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Chapter 1

Jaune Pendragon

King Of Servants
You know when I thought I would be in a self insert one day I thought maybe I would have some kind of superpowers.

But no apparently not.

I was four years old when I regained my memories of my previous life.

I stared blankly at the screen in front of me.

Level 1
HP : 6/6 (STR * AGI * END)
MANA : 72/72 (INT * WIS) Regen 8/min (WIS * PER)
Chakra: 24/24 (END * WIS)
EXP (0/50)
STR : 2
PER : 1
AGI : 1
WIS : 8
INT : 9
END : 3

Gamer's Mind (Toggled) ON/OFF
Gamer's BODY (Toggled) ON/OFF
ID Create Lvl 1 (Active)

Skill Points : 0
Status Points : 0

Skill Shop

No wonder I wasn't freaking out. Because next to me was a little Tenten playing with a wooden shuriken.

Great just great.


There was Tenten who was my older sister, then there was my Father, I'm not really sure how old he was but he has some white hair growing in his beard.

Once I was 5 years old father allowed me to help out in the shop just like he did Tenten, and Tenten now watched him work in the smithy.

Junichiro our Dad, was a Black Smith. He makes shuriken and Kunai, senbon, Katana's, Wakizashi and a few other weapons. Rarely a special order some times does come from time to time.

And sometimes Ninja's come to have their weapons maintained.

I wanted to watch the smithy too but until next year I'll have to be satisfied with helping the shop.

The shuriken, kunai, katana, other weapons shone in their cases ready to be used.

Oh and Explosives tags. Can't forget those.

Those are just some of the things that are bought the most.

Weapons huh.

Even the most powerful ninja like Madara used kunai.

This was a world where death could occur at any second.

But I wasn't afraid of death. Not anymore atleast. I was afraid of pain yes, not death though.

Since now I know that Reincarnation is what comes after Death.


I took out my diary and began to sketch diagrams.

Diagrams of what I wanted to build in the future.

Since I would eventually get access to a lot of stuff I need to make all sorts of weapons.

Combined with the fact Dad is pretty Good at Fuinjutsu I was pretty sure there was going to be a lot of options.


I'm six years old now and Tenten is 7 today is the first day at the academy.

She seems quite excited.

I stay silent observing and learning.

I am usually silent. I don't talk unless necessary.

Dad and Tenten have gotten used to that and dad was quite proud. I was a prodigy to him.

Quest : Drop off your sister on her first day at the Academy.
50 XP

Level Up
You're now Level 7.

Once we dropped her off at the Academy and as we were heading back home I turn to my Father and asked him.


"Oh, you want to learn Fuuinjutsu? Why?"

"Diverse Applications."

"Hmmm yes, that's true Fuuinjutsu is indeed one of the most diverse but it's also difficult to understand Do you know why?"

I shook my head. "Negative."

"What makes Fuuinjutsu special is that each person has their own style of Fuuinjutsu."

I didn't understand.

"Query. Sealmasters?"

Dad threw his head back and laughed. "Tell me, boy, what is in the Ink that is used for sealing?"

"Ink, Blood."

"Good now you remember what I told you about Chakra." I nodded. "Then what do you think is in the blood? that is used in the sealing ink?"

My eyes widened. "Chakra."

He grinned. "Good, you see Fuinjutsu is just us to write down what we want to happen. The problem is the language."

I tilted my head in confusion.

"Take 火 for example." He took out a notebook and a pencil before drawing 火. "Now what if i do this?"

He draws another of the same symbols except it's not. There was a slight mark on the top.

My eyes widened. Then the mean of the symbol changes completely.

"You see? Say if a Sinobi were to use a storage tag. and he channels his Chakra to it. The problem is one of the symbols present was not meant to be there Not on purpose but because the maker just accidentally was a tiny bit out of place. What happens? As I said before Chakra is the combination of our mental and physical energies. So what you understand your Chakra also understands, and when it reads what is in the faulty explosive tag it, it makes no sense to it and it becomes unstable. That's why when someone wants' to start learning seals the first thing they learn is caligraphy. They write and write until there have perfected it. The rest that depends entirely on that person. Then it also has to be very specific. Say you make an explosive tag. You have to include the radius of the explosion, how long before the tag explodes, how hot it should get. Whatever the seal it should be very specific. For example, what do you think would happen if you forgot to put how long it takes to explode?"

