for hours before the dawi finally manage to escape the ambush but when they do, nearly twenty thousand of their number lie slain upon the battlefield and the warlord who launched the attack never tastes the blade of a dwarven axe. The dwarves hang their heads low in shame as they return to Karaz - A - Karak. But of the wagghh that beset them… they are never seen or heard from again.
4420: The...Passing of the King
Yarin Frorltounge sinks into a deep and bitter sadness for years after the battle of the peaks. Being so easily outwitted and outpaced by greenskins weighing upon his mind. Yet it still comes as a shock when one day, tree years after the battle he walks into the council of Elders and informs them of the unthinkable. That he is abdicating Grungis throne and leaving it up to their wisdom to choose his successor. So saying, he leaves the Karak in the shadow of the night. His name never again appearing in the annals of the dwarves.
Though it is said sometimes that an elder, with a great sadness in his eyes and an immense weight upon his shoulders, will arrive from the cold. Only when one of the many holds of the Karaz Ankor experiences a time of great bitterness and strife. He will offer words of sage wisdom and great insight to the bickering parties who will inevitably toast to the others' health by night's end. It is said that on these nights the elder's shoulders will lighten slightly and the faintest trace of a smile will touch his features beneath his silver beard. as a shame of enormous burden is lifted from his shoulders. If only for an evening.
This will be added to every turn of the campaign
4421: The lost invasion of Araby
The Emperor of Remas, bitter in regards to his failure to rid the world of the fetid tumour that is Skavenblight, turns his attention down south, to the coasts of Araby. Sending a vast fleet of triremes on a mission of conquest against a far less capable opponent. In the hope that the resources of Araby will give his successors the means to achieve that grand and ancient ambition of the Tileans where he had failed. Or at least that is the reasoning he gives to his countrymen.
Alas for the Reman ambitions, a vast storm sweeps into the black gulf as they are mid-way through their journey. Overturning dozens of ships with their full complement of men and scattering the rest across the seas. The admiral of the largest group of ships that survives elects to return home instead. Realizing that to push onwards would be the height of folly.
4423 - 4453: The Great purge
The Dawi of The Karaz Ankor march to war in a way not seen since the elder days. With Runic weapons and allies, they carve their way through an enormous portion of the old world. High King Erbor, overseeing the culling of millions of greenskins in exchange for so very few of their own. Ultimately, laying claim to a vast region of the old world for themselves. At least, so goes the plan, until they can find stewards who would be suitable governors of the lands they have claimed.
4424 - 4456: The Skaven War
Thirteen times thirteen months after the attack on Skavenblight, the Skaven complete their preparations for revenge. And on one twisted night when the green moon hangs high in the sky. Thousands upon thousands of Skaven rise up throughout the cities of the Reman Empire. Having dug tunnels and cities beneath the empire over hundreds of years. The city guards attempt to hold, but they are swiftly overrun as they are completely unprepared for the foe they face.
All available legions save those guarding the northern border are recalled back to the cities and bitter street fighting ensues. Hundreds of thousands die on both sides as bodies pile up in the street. And the grand imperial palace at the heart of Remas's empire is placed under siege more than a dozen times over the years. Only to be relieved again and again by valiant charges of the legions.
Days turn to weeks, which turn to months and eventually years, as the grinding war of attrition continues. Eventually, though, individual cities manage to purge their sewers of the infestations that nest there and are able to move to help their brethren. Ultimately leading to a final cataclysmic battle for the heart of the city of Remas itself.
Though the empire is saved from this catastrophe, it is sorely battered, and it will be some time before the emperors eyes look further afield.
4427 The battle of the Wuppertal Hills
With the dwarves clearing out vast areas of land surrounding the confederation. King Dinwall attempts to redress the wrong that the confederation suffered when their kinsmen among the Brigundians rejected their offers of confederation. Electing to solve this issue at the point of the sword, he martials his levies, and calls his chariots, spearmen, and horsemen to the fore in order to conquer the upstarts who had rejected his predecessors.
His hopes are quashed however when after several quick and successful sieges, he finds a unified Brigundian army waiting for him among the hills of Wuppertal. Though he outnumbers the Brigundians, he hesitates to attack. For they have anchored their flank upon an ancient stone castle that has watched these parts for centuries. And his chariots would prove useless upon the sharp rises and falls of the hills. In his arrogance though, he declares that he will see the Brigundians humbled here or he would die upon the field. An oath he saw through as his defeated army carries his remains back to Nuln.
