From: Your Advisors
Despot, with all due respect, we lack enough volume to make such deals at the present time. It would be far better to focus on organizing New Ghis and to save such things for after we have established ourselves on the mainland.
From: Your Advisors
Despot, with all due respect, we lack enough volume to make such deals at the present time. It would be far better to focus on organizing New Ghis and to save such things for after we have established ourselves on the mainland.
We are an island nation trade is how we will prosper, the Valyrians are no longer draining our economy with their "Taxes" surely we can make some trade deals? I admit to being more of a military man, however and would value your council.
We are an island nation trade is how we will prosper, the Valyrians are no longer draining our economy with their "Taxes" surely we can make some trade deals? I admit to being more of a military man, however and would value your council.
Most of our goods are going into preparing the army for war or making sure we don't starve or run out of labor while most of the free men are away. The pearls are being taken in taxes and sold to run the city's adminstration. We just have the surplus needed to trade. We used to but then Valyria blew up and our trade died with it.
Most of our goods are going into preparing the army for war or making sure we don't starve or run out of labor while most of the free men are away. The pearls are being taken in taxes and sold to run the city's adminstration. We just have the surplus needed to trade. We used to but then Valyria blew up and our trade died with it.
Current Ruler: Zimudar Alexi, King of Sarnath and High King of Sarnor
Consort: Rimusha Alexi (nee Sheladia) of Mardosh
Heir: Kushim Alexi, Prince of the Sarn
Model of government: Federal Monarchy (de jure), confederation (de facto)
Capital: Sarnath
Religion: Hundred Gods of River and Grass
Millitary: 45,000 Foot, 15,000 Chariots (distributed among various Kings, the High King in Sarnath has very limited authority over them)
House of Alexi
Etana Alexi - Former King of Sarnath and former High King of Sarnor, died 14 BD (before Doom), married Nanshe Kish of Saath (born 55 BD)
Zimudar Alexi - Current King of Sarnath and High King of Sarnor, born 34 BD, son of Etana and Nanshe - Zimudar grew up seeing the many weaknesses of Sarnor, that High King was all but an empty title, seeing the demise of the Valyrians who loved to divide and conquer he realizes the time is ripe for Sarnor to regain its former greatness under a High King worthy of his crown
Rimusha of Mardosh - Queen of Sarnath and High Queen of Sarnor (born 35 BD) - Rimusha was born into the ruling royal family of Mardosh, she married Zimudar out of duty but was fortunate as it turned into a love match, her influence with her husband has lead to more Mardosh style tactics and influences being present in Sarnath
Kushim Alexi - Prince of the Sarn (born 16 BD) - Raised in a court with a stronger Mardoshi influence than his fathers Kushim eschews a chariot for a saddle, preferring to ride a horse directly instead of being pulled behind one
Inanna Alexi (born 14 BD) - Eldest daughter of the royal family
Ninlil Alexi (born 13 BD)
Tirigan Alexi (born 13 BD) - The twins are the youngest of the royal children, their mother barely surviving their birth and the Chief Physician warning Zimudar that is would be very dangerous for her to carry another pregnancy to term
Kurum Alexi (born 30 BD) - Younger brother of the High King Kurum has long been his brothers fiercest champion and closest confidant (outside the royal bedchamber anyway), a well known traveller he has visited every Sarnori kingdom and others besides. He married Ninsum of Morosh in 13 BD only for her to perish in childbirth, leaving him with his only child to date
Ninkasi Alexi (born 14 BD) - As fierce as her father she also inherited her mothers head for logistics and love for the water, often seen sailing the Sarn on her private barge
Ishtar Akshak (born 32 BD) - Only sister of Zimudar and Kurum she was married off to the King of Sallosh years ago, though she still keeps in contact with her brothers via letter
Other Royals
Sagar Macwan, King of Hornoth
Vishruth Thakar, King of Rathylar
Parvesh Thakar - Heir of Rathylar
Kedaar Visaria, King of Sathar, currently in exile at the Sarnathi court
- The Kings of Mardosh, Hornoth, Kys, Omber, Sallosh, Gornath and Saath are invited to Sarnath, ostensibly to discuss securing a bride for Prince Kushim and hisband for Princess Ianna, in reality to discuss the news coming out of Valyria
- Trusty men known for their subtlety and cunning are sent to each kingdom to attempt to gauge which kings, which heirs to those kings and which family and advisers of those kings are open to adopting new ideas and changing the ancient ways of Sarnori warfare
- High King Zimudar finds occasion during their visit to take each king aside and attempt to secure their support of him as High King regaining the old prerogatives and powers of the High Kings of old