My face whitened as I realised the implications.

"Hahaha. Don't worry boy, I'll make sure you learn it right!"

New Quest: Learn the Rules of Sealing from your Dad and make your own seal.
Reward: 5000XP
[O] [

I accepted the quest.

Six months have passed.

I've come quite far in my understanding of the rules of sealing now I've watched my father use the forge and helped him at times.

Today I was going to be the day I created my first creation in the smithy.

"Boy? Ya coming or what?"

"Momentarily" I called back.

"Status" I whispered.

Level 8
HP: 672/672 (STR * AGI * END)
MANA: 72/72 (INT * WIS) Regen 88/min (WIS * PER)
Chakra: 48/48 (END * WIS)
EXP (6120/6400)
STR: 12
PER: 11
AGI: 16
WIS: 8
INT: 9
END: 7

Gamer's Mind (Toggled) ON/OFF
Gamer's BODY (Toggled) ON/OFF
ID Create Lvl 1 (Active)
Smithing Lvl 1

Skill Points: 7
Status Points: 0

Skill Shop

I've been saving up my Skill points for a certain skill in the Skill Shop.

I pressed on Skill Shop and list of possible skills for purchase appeared.

There were so many skills there that there was a search bar in the corner.

On the bar, I typed "Smith."

I scrolled down through the search result until I found what I was looking for.

THE MAGIC FORGE - a user with this skill can smith any weapon they desire with a forge, a hammer and an anvil. The Skill will consume Mana from the user proportional to the mass and energy contained by the object being created, Using physical Materials will greatly reduce the amount of Mana required. The better the understanding of how the weapon is made will also reduce the cost of Mana. Can also be used to Repair weapons that are normally beyond repair. - COST 7 Skill Points.
Would you like to Purchase this skill?

[O] [

I hit the circle and watched as nearly 2 years worth of Skill points disappeared.

You have learned THE MAGIC FORGE

Closing the windows I heaved down to the smithy I, of course, I was not going to use the skill now. Dad would probably have a heart attack. I think I'll keep this a secret for a while.

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The progression actually seems realistic, which is nice. Way too many Naruto gamer fics end up jumping huge amounts in 6 months. What are the chakra costs of various jutsu like? Replacement, clone, fireball? And how does chakra control factor in?

Looks cool anyways, especially the artificer trend starting, rather than instant super ninja.
The progression actually seems realistic, which is nice. Way too many Naruto gamer fics end up jumping huge amounts in 6 months. What are the chakra costs of various jutsu like? Replacement, clone, fireball? And how does chakra control factor in?

Looks cool anyways, especially the artificer trend starting, rather than instant super ninja.
Its kinda funny that the Gamer ability Idea usage is an excuse to make a character godlike, when Han is just level 100.
Its kinda funny that the Gamer ability Idea usage is an excuse to make a character godlike, when Han is just level 100.
Its a great ability, but it frequently turns into you got 10000xp and leveled up 5 times for killing that giant zombie in your instant dungeon with a 24:1 time compression. I like the gamer bits, the stats and hard numbers to track things, but its best when its not the sole focus of the characters life. Its end up being more on the end of porn without plot or porn with plot, versus plot with porn.

You can even get to the god like power too, but a lot of time its hand waved around in like one chapter of training, or even a few years of time skip. But in world, people worked for at least a decade to get there. The gamer can speed that up, what with direct numerical improvements rather than realistic biological processes, but becoming a god in a year or two is a bit much to cover so quickly and without substance to fill. I want to read about the gamer overcoming obstacles, and exploiting observe, and maybe a few rofl-stomps along the way to godhood.
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Its a great ability, but it frequently turns into you got 10000xp and leveled up 5 times for killing that giant zombie in your instant dungeon with a 24:1 time compression. I like the gamer bits, the stats and hard numbers to track things, but its best when its not the sole focus of the characters life. Its end up being more on the end of porn without plot or porn with plot, versus plot with porn.

