A Chapter Ends, A Chapter Begins:
It took you only a moment to make your decision. You had looked at the thousand blades of Aegon's Enemies. Everyone had a story to tell, of knights of squires, of men who had fought against a Dragon. There was so much more to see in just the blacked iron and the still-hot blades. You felt the blades, still sharp as the day they were brought together into this mangled monstrosity.
You realized that this throne had held Westeros together by Fear and Dragonfire. There was a wheel that kept turning and turning and turning. The Wheel of family. Of fortune, of power. How every one of the noble families wished to sit their asses upon the world's most uncomfortable chair and rule with the power of Dragons, even when there was none.
It was cancer upon Westeros. You knew that deep down in your soul. It was a blight, and while there was nothing more unifying than a symbol of Terror. You had to try again. To try and forge something that was far more fitting to this new Westeros.
A Westeros that you would build with your hands. Even if it took the rest of your life.
"My Lord's. I am going to be making a decision that may trouble you, and upset you. But I consider it necessary for the future of this realm. Of our people."
As if he knew, Ebrion flew into the throne room, flying through the air and the great doors with a skill and a precision that was fitting for this tiny dragon that was not fully grown. It was quite showy of him to just maneuver in such a way into the throne room, before landing next to you and sniffing your hair, and resting his small chin on your shoulder, purring and cuddling you like you were his mother.
And while the statement was genuine, you felt a great need to get this done now. "I'm destroying the Iron Throne."
Lord Stark protested almost immediately, stepping forward as if you did not have a dragon by your side. "Your Grace, I must protest to that notion. The Iron Throne has been a unifying image to Westeros since Aegon Landed. There is nothing that symbolizes the Unification of Westeros than that throne."
You nodded. "That is true. And I shall say this as an argument. This is the Throne, not of a King, a Ruler of a unified people, but a conqueror's chair, one that was forged in death and Dragonfire. This is a symbol of fear. This is a symbol, not of a unified Westeros that is united in interests, but in fear of Death and Fire." You paused and pointed to it. "A Thousand Blades of Aegon's Enemies is not how one unifies a realm after it has been conquered."
You felt your weary body take a toll, and you feel the pain of so much death and misfortune. In your mind's eyes, you saw the great fire that the Iron Throne was. An uncontrollable inferno that only consumed and consumed whatever sat upon it. It was not a catalyst, it was a leach, taking and taking from those who sat upon it until there was nothing left but a truly broken man sitting on it.
A man like your father.
Or Your Brother.
Or maybe even you in the end.
"I shall not be part of that cycle. There is a wheel that this throne keeps turning, a wheel that will not stop until someone is brave enough to do the one thing that all should have done."
You pointed to the Throne, and Ebrion growled at it, before taking a great breath, and in his throat, Fire and heat began to rise.
"I will not be part of this Wheel, this Cycle. So I will do what only the bravest should do."
Ebrion unleashed his breath, and fire unleashed onto the throne, undoing it, the same way it was forged.
"I will break the wheel."
And the swords dropped, one by one.
D1000 - 200 => 753#Valyrian Steel Blades Created.
You felt one of the blades, that cooled and realized what had been created.
Valyrian Steel.
Well fuck.
Reward: 753 Valyrian Steel Swords are now within your possession.
Their Value is calculated at close to 100,000,000 Gold Dragons.
Treasury will be updated.
The Magical Backlash: 42
At that moment, you felt nothing.
But deep in the pit of your stomach, you knew something was wrong. Very Very Wrong.
You and Lord Gerion were going through the Ledgers and realized that everything economic was fucked.
"You know, when I was making Robert into what amounted to a whore, I never thought he did so because he treated himself as one." You stated, anger in your tone as you pushed the ledger away. "Another reason to hate him."
Gerion did little to dissuade your anger. "But it is our problem now, so to speak." He scratched something down on another piece of parchment as he breathed in and out.
It was Madness, how Robert Baratheon, a man who had possibly a surplus of millions of Gold Dragons from when he took the Kingdom before your exile, wasted so frivolously.
Tournaments every other month? You could expect that much from him, he loved to fight, fuck and drink, and a tournament was the best way to get such a thing.
Hunting Trips? You would occasionally take a moment to think about how meditative such a trip out into the Kingswood would be, spear in hand, dogs at your side, only the party to watch over you, nothing but you and nature, while you relaxed. You could see how it would be therapeutic.
Ones that required a carriage, horses, twenty assistants, a new spear, ten sets of clothes, boots, and enough wine to drown one's self in?
