The Game of Crusading Thrones, Self-Insert Edition (GoT CK2)

Dragonstone is more important than first night.

Iron isles events are more pressing concern than Westerlands events, Harren is very urgent too.
Dragonstone would have likely got a nat1 this turn, had a higher DC to pass than first night, and because of the importance of Harren, shouldn't have a DD on it. Pissed off Targaryen, or something else negatively Targaryen related would be cool to face instead of screwing over a vassal by accident. I'm just trying to say I'm glad we took first night and got a nat 1 there instead of somewhere else.

The Iron Islands and Harren may be not as urgent, we know the Iron Isles and Harren are currently urgent, partly because of canon, and partly because of our access to the rumor mill in the RIverlands, and the North.

Other places might be functioning well, or be in deep, deep, trouble. Although, in hindsight, trying to make a push for Harren, even with the potential to fail, maybe should have been tried.
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Lord Umber wants to know if becoming a Green Man excludes you from succession or not, which is something neither you nor Frost has considered.

Well that is interesting. I mean with priests who couldn't get married, hereditary rule would be difficult to do but if a priest can get married and have children then I don't see why not. In any case it is a piety action to figure that out but I don't see why it would.
notbirdofprey just out of curiosity what sort of magic system are we using? The magic as seen in A Game of Thrones, or will it be more along the lines of DnD? I'm just curious because I now want to try to get the ground work for the magic school, but I don't know what kind of system your using.
It does to some extent, but how much tends to vary based on the sort of magic. Valyrian magic practically requires fire and blood, while Rhyonish water magic doesn't involve sacrifice at all.

Blessings of the Old Gods are somewhere in the middle, leaning towards less sacrifice. But the Old Gods will not turn away gifts freely given.
Rumor Mill Turn 12
Rumor Mill (The North)

Karstark Fury: Lord Karstark's regent, his uncle Arnolf Karstark, is a proud man whose pride has been pricked again and again, by slights from other lords and from his vassals who he prevented from joining the King during the Breaking of the Beastmen. He has been taking his fury out on anything he can, ranging from bandits to rebellious vassals to his own nephew, according to rumor.

-According to Snow: He hasn't hurt his nephew and is actually being very careful to avoid raging around the boy, but Lord Arnolf is going to do something stupid soon. He has all but wiped out two houses for relatively minor offenses, and doubled the tax he took from another two. It's entirely possible their smallfolk will starve if they pay it.

The Seven Faces of the Old Gods: Outside of White Harbor and in Wintertown, a new faith has sprung up, seemingly cobbled together out of the Seven and the Old Gods. In these separate places, men have found seven trees, including one weirwood, and carved faces into each of them, signifying the seven aspects of the gods. The Septon of the Snowy Sept has sent for instructions from the Starry Sept, while Lord Manderly looks to see how you will handle it.

-According to Snow: Remarkably, no one is getting upset by this. I can see the Green Men not caring, since there is a weirwood growing in each of these… sept-woods, but I would expect the septons to be up in arms about something like this. Perhaps they have learned not to speak against the Starks in the North.

The Gift of the Gods: Many give thanks to the Old Gods, for the earth has brought forth its bounty this spring, crops growing thickly on the fields and orchards growing heavy with fruit. The granaries are all but full, and several houses have actually begun selling food, something Lord Umber and Lord Arnolf are taking advantage of, along with the mountain clans. Even some Skagosi have arranged for food to be sent north in exchange for carefully carved obsidian jewelry.

-According to Snow: I have no idea why the fields are so rich. I suppose that's a good thing, but there are two related issues. First, people are thanking the Old Gods, and often this seems to mean cutting a dog or horse's throat before a weirwood, or worse tying one to a heart tree and letting it starve. Second, how did the Skagosi find out? No one goes to their isle, and my watchers heard nothing of this. They just showed up outside Castle Cerwyn one day.

Rumor Mill (Beyond-the-Wall)

The Stones of Thennhold: Thennhold stands strong, despite several attempts at attacking it by the beastmen. The boundary stones that mark the edge of their valley have proven a potent barrier, and the Magnar of the Thenn a mighty warrior, leading sortie after sortie to smash the roaming beastmen and burn their gray trees, driving them away from his borders. Beastmen heads line his halls now, and he was able to host the Grand Ranging, or at least its leaders with no difficulty except for some communication issues.

The Cave-kin: Other wildlings found themselves incapable of living with their apparently more civilized kin, and fled to other quarters. Some decided to take their chances with the beastmen, but others have populated the caves, hiding in the dark when the beastmen grow close and sneaking out to hunt and gather when they can. They seem damaged by all their time in the dark, sometimes flinching at the light of day. Many have marked themselves with vicious tattoos and brands, and they decorate their hair with stones of many colors, blue and black and green cascading down their shoulders in bizarre patterns. By all accounts they are as savage and fierce as they ever were, twice attacking the Grand Ranging and even attacking Thennhold and the giants.