You can even get to the god like power too, but a lot of time its hand waved around in like one chapter of training, or even a few years of time skip. But in world, people worked for at least a decade to get there. The gamer can speed that up, what with direct numerical improvements rather than realistic biological processes, but becoming a god in a year or two is a bit much to cover so quickly and without substance to fill. I want to read about the gamer overcoming obstacles, and exploiting observe, and maybe a few rofl-stomps along the way to godhood.
It can definitely increase your power, but you still have to put in a shit load of effort in, the only way you can get godlike with it is if you train like your in DBZ.
Chapter 2 Moving on
Slowly dipping the red hot blade into the bath of water it lets out a hiss as the glowing blade Rapidly cools down.

After about a minute I take it back out and remove it from the tongs.

My first blade.

It was fucking horrible.
Smithing has Reached Level 2

Your END has increased by 1.
There were jagged bits at the side and the blade itself was uneven. Its weight was completely off balance. All in all even a dying Shinobi would not use the blade that I just made.

Father opened his hand wordlessly requesting for the blade and I hand it to him.

He inspected it all over. Carefully going about every detail.

"You know I think I'll hang this on the wall."

"What?" My eyes opened wide. Why would he want such a ridiculous piece of metal? And why hang it? To shame me?

He seemed to somehow understand what I was thinking. "boy, you know when I first took the art of blacksmithing my first creation was a helmet for my Ma. When I gave her the iron helmet I had smithed do you know what she said? She said Thank you for the nice Wok and asked what I would want for dinner. She didn't know that it was a helmet. "

I snorted at the mental image of a bicycle helmet being used for a Wok.

Dad's grin widened." I know right? Though I never ever told her that it wasn't a wok. And she's still using it as a wok even today. So I'd say this is actually pretty impressive work son. As you improve you'll get better."

I nodded.

"Well, I think it's time we go pick your sister up. Ya coming?" he asking as he placed my blade away.

I nodded and followed along.


I glanced around as we waited by the academy gates.

The academy had was fairly.big.

About 6 floors?

It was quite interesting.

"So, you want to join the Academy, boy?"

I shook my head. "Negative."

"Oh? You don't want to be a Ninja?"

I nodded. "Restrictive, No Freedom."

"I see, I suppose that's true, as a Ninja you can't just leave the Village whenever you like to. You'd have to file a permission slip for a Leave or Vacation and even then it's not certain that you'll be allowed to take your Vacation outside the Leaf. "

I nodded solemnly. Being ninjas were cool and all but I prefer my freedom remained intact.

That also meant I needed to grow stronger.

Oh here comes. Tenten.


Asking my father for permission I left the house towards the market.

There were quite a lot of stalls and shops with different kinds of products.

I was searching for a certain shop...

Ah, there you are.

I had to get a taste of this place.

Ichiraku Ramen. Let's see what's so special about it.

Heading inside I took a seat on a stool as the waitress turned around.

"Welcome to Ichiraku Ramen, may I take your order?"

She asked as she handed me a menu.

Hmm. Let's see.

Chicken Ramen, Pork Ramen, Miso Ramen, Shoyu Ramen, Tonkotsu Ramen, Sheo Ramen...

Oh, wait. My eyes fell onto something that stood out.

Red Hot Habanero Ramen.

I pointed towards it.

Ayame gave a small smile. "One Red Hot Habanero ramen coming up."

"Oh? It's been a while since someone had ordered that. I made that Ramen for a very special customer of mine. It's very spicy are you sure?"

I nodded as fast as I could.

"Alright then."

As I waited for a familiar smell wafted through the air and my nose twitched.

The smell of Habaneros. The most delicious chilli in existence. It had a special taste and smell that couldn't be replicated by any chilli powder and was not present on any other Chilli, as they were the goto chilli in the Maldives and as Maldivian, I smell reminds me of the home in my previous life.

