The College of Jewels (Magical Academy Quest)

[X] Plan Saphira's adventures

Morning (2 Choices)
[X] The Library
-[X] Books
--[X] On elementalism
[X] Talk to Ruby
-[X] Learning countermagic

Afternoon (3 Choices)
[X] Talk to Henry
-[X] Ask Henry for help with something
--[X] Helping the archmage's 'volunteer'
[X] Dimensional Science TA's Class
[X] Class on the elements

Night (2 Choices)
[X] Practice (May spend accumulated points)
[X] The Burning Earth's Arena

Poor Saphira takes a break from waking up at dawn ("Hah! Take that, Narrative!") And instead does some quiet reading, before heading off to find a precious rock and puzzles out how to avoid getting her name changed to Sapphire. (credit to Nevill for the idea) Moved to tomorrow, so all prepwork for the tournament can be done together in the few hours before the tourney.
In the afternoon, Saphira throws her problem at someone who's likely to be enthused about it — now watch as she tries to avoid being dragged along by Henry. "Let us go be heroes!" "No- Wait, stahp!"
At night, Saphira decides getting some practice dropping rocks on people might be good. And wonders whether doing it in the arena would mean flaming rocks crashing down on people.

Basically, we don't let off with our schedule but also handle the other stuff besides training.

Is it possible to request a character sheet? Would be useful to keep track of the skills and points we have ^.^
Also, do we specifically have to devote an action to look for objects to stuff into our 'Somewhere' for use with Planar teleport? I imagine boulders while easily accessible, aren't the best for non-lethal takedowns. A weighted metal net or sorts might be better.
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[X] Plan Saphira's adventures
You should use that Library action to study elementalism, otherwise the Practice session will be nearly worthless, as we won't be able to buy Apprentice Elemental Control or Redundancy. The first requires two Elemental points, the latter one Countermagic point.

As much as I love to grind DS, I really want a compromise vote that gets both Apprentice Elemental Control and Burning Arena tomorrow.
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Is it possible to request a character sheet? Would be useful to keep track of the skills and points we have ^.^
Yes, I've been meaning to getting around to doing one. I'm doing laundry now, but I'll probably get one up tonight.
Also, do we specifically have to devote an action to look for objects to stuff into our 'Somewhere' for use with Planar teleport? I imagine boulders while easily accessible, aren't the best for non-lethal takedowns. A weighted metal net or sorts might be better.
You'll have an opportunity to prepare for the tournament day of.
getting her name changed to Sapphire.
You know, I have spent a frankly unhealthy amount of time pondering whether or not Diana would actually change Saphira's name if things ended up that way. I don't even think the situation is likely to come up unless you guys are really dumb about it, but it's been bugging me.
As much as I love to grind DS, I really want a compromise vote that gets both Apprentice Elemental Control and Burning Arena tomorrow.
Alright, I added a subvote to the library action to focus on elementalism. I figure the TA won't mind us taking a break from DS for 1 day.

On a side note, I think once Sammy's SL is at the next level, we'll probably be able to ask for combat classes. We could probably ask her now, but I don't want our relationship with her to seem transactional, she's an interesting character and I'd like to get to know her better.
[X] Plan Saphira's adventures

I do have a little trouble imagining that Sammy is Sammy's full name. It could be, I guess, but I'm conditioned towards fancy fantasy names for figures like that.
@Wander I hope this helps a bit:

LAST NAME: Unknown
AGE: 18

Ruby ():
Henry ():
Sammy ():
Dimensional Science TA ():
Archmage ():

DS Prodigy: Shockingly, you actually took and passed the entrance exam. You're not really anyone special beyond beating those staggering odds however. You impressed the DS TA enough that you gained a scholarship.

Banked Skill Points:
Elemental: 3
Dimensional: 3
Countermagic: 2
Enchanting: 1

General Magic (Rank3) :
Speed Casting 1 (3): Spells no longer require a ritual and have a casting time equal to the numbers of points they cost in seconds.

Elemental Magic (Rank 1):
Novice Elemental Control (1): Can create painful but chaotic and small elemental effects.