Seven Hells, it was like Robert did not care about the Realm, only his pleasures. And killing you of course.
"Gerion, please take note of the irregularities, and how much there are within these ledgers." you slide over the parchment to him, and Lord Gerion noted how personal you were to him. You were not in the mood for pleasantries. You were just tired. And wanted to know what the hell was wrong with this blasted Realm.
"Robert really fucked us in death, didn't he." Lord Gerion japed, anger in his tone. It was like your anger was spreading to him, and he was just venting his own frustrations. "It keeps coming back to Reach again, and the Westerlands. Both had their fair share of influence in court, but after Tywin lost the Fleet at Lannisport, he was sidelined for the Tyrells and mand of the Reacher Houses, and took a great deal of money from them, both from gifts and loans." Gerion sighed as he wiped the sweat from his brow. "But that is not all. Tywin made up several excuses that allowed him to pay far less than traditional for the Westerlands. But he had the excuse of rebuilding the Lannisport Fleet."
Geroin finally took a breath, calming himself, despite your agitation, and spoke with Logic and reason. "The Reach have made their various payments under other, smaller houses. Knights with little land are paying a significant portion of the Reaches taxes, while the Great Lord's and other houses are paying next to nothing."
"You think there is a scheme going on to squirrel money away?" You asked. You were impressed, it's what you would do if you had a desire to not pay taxes.
Gerion nodded. "It's a theory, but there are too many possibilities that exist. Rosby was notoriously corrupt, but he didn't have any more gold than any other man in his position."
"Littlefinger?" You guessed, feeling that the man was going to come back and bite you if he was not dealt with quickly.
"That is far more likely. Though without access to his books, I can't be certain. But there was clearly communication between himself, and many of the Reacher Lord's during his time as Master of Whispers."
Bribing not the Master of Coin, but the Master of Whispers. "Keep looking, and inform me of anything that may be of interest." You stated as you stood up to leave.
"Your Grace." Gerion's voice was filled with concern, underneath his clear respect for your title and office. "Is everything alright?"
"I'm fine, Lord Gerion. Tell me, how is Lady Birony? Is she well."
He saw how quickly you deflected the question, but he understood what you were doing. "She is Your Grace. So much as not well enough for Lewyn to feel comfortable with her facing the stress of traveling here. She and the children remain in Winterfell." A deeper sigh. "At least the Stark children will like of that, they're all quite fond of Joy and Jacen." He shakes his head. "And your Family your Grace, are you still feeling-"
You wanted so badly to allow yourself to feel honest with him. And yourself. You wanted to tell him how greatly you missed your family. How you missed Dany, and her beautiful songs of your travels, of how she was growing stronger, both in her bond with her dragon, and in her confidence as a person. Every day, there was less of the young little girl who was scared, and more of a young woman who was ready to face the world by your side, and if need be, by herself.
You wanted so badly to see your wife again, to see Arianne again, and hold her in your arms, smell the saffron in her hair, feel her skin against yours, lips brushed against your own.
You wanted to be without a care in the world, to only care about being a father.
A Better man than all the others in your life, save for Jaime.
"I am fine." You wore the mask of regal stoicism well.
The Acting Lords of your current Small Council negotiate terms of peace with the remaining belligerents. While some lords are not exactly happy with what has been taken from them, you succeed in crafting an agreement that all present can agree too, without fostering too much resentment for the future:
[With having the LPs on your side, you are limited in how harshly you can punish the opposition -- chiefly, Houses Tyrell and Arryn will continue to hold their positions as Lords Paramount. Choose four terms from the following list. Write-ins allowed, subject to QM approval.]
[ ] Areas of the Dornish Marches will be removed from the jurisdiction of the Reach and added to Dorne and/or the Stormlands.
[ ] Up to 3 belligerent lords/commanders will be sent to the Wall *
-[ ] Randyll Tarly
-[ ] Gerold Grafton
-[ ] Harrold Hardyng
-[ ] Ilyn Payne
-[ ] Courtnay Penrose
-[ ] Mandon Moore
-[ ] Write-in
[ ] A highborn hostage will be sent to the Red Keep (Write-in)
[ ] A substantial sum of gold and silver will be taken from each of the defeated Great Houses (+500,000 Dragons each)
[ ] A significant amount of ships and material will be taken from each of the defeated Great Houses (Royal Fleet & Red Keep Garrison become Full Strength)
[]All Debts from the Hostile Great Houses will be forgiven, and the Kingdom of Westeros will only have allied Debts to pay, and foreign creditors.