After the last King of Maldives އަލްއަމީރު މުޙަންމަދު ފަރީދު ދީދީ. (Al'amīru Muḥanmadu Farīdu Dīdī) passed away in 1969, came Ibrahim Nasir, the first President, but after him came Maumoon Abdul Qaiyoom. And the Golden Ages of the Maldives ended. A tyrant had gotten to Power while the rest of the world remained ignorant of his true nature, to the Maldivians he was a Nightmare. He was a tyrant of his own calibre, denying the citizens the freedom of knowledge and hunting down renowned scholars and throwing them in jail or executing them. Knowledge of religion was forbidden.

With the knowledgeable scholars in Jail, he had them tortured. Any Religious books burnt even from public libraries. However, the Maldives is a very small country. Even when I had died the population-averaged about 250,000. If anyone was caught with a Religous book or anything similar they were captured and thrown in jail, tortured or executed.

So religion had to be practised in secret and Religious book smuggled in as if they were drugs.
Slowly and steadily Books Knowledge and Religion were smuggled from person to person. When one person had finished learning a book they would smuggle it to someone who the knew and hadn't learned it yet.

And so 30 Years later in 2008. We were finally free of the tyrant. Abdul Gayoom's opponents and international human rights groups had accused him of employing terror tactics against dissidents, such as arbitrary arrests, detention without trial, employing torture, forced confessions, and politically motivated killings. Abdul Gayoom's tenure was marked by corruption, for a country so small, appalling human rights abuses and instances of torture.

After the Tyrant came the Fool named Nasheed. While he was not as bad as Qayoom his short rule was him taking the money of the citizens and putting them in his pockets and for selling our freedom.

The Maldives. one of the Countries that had freedom for literally ever he sold out to the Indians and the American's by selling them several Islands and allowing them to build military bases there. Just because of his greed.

Yet even though the difficulties, we continued, moving forward together. I wonder what's happening over there now?

"Here you go, one Red Hot Habanero Ramen. Enjoy."

I shook my head as I snapped out my fugue.

It was a large bowl of ramen with eggs, Narutomaki, and the what made it special the Habanero.

I broke apart the chopsticks and took a bite.

It was spicy.

I took a sip of the broth.

It was delicious.

I kept the bowl down letting out a sigh as tears rolled down my cheeks.

But it reminded me of home. The pristine white beaches, the green harbour, the times I played on the beach with my parents. Climbing the coconut palms, making snacks, going to school, watching anime with my parents and I died at the age of 19.

A virgin and without a girlfriend.

"KId are you alright, I told you it's spicy!" Teuchi looked concerned.

I shook my head. "Just reminded me of home."

But I have a new life now, and I'm going to live it the best that I can.

I gave them a smile and Teushi gave a sigh of relief then I took another mouthful of ramen and broth.

"Water!" I gasped unable to take the burning in my mouth anymore.

Ayame had a glass of ice water ready.

Downing glass I felt the burn lessen a bit and then I took another bite and another sip of the broth.

I enjoyed the deliciousness of the Habanero flavour for a few more seconds before the burn started to become unbearable again.


And so by the time I had finished the bowl of my stomach completely full as I gave it a satisfied pat.

You have consumed Red Hot Habanero Ramen. Your STR and END are Multiplied by 2 for 6 hours.



Level 8
HP: 672/672 (5376/5376) (STR * AGI * END)
MANA: 72/72 (INT * WIS) Regen 88/min (WIS * PER)
Chakra: 64/64 (128/128) (END * WIS)
EXP (6120/6400)
STR: 12 (24)
PER: 11
AGI: 16
WIS: 8
INT: 9
END: 8(16)

Status Effects:

Gamer's Mind (Toggled) ON/OFF
Gamer's BODY (Toggled) ON/OFF
ID Create Lvl 1 (Active)
Smithing Lvl 2

Skill Points: 0
Status Points: 0

Skill Shop

Clicking on overdrive a second screen pops up.

STR and END are Multiplied by 2 for 5:59:54.