The Rulers of the Forest: Rumors speak of wildlings who have grown even wilder, managing to form an unholy alliance with the beastmen or somehow taming and breaking them to their will. No ranger has reported any evidence of such, and none of those the Grand Ranging has spoken to have mentioned it either.

Rumor Mill (The Riverlands)

A Second Clash: Once more Lord Blackwood and King Harren clashed on the field of battle, the tides of war turning first one way then the other. In the initial stages of the battle, Lord Blackwood savaged one piece of Harren's army after another, his archers raining down death, his knights riding them down as they fled. Then Harren and his sons and his personal guard entered the fray, in fell armor black and grey, impervious to the arrows of the Riverlanders. They cut through the knights like an ax through cloth, killing Lord Bracken, Lord Vance, and Lord Whent before the Riverlanders broke and fled.

-According to Snow: The forces under Lord Blackwood have taken heavy causalities, but again this isn't as bad as it looks. Harren's armies are broken, and they will need men from the Iron Islands, who may well not come. The Riverlanders didn't flee, but retreated under the cover of enough arrow fire to drive off and wound Harlan, Harren's second son, and they captured some notable lords as well during the early part of the battle.

Bleeding Bandits: The men from the Reach continue their travels, unbothered by the larger plight of the Riverlands but happy to kill bandits and others who prey upon the smallfolk, cutting them down with ruthless efficiency. Some have taken to daubing their armor in blood, laughing as they slay, and the litany of complaints that follow them only grows.

-According to Snow: They sound sort of like characters out of those old stories the Maester was writing down. All vicious and savage and oddly honorable at the same time, and following a queer sort of logic with queer happenings in their wake.

The Drowned: Harren's men throughout the Riverlands have begun taking men and women captive and drowning them, but some have fallen in and drowned themselves. While some of these have managed to recover somehow, others have died, and the Ironborn not in Harren's army are in disarray.

-According to Snow: Some who "drowned" and lived are exhibiting…gifts. It is said that one can call the waters to him, and that another has the strength of a dozen men, and that a third can twist the minds of those who follow him.

Rumor Mill (The Vale)

The Grand Crusade: After the riots in Gulltown, one of the Graftons decided he had an opportunity to seize power, and went out to preach, convincing some of the septons and many of the smallfolk to come and follow him as he went to do the Seven's work and finish what Artys Arryn had started. They didn't get very far, with many falling on rocky paths and injuring their feet, especially the septons. Clansmen from both sides of the war united briefly, even apparently allowing a Milk Snake band to join them and the leave unmolested for parts unknown, although dividing the loot nearly led to a fight.

-According to Pyrite: They are almost impressively incompetent. Incidentally, one of the clansmen who killed them was one of mine. He looted the Grafton's body and found a purse of gold from the Vale, the Rock, and the Reach, and a note in code decorated with the seven-pointed star. Also, the Milk Snakes have somehow gotten on a ship and are sailing away with the Vale, having decided enough is enough.

Burned Men Broken: After a series of savage raids, the Burned Men have been all but broken as a force, many of their allies reluctantly submitting, while others fled deeper into the mountains, vowing vengeance. For the moment, the Vale is at peace.

-According to Pyrite: Now everyone waits to see if the King and the Prince will honor their promises, or if an Arryn will break their word once more. Lord Royce waits at the Redfort, claiming reluctance to travel to far from his seat with his rule over his house so young.
Karstark Fury: Lord Karstark's regent, his uncle Arnolf Karstark, is a proud man whose pride has been pricked again and again, by slights from other lords and from his vassals who he prevented from joining the King during the Breaking of the Beastmen. He has been taking his fury out on anything he can, ranging from bandits to rebellious vassals to his own nephew, according to rumor.

-According to Snow: He hasn't hurt his nephew and is actually being very careful to avoid raging around the boy, but Lord Arnolf is going to do something stupid soon. He has all but wiped out two houses for relatively minor offenses, and doubled the tax he took from another two. It's entirely possible their smallfolk will starve if they pay it.

That needs to be dealt with...preferably through words but this wouldn't be the first time the Starks had to prune the to speak.

The Seven Faces of the Old Gods: Outside of White Harbor and in Wintertown, a new faith has sprung up, seemingly cobbled together out of the Seven and the Old Gods. In these separate places, men have found seven trees, including one weirwood, and carved faces into each of them, signifying the seven aspects of the gods. The Septon of the Snowy Sept has sent for instructions from the Starry Sept, while Lord Manderly looks to see how you will handle it.

-According to Snow: Remarkably, no one is getting upset by this. I can see the Green Men not caring, since there is a weirwood growing in each of these… sept-woods, but I would expect the septons to be up in arms about something like this. Perhaps they have learned not to speak against the Starks in the North.