Dimensional Magic (Rank 15):
Planar Portal (1): Opens a small portal to nowhere somewhere you can see. Not yet usefully large.
- Planar Portal Size 1 (3): Opens a portal to nowhere about the size of a person, requires Planar Portal.
- Planar Creation 1 (3): You can now open a portal to Somewhere, and reopen that portal at a later date. The inside of the portal is still airless and lightless, requires Planar Portal.
- Planar Control 1 (3): You can exert influence on places you have opened a portal to, decreasing or increasing temperature slightly, adding light, air, and featureless floors and walls, requires Planar Creation.
- Planar Teleport 1 (5): Inanimate objects not created or controlled by magic no larger than yourself can be moved directly into and out of Somewhere without a portal within a ten foot radius.
@Wander I hope this helps a bit:

LAST NAME: Unknown
AGE: 18

Ruby ():
Henry ():
Sammy ():
Dimensional Science TA ():
Archmage ():

DS Prodigy: Shockingly, you actually took and passed the entrance exam. You're not really anyone special beyond beating those staggering odds however. You impressed the DS TA enough that you gained a scholarship.

Banked Skill Points:
Elemental: 3
Dimensional: 3
Countermagic: 2
Enchanting: 1

General Magic (Rank3) :
Speed Casting 1 (3): Spells no longer require a ritual and have a casting time equal to the numbers of points they cost in seconds.

Elemental Magic (Rank 1):
Novice Elemental Control (1): Can create painful but chaotic and small elemental effects.

Dimensional Magic (Rank 15):
Planar Portal (1): Opens a small portal to nowhere somewhere you can see. Not yet usefully large.
- Planar Portal Size 1 (3): Opens a portal to nowhere about the size of a person, requires Planar Portal.
- Planar Creation 1 (3): You can now open a portal to Somewhere, and reopen that portal at a later date. The inside of the portal is still airless and lightless, requires Planar Portal.
- Planar Control 1 (3): You can exert influence on places you have opened a portal to, decreasing or increasing temperature slightly, adding light, air, and featureless floors and walls, requires Planar Creation.
- Planar Teleport 1 (5): Inanimate objects not created or controlled by magic no larger than yourself can be moved directly into and out of Somewhere without a portal within a ten foot radius.
You are the best. Lemme just make some minor changes and additions and I'll have that up on the front page in just a minute.

And hmm. It seems to be QM tradition to give minor rewards for things like this, so take either a free point in whatever you want or a minor question.
How do you feel about this? I'm somewhat ambivalent, since I'm slightly tired of skill grinding, but I also made sure that there were other interesting activities later in the day. And like TNE mentioned, there's probably a chance to do it on Saturday.

I am also ambivalent. We can pick it up on Saturday, and I'm not convinced we'll need Redundancy for the first week, anyway.
I'm somewhat ambivalent as well. Redundancy seems useful against such a small segment of the population (basically Ruby). Countermagic is an odd discipline, and even the talented character was unfamiliar before meeting a specialist. At the same time, without it the countermagic gimmick/trick is much stronger...but I'm not too afraid of some other random first-year popping in with 10 points in Dismissal or something.
Hmm @Wander, what time is the tournament tomorrow? (I.e. will we still have some slots before it?)

If we do have some slots, then I'll probably change 'practice' at night to countermagic with Ruby, so we buy our skills tomorrow — After hopefully another CM session to pick up Minor disruption, which has a lot of utility.

If not, I'll probably just swap the morning session of Ruby planning to countermagic. I'm mainly worried the archmage may match up with Ruby just as a way to needle her or prove his point about 'unimportant' people.
Hmm @Wander, what time is the tournament tomorrow? (I.e. will we still have some slots before it?)

If we do have some slots, then I'll probably change 'practice' at night to countermagic with Ruby, so we buy our skills tomorrow — After hopefully another CM session to pick up Minor disruption, which has a lot of utility.

If not, I'll probably just swap the morning session of Ruby planning to countermagic. I'm mainly worried the archmage may match up with Ruby just as a way to needle her or prove his point about 'unimportant' people.
For the day of the tournament we'll be temporarily moving away from slots and I'll be doing some shorter updates at a bit of a faster pace. I'll let you get done anything you could reasonably get done in a couple of hours. (So, if you desperately want an extra point or two to use, you could do that, but then you probably wouldn't have time for much else in the way of preparation.)
Are you willing to change the 'volunteer' action out for 'Ask Henry to help the archmage's volunteer' and shift it to the morning?
Looks like someone came up with a decent plan to that effect, so there is no need to answer that.

