Yeah I can see that now in hindsight, I would have thought it would be a bigger deal tbh so that's where my confusion concerning it comes from for the most part.
Could have probaly worded that better then I did but I mean actualy implementing improvements we already have access to and got done over the Uplifting action. Example being the 3 Field Rotation, something relatively easy but got sidelined by Roman Roads and Cement, both of which are decidedly less important and also got put to the side. I get that somethings pop up that needs dealing with but none of those should have been things that were sidelined for so long considering there wasn't anything stopping it from being voted on.(Exept the Roads ofc)
What I was trying to say is that we should probaly focus our efforts into one thing and then implementing it fully or atleast until we see some benefits from investing in it before trying to go for something else especially since they take a concentrated effort and multiple turns to actualy be fully implemented. On the topic of Guns...I sincerely hope we don't get those for one, just makes the setting less interesting to me personaly.
Yes, I meant that more in the lines that we don't have enough funds to invest in things that should increase or total income and treasury by extension --> because actions that need our attention immediately or seem more appealing also costs a a hefty sum --> eating away at the funds we could use to improve our income --> making it impossible for us to pick the actions to increase said income --> which in turn makes us not have enough in the treasury to do said actions to increase the total income....Wow I confused myself there but it's a devil's circle that needs fixing.
Edit: forgot to answer to the whole 'More Magic and Piety focus' that I mentioned to have noticed. It's more that the tone of the story and therefor the attention of the readers shifted from uplifting to magic. Which I totally get and certainly am also affected by..Can't say I dislike it but its something I wanted to point out after noticing it.
Tho I may as well be wrong since I didn't read through all of the debates and discussions that may have happened prior to votes so there is that.
Continuing on...
I really poorly worded my own argument for that 3rd paragraph as well. Some of the Stewardship actions are hard to tell that they increased our cash, or were significant. But, the starting turns faced some failures in stewardship. Initially the beginning actions taken were to improve our economy while also improving our metal sources. The economy improvements got a bit sidelined later, after taking some time to set up. Then we got further sidetracked by needing to plan out the new city we built up from prior stewardship actions. I think that's how it went anyway.
Stewardship actions...
Turn 1 - Taking Stock (completes), Expand the granaries (1 more season)
Turn 2 - Expand the Granaries (completes), Improve Roads (failed roads, try again)
Turn 3 - Crop Rotation (completes), Expand the Forges (failure, try again)
Turn 4 - Purchase Livestock (completes), Survey the Mountains (completes)
Turn 5 - Cattle Ranching (failure, try again), Shearing Sheep (1 more season)
Turn 6 - Hunting and trapping (completes), Shearing Sheep (completes)
Turn 7 - Fur Farming (completes, Mines (basic)(2 more seasons)
Turn 8 - Expand the Forges (completes), Mines (basic)(1 more season)
Turn 9 - Cattle Ranching (failure, try again), Mines (basic)(completes)
Turn 10 - A Proper Town (completes), Other Artisans (completes)
Turn 11 - City Watch (completes), Stinking Sewers (2 more seasons)
Turn 12 - Concrete Construction (2 more seasons), City Planning (completes), Stinking Sewers (1 more season)
Analysis, Turn 1 - Turn 5: 3 failed stewardship actions out of nine taken actions. Maybe the players were worried about the food and income, also testing the waters on the uplift personal action. The quest for good metal continues.
Turn 6 - Turn 10: 1 failed Stewardship action out of eight taken actions. Mines really ate up the time, this might have been when we were tight on money, or at least invested in reducing our expenses each turn. The quest for good metal reaches a checkpoint.
Turn 11 - Turn 12: Focus on city building.
That's the actions taken, there were one or two issues with the actions not taken I can think up, like DCs and time to complete. For the most part the plans have aimed at metal, or agriculture improvements.
Not saying these are the best actions possible, but it seems like magic taking up more of an prominent role hasn't happened in the Stewardship actions as of yet.