Western Essos 2 AD
1. The damage to a third of the lands has been undone due to speedy land development.First Daughter of Valyria, Free City of Volantis - 2AD
Current Rulers:
Triarch Daemon Vhossar
Triarch Rhaenor Caenyreos
Triarch Taegon Barnalys
Type of Government: Triarchy
Capital: Volantis
Religion: Gods of Valyria, R'hllor the Lord of Light
Major Actions @Ceslas
1-Land Repair: Major focus will be placed on repairing land from our most recent conquests to show the people there than Volantis will not allow them to suffer and also open them to the influx of Volanteen goods again and open the door to military growth. These lands will receive gifts to show our good will and will be opened to wine creation.
2-Cultural Restoration: Small detachments will be sent to the ruined cities of the east to try and recover as much information regarding Valyria as possible and retrieve any people it can. We don't want to provoke clashes. These teams will have security, scholars, scribes and slaves to transcribe inscriptions, recover artifacts and anything it can and establish information for eventual conquest. We do not want to push the boundaries and become lost like Aurion so precautions will be taken to ensure areas are safe before entering them.
3-Diplomacy V.2: Off of our most recent successes we will send diplomats and Rhllorite priests out beyond our new borders to spread news of our victories and restoration of order to the land. We will encourage the faithful to have their cities and towns join our cause and attempt to prevent violence. This will be concentrated to the west of Volantis and the north along the Rhoyne.
4-Military training/buildup: In the wake of losses and gaining of new territory our forces will attempt to regain lost strength and train new soldiers with the knowledge that was learned on the battlefield.
Internal Events:
-Relations between the Triarchs and the followers of R'hllor are being repaired after devastating riots that burned the city of Volantis
-Merchants are being encouraged to spread their trading to new areas and forge new relationships.
-Leaders are working on new means of military growth, debating between slave forces or free men, or a mixture and their benefits.
-14,400 Infantry (Max 20,000 Potential 25,000)
-7,600 Cavalry (Max 10,000 Potential 12,000)
-100 ships (Max 100 Potential 150)
-50 river boats
Alliances, Agreements, Pacts, and Trade:
-Trade with Meereen, New Ghis, Tolos, Pentos, Sarnor
+1,500 Foot, 600 Horse, 15 Ships
2. Small caches are found in the ruins of Draconys and Anogaria. Attempted expeditions in Telyria prove impossible due to the ashes and strange magicks in the land causing illness. Upon reaching Mantarys your scribes are struck with horror as they see that all of the infants born after the Doom have mutated in various ways. Small have patches of scales, others are growing horns or have draconic eyes. Many of the city's elite govern the city from manses being built in the Painted Valleys but are refusing to have the city abandoned outright.
3. The advance is slower after last year but your soldiers and diplomats have brought the towns of Dreos and Honor's Port to your control. (1,000/4/10)
4. Having fought in the first real war since the downfall of the Rhoynar is forcing your soldiers to relearn many hard lessons. But it is reducing friction with the fanatics as they realize faith can't win everything.

The High Priest congratulates on the Triarchs on their recent victories and informs them he wishes a sizeable temple complex build in the ruins of Sarhoy, which he has claimed for R'hllor.
1. A portion of the militia is being trained as marines. However, many feel that the Magisters are fooling around while there are more pressing matters to be attended to. (Set 1,000 Foot as Marines)Lys
1 Year After The Fall
Current Ruler: Bhaela Baelareon First Magiser of Lys
Expected Heir: Laeron Berlaeris
Type of Government: Conclave of magisters
Capital: Lys
Religion: Mixed religions
Dramatis Personae:
First Magister of Lys Bhaela earned the title being the face of the plot which killed the last of the dragons and Dragonlords seeking sanctuary in Lys after the doom. House Baelareon is local to Lys having developed its wealth from orchards, wine and alchemy. Such connections and experience proved useful when it came time for ending the last dragon lords in Valyria quickly and quietly. Bhaela now rules Lys but for how long? The power which placed her in control now find her outlasting her use, a face for the coup is useful but one that has time to gain popularity and power is not.![]()
Bhaela Baelareon First Magiser of Lys
Laeron Berlaeris, Magister and Gonfaloniere of Lys
Gonfalonier of Lys Laeron was once captain of the Valyrian garrison in the city. With the end of the Dragonlords, Laeron saw the political landscape shifting aligning himself with the Red Temple and earning his election as Gonfalonier. As such his political power is largely reliant on the temple who through their jockeying have also earned him the title of Magister. A competent commander and respected by the common people Laeron has acquired much of his political power through agency not his own. As such the power can not truly be said to be his, with Laeron seen to be the next to become First Magister time will tell if his rule will be his or really that of his faceless backers.