[X] Plan Saphira's adventures

How do you feel about this? I'm somewhat ambivalent, since I'm slightly tired of skill grinding, but I also made sure that there were other interesting activities later in the day.
I am not sold on talking to Ruby about countermagic, since that's the only thing we seem to be doing with her lately. I'd rather talk to her about Diana instead, because tomorrow she'll be overseeing the whole thing, and even if Ruby calls us Sophia, we have entered the University under a real one. If we display some real prowess - which we might not - we might earn attention, then the name will come up, and then nothing good will happen. Not that I expect us to 'win' that tournament on our first try.

If you think Redundancy is worth it, keep it, otherwise I wouldn't bother. Personally, I'd keep the number of points gained per day to 3. If we need Countermagic that badly, we can study with TA (since she knows the basics).

However, if we talk to Ruby tomorrow before the tournament, I am fine with the current plan.
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And hmm. It seems to be QM tradition to give minor rewards for things like this, so take either a free point in whatever you want or a minor question.
The winning plan has us learning Apprentice Elemental Control just before hitting the Burning Arena. Maybe that just happened to give Saph enough insight to figure out Elemental Planar Control :V
Preparing for a fight in the Arena
[X] Plan Saphira's adventures

Morning (2 Choices)
[X] The Library
-[X] Books
--[X] On elementalism
[X] Talk to Ruby
-[X] Learning countermagic

Afternoon (3 Choices)
[X] Talk to Henry
-[X] Ask Henry for help with something
--[X] Helping the archmage's 'volunteer'
[X] Dimensional Science TA's Class
[X] Class on the elements

Night (2 Choices)
[X] Practice (May spend accumulated points)
[X] The Burning Earth's Arena

You nuzzle into your pillow, covered by your blanket. You're not entirely sure what time it is, but you are damn sure it isn't dawn. Frankly, that's good enough for you. The beds at the college are actually much nicer than your bed at home. Very soft and fluffy.

An indeterminate amount of time later, you convince yourself to finally get up. Looking out the window and estimating from the height of the sun.... You're not actually very good at this. Before noon. Probably. You yawn, still sleepy. You don't really want to put a super huge amount of effort into anything after getting up at a reasonable hour for the first time since coming to the college. You guess that means you'll work on Elemental magic. Heh.

You walk to the library, giving Sammy a friendly greeting which she returns when she asks for your library card. You grab the first reasonable looking book on Elemental magic you're allowed to take and just start reading. For all that it's a fairly theory light subsection of magic, there was a large body of practical advice to draw from.

Eventually however, you are interrupted by a poke to the back of the head. You jump and spin around, startled, to see Ruby standing behind you with a small stack of books in her hand. "Good morning," she says.

"Why did you poke me?" You grumble.

She just smirks slightly. "I enjoy watching you freak out."

"I didn't 'freak out,'" you protest, "I was just startled."

"Uh huh."

You scowl at her and change the subject. "What are you reading all those books about? Countermagic?"

She nods. "Like always. There's some higher level things than just the basic dismissal that I wanted to work on, but I'm not entirely sure how to do them so I need to do some research."

"Like what?"

"Urgh, don't make me give you a full explanation, we'll be here for hours."

"Hey, don't doubt me. I'm good at theory stuff I'll have you know."

"Fine, but don't ask any questions. And don't complain to me about my metaphors, because they're Viola's metaphors, and she's awful at metaphors."

You just nod, eager to hear about some new and rare magic.

"Okay, so imagine ambient magic as a bunch of loose threads. A spell is a tapestry or a blanket or some other finished product made of threads. Dismissal is like carefully picking apart the threads as they're weaved. But what if, for example, there were no threads there in the first place? Or at least a very small number of threads. Then suddenly magic becomes very difficult because you're relying almost entirely on your own personal stores of magic."

"But how does that-"

"I said no questions!"

"I'm just saying that that explanation doesn't exactly-"

"Nope. Not my metaphor, not my explanation, that's the best you're getting."

You sigh.

Eventually you manage to coax several more equally absurd metaphors out of her. The explanations just don't make sense when you consider how magic actually works. Finally, in frustration you decide to read through some of her stack of books. Those were better and lined up more with what you understand to be how magic actually works, but you still feel like you're just not getting something. Just as you're about to give up in frustration however, Ruby makes a small exclamation and runs off claiming that she 'needs to write this down.'

You call after her that the dimensional science class is about to start, but she just flaps her hand at you and keeps running.

The class... Happens. You weren't paying as much attention as you normally do, your brain still trying to work on whatever problem Ruby had figured out. You don't come to whatever sudden epiphany she had, but your brain does manage to work out a niggling inconsistency between planar portals and planar teleports that had been bugging you so your inattention wasn't entirely a waste.

