The MCs personality isn't really consistent through this. He goes from a quiet, monosyllabic speaker to a chatterbox that can't keep from spilling future events. Feels too sudden.
I think your fic just took a swan dive into crack territory at the end. Is this going to be a continuing thing?
I hope this is more to your liking?

Yes, though the execution was a little quick... That could be handwaved by the surprise/fear that all the knowledge of the Naruto-verse that the SI has may be irrelevant to this world. And I like that the SI taught Tenten a whole new language. It implies a degree of trust and closeness. Though I highly suspect that ANBU and the like will have co-opted this never-before-seen language as a code. After all, no one else in the Hidden Villages knows it and (depending on the native language of the Naruto-verse) there might not even be a direct translation for the words. The ANBU, having learned it from sheer exposure or from when the SI taught Tenten, will likely utilize it for the betterment of the village.

A good example of this Miss Nanami-chan's fic "A Song for Them." The SI knows/develops her own sign language after an attack renders her a forced mute. In the process of teaching it to another, the ANBU (or was it the Village Police?) learn it themselves and spread it throughout the village as a double-secret sign language. It's a pretty good example of Murphy's Law in a Police State like Konoha
Wasn't he supposed to be reticent? Not talking much and serious about his work? Where did all this come from?
A friendship between the insanely loyal Uzumaki Naruko and a insanely powerful blacksmith who doesn't give two shits about the village will be very interesting please follow up.
you made guns which mean nearly everyone in that world is your b*tch cause the author of naruto said the reason there are no gun in naruto even though you can make one is cause no one in naruto is buller proof
Hmm I'm at least interested. Until now it is good, the "fuck it" attitude at least was a really strange surprise?
But I will wait further judgment, normally your Story's are more interesting and creative "free" then others.

So thank you and I hope it will come more
Chapter 5...Problems...
I spend the rest of the day once I got home making 50AE Magazines for my gun using the scrap metal. Unlike making the gun, the magazines didn't take long.

I kind of lost it today. My plans in tatters. I really need to get a hold of myself.

By the time it was dinner I had a stack of 50AE Magazines x 36 in my inventory along with my gun. Deactivating The Magic Forge I headed inside to the kitchen to begin preparing dinner.


"So what's for dinner bro?" Tenten called out as she came down the stairs. "Smells good."

Of course, it smells good I just finished arranging the table and putting out the food.

"Whoa, what's that?" Tenten pulled out a chair and sat down.

"This is what I call a Pizza. It's quite simple to make." I cut it out into eight slices and placed one on her plate and put one on mine before taking a seat myself.

"This is good how did you make it?" she asked between bites.

And so I began a short explanation of how to make a Pizza.

Gun Proficiency is now level 4

I began to hum a sing a song to myself as I popped one Zombie after another. At my Gun proficiency level, the only reason I could hit head shot's so easily now was because of the zombies were fucking slow.

More. DIE. DIE and give me moar EXP.

Popping out the empty mag I popped in a new one from my inventory and slammed in and continue to mercilessly murder the fuck out of them....

Head Shot!
KO! Perfect!
You got 300 EXP!

Head Shot!
KO! Perfect!
You got 300 EXP!

Head Shot!
KO! Perfect!
You got 300 EXP!

Head Shot!
KO! Perfect!
You got 300 EXP!

I lost count of how many Zombie's I had killed there doesn't seem to be an end to all these zombies? There doesn't seem to be a boss Either no matter how many I kill.

Gun Proficiency is now level 6

Well, that is always good.


The week passed by in a similar pattern,, wake up take prepare breakfast, take tenten to school, return, Enter the dungeon shoot bullet holes through the zombie's headshot's if possible until I run out of ammo, exit the dungeon, practice normal smithing then use the failed result with the MAgic forge to make Ammo. Go for lunch at Ichiraku's sometime's find Naruto there sometimes not. Have lunch go back home. Do exercises like pushups sit up squats until I'm too tired to move. take a break for about an hour. Write stuff on my diary and draw stuff, go for a sprint up to the academy to pick up Tenten and come home, prepare dinner, make then clean up and go to bed do some leaf sticking chakra control exercises until I fall asleep, tired and exhausted.

In the end, it was worth the raise in stats that I got.

Today was the day dad was supposed to come home.

I also gained two whole levels.


"Status?" Tenten asked. I was walking her to the academy.