Renaehra Artigar Magister of Lys
Renaehra's leadership in the Red Temple of Lys earne her, her position as Magister. Once a slave captured in the Summer Islands, Renaehra was purchased by the Red Temple and trained to be a priest in Asshai. Renaehra was one of the main conspirators in the assaination of Ly's Dragonlords. In the power vacuum caused by the loss of the Dragonlords Renaehra is consolidating her power and expanding the faith. This expansion has not been without resistance however the faithful of the weeping lady have offered stiff resistance to the spread of the Red Temple.
Baevon Nohiar Magister of Lys
A slave owner, Baevon owns numerous brothels and slave pens across Lys. Baevon is a harsh master and a wealthy one. Hi demenor and reputation has won him little friends however his wealth and influence of the market leaves his claim for the position of Magister undeniable.
Herys Rogare Magister of Lys
Herys Rogare is an exceptionally wealthy trader and banker who's sizeable wealth enabled him to buy his position as magister of the city and under Valyria treasurer of the colony's finances. Along with Laeron, Herys is some of the few people of power under the Dragonlords to retain influence in the new regime.
6,000 Foot
500 Horse
80 Ships
Internal Events:
Major Action 1: Shift in Military focus. @Ceslas
The Lyseni military will continue it process of shifting towards a naval based force. This will be achieved by more funds being put towards the new Lys Sea Guard. This will continue until a force of 1000 marines can be made.
Major Action 2: Research Milk of the Poppy@Ceslas
Lysenni alchemists will begin researching milk of the poppy. These alchemists are to attempt to make a more potent form of the potion/drug. Effectively they are to research a way to make a version of the drug that requires a smaller dose to be effective and more useful for 'recreation'.
OOC: basically trying to adapt and improve milk of the poppy to invent morphine.
Major Action 3: Increase fleet@Ceslas
Using timber acquired cheaply from the Stormlands as per our trade agreement, Lys is to improve and expand its flee
[Lys will grant the Stormlands:
The Stormlands will grant to Lys:
- House Durrandon will be granted a manse and gardens in Lys.
- House Durrandon will be granted a household of freemen to maintain said manse and gardens.
- A 50% reduction in tariffs and customs fees for lumber imported to Lys.
- The removal of any tarrifs, port or customs fees for Amber imported to Lys.
*Lyseni traders defined as traders granted a writ of trade by house Baelareon.
- Remove import and custom fees for the sale of wines and other alcoholic beverages imported into the Stormalnds by Lyseni traders.*
- An increase in import and custom fees for wines and other alcoholic beverages imported** by non Lyseni traders.
- Lyseni Traders are made the sole traders permitted to import perfumes*** into the Stormlands.
- Lyseni Trades are granted a 25% discount on lumber purchased in The Stormlands.
** Imports are to be strictly defined as items foreign to the Reach, that is items imported from other kingdoms, Essos, the Summer Islands, etc.. Domestic goods such as "Arbor Red" are not imports.
*** Perfumes being defined as fragrant oils and other aromatic compounds to be applied to the skin, hair, clothing or other similar materials to be defined by House Baelareon. This however does not include substances to be burnt to release their aromatic properties as defined by House Baelareon.Meereen Trade Pact
Lys will grant Meereen:
- A reduction in custom fees to 80% of the nominated fee for slave stock imported into the city suitable for hard labour*
- In additions room and board for slave stock suitable for hard labour in the city awaiting sale will be discounted 15%.**
- Slaves imported to be trained as bed slaves to then be on sold by Meereen slavers will be exempt from custom and import fees.