When you get to the class on the elements afterwards, you're surprised to find Ruby already waiting for you outside the door. When you ask her why she ran off she just gets a smug smile and says 'you'll see.' And yes, you did in fact see. Everyone in the class, you included, was having trouble casting spells. It felt like there was a pressure, some kind of tangible force making everything more difficult. You could barely even get your elemental spells to work more than half the time, although a subtle check showed you could use your dimensional spells, albeit with difficulty. Despite this widespread effect, the students who had taken the elemental pledges appeared to be Ruby's real focus. None of them could manage a thing the entire class. You think Brand, the class's TA, figured out what was going on given the glances Ruby was getting from him but he didn't say anything. Although considering that his focus at least half the time seemed to be on her collar, you suspect he may have wanted to. You feel like you should probably find the time to talk to Ruby about that. She might not get in trouble, but considering you're her friend you don't really want to be in the potential firing line.

That would have to wait for later however, because right now you were focused on finding Henry. This time it was surprisingly difficult- it took you the better part of an hour when he wasn't at any of the well trafficked places you thought he would be. When you finally do find him, he's walking through a somewhat dark and dusty corner of the student's wing of the college.

"Henry, there you are," you say.

"And there you are Saphira! What a surprise to be meeting you in a place like this," is his reply.

"It took me a while to find you."

"I am not surprised! I intentionally took myself off the beaten path this day, so that I might find those who do not follow it."

Uh. Right. "Well, I've got an idea for one of those 'great deeds' you were talking about if you're interested."

"Oh? This is good to hear."

"You know that guy the archmage picked to be his 'volunteer' on the first day?"

"Yes, indeed I do. He is one of the ones I have been tracking to introduce myself to. He has proven quite adept at running off just when I find myself close to him."

You manage to just barely hold back a weary sigh.

"Well, I think he's in trouble. With the archmage singling him out like that I think a lot of the other people in our class are too, and things could go very badly for him soon."

"I see, yes. This makes sense. A fine idea. Now, how to go about it..."

Henry starts muttering ideas to himself and you slowly try to ease around the corner before he can drag you into whatever his plan is. You almost make it before...

"Ah, Saphira, I may have need of your help in this matter eventually. I shall let you know. Until then, may all roads lead to your destination."

You want to go to the Burning Earth's arena, but you feel you should get some practice in beforehand...

We're going to jump out of taking it day by day a bit ahead of schedule actually. We'll handle the fight in the arena like I plan to handle the tournament and see how that goes ahead of time.

For now...

Tactics for a fight:
[] Responsive- Catch your opponents spells with portals and then retaliate with minor elemental magic.

[] Aggressive- Drops rocks on someone's head as an opening move, and continue on the offense if that fails.

[] Write-in.

+1 point to elemental magic
+1 bonus point to elemental magic from books
+1 point to countermagic
+1 point to dimensional science
+1 bonus point to dimensional science courtesy of @TotallyNotEvil
+ Social Link Upgrade- Henry

Point Totals

Elemental: 5
Dimensional: 5
Countermagic: 3
Enchanting: 1

[] Multicasting (2X): Can maintain X extra spells at the same time.

[] Response 1 (3) You may wait for your opponent to make the first move and match their pace so that your spells complete at the same time. Requires Speed Casting 1.

[] Stabilization (5) Unstable spells lose that trait, and effects that would make a spell unstable are stepped down 1 level (I.E. Disruption -> Minor Disruption and Minor Disruption -> Nothing)

Dimensional Science:
[] Planar Portal Size 2 (5): Opens a portal to nowhere about the size of a double doorway, requires Planar Portal Size 1.
-[] Planar Portal Size 3 (10): Opens a portal to nowhere 10 meters square, requires Planar Portal Size 2.

[] Planar Creation 2 (3): You can now open portals to as many Somewheres as you can remember, and reopen those portals at a later date. The inside of these portals is still airless and lightless, requires Planar Creation 1.
-[] Planar Creation 3 (10): You can now open portals to a Somewhere that is identical to a location with which you are familiar and spend a great deal of time. Details which you do not know or cannot recall perfectly such as the inside of books cannot be copied. Requires Planar Creation 2.

[] Elemental Planar Portal 1 (5): You may create a tiny portal to an elemental plane, unleashing effects equal to the adept rank of Elemental Control. When Speed Cast, becomes incredibly unstable and dangerous to yourself.
-[] Elemental Planar Portal 2 (25): You may create a portal deeper in an elemental plane, unleashing effects equal to the Expert rank of Elemental Control. When Speed Cast, becomes incredibly unstable and dangerous to yourself. Even when cast normally, the effects are so extreme that without precautions it is likely to be fatal.

