The Green Beast of the South (Legend of Korra Quest)

[X] Spend time with Korra
[X] Visit the orphanage

Hopefully I can get at least this combo through
I want to take her to meet our new friends
That pair is currently winning, yes. By a good bit.
Vote Tally : The Green Beast of the South (Legend of Korra Quest) | Page 20 | Sufficient Velocity
##### NetTally 1.7.4

[18] Spend time with Korra
[17] Train earthbending with Master Bao
[16] Visit the orphanage
[13] Train the Strong Fist on my own
[6] Try to train your seismic sense
[5] Try to learn more about the world
[3] Explore the headquarters
[1] Keep doing waterbending katas
[1] Spend time with Master Bao
[1] Learning to meditate
[1] Explore the city

Total No. of Voters: 21
[X] Train earthbending with Master Bao
[X] Visit the orphanage
[X] Train the Strong Fist on my own
[X] Spend time with Korra
Sorry, I mean that Li is only 4 years old, he's barely a little kid and you're worry about the fact that he don't know much about earthbending yet. :sour:
When we are aiming to be the best, we gotta keep training. We are Maito Gai, Genius of Hard Work. And we don't deserve the title if we don't work hard all day every day. And since we only got 4 actions, we don't got much time to spare from our training. And we gotta spend time with Korra, she's our best bud, so that's one action that's spoken for.
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[X] Train earthbending with Master Bao
[X] Try to train your seismic sense
[X] Train the Strong Fist on my own
[X] Spend time with Korra
[X] Train earthbending with Master Bao
[X] Visit the orphanage
[X] Train the Strong Fist on my own
[X] Spend time with Korra
[X] Train earthbending with Master Bao
[X] Try to train your seismic sense
[X] Train the Strong Fist on my own
[X] Spend time with Korra
Ok, votes close, give a tally please.
Vote Tally : The Green Beast of the South (Legend of Korra Quest) | Page 20 | Sufficient Velocity
##### NetTally 1.7.4

[22] Spend time with Korra
[21] Train earthbending with Master Bao
[18] Visit the orphanage
[17] Train the Strong Fist on my own
[8] Try to train your seismic sense
[5] Try to learn more about the world
[3] Explore the headquarters
[1] Keep doing waterbending katas
[1] Spend time with Master Bao
[1] Learning to meditate
[1] Explore the city

Total No. of Voters: 25
Red Night.
[x] Spend time with Korra
[x] Train earthbending with Master Bao
[x] Visit the orphanage
[x] Train the Strong Fist on my own

Age: 5 Years

"Hey Li!"

"Korra? What's th- agh!" Giant, white, fluffy thing, licking me.

"She's Naga! She's my new friend," Korra said excite on top of the animal while it keep licking me, "She's a polar bear dog, what do you think? She seems to like you, ha ha."

"I like her spirit!" I answered while trying to get up from under the giant and fluffy beast.

"Yeah, she have lots of energy, I bet she is faster than you!" She said in a teasing tone.

"I won't leave that insult to my youth let pass Korra! I will defeat your new companion and prove that my passion is the best!"

"*giggle* we will see, run Naga!"

"Hey, wait for me!"

Speed: E++
My self-training at the Strong Fist was a hard as always, except that now I have a pouting Korra behind me while I was training.

"I'm not pouting! I just thing is dumb that I can't try again."

"You did hurt your hand last time," I said while punching one of the dummies, "Your Flame of Youth is bright as always but maybe you should focus your energy at another thing for now."

Cautions: F+

"Like what?"

"Hmmmm I think I will show you the rest of my family!" I exclaimed, an idea forming at my head.


"Come, I need to ask Master Bao for permission."

Strong Fist: E++
Speed: E+++

"Li!" When I enter the orphanage I was tackled by 3 little children that were hugging me.

"I see that your flames of Youth are as bright as always!" I said while hugging and carrying all 3 of them."

"Yeah, we burn with passion! *giggle* Huh? Who is that?" Asked one of the girls that I have on my shoulder.

"She my new friend Korra! Korra these are some of the members of my family," I introduce them.

"Hmmm… Hello? Agh!" Korra them was tackle hugged too.

"They seem to like you! Ha Ha!"

Nice Guy: E+
Big Brother Instinct: F+++

"Now Li, you have shown a lot of progress at your training so today we will focus at the other part of earthbending, remote manipulation," Master Bao explained to me while we both were in a basic earthbending stance.

"As a earthbender you're always connected to the earth, even when the earth isn't connect to you, I want you to feel these rock at front of you, levitate them, and make them move around your head, understood?"

