The End and The Beginning-An ASOIAF Nation Game-IC

From: King Garth XII Gardener
To: House Lannister @Shebe Zuu

We are interested in conducting a marriage alliance with Casterly Rock. Who do the Lannisters have available?

To: House Durrandon @Moonbeam
Does Storm's End interest itself in arranging a marriage with House Gardener?
To His Grace King Garth XII Gardener, King of the Reach

It is indeed our belief that an alliance between our Kingdoms is greatly desirable in these uncertain times. Both of our Heir's children are as yet unmarried, and it is come time to consider a match for them, be it a betrothal or a marriage. His firstborn son Prince Gerold is 13 years of age, while his firstborn daughter Jenna is 9.

It is our hope that with a union, past transgressions may be forgotten and new glories forged together.

From His Grace Lyman Lannister, King of the Rock
The Triarchs serve Volantis. We will not remove our authority. What we offer is this. The Triarchs will not interfere in the affairs of the church of Rhllor and in turn you will recognize the authority of the Triarchs. Your temple can maintain a militia in order to protect pilgrims. We can also work together to expand the realm of Volantis, forging an empire. You can convert as many as you please and we will forge the realm into a coherent and powerful state.
Did you not understand that was precisely what I was asking? I accept "your" offer.
Volantis-1 AD
First Daughter of Valyria, Free City of Volantis - 0AD

Current Ruler:

Triarch Daemon Vhossar
Triarch Rhaenor Caenyreos
Triarch Taegon Barnalys
Type of Government: Triarchy
Capital: Volantis
Religion: Gods of Valyria, R'hllor the Lord of Light
@Ceslas Major Actions
-Naval expansion: Volantis will grow the navy of the city to unprecedented levels not only for trade but for war as well. We are going to secure former Valyrian territory under our banner and that requires force.

-Military Expansion: We will work to expand and train an army, composed of slaves and freemen, ready for the conquest of Essos and acquire and train elephants for the upcoming wars.

-Recover Valyrian Records and Individuals: It is possible that we are the last major source of Valyrian blood in the world and we are its stewards. We will try to gather pure blood Valyrians and records of Valyria in order to be copied and kept safe behind the Black Walls in the great libraries and ensure that pure Valyrian blood can continue into the future.

-Diplomacy: While we are undeniably the masters of the Valyrian legacy we must convince the world likewise. Through trade and subterfuge we will work to convince the world that we are in charge or at the very least powerful and wealthy. From the nomads to the remaining Valyrian states we will spread our word, our money and our goods.

Internal Events:
-Relations between the Triarchs and the followers of R'hllor are being repaired after devastating riots that burned the city of Volantis

-20,000 Infantry
-10,000 Cavalry
-100 ships
-50 river boats

Alliances, Agreements, Pacts, and Trade:

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To: His Grace, Arrec Durrandon, the First of His Name, Storm King, King of the Trident, Lord of the Stormlands and Riverlands, Lord of Storm's End, Guardian of Shipbreaker Bay and the God's Eye, and Protector of the Realm (@Moonbeam)

Greetings to You, King Durrandon,

Since the Doom of Valyria, Braavos has found itself breathing freer than ever before. Though slavery still reigns through much of Essos, the disappearance of the Dragonlords means that Braavos now dares to reach out to forge diplomatic links. However, I recognize that our cultures are rather distinct and that traditional Westerosi ways of forging such links would not work well for Braavos.

Despite this, it is my belief that wealth is universal in paving the way for friendly relations, and as such, it would please me to reach a trade agreement with Your realm, particularly to secure access to silver for the Braavosi jewelers, as well as possibly secure rights to purchase iron for the Braavosi arsenal. In addition, it is my belief that there is potential for economic growth in your realm, which could be reached with the aid of Iron Bank investments, which could be part of such an agreement.

If this is of interest to You, Braavos would gladly host a delegation of your men as to reach an agreement.

Lotho Temittis, Sealord of Braavos
To: Triarchs of Volantis
From: Pentos

Greetings to the Triarchs of Volantis on behalf of the Prince of Pentos. We have noticed that the after effects of the destruction of Valyria are still being felt in your noble city. As the closest city to Valyria, we ask for any information regarding the trade routes through the region. Does trade still flow or has it been disrupted? We of course also desire a resumption of full trade between our cities. However that seems dependent on how goes the internal situations of Tyrosh and Lys.

