The First True Magic an even more OP version on Narutoverse's Creation of All Things. Would other craft skills level up if made using the First Magic? and the ending was worthy of Deidara and Obito combination.
Well, I suppose destroying worlds is one way to get excessive amounts of levels.

Normally people aren't so blatant with their exploits, can't wait for more.
I read a lot and thought I wouldn't see any new things in a gamer like history and thought "oh well , the next chapter will be that he farmed in off chapter gaining unbelievable amounts of points" then I fucking see he dropping a hydrogen bomb in the dungeon in sooo glad I was wrong!
It's been a week since I've Nuked the Troll ID.

I've been preparing another one, a much more powerful one.

But in the meantime, I decided to join Tenten when she was training.

Power was not going to come easily but that did not mean I couldn't try.

While I was fairly strong Tenten could still beat me into the ground as she had a good amount of training in Taijutsu.

As I lay on the ground I mumbled observe.

Tenten Muramasa

Level 17

HP: 20,284/24,050 (STR * AGI * END)

Chakra: 150/200 (END * WIS)

Chakra Regen 248/min (WIS * PER)

Chakra Control: E (58.4%)

STR: 26
PER: 31
AGI: 37
WIS: 8
INT: 9
END: 25

Status Effects: PTSD (mild)


Leaf Standard Taijutsu Beginner - Lvl 5

Bukijutsu Beginner - Level 7

Weapons Maintainece (Archiac) - Level 6

Chakra Enhancement - Level 2

Tenten might be lower level than me but her fighting skill was much higher.

And I didn't have any combat technique.

"Man, you're really strong Tenten." I wiped the dust from my shorts as I got up.

"Nah, you're just weak." She said grinning.

"Oh really? How then there are no complaints if I don't make any dessert today?"

Tenten looked at me as if I had just committed the greatest of betrayals.

"But, but...."

I burst out laughing at her face...


I just continued laughing.

Due to your diligence in training you have gained, +1 STR and +1 AGI

"How about I make you a chocolate cake?"



With that our training was over.





Smithing level has increased by 1




My normal Smithing skill is coming along nicely.

I should be able to make high-quality Kunai and Shuriken without using the Magic Forge soon.

The bell rang and I walked out of the workshop to see who had come..

"Excuse me. Do you do weapon repairs here?"

It was a young Itachi.

I nodded. "What do you need to have repaired?"

He pulled out a Wakizashi.

As I took it and inspected it, it seemed though as if it something had shattered it.

Cracks were all over the thing no wonder Itachi brought it in a cloth.

What the hell can do that?

"Can you fix it?"

I nodded. "Come back in three days I should have it ready by then."

As he left I cast observe.

Itachi Uchiha

Level 175

HP: ???,???/???,???

Chakra: ??, ??? /??, ???

Chakra Regen ???/min

Chakra Control: SS (10.4%)

STR: ???
PER: ???
AGI: ???
WIS: ???
INT: ???
END: ???

Status Effects: PTSD (Heavy), Sleep Deprivation, Exhausted, Microscopic polyangiitis. (Respiratory disease)



"Holy Mother of..." I whispered under my breath.

Those are some insane stats. Wait...can a Cure disease potion cure him?

Wait. I think I might have a better Idea.

Once he left I headed to the Forge and placed the blade down and opened up my inventory.


Least Chakra Recovery Potion x 93
Low Chakra Recovery Potion X 141
Low Mid Chakra Recovery potion X 402
Low Mid Mana Recovery Potion X 372
Mid Mana Recovery Potion X 543
Least HP Recovery Potion X 73
Low HP Recovery Potion X 104
Medium HP Recovery Potion X 238
Poison Antidote Potion X 73
Potion of cure disease X 104
Bronze Ingot x 502
Iron Ingot X 609
Steel Ingot X 503
Ebony Ingot X 375
Orichalcum Ingot X 253
Mithril Ingot X 105
Gold x 5201
Dairy x 37
5000Ryou x 42
1000 Ryou x 23
500 Ryou x 13
Mid-Quality Kunai x 15
Sealing Brush x 2
Sealing Inkpot x 3
Leaves x 99
Take away Ichiraku Beef Ramen X 17

Well, nuking Id's definitely gave a ridiculous amount of Loot.

