Short Summer, Long Summer, 105 AD
The corpses hang to the side of the gates, swaying gently in the breeze. Weeks later, the smallfolk still gape and stare at them whenever they pass, and whisper dark words about what it could mean. You, on the other hand, are far more concerned with the pregnant direwolf. Her belly is dragging on the ground, but she is still pawing at the Hunter's Gate, begging to go outside. "No girl. Why don't we go to the godswood?" You say, and she seems to sigh, her tail dragging as she turns and heads back inside. You glance at your kennel master, who shakes his head. "She's not quite ready to give birth, I think." He tells you. You nod absentmindedly and head back inside the keep. Poole begins walking alongside you, juggling some reports from your tax collectors and your minor vassals. "Your grace, these new farming techniques have been extremely useful, although I think we are starting to reach the limit. People just can't harvest anymore." +150 gold (farming)
You nod and dismiss him. It's another thing to keep in mind on top of hundreds. Maybe you should make a list of some kind to help keep track of these. A blackboard perhaps. You wave the thought away. It will probably save time, but you need spare time to save it first. And right now you are too busy. The wildlings, the Boltons, the monsters from the wood…and that's just within your own kingdom. Even your family is beginning to get troublesome, with Serena wailing and sobbing when you hold her and the twins beginning to shirk their lessons, although not combat practice. Never combat practice. It's the same problem again. Time. You don't have enough of it.
Grimly, your face set like a warrior facing his death, you ascend the stairs of the keep, ignoring Rivers as he whittles a stick into a point, shaving it away bit by bit. You sit down behind your desk and begin reading the next report.
Military: Brandon is the Champion of Winter and a skilled commander of soldiers. Most importantly, you trust him with your life and throne. (Choose 2)
[] Build a Fleet (Location): Ironborn and slavers threaten your coasts, and you have gone long enough without a fleet. Order one of your vassals to begin constructing ships, and offer gold and workers to see it done. Time: 2 seasons. Cost: 3000 gold. DC: 45. Reward: A new fleet.
[] More Watchtowers: Bear Isle and many other of your vassal's lands are vulnerable to Ironborn raids. Ships are costly, but a system of watchtowers like the one you are building could help your lords respond to attacks faster. Time: 3 seasons. Cost: 2000 gold. DC: 30. Reward: Watchtower chain along the western coast.
[] Knowledge is Power: Now that Brandon has the Winterfell guard trained to his standards, he wants to expand it. Just a little. Specifically, he wants to hire some men you are pretty sure are poachers and have them work for you as scouts. He seems confident he can win their loyalty, and you can see the use of having such men serve as outriders. Time: 2 seasons. Cost: 500 gold. DC: 50. Reward: Winterfell guard expanded with scouts.
[] Woods Riders: Since you now have monsters in the forest to deal with, you need another type of soldier, one better equipped for patrolling the paths and roads of the Wolfswood. Use some of the lighter horses and hire some soldiers to create lightly equipped, mobile cavalry. They won't have the same weight as knights or heavy horse, but hopefully, that won't matter too much. It's not like they can really charge well in the woods. Although perhaps if they could shoot a bow from horseback…Time: 2 seasons. Cost: 500 gold. DC: 55. Reward: Wolfswood riders begin patrolling around the Wolfswood and along the roads inside it, new options unlocked.
[] Eyes in the Forest: None of your soldiers are really trained for fighting in wooded terrain. Charging out of it, sure. Launching an ambush from it, definitely. But engaging in battle with something like those monsters hemmed in by trees, unable to form any sort of line? Your stomach churns at the thought. Brandon doesn't like it better, so he wants to borrow some crannogmen and adapt their tactics to the forest. Time: 2 seasons. Cost: 300 gold. DC: 40. Reward: Wolfswood Wardens begin patrolling the Wolfswood, hunting the creatures. New options unlocked.
[] Scour the Wood!: House Glover has the right idea. Call up the levy and every house who can make it in time and have them send their men into the forest. Search every inch of ground for more of these creatures, and especially keep an eye out for any sign of whatever nest birthed them or pit spawned them. Time: 1 season. Cost: 1000 gold. DC: 25/65. Reward: Levy called for all houses near the Wolfwood, soldiers begin to scour the forest. Severely decreased income until patrols are ended.