In his wake, he leaves the newly forged kingdom of Brigundy, who seeing how long they would likely last against a strong confederacy, look to the north with avaricious eyes to find the strength to resist their adversaries.
4431: Along the southern coast of their peninsula, the Dwarves of Kraka Drak have interacted with the Norsii tribes for generations. Though never before have their minds turned to how those tribes could potentially be helpful beyond trading for fish or pelts, to their own safety in these mountains. Hundreds of dwarves go out to the various tribes who fish and hunt to survive in the harsh northern landscape. And to a select few of these tribes, instruction is given in regards to smithing and construction. As well as pointers in regards to sustainable aquaculture and animal husbandry. A process that took some time to be accepted, but eventually saw the population of these selected tribes explode over the course of several decades. Solidifying their hold over the lands they had claimed.
Claims that were upheld by the king of Kraka Drak who extended his hand in friendship toward those tribes he considered good and trustworthy.
4432: Karak Kadrin fights an extended battle with an Orkish Waagghh attempting to push down the pass. The battle rages long and hard as they fight to protect the three great runelords of Karak Kadrin. Who work feverishly with knowledge taken from the frame of the Gronti Duraz to restore the ancient mechanism of Grimnirs third axe. Such great personages call for a suitably grand escort and the runelords are safely evacuated from the site of the great powered blades, but not before twenty thousand Dawi are slain in a relief mission to extricate them.
4435: The dwarves of Kraka Drak report that the chaos dwarves have stepped up their naval efforts and that their own attempts at interdiction, funded only by their few holds, are sorely inadequate. With their small flotilla of steamships bound to its harbour lest they risk their own destruction. Now chaos dwarf convoys sail by on a nearly weekly basis, sailing just out of range of Kraka Draks formidable defenses, and openly flaunting their power as they trade with tribes all along Norscas coast.
4443 - 4455: Within the lands of the Brettoni, a change has come about. One of the counts of the land named Lyonesse began a series of conquests against his neighbors. Having gathered the loyalty of nearly two thousand of the discharged Klad Karu who had recently returned from campaign. WIth these dread veterans of wars greater than any of his neighbors could easily grasp. He moved from castle to castle, town to town, and crushed all those who would rise up to oppose him. Naming himself duke of Lyonesse by the end of his campaigns. A realm that was swift to offer its protection to those around it. An offer (wisely) not taken up by its immediate neighbors. But which was accepted by those counts of southern Bordeleaux , who considered themselves too distant to be absorbed into this new realm.
A thought that was proven false as once invited in. The veterans of those Orkish wars were extremely difficult to get rid of, and the coercive power that they wielded was enough to push those feudal rulers ever closer into the realm of Lyonesse. Until by the end of the second decade of the arrangement, where despite being officially independent, all knew to whom Bordeleaux actually answered.
4449 - 4452: The Brigundians move north against the cities of the Asoborn. Quickly dismantling the small leagues that rise up to oppose them. The irony that they are seeking safety from the confederation by invading their neighbors is not lost upon the young kingdom. But such is mostly noted by those with a particularly sardonic sense of humor. To all others, it is little more than one of the harsh realities of the world they dwell within.
4453: Karak Izor suffers a probing attack from the Skaven. Likely attempting to pin down the Dawi so that the dwarves cannot assist the Remans in their plight. The battle lasts merely 6 hours but its fury is immense and over four thousand of the Dawi lose their lives before the throng is able to properly gather and shove the interlopers from their halls.
4457: The Purge of the Drakwald and meetings with Lauralorn
With a new heir to the Reik came a new sense of priorities. And now bolstered by veterans of the dwarves campaigns against the orks, he turns his gaze to the north rather than the east. And asks his soldiers for one last push to see the entire land of the twelve tribes freed from the greenskins.
So once again the army moves and strikes against their true foes. The geenskins of the drakwald. Long and hard is the conflict and in one battle on the fens only slightly north of the Reik, the army comes within moments of destruction. Only to be saved as their courage failed them by a band of elves emerging from the forest. Garbed in the ancient armor and weapons of a war lost long ago, they stride into the battle with a fury matched only by the high throng of the dwarves. Routing the orks with the might of an elder race.