I don't think any other gamer has done that before have they?

This blade.. was for Itachi.

The hidden hero of the village...

I think he deserves a better sword than this.

So I took out a Mithril Ingot and activated my Magic forge.

This time I wasn't going to create a weapon. I was going to repair it.

Just with a much stronger metal.

The melting point of steel iS around 1370 C.

Orichalcum's melting point was 2700 C.

Mithril? 3300 C

It was near impossible to melt it with the current technology, luckily for me, I had the Magic Forge which would ease the process.

Mithril also allowed mystical energy like chakra or mana to flow through it completely free without any resistance and amplifies their effects.

Chakra conductive steel had nothing on Mythril.

And so I began to meld the Mithril ore onto the shattered blade and began to reforge the blade into something to be reckoned.


Itachi stared at the blade.

He lifted it and swung it around.

The weight and balance were the same.

No, they were better.

It felt like it was made just for him.

His Chakra flowed through it so easily that he nearly dropped it in surprise.

The blade had a slight cerulean blue tint on its shine.

"What did you do?"

It was not a question in anger rather it was pure curiosity.

"Your blade was about to be shattered. I don't know what the hell you used it on but whatever it is a steel blade would not be a match for it. I used Mithril to reforge the blade."


The young blacksmith nodded. "Mithril is one of the rarest metals in the world. So rare that gold is common compared to it."

Itachi's eyes widened.

"It's among the strongest metals in the world. The only metals stronger than that are Adamantine, Vibranium and Amazonium. If Mithril makes gold look common then those ones make gold look like sand. And I highly doubt I'd see any of them in my life."

Itachi looked at the Blade in wonder.

It was beautiful and felt just right.

"How much?"

Itachi was ready to spend his entire earnings and ask his father if it wasn't enough.

"500,000 Ryou."


But he said it was so rare that Gold would be common compared to it. The price was half of that of a new Katana!

"I'm not hurting for money. Just use it well and to protect those you care about. That's all I can ask of you."

Itachi understood now.

He was given this Blade to protect and protect he shall.

The blade glowed as if it heated his inner thoughts.

If only Itachi truly knew what made it so special.

The blade was made for him and him alone with a very special ability.

To heal and cure the user of all poison and disease.

He would find it getting easier to breath in the coming days and wonder how it came to be.


Ryuuto Muramasa
Level 35
HP: 9860/9860 (STR * AGI * END)
MANA: 100/100 (INT * WIS)
Chakra: 170/170 (END * WIS)
Chakra Regen 260/min (WIS * PER)
Mana Regen 1040/min (WIS*PER) (400%)
Chakra Control: E (10.58%)

EXP (23,200/3,048,000)
STR: 29
PER: 26
AGI: 20
WIS: 10
INT: 10
END: 17

Status Effects: None

Gamer's Mind (Toggled) ON/OFF
Gamer's BODY (Toggled) ON/OFF
ID Create Lvl 9 (Active)
Smithing Lvl 27
Drawing Lvl 19
Cooking Lvl 22
Cleaning Lvl 14
Gun Proficiency Lvl 37
Observe Lvl (1/4)
The Magic Forge Lvl. (N/A)
Singing Lvl 4
Guitar Mastery Lvl 56
Intangibility. - Level 2
Mana Regeneration Level 3 - 400% increased MP regeneration.

Skill Points: 23
Status Points: 130

Skill Shop
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I was looking forward to seeing how the main character struggled to gain power without compromising on his morality, or seeing him rationalize doing things in the name of the "greater good." I've never been a fan of IDs in gamer fics --too much of a hand wave, all the power and none of the narrative struggle since we, the readers, know there's no danger of the protagonist dying or being crippled or facing the consequences that could come about from a "real" battle.

But then this problem that could be used for great character building was handwaved, not only through an ID, but dropping a nuke. I'm afraid I'm unwatching this fic. It's a quickly becoming a power wank and that's just not the type of fic I enjoy. --similar to how someone who doesn't enjoy horror movies wouldn't enjoy seeing Poltergeist, or something similar. I wish you the best of luck!
I was looking forward to seeing how the main character struggled to gain power without compromising on his morality, or seeing him rationalize doing things in the name of the "greater good." I've never been a fan of IDs in gamer fics --too much of a hand wave, all the power and none of the narrative struggle since we, the readers, know there's no danger of the protagonist dying or being crippled or facing the consequences that could come about from a "real" battle.

