The Cheating Cheater Who Cheats [Worm Quest]

[X] I want to see if the universe gifted me with more free stuff. I'm going to head to my cabin and scour it from top to bottom!
[X] I'm starting to get hungry. I'm should to look around for somewhere that I can get lunch.

[X] Investigate the disturbance covertly. There is an observation deck above the area people are headed to; you should be able to see what is happening from there with nobody being the wiser.
[X] I want to see if the universe gifted me with more free stuff. I'm going to head to my cabin and scour it from top to bottom!

[X] I want to examine the goodies I fond in my bag in private. I'm going to go to my cabin to do so.

[X] Investigate the disturbance covertly. There is an observation deck above the area people are headed to; you should be able to see what is happening from there with nobody being the wiser.

Kara Kesh doesn't look like much from HymOfRagnarok's link. Not as killy as Epic Tinker Gun, by the description. Would be awesome if it can use the neural link to read someone's mind, tho.
[X] I want to see if the universe gifted me with more free stuff. I'm going to head to my cabin and scour it from top to bottom!
[X] I'm starting to get hungry. I'm should to look around for somewhere that I can get lunch.

[X] Investigate the disturbance covertly. There is an observation deck above the area people are headed to; you should be able to see what is happening from there with nobody being the wiser.

We have the luck of a sage.
[X] I want to see if the universe gifted me with more free stuff. I'm going to head to my cabin and scour it from top to bottom!

[X] I want to examine the goodies I fond in my bag in private. I'm going to go to my cabin to do so.

[X] Investigate the disturbance covertly. There is an observation deck above the area people are headed to; you should be able to see what is happening from there with nobody being the wiser.

Kara Kesh doesn't look like much from HymOfRagnarok's link. Not as killy as Epic Tinker Gun, by the description. Would be awesome if it can use the neural link to read someone's mind, tho.
The kara kesh is actually useless to Kevin other than the value of the tech. He can't actually use it as he has no naquadah in his blood.
Actually, could we possibly use our probability powers on the loot rolls?

In a localized manner potentially. If we were doing salvage for instance and wanted to increase our chances of finding the most valuable item sure on a wreck I think so. I don't think using our powers would have given us the Mars bottle or the Go'auld artifact if we searched our pack.


It's important to realize that if this is the moment, Scion's arrival, that I expect it to be then we're about to get a lot of close scrutiny in the coming days. The same way anyone whose part of a disaster or big news stories(Think Chilean Miners) is profile. Everyone on the ship the vents leading up to it will be scrutinized as time goes on. This is a our big moment if we want to make an impression and our chance to push Scion down a different path if we desire it.

For those more familiar with canon why did Scion decide to murderize everyone? I think Jack Slash had a conversation with him?

Personally I think right now Scion understands mortality, loss, in a way his kind generally don't. This is probably our greatest chance to try and convince him to choose something else. To take a new path. To find a meaning and purpose separate from the one now barred to him with the death of his mate.

Honestly we're not a bad person to make the appeal. We know what it's like for our choices to seem not to mean anything. To drift aimless without purpose.

Personally if he is here I'm gonna suggest 1 of two courses of action. The first is something I heard shorthand from Lewis C K which sounds apocryphal but actually sounds like good advice.

I can't cite the title, or even verify if it's true, because I heard the story from a second party. Someone was talking about a movie that takes place in the 1920's where Spencer Tracy catches a woman about to kill herself. Tracy is on a boat and sees a rich, young socialite about to throw herself off the boat because her fiancé left her for another woman and he's trying to talk her out of suicide. He says to her, "Do you have a job? Do you have anything that you do in your life?" She said, "No," and he said, "I think you should get a job, because it's very hard to be sad and useful at the same time."

I think for Scion this even truer. He can accomplish so much, but he has no motivation no purpose. I think we should see about fixing that. And wouldn't you know that with our power over probability, thinker powers and relative immunity in our breaker form we're a fair good companion with a being with a lot of power but little in the way of human perspective.

Be the Gilgamesh to his Enkidu. Show him civilization, show him what it means to live then just being something that's more a force of nature than self aware at times. I think if Scion actually stays and improves a particular locale for a protracted time, has time for the locales to grow accustomed to him and for him to see the fruits of his labor he might feel at least...recognition for his work. I know others thought of it for him, but I don't think it was in a form he recognized or care about. Just a thought.
[X] I want to see if the universe gifted me with more free stuff. I'm going to head to my cabin and scour it from top to bottom!
[X] I want to examine the goodies I fond in my bag in private. I'm going to go to my cabin to do so.
[X] Confront the issue head-on. You are going to head up to the bow of the ship with the rest of the passengers so you can find out what is going on.
[X] I want to examine the goodies I fond in my bag in private. I'm going to go to my cabin to do so.
[X] I'm starting to get hungry. I'm should to look around for somewhere that I can get lunch.