To Mardosh, Sallosh and Saath he appeals on their blood being cousin to the King of Saath and Brother By Law to the Kings of Sallosh and Mardosh, as he rises so too will they, as blood is valued above all else in Sarnor. Rimusha goes to work on the King of Mardosh (her brother) to make sure of Mardosh's support
Mardosh is promised that its innovations in military warfare will be recognised and out to use in the war to come
To Hornoth, Saath and Gornath support is promised for a united Sarnori expedition to the West when one can be prepared with riches and glory to all kings who would join it
Kyth is assured that it need not worry about its westward neighbours, for the Kings of Kyth and Hornoth are true freinds of the High King and war with the west will distract those aggressive kingdoms
Sallosh is assured that the great tomes of Valyrian knowledge a westward war will gain will be give to its already grand libraries. Those tomes will elevate it above even the fabled Citadel as the greatest font of knowledge in the world
Omber is given plans for a new road system and a planned city, albeit a small one for the Kingdom and its King to be based at, though it is small from the tiniest seed grow the greatest of grasses
All kings are given lavish gifts tailored to their preferences and tastes to show the value their High King places on their relationship and place in the greater Realm of Sarnor
From: King Garth XII Gardener
To: House Lannister @Shebe Zuu
We are interested in conducting a marriage alliance with Casterly Rock. Who do the Lannisters have available?
To: House Durrandon @Moonbeam
Does Storm's End interest itself in arranging a marriage with House Gardener?
Current Ruler: Bhaela Baelareon First Magiser of Lys Expected Heir: Laeron Berlaeris Type of Government: Conclave of magisters Capital: Lys Religion: Mixed religions Dramatis Personae:
Bhaela Baelareon First Magiser of Lys
First Magister of Lys Bhaela earned the title being the face of the plot which killed the last of the dragons and Dragonlords seeking sanctuary in Lys after the doom. House Baelareon is local to Lys having developed its wealth from orchards, wine and alchemy. Such connections and experience proved useful when it came time for ending the last dragon lords in Valyria quickly and quietly. Bhaela now rules Lys but for how long? The power which placed her in control now find her outlasting her use, a face for the coup is useful but one that has time to gain popularity and power is not.
Laeron Berlaeris, Magister and Gonfaloniere of Lys
Gonfalonier of Lys Laeron was once captain of the Valyrian garrison in the city. With the end of the Dragonlords, Laeron saw the political landscape shifting aligning himself with the Red Temple and earning his election as Gonfalonier. As such his political power is largely reliant on the temple who through their jockeying have also earned him the title of Magister. A competent commander and respected by the common people Laeron has acquired much of his political power through agency not his own. As such the power can not truly be said to be his, with Laeron seen to be the next to become First Magister time will tell if his rule will be his or really that of his faceless backers.
Renaehra Artigar Magister of Lys
Renaehra's leadership in the Red Temple of Lys earne her, her position as Magister. Once a slave captured in the Summer Islands, Renaehra was purchased by the Red Temple and trained to be a priest in Asshai. Renaehra was one of the main conspirators in the assaination of Ly's Dragonlords. In the power vacuum caused by the loss of the Dragonlords Renaehra is consolidating her power and expanding the faith. This expansion has not been without resistance however the faithful of the weeping lady have offered stiff resistance to the spread of the Red Temple.
Baevon Nohiar Magister of Lys
A slave owner, Baevon owns numerous brothels and slave pens across Lys. Baevon is a harsh master and a wealthy one. Hi demenor and reputation has won him little friends however his wealth and influence of the market leaves his claim for the position of Magister undeniable.
Herys Rogare Magister of Lys
Herys Rogare is an exceptionally wealthy trader and banker who's sizeable wealth enabled him to buy his position as magister of the city and under Valyria treasurer of the colony's finances. Along with Laeron, Herys is some of the few people of power under the Dragonlords to retain influence in the new regime.
6,000 Foot
500 Horse
80 Ships
Internal Events:
Major Action 1: Shift in Military focus. @Ceslas
Lys is an island and her fleet will be her wooden wall. Lys is to focus on building up her fleet. To fund this expansion Lys is to begin decommissioning her horse numbers with the fund needed to support them moved to help fund the expansion of the fleet. As part of supporting this shift in focus Lys to found a professional force of marines to support the fleet. Initially small this Lys Sea Guard will be well equipped, disciplined and will specialise in boarding and amphibious raids. Most importantly this force will be made from freemen and not slaves. Well paid with strict requirements to join the Guard a degree of prestige is to be built around being members.
