The Dawi change the game(An GOT/Warhammer crossover)

One will actually teach the army to fight and the other will actually let the lord's make the correct decisions in battle. So the choice is between having better soldiers better commanders.

@Tristan Alkai
So with my plan where we take the time to gather would we not be able to do both?

I was wondering this as well.

Our soldiers teach their soldiers (we apparently have at least 150 longbeards, and even the lesser warriors should at least know enough to teach the minimal basics), our elders (and maybe some of the longbeards) teach their lords and officers.

Unless I'm missing something, these two options should be drawing upon different resources, so I don't understand why they don't combine even if we pick the "march as soon as ready" option.
Sorry typo on my end meant to add if you took the long option that you get one extra option to do during the wait. :oops: (Added into the main update now)
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[X] Plan Gather our strength and 2 choices
-[x] Send them to scout out and secure our path
-[x] Yes but only half can come as the rest will defend the clan. (75 Lobeards take the place of 75 Warriors)
-[x] Teach the umgi techniques to fight beastmen
-[x] Have the throng and umgi soldiers fight alongside another to avoid issues
-[x] Gather their strength:
A Large force of Northern soldiers will be gathered though it will take time to assemble though this will take a good deal of time to gather thier levies.
-[x] The Old Mine Tunnel

Well in that case here the revised plan with both teaching the army as well as training together to avoid issues.
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Sigil and Words
I don't know enough about Warhammer Fantasy to have a strong opinion.

I placed my plan near the front of my post for easy skimming. Details and thought process come after.

[x]Plan: Break the Siege
-[x] Send them to scout out and secure our path
-[x] Yes all of them should help win the battle. (150 Longbeards take the place of 150 warriors)
-[x] March as soon as ready
-[x] Teach the Umgi lords how to fight beastmen on the field
-[x] The Old Mine Tunnel

1. Secure our path
Probably our best option; the immediate goal, as I understood it, was to relieve King Stark, who is currently sheltering at Ironrath against the beastmen.

2. Help secure Ironrath
Ironrath is where King Stark is holing up against the beastmen (as of our most recent report on the subject).
> This task sounds like a very heavy fight, which rangers aren't really equipped or set up for.
> Relieving a siege at Ironrath was what I thought the main army was being gathered to do.
> Probably not the best use of this resource.

3. Make the Beastment bleed
Clearly not the best use of this resource.
> Iirc, we don't have a grudge against the beastmen at the moment, and even if we did, relieving a siege they're running sounds like a much more worthy payoff for it than killing some random patrols.

"Secure our path," is where rangers will be most beneficial.

We managed a painful win against the beastmen earlier, and should be able to incorporate lessons learned if they come again (assuming we can get that broken gate fixed in a hurry). Also, we have a large part of the clan's throng here now.
> We managed a win against the beastmen last time (albeit a rather costly one), and our best information seems to indicate that we should do significantly better if they come at this fortification again.
> From what I understood of our reports, the main beastmen force was near Ironrath as best our informants can tell.
> I believe that the longbeards would be best deployed near Ironrath.

1. Practice alongside the human soldiers
If we have significant experience against this particular enemy (that was the impression I got), and they don't, I think the best use of the dawi would be trying to teach (share that knowledge), which this one doesn't seem to be doing.

2. Teach the humans techniques to fight beastmen
If we expect to fight beastment soon, this sounds like a good use of our time.

3. Throng and humans fight alongside:
Probably not optimal: some differences in equipment, some differences in the tactics we use, difference in height.
> The clasic pattern is heavy infantry front and center, with lighter infantry and cavalry guarding the flanks and ranged troops (archers, crossbowmen, slingers, etc.) protected by the front ranks.
> From what I could tell, dawi warriors and longbeards seem to be "heavier" than the local humans have managed to produce on a comparable scale (dawi plate vs. Westeros using more chain). Our and their ranged troops might be able to merge, but I don't think the respective melee troops will merge well.

4. Teach the lords
Also definitely something worth doing: the lords are the leaders.
> Westeros, or at least this section of it, seems to have a cavalry centric military doctrine, based on the troop figures from the previous battle.

