The College of Jewels (Magical Academy Quest)

Could I convince you to switch this to a practice session? Cause as of now, we have 0 combat ability as we've yet to spend our points (technically we don't even have the lowest tier of the elemental skill tree)
Maybe swap it to a practice session and we can visit the arena next vote or sometime?
Knock people into a hole to somewhere, then close that hole. Who says that we can't make it under their feet? Not that I'm voting for fighting, but don't underestimate how scary somebody who can spam the Gate spell is, even if it only goes to a single not-really-a-place. Especially if it doesn't go anywhere at all.
We should see what's available before putting any more points in Countermagic.

I may need to ask @Wander whether an Enchanting club actually exists...
Totally does. Actually, because I should probably expand on the idea of 'write-in a club.' You've basically got a training coupon there. As long as you aren't looking for something stupidly niche, there's probably a club for it. So feel free to use that to get a head start on enchanting or say write-in a club that could plausibly give elemental points like.... 'target practice club' or 'sculpting club' or something.
Knock people into a hole to somewhere, then close that hole. Who says that we can't make it under their feet? Not that I'm voting for fighting, but don't underestimate how scary somebody who can spam the Gate spell is, even if it only goes to a single not-really-a-place. Especially if it doesn't go anywhere at all.
Definitely! It's also really useful for blocking attacks, assuming the mana doesn't destabilize the portal.
Need to get our speed-casting up for such tricks though. Right now it takes 3 seconds for 1 portal, in presumably non-combat situations.

Also wonder if Saphira has any fighting experience at all, and whether the 'Practice' option would allow her to get used to using her spells for combat. Or do we have to join a duelling club?
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Need to get our speed-casting up for such tricks though. Right now it takes 3 seconds for 1 portal, in presumably non-combat situations.
*shrugs* It works just fine for people in D&D. I'm sure that all we need is practice, and I doubt that it'll get any faster than that, because then you start entering the realms of unconscious thought and lighting people on fire by reflex because your spell-casting is just so darn fast.
Guys, I wouldn't be getting so hyped for the countermagic path, not when we've been repeatedly told how unorthodox and normally impractical it is. Besides, we already have a friend focusing on it.

Now, as a legit dirt-poor college student, making our own magical equipment seems like a very, very good idea. It also could let us get by with a less than stellar Elemental Magic instead relying on our gear for offence. Hell, we even have a friend who Knows Kung Fu.

Still, we should grind like a mofo, at least this first week. Got to rack up those Dimensional points when the TA still has free time. We don't know If we will have the luxury of triple tutoring every single day, for the rest of the term.

Besides, this place is fucking hardcore. We have no rich family, no powerful backer. We need to play Hermione in Slytherin here.

[X] Plan Survive
-[X] Morning
--[X] Find a club
---[X] Magical Martial Arts
--[X] Tutoring with the TA
---[X] Dimensional Science
-[X] Afternoon
--[X] Dimensional Science TA's Class
--[X] Tutoring with the TA
---[X] Dimensional Science
--[X] Class on the elements
-[X] Night
--[X] Tutoring with the TA
---[X] Dimensional Science
--[X] Talk to Ruby

There, a simple "Talk to Ruby", no Magic, no nothing, just relaxing before going to sleep after a very productive day.
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Definitely! It's also really useful for blocking attacks, assuming the mana doesn't destabilize the portal.
You're fine on that count for the most part. For that to happen there would need to be either actual countermagic involved or a spell powerful enough that you're fighting someone so out of your league it's not relevant.
Need to get our speed-casting up for such tricks though. Right now it takes 3 seconds for 1 portal, in presumably non-combat situations.
Cast time is cast time for the most part, unless the situation is very extreme. Of course, that doesn't mean going into a serious fight with no experience is a good idea.

Also wonder if Saphira has any fighting experience at all, and whether the 'Practice' option would allow her to get used to using her spells for combat. Or do we have to join a duelling club?
No combat experience, no. Practice just gets you to the point where you can cast a spell consistently- see the comment on cast time. It's the same principle.

*shrugs* It works just fine for people in D&D. I'm sure that all we need is practice, and I doubt that it'll get any faster than that, because then you start entering the realms of unconscious thought and lighting people on fire by reflex because your spell-casting is just so darn fast.
You'll see the cast time upgrades if you vote for practice, but generally speaking you're right, you aren't casting that fast unless you specialize hard for it, and at that point you're making serious trade offs because the costs ramp up fast.