Interesting...could be useful. Not too much of an issue but we are formalizing the faith so maybe it might be. Too soon to tell for now.

The Gift of the Gods: Many give thanks to the Old Gods, for the earth has brought forth its bounty this spring, crops growing thickly on the fields and orchards growing heavy with fruit. The granaries are all but full, and several houses have actually begun selling food, something Lord Umber and Lord Arnolf are taking advantage of, along with the mountain clans. Even some Skagosi have arranged for food to be sent north in exchange for carefully carved obsidian jewelry.

-According to Snow: I have no idea why the fields are so rich. I suppose that's a good thing, but there are two related issues. First, people are thanking the Old Gods, and often this seems to mean cutting a dog or horse's throat before a weirwood, or worse tying one to a heart tree and letting it starve. Second, how did the Skagosi find out? No one goes to their isle, and my watchers heard nothing of this. They just showed up outside Castle Cerwyn one day.

Good news all around. Also maybe we should be setting a more ethical example for sacrifices. I mean slitting the throat is fine but like don't leave a horse to starve. Come on.

A Second Clash: Once more Lord Blackwood and King Harren clashed on the field of battle, the tides of war turning first one way then the other. In the initial stages of the battle, Lord Blackwood savaged one piece of Harren's army after another, his archers raining down death, his knights riding them down as they fled. Then Harren and his sons and his personal guard entered the fray, in fell armor black and grey, impervious to the arrows of the Riverlanders. They cut through the knights like an ax through cloth, killing Lord Bracken, Lord Vance, and Lord Whent before the Riverlanders broke and fled.

-According to Snow: The forces under Lord Blackwood have taken heavy causalities, but again this isn't as bad as it looks. Harren's armies are broken, and they will need men from the Iron Islands, who may well not come. The Riverlanders didn't flee, but retreated under the cover of enough arrow fire to drive off and wound Harlan, Harren's second son, and they captured some notable lords as well during the early part of the battle.

Damm it all. Fuck. This is bad. That fight went like shit. Granted the Iron Jackasses got hit hard also. We need to subvert
Harren even more.
The Drowned: Harren's men throughout the Riverlands have begun taking men and women captive and drowning them, but some have fallen in and drowned themselves. While some of these have managed to recover somehow, others have died, and the Ironborn not in Harren's army are in disarray.

-According to Snow: Some who "drowned" and lived are exhibiting…gifts. It is said that one can call the waters to him, and that another has the strength of a dozen men, and that a third can twist the minds of those who follow him.

And fuck. Motherfucker. Okay magic time. We may need gunpowder...oh god we may need gunpowder.
Man you can really feel the asoiaf-ness with this quest.

Admittedly the fact that everything is both going ground-breakingly amazing and 'Old-gods-please-no' horrible at the same time probably has a hand in it.
We may need gunpowder...oh god we may need
Maybe, but if we can hold off, and we have alot of incentive to do so given both spies and the seemingly divine magics, than I'm sure that something like a ballista would work fine.

The day a man takes a ballista bolt to the chest and walks away is the day dragon dung has hit the Storm Gods divine industrial sized fan.
And fuck. Motherfucker. Okay magic time. We may need gunpowder...oh god we may need gunpowder.
Too far away, and now isn't the time to go for gunpowder (if we can't keep that secret, we'll get wrecked, and every uplift story loves gunpowder, we have magic of our own).

Use the intrigue actions to aid Blackwood some more, I guess is all we can do, when the intrigue slots are available.
Too far away, and now isn't the time to go for gunpowder (if we can't keep that secret, we'll get wrecked, and every uplift story loves gunpowder, we have magic of our own).

Use the intrigue actions to aid Blackwood some more, I guess is all we can do.

Honestly I am getting ready for this shit to spill out of the Riverlands and into our backyard. We need to innovate some terrifying weapons soon. I need to think about this.

The day a man takes a ballista bolt to the chest and walks away is the day dragon dung has hit the Storm Gods divine industrial sized fan.

That is a horrifying thought in and of itself.
We need to innovate some terrifying weapons soon.
Oo oo to offer up my two cents I'd think things like caltrops, the Kilij, and repeating crossbow fits well and aren't too far off.

To get more magic or more bio-horror that we can dip into things like bee bombs, lung fungus, or stay more simple and have wargs kill/incapacitate commanders.
Oo oo to offer up my two cents I'd think things like caltrops, the Kilij, and repeating crossbow fits well and aren't too far off.

Repeater Crossbow is a good start. The Chinese Dynasties of old had their armies as well as their naval forces use them quite well. Effective range of 70 meters. Not as powerful as the European Arbalest but good for mowing down the unarmored.

The Turkish cavalry sword. Quite effective. Good for our primarily cavalry based forces. A welcome addition. Although adoption of this would primarily be for our own forces. Prickly nobles and all that.

Caltrops are a tad too defensive for my liking and it would need to be set up before any battles that occurs unless we can use a method to quickly launch it into place. They are okay but only if we can predict how the cavalry will act.