5. Rest
I might be overestimating people's endurance, but I think the combat bonus from "teach the umgi" (or possibly "teach the lords") will be higher than the bonus from this option.

Looks like either "teach the umgi" or "teach the lords" would be best, from what I can tell.

[] Teach the umgi techniques to fight beastmen

[] (snipped)

[] Teach the Umgi lord's how to fight beastmen on the field
Can you clarify what the difference is between these two? And why we can't combine them?
One will actually teach the army to fight and the other will actually let the lord's make the correct decisions in battle. So the choice is between having better soldiers better commanders.

I guess I'm going with good commanders, then. Having both would be nice, obviously, but I think good commanders can compensate for poor soldiers better than vice versa.

1. March soon:
Well, the dawi clan and throng seems to already be gathered here if I understood the chapter correctly.
> Taking the time to gather the human banners means more time for the beastmen to gather their own strength, and more time for something to go their way at Ironrath.

2. Gather strength:
Gather from where exactly? Deepwood Motte (where we currently are) didn't have many other settlements nearby on either map, and from what I could tell of the second map, Ironrath (the city we're marching to aid) is the closest city to where we currently are.
> Meanwhile, the locals' performance in the battle we just had was . . . kind of disappointing. If this is representative of general Westeros performance against beastmen, I think I'd rather not bother.

From what I can tell, the risk of delay outweighs the benefits.

1. Mountains
> Described as a longer route. That means slower, and this and mountainous terrain will each be harder on the logistics.
> Mountain passes tend to have rock walls on both sides. That means elevated positions for the enemy to pelt us with projectiles (and they will have shelter from our own ranged weapons), and maybe even trigger snow- or rockslides.
> This one sounded like a moderate to low chance of getting intercepted, but if we do the resulting battle is likely to go very badly for us.

2. Forest:
> Presumably the most direct route, and therefore fastest. We are relieving a siege.
> More open terrain (relatively speaking) means a higher chance of being intercepted. On the other hand, it also means our allies' combat performance against interception forces will be better.
> In short, this one seems to be the best if nothing goes wrong, but presents the highest chance of something going wrong. On the other hand, it doesn't present the disaster potential that the mountains and mine tunnel do.
> I don't think the high reward is high enough.

3. Mine tunnel:
> Seems to be the lowest chance of something going wrong en route. On the other hand, if we do get intercepted our human allies will be pretty useless in the dark and the confined space.
> I'm not particularly familiar with dawi in particular, but based on the stereotypical dwarves I've seen elsewhere, tunnel fighting is one of their specialties. If we aren't facing skaven (and as far as I can tell those haven't been mentioned in this quest so far), our rangers should have little difficulty ensuring that this route is secure.
> Risk of the far end being held by the enemy and turned into a choke point. Our rangers should be able to at least mitigate this.

All three routes present problems, obviously, but I think that our own tools allow us to work around or mitigate the problems of the mine tunnel most reliably.
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So its pretty much between going now or going later is what it seems. Honestly fine with either thought the better prepared the umgi are the less casualties we have to bear.
[X] Plan Gather our strength and 2 choices
-[] Send them to scout out and secure our path
-[] Yes but only half can come as the rest will defend the clan. (75 Lobeards take the place of 75 Warriors)
-[] Teach the umgi techniques to fight beastmen
-[] Have the throng and umgi soldiers fight alongside another to avoid issues
-[] Gather their strength:
A Large force of Northern soldiers will be gathered though it will take time to assemble though this will take a good deal of time to gather thier levies.
-[] The Old Mine Tunnel

I checked the automated vote helper button, and the details of your plans aren't showing up there. I think you need to have the [x] in the subordinate lines, not just the main plan name.
When it comes to the vote tally the subsets of the plan don't really matter for it. It's just the main name that you need counted.

Counted, yes, but having those other [x]s helps other people get the relevant info and weigh the options.

There are several posts of discussion between the chapter threadmark and either of our plans (to the point that neither is even on the same page). Other voters therefore have a search to actually find the details of the plan before they vote for it. The automated vote helper window is one way of helping that sort of info not get buried, by gathering the info all in one place.