Still, we should grind like a mofo, at least this first week. Got to rack up those Dimensional points when the TA still has free time. We don't know If we will have the luxury of triple tutoring every single day, for the rest of the term.
This is a thing, yes. I've tried to do a lot to point out that the TA's schedule if written out on a chart like yours would probably contain about 15 or 20 actions rather than your 7, and a lot of hers would have 'mandatory' next to them.

---[X] Enchanting/MMA (Magical Martial Arts)

These are very different clubs- you would need two actions for this.
--[X] Talk to Ruby
There, a simple "Talk to Ruby", no Magic, no nothing, just relaxing before going to sleep after a very productive day.
This is a relevant option, yes.
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[X] Plan Survive
I do hope we can spend some of our points, though I don't think we have many.
If we can, I'm leaning towards speed casting.
Guys, I wouldn't be getting so hyped for the countermagic path, not when we've been repeatedly told how unorthodox and normally impractical it is.
I am not planning to specialize in it, but I would very much like to grab at least the basics. I would appreciate the ability to mess with our opponents' spells, even on a superficial level. The rarity of the field means no one will be expecting it from a newbie, and that might be relevant to the tournaments.

We should probably skip the show on Friday and avoid official events involving Diana, though.

Hm, no Practice?

I am favoring @FatedBread's unnamed plan, because I am itching to test us in the arena on the next day, and we may need to allocate our points before that.

We need more college exploration while we still have time, though. I would like for us to devote an action each day until we know the entirety of the place.
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We should probably skip the show on Friday
We cant skip for like the first trimester everyone has to fight and if you lose your kicked out of the school.
"On an unrelated note, it is likely that the college will soon be experiencing some budgetary problems related to forms that I have no doubt are currently being incinerated by dragonfire. To address this, we will be holding a tournament between students at the end of every week where the losers will be violently 'expelled' in order to cut down on our spending."
I feel like we need connections as well. At the moment Saphira's only friend is a 'pet' of an entity who would gladly like to collect her as part of a matched set, and a TA who gave her the scholarship (and appears to like her quite a lot). We need a few more people invested in her well-being.

After all:
No matter how subtle the wizard, a knife between the shoulder blades will seriously cramp his style.
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I feel like we need connections as well. At the moment Saphira's only friend is a 'pet' of an entity who would gladly likely to collect her as part of a matched set, and a TA who gave her the scholarship (and appears to like her quite a lot). We need a few more people invested in her well-being.

After all:
Yes but until the tournaments are ended we may end up having to fight the people we try to make friends with.
Yes but until the tournaments are ended we may end up having to fight the people we try to make friends with.

The tournaments won't end for ages though, and it'll potentially be harder to make friends the further into the year we get. Better to take the risk that Saphira might have to fight someone she talked to than to risk being without friends and being an easy target.
[X] Plan Gearing Up

[X] Tutoring with the TA
-[X] Dimensional Science
[X] Talk to Ruby
-[X] Learning countermagic
[X] Dimensional Science TA's Class
[X] Class on the elements
[X] Explore the College (Random Encounter)
[X] Tutoring with the TA
-[X] Dimensional Science
[X] Practice

Right now we have 5 DS, 2 Elemental and 1 Countermagic points. So this will bring us up to 8 DS, 3 Elemental and 1-2 Countermagic points. Basically, this plan grabs points and spends them in preparation for visiting the Burning Earth Arena / joining a combat club next vote — as we'll need to have some practical experience for the mandatory end-of-week tournament.
We need more college exploration while we still have time, though. I would like for us to devote an action each day until we know the entirety of the place.
I also agree with Nevill on knowing the college better, and it handily coincides with the goal of widening our social circle, so 1 action goes to it.

I don't think we really have the time to branch out much into other stuff, so joining a club like enchanting would be a waste since we'll only be able to accumulate 1 point a day.
Might be better to go for something that can directly complement our existing build, be it martial arts, magical duelling, research. I particularly favour the combat clubs since we currently only have 1 way to train it, the burning earth arena. And I doubt there'll be much instruction and guidance there.
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Yes, I agree to do DS/Elemental with a sideshow of Counter as well. Even if we have a friend who is more specialized, we should strive to be self-sufficient, because friends won't be of much help in a tournament.