"its nothing."

"Oh, ok."

Level 11
HP: 9044/9044 (STR * AGI * END) (11172/11172)
MANA: 100/100 (INT * WIS)
Chakra: 170/170 (END * WIS) (190/190)
Regen 110/min (WIS * PER) (Mana and Chakra)
Chakra Control: E (0.58%)

EXP (300/51200)
STR: 28
PER: 11
AGI: 19 (+2)
WIS: 10
INT: 10
END: 17(+2)

Status Effects:
Well Rested (6: 54:49.)

Gamer's Mind (Toggled) ON/OFF
Gamer's BODY (Toggled) ON/OFF
ID Create Lvl 1 (Active)
Smithing Lvl 11
Drawing Lvl 17
Cooking Lvl 18
Cleaning Lvl 12
Gun Proficiency Lvl 22
Observe Lvl (1/4)

Skill Points: 3
Status Points: 15

Skill Shop

I had decided to keep my points and keep them in case of emergency. It's not I'm going to need it anytime soon.


As I soon as I dropped Tenten of and started to head home an ANBU dropped and knelt down in front of me.

"Ryuuto-san. Danzo-sama wishes to meet you."

I stilled as my mind processed what I just heard.

I jinxed myself, didn't I?

"Why would the honoured elder wish to speak with me?"

"I am not aware. Danzo-sama merely requested me to ask if you were willing to speak with him."

So he's not going to kidnap me? Internally I breathed a sigh of relief. But if I reject him now he might get forceful or even try to hold Tenten hostage.

I could not risk that. SO I nodded. "Very well." I just hoped I was not in trouble.

The Anbu put a hand on my shoulder and the next moment I found myself on starring down at the village.

Huh, I kind of expected to be thrown in a dark prison or something not somewhere here.

I was on top of the Hokage Monument.

To my right was Danzo.

I was so nervous I had switched back to fake Shard speak.


"Hmm, tell me young one, why did you not wish to attend the academy? A fine prodigy like yourself would easily become one of the most powerful shinobi in Konoha."

I had to be careful with what answer I gave.

"Ninja's, Caged, desire Freedom."

"I see, you're indeed a sharp one, and wise for your age. Your father was right about you. The Muramasa clan indeed has a prodigy for the first time."

Wait why is speaking about dad and dad never said anything about a clan.

"Father alright?"

I was almost sure he expressed sorrow, but that couldn't be right.

"I'm sorry, your father has passed away, he was attacked by an unknown enemy ninja."

Why? Why would someone attack Father?


Did he have no escort?

"Unfortunately, they were killed as well, however one of them managed to leave a report."

So dad did take an escort. but why was he targeted? Or was he simply caught in the crossfire?

He wasn't my dad for long, even if I didn't technically consider him my real dad he still took care of me.

"Elders time important, why you?"

I had a suspicion. Did Danzo kill him?

He let out a chuckle that sounded almost sad.

"I suppose I owe him a lot. He was one of the few dear friends I had. So the least I could do."


Oh, of course, this was not a manga, this was real life. I was judging him with information that was most likely false.

Still, the root might be a thing, and Dad, had connections with Danzo? Holy hell. This was dangerous I had to be careful it's a good thing I keep my dairy, gun and ammo in my inventory can't leave those lying around. How much does he know?

Still, with dad gone, I'll have much less time for levelling up and training, I had to continue smithing in his place in order to pay for the academy tuition for tenten and to keep food on the table. I could use dad's saving but that would probably last about a year at most, I could exchange the gold I had, but I had to find a pawn shop for that, and who would except it from a child? Either they would refuse it or rip me off, after all, I didn't even know the market price for them.

As I came out of my thoughts I found Danzo staring at me and I took a step back in surprise.

"You are quite cautious and wise for your age if it was another six-year-old they would have either denied it and called me a liar or started to cry. Yet instead of doing either of those things. You started to plan. Tell me what were you thinking."

"Money, Food, Academy Tuition. Necessities. Have to take father's place. Out of Materials."

Danzo's lone eye widened just a bit that I almost couldn't catch it.

"I see, you are indeed a prodigy and a very wise one at that." He hummed ."Will, you truly not change your mind about joining the Academy?"


He nodded. "I'll to provide funds for your sister's tuition and the basic necessities and materials for the smith."

I narrowed my eyes, "The catch?"