[X] Confront the issue head-on. You are going to head up to the bow of the ship with the rest of the passengers so you can find out what is going on.

Because I don't want to use all of our points up yet on random loot. Those are nice, but the they've also been covering our ass with things like the ticket. These points may come in handy when we meet Scion.

So, examine what we got, see if we can learn them a bit, and then fill our stomach.
[X] I want to examine the goodies I fond in my bag in private. I'm going to go to my cabin to do so.
[X] I'm starting to get hungry. I'm should to look around for somewhere that I can get lunch.

[X] Confront the issue head-on. You are going to head up to the bow of the ship with the rest of the passengers so you can find out what is going on.
Oh man, this is the Kara Kesh?

Fancy. Stylish too.

The item in the your link is indeed what you have in your bag.

And we've already gotten the Mother Box.....very nice.

The Motherbox was not on your person when you examined yourself earlier. You have no idea where it could be.

Okay, question time to try and cheat our way into maximum results, as given in the title:


If we choose to thoroughly search our cabin and to examine our stuff in the cabin, both of which take place in the same location, and still take a third (thereby hurrying), will any associated penalties be mitigated?

Next, could the Mother Box potentially be used to scan our room and speed up any searches for unusual items?

Now you're using your head! Maximizing your results is the name of the game here! The course you proposed would be the biggest time-saver; it would take much less time and effort to do two tasks in your cabin than anywhere else, and wouldn't use much extra time at all.

If and when you locate your Motherbox, you may use her scanning functions in any situation you wish. Performing cursory scans on people/places/things is simple and nearly instantaneous.

If we search our cabin, will this spend the rest of our points? Because so far having them cover our random appearance has been pretty nice...having one help us tilt the odds in random situations (such as the first appearance of Scion) would also be helpful.

Your remaining (6) points will be used as you encounter situations where loot is a possibility, until the points are completely used up. Using points allows you to gain loot orders of magnitude better than you would otherwise find/receive. Points cannot help you unless the problem can be solved by randomly finding some type of item or other.

Can we use our hidden, Adaptation trait to help merge our new kara kesh and Mother Box together, or merge them with us? Or find a way to make this happen? If nothing else, I figure our Breaker state and future sight could let us accomplish this so long as it is theoretically possible to happen. It'll just take time.

If you wanted to you could certainly use <Adaptation> to begin modifying one of your powers to include the ability to absorb items and integrate their abilities into the power.

Unless you have a compelling reason to use a different power, you would probably want to <Adapt> your Shaker power to do this, as it is the power that is the closest match to what you are proposing. It already lets you pull items out of the time stream and store them, which is at least a starting point of some kind.

When you use <Adaptation> the name of the game is to use several logical steps that make sense to get from point A to point B. Basically, your power is the raw material and <Adaptation> acts as your tools and workbench. <Adapting> a power toward a different purpose isn't magic; you need to assemble your project piece by piece. You will need all of the pieces to finish any project.

If you don't direct it, <Adaptation> will slowly make your powers better over time and/or fill in weaknesses. If you direct it, then you need to come up with a step-by-step plan for getting from "Ability to store objects out of time/phase" to "Ability to break down physical objects and turn their capabilities into superpowers".

And speaking of which...using this power, and our tech, to integrate other tinkertech into our arsenal would be pretty badass. Hell, that Breaker state should let us quasi-PTV our way to fixing or producing tinkertech, in time.

Indeed, you could use your Thinker power for something like that... after a certain amount of practice, of course. "Probability that this pile of junk can be made into a laser gun? 11.2%? Now we know it's possible, at least. Let's break down the numbers so that we can figure out where to get started..."

If you ever figure out a way to make super-science inventions they are liable to be far more reliable than true "Tinker Tech", as you don't have a shard to blackbox your tech or sabotage other peoples' ability to learn from you.

It's almost a shame that you didn't pick a Tinker power, as your abilities are fundamentally different than those the Entities hand out. You would have received a head full of super advanced scientific and engineering knowledge, virtual training , and several blueprints to get you started. The best thing about it would have been the ability to teach everything to other people.
The Motherbox was not on your person when you examined yourself earlier. You have no idea where it could be.