But then this problem that could be used for great character building was handwaved, not only through an ID, but dropping a nuke. I'm afraid I'm unwatching this fic. It's a quickly becoming a power wank and that's just not the type of fic I enjoy. --similar to how someone who doesn't enjoy horror movies wouldn't enjoy seeing Poltergeist, or something similar. I wish you the best of luck!
Don't worry even if he does drop nukes in the ID he doesn't actually have much power unless he is willing to use nukes in the real world.... Which is a bad idea considering the you can see the EXP for levelling gets grows exponentially... So even if he does drop nukes he'd have to do that for quite a while before he reaches powerwank status.
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Probably cause they either can't afford one, or just would have no problem with killing them with Magic. Yours is an inventor, so it's a lot more simple for him.
also because manually killing them all trains them in combat skills and levels up used skills, he just traded all of that for less time and more exp
I actually love this story. Can I make a suggestion for the self insert, save up for a bead of lerasium to give to tenten.
they will feel a reserve of power in their stomach when they have ingested a metal they can burn. The metals are usually ingested by drinking specifically prepared metal vials, which contain metal flakes suspended in an alcohol solution or other such liquid i.e. cod oil. When using their powers, many Allomancers describe a warm feeling in the stomach, hence the term "burning metal". It is completely instinctual for an Allomancer to activate and burn their metal and gain its ability; it does not require training to do it (however, there is much training in using their metals properly). It is so instinctual that in some circumstances, an Allomancer can even burn metals while unconscious.[6] An Allomancer can also burn their metals at an accelerated rate, which is called "flaring." Flaring grants more power, but the reserve of metals depletes much faster, too.

Table of Allomantic Metals
External Steel (Coinshot)
Pushes on Nearby Metals
Iron (Lurcher)
Pulls on Nearby Metals
Zinc (Rioter)
Enflames (riots) Emotions
Brass (Soother)
Dampens (soothes) Emotions
Internal Pewter (Thug)
Increases Physical Abilities
Tin (Tineye)
Increases Senses
Copper (Smoker)
Hide Allomantic Pulses
Bronze (Seeker)
Can Hear Allomantic Pulses
Internal Duralumin (Duralumin Gnat)
Enhances Current Metal Burned
Aluminum (Aluminum Gnat)
Wipes Internal Allomantic Reserves
Gold (Augur)
Reveals Your Past Self
Electrum (Oracle)
Reveals Your Future
External Nicrosil (Nicroburst)
Enhances Allomantic Burn of Target
Chromium (Leecher)
Wipes Allomantic Reserves of Target
Cadmium (Pulser)
Slows Down Time
Bendalloy (Slider)
Speeds Up Time
. This gives her better odds for survival and allows her to keep up with her teammates. Plus a speed bubble gives plenty of time do fuinjutsu mid combat or strategically opening and closing speed bubble in conjunction with pewter enhancements and shunshin could be a post timeskip powerhouse move. She could be to speed what Sakura is to strength.
Is Lerasium a weapon?
Lerasium is a metal, that can be forged as a weapon. It's on the tier of vibranium maybe but if you forge a single senbon from lerasium you could grant mistborn abilities to multiple people. It only takes a single bead of it to make a person a mistborn. As an expensive material I could see a reason for it to be a single purchase item. The bands of
The Bands of Mourning is an oversized, spearhead shaped object made of all of the Allomantic metals.
could be a way to get atium which could put her on the level of an Uchiha with sharingun(precognitive vision) for a few minutes depending on how much she burns. Combat precog and the ability to process that information with her weapons skill will be useful during the fourth shinobi war(possible way to change the world into a more peaceful one).

Can he forge a stone of gelel?
Tenten waved to her brother as she entered the academy.

Today was that they were assigned teams.

Tenten would not know what she would have done without her brother, he worked tirelessly and sometimes well into the night in his forge to made ends meet when he thought she was asleep.

He sparred with her and even helped taught her two styles of fighting. One that uses weapons and one without.