I just nodded and began to feel the earth.

It was quite hard honestly, getting control of the rock wasn't a problem, but the moment I they leave the ground I stop feeling them, of course I would have repeat it until I could do it.

Earthbending: D (O O) >>> D+ (O O)
Remote Control: E

After practicing all day and until late night, I was ready to drop at me bed, but the moment I enter my room a voice talked from the side.

"Now, little kid, just cooperate and this will be much easy."

The voice came from a man wearing a red suit that was covering him completely, except for his eyes.

"If you make a noise I will hurt you, so just come quick and in silent," He said while extending his hand to grab me.

[] Yell for the guards
[] Attack him:
-[] How?
[] Go with him
[] Write in.

Remote Control: E (Your ability to control earth that isn't in physical contact with you)

AN: Red Lotus Attack! Remember the write in option is your friend, don't doubt at use it.
[X] Attack him:
-[X] Strong Fist Style and Earthbending only to surprise when needed.

No one will expect the little kid to hit above some adults.
[X] Attack him:
-[X] Dynamic Entry!
--[X] Let the flames of your youth burn bright and loud! Especially Loud! Let everyone know what's going on!
[X] Yell for the guards
[X] Attack him:
-[X] Strong Fist Style and Earthbending only to surprise when needed.
--[X] Aiming for weak points (Eyes, groin, joints, nose, and throat), and don't be afraid of fighting as dirty as we need too (Biting, Blinding, and Strangling are all equally valid tactics.)
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[X] Yell for the guards
[X] Attack him:
-[X] Strong Fist Style and Earthbending only to surprise when needed.
--[X] Aiming for weak points (Eyes, groin, joints, nose, and throat), and don't be afraid of fighting as dirty as we need too (Biting, Blinding, and Strangling are all equally valid tactics.)
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[X] Yell for the guards
[X] Attack him:
-[X] Dynamic Entry!
--[X] Let the flames of your youth burn bright and loud! Especially Loud! Let everyone know what's going on!
---[X] Strong Fist Style and Earthbending only to surprise when needed.
----[X] Aiming for weak points (Eyes, groin, joints, etc), and don't be afraid of fighting as dirty as we need too.
Edited my vote for further clarity. Just in case people forgot the Gai was a ninja. We need to put this threat down HARD, because whether or not they harm us they pose a danger to the others and that's not something I think Li would let slide at all.
Since everyone else is voting for it, why "Earthbending only to surprise when needed"? They know we can Earthbend. There's no surprise factor there. And we'd be limiting our fighting ability by holding back on that, since we are better at that then we are at Strong Fist. Plus, Earth-bending is far louder than we can hope to personally be. Slaming giant boulders around tends to make a ton of noise.
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[X] Yell for the guards
[X] Attack him:
-[X] Dynamic Entry!
--[X] Let the flames of your youth burn bright and loud! Especially Loud! Let everyone know what's going on!
---[X] Strong Fist Style and Earthbending only to surprise when needed.
----[X] Aiming for weak points (Eyes, groin, joints, etc), and don't be afraid of fighting as dirty as we need too.
[X] Yell for the guards
[X] Attack him:
-[X] Dynamic Entry!
--[X] Let the flames of your youth burn bright and loud! Especially Loud! Let everyone know what's going on!
---[X] Strong Fist Style and Earthbending only to surprise when needed.
----[X] Aiming for weak points (Eyes, groin, joints, etc), and don't be afraid of fighting as dirty as we need too.
Since everyone else is voting for it, why "Earthbending only to surprise when needed"? They know we can Earthbend. There's no surprise factor there. And we'd be limiting our fighting ability by holding back on that, since we are better at that then we are at Strong Fist. Plus, Earth-bending is far louder than we can hope to personally be. Slaming giant boulders around tends to make a ton of noise.
We don't actually know who is attacking us so we can't say for sure they know how well we can bend, and it's better to hold something back to have as an ace in the hole if things start going south. What I don't get is the Dynamic Entry bit, I'd rather save using that for when we are ambushing someone as it doesn't quite make sense here. They are the ones attacking and they already know where we are so a flying leap kick while flashy and awesome looking is easy enough for the average bender to redirect if they can see it coming.
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[X] Attack him:
-[X] Dynamic Entry!
--[X] Let the flames of your youth burn bright and loud! Especially Loud! Let everyone know what's going on!
---[X] Strong Fist Style and Earthbending only to surprise when needed.
----[X] Aiming for weak points (Eyes, groin, joints, etc), and don't be afraid of fighting as dirty as we need too.