Well....crap. Better get on that then.

Now you're using your head! Maximizing your results is the name of the game here! The course you proposed would be the biggest time-saver; it would take much less time and effort to do two tasks in your cabin than anywhere else, and wouldn't use much extra time at all.

H'okay then, changing mah vote:

[X] I want to see if the universe gifted me with more free stuff. I'm going to head to my cabin and scour it from top to bottom!
[X] I want to examine the goodies I fond in my bag in private. I'm going to go to my cabin to do so.
[X] I'm starting to get hungry. I'm should to look around for somewhere that I can get lunch.

[X] Confront the issue head-on. You are going to head up to the bow of the ship with the rest of the passengers so you can find out what is going on.

Because if the Mother Box is in our cabin, we'd best get on that, and this is apparently quite a time saver.

Plus, by storing our loot with our Shaker power, no chance of theft unless we bring it out. Or detection, probably.

Your remaining (6) points will be used as you encounter situations where loot is a possibility, until the points are completely used up. Using points allows you to gain loot orders of magnitude better than you would otherwise find/receive. Points cannot help you unless the problem can be solved by randomly finding some type of item or other.

I see....thank you for explaining.

If you wanted to you could certainly use <Adaptation> to begin modifying one of your powers to include the ability to absorb items and integrate their abilities into the power.

Unless you have a compelling reason to use a different power, you would probably want to <Adapt> your Shaker power to do this, as it is the power that is the closest match to what you are proposing. It already lets you pull items out of the time stream and store them, which is at least a starting point of some kind.

When you use <Adaptation> the name of the game is to use several logical steps that make sense to get from point A to point B. Basically, your power is the raw material and <Adaptation> acts as your tools and workbench. <Adapting> a power toward a different purpose isn't magic; you need to assemble your project piece by piece. You will need all of the pieces to finish any project.

If you don't direct it, <Adaptation> will slowly make your powers better over time and/or fill in weaknesses. If you direct it, then you need to come up with a step-by-step plan for getting from "Ability to store objects out of time/phase" to "Ability to break down physical objects and turn their capabilities into superpowers".

I think I could do that....I have some ideas how who we can make it work.
[X] I want to see if the universe gifted me with more free stuff. I'm going to head to my cabin and scour it from top to bottom!
[X] I want to examine the goodies I fond in my bag in private. I'm going to go to my cabin to do so.
[X] I'm starting to get hungry. I'm should to look around for somewhere that I can get lunch.

[X] Confront the issue head-on. You are going to head up to the bow of the ship with the rest of the passengers so you can find out what is going on.
...Okay, I may not have given this quest master even close to enough credit upon the loss of my preferred plan. This looks like fun.

[X] I want to see if the universe gifted me with more free stuff. I'm going to head to my cabin and scour it from top to bottom!
[X] I want to examine the goodies I fond in my bag in private. I'm going to go to my cabin to do so.
[X] I'm starting to get hungry. I'm should to look around for somewhere that I can get lunch.
[X] Confront the issue head-on. You are going to head up to the bow of the ship with the rest of the passengers so you can find out what is going on.
The kara kesh is actually useless to Kevin other than the value of the tech. He can't actually use it as he has no naquadah in his blood.

I wouldn't be that much of an asshole. Any items that you win with points can most certainly be used by you. That's not to say that you'll instantly be an expert in their use, or anything like that.
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Okay, think I have an idea for the 'turn technology into superpowers' plan.

We place items in the timestream, as our Shaker power allows.

First Adaptation is summoning these stored items where we need them, and in the configuration we need. So, suppose we had Armsmaster's halberd. We could summon it above an enemy's neck with the nanothorns engaged, then use the Shaker power to swing the halberd and cut off their head, and then pop back into storage.

This is already really close to what the Shaker power can already do, so we may not even need to send an Adaptation on it.

Still, this could very well be turning our Shaker power into Gate of Babylon. But with less gate and more sphere on influence in which we can manifest anything we've stored and use it as we will.

(Also, if we do go Gate of Babylon, find a Adaptation that lets us recall things previously stored in our timetream. Like we fire the halberd over a long distance, then recall it to storage).

So, at this point we'd be calling exactly the tool we need, primed and loaded as we need it.

The Second Adaption is not summoning the tool at all, but summoning the effects of the tool.

So now we don't call Armsmaster's halberd. We just call the nanothorns and have it shred our target. Or say our kara kesh, instead of having to wear the thing, we just manifest the effects it can cause without calling the tech itself.