[] Levy Drills: Sections of your land border the Wolfswood, and more monsters could burst from it at any time. Your guard is extremely well-trained, but they can't be everywhere. Simple spears will be provided to the smallfolk, and once a week your guards will train them on how to use them. Hopefully, it will be enough. Time: 1 season. Cost: 400 gold. DC: 25/50. Reward: Better trained levy.
Diplomacy: Jeyne seems a lot happier with you now, and you can see more affection in her eyes, although she is always a proper lady. (Choose 2)
[] Speak to Kings (Kingdom): There are other kings to the south of you. Perhaps you should open up talks with one of them. Though all of them are Andals and ironborn, you doubt any of them would outright refuse you…Time: 1 season. Cost: 50 gold. DC: 50. Reward: Positive diplomatic contact.
[] Speak with Vassals (Region): Most of your direct vassals are loyal and trustworthy, but it's good to keep an eye on them all the same. And if any of them have trouble, you might be able to help. Time: 1 season. Cost: 100 gold. DC: 30. Reward: Vassal relations boosted, aware of problems
[] Go Beyond: There are no kings or lords beyond the wall, but there are Magnars and chiefs aplenty. And giants, and wargs, and many other things dangerous and useful both. Skagos and the mountain clans might be willing to represent Winterfell, and perhaps you could work some manner of deal with the wildlings. Time: 2 seasons. Cost: 1000 gold. DC:50/75. Reward: Peaceful contact with wildlings, possible vassal/ Night's Watch disapproval.
[] Foster Children: The Boltons and the Umbers both want to foster some children at Winterfell, and there will be others. See who else is interested before you make any decisions. Time: 1 season. Cost: 25 gold. DC: 30. Reward: More information about fostering.
[] The First Night: The right of the First Night is a barbaric thing, in your opinion, and you knew many of your vassals and all of the smallfolk agree. Banning it would be a good deed, but it might upset even those who disapprove of the practice. Time: 1 season. Cost: 25 gold. DC: 20/40/60/80. Reward: First Night banned, chance of change in vassal/peasant opinion
[] Crop Rotation Part 2: Convincing the local smallfolk was relatively easy. All you had to do was show up and tell them. Spreading this system across the North will take time…or you could short-circuit the process by inviting your lords to come see for themselves. Time: 1 season. Cost: 1000 gold. DC: 25/50. Reward: Vassals adopt crop rotation system to varying degrees, possible information.
[] The Vale Clans: The mountain clans may have reduced their raiding, but they have not stopped. Speak with the Royces of Runestone and the Arryns of the Eyrie and offer your support in further reducing these raids. Telling them of how your ancestors won the loyalty of the northern clans would make a good start. Time: 1 season. Cost: 50 gold. DC: 50. Reward: Improved relations with the Vale and with the Royces, new options unlocked
[] Speak With the Clans: Even the mountain clans know of the Stark in Winterfell. Your word carries weight. Use that to make contact with the clans and hear what they have to say. Of course, if the Vale finds out they might be unhappy with you. Time: 2 seasons. Cost: 150 gold. DC: 25/50. Reward: Make contact with the mountain clans of the Vale, chance of Vale opinion loss
[] Settle the Feud: House Manderly and House Hornwood are feuding, and House Bolton appears to be encouraging things. Have both houses present their positions to you and declare a solution. Depending on what you choose, you may anger one house or another, but this disturbance must be laid to rest. Time: 1 season. Cost: 25 gold. DC: 20/40/60. Reward: Settle the feud, chance of opinion loss from one or both houses.
Stewardship: The Poole's have always served the Starks. You can remember your father telling him that as a boy. Jaime Poole has continued that tradition, and ably. (Choose 2)
[] Hunting and Trapping: Most of the wolfswood is reserved for your use and for that of other noble houses. While it wouldn't do to completely end those privileges, if you expand the amount of free forest, hunting and trapping would be more profitable. Time: 1 Season. Cost: 0. DC: 45. Reward: Small amount of more food, small new income source, new options unlocked.