I had a stupid impulse that I could not ignore. I deepened my voice and said something i should not have.

"Humankind cannot gain anything without first giving something in return. To obtain, something of equal value must be lost. That is the law of Equivalent Exchange."

Ok, that was stupid but it was cool.

Danzo's lips thinned. Did I make him angry? "Wise indeed." The end of his lips twitched up.

No, hell no that was so wrong, I can't be that wise. Also, Danzo smiling? Are pigs flying yet? Did the world end?

"This right hand of mine is an artificial limb, a scientist created it but I am not satisfied with it. It requires to be replaced every month even if it grants me immense strength."

Holy hell is he telling me what I think he is telling?

As he unbound the bandages it revealed a pale Hashirama arm but thankfully no Sharingan and why aren't you satisfied with your Hashirama arm?


His smile widened a bit. "You are the first person who asked that question. Others simply create a metal limb that is too heavy and useless in combat or anything else simply serving as a stump even if it did need little to no maintenance, while I am a retired ninja I still would like it if I could fight at full strength. However, none of the blacksmiths so far has been able to. Create on that even comes close to meeting my expectations. Can you meet my expectations little Ryuuto? Prodigy Blacksmith of the Muramasa-clan?"

Hmmm, wait, the Uchiha were still in the village which no wonder he still doesn't have the entire arms cover in Sharingan. An artificial arm huh? I can't make Automail since it's not actually made for being a weapon. What about an Iron man arm? Yes, that's possible but that's a gauntlet, not an arm. What about Yang's prosthetic arm? Yes, that might work i had an Idea. If I accept this sure it might turn out alright but I was to make him indebted to me so he would take a second thought if he ever comes across the thought of getting rid of me. What bout Genos's arm? Yes, it's definitely a weapon and it doesn't need maintenance. Extremely strong and durable though I'll have to adjust it so it can connect it to human tissue and make sure it can run on chakra instead. Wait what about his eyes? I can make him a cybernetic eyeball that would be capable of a lot of things.

"Your eye?"

"What of it."

"I can make an arm and an eye."

"Oh, very well how long do you think it will take?"

"Don't know..."

"Hmmm, very well, Neko!"

An ANBU appeared beside Danzo kneeling in front of him. "Hai!"

"He shall wait outside your house if there is anything you need such as a material or food you may ask him and when you have finished inform him and he will bring you to me. If you have met my expectations I shall provide a monthly stipend funds with your sister's academy tuition as well as any other necessities you might need. Is that acceptable?"

I nodded.

"Very well, Neko you are tasked with his protection Hebi will take the night shift."

"Hai Danzo-sama." With that the next instant I was in front of my house.

Great, how the hell am I suppose to tell Tenten about this without traumatizing her?
Normally I'd say Danzo killed him since he lived in Canon (I assume), but it could be a butterfly effect. If he ends up joining root then I'll put my money on a Danzo plot, since he wouldn't need to kill the dad to get a mecha-arm.
This is getting more and more interesting by the chapter, looking forward to what comes of our little blacksmiths pseudo automail and it's usage compared to puppet prosthetics of the sand. My mind goes to the asura path chakra canon arm for naruto type automail.
There's great opportunity here, there must be plenty of ninja that are crippled by the loss of limbs but are otherwise combat capable, seems like something the village would be willing to invest in, especially if he can figure out how to make prosthetics that can let them do jutsu.
I personally like that danzo is portrait as a human being who does other things then kill baby's and being a egotistical jerk than literally every other fic. Sure he believes that he is doing the right thing with his ROOT but he is still a Elder of the village and has therefore in his long live made friends and had comrades (how alive they are is a different topic). He is not a one dimensionally Being who just who needs more and more power! Sure as Shit I personally cannot support that myself, ROOT is a mind breaking and kidnapping Organisation that should put down. But the Characters are more than just the tiny glimpse that we (as a outside context entity) see.

Godammit I didn't want to write that much... Meh whatever, have Fun everyone😉😁
Chapter 6 The ARM.
In the end I couldn't bring myself to tell Tenten about anything.

Once she had gone to bed I went to the forge and started it up. Once it was sufficient;y hot I stated to put in scrap metal.

Scrap metal is basically things like broken kunai or shuriken, metal shavings or metal object that is thrown in the trash.