[ ] The hostages Robert took from across the Seven Kingdoms will remain in King's Landing for one year, to give the new King an opportunity to get to know the future lords of the realm
[ ] Write-in other terms.
*[the term "belligerent lords/commanders" does not give you an end-run around the Lords Paramount keeping their positions, and the results of this may vary. For instance, sending up Ser Tommen of House Selleck, an upstart in the Reach (with a respectable moustache) that got their lands and titles within living memory, probably no one bats an eye; sending up Randyll Tarly (or a son of his) an old and influential but not Great House, would be seen as a dick move but not grounds for fresh revolt in itself; trying to send Leyton Hightower or his immediate heir Baelor would go disastrously for you...partly because they rather quickly took your side in things, but also because of the size and importance of their house.]
The Small Council must be filled. It would be prudent and expected for you to reward your wartime allies with places here or on the Kingsguard. That said, those same places could also serve as instruments of reconciliation with former belligerents.
[As the King, Advisors will be determined by their position on the council. Whoever you bring on as Master of Coin will serve as your Stewardship Advisor, for example. If your pick for a council seat does not have adequate skills to do a good job, or if you really want someone as your Advisor but appointing them to a council seat would be too scandalous, you may appoint a Shadow Councilor, who will serve as an Advisor without officially being on the council. However, a council member whose authority is being usurped by a Shadow Councilor will notice that they don't have any real power (unless they are very oblivious) and this will probably offend them.
These are not your only options, merely ones offered as suggestions by other advisors, or in some cases are presented with rather blatant self-interest.]
[ ] Master of Laws (Diplomacy Advisor)
-[ ] Stannis Baratheon (Diplomacy 7)
-[ ] Eddard Stark (Diplomacy 17)
-[ ] Raymun Darry (Diplomacy 16)
-[ ] Yohn Royce (Diplomacy 15)
-[ ] Write-in
-[ ] Appoint a Shadow Councilor
--[ ] Edmure Tully (Diplomacy 14)
--[ ] Daenerys Targaryen (Diplomacy 26)
--[ ] Write-in
[ ] Master of Coin (Stewardship Advisor)
-[ ] Gerion Lannister (Stewardship 13)
-[ ] Harry Strickland (Stewardship 17)
-[ ] Mace Tyrell (Stewardship 10)
-[ ] Selwyn Tarth (Stewardship 15)
-[ ] Write-in
-[ ] Appoint a Shadow Councilor
--[ ] Arianne Martell (Stewardship 16)
--[ ] Olenna Tyrell (Stewardship 18)
--[ ] Write-in
[ ] Master of Whispers (Intrigue Advisor)
-[ ] Oberyn Martell (Intrigue 17)
-[ ] Arianne Martell (Intrigue 19)
-[ ] Jorah Mormont (Intrigue 12)
-[ ] Garret of Saltpans (Intrigue 16)
-[ ] Write-in
-[ ] Appoint a Shadow Councillor
--[ ] Write-in
[Your Martial advisor is a special case. Since there is not a specific council seat devoted to the realm's armies, what I'm going to do is have you select the rest of the council members and then choose which one you want to be the Martial advisor. Or you can create an entirely new seat, the Master of War, though this will cause traditionalists to sigh and grumble about the Small Council not having the auspicious number of 7 anymore.]
[ ] Hand of the King
-[ ] Eddard Stark
-[ ] Jaime Lannister
-[ ] Jon Connington
-[ ] Oberyn Martell
-[ ] Stannis Baratheon
-[ ] Brynden Tully
-[ ] Write-in
[ ] Master of Ships
-[ ] Rodrik Harlaw (Martial 17)
-[ ] Aurane Waters (Martial 15)
-[ ] Wylis Manderly (Martial 12)
-[ ] Alester Florent (Martial 14)
-[ ] Write-in
[ ] Lord Commander of the Kingsguard
-[X] Barristan Selmy (Martial 20) [Remember that you cannot easily dismiss a Kingsguard without their consent, because Joffrey/Cersei hasn't set the precedent. He was, however, technically a belligerent commander on the Crown's side...]