[] Expand the Forges: There are a few blacksmiths scattered among the various villages, but there really aren't enough to keep up with all the work needed to make sure everyone has good tools. Again, the poorest have to plow with sticks! Have the Winterfell blacksmiths build some forges out by Wintertown and teach a few boys the basics. Time: 2 seasons. Cost: 600 gold. DC: 50. Reward: More farming income, more food, new options unlocked.
[] Improve Roads (Basic): The roads in Winterfell are little more than mud tracks, and you can quite literally drown in them after a spring thaw. It will take extensive time and lots of gold to make them proper roads, but there's plenty of room for improvement. Time: 1 season. Cost: 1500 gold. DC: 50. Reward: Better (but not good) roads around Winterfell.
[] Concrete Construction: Concrete will be an extremely useful material, but unlike stone, it cannot be simply carved out of the ground. You must set up a building for it to be mixed, train some people in how to make it and use it, and then you will be able to use it. Time: 3 seasons. Cost: 800 gold. DC: 35. Reward: New options unlocked, increase to trade.
[] Cattle Ranching: There are lots of cows now on your land. There's lots of land without any people. Put the two together to begin expanding your cattle herds and selling the meat and leather and milk. Time: 2 seasons. Cost: 400 gold. DC: 45. Reward: New options unlocked, increase to trade.
[] Shearing Sheep: You have a lot of sheep, which means a lot of wool. Organize and expand the efforts to shear them and you will get even more wool. Wool which merchants from across the North will buy. And perhaps you could do something more with it…Time: 2 seasons Cost: 300 gold. DC: 45. Reward: New options unlocked, increase to trade.
[] Mines (Basic): Most of the valuable minerals are fairly hard to reach. Some of the lower deposits are easily accessible, however. Hire miners and have them begin working away and you will see some gold flowing into your treasury…perhaps enough to finance building mines in the highest of peaks. Time: 3 seasons. Cost: 800 gold. DC: 55. Reward: New income source.
[] Mines (Difficult): It will be expensive in blood, in time, in labor, in coin. Perhaps it is foolish, perhaps not. But all the most valuable ores are on the highest peaks, and you need the income these mines will provide. Time: 5 seasons. Cost: 2000 gold. DC: 75. Reward: Major new income source.
[] Expand the Surveys: The mountains clans have heard about the wealth you found in the mountains. Now they spend what time they can spare searching for ores and gems in their land. Hire the prospectors again and have them search through the rest of the mountains. Time: 2 seasons. Cost: 300 gold. DC: 45. Reward: Knowledge of resources in the rest of the mountains
Learning: Maester Brynden is an old man who has served your family for many years. And he's not a bad man, for someone born south of the Neck. You gather he's something unusual among the knights of the mind as well. (Choose 1)
[] Request Books: The Citadel library is vast, and the Winterfell library tiny. Maester Brynden wants to get some books from the Citadel. One of the inner towers is largely empty, and he thinks it will be perfect for the beginnings of a library. Time: 1 season. Cost: 500 gold. DC: 65. Reward: Beginnings of a library in Winterfell.
[] Of Children's Tales: The creatures from the wood were like nothing you have seen or heard of, but you do not know every story ever. Have Maester Brynden see if he can find some trace of them in his books or in the minds of the smallfolk. Time: 1 season. Cost: 25 gold. DC: 55. Reward: Knowledge
[] Strange Flesh: The creatures were strangely resilient and odd in appearance. Give some of the corpses to the maester and have him cut them apart and see if he can find anything useful. Perhaps they have some weakness you could exploit? Time: 1 season. Cost: 50 gold. DC: 55. Reward: Knowledge, new options unlocked.
[] Road Building: You remember quite a bit about roads, but you aren't entirely certain about Roman roads were made. Talk to Maester Brynden about how roads were built, see if he can remember anything useful, and maybe let him run a couple of small-scale tests. Time: 3 seasons. Cost: 600 gold. DC: 50. Reward: New stewardship option unlocked.
[] Grinding Grain: Brynden was apparently born in Riverrun, where they had a giant waterwheel they used to grind grain. He could design and build a similar one for the river by Wintertown. While it's smaller than the White Knife it joins with, it's large enough to rarely freeze. Time: 3 seasons. Cost: 400 gold. DC: 45. Reward: Increase to farming income, new stewardship options. Locked 1 Season.