When the battle is finally over. The young human king Freighard, meets with the king of Tor Lithanel, Curuzel. Eventually agreeing that the elves would march with the humans to liberate this land of the greenskins, so long as their own territory within "Larelorn Forest" is respected by the humans who would call the remaining realm their home.
4458: The Great hold of Vlag finally finishes the construction of a series of runic reinforcements upon its, walls and battlements, as well as the depths of its mines. In addition to the weapons of the high throng, which were replaced by those received as tribute from the Asur. Gifts that its king is humbled to receive from the high king, but knows is necessary to resist the forces that have been levied against the hold of High pass. And especially considering the increasing interests their fallen kin have in the area.
4459: On the western edges of the darklands, a massive crouched shephard moves from cave to cave. His dwindling heard of great beasts following him as he seeks a home not occupied by the ravenous hordes that saw him cast down from his heights oh so long ago. Climbing a nearby peak, he spots several great mounts where he could make a home. But only a few were occupied by those with which he would want to make a deal. Those 'Dawi' whose dark kin he had fled from and hunted in turn for centuries. Only a few he imagines, as he effortlessly lifts a gun large enough that most would mount it on ships. could offer him protection in exchange for what he could give in return.
4462 - The wild hunt rides forth:
The beastly god of the forest elves has ridden forth with thousands of his most able followers behind him. Culling orkish host after orkish host in a flurry of gore-soaked violence which few of any race could hope to equal. Bowstrings sing and swords flash as the seemingly tireless and endlessly bloodthirsty Orion culls hundreds of thousands of Orks over the course of a season. So savage is his bloodletting that by the end of the cull not one in a hundred of the grobi who once called this region home remain. Those few human tribes who had managed to hide away from the marauding wagghhs and dodge the attention of Orion and his kin cautiously raise their head after the elves return to their wood. Quickly spreading to reclaim the dominion they once had in the shadow of the grey mountains.
4464 - 4492: The castle wars
Over the course of thirty years, a throng of the Karaz Ankor gradually extends layer after layer of potent dwarven fortifications into the countryside to the west of Angaraz. Pushing back the orks back through a tide of stone and concrete. Until eventually the orks are pushed out of the realm entirely. Having never really noticed that they were under true attack at all.
4465 Mousillon forms.
Surrounded to the north and south by those who swore themselves to Lyonesse, few gave the counts of Mousillon much of a chance to see out the century. Indeed when war did eventually come to the land of a thousand gardens, Dozens of counts fell to those veterans of the Klad Karu. Who now, by tradition, formed the vanguard of the Lyonesse army. Sweeping through dozens of castles and forts until they eventually came to Mousillon. That ancient elven city of glittering spires and high walls. Here, the Lyonesse found themselves stifled. Their ballistas and onagers, proving little effective against those walls that had withstood dwarven arms for decades at a time.
But the pride of the Grand Duke was great, and rather than submitting to the indignity of a siege. He, leading the charge, ordered an assault upon the walls. The army swelled forward, and like waves breaking against white cliffs, they shattered against the gleaming walls. The defenders reaping a terrible price against those who would assail their fortress. Twice more would the Lyonesse launch their assaults, and each time they pressed closer and closer to victory, as their exhausted enemy was slowly ground down just as that self-same tide can wear down even the mightiest cliff face. Even if for every one of them that fell so did five of the enemy army.
In the last days of the siege, however, the last of the knights of Mousillon formed up, barely more than a hundred heavy cavalry based upon the Klad Karu style. But each was vengeful and determined as a dwarf who has been deeply wronged. So when the fourth wave gathered and were committed to the assault, the gates were opened and the knights charged forth in all the pageantry that Mousillon could still muster. and they rode for the grand dukes banner, merely several hundred metres from the wall and they rode for death, or glory.
Those guarding their lord made a valiant stand as the hammer of armoured horseflesh and lances struck home. But they could not hope to withstand the pent up fury of those they had assailed for weeks on end. Within minutes, the head of the grand duke was lifted into the air by his killer, and cheering erupted from the battlements. While among the soldiery of Lyonesse, despair sunk into their bones. Those peasant levies which formed the majority of the Lyonesse army began to break and crack. Hundreds and then thousands beginning to stream north to get away from these demigods of battle.