The wargs are a good idea. With an aerial view of the battle field we would hold an advantage most could only dream of.

Magic is weird but I imagine we can use it to our advantage. Long range blood curses are already a thing in ASIOAF...wait Harren's son was captured correct?

In any case we need to start trying to install discipline in our men. Also need to look up forging techniques. Try to increase the quality of our weapons even further.
The Turkish cavalry sword. Quite effective. Good for our primarily cavalry based forces. A welcome addition. Although adoption of this would primarily be for our own forces. Prickly nobles and all that.
IIRC the Dothraki Arakh was meant to be something closer to this rather than the comically Kopesh-shaped blade in the show.
The Seven Faces of the Old Gods: Outside of White Harbor and in Wintertown, a new faith has sprung up, seemingly cobbled together out of the Seven and the Old Gods. In these separate places, men have found seven trees, including one weirwood, and carved faces into each of them, signifying the seven aspects of the gods. The Septon of the Snowy Sept has sent for instructions from the Starry Sept, while Lord Manderly looks to see how you will handle it.
come down on it like a ton of bricks as I foresee nothing but trouble coming from it. further the North is controlled by followers o the old gods. we do not need the faith militant marching on us trying to root out the heathen heretics
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Oo oo to offer up my two cents I'd think things like caltrops, the Kilij, and repeating crossbow fits well and aren't too far off.
Someone figured out how to adapt a repeater to a longbow, so that might be something to look into.

Most useful part of it seems to be that due to using [modified] bolts, the enemy would be hard pressed to return fire with your ammunition…at least until they had their own 'repeater' longbow.
Does anyone have suggestions for actions, specifically things like establishing a bank, or a university, or other things to add to your town? I am trying to think of a good variety.
Does anyone have suggestions for actions, specifically things like establishing a bank, or a university, or other things to add to your town? I am trying to think of a good variety.
how about an arena like for an olympics type thing or a zoo (I mean we have a lot of creatures that people might come to see, like find more Direwolfs or normal wolves, Mammoths, Lizard lions in the neck, Unicorns from Skogas and we could send people to other areas to get those rare animals like Wyverns)
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Does anyone have suggestions for actions, specifically things like establishing a bank, or a university, or other things to add to your town? I am trying to think of a good variety.

A smithy is always necessary. A tavern. A marketplace for selling and trading goods. Is this a coastal city?

Edit: In all honesty we need to let the town grow a bit. It isn't a city yet and frankly needs more time before we start thinking about Universities and Banking

Edit: Also you have plenty of time to come up with new options as we don't have Stewardship next turn.
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Turn 13
Short Summer, Long Autumn, Year 107 AD

Once more Lord Commander Woolsworth leaves your solar, both of you frustrated. Trouble keeps cropping up in the Watch, mostly supply issues. They haven't been hampering the men's duties thanks to several improvisations and clever moves on Woolsworth's part, but it has strained the man somewhat, although he is still careful about his courtesies. White Harbor men always seem to be like that. Your muscles ache. You have been sitting all day, but there are no more papers you have left to sign for the moment...and a King needs to keep his sword arm strong.

Your wolf springs up, following along behind you as you walk down to the training yard. Much to your surprise, you see Brandon there alone, shooting arrow after arrow, each one striking right into the center of whatever target he hits. "Brandon!" You greet him, and he drops to one knee. You notice his face is streaked with sweat – he has been at this for some time. He rises at your gesture and offers you the bow. "Care to see if you can match me, Your Grace?" He asks. You throw your head back and laugh. "There's no one alive who can match Thane Brandon the Bowman!"

(+1 Free Action)

Military: Brandon is the Champion of Winter and a skilled commander of soldiers. Ever since he was robbed in the Wolfswood, he has grown more and more determined to gain in skill, often spending hours on end shooting arrows. Despite his withdrawing, you still trust him with your life and your throne, and with your children's lives as well. (Choose 1)

[] Build a Fleet (Location): Ironborn and slavers threaten your coasts, and you have gone long enough without a fleet. Order one of your vassals to begin constructing ships, and offer gold and workers to see it done. Time: 2 seasons. Cost: 3000 gold. DC: 45. Reward: A new fleet.

[] More Watchtowers: Bear Isle and many other of your vassal's lands are vulnerable to Ironborn raids. Ships are costly, but a system of watchtowers like the one you are building could help your lords respond to attacks faster. Time: 3 seasons. Cost: 1400 gold. DC: 30. Reward: Watchtower chain along western coast. Locked 1 season.