You have consumed a Legendary Item. The Red Hot Habanero Ramen that Kushina Uzumaki had craved for when she was pregnant with her child and ate in amounts that should in all sensibilities not considered healthy. Causes the body to increase its metabolism to double. providing a huge energy boost. It also increases the bodies heat output due to the increase in metabolism. Once the time expires Strength and endurance are reduced by half as the body requires rest.



No wonder. You could get a bowl of normal ramen from about 1200 Ryo to 2000 for the big ones

My wallet cried that night.
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After the last King of Maldives އަލްއަމީރު މުޙަންމަދު ފަރީދު ދީދީ. (Al'amīru Muḥanmadu Farīdu Dīdī) passed away in 1969, came Ibrahim Nasir, the first President, but after him came Maumoon Abdul Qaiyoom. And the Golden Ages of the Maldives ended. A tyrant had gotten to Power while the rest of the world remained ignorant of his true nature, to the Maldivians he was a Nightmare. He was a tyrant of his own calibre, denying the citizens the freedom of knowledge and hunting down renowned scholars and throwing them in jail or executing them. Knowledge of religion was forbidden.

With the knowledgeable scholars in Jail, he had them tortured. Any Religious books burnt even from public libraries. However, the Maldives is a very small country. Even when I had died the population-averaged about 250,000. If anyone was caught with a Religous book or anything similar they were captured and thrown in jail, tortured or executed.

So religion had to be practised in secret and Religious book smuggled in as if they were drugs.
Slowly and steadily Books Knowledge and Religion were smuggled from person to person. When one person had finished learning a book they would smuggle it to someone who the knew and hadn't learned it yet.

And so 30 Years later in 2008. We were finally free of the tyrant. Abdul Gayoom's opponents and international human rights groups had accused him of employing terror tactics against dissidents, such as arbitrary arrests, detention without trial, employing torture, forced confessions, and politically motivated killings. Abdul Gayoom's tenure was marked by corruption, for a country so small, appalling human rights abuses and instances of torture.

After the Tyrant came the Fool named Nasheed. While he was not as bad as Qayoom his short rule was him taking the money of the citizens and putting them in his pockets and for selling our freedom.

The Maldives. one of the Countries that had freedom for literally ever he sold out to the Indians and the American's by selling them several Islands and allowing them to build military bases there. Just because of his greed.
While the history lesson is useful for characterization. You had to much of it with too little of the rest of the story. He should have been comparing it to the current government or something. A little less in this case would have worked better and wouldn't serve to bring me out of the story. The first paragraph at most and even though really isn't appliacable to the setting of Naruto unless you're going to be doing a political story... in that case it needs to be done with in world context, like if he's talking to the Hokage or Daimyou.

Focus more on what was left behind rather than a general overview. Now if you were going to write a story based on that quote information, yes go for it. But for a character who is ripped away from everything he knows. Focus more on positives he no longer has.

Also spoiler the song, its another giant thing that brings me out of the story.
Chapter 3 The Beggining
New Update Available. Update?

Sure why not. I pressed the circle and went to sleep

Updating... Please Wait...

When I woke up the next morning I was greeted with the sun in my eyes, the birds chirping outside and two screens in front of me.

You had a great sleep, and feel alert and invigorated! +10% XP earned and +2 END and AGI for 8 hours.

Well, that's never happened before. I guess the update did work.

Update Complete.

New Features added.

Missing Features Added. Chakra Control.

You need Chakra Control in Order to Execute Jutsu. Each Jutsu has a Minimum Chakra Control Requirement.

Chakra Control is Ranked as. F, E, D, C, B, A, S, SS, EX.

E Rank Jutsu will require a Minimum of E rank Chakra Control.

Opening my Status I confirmed the change.

Level 8
HP: 1536/1536 (2160/2160) (STR * AGI * END)
MANA: 72/72 (INT * WIS) Regen 88/min (WIS * PER)
Chakra: 64/64 (80/80) (END * WIS)
Chakra Control: F (0.00%)

EXP (6150/6400)
STR: 12
PER: 11
AGI: 16 (+2)
WIS: 8
INT: 9
END: 8 (+2)

Status Effects :
Well Rested (7: 59:49.)