Only those veterans of the Orkish war maintained their discipline. But numbering only several hundred, they had no hope to salvage the battle. Thus they formed a wall of steel between them and their fleeing fellows and repulsed charge after charge of the knights, until finally, they managed to withdraw into the northern plains and slink back home.
In the aftermath, the viscount of Mousillon would hunt down and slaughter the few garrison forces that remained in their stolen castles, handing them over in turn to the knights who had so valiantly defended their home. In the end, the twenty-seven of those knights who eventually survived the whole campaign of reconquest would form the round table. The masters of Mousillon, who answer to no one but the one to whom they also give council, the newly ascended duke.
4468 - 4499: The Withdrawal of Remas
Following the invasion of the ratmen, Remas entered into a period of isolation, as they busy themselves repairing and restoring the damage that befell their empire, while also repopulating the entire region after two of every five people who once lived in that nation fell to the fury of the wronged thaggoriki. Remas looks to the north with fearful eyes as they find their hubris shattered upon mountains of their own dead. the phrase memento mori comes into frequent use and is used to chastise those who would attempt to seek that which is beyond their reach.
4470 - 4490 The tribesmen of Couronne have held to their ways stubbornly in the face of increasing adversity, With the Stancati beginning to bite at the fringes of their territory to the east and the ascendant Lyonesse to the west. Still, they have stuck to the ways that they have always known. Their farming till now has always been rudimentary and traditional. While their ways of fighting remained the same as they had been centuries ago. But the flow of ideas is uncontestable over the course of human generations. And slowly what was once utterly forbidden, becomes conceivable and finally accepted. To the point that cities and castles now dot the hills and rivers of that fertile land. And the men at arms that they use to fight in their wars could be considered near equals to those of their neighbours.
4473: Deep within the halls of Barak Varr a runelord has become inspired. Dromon Granitebeard has, working over the centuries, with new knowledge and skills learnt from forging the fortifications of Vlag and even working upon the rune weapons that the high throng has turned those skills toward a new kind of rune. Those of the naval cannon.
Working upon a titanic weapon once mounted as the heaviest cannon upon the Grimazul Gronti. He has spent nearly a quarter of his life refining and preparing for striking the runes upon this masterpiece, as well as the speacialised ammunition it would bear. Eventually, on a dark night filled with thunder and lightning, the runelord brings forth one of the two anvils of doom that Barak Varr still possesses, and sets up upon the greatest peak of the holds nearby mountain range.
Here he waits and works as he pulls the lighting of the sky into the anvil itself. To begin inscribing HIS master rune into the thick black steel of that titanic cannon. Requiring the steadiest of hands and the charge of a full lightning storm, he etches the rune deep into the skin of the cannon, imbibing it with the power to fire bolts to the very edge of the horizon and with a speed that not even elves could follow.
Finally, the work is complete, and the runic arrays of hardening and true sight seem uncorrupted by their new and mighty neighbour that pulses with the power embedded into it. He then sets about teaching his three apprentices the methods to be used in order to create these incredible weapons
4476 - 4493: Across the whole of the Karaz Ankor there has been a notable reduction in the number of skaven assaults over the last several years, to the point where rather than the endless series of battles and ambushes which normally marks the war for the deeps. It seems to become almost dull, with major battles occurring every few months rather than every few weeks. Though counterattacking does show the Skaven have still maintained and kept manned the defences. As only a couple of their fetid warrens fall to costly Dawi counterattack over the period of their withdrawal.
Eventually, after more than a dozen years, the tunnels return to being that maze of darkness and danger, just as teeming with rats as they have ever been. But the ironbreakers are thankful for the brief respite nonetheless. Even if they do grumble about the lack of experience the beardlings have had.
4477: After a series of great battles during which the grobi are gradually driven back from the frozen provinces to the north, great trains of civilians make the trans-continental trip to eventually arrive in their new home. Tens of thousands perish upon the journey to their new home as they are ravaged by orks, beastmen and simply privation. However, when they eventually arrive it would be hard to say that they were overjoyed with the vast tundra plains that greetthem.