And tomorrow we should try talking to some student who isn't Ruby. SystemicHatter has a point there. We need social ties... a lot of social ties.

[X] Plan Gearing Up
Hmm. Reasonable point on Enchanting - we've kind of already committed to a whole bunch of things. (I just have a personal fascination with that - I can't get players to try it out in RPGs I run :p)

[X] Plan Gearing Up

We should talk to more people the next day though.
And tomorrow we should try talking to some student who isn't Ruby. SystemicHatter has a point there. We need social ties... a lot of social ties.
We should talk to more people the next day though.
Yeah, we're trading away some social actions this turn to get maximal effect from the practice session. We'll make it up next turn and social more.
I think Sammy's going to be a great combat instructor if we get close enough to her. We'll save her from her boredom! Like a Knight! Except she'll be the one wearing the shining spiky armour.
[X] The Library
-[X] Books
[X] Tutoring with the TA
-[X] Dimensional Science

[X] Dimensional Science TA's Class
[X] Class on the elements
[X] Tutoring with the TA
-[X] Dimensional Science

[X] Tutoring with the TA
-[X] Dimensional Science
[X] Practice (May spend accumulated points)
We'll make it up next turn and social more.
We really, really, really should take every TA tutoring session we can.

Not only it increases our main skill, but that in and of itself is a form of socialization. The TA went to great lenghts to help us out, it seems she is really interested. Not to mention, quite a powerful friend, not only by her Magic but being a Staff member. We don't have connections of our own, becoming the TA's TA sounds like a good path to relative safety and great power.
Practice Practice
[X] Plan Gearing Up

[X] Tutoring with the TA
-[X] Dimensional Science
[X] Talk to Ruby
-[X] Learning countermagic
[X] Dimensional Science TA's Class
[X] Class on the elements
[X] Explore the College (Random Encounter)
[X] Tutoring with the TA
-[X] Dimensional Science
[X] Practice

...You forgot to do something about that window. Yay. Getting up at the crack of dawn is so fun. Maybe the TA is up? She seems like a morning person. A shower later, you've got the information sheet she gave out when you signed up for dimensional science and have looked up where her room is. Faculty wing, second floor, first room on the left after you go up the stairs from the small courtyard....

Eventually, you make your way there and knock on her door. A moment later it opens, a crisp "Yes?" coming from the TA. Your train of thought is momentarily derailed by the fact that the TA is wearing pink pajamas rather than her normal somewhat bland black robes. You've also now learned that she apparently has strawberry blonde hair cut short. Really, she just looks entirely different without a hood and thick black robes covering most of her.

"Ah, that is, I was wondering if you had time to go over some of the later chapters in that book on planar control with me, but if you're busy then that's fine I really didn't mean to interrupt you before you had gotten dressed, sorry I'll just leave-" Stupid sunlight making you sleepy and giving you poor judgement. Yes, I will go knock on my TA's door at the crack of dawn, that's reasonable right? Idiot.


"very sorry- ah, yes?"

"It's fine."

"Oh. Uh, okay."

"Come on in."

With no small amount of trepidation you walk into the TA's room as she holds the door open for you. It is entirely too pink and fluffy to fit the image she normally projects.

And then she pulls out her copy of the book from under her bed and starts in on common misconceptions of planar control without an ounce of awkwardness. So it's just you then. Good to know.

An hour later, the TA snaps her book shut.

"My apologies, but I have some work to attend to right now."

She pauses, then a calendar and a pen appear in her hands. She makes several marks, then continues "This time actually works well for me. If you desire more tutoring in the mornings, that would be ideal. I'll see you in class."

Nodding, you hastily exit the room as the TA stands up and begins digging through her dresser. Breakfast should be starting to get served right about now.

You spot Ruby eating alone after collecting your food and maneuver yourself across from her.

"Good morning," is your greeting. She just nods at you, her mouth full. You eat fast so that you finish at about the same time as her.

"So," you lead in, "I talked to the Dimensional Science TA about countermagic, but she's apparently not great at it. I was wondering if you had any suggestions for learning how to do it?"

Ruby frowns a bit at this. "Well, I could maybe help you with the basics..." She gets a thoughtful look on her face. "Or we could help each other, I suppose. A lot of getting better at countermagic is practice, as much of it as possible in as much variation as possible. Finding the heart of a spell needs to become instinctual."