It's not required, but I think you're handicapping your plan's chances of success by not having those details as conveniently accessible as they could be.
Fair enough. Though ive never used the vote taller to actually find the plans i just go looking since its not that hard.
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[x] Plan: Break the Siege
-[x] Send them to scout out and secure our path
-[x] Yes all of them should help win the battle. (150 Longbeards take the place of 150 warriors)
-[x] March as soon as ready
-[x] Teach the Umgi lords how to fight beastmen on the field
-[x] The Old Mine Tunnel
I am gonna leave the vote open for 12 hours maybe 24 depending on the votes. (since their so few, please vote)
Adhoc vote count started by Mad0Slayer on Dec 19, 2020 at 1:02 PM, finished with 23 posts and 3 votes.

  • [x]Plan: Break the Siege
    -[x] Send them to scout out and secure our path
    -[x] Yes all of them should help win the battle. (150 Longbeards take the place of 150 warriors)
    -[x] March as soon as ready
    -[x] Teach the Umgi lords how to fight beastmen on the field
    -[x] The Old Mine Tunnel
    [X] Plan Gather our strength and 2 choices
    -[x] Send them to scout out and secure our path
    -[x] Yes but only half can come as the rest will defend the clan. (75 Lobeards take the place of 75 Warriors)
    -[x] Teach the umgi techniques to fight beastmen
    -[x] Have the throng and umgi soldiers fight alongside another to avoid issues
    -[x] Gather their strength: A Large force of Northern soldiers will be gathered though it will take time to assemble though this will take a good deal of time to gather thier levies.
    -[x] The Old Mine Tunnel
[x] Plan: Break the Siege
-[x] Send them to scout out and secure our path
-[x] Yes all of them should help win the battle. (150 Longbeards take the place of 150 warriors)
-[x] March as soon as ready
-[x] Teach the Umgi lords how to fight beastmen on the field
-[x] The Old Mine Tunnel
Well seeing how most Dawi fight with a few hundred against Beastmen, and usually win. I support Breaking the siege, even though I feel uncomfortable not going in fully mustered (umgi auxilary)

[X] Plan: Break the Siege
Vote Closed.
Scheduled vote count started by Mad0Slayer on Dec 18, 2020 at 12:34 PM, finished with 25 posts and 7 votes.

  • [x]Plan: Break the Siege
    -[x] Send them to scout out and secure our path
    -[x] Yes all of them should help win the battle. (150 Longbeards take the place of 150 warriors)
    -[x] March as soon as ready
    -[x] Teach the Umgi lords how to fight beastmen on the field
    -[x] The Old Mine Tunnel
    [X] Plan Gather our strength and 2 choices
    -[x] Send them to scout out and secure our path
    -[x] Yes but only half can come as the rest will defend the clan. (75 Lobeards take the place of 75 Warriors)
    -[x] Teach the umgi techniques to fight beastmen
    -[x] Have the throng and umgi soldiers fight alongside another to avoid issues
    -[x] Gather their strength: A Large force of Northern soldiers will be gathered though it will take time to assemble though this will take a good deal of time to gather thier levies.
    -[x] The Old Mine Tunnel
Just gotta roll for something.

1: Facing Him at the start of fight

2:Not Facing Him
Mad0Slayer threw 1 2-faced dice. Total: 2
2 2
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Battle of Ironrath
Battle of Ironrath

[x]Plan: Break the Siege
-[x] Send them to scout out and secure our path
-[x] Yes all of them should help win the battle. (150 Longbeards take the place of 150 warriors)
-[x] March as soon as ready
-[x] Teach the Umgi lords how to fight beastmen on the field
-[x] The Old Mine Tunnel

Teaching the Lords: 45+8=53(Debuff removed)
Rangers Securing the Path: 82+11=93
Umgi dealing with the underground trip: 39

Beastmen Scouts:79+14=93

The Sun shined down through the thick canopy of trees as you felt the chilling wind brush against your exposed skin the sound of life all around you even if it was cold. Not that it had much effect on you or your fellow dawi as they marched vigilantly speaking lowly, The mine just ahead of your throng.