They had been adequately prepared however by the dwarves who funded their expedition. And wearing thick coats of fur, they set about creating several towns in the region which would hopefully grow into large and proud cities a task in which they were not considered entirely inadequate by the observing Dawi. Indeed towards the end of their first decade, a grand council is held to determine exactly how they are to be ruled. Ultimately deciding that a similar process to their cousins to the south would be appropriate, where a ruling prince would be elected by the cities that they ruled over. Thus was the principality of Kaltnord founded. A name chosen with the same dry and dark humour for which their people would eventually be famed.
4479: The Estalians are a peaceful sort, who in general turn up their nose at unnecessary conflict. (They have enough of that in the palace of princes) However, this does not preclude a penchant for colonisation. And though no official attempt was ever made, and outside of adventurous nobles, very little active effort was committed from any portion of the actual government of Estalia. They have gradually colonised the region of Carcassonne. Who though they speak with a strange manner, and wear truly base fashion, they are now considered an integral part of the Estalian Nation.
The uproar from many of the counts and dukes of the Brettoni has been incredible at this announcement. But with their army so mauled by conflict with Mousillon, the greatest of the rulers, that of Lyonesse, can do little but issue viscous protests. The settlers themselves fail to see the issue, the vast majority of people in the region are of Estalian origin and have lived here for generations. What does it matter that the Brettoni used to live here after all. There was another tribe here before them and before that likely another, what claim, they say, do the Bettoni have over that of say, the Asur, who dwelled in these lands before any humans made it their home.
4483: The eyes of Grungi open
All along the portion of the silver pass that Karaz A Karak controls, runelords and runesmiths have been hard at work. With intuition and knowledge gleaned from their work on that ancient golem of Dawi make. They have managed to understand the sensors that it used to perceive the world around it. Hideously complicated and limited in the colour spectrums that it can see. The runelords have nevertheless found similarities in ancient runic workings found throughout the silver pass, all linked to a room of clear quartz crystal sheets within the deepest halls of the Everpeak. Through which the operators of those quartz panes can see through the sensors of these "watchposts"
Years of effort goes into restoring these connections and reactivating those which had simply fallen silent over the years, until the connection is re-activated and the eyes of grungi open to perceive the world once more. Giving the Dawi of the Everpeak sight of every single activity which takes place around that great mountain. And giving the grobi no place to hide where the Dawi would not be able to find them.
The second discovery was that of the ramp which leads up to the great doors of that ancient hold. Whose motive runic works allow the great shelves and pathways to either sink into the ground or into the mountain itself which it has been placed alongside. Meaning that if a hoard wished to attack the Everpeak, they would have to find their way to and then up one of the highest peaks of the worlds edge mountains. Having to battle the elements for days to even get to the point where they first meet the first Az of the Dawi.
4485: Throughout the years, as the dwarven is assembled and then moves toward Uzuluk. The fire dwarves have been active themselves. Forcing thousands of Hobgoblin wolf riders into the mountains to the west of the chaos dwarf port. Mountains which the hobgoblins have made their own. Taking tens of thousands of human slaves from the land that they have been forced to colonise and sending them east to the city from which they came.
4487: A shephard finds a home
A giant claiming to be one of the eldest living beings ever recorded walks up to the gates of the Everpeak. Identifying himself as Vantigon Ol Xedock Nil, he names himself the last of the sky titans. A primordial race of craftsmen and flesh-shapers who once dwelled at the very heights of the mountains of Mourne, before the ogre hordes slaughtered his solitary people. Now he seeks sanctuary and to build a palace atop the Everpeak to make his new home. And in exchange for the dwarves defending him, he offers his skills as a shepherd and crafter of creatures. Eventually, High king Erbor and Vantigon compromise, and the sky titan will make his palace upon Karag Gar, a neighboring guardian peak of Karaz - A - Karak.
4493: Beneath the ice at either side of peak pass have lain two enormous sheets of steel, reinforced by enormously potent rune work throughout their entire frame. Over a hundred metres tall and multiple metres thick, they are decorated in the style of the ancient and famed axes of Grimnir. Legends as well as several ancient dwarven documents state that these, powered by the currents of energy running through the core of the planet, would rise up and block access from either side of the world's edge mountains.