As a separate matter. Although it is known Volantis had not joined to support him, did any word reach your city as to what happened to Emperor Aurion and his large army?
Bumping for @EmperorCasey

From: Triarchs of Volantis, First Daughter of Valyria
To: Pentos

While trade was disrupted in the immediate aftermath of the Doom of Valyria we have worked hard to ensure that it continues. We assure you that trade ships are more than welcome to use Volanteen trading lanes and ports with full safety. We as well desire to maintain trade between ourselves. We likewise are concerned about the stability within our fellow cities. Volantis is immensely concerned with restoring order to the region and ensuring that Valyria has not truly fallen.

As for the Emperor Aurion we have heard nothing of him since he passed through our territory on the way back to Valyria. Our scouts have reported nothing and we fear that he and the last of the dragons are truly gone. Such a waste of life that could have maintained peace and order in the Freehold. We want to work with Pentos to ensure that peace.
Citizens and First Citizens

Meereen was a hard place to rule.

Lacking a proper and formal government, its administration has been split more or less evenly among its families who treat their political sphere of action as one of their many possessions. Needless to say, coming to an agreement in an environment like this was hard and without a consensus from its dozens of bickering families, many of which resentful on the next one for perceived slights committed centuries earlier, the city was at best on the brink of a perpetual consensual stalemate, and at worst IN a perpetual consensual stalemate.

It should thus be no wonder that in an environment like this, the desire to streamline the city's administration (no doubt at the political expense of the rival houses) emerges in the minds of many of Meereen's Great Masters, but until now none had a political project concise enough and/or the power to turn it into reality.
In the end, a political solution would come from the captain of the city guard, Markhaz of the House of Kandaq.
Gathering support among both his peers among the noble houses and the lower class free citizens and promising consistent privileges to the Graces in the city, Markhaz zo Kandaq woke up one day and jogged his way to the Great Pyramid, accompanied by the entirety of the city watch and a consistent slice of the citizenry, much of which included young and ambitious scions of ancient but minor families that never had the wealth to essentially buy their way into the city's administration.
A peaceful march that could have turned bloody with just a couple of wrong moves.

Forced at spearpoint, the Great Masters had no choice but to concede their positions and thus the city's administration was reorganized.
Meereen filled itself with interconnected tribunals, assemblies and councils, some filled through election and some through sorting, in both cases with candidates picked from free male citizens.
In such a system the Graces would be responsible for the sorting of the candidates and, through their clerical position, the divine legitimization of their offices, a position which, with the necessary knowledge of the sorting mechanisms, gave them an obscene amount of power.

Through his role as the leader of Meereen's democratic revolution, Markhaz zo Kandaq has directly secured for himself a position as one of the city's five generals, and indirectly an insane amount of prestige which makes him a virtual First Citizen.

Needless to say, responses to the recent events among the city's Great Masters have been mixed.
While the city's new administration does not preclude in either principle or practice that the sons of the Harpy be appointed to important positions, the new requirement for popular backing creates "needless complications" that the Great Masters resent and whether this new arrangement for Meereen will last into the city's new era or not is yet to be seen.
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From: Volantis, First Daughter of Valyria
To: Tolos @ChaosTheVoid

We are the children of Valyria and we need to forge ahead together if we are to weather this storm. We seek an alliance to reunite the realms of Valyria and preserve their legacy.
From: New Ghis
To: Volantis @EmperorCasey

Greetings, we understand there has been some upheaval recently within your City that has killed off a number of slaves.

We of New Ghis are willing to trade you new slaves for *Average Price*

What say you?
From: New Ghis
To: Volantis @EmperorCasey

Greetings, we understand there has been some upheaval recently within your City that has killed off a number of slaves.

We of New Ghis are willing to trade you new slaves for *Average Price*

What say you?

From: Volantis, First Daughter of Valyria
To: New Ghis

Yes an unfortunate event but as you are more than aware a slave that has fought against its master is no longer fit for work. We would be happy to purchase slaves from you.
From: Triarchs of Volantis, First Daughter of Valyria
To: Pentos

While trade was disrupted in the immediate aftermath of the Doom of Valyria we have worked hard to ensure that it continues. We assure you that trade ships are more than welcome to use Volanteen trading lanes and ports with full safety. We as well desire to maintain trade between ourselves. We likewise are concerned about the stability within our fellow cities. Volantis is immensely concerned with restoring order to the region and ensuring that Valyria has not truly fallen.