Major Action 2: Distillery @Ceslas
House Baelareon is to combine its alchemy knowledge, orchard and wine industries by creating/expanding distilleries on Lys. These are to make harder liquors and secure another trade good for Lys.
Meereen Trade Pact Lys will grant Meereen:
A reduction in custom fees to 80% of the nominated fee for slave stock imported into the city suitable for hard labour*
In additions room and board for slave stock suitable for hard labour in the city awaiting sale will be discounted 15%.**
Slaves imported to be trained as bed slaves to then be on sold by Meereen slavers will be exempt from custom and import fees.
Meereen is granted the right to be the sole traders permitted to import Lhazareen slaves into Lys.
Meereen will grant Lys:
Wave import and custom fees for the sale of wines and other alcoholic beverages imported into Meeteen by Lyseni traders.***
An increase in import and custom fees for wines and other alcholoic beverages imported by non Lyseni traders.
Lyseni Traders are made the sole traders permitted to import perfumes**** into the city of Meereen.
* Slave suitable for hard labour being defined as soldiers broad of back, fit of limb, hearty and hale. Such compliance with these requirements being defined and assessed by the good slavers of house Nohiar.
**Slaves awaiting sale are to be housed in approved pits and pens. Slaves sold outside these areas are not to be granted this discount.
*** Lyseni traders defined as traders granted a writ of trade by house Baelareon.
**** Perfumes being defined as fragrant oils and other aromatic compounds to be applied to the skin, hair, clothing or other similar materials to be defined by House Baelareon. This however does not include substances to be burnt to release their aromatic properties as defined by House Baelareon.
The Pact of Open Waters
Tyrosh and Lys agree to commit to the ideal that the stepstones be forever open to the free use of each others cities.
To achieve this they agree to ensure:
Neither party will hinder each others movement through the step stones.
Agree to station a fleet joint manned, joint funded and joint commanded to ensure peace in the step stones.
Such fleet will be of a size comprising no less then 15% of each others fleet in times of peace.
Such peace will entail ensuring the route nominated below being free from pirates and other ne'er do wells that will inhibit the free flow of trade.
Ne'er do wells in this instance including but not limited to military vessels not members of this pact.
In times of war each part may withdraw there contribution to the fleet without breaking the treaty. Should one be forced to withdraw due to an act of war made against them, the other party will match the previous contribution until such time as the at war party is at peace.
Membership in the pact.
Membership in the pact will be broken should one fail to uphold their contribution and responsibilities to the pact.
Should membership be broken unlawfully a 10% tax will be imposed on the lapse members traders until such time as enough money has been raised to replace their contribution.
Membership in the pact may be voluntarily broken without being unlawful by paying the other pact member/s to replace their contribution.
New members may be inducted into the pact with a vote of existing pact members achieving an absolute majority .
Modifying the pact.
Any modifications to the pact including protected trade routes and contributions can be made by a vote of pact members achieving an absolute majority vote.
To: House Martell @Skrevski
From: Bhaela Baelareon First Magiser of Lys
The Dragon has fallen now free from that oppression it is time for a new world order. We have cast down the dragonlords who sought refuge in Lys, no new Dragon Tyranny will come from our Island. As a fellow people who once where oppressed and now breathe free would you agree to a pact of understanding and further friendship in the future.
Based on the size of the loan and the size of your state we would need to charge a *High* rate of interest. A smaller loan would command a lesser rate.