[] Woods Riders: Since you now have monsters in the forest to deal with, you need another type of soldier, one better equipped for patrolling the paths and roads of the Wolfswood. Use some of the lighter horses and hire some soldiers to create lightly equipped, mobile cavalry. They won't have the same weight as knights or heavy horse, but hopefully, that won't matter too much. It's not like they can really charge well in the woods. Although perhaps if they could shoot a bow from horseback…Time: 2 seasons. Cost: 500 gold. DC: 55. Reward: Wolfswood riders begin patrolling around the Wolfswood and along the roads inside it, new options unlocked.

[] Wardens of the Road: The beastmen probably aren't a significant threat anymore. Most of the Wardens have had minimal encounters, and there have been no reports of beastmen attacks from any of your subjects, new or old. Have some of them patrol the roads around the Wolfswood and help deal with any bandits of other threats instead. Time: 1 season. Cost: 200 gold. DC: 30. Reward: Potential increase to trade income

[] Guard Training: Brandon has replaced all the dead or severely wounded guardsmen by now, or at least selected men who will serve as adequate replacements after their training is done. With some of his spare time, he could train other men to a similar standard for other houses. And naturally, he will encourage those men to remember their loyalties to Winterfell should the unthinkable happen…Time: 2 seasons. Cost: 200 gold. DC: 50. Reward: Other houses gain small number of men trained and equipped equivalent to Winterfell guard, vassal loyalty increased.

[] Northern Ghosts: One thing Brandon learned from the wildlings is about another tribe who headed south and vanished into the Wolfswood. By all accounts, they are incredibly skilled at ambushes and tracking, able to walk in fresh snow without leaving tracks and find the path a shadowcat took across stone. Brandon wants to seek them out and learn everything he can from them, and possibly even recruit them into your service. Time: 3 seasons. Cost: 50 gold. DC: 65. Reward: New options unlocked

Diplomacy: As health returned to Serena, life seemed to return to Jeyne. Once more, she smiles brightly as she works, and when discussing the ramifications of a lord's letter or preparing a feast, she stops to give you a kiss every so often, a gift you are always happy to receive. (Choose 2)

[] Speak to Kings (Kingdom): There are other kings to the south of you. Perhaps you should open up talks with one of them. Though all of them are Andals and ironborn, you doubt any of them would outright refuse you…Time: 1 season. Cost: 50 gold. DC: 50. Reward: Positive diplomatic contact.

[] Speak with Vassals (Region): Most of your direct vassals are loyal and trustworthy, but it's good to keep an eye on them all the same. And if any of them have trouble, you might be able to help. Time: 1 season. Cost: 100 gold. DC: 30. Reward: Vassal relations boosted, aware of problems

[] Speak With the Clans: Even the mountain clans know of the Stark in Winterfell. Your word carries weight. Use that to make contact with the clans and hear what they have to say. Of course, if the Vale finds out they might be unhappy with you. Time: 2 seasons. Cost: 150 gold. DC: 25/50. Reward: Make contact with the mountain clans of the Vale, chance of Vale opinion loss

[] For the Watch: The North knows the threat of the beastmen now, and the Night's Watch swells with recruits. But you see no reason to let the North bare this burden alone. Send beastmen corpses south with men willing to help the Watch recruit from the South. Time: 2 seasons. Cost: 150 gold. DC: 50. Reward: Night's Watch is stronger.

[] Karstark Investigation: Arnulf Karstark could prove to be tricky to deal with, thanks to both his pride and prickly temperament. And anything which would soothe him might well anger your other lords, making this a delicate balancing act. Still, you have to act, or you may begin to lose the respect of your bannermen. Time: 1 season. Cost: 0 gold. DC: Special. Reward: Interlude.

Stewardship: The Poole's have always served the Starks. You can remember your father telling him that as a boy. Jaime Poole has continued that tradition, and ably. (Choose 0)

[] Improve Roads (Basic): The roads in Winterfell are little more than mud tracks, and you can quite literally drown in them after a spring thaw. It will take extensive time and lots of gold to make them proper roads, but there's plenty of room for improvement. Time: 1 season. Cost: 1200 gold. DC: 50. Reward: Better (but not good) roads around Winterfell.

[] Concrete Construction: Concrete will be an extremely useful material, but unlike stone, it cannot be simply carved out of the ground. You must set up a building for it to be mixed, train some people in how to make it and use it, and then you will be able to use it. Time: 3 seasons. Cost: 800 gold. DC: 35. Reward: New options unlocked, increase to trade. Locked 2 seasons.

[] Cattle Ranching: There are lots of cows now on your land. There's lots of land without any people. Put the two together to begin expanding your cattle herds and selling the meat and leather and milk. Time: 2 seasons. Cost: 400 gold. DC: 45. Reward: New options unlocked, increase to trade.

[] From Wool To Yarn: You have arranged for a sheep farming business that is doing well enough, but you want to improve it. Selling yarn is much more valuable than selling raw wool. Hire some more workers and have them scour and card the raw wool and make it into yarn to sell. Time: 2 seasons. Cost: 400 gold. DC: 65. Reward: Increase to trade.