Since using something reduces the cost by a huge amount I'm going to need a lot if I wan't to finish them any time soon.

While I waited for the scrap metal to start melting I began to hum a tune as I opened my status.

You've gained Singing Lvl 1.
Syncing with previous experiences....
Singing now Lvl 4.

Huh, that's new.

Ryuuto Muramasa
Level 11
HP: 9044/9044 (STR * AGI * END)
MANA: 100/100 (INT * WIS)
Chakra: 170/170 (END * WIS)
Regen 110/min (WIS * PER) (Mana and Chakra)
Chakra Control: E (0.58%)

EXP (300/51200)
STR: 28
PER: 11
AGI: 19
WIS: 10
INT: 10
END: 17

Status Effects:None

Gamer's Mind (Toggled) ON/OFF
Gamer's BODY (Toggled) ON/OFF
ID Create Lvl 1 (Active)
Smithing Lvl 11
Drawing Lvl 17
Cooking Lvl 18
Cleaning Lvl 12
Gun Proficiency Lvl 22
Observe Lvl (1/4)
The Magic Forge Lvl. (N/A)
Singing Lvl 4

Skill Points: 3
Status Points: 15

Skill Shop

Right now? I needed someway to reduce the time it takes to build the Arm and the eye Using the magic forge. If I increase my Wisdom it would increase my Mana, Chakra and Regeneration. However it would Danzo or the ANBU that was outside at this very moment guarding the gate would pick up on the fact if my chakra suddenly increased...Or maybe not. I didn't know. In the end I decided to put all my points into Perception. That would increase my regeneration which would allow me to put much more Mana without any obvious outward changes.

Ryuuto Muramasa
Level 11
HP: 9044/9044 (STR * AGI * END)
MANA: 100/100 (INT * WIS)
Chakra: 170/170 (END * WIS)
Regen 260/min (WIS * PER) (Mana and Chakra)
Chakra Control: E (0.58%)

EXP (300/51200)
STR: 28
PER: 26
AGI: 19
WIS: 10
INT: 10
END: 17

Status Effects:None

Gamer's Mind (Toggled) ON/OFF
Gamer's BODY (Toggled) ON/OFF
ID Create Lvl 1 (Active)
Smithing Lvl 11
Drawing Lvl 17
Cooking Lvl 18
Cleaning Lvl 12
Gun Proficiency Lvl 22
Observe Lvl (1/4)
The Magic Forge Lvl. (N/A)
Singing Lvl 4

Skill Points: 3
Status Points: 0

Skill Shop

When I did that I felt the world change...No the world didn't change. I changed. My vision had become clearer. Like as if I switched from 720p to 1080p. Like I could see the details of thing far better. My hearing improved as well it was not that much of a difference but it definitely was noticeable. Even my sense of smell. I could smell, the air, there was somethings I couldn't put my hands on exactly but I knew even my sense of smell had improved a bit.

My Regen was now sitting at a 260/min, that was not enough. It took me hours to forge an ordinary gun albeit silenced and with extra security. Something as complicated as what I was doing now? It would take forever.

I clicked on skill shop and typed "Regeneration."

There were quite a lot of regeneration skills, but they were something for another time.

I clicked on the one I was searching for.
Mana Regeneration - An ability given to those of special heritage that allows faster recovery of MP.

At level 1- 100% increased MP regeneration. 1 Point.
At Level 2- 200% increased MP regeneration. 2 Points.
At Level 3- 400% increased MP regeneration. 3 Points.
At Level 4- 800% increased MP regeneration. 4 Points.

I choose level 3 and watched the three skill points I had remaining dissapear.

You have gained Mana Regeneration Level 3 - 400% increased MP regeneration. This skill can be upgraded using skill points.

Which means, unlike most skills I couldn't manually increase this skill. Shaking my head I opened my status window once more.

Ryuuto Muramasa
Level 11
HP: 9044/9044 (STR * AGI * END)
MANA: 100/100 (INT * WIS)
Chakra: 170/170 (END * WIS)
Chakra Regen 260/min (WIS * PER)
Mana Regen 1040/min (WIS*PER) (400%)
Chakra Control: E (0.58%)

EXP (300/51200)
STR: 28
PER: 26
AGI: 19
WIS: 10
INT: 10
END: 17

Status Effects:None

Gamer's Mind (Toggled) ON/OFF
Gamer's BODY (Toggled) ON/OFF
ID Create Lvl 1 (Active)
Smithing Lvl 11
Drawing Lvl 17
Cooking Lvl 18
Cleaning Lvl 12
Gun Proficiency Lvl 22
Observe Lvl (1/4)
The Magic Forge Lvl. (N/A)
Singing Lvl 4
Mana Regeneration Level 3 - 400% increased MP regeneration.