- Meereen is granted the right to be the sole traders permitted to import Lhazareen slaves into Lys.
Meereen will grant Lys:
- Wave import and custom fees for the sale of wines and other alcoholic beverages imported into Meeteen by Lyseni traders.***
- An increase in import and custom fees for wines and other alcholoic beverages imported by non Lyseni traders.
- Lyseni Traders are made the sole traders permitted to import perfumes**** into the city of Meereen.
* Slave suitable for hard labour being defined as soldiers broad of back, fit of limb, hearty and hale. Such compliance with these requirements being defined and assessed by the good slavers of house Nohiar.
**Slaves awaiting sale are to be housed in approved pits and pens. Slaves sold outside these areas are not to be granted this discount.
*** Lyseni traders defined as traders granted a writ of trade by house Baelareon.
**** Perfumes being defined as fragrant oils and other aromatic compounds to be applied to the skin, hair, clothing or other similar materials to be defined by House Baelareon. This however does not include substances to be burnt to release their aromatic properties as defined by House Baelareon.The Pact of Open Waters
Tyrosh and Lys agree to commit to the ideal that the stepstones be forever open to the free use of each others cities.
To achieve this they agree to ensure:
- Neither party will hinder each others movement through the step stones.
- Agree to station a fleet joint manned, joint funded and joint commanded to ensure peace in the step stones.
- Such fleet will be of a size comprising no less then 15% of each others fleet in times of peace.
- Such peace will entail ensuring the route nominated below being free from pirates and other ne'er do wells that will inhibit the free flow of trade.
- Ne'er do wells in this instance including but not limited to military vessels not members of this pact.
Membership in the pact.
- In times of war each part may withdraw there contribution to the fleet without breaking the treaty. Should one be forced to withdraw due to an act of war made against them, the other party will match the previous contribution until such time as the at war party is at peace.
Modifying the pact.
- Membership in the pact will be broken should one fail to uphold their contribution and responsibilities to the pact.
- Should membership be broken unlawfully a 10% tax will be imposed on the lapse members traders until such time as enough money has been raised to replace their contribution.
- Membership in the pact may be voluntarily broken without being unlawful by paying the other pact member/s to replace their contribution.
- New members may be inducted into the pact with a vote of existing pact members achieving an absolute majority .
- Any modifications to the pact including protected trade routes and contributions can be made by a vote of pact members achieving an absolute majority vote.
2. Concentrated milk is made easily thanks to distillation.
3. Ten new ships are added to the fleet.

Unrest is growing in the city of Lys due to the failure of the Magisters to retake the lands Lys ruled on the mainland and Volantis's continued advance west. Failure to act could prove disastrous.
OOC: You also did not use all four actions.
1. This backfires tremendously as R'hllorites revolt across Pentos forcing the Council to rescind the decree through not before casualties are suffered on both sides, hurting Pentos as a whole. (Lose 2,400 Foot, 300 Horse)Pentos - 2 AD
Name: Free City of Pentos
Ruler: Prince Hareo Pentaris
Religion: No official religion, several faiths
- An agreement has been made with Volantis, which more or less has the support of most of the magisters. With trade continuing to flow, that is what keeps most of them content. What has proven to be more difficult is securing funds to expand the navy.
- It has been decided to expand Pentos' area of influence east towards the Velvet Hills. In order to do this several measures need to be taken.
1. As the magisters are unwilling to unite in paying for an expansion of the navy, funds are to be taken through other means. As a way to limit the followers of R'hllor, all followers of that faith not native to Pentos are to be sent away. Their property left behind auctioned and those funds used for a navy.
2. Sites are to be selected along the Valyrian road between Pentos and the Velvet Hills were watch towers and small forts are to be built. These will assist in the actual control of territory which Pentos claims. To have enough support for the venture, the Valyrian Party will claim these are to better secure trade caravans and the plantations that are at a distance from the city walls.