You nod along, eager to learn how to get better at this apparently rare and poorly understood area of magic. Ruby seems to be warming to the idea as she talks.

"Yeah, I'm liking this idea. I've mostly been practicing in class by making all the other student's spells fizzle, and you could do that too, but we would be able to get even more practice if we took turns casting spells and counterspelling each other. Come on, let's find a side room or something so we can do that. I've been itching to get in more practice."

You agree, and the two of you spend a couple hours disrupting each other's spells. You also learn that Ruby apparently has the sense of humor of a three year old when she makes the water from a basic elemental spell backfire and soak you to the bone. You couldn't get her to stop giggling and making puns after that, so not much work was accomplished in the last half hour of practice, but still. You got something done.

After drying yourself off and getting a change of clothes, you have Dimensional Science. You see the TA frowning just a tiny bit when you sit down next to Ruby and she starts snickering again for no apparent reason. Apparently she thought of another pun. You roll your eyes at her and settle down for another of the TA's lectures. Once again, you practically bask in her brilliance and are honestly a bit affronted at how bored most of the class looks. You take much joy from Ruby making half the class's spells spontaneously fizzle for no apparent reason when the TA has you break off into groups to practice. From the amusement you once catch playing across the TA's face when it happens to one of the students who had seemed the most bored by the lecture, apparently she does too.

Once again the class ends and you and Ruby head off to your Elemental class. You give Ruby a glare every time she so much as glances at anyone practicing with water, and you yourself very pointedly pick a candle for your own practice- before realizing that was a terrible idea after recalling the girl whose hair caught on fire and deciding to just mess around with air. Luckily for the first time a class manages to go by without you being effected by any significant accident. The half of the class furthest away from you however... Well, it's a good thing no one but you knows that that's Ruby's fault.

After that you and Ruby end up walking around and talking about her terrible sense of humor while you wait for the TA's schedule to once more be free so you can get some extra tutoring. After only a couple minutes of that though, the two of you walk by an interesting sight- two boys you vaguely recognize from the auditorium on the first day have crowed someone you definitely do recognize into a corner. It's the 'volunteer' the archmage singled out. His face goes even paler than it already was when he sees the two of you come around the corner. When the two crowding him in there notice this and turn around to see you, he quickly pushes past them and sprints down the corridor. He isn't followed. They just give each other a glance then walk away in the opposite direction. Ruby clearly looks unhappy at this.

"Do you think we should do something about that?" She asks. "I feel bad."

You don't really have an answer. "Maybe. I'm not sure what we could really do to help though. He didn't seem exactly pleased to see you either."

She just shakes her head. The mood for the rest of your roam around the college is much more somber and downcast. Eventually however, you depart for the classroom the TA told you to meet her at. If there's one thing you can rely on, it's that at least. Maybe it's unhealthy, but learning things has always been your coping mechanism to ignore and forget about all the things wrong with the city you live in. It just seems like there's too much to be fixed, and no one interested in doing it.

You finish the day off with a few hours of solitary practice, honing your newly learned skills and trying to not think about anything but the spell work. You wonder if one day you'll ever be powerful enough that your voice will really matter in Diadem. You hope so.

Wednesday 1 Complete

+1 point to Elemental Magic
+3 point to Dimensional Magic
+1 point to Countermagic
+Social Link Upgrade- Ruby
+Option Unlocked- Track down the Archmage's 'volunteer' with Ruby
+Option Unlocked- Practice countermagic with Ruby
+Option Unlocked- Practice countermagic in class

Thursday 1 Schedule:

Morning (2 Choices)
[] Find a Club
-[] Writein topic
[] Talk to Ruby
-[] Learning countermagic
[] Talk to Henry
[] The Library
-[] Ask Sammy about something (writein)
-[] Books
[] Explore the College (Random Encounter)
[] Tutoring with the TA
-[] Dimensional Science
-[] Countermagic
[] You and Ruby look for the archmage's 'volunteer'
[] Practice (May spend accumulated points)

Afternoon (3 Choices)
[] Dimensional Science TA's Class
-[] Practice Counterspelling Students
[] Class on the elements
-[] Practice Counterspelling Students
[] Explore the College (Random Encounter)
[] Tutoring with the TA
-[] Dimensional Science
-[] Countermagic
[] The Library
-[] Ask Sammy about something (writein)
-[] Books
[] Find a Club
-[] Writein topic
[] Talk to Ruby
-[] Learning countermagic
[] Talk to Henry
[] You and Ruby look for the archmage's 'volunteer'
[] Practice (May spend accumulated points)