In time, however, the great keys that were required to activate these workings were lost, broken or stolen and have remained so to this day. Despite many raids and adventures in the quest to find them. That is until this day. The high runelord of Karak Kadrin has spent the better part of his life studying the activation mechanisms for the axes of Grimnir, and spent a vast amount of energy and material in learning how to craft the precise and secure runic algorithms to unlock the secrets of the gate. Finally upon his ninth attempt. The failsafes, do not lock him out, the passcodes are accepted. And with a heave of strength, the key that is the size of a greatsword, turns within the lock.
The ground trembles and quakes as upon the eastern side of the pass, the massive gromril-reinforced blade smashes through centuries of buildup of snow, ice and rock. Causing avalanches to be heard from miles around. Yhetees roar into the sky and greenskin tribes emerge from the darklands to see what has occurred. Only to find an enormous metal blade blocking the only major access point onto peak pass. The pass will open, the gates seem to say, only when the slayer king wishes it and will close when he demands it.
4492: Nine tolls in the night
Some great magical occurrence has occurred south of the Everpeak as Sakhmet surpasses Neru in the night sky. One which was felt by nearly every runelord as far away as Karak Hirn. and also supposedly felt by the elven traders currently making birth in Barak Varr. eight tolls sound throughout the aether like the ringing of an enormous bell, one after another, each toll coming faster than the last. Until the last two occur merely two dozen minutes apart from each other. The currents of the Aether seem to cool for some time before a ninth bell rings greater than any which had come before, whose reverberations are felt as far as ulthuan. Where Bel-Khordranis is said to frown in confusion and perhaps a hint of fear. Then the toll fades, leaving the aether quiet, and as still as the grave.
4495: The Karaz Ankor blockade Uzkulak
A grand armada of more than eighty ships ventures forth from Barak Varr, leaving only the formidable fleet of that city within the black gulf. And they make their way north, first stopping in Lyonesse before making final port in Kraka Drak. Here they now lie in wait and begin ambushing those ships of the Dawi Zharr who emerge from that city. Effectively placing the entire empire of the chaos dwarves under blockade.
4499:The battle for the isle.
North of Uthuan, three black arks gather, with the largest, the "Veil of midnight" being one of the original keeps that split off from the shores of Nagarythe so many years ago. A vast fleet of pirates and corsairs come with them as they sail for the blighted isle, seeking perhaps the shrine of Khaine which lies at its heart.
Coming to meet them is the Hydra fleet, the premier force in all Ulthuans navies and captained by her most fearsome admiral. Reinforced by elements of the east and west fleet, as well as bearing dozens of the dragons of Caledor. They rush to intercept the dark elven armada. Though unfortunately, they have not the time to prepare one of the irreplaceable dragon ships. One of the only vessels capable of bringing down a black ark on its own.
The battle is long and terrible. As eldritch beasts of the blackest abyss war with the dragons of Caledor. While hundreds of ships move and dart between the three massive structures that bear down upon Ulthuans navy. Seemingly unchallengeable by the hydra fleet. Their massive stone hides bear arrow fire, catapults and bolt throwers as well as any fortress of elven make which sits on proper stone rather than the ocean. Running out of options. The Asur admiral resort to an unsubtle and costly strategy. boarding dozens of complements of the sea guard upon the walls of the arks. Whose walls are suppressed with Dragonfire as the boarders are given every chance to make it upon the Ark proper. Once aboard the arks walls, the Asur warriors begin to push their way onto the vast palaces of despair.
Thousands of Asur give their lives in this way as whatever fell dreadlord commands the Veil realizes that he doesn't have the numbers to contest the endless stream of warriors the hydra fleet places upon his fortress. So in increasing panic and desperation, he begins withdrawing north from the battle. His companion's forces coming alongside as each is locked in combat with thousands of Ulthuans greatest warriors upon their vessels. Warriors who Ulthuan would have to abandon to their deaths as the corsair fleet left behind by their guiding fortresses continues to fight against the nearly expended Asur fleet, until as evening breaks both withdraw into the coming night.
As the hydra fleet limps home, its complement of ships and soldiers needing thorough reinforcement and repair. The dragon fleet's commander is tapped to move north. With the hopes that the far smaller armada will be able to cover for its much larger cousin while the druchii also lick their wounds.