Your Martial advisor will be:
[ ] the Hand of the King
[ ] the Lord Commander of the Kingsguard
[ ] the Master of Ships
[ ] the Master of War
-[ ] Eddard Stark (Martial 18)
-[ ] Jon Connington (Martial 18)
-[ ] Oberyn Martell (Martial 17)
-[ ] Stannis Baratheon (Martial 21)
-[ ] Brynden Tully (Martial 19)
-[ ] Write-in
[Some of the lesser positions are listed here as well. Given these positions are not filled by Lords Paramount or heads of Great Houses, most of these men will not vanish because they weren't selected at this moment for this role or that – for instance, if you don't pick Ser Harras Harlaw for a role now, he'll still be available for things like the Kingsguard at a later date.]
[ ] Lord Commander of the City Watch (not a Small Council position, but important nevertheless)
-[ ] Janos Slynt is who holds the office now, a man who is rather brazenly for sale despite his pretensions at honour and decency. Formerly a pet of Queen Cersei, he is in the market for a new patron and will do pretty much whatever he's told, so long as it doesn't involve actually
being the upright and uncorrupted leader he pretends to be.
-[ ] Jacelyn Bywater is an officer in the goldcloaks, who served with distinction (but not infamy or cruelty) during the Kraken's Folly. Losing a hand in the rebellion, he was knighted for his troubles and has since served ably in the City Watch, yet has not advanced through the ranks nor gained loyalty from many goldcloaks. Privately, you confirm that this is because he is not on board with extortionate bribery or wanton cruelty, and because Commander Slynt rather openly despises him.
-[ ] Aegon Targaryen is a young and unproven man, but one of unquestionable loyalty. He was raised to lead armies and manage realms, so a watch and a city should theoretically be no great test of his abilities. You are quite certain that he's learned things from his time with Lord Stannis, though time will tell what it is he learned.
-[ ] Davos Seaworth would be an unconventional choice, to say the least. A native of King's Landing, he is familiar with both sides of the law here, and is a loyal lieutenant of Stannis Baratheon. Older than the other options, he is still quite competent at management from what you can tell, and anyone who has spent as long as him on the seas has to be able to swing a sword properly.
-[ ] Write-in
[ ] Master-at-Arms of the Red Keep (not a Small Council seat, but a position of prestige and importance)
-[ ] Warrek of the Hills has lost his dominant sword hand, but has been a long and loyal servant to you, and was specifically injured in your service. You could grant him some lands and a keep and offer him a retirement, or you could keep him close at hand (keeping such puns to a minimum within earshot) and reward him in another way.
-[ ] Jory Cassel is the nephew of Ned Stark's master-at-arms, and has more or less been trained for the role since he was ten. While neither a knight nor a man of the Faith, he served you and Lord Stark well during the war, and unlike Kingsguard positions this is not a life appointment, so he could return home when he wished.
-[ ] Harras Harlaw is a rare man, indeed; an Ironborn knight, albeit one who keeps to the Drowned God instead of the Seven. Naming him to the position would be mildly controversial given his god and his heritage, but he is undoubtedly competent as a leader of men and as a fierce warrior himself. It would also be a good gesture to House Harlaw and the Iron Islands.
-[ ] Bonifer Hasty is a somewhat older knight of the Stormlands, who apparently was once close with your mother, and more recently did not involve himself in the war, except to protect smallfolk from predation from either side. Appointing him would be seen as a move of reconciliation towards Stormlanders not named Connington or Baratheon, would please the Faithful, and he'd possibly be someone to talk to about your mother.
-[ ] Write-in
[ ] The King's Justice (not a Small Council seat, but a position of some prestige and dignity)
-[ ] Warrek of the Hills has lost one hand, but it doesn't take two to be an executioner and gaoler. You know him to not be corruptible or unnecessarily cruel, and those hold some appeal to you for this position.
-[ ] Sandor Clegane remained in the city, apparently, and has no qualms about killing people he's told to. Considering who may be in the Black Cells in the near future, he would probably jump at the opportunity.
-[ ] Beshka the Basilisk is currently on a ship from Dorne with the majority of your family, but will arrive well in time to take such a job. She is an unconventional option, but she's loyal, intimidating, and cares strongly about justice.
-[ ] Richard Horpe is a servant of Lord Stannis, who was once passed over for a white cloak because of Cersei Lannister. Stannis privately confides that may have been wise, as Ser Richard is "too fond of killing."
-[ ] Write-in
AN: So here is the thing, I really liked this vote.
So much so, I got permission from
@Marlowe310811 to use it, and he agreed.
But do not worry, Viserys new Sheet is on the way.
Edit: Plan format Please.
Actually Moratorium for a few hours. I'll open the vote up when I wake up.
Do not worry, the After Math of destroying the Throne, Choosing a new Grand Maester, The Family's Arrival, and so much more, will continue next turn.