Gamer's Mind (Toggled) ON/OFF
Gamer's BODY (Toggled) ON/OFF
ID Create Lvl 1 (Active)
Smithing Lvl 2
Drawing Lvl 6
Cooking Lvl 7
Cleaning Lvl 4

Skill Points: 0
Status Points: 0

Skill Shop

Well, it's not much but it'll do something I guess?

Clang! Clang!

Huh, dad's at the smithy at this time? Usually, he wakes up around 7. Not at 6 like I do and even then take a while to wake up. Then we drop off Tenten at the Academy.

I suppose It's time to make breakfast.

Early Bird gets the worm.
Make Breakfast not just for yourself but your father and sister as well.

Rewards 50XP


Alright now, this is what I'm talking about.


Early Bird gets the worm.
Make Breakfast not just for yourself but your father and sister as well.

Rewards 50XP + 5XP. Completed.
Breakfast was a quiet affair...

Well more like Tenten was talking about her time in the Academy and I nodded along while Dad was muttering about something to himself.

"Alright Ryuuto can you go with Tenten today I have something important to do."

"Oh, can I go to the park after?"

He nodded. "Just make sure to be back before dinner and be careful."

I nodded.

Your Dad trusts you to be home by ten after dropping off Tenten at the Academy.

Rewards 200XP


"So Dad, said you're not going to join the Academy?" I nodded. "Why?"

"Not worth."

"Oh come on, we'll both be in a team and I'll be Tsunade you'll be Jiraiya."

"No thank you."

"Fine. Then what are you going to do?"

"Invent Weapons."

Her eyes shone like stars. "And then you'll let me try them?"

"Sure." I shrugged.

"Who. I can't wait. So do you have any designs?"


I whispered as a 64 X 64 table appeared. Each one capable of holding 99 Items of itself.

I reached into my pocket to keep up appearances as I took out my diary and showed her some of the weapons that I drew on it.

"That's a staff."


"What's so special about it?"

"Nyoibō. Lengthens and shrinks on voice command. No Limit."

Her eyes widened. "How?"

I shrugged. "Fuuinjutsu?"

"Hmmm. I can't even begin to understand how you are going to do it. How is it going to lengthen without any limit? Won't it break?

I didn't know. I planned to figure it out once I've finished my studies in Fujitsu.

I couldn't create it with THE MAGIC FORGE since it's intended purpose was not as a weapon even if Goku used it one.

So I shrugged and put the dairy back in my pocket.

"See ya, Bro."

Hmm, I didn't even realise that we've arrived. Giving her a small wave I headed towards the park.

Level 8
HP: 1536/1536 (2160/2160) (STR * AGI * END)
MANA: 72/72 (INT * WIS) Regen 88/min (WIS * PER)
Chakra: 64/64 (80/80) (END * WIS)
Chakra Control: F (0.00%)

EXP (6150/6400)
STR: 12
PER: 11
AGI: 16 (+2)
WIS: 8
INT: 9
END: 8 (+2)

Status Effects:
Well Rested (7: 14:12.)

Gamer's Mind (Toggled) ON/OFF
Gamer's BODY (Toggled) ON/OFF
ID Create Lvl 1 (Active)
Smithing Lvl 2
Drawing Lvl 6
Cooking Lvl 7
Cleaning Lvl 4

Skill Points: 0
Status Points: 0

Skill Shop

Look at that F rank Chakra control. I need to get that up soon and fast. That's the reason I came to the park for.

For making a wise decision you have been awarded +1 WIS.

Was the system mocking me?

For making a wise deduction you have been awarded +1 WIS.

Well, fuck you too.

Walking up to one of the plants I took a leaf from it and placed it on my forehead before.

I closed my eyes as I focused my chakra to my forehead.

It didn't stay for more than a second.

I put a bit more and it simply flew off.

Yeah, I'm going to have to work on this. I took a few leaves and stuffed them into my inventory through my pocket and continued practising.

This was going to take a while.