The one without was apparently called Bajiquan. It was a very powerful Taijutsu style and it helped her place near the Top of the class in regards to Taijutsu, just under Neji Hyuuga.

The second style though it was thought to her as a Birthday present in her final year after she had mastered was very strange...he warned her about not using it except as a Last resort when she face an opponent she could not defeat and she had no other option.

It was a Style that created fake openings deliberately in order to trick a powerful ninja. The ninja whose skills were honed would not be able to resist taking the opening, it was a dual wielding style and he made sure to train her in it every single day until graduation.

But that was not the best part about it.

The thing was it came with a pair of blades.

They were the most beautiful blades she had ever seen, and they now were sealed inside the storage seal that was on two rings on each of her hands so that she could call on them at any moment.

Just by looking at it she could tell that he had surpassed his father a long time ago.

It's quality was beyond any blade she had ever seen in her entire life, and it fits perfectly with the last resort style.

She didn't know how he knew all this.

How he knew them she never Questioned it.

After all why would she? He was not someone she just got to know.

He was her brother who had stood by her side when her father passed away, he was the one who looked after her and took care of her.

She didn't know how he had so much knowledge but she trusted him.

She trusted that he would tell her if it was dangerous to her.

She spun around looking at her new outfit as she walked in to the academy, her headband on her head, the cloths looked ordinary but for some reason, his eyes glinted in joy when she saw her wearing it.

There was definitely an inside joke he wasn't telling her but it was the least she could do in return for her Nee-sama.

Once she starts taking missions she would be able to begin to repay him... Perhaps she could help him by escorting him? He always wanted to travel after all and now that she was a Ninja he didn't have to pay her Tution anymore.

What she didn't know was how crazy her sensei would be and how it would influence one of her teammates such that it would make her wish she had failed once and got Naruko instead.


I smiled as I watched Tenten go. It had been Six long years. In those six years I've managed to get Tenten to a high enough level that she would be able to survive most Jounins should they attack her and easily win against Chunin.

The Game finds the fact that the User made someone else cosplay without them realising it very amusing. Int + 1

I agree. It was amusing. Considering I literally just made for her, a smaller copy of Shirou's cloths, after which I [Reinforced] it to its limit and then literally used the Skill shop to learn two styles and teach them to her, then crafted Kanshou and Bakuya using the Magic forge? I don't think there was a better cosplay of Shirou ever done.


Tenten Muramasa

Level 36

HP: 205,282/205,282 (STR * AGI * END)

Chakra: 90,288/90,288 (END * WIS* LVL)

Chakra Regen 2508/min (WIS * PER)

Chakra Control: C (74.42%)

STR: 62
PER: 66
AGI: 77
WIS: 38
INT: 49
END: 43

Status Effects: None


Leaf Standard Taijutsu Advanced (Tai) - Lvl 100 (Maxed)

Bukijutsu Advanced (Buki) - Level 78

Weapons Maintainece (Archiac) - Level 86

Chakra Enhancement intermediate - Level 65

BajiQuan Intermediate (Tai) - Level 100 (Maxed)

Emiya Shirou's Goddamn Suicidal Style! (Buki) - Level 64

Sealing Beginner - Level 34

Transformation (Gen) - Level 68

Clone (Gen) - Level 67

Replacement (NIN) - Level 72

I breathed a sigh.

Tenten was now a Ninja.

I hope Gai takes good care of her.

"Ryuuto-kun, why do you avoid us?" a soft familiar voice called out behind me and I turned towards him. Itachi Uchiha, the hero of the Village. " You know Okaa-sama would be very pleased to have you."

That's right Uchiha Itachi...

In this world, Uchiha Itachi was not a family murderer. He's a Village hero.

Who fought against a certain masked individual with Shisui by his side.

He was able to hold him of until the Hokage arrived along with Danzo to the battlefield, yes, that Danzo! which forced the masked man to retreat, but he still caused a huge blow to the Uchiha as most of the clan elders are dead including Uchiha Fugaku.

It was still a tragedy but at least Itachi was able to live with his brother and his Mom. Unlike Canon.

And Danzo, the elder had come out of retirement, which also made him much lighter...apparently, the fact that Hiruzen was still capable of fighting after so many years made him bitter. Now that he was able fight again alongside his teammate again instead of watching his back made the man much least that was my theory.