Current Ruler: Peroz Alexi, King of Sarnath and High King of Sarnor
Consort: Rimusha Alexi (nee Sargon) of Mardosh
Heir: Kushim Alexi, Prince of the Sarn
Model of government: Federal Monarchy (de jure), confederation (de facto)
Capital: Sarnath
Religion: Gods of River and Grass
House of Alexi
Etana Alexi - Former King of Sarnath and former High King of Sarnor, died 14 BD (before Doom), married Nanshe Kish of Saath (born 55 BD)
Zimudar Alexi - Current King of Sarnath and High King of Sarnor, born 34 BD, son of Etana and Nanshe - Zimudar grew up seeing the many weaknesses of Sarnor, that High King was all but an empty title, seeing the demise of the Valyrians who loved to divide and conquer he realizes the time is ripe for Sarnor to regain its former greatness under a High King worthy of his crown
Rimusha of Mardosh - Queen of Sarnath and High Queen of Sarnor (born 35 BD) - Rimusha was born into the ruling royal family of Mardosh, she married Zimudar out of duty but was fortunate as it turned into a love match, her influence with her husband has lead to more Mardosh style tactics and influences being present in Sarnath
Kushim Alexi - Prince of the Sarn (born 16 BD) - Raised in a court with a stronger Mardoshi influence than his fathers Kushim eschews a chariot for a saddle, preferring to ride a horse directly instead or being pulled behind one
Inanna Alexi (born 14 BD) - Eldest daughter of the royal family
Ninlil Alexi (born 13 BD)
Tirigan Alexi (born 13 BD) - The twins are the youngest of the royal children, their mother barely surviving their birth and the Chief Physician warning Zimudar that is would be very dangerous for her to carry another pregnancy to term
Kurum Alexi (born 30 BD) - Younger brother of the High King Kurum has long been his brothers fiercest champion and closest confidant (outside the royal bedchamber anyway), a well known traveller he has visited every Sarnori kingdom and others besides. He married Ninsum of Morosh in 13 BD only for her to perish in childbirth, leaving him with his only child to date
Ninkasi Alexi (born 14 BD) - As fierce as her father she also inherited her mothers head for logistics and love for the water, often seen sailing the Sarn on her private barge
Ishtar Akshak (born 32 BD) - Only sister of Zimudar and Kurum she was married off to the King of Sallosh years ago, though she still keeps in contact with her brothers via letter
The Kings of Mardosh, Hornoth, Kys, Omber, Sallosh, Gornath and Saath are invited to Sarnath, ostensibly to discuss securing a bride for Prince Kushim and hisband for Princess Ianna, in reality to discuss the news coming out of Valyria
Archon, we do not have anywhere close to the strength needed but in time we will. Elyria has no means of expansion and we are hearing reports that Mantarys suffered some effects form the Doom. Expansion in the lands we once held and beyond and we will have the force required.
Blessings of the Lord of Light upon you, friends! We congratulate you on throwing away the shackles of the dragonlord infidels.
In the flames, our priests have foreseen a time of great uncertainty is upon us, thus we would like to extend an invitation for you to join the Temple State as an autonomous province. The night is dark and full of terrors, and only the great R'hllor and his prophets can save us from it .
From: Temple State (Myr)
To: Temple of the Lord of Light in Volantis @Ceslas
Blessings of the Lord of Light upon you! We observe with terrible sadness that the infidel still rules over great Volantis, despite the divine punishment that has befallen the dragonlords.
We would like to extend an invitation to the Temple of the Lord of Light and all its priests to relocate here, so they can lead the faith from within a realm of believers.
Based on the size of the loan and the size of your state we would need to charge a *High* rate of interest. A smaller loan would command a lesser rate.
They will be there.
Archon, we do not have anywhere close to the strength needed but in time we will. Elyria has no means of expansion and we are hearing reports that Mantarys suffered some effects form the Doom. Expansion in the lands we once held and beyond and we will have the force required.
Blessings of the Lord of Light upon you, friends! We congratulate you on throwing away the shackles of the dragonlord infidels.
In the flames, our priests have foreseen a time of great uncertainty is upon us, thus we would like to extend an invitation for you to join the Temple State as an autonomous province. The night is dark and full of terrors, and only the great R'hllor and his prophets can save us from it .
From: Temple State (Myr)
To: Temple of the Lord of Light in Volantis @Ceslas
Blessings of the Lord of Light upon you! We observe with terrible sadness that the infidel still rules over great Volantis, despite the divine punishment that has befallen the dragonlords.
We would like to extend an invitation to the Temple of the Lord of Light and all its priests to relocate here, so they can lead the faith from within a realm of believers.
A standard Legion is 6,000 men strong and is composed of 10 cohorts of 600 men which in turn is comprised of 6 centuries of 100 men.
We are willing to offer 1 Legion to you, though you may always just hire by the cohort should you feel like it.
We trust the price for the loan will reflect this
A word of caution, our Legions are made of free men rather than slaves, they will take your orders and defeat your foes, but they are not unsullied to take abuse without question.
IC: Very good. We are prepared to offer a *small* interest rate on the condition a Legion will be given to serve us for the remainder of the payment plan should you default.