[] Mines (Difficult): It will be expensive in blood, in time, in labor, in coin. Perhaps it is foolish, perhaps not. But all the most valuable ores are on the highest peaks, and you need the income these mines will provide. Time: 5 seasons. Cost: 1800 gold. DC: 75. Reward: Major new income source.

[] Expand the Surveys: The mountains clans have heard about the wealth you found in the mountains. Now they spend what time they can spare searching for ores and gems in their land. Hire the prospectors again and have them search through the rest of the mountains. Time: 2 seasons. Cost: 300 gold. DC: 45. Reward: Knowledge of resources in the rest of the mountains.

[] New Mills: Build more water wheels and set them up with grindstones. Free up livestock and grind grain faster. Poole gets quite the gleam in his eye when he talks about all the things he could do with more waterwheels. Time: 2 seasons. Cost: 500 gold. DC: 40. Reward: Increase to farming income.

[] Other Artisans: The forges are already bringing in wealth, and the amount will certainly grow. But people need more than iron and steel. They need houses and furniture and carts and all manner of things. Some will come naturally, but more will come if you encourage them some. Time: 1 season. Cost: 400 gold. DC: Special. Reward: Increase to trade.

[] Logging Camps: The Wolfswood is a wild place, but some sections of it are safe enough that you can set up logging camps and not expect major problems. The wood will fuel fires and make houses and probably serve a number of other purposes as well. Time: 2 seasons. Cost: 500 gold. DC: 35 Reward: Logging income, one-time income, new options unlocked.

[] Forest for the Trees: Axyl the Chief (so-called to distinguish him from the other four Axyls in his clan) told Brandon all about how wonderful red yew was for bows. Unfortunately, there isn't that much of it in the Wolfswood, but there are quite a few men who know how to coax trees to grow. Time: 3 seasons. Cost: 600 gold. DC: 50. Reward: More red yew, new options unlocked.

[] The Wolf's Walls: One of the best ways to distinguish an actual town from a collection of houses and shops is the presence of walls. Only chartered towns may have them, and while your town lacks them it will never quite be seen properly. They also serve the twin functions of defense and helping keep order. Time: 3 seasons. Cost: 1500 gold. DC: 30. Reward: Wintertown gets good walls.

[] Stinking Sewers: Only a few portions of Wintertown have decent sewers, mostly the oldest parts. You will not let your city turn into some stinking shithole. Sewers will be dug, constructed, and maintained. While you are at it, wells will be dug as well, and you will make sure they are well separated. Time: 3 seasons. Cost: 1500 gold. DC: 45 Reward: Wintertown gets sewers and wells, disease risk reduced. Locked 1 season.

[] The Civil Service: Three times the Lord Mayor has come to complain about the difficulties of managing Wintertown, as has Lord Commander Woolworth about some trouble with the Watch. You have already hired quite a few literate men, see if any of them would be willing to stay in your service. Perhaps you should enlist the scribe's guild from White Harbor as well, and have them form the beginnings of a bureaucracy. Time: 1 season. Cost: 1000 gold, upkeep. DC: 55. Reward: Basic civil service established in Wintertown, increase to tax.

Learning: Maester Brynden is an old man who has served your family for many years. And he's not a bad man, for someone born south of the Neck. You gather he's something unusual among the knights of the mind as well. (Choose 1)

[] Request Books: The Citadel library is vast, and the Winterfell library tiny. Maester Brynden wants to get some books from the Citadel. One of the inner towers is largely empty, and he thinks it will be perfect for the beginnings of a library. Time: 1 season. Cost: 500 gold. DC: 55. Reward: Beginnings of a library in Winterfell.

[] Road Building: You remember quite a bit about roads, but you aren't entirely certain about Roman roads were made. Talk to Maester Brynden about how roads were built, see if he can remember anything useful, and maybe let him run a couple small-scale tests. Time: 3 seasons. Cost: 600 gold. DC: 50. Reward: New stewardship option unlocked.

[] The Power of Water: Water is an amazing thing, Brynden says, and you definitely agree. It's truer than he knows, really. And the North has plenty of streams which flow fast enough to never freeze. You can use them to grind grain, but what else can you do a waterwheel? Time: 2 seasons. Cost: 300 gold. DC: 30/60/90. Reward: New options unlocked.

[] Northern Library: So the Citadel will not send you books again, huh? Will no matter, you will just have to do it yourself. Tell your vassals to copy what books they have and send them to you. Time: 6 seasons. Cost: 800 gold. DC: 30. Reward: Beginnings of library. Locked 1 season.

[] New Ink: The ink Maester Brynden purchases from the south doesn't always work properly with the printing press. He wants to do some testing to see what batches work better and why so he can stop having to redo pages because the ink didn't stick again…Time: 1 season. Cost: 300 gold. DC: 45. Reward: Printing press projects reduced in time, difficulty, expense.