Turns out chakra control exercises don't actually take much chakra. However, with my absurdly tiny reserves, I had to take a break every few minutes and I did manage to keep the leaf on my head for about a minute in the end.

As the sun started to set i decided it was enough for today and started to head home.


Your Dad trusts you to be home by ten after dropping off Tenten at the Academy.

Rewards 200XP

Level Up! You've reached level 9!

"Status" I called out as I entered the bathroom, opened the faucet and began to shower.

Level 9
HP: 1536/1536 (STR * AGI * END)
MANA: 90/90 (INT * WIS)
Chakra: 80/80 (END * WIS)
Regen 110/min (WIS * PER) (Mana and Chakra)
Chakra Control: F (17.58%)

EXP (5/12800)
STR: 12
PER: 11
AGI: 16
WIS: 10
INT: 9
END: 8

Status Effects: None

Gamer's Mind (Toggled) ON/OFF
Gamer's BODY (Toggled) ON/OFF
ID Create Lvl 1 (Active)
Smithing Lvl 2
Drawing Lvl 6
Cooking Lvl 7
Cleaning Lvl 4

Skill Points: 1
Status Points: 5

Skill Shop

Opening Skill Shop I Searched for it and bought it.

Would you like to Purchase this skill?

[O] [X]

You have learned the skill Observe.

Opening my status I clicked on my new skill. Believe me, I tried staring at things and people for quite a while and all I got was a lot of nothings and some people staring back.

A Skill to find the target's information. It tells the target's HP, MP, and Chakra.

Now, which of my stats should I put my points in? Hmmm...
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While the history lesson is useful for characterization. You had to much of it with too little of the rest of the story. He should have been comparing it to the current government or something. A little less in this case would have worked better and wouldn't serve to bring me out of the story. The first paragraph at most and even though really isn't appliacable to the setting of Naruto unless you're going to be doing a political story... in that case it needs to be done with in world context, like if he's talking to the Hokage or Daimyou.

Focus more on what was left behind rather than a general overview. Now if you were going to write a story based on that quote information, yes go for it. But for a character who is ripped away from everything he knows. Focus more on positives he no longer has.

Also spoiler the song, its another giant thing that brings me out of the story.
Ah my mistake.... My Apologies.
Staff Notice: Please be careful of slurs in the future.
I just wish the SI would talk normally.

In story it's said he's seen as a genius, at least by his father, but
with his talking he feels more like an retard to me.
While the history lesson is useful for characterization. You had to much of it with too little of the rest of the story. He should have been comparing it to the current government or something. A little less in this case would have worked better and wouldn't serve to bring me out of the story. The first paragraph at most and even though really isn't appliacable to the setting of Naruto unless you're going to be doing a political story... in that case it needs to be done with in world context, like if he's talking to the Hokage or Daimyou.

Focus more on what was left behind rather than a general overview. Now if you were going to write a story based on that quote information, yes go for it. But for a character who is ripped away from everything he knows. Focus more on positives he no longer has.

Also spoiler the song, its another giant thing that brings me out of the story.
One thing to note it is completely true. After all, I am a Maldivian myself. Unlike my other SI's I'm actually putting my perspective in this story.

I just wish the SI would talk normally.

In story it's said he's seen as a genius, at least by his father, but
with his talking he feels more like an retard to me.
Cool I guess? He thinks it's cool so he speaks that way... Ergo he's trying to Shard Speak.
One thing to note it is completely true. After all, I am a Maldivian myself. Unlike my other SI's I'm actually putting my perspective in this story.
That's fine, its important to characterization. Just make sure to give it value in the story and context. Like this is a food scene, why not focus on your homeland's actual food in comparison to japanese? Something along those lines. Context matters.
That's fine, its important to characterization. Just make sure to give it value in the story and context. Like this is a food scene, why not focus on your homeland's actual food in comparison to japanese? Something along those lines. Context matters.
Yes... Noted. THANK YOU for bieng one of the few to ACTUALLY properly criticize my work instead of flaming.
Also is there any glaring mistakes in the 3rd chapter?
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