3. The most senior magisters begin work on replacing all high ranking military officials with their favorites, captains who are loyal to the ruling coalition.
Army: 12,000 total
- 10,000 Infantry
- 2,000 cavalry
- 50 men of the Prince's Guard
Navy: 30 warships
2. Limited efforts are made to retake the Sunrise Road but your political opponents, sensing weakness due to the lack of forces committed and the earlier riots, decide to send their own men east, securing the conquest and taking the credit.
3. This ends poorly as your opponents use the current tensions to push back, shrinking your own coalition in the process.
OOC: You have 4 actions.
1. Frankly, your people find little to commend in Western Essos, due to slaveholding still being rampant, or, in the case of Myr, the people are all fanantics. However exchanges between Braavosi merchants plying the same waters have been fruitful and many find common ground.
House Xaq of the Summer Isles
Princes of the Pearl Palace
Lords of the great Isle of Koj
Ruler: Jalabhar Xaq, Prince of Koj
Government: Princedom
Capital: Pearl Palace
Religion: Countless Deities of love, beauty and fertility
Major Actions: @Celas
1) Backing the SSTC: Further expansion of the previously established Sunset Sea Trading Company, with greater investment in the currently developing trade routes through the Sunset Sea to the north, between the many different nations in Western Essos. While we have no official ties nor official agreements between the many city-states, introducing our training company into foreign markets and establishing a foothold outside of the Summer Isles is an important step to take in developing longer term trade, especially as we have access to numerous trade goods such as precious stones, valuable metals, exotic spices and strange beasts to sell.
2) Developing the Port of Koj: While Koj is rightfully regarded as the premiere shipyard in the entirety of the Summer Isles for our skill in building mighty Swanships to ply the southern seas, the primary port near the Pearl Palace is rather lacking, especially when compared to the grand Lotus Port to the north in Walano. By expanding the dockyard, we can further develop the income of Koj and cement the House of Xaq as the primary Prince in control of Koj, as the wealth of the world flows both too and from our new port. Furthermore, it is in the interests of House Xaq that the shipyards undergo an inspection, and the mighty yards from which dozens of ships are birthed may be considered for future expansion.
3) Setting the foundations in Port Lotus: Even as our new Port in Koj is developed, it is clear that Lotus Port shall remain the most established, and well-connected port in the Summer Isles for now, and as such, we must begin making inroads into establishing both our political connections to potential allied Princes that might be of aid. Establishing both the SSTC in the region, alongside minor connections from the various holdings of both our own House and that of the fellow Princes in support of our rule, would go a long way to establishing a foundation upon which to build in the coming years, so our profits may grow.
4) Mapping the Sea Ways: The Summer Isles have long been home to the greatest nautical navigators in the world. This is known. However, we the rise in trade and the collapse of the Valyrians, what was once a series of trade routes and iron-clad shipping waterways may now be influx as the world outside of Valyria adjusts to the loss of the once dominating power. Therefore, our navigators are to begin charting the waters along their voyages north, investigating the most effective waterways and noting the changing shipping patterns, to both identify the ones promising the greatest wealth, and which places may see pirates or privateers ravaging the region before long.
2. Without increased power or influence there is little to be done with the port. (Especially if you don't put your numbers in the turnpost)
3. Attempting to cultivate connections among the other Princes against Ebonhead could be useful but there must a clear objective in mind and incentives to give for anything useful to be done.
4. Valyria's downfall has cut down on trade going from Western Essos to Slaver's Bay and land trade in Essos is all but nonexistent. Given the speed and grace of Swan ships there is profit to be made, provided Summers Islands traders can stand trading with slavers.
Expansion Results:
Braavos gains 500 Foot, 200 Horse, 5 ShipsTyrosh gains 500 Foot, 200 Horse, 5 Ships
Norvos gains 500 Foot, 200 Horse
Qohor gains 500 Foot, 200 Horse
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