[] Apprentice Elemental Control (5): Can create potentially deadly manifestations of elements, and exert minor and slow control over the elements around you, requires Novice Elemental Control.
-[] Adept Elemental Control (10): Small Buildings could be endangered by your attacks, and you could, with a great deal of effort, use you control over the elements to create something on the level of a small building, requires Novice Elemental Control.
--[] Expert Elemental Control (50): Potentially the effects from magic of this level could be dangerous even to a small castle (Or create things on that scale). Without an equivalent rank in Elemental protection, magic of this level is very dangerous even to the wielder, requires Adept Elemental Control.

[] Elemental Protection (X): Can defend yourself against Elemental Spells of Equal or Lesser rank to the number of points spent on Elemental Protection.

[] Elemental Pledge (N/A): Pledge yourself to an element (Earth, Air, Water, Fire). You cannot cast spells of other elements or directly protect yourself from other elements. Up to Apprentice Elemental Control is free. Treat Elemental Protection from your Element and Elemental Control as though they were 3 times the rank they actually are.

[] Minor Disruption (1): Your opponent's spells become slightly unpredictable, or very much so if they would be already. Precise aim becomes impossible and catastrophic failure a real possibility.
-[] Disruption (5): Your opponent's spells become unpredictable. Aim beyond 'somewhere within 180 degrees of where I'm pointing' becomes impossible and catastrophic failure a real possibility, or almost guaranteed in the event of already unstable spells.

[] Dismissal (X): Spells up to your rank in Dismissal not hardened against countermagic may be counterspelled completely.

[] Redundancy (3): Double the difficulty of Dismissal on your spells.

[] Dissipation Field (10): Create a 20 meter radius wherein spells are only considered their own rank for the purposes of Dismissal, rather than benefiting from the total point investment in the field of magic.

(There's no write-up for enchantments buys because it's really not relevant at all and you can't afford anything. Feel free to spend it on something generic.)​
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Well, first of all, that's an absurdly better write-up of the skill trees. Second, a couple of questions:
[] Stabilization (5) Unstable spells lose that trait, and effects that would make a spell unstable are stepped down 1 level (I.E. Disruption -> Minor Disruption and Minor Disruption -> Nothing)
So could we Speed Cast the Elemental Planar Portal 1 with this?

[] Planar Creation 2 (3): You can now open portals to as many Somewheres as you can remember, and reopen those portals at a later date. The inside of these portals is still airless and lightless, requires Planar Creation 1.
-[] Planar Creation 3 (10): You can now open portals to a Somewhere that is identical to a location with which you are familiar and spend a great deal of time. Details which you do not know or cannot recall perfectly such as the inside of books cannot be copied. Requires Planar Creation 2.
I still don't quite understand how these work.

[X][Tactics] Aggressive- Drops rocks on someone's head as an opening move, and continue on the offense if that fails.

We should go all out for a myriad of reasons, like making a powerful impression, guaranteeing we actually win, taking advantage of our magic's unpredictable nature (to the enemy), and so on and so forth.
Basically, you can open a portal, put something there, and then get it out again if it's Somewhere. As opposed to Nowhere, where if you close the portal whatever it is is basically gone for good.
What is confounding me is the mention to multiple Somewheres, including those we are familiar with.

What I concluded was:
Level 1: You can have one personal pocket dimension.
Level 2: Is able to create as many pocket dimensions as you can keep track of and may access them later.
Level 3: Those pocket dimensions can, now, be comfy offices, dinning rooms, a boxing ring, etc. Also, now featuring an atmosphere.

That about right?
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[X][Tactics] Aggressive- Drops rocks on someone's head as an opening move, and continue on the offense if that fails.

[X][Magic] Elemental Planar Portal, Stabilization, Redundancy.

I figure we won't need to actually get the elemental control, at least not now, with Stabilization in play.
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You don't come to whatever sudden epiphany she had, but you're brain does manage to work out a niggling inconsistency between planar portals and planar teleports that had been bugging you so your inattention wasn't entirely a waste.

[X] Elemental Planar Portal 1 (5)
[X] Apprentice Elemental Control (5)
[X] Dismissal (3)

[X] Responsive- Catch your opponents spells with portals and then retaliate with minor elemental magic.