[] Papermaking: Maester Brynden has been complaining about the cost of paper lately, ever since he started making his library really. The only real papermaking operation is at the Citadel, and there's only a few traders who will bring it all the way to Winterfell. He knows how to do it himself, of course, it's just he lacks the equipment and a supply of rags. Time: 1 season. Cost: 50 gold. DC: 30. Reward: Reduction in cost for writing-related actions.

Piety: Frost is extremely strange. He's so quiet you often don't notice him until he speaks, and you have never seen any hint of his skin or his eyes. The sense of weight around his has grown stronger ever since the Oath-swearing at the Nightfort. (Choose 1)

[] The Old Carvings: There is power in the ancient carvings that line the walls of Winterfell. Of that, there can be no doubt. But it is a silent, distant power, grown weak from long neglect and fading strength. Restoring their power will be a long and difficult process. First, the old carvings must be renewed and deepened, so that they are more than barely visible scratches in stone. Time: 2 Seasons. Cost: 100 gold. DC: 60. Reward: Runes in Winterfell actually visible.

[] The Horned Men: On the Isle of Faces, it is said that the Horned Man slays all who trespass on that sacred soil. Frost wishes to create a less…brutal version for the North by making an order of thanes. They will be no different from other thanes except for an additional oath: To protect the sacred sites of the Old Gods from those who would do it harm. Time: 2 seasons. Cost: 250 gold. Reward: Order of the Horned Men formed

[] Rites of the Field: The First Men and the Children of the Forest learned much from each other once the Pact was sworn, but much has been forgotten. Frost and his brethren will begin to seek the rites of the field and grove and attempt to recreate them. Time: 4 seasons. Cost: 50 gold. DC: 75. Reward: New magic unlocked. Locked 2 turns.

[] Rites of the Wild: The First Men and the Children of the Forest learned much from each other once the Pact was sworn, but much has been forgotten. Frost and his brethren will begin to seek the rites of the wood and waters and attempt to recreate them. Time: 4 seasons. Cost: 50 gold. DC: 75. Reward: New magic unlocked

[] Rites of the Flesh: The First Men and the Children of the Forest learned much from each other once the Pact was sworn, but much has been forgotten. Frost and his brethren will begin to seek the rites of the man, woman, and child and attempt to recreate them. Time: 4 seasons. Cost: 50 gold. DC: 75. Reward: New magic unlocked

[] Rites of Battle: The First Men and the Children of the Forest learned much from each other once the Pact was sworn, but much has been forgotten. Frost and his brethren will begin to seek the rites of the battle-luck and blood-fury and attempt to recreate them. Time: 4 seasons. Cost: 50 gold. DC: 75. Reward: New magic unlocked.

[] The Red Gift: In the blood of the Red Kings there is power, power which lies closest to the surface in all the old bloodlines except for yours. Mighty and terrible were the Red Kings of the Age of Heroes, able to take on the skill and aspect of whatever skin they wore. Allow Frost to try and reawaken these powers in Cregan Bolton. Time: 1 season. Cost: 125 gold. DC: 55. Reward: The Red Gift reawakens in Cregan Bolton.

[] The Gift of Might: The Umbers were kings once as well, and their blood is ancient as the Bolton's. It is said that the hill that Last Hearth rests on was lifted up and thrown to its current location by one of their many powerful warlords in a fit of rage. Send Frost north to awaken these powers in Lord Umber and his sons. Time: 2 seasons. Cost: 200 gold. DC: 55. Reward: The Giant's Strength reawakens in Lord Umber and his sons.

[] The Barrow Seeking: Whatever Frost has learned from his consultations has filled him with a thirst for more knowledge. He wants to examine the runes in Winterfell, he wants to visit Oldstones and Runestone and Storm's Ends and Casterly Rock…but most of all he wants to enter the Great Barrow, and he wants you to accompany him. Time: 2 seasons. Cost: 150 gold. DC: Special. Reward: Interludes, ??

[] The Old Blessings: Frost introduces you to a dozen newly inducted Green Men and Green Women, from Skagos, from the Neck, from beyond the Wall – all places where weirwoods grow wild and free and the blessings of the Old Gods run strong and deep. He asks your permission to send them wandering across the land, helping to awaken the many blessings of the Old Gods. He warns of potential peril, for the blessings can take many forms, some dangerous, and not all will be obedient to your will. But he is convinced the benefits outweigh the risks, practically and spiritually. Time: 3 seasons. Cost: 0 gold. DC: Special. Reward: Blessings awaken, ???

[] Less Magical Matters: While the blessings of the Old Gods are potent things, and veneration of them worthy, you want to discuss some of the more mundane matters of faith with Frost. Like what to do about this Sept-Wood Faith, if Green Men can inherit castles, how to prevent more riots in Wintertown…perhaps some manner of conclave should be held. Time: 1 season minimum. Cost: 100 gold. DC: Special. Reward: Interludes.