As you walked towards the mine with the umgi lords following behind you as your throng entered the mine. While the umgi muttered amongst themselves wary of taking such a path though they would follow their lord's and that was all that mattered.

The mine you found was much to your liking and it was nice to be underground again though you would have felt better if it had been built by a fellow dawi, as you looked at all the shoddy work though the wood seemed good enough.

The march under the mountain was long but your throng followed the rangers signs as your dawi sang proudly, while the umgi traveled in silence eyeing the mine warily throughout the journey.

The march continues for some hours, the sound of your fellow dawi replaced by the quiet sound's of small animals squeaking and skittering echoed throughout the path accompanied by the sounds of your dawi marching in the earth's depths.

The Throng eventually spread out ahead as the longbeard's called out to establish camp up ahead for the night inside a large barren cavern as small glints of metal shined throughout it. While the Umgi slowly trudged their way to their camp site.

You settled in for the night around a warm fire and given dried food and ale. While you talked with your kin about past times and enjoying the evening while the umgi sat at distance in their own camp in silence as they spoke quietly.


You were awoken by a shout from a dawi, though only to get their morning need's met as they would be marching soon, much to the complain of some umgi if the sounds from their camp were true.

By the time the throng is ready to move once again the throng is mostly well-rested while the umgi seem to have had a restless night if the way they looked was any indication. Still, they marched alongside your throng even if tired.

The light in the mine seemed to grow as you marched ahead. Your blood slowly starting to sing while the air seemed to become fresher though the smell of death accompanied it. When you finally neared the mine exit and the Umgi lord's not to far behind the sound of bolt's singing and monstrous roar's greeted you.

Ranger's holding the exit Vs Beastmen Charge
37+11+10(Sharp Shooters)=58 Vs 15+14=29

You charged out the longbeards ahead of you in formation charging a small hill as the sound of the ranger's firing ahead of you could be heard. The sight that greeted you was one of chaos as a small number of beastmen littered the climb to the hill while dawi ranger's cut them down from range barely letting any get close and the few that did where easily cut down.

The longbeard's took the center as they formed a wall of steel ready to meet the charge sure to come. While behind you could hear lord glover barking out order's to his men, though when he called your name you shifted towards him as he mounted his horse. "Thorin take your host and encircle him, I will take my men and secure Ironrath and let my king know of what is happening. We crush these monsters here!" You nodded in assent as you took your position atop the hill in time to see the beastmen charge heading towards the throng braying and roaring in bloodlust as they charged you.
-Keeping the line intact:19+11=30


Ungor Spearmen:21+14+10(Charge!)=45
Ungor Herd:45+14+10=69
Ungor raiders:58+14=72

Longbeards! Vs Mukir the Gorebull
65+11+15(Longbeards)-10(holding the line)=81 Vs 35+18(Weapon Skill)+10(Monster)+10(charge)=68

Lord Glover host Vs Beastmen army at Ironrath
70+13-5(Levies)=78 Vs 35+14=49

You watched impatiently as the beastmen charged you while the throng's bolt's hissed through the air picking them off as they bleated and roared out in pain, not slowing down all that much as they charged, and while many were picked off some made it through their large size's bearing down on you.

The impact on your shield had your arm protest against the strain but you held, while a massive hulking form stared at you over your shield with a bloody muzzle and red eye's. You cut off its head spraying you in blood while a shout from your elders drew your attention. You watched as a massive beast engaged with your elder's trying to break their line only to be repulsed and counter charged by them.

The feeling of an ax bashing into your shield drew your attention back to the task at hand as you skillfully cut through the unarmored hide's of the one who attacked you while they tried to assail your shield wall, an ax sliced across your armor to no effect knocking you off balance for but a moment.