Presto, effectively turned technology into a superpower.

To make tinkertech more usable, work out an Adaptation to restore something in storage to its previous, pristine form. Reverse damage, wear, or expended fuel. Return it to the default state when the tinker had finished working on it. Or at least when it entered our storage. That solves the tinker maintenance problems.
Actually, here's an easier way to depict this:

First we summon the gun, fire a bullet, the bullet hits the person, there is now a hole in someone's chest

Adaptation 1: we fire a bullet, the bullet hits the person, there is now a hole in someone's chest

Adaptation 2: the bullet hits the person, there is now a hole in someone's chest

Adaptation 3: there is just a hole in someone's chest.

We just keep removing steps from the process until we're done to just the effects of using technology.
Okay, think I have an idea for the 'turn technology into superpowers' plan.

We place items in the timestream, as our Shaker power allows.

First Adaptation is summoning these stored items where we need them, and in the configuration we need. So, suppose we had Armsmaster's halberd. We could summon it above an enemy's neck with the nanothorns engaged, then use the Shaker power to swing the halberd and cut off their head, and then pop back into storage.

This is already really close to what the Shaker power can already do, so we may not even need to send an Adaptation on it.

Everything here is already 100% possible with your Shaker power and the enhanced reflexes and thought speed you enjoy thanks to your Thinker power.

Still, this could very well be turning our Shaker power into Gate of Babylon. But with less gate and more sphere on influence in which we can manifest anything we've stored and use it as we will.

(Also, if we do go Gate of Babylon, find a Adaptation that lets us recall things previously stored in our timetream. Like we fire the halberd over a long distance, then recall it to storage).

A few different first steps are possible here, depending on what direction you wish to push your power in. You could:

A. Pick a route that enhances the matter manipulation capabilities of your Shaker power, letting it first <Adapt> to store patterns for specific objects, and then <Adapt> to finely manipulate matter, then <Adapt> to use your new fine matter manipulation to transmute other materials into copies of anything you have a patterns stored for. This would let you summon copies of physical objects, letting you spam them as long as you have a ready source of matter. With enough development you could conceivably do away with that requirement, or use stored matter that you keep for this purpose.

B. Work on <Adapting> the Time manipulation of your power. Start by <Adapting> this power to tag stored objects, giving you clairvoyance of them at range. Then, <Adapt> to let your Time manipulation work on the tagged object at range, letting it be retrieved and placed back in storage. Next, <Adapt> to let your power temporally revert tagged objects to the original state they were in when first tagged if they are damaged, out of ammo, etc. You could eventually summon multiple copies of an item/place/person from different points in the time stream, effectively permanently duplicating them.

So, at this point we'd be calling exactly the tool we need, primed and loaded as we need it.

The Second Adaption is not summoning the tool at all, but summoning the effects of the tool.

So now we don't call Armsmaster's halberd. We just call the nanothorns and have it shred our target. Or say our kara kesh, instead of having to wear the thing, we just manifest the effects it can cause without calling the tech itself.

Presto, effectively turned technology into a superpower.

To make tinkertech more usable, work out an Adaptation to restore something in storage to its previous, pristine form. Reverse damage, wear, or expended fuel. Return it to the default state when the tinker had finished working on it. Or at least when it entered our storage. That solves the tinker maintenance problems.

The next few steps in the above tracks I laid could definitely lead to you pulling out just the effects of certain item you have a pattern for, or which are tagged. You just need to work out the missing steps you need to fill in to get there.
Actually, here's an easier way to depict this:

First we summon the gun, fire a bullet, the bullet hits the person, there is now a hole in someone's chest

Adaptation 1: we fire a bullet, the bullet hits the person, there is now a hole in someone's chest

Adaptation 2: the bullet hits the person, there is now a hole in someone's chest

Adaptation 3: there is just a hole in someone's chest.

We just keep removing steps from the process until we're done to just the effects of using technology.

Exactly! Working backwards lets you understand the process quite a bit better.
And then we turn into a cloud of probability... Without a Shard.


If we call Zion by name when we see him before he speaks. I think we'll have his attention.

Though that might end poorly.

IIRC, Kevin is the one who gave him that name. So it doesn't have any special meaning to him right now, unless he hears it again and decides he likes it. Can't remember exactly what Kevin Norton was doing when he mentioned Zion to Scion...
@expo1001 could we do something like this using adaptation on Shaker?
Adaption 1: Include all forms of probability
Adaption 2: Control probability ranging from 0 to 100%
Adaption 3: Control over negative probability