Intrigue: Snow is in many ways the total opposite of Rivers. Calm where he is excitable, nondescript where he is distinctive. You can't imagine Snow having any of his predecessor's escapades, although he is most definitely equally competent. (Choose 0)

[] Beyond the Wall Part 2: Snow is unnerved by the news from the North. He considers it something unnatural and unusual, which means he wants to know more about it. Let him bribe wildlings into spilling their secrets with him, and he promises to get to the bottom of the matter. Time: 3 seasons. Cost: 200 gold. DC: 65. Reward: Simple Spy Network (Beyond the Wall) Locked 1 season.

[] From Valley to Peak: Snow knows almost everything that happens in the Vale. There are still a few exceptions, however. Send Snow back to the Vale and have him fill in the last few gaps in his network. Time: 4 seasons. Cost: 800 gold. DC: 65. Reward: Advanced Spy Network (The Vale)

[] Even Deeper Secrets: Snow has people in every house in the North. He has people in every town and city too. But you want more. If your lords meet, you want to know. If anything happens, you want to know. Time: 3 seasons. Cost: 600 gold. DC: 55. Reward: Spy Network (The North).

[] Further Afield (Kingdom): You have ways of hearing what happens in the immediate south, but now you find yourself concerned with what's happening even further away. Pick a kingdom or nation and let Snow get to work. Time: 2 seasons. Cost: 100 gold. DC: Varies. Reward: Rumor mill for chosen location. Locked 1 Season.

[] Deeper Rivers Part 2: The ironborn are clearly up to something. You don't like it, and you don't like then. Have Rivers dig even deeper, buy even more tongues, and see to it that Black Harren can't cough without you knowing. Time: 2 seasons. Cost: 600 gold. DC: 60. Reward: Spy Network (The Riverlands).

[] Create an Organization: While Rivers would happily break into the Dreadfort or assassinate a rebel with nothing more than a frog spear and guts, Snow prefers a more methodical approach. He wants to hire some men to create a special organization, dedicated purely to…" direct action" as he so calmly puts it. Time: 3 seasons. Cost: 1000 gold. DC: 50. Reward: Group of assassins/spies/smugglers/saboteurs available for use.

[] Further Assistance: Lord Blackwood has not yet won, so you will spend more Northern lives and Northern gold to aid him, thereby indebting him to you even further, or wasting even more if he loses. Time: 1 season. Cost: 500 gold. DC: 50. Reward: Further aid to Lord Blackwood

Personal: There's always plenty to do when it comes to being a king. Even outside of your official duties, you can make decrees and issue commands. Of course, you can also spend time with your family, help an advisor, or try and explain some of your knowledge to your advisors. (Choose 2)

[] Uplift ____: You recall an invention or system, and try to figure out how it worked well enough that someone else can make it a reality. Time: 1 season. Cost: 0. DC: Varies. Reward: New action unlocked

[] Order a Vassal: You can tell your vassals what to do, although there's no guarantee they will obey and they probably won't like it. Still, it's a way for things to get done without spending your gold on it. Time: 1 season. Cost: Vassal relations. DC: Varies. Reward: Your vassal does what you tell them.

[] Propose Fostering/Betrothal: It's a simple matter for you to agree to the proposals you received about fostering and betrothals, either in whole or in part. Time: 1 season. Cost: None. DC: Varies. Reward: Betrothal and/or Fostering(s) arranged

[] Warging Practice: Whenever you wish to enter your wolf's skin, you can do so, and you can enter the skin of other animals with some difficulty. Now, you want to see if there is anything else you can do. Can you bond multiple beasts? Can you be in a creature's skin and your own? Time: 1 season. Cost: 0. DC: 75. Reward: You get more skilled at warging.

[] Speak to an Advisor: You want to know more about the people you work with. Time: 1 season. Cost: 0. DC: 50. Reward: Gain knowledge of an advisor, improved opinion.

[] Family Time: Your daughter is all better now. Your eldest sons are nearly men grown, and acting like it all the time. Your wife seems to have found peace with the blessings of the Old Gods. Your two babes are just beginning to walk. It's good to spend time with them. Time: 1 season. Cost: 0. DC: 50. Reward: You feel better, your family feels better.

Treasury: 4180 gold

Income: 505 gold (taxes) + 1250 gold (trade) + 650 gold (farming) + 100 gold (fur) + 25 gold (wool) + 420 gold (mines)

Expenditures: -20 gold (signal towers), -10 gold (stables), -10 gold (scouts), -10 gold (Wolfswood Wardens), - 75 gold (various tariff/tax reductions for houses), -15 gold (Snowcloaks)

Net Income: 3520 gold

Food Supply: Medium surplus
For the uplift option can we chose paper making? I know it's an option in learning, but we probably know how to make even better paper than the Maester right? If we can invent the better paper at the same time that the maester is doing his own paper can we have better paper!