You were quick to cut off the offender's head and retook your position only for another ax to impact with your shield while fellow warrior's fought back against the charge trying to hold them only for arrows to pelt into your line finding openings in your people's armor injuring them, but that was enough as You felt the soil beneath you give ground and then you were bashed backword's your line crumbling as beastmen broke through with their strength though they were still cut down. As you found yourself bellowing out "Dawi reform the line! We must hold them" as you fought against any that dared to approach you while your blood sang a smile on your face.

Reforming the line:24+11=35
Dawi Killing off the beastmen:85+11-15=81
Encircling the herd:28+11=39


The Herd:57+14=71

Lord Glover's host: 59+13=72
Ironrath Force: 7+15(Lord Stark martial skill)=22
-Lord Stark:21+14(Skill)=35
-Brandon Snow:92+15(Skill)=107


The other Herd: 40+14-10(Surrounded)=44

Longbeards! Vs Mukir the Gorebull
73+11+15-15(Broken line)=84 Vs 39+18+10+5(Rage)=73

Mukir Escape Roll:81+18=99

You cut down another beastmen and formed a small formation with other warrior's as you were forced to fight back to back against the beast's though you were not a cohesive line your dawi killed many a beastmen. The battle felt like it went on for hours as you deflected blow's meant for you and fellow dawi.

Though at some time in the battle you had witnessed that the big one had gone missing but it was surrounded by your elder's and was most likely taken apart by them working together and also holding against that of other beastmen and been a rallying ground for the throng.

It took a long time but as the sun began to set the last resistance against you was been cleaned up while members of the throng saw to your injured and gathered your dead. The Ranger's nowhere to be seen as they hunted down any runners and secured the perimeter.


You made your way down toward's the Umgi castle as you scowled at the news of both the commander's escape and also that of the number of dawi unable to continue fighting till their wound's healed. The path you walked upon was littered with the beastmen's corpses while the road was soaked in blood.

The Throng was not far behind you as they set up camp near the mine intent on using it for lodging should they be forced to stay here for a few days. The Castle looked decent enough as you got closer to it though you wondered what idiot thought it was a good idea to build it in between a valley as you looked to the cliff's above it then again, maybe it was not a terrible idea as they did look rather dangerous to travel and you were sure the umgi had idea's to defend it from those kinds of plan's

As you approched the gate Umgi guard's stood atop the walls and by the gate's mostly wearing that wolf sigil on their shields and banners. They watched you carefully their hands griping their weapons tightly as they watched you.

One of the Umgi an old man with one eye a large sword in his hand looked at you. "Thane, Lord Glover told me what he could about you. I am to let you through and take you to see my lord, I agree with the choice but it is in thanks of your aid. But I will not allow you access to a weapon you leave it here along with your men, I will ensure your safety so long as you mean my king no harm." He spoke coldly while his eyes drifted across your small group before also looking toward's the throng.

You could hear your dawi shift at how you were addressed and also grumbling at told to go alone into an umgi fortress, you nodded your head to Forstall the issue your fellow dawi would have knowing that there was little choice and best not to insult a king anyway. Removing your ax from its hold and handing it to Gidal you looked at him. "If I am not out in a few hour's save me some good ale and meat, I have an appetite after that fight and I will look forward to it and should they not release me. The Clan comes first." You spoke to him quietly before turning to the Umgi ignoring the grunt that came from behind you.

The Umgi looked down on you before nodding towards you, though you caught him looking at your beard. He led you through the castle in silence as many umgi young and women seemed to stare at you passed them in the hall's many asking questions about something though you could not quite catch what it was.

The Umgi who had yet to introduce himself knocked on a door most likely the solar the sound of an Umgi allowing entrance made you finally aware of your attire, not that you had much choice in what you could wear was covered in blood and dented in a few place's and you did not doubt that there was a bit of a stench.

The Umgi came back out looking relieved before looking at you. "My king will see you now Thane, should you harm him I will Gut you no matter the consequences." He said shortly before taking up a position not far down the hall while two other guards's watched you enter the solar.

When you entered the room you focused on the Umgi who was standing his arm bandaged while he looked to be favoring his right leg, while his grey eye's remained focused on you judging you while he remained quiet. While in the corner sat another Umgi who looked similar to the one who was inspecting you while both lord's Glover and Bole stood silently in a corner While a lady watched yo.