[] Northern Library: So the Citadel will not send you books again, huh? Will no matter, you will just have to do it yourself. Tell your vassals to copy what books they have and send them to you. Time: 6 seasons. Cost: 800 gold. DC: 30. Reward: Beginnings of library
Piety: Frost is extremely strange. He's so quiet you often don't notice him until he speaks, and you have never seen any hint of his skin or his eyes. There's also a faint sense of weight around him. Especially when he is sitting before the heart tree. (Choose 2)
[] Winter's Runes: If one looks close enough on the walls of Winterfell, one can find faint carvings. According to legend, they were made by the Children to strengthen the fortress where the Others were defeated. Have Frost examine the runes and see if there ever was any magic to them. Time: 1 season. Cost: 0 gold. DC: 75. Reward: Knowledge of the original runes of Winterfell, hints about the truth…
[] The Horned Men: On the Isle of Faces, it is said that the Horned Man slays all who trespass on that sacred soil. Frost wishes to create a less…brutal version for the North by making an order of thanes. They will be no different from other thanes except for an additional oath: To protect the sacred sites of the Old Gods from those who would do it harm. Time: 2 seasons. Cost: 250 gold. Reward: Order of the Horned Men formed
[] Stories of the Age of Heroes: Frost doesn't remember any story which featured monsters like the ones you killed, but he is not the only Green Man around. Have him again seek knowledge among his brethren, and hopefully, you can find something useful from them. Time: 1 season. Cost: 50 gold. DC: 35. Reward: Information
[] The Green Book: The south has its Seven-Pointed Star, but the Old Gods have no such book. Frost wants to write something similar. It will consist mostly of stories, but in these stories will be the truth of how men are meant to act. The importance of keeping your word, the sacred bond of guest right, the obligations between parent and child…One thing it will not contain, however, is how to worship. Frost is not a septon. Time: 2 seasons. Cost: 100 gold. DC: 40. Reward: The Green Book is written, the Faith of the Old Gods continues to grow
[] The Southern Clans: There are still followers of the Old Gods to the south, most prominently the mountain clans of the Vale. Frost wishes to send Green Men among them to tend to their weirwoods and offer their counsel. Time: 2 seasons. Cost: 100 gold. DC: 50. Reward: Faith of the Old Gods grows stronger in the south, new options unlocked.
[] Rites of the Field: The First Men and the Children of the Forest learned much from each other once the Pact was sworn, but much has been forgotten. Frost and his brethren will begin to seek the rites of the field and grove and attempt to recreate them. Time: 4 seasons. Cost: 50 gold. DC: 75. Reward: New magic unlocked
[] Rites of the Wild: The First Men and the Children of the Forest learned much from each other once the Pact was sworn, but much has been forgotten. Frost and his brethren will begin to seek the rites of the wood and waters and attempt to recreate them. Time: 4 seasons. Cost: 50 gold. DC: 75. Reward: New magic unlocked
[] Rites of the Flesh: The First Men and the Children of the Forest learned much from each other once the Pact was sworn, but much has been forgotten. Frost and his brethren will begin to seek the rites of the man, woman, and child and attempt to recreate them. Time: 4 seasons. Cost: 50 gold. DC: 75. Reward: New magic unlocked
[] Rites of Battle: The First Men and the Children of the Forest learned much from each other once the Pact was sworn, but much has been forgotten. Frost and his brethren will begin to seek the rites of the battle-luck and blood-fury and attempt to recreate them. Time: 4 seasons. Cost: 50 gold. DC: 75. Reward: New magic unlocked
Intrigue: Rivers does not seem to be especially bright. Good at picking locks and sneaking about, but not bright. Still, he's better than you at dark deeds done in the dark. (Choose 2)
[] Beyond the Wall: The Night's Watch doesn't always fight the wildlings. Sometimes they talk and trade. Rivers thinks he can get someone to share what they talk about. Time: 2 seasons. Cost: 25 gold. DC: 50. Reward: Rumor mill (Beyond the wall)
[] From Valley to Peak: Rivers knows almost everything that happens in the Vale. There are still a few exceptions, however. Send Rivers back to the Vale and have him fill in the last few gaps in his network. Time: 4 seasons. Cost: 800 gold. DC: 65. Reward: Advanced Spy Network (The Vale)
[] No Fights This Time: River's arm has mostly healed. Mostly. Send him to the Isles once more, and pray he doesn't get another fit of idiocy. Time: 1 season. Cost: 50 gold. DC: 35. Reward: Rumor mill (Iron Islands)
[] Even Deeper Secrets: Rivers has people in every house in the North. He has people in every town and city too. But you want more. If your lords meet, you want to know. If anything happens, you want to know. Time: 3 seasons. Cost: 600 gold. DC: 55. Reward: Spy Network (The North).