Skill Points: 0
Status Points: 0

Skill Shop

I continued to hum as I poured out the molten steel into a rectangle mold and placed it back. Then I called forth MJOLNIR! No just kidding. I activated The Magic forge and the Hammer of Science and Magic appeared before me once more.

He wanted me to meet his expectations? No I was going to blow his expectations right out of the water. I had a pride as a smith!

I began to channel Mana into it. Much more than I had before and the turbines of the hammer began to spin. And this time it was not agonizingly slow. The turbines spun at about a hundred RPM or little over one and a half revolutions every second. The blue glow was actually much more visible and it actually looked like a magic hammer now as it hummed.

I began with the image in my mind to recreate Genos's arm and to make it to easily attachable to a Human body. It would connect to the nerves of the user and can be removes easily if the user desires so. The Arm has a miniature core in it that takes in the users chakra at a slow rate depending on the users chakra regeneration it would always take in at a rate just enough that the Chakra of the user is not completely full. The chakra is stored for use in a later date when the user it out of chakra and is suffering from chakra exhaustion or the user requests it. It can also be used to power the weapons system if the user does not wish to use his own reserves at the moment.

The Arm will be connected to the cybernetic eye as a way to provide the user with an easy user interface to aim and command the weapons systems.


There are three main weapons within the arms.


The Incineration canon.


The High voltage fist.


The Arm Lasers.


And a Hidden blade.


Oh and a self destruct system should the user wish to activate it. Once activated every single bit chakra stored within the core with be detonated in an explosion. The radius of the explosion will depend on the amount of chakra within it but at most it will easily be able to form a crater a few kilometers wide.


The arm can be used like a normal arm as it will connect itself to the nerves of the user and the connection will be snappy and painless.


It had has two modes. In the normal mode it would look just like an ordinary arm and would take the skin tone and age of the user its connected to. During this time the weapons sytems will be offline. The touch and heat sensors only in normal mode. In other words he would be able to feel again from his right arm even if it's mechanical.


It takes about half a second for the hand to mechashift from an ordinady looking hand to Genos's cybernetic version with all weapons activated and ready to go and can be activated and controlled through the cybernetic eye.


The movement of the hand ofcourse still controlled by the nerves like a regular hand.


The cybernetic eye will provide a HUD with all the control systems.


It also has several sensors including infrared sensor, ultra violet sensor and and camera with 1000fps at normal mode and 20,000 fps in combat mode.


In normal mode the eyes would look like a normal eyeball with a black iris and a white sclera and when switched to combat mode it had a glowing yellow iris and a black sclera.


It can also capture and store video and pictures and project it on any surface that the user faces the Audio will be generated from a speaker in the arm.


It should have a resolution of 1024 mega pixels.


To store the data the The arm has an internal storage of 1 Petabyte.


With these conditions and image now within the hammer I continued to hammer away.














I had I manged to finish both the eye and the arm.... i had spent the whole night smithing. It was morning and the sun was rising a cock crowed.

I deactivated the Magic forge and the hammer disappeared.

I stood up and stretched. Though there was no need to due to the gamer's body.

I put the hand into a wooden case and the eyeball into a jar of water.

With the two in each hand I called out to the ANBU.

"Neko?" I called out.

The ANBU appeared in front of me.

"It's done."

The ANBU placed his hands on my shoulder and we disappeared.
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Forgot to threadmark and from supernatural to sci-fi ok hope you train more cause true freedom are for those with the power to defend it
To store the data the The arm takes a single gram of DNA from the user,
And then Danzo dies since 1/50th of all his DNA is sucked out of his body in an effort to fill a gram's worth of DNA. That's 1/50th of his entire body dying. Probaby dead in one to two days like radiation poisoning. Thirty minutes if it goes after his mitochondrial dna as well.
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Main complaint I have is that the speaks and types to use his power... has he forgotten this is a world with super humans wielding super skills with super senses? I'm waiting for the enthusiastic visit from T&I.