And considering I received a special pass from him to exit and enter the village at any time I desired, about a month after the incident? It was a very likely theory.

Then there was Mikoto.

Itachi apparently told her about the Sword that I had reforged for him, which he was able to eventually figure out that it was what cured his Illness.

A supposedly incurable illness.

And considering she is his mother I could understand why she wanted to have me in her house.

"Very well Uchiha-sama." I gave him a short bow and I saw a slight twitch. Almost unnoticeable but it was there.

"Ryuuto-kun. How many times have I requested that you do not call me that? You may refer to me informally."

"73 times and counting." A grin broke out from my face. Itachi let out a tired smile at that. and I continued. "But sure I suppose, once Tenten finishes her day, I'll visit, though is it alright if I bring Naruko along?"

He nodded before one of his eyebrows rose.. "That would be fine. Though you just want to see Sasuke and Naruko bicker like cats and dogs again don't you?"

My grin widened. "Hey, you can't say it's not fun watching them bicker."

"I suppose that is true."

A moment later something terrifying sounded.





Well, terrifying for Itachi not for me though, I burst out laughing as he vanished in a Shunshin....

An Anbu running away from civilians. Truly fangirls are terrifying indeed.

Ryuuto Muramasa
Level 55
HP: 76752/76752 (STR * AGI * END)
MANA: 4950/4950 (INT * WIS)
Chakra: 81,110/81,110 (END * WIS* LVL)
Chakra Regen 1705/min (WIS * PER)
Mana Regen 6820/min (WIS*PER) (400%)
Chakra Control: D (95.54%)

EXP (12,200,145/128,048,000)
STR: 52
PER: 31
AGI: 36
WIS: 55
INT: 90
END: 41

Status Effects: None

Gamer's Mind (Toggled) ON/OFF
Gamer's BODY (Toggled) ON/OFF
ID Create Lvl 9 (Active)
Smithing Lvl 88
Drawing Lvl 65
Cooking Lvl 46
Cleaning Lvl 54
Gun Proficiency Lvl 78
Observe Lvl (1/4)
The Magic Forge Lvl. (N/A)

Singing Lvl 67
Guitar Mastery Lvl 73

BajiQuan Intermediate (Tai) - Level 100 (Maxed)
Emiya Shirou's Goddamn Suicidal Style! (Buki) - Level 68
Conceptual Reinforment - Level 35

Intangibility. - Level 2
Iron Fist (Active)
Natural Born Mage (Passive)
Wise Beyond your Years. (Passive)
Mana Regeneration Level 3
- 400% increased MP regeneration.

Skill Points: 37
Status Points: 202

Skill Shop
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It's kinda funny how this popped up right as I was looking up another story with "Forge" in the title. I've forgotten what this was about so I'll have to re-read it.
So why is his level so much higher than hers, but his stats are lower across the board/in total?
Because he Nukes the fuck out of Dungeons instead of grinding like most gamers, and he is mostly focused on business and smiting and training Tenten.

Tenten though has more experience in combat, and also has more teachers and focuses on training and preparing for her career as a Kunoichi.

Also he doesn't use most of his points except for INT. Most of his star points are kept for reserve in case of an emergency. Especially since he is not a ninja. Because if he has more chakra than Genin level it would raise all sorts of eyebrows as to why he's not a ninja..
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It's kinda funny how this popped up right as I was looking up another story with "Forge" in the title. I've forgotten what this was about so I'll have to re-read it.
Which story??
Because he Nukes the fuck out of Dungeons instead of grinding like most gamers, and he is mostly focused on business and smiting and training Tenten.

Tenten though has more experience in combat, and also has more teachers and focuses on training and preparing for her career as a Kunoichi.

Also he doesn't use most of his points except for INT. Most of his star points are kept for reserve in case of an emergency. Especially since he is not a ninja. Because if he has more chakra than Genin level it would raise all sorts of eyebrows as to why he's not a ninja..
Eyebrows are raised by what he is creating.
I think KUMO will be interested.
A mistake was made with mana regen. The perk/skill gives "+400%" regen, that means regen×5, not ×4. +100% is ×2, +200% is ×3 and so on.

To expand a bit, regen+400% is regen+regen×400/100, or simply put regen×5.