IC: Very good. We are prepared to offer a *small* interest rate on the condition a Legion will be given to serve us for the remainder of the payment plan should you default.
A group of 40 men gathered inside the Magisters Forum of Pentos, where the council that governed Pentos regularly met to discuss city business. Usually not all of the 40 wealthiest and noble families of Pentos would be represented, however this was a special occasion. The previous Prince of Pentos had been killed 2 months before, he himself had not ruled long after replacing a Prince who had ruled until the Doom had occurred to Valyria. The magisters were divided, roughly half belonged to what was known as the "Valyrian Party". These represented magisters who still held to their Valyrian heritage, but more importantly had begun to move Pentos towards an alliance with the self-proclaimed Emperor Aurion. The other half of the magisters belong to the "Free City Party", who firmly believed that with Valyria gone, Pentos should go its own way. With Emperor Aurion having gained strength, the selection of a new prince was being delayed to see what deal could be made with the emperor. However no deal came, and word had just arrived to Pentos that the emperor, his dragon, and his large army had gone missing.
All of the representatives of the leading families, some speaking quietly amongst themselves, took their seats. Onlookers, several of them the wives of the magisters present, gathered near the entrance of the forum to listen in on the meeting.
"My fellow magisters" Varo Haratis, a leading magister who had taken to preside over these meetings, began to speak "we are gathered here to again try to elect a new prince". Several men spoke in agreement, others quietly nodded. "We have delayed this action long enough. Without any word from Qohor, or from the emperor himself, we must determine the future of our great city ourselves."
Several in the crowd spoke in agreement, a few clapped, while the rest remained quiet. One man of middle age stood.
"We first must come to an agreement, with Valyria and the Freehold gone, should we perhaps change how Pentos is governed." This man was from the Free City Party.
Another magister, a slightly older one, stood to speak "this is an issue which many of us can agree on and must be resolved before selecting a new prince". This magister was of the Valyrian Party.
"We have gone through this already, right after the destruction of Valyria" spoke Varo. "We shall retain our system of electing a prince. We have no use for an archon, and with Emperor Aurion gone" some in the Valyrian Party interrupted him by shouts of denial about the emperor, but Varo continued to speak "we must maintain a semblance of stability".
Then another of the Valyrian Party rose to speak "then perhaps we should decide the power a prince should have, it was not so unusual to have prince's wield some influence".
"That was when one dragonlord or another had their favorites in the position. Now they are all gone." Said one from the Free City Party, which was met with shouts from the Valyrian Party.
Then Magister Alio Monatis, a relatively young magister of the Valyrian Party, rose to speak. "Let us get beyond this argument. I say we bring up nominations, elect a prince, and continue the debate about what is next for Pentos after the election."
After some minutes in which several members spoke at the same time, Varo spoke out over the different speakers "Let us have nominations then!".
As it was expected, the two rival parties suggested one of their own for the position. Alio himself had nominated his brother in law, Ilario Pentarys. Likely because of his youth, and his lack of ambition for power, all of the neutral magisters were brought to vote for Ilario, who with a slim majority became the new Prince of Pentos.
Despite grumblings from the losing side, Varo, also a member of the Free City Party, was the first to say "All hail Ilario, Prince of Pentos!".
All the other men gathered in the chamber, and even some of the crowd outside who could hear what had been occurring inside the forum, began to cheer and shout the same.
On the day the news arrived, Braavos had erupted in celebration. The dragonlords - the slavers - had fallen! Judgment had been passed down upon them, the priests - of whom there were many in Braavos, and from many different faiths - cried in the streets. However, for all of their attempt at proselytizing by claiming the Doom to be the work of their particular God of Gods, few Braavosi were interested in matters of faith that day.
Instead, the Braavosi were taking to the inns en masse while bravos were dueling by the barges of courtesans.
When Lotho Temittis, the stocky Sealord of Braavos, made his public appearance in the wake of the news, a smile had been plastered across his face as he decried the evil ways of the Valyrians that had now caused their doom and proclaimed that now, without the threats of dragons, Braavos would be able to reach new heights of prosperity.
That evening, as most of Braavos was either still celebrating or had passed out from too much of it, the Sealord's expression was much more severe as he was surrounded by his strongest supporters and advisers.