As for the Emperor Aurion we have heard nothing of him since he passed through our territory on the way back to Valyria. Our scouts have reported nothing and we fear that he and the last of the dragons are truly gone. Such a waste of life that could have maintained peace and order in the Freehold. We want to work with Pentos to ensure that peace.
From: Pentos

We assure you trade shall continue between Pentos and Volantis. We only have concern with the possibility of Myr or Tyrosh disrupting such trade. We agree to support you in efforts to maintain the peace between the Free Cities, but we feel that with the dragonlords gone, that might be a difficult task.
From: Pentos

We assure you trade shall continue between Pentos and Volantis. We only have concern with the possibility of Myr or Tyrosh disrupting such trade. We agree to support you in efforts to maintain the peace between the Free Cities, but we feel that with the dragonlords gone, that might be a difficult task.

From: Volantis

Then can we count Pentos as an ally in the struggle ahead? While we wish to avoid a bloody war we must not be afraid to be assertive and potentially force cooperation to ensure peace.
From: Volantis, First Daughter of Valyria
To: Tolos @ChaosTheVoid

We are the children of Valyria and we need to forge ahead together if we are to weather this storm. We seek an alliance to reunite the realms of Valyria and preserve their legacy.

We are willing to enter into an alliance with you, but we fear it's effectiveness. Tolos and Volantis is separated by much distance.

We are willing to enter into an alliance with you, but we fear it's effectiveness. Tolos and Volantis is separated by much distance.


Then we must reforge the road that separates us. It will be a struggle given that Mantarys lies between us but for now we can engage in trade to forge connections and communications. The Valyrian people must stand together strong. We can not allow our enemies to strike us. We encourage Tolos to try its hand at bringing together the other Valyrian cities there.

Then we must reforge the road that separates us. It will be a struggle given that Mantarys lies between us but for now we can engage in trade to forge connections and communications. The Valyrian people must stand together strong. We can not allow our enemies to strike us. We encourage Tolos to try its hand at bringing together the other Valyrian cities there.
We will gladly forge closer ties.

We are gathering strength but time is needed.
We will gladly forge closer ties.

We are gathering strength but time is needed.

Volantis will be on the march soon to try and restore order to our region and we hope that soon Tolos will be ready to do the same. But for now gathering strength is the wise decision. We stand with you brothers and sisters and we know our struggle will be triumphant.
To His Grace King Garth XII Gardener, King of the Reach

It is indeed our belief that an alliance between our Kingdoms is greatly desirable in these uncertain times. Both of our Heir's children are as yet unmarried, and it is come time to consider a match for them, be it a betrothal or a marriage. His firstborn son Prince Gerold is 13 years of age, while his firstborn daughter Jenna is 9.

It is our hope that with a union, past transgressions may be forgotten and new glories forged together.

From His Grace Lyman Lannister, King of the Rock

From: King Garth XII
I offer you my daughter Alerie Gardener as a potential match for your son Gerold. She is currently 11 years of age. I also offer my 17 year old son Meryn as a match for Jenna.
Pentos-1 AD
Pentos - 1 AD

Name: Free City of Pentos
Ruler: Prince Hareo Pentaris
Religion: No official religion, several faiths


- The leading families of Pentos have chosen a new prince, Hareo Pentaris. Young and without a lust for power, he is considered an ideal prince for most of the magisters. Pentos however remains divided between the Valyrian Party, which currently has a slim majority in the magisters council, and the Free City Party.

- In terms of foreign policy, the magisters council has determined to pursue friendly but distant relations with Volantis. At the same time friendly relations must be maintained with at least one of the free cities near the Stepstones, considering their dominance of the trade routes in that region. The leading families of Pentos are still divided as to how to approach foreign policy with the collapse of the Freehold and the quick end of the Valyrian Empire.

- The magisters council has authorized the expansion of the Pentoshi fleet, with several galleys to be built.


12,000 total
- 10,000 Infantry
- 2,000 cavalry

- 50 men of the Prince's Guard

Navy: 30 warships
From: King Garth XII
I offer you my daughter Alerie Gardener as a potential match for your son Gerold. She is currently 11 years of age. I also offer my 17 year old son Meryn as a match for Jenna.
We would be most pleased with the match of Alerie Gardener and Gerold Lannister. We would propose that the marriage be held at Casterly Rock, in 3 years time.