Night (2 Choices)
[] Dimensional Science Practical Class (Mandatory)
-[] Practice Counterspelling Students
[] Explore the College (Random Encounter)
[] Tutoring with the TA
-[] Dimensional Science
-[] Countermagic
[] The Burning Earth's Arena
[] The Library
-[] [] Ask Sammy about something (writein)
-[] Books
[] Find a Club
-[] Writein topic
[] Talk to Ruby
-[] Learning countermagic
[] Talk to Henry
[] You and Ruby look for the archmage's 'volunteer'
[] Practice (May spend accumulated points)

Available Points:
8 Dimensional Science
3 Elemental
2 Countermagic

[] Multicasting (2X): Can maintain X extra spells at the same time.
[] Response 1 (3) You may wait for your opponent to make the first move and match their pace so that your spells complete at the same time. Requires Speed Casting 1.

Dimensional Science:
[] Planar Control 1 (3): You can exert influence on places you have opened a portal to, decreasing or increasing temperature slightly, adding light, air, and featureless floors and walls, requires Planar Creation.

[] Planar Portal Size 2 (5): Opens a portal to nowhere about the size of a double doorway, requires Planar Portal Size 1.
[] Planar Creation 2 (3): You can now open portals to as many Somewheres as you can remember, and reopen those portals at a later date. The inside of these portals is still airless and lightless, requires Planar Creation 1.

[] Planar Teleport 1 (5): Inanimate objects not created or controlled by magic no larger than yourself can be moved directly into and out of Somewhere without a portal within a ten foot radius.

[] Elemental Planar Portal 1 (5) You may create a tiny portal to an elemental plane, unleashing effects equal to the adept rank of Elemental Control. When Speed Cast, becomes incredibly unstable and dangerous to yourself.

[] Novice Elemental Control (1): Can create painful but chaotic and small elemental effects.
-[] Apprentice Elemental Control (5): Can create potentially deadly manifestations of elements, and exert minor and slow control over the elements around you, requires Novice Elemental Control.
-[] Adept Elemental Control (10): Small Buildings could be endangered by your attacks, and you could, with a great deal of effort, use you control over the elements to create something on the level of a small building.

[] Elemental Protection (X): Can defend yourself against Elemental Spells of Equal or Lesser rank to the number of points spent on Elemental Protection.

[] Elemental Pledge (N/A): Pledge yourself to an element (Earth, Air, Water, Fire). You cannot cast spells of other elements or directly protect yourself from other elements. Up to Apprentice Elemental Control is free. Treat Elemental Protection from your Element and Elemental Control as though they were 3 times the rank they actually are.

[] Minor Disruption (1): Your opponent's spells become slightly unpredictable, or very much so if they would be already. Precise aim becomes impossible and catastrophic failure a real possibility.

[] Dismissal (X): Spells up to your rank in Dismissal not hardened against countermagic may be counterspelled completely.

[] Redundancy (3): Double the difficulty of Dismissal on your spells.

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Which points could be spent on Generic?


Dimensional Science:
[ ] Planar Control 1 (3)
[ ] Planar Teleport 1 (5)

[ ] Novice Elemental Control (1)
[ ] Elemental Protection (2)

[ ] Minor Disruption (1)
[ ] Dismissal (1)

[X] Plan: Social Combat

[X] Talk to Henry
[X] Explore the College (Random Encounter)

Afternoon (3 Choices)
[X] Class on the elements
[X] You and Ruby look for the archmage's 'volunteer'
[X] The Burning Earth's Arena

Night (2 Choices)
[X] Dimensional Science Practical Class (Mandatory)
-[X] Practice Counterspelling Students
[X] The Library
-[X] Ask Sammy about something (Her coolest past battles)

Talking to ALL THE PEOPLE, continuing to train with TA and Elemental magic, and practicing combat in the Arena.

Also maybe duscussing with Ruby what to do during the tournament tomorrow, what with Diana being present there. TA does not want us being noticed by the Dragon, and Ruby does not appear to want that either. So... any ideas for how to lay low in plain sight?
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