Luredo Otherel, a young merchant whose wealth came as much from his financial acumen as his network of informants, whose age was the only thing keeping him from becoming a magister. Orbemo Reyaan, a heavyset and influential keyholder, whose voice could make or break the career of an ambitious man at the Iron Bank. Magister Narbo, whose ships could supposedly fill the entire Purple Harbor twice over, were they stuck in Braavos rather than crisscrossing the oceans to make the tall man one of the wealthiest in Braavos.
And finally, Lotho's First Sword, Noho Fregyn stood with his back to the wall, his face betraying no emotions as his eyes moved from entrance to entrance, making sure that the meeting between the Sealord and his closest confidantes was overheard by none.
"-and supposedly, the Red Priests have ceased power in Myr!" Luredo exclaimed, finishing a small speech of all the chaos he had been informed of in the wake of the Doom. He'd been speaking nigh uninterrupted for almost ten minutes.
"Thank you, Luredo," Orbemo said, a wince showing on his face. Lotho wasn't surprised. After all, the Reyyan family was one of the largest shareholders in the Iron Bank, and to them, uncertainty was anathema.
And to say that times were uncertain would be an understatement. The Valyrian freehold had waged war before. Had had crises of government. Even small-scale civil wars. But for the entire existence of Braavos, it had been a constant. A presence that might not exactly be comforting, but it was known. So while merchants like Luredo and Narbo might have a gleam in their eye at the profit to be earned by those who had the means and the will to take risks in this new world, Orbemo and Lotho himself had other concerns.
Namely, that the future suddenly became very, very hard to predict.
"And the Ghiscari?" asked Lotho, a frown marring his face. While there was little love for the Valyrians in Braavos, the Ghiscari were considered worse still, being those from whom the Valyrians adopted slavery.
To this question, Luredo could only shrug. "It is too soon for me to say. For all I know, Ghis could be reforming as we speak, though I doubt it. The masters of the Slaver Cities have likely grown used to the status quo." There was a slight sneer on his face as he spoke of the slavers, an expression mirrored on all but the ever-vigilant First Sword.
Silence fell over the room, then, though Lotho could plainly see that the thoughts of his confidantes were racing as fast as his own. None spoke, though, knowing that Lotho did not like to be rushed to anything, including conversational topics. And while they were all powerful men, used to getting their way, they did not test Lotho needlessly.
Orbemo and Narbo bore the silence well, having known and worked with Lotho for decades. Their support had been instrumental in his election as Sealord, almost twenty years prior. Luredo, however, had impatience written over his face to one who knew him well, and Lotho certainly qualified for that, having sponsored the young man for years and taken him as a confidante and perhaps, in due time, a successor.
After a few minutes of silence, Lotho let out a sigh. "For now, we need more information. Luredo, please see to it that we have men on the streets in the other Free Cities. Narbo... I believe that it is time for the purple sails to go south of Essos. Let your captains know." For centuries, Braavosi ships had remained well out of the reach of the Freehold. Now, however, with dragons no longer haunting the skies, that norm would be broken.
Hopefully, it would end in prosperity, rather than tragedy.
Name: House Durrandon of Storm's End Realm: Kingdom of the Storm Head of House: Arrec Durrandon Heir: Arlan Durrandon Words: Ours is the Fury Religion: The Faith of the Seven Seat: Storm's End Other Holdings: Godsfort
The Storm's Blood of House Durrandon, descendants of Durran "Godsgrief" and Elenei, daughter of the Sea God and Goddess of the Wind, as of the first year after the Doom of Valyria:
His Grace, ARREC DURRANDON (a. 24), the First of His Name, Storm King, King of the Trident, Lord of the Stormlands and Riverlands, Lord of Storm's End, Guardian of Shipbreaker Bay and the God's Eye, and Protector of the Realm,
His wife, Queen JEYNE ESTERMONT (a. 23), Storm Queen, Queen of the Trident, Lady of the Stormlands and Riverlands, Lady of Storm's End,
Their son, Prince ARLAN DURRANDON (a. 4), the Prince of the Sea and Wind,
His bastards,
DURRAN "STORM" (a. 2), borne from an affair with the Lady Cassana Tarth,
ERICH "RIVERS" (a. 1), borne from an affair with the Lady Sarya Frey,
His brother, Prince BALDRIC DURRANDON (a. 22),
His wife, Lady SERRA TOYNE (a. 20),
Their son, QARLTON DURRANDON (a. 3),
Their son, MALDON DURRANDON (a. 3),
His brother, Prince MONFRYD DURRANDON (a. 18),
Arrec Durrandon, Storm King, King of the Trident, Protector of the Realm