You took a deep breath and decided formality would be best to talk with this Umgi. "Your Grace I am Thane Thorin of..." You were interupted by the umgi in front of you as he raised his hand.

He spoke calmly. "I know who you are Thane, but I find myself in an. annoying position. You have raised an army in my land without my consent and worse had done so before even lord Glover had made a decision. My house has a history of destroying invaders, yet you have not harmed my people and even aided us in destroying a threat to them." He limped over to take a seat while breathing, He looked to you in silence for a moment. " But my house has also shown mercy to those who have needed it and lord Glover says that you came to make a new home. In thanks of your people's aid, I will allow you to settle my land and a pact will be established between our people. But I expect a few concessions for allowing this and should you wish to leave my land's I will allow it and offer you an escort out my land. So what will it be."He asked you expectantly.

(Choose 1)

[]Settle in the north and sign the pact of Ice and Stone:
A Mutual defense treaty to protect one another's home's from outside aggression so long as house Stark Rule's the North. As well as preferential trade agreement's with the Northern Houses.
-[] Settle in the mountains near a river
-[] Settle deep in the mountains
-[] Settle inland where Mountains are near a road

[]Leave the North.
-[] What is your destination Write-in

After much discussion and debate with one another, you made your choice sure that it was the correct one. Just as you were about to leave the Umgi who had watched silently spoke up to the room. "Brother there is one thing you forgot to discuss, the day we sought shelter here a patrol came across a number of ships wrecked across the coast. They did not find much but you say that you are from a distant land and the maester here could not find the language that the books were written in. Would it be possible for you to identify it at the very least?" He asked you sounding curious while his brother showed no sign of having an issue with been disturbed while Lord Bole Glared at him out of king Starks sight.

Knowing the language of your enemy:76

You nodded your head at the request curious to see who the ship's belonged to and maybe they held a few answers. Though when he brought out the book you could not help but feel your anger stoked and your nose curl in a sneer as you looked at the book of Elgi make. "Aye, I know who those ships belonged to. That is the book of Elgi design and are my clan's sworn enemy for what their people have done, let me read the damned thing so I may know if it belongs to the group that I think it does." You said your voice sounding like grinding stones while the umgi had his hand on his sword.

What you managed to make out was not much but what you could understand at least put your worries to rest. "Aye it was them, they were slaver Elgi from what I can make out and their cargo was the very threat we put down outside these walls so there should not be many that remain now. May I take this my Clan's archiver might have a better chance at deciphering what it all says?" You spoke toward's the king well aware that it was his choice thankfully he agreed with you. Allowing you to leave."Farewell King Stark I am sure we will meet again."

The Throng
-Thane Thorin
-150 Longbeards
-250 Warriors
-500 Quarralers
-200 Rangers

House Glover army
-Lord Glover
-Lord Bols
-150 Men at arms
-300 Levies
-100 Archers
-60 Cavalry

Ironrath army
-Lord Stark
-Brandon Snow
-173 Men at arms
-93 Archers
-19 Cavalry

Beastmen Heard that was facing you
-Mukir the Gorebull
-227 Ungor Spearmen
-291 Ungor Herd(Ax Infantry)
-161 Ungor Raiders

Beastmen that were Assaulting Ironrath
-150 Ungor Herd
- 50 Ungor Spearmen
-200 Ungor Raiders

Dawi losses and injuries
150 Longbeards
-4 Dead
76 Injured
250 Warriors
-21 Dead
-161 Injured
500 Quarralers
-7 Dead
-92 Injured
200 Rangers
-24 Dead
-112 Injured

Total Dead: 56
Total Injured: 441

Beastmen Runner's
-Mukir the Gorebull
-41 Ungor Spearmen
-29 Ungor Herd
-53 Ungor Raiders

Grudge Issued
Mukir the Gorebull has wronged our clan by taking 56 dawi live's and injuring many more at the battle of Ironrath and only his Death will settle this Grudge.

2-hour moratorium

The vote will be open for 24-36 or 48 hours (Depends on how the voting going)
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