[] Further Afield: You have ways of hearing what happens in the immediate south, but now you find yourself concerned with what's happening even further away. Pick a kingdom or nation and let Rivers get to work. Time: 2 seasons. Cost: 100 gold. DC: Varies. Reward: Rumor mill for the chosen location
[] Deeper Rivers: Now that Rivers can give you an idea of what's going on in the Riverlands, have him start making additional contacts and see if he can get more reliable information about what's going on. Time: 2 seasons. Cost: 400 gold. DC: 50. Reward: Simple Spy Network (The Riverlands).
[] Plan an Operation: You don't have a formal organization for doing your dirty work, just Rivers and whoever he decides to bring with him. It ought to be enough. Give him a job and he will get it done. Time: Varies. Cost: Varies. DC: Varies. Reward: Describe the operation and target and I will assign time, difficulty, cost, and DC. The reward depends on the task.
[] An Extra Advisor: Rivers is a bit of an idiot, especially when it comes to outside work. Find someone to help him handle his duties. Preferably without him knowing, you think. Time: 2 seasons. Cost: 50 gold. DC: 50 to hide it, Varies for who you find. Reward: Another intrigue advisor.
Personal: There's always plenty to do when it comes to being a king. Even outside of your official duties, you can make decrees and issue commands. Of course, you can also spend time with your family, help an advisor, or try and explain some of your knowledge to your advisors. (Choose 2)
[] Uplift ____: You recall an invention or system, and try to figure out how it worked well enough that someone else can make it a reality. Time: 1 season. Cost: 0. DC: Varies. Reward: New action unlocked
[] Order a Vassal: You can tell your vassals what to do, although there's no guarantee they will obey and they probably won't like it. Still, it's a way for things to get done without spending your gold on it. Time: 1 season. Cost: Vassal relations. DC: Varies. Reward: Your vassal does what you tell them.
[] Propose Fostering/Betrothal: It's a simple matter for you to agree to the proposals you received about fostering and betrothals, either in whole or in part. Time: 1 season. Cost: None. DC: Varies. Reward: Betrothal and/or Fostering(s) arranged
[] Before a Heart Tree: Spend a long night praying before a heart tree, trying to understand why and how you woke up as Torrhen Stark. Time: 1 season. Cost: 0. DC: 55. Reward: Knowledge
[] Speak to an Advisor: You want to know more about the people you work with. Time: 1 season. Cost: 0. DC: 50. Reward: Gain knowledge of an advisor, improved opinion.
[] Family Time: You have a daughter, a wife, and two sons. Even though Torrhen remembers them, you don't. Time to fix that. Time: 1 season. Cost: 0. DC: 50. Reward: You feel better, your family feels better.
[] Dealing with Direwolves: The direwolves spend most of their time in the kennel, occasionally visiting the godswood or the forest. Spend some time with them and have your family do so as well. See if there is any truth to those stories about Starks. Time: 1 season. Cost: 0. DC: 45. Reward: Family gets pet direwolves.
[] Build a Blackboard: You don't have enough time to spare. You don't have the time to figure out a way to save time. But somehow you will. Build a blackboard, hire a secretary…you don't know what, but somehow you will gain some breathing room. Time: 5 seasons. Cost: 200 gold. DC: 55. Reward: +1 free action.
Treasury: 2150 gold
Income: 400 gold (taxes) + 1020 gold (trade) + 490 gold (farming)
Expenditures: -20 gold (signal towers), -10 gold (stables)
Net Income: 1890 gold
Food Supply: Small+ surplus