The Cheating Cheater Who Cheats [Worm Quest]

Not really, no? Just off the top of my head: Conquest Quest & PMAS both had hefty amounts of social interaction. The only time the former went on hiatus was when people were arguing over different options during combat.

There's World's Strongest Couple where there were so many debates about who to teaching and give Ki, who to interact with, that I gave up on it entirely because it was such a pain to listen to all of the incessent, non-stop arguing....

I remember a quest back on QQ where people played a Dreamer of some kind, and the social interaction, waifus, and ever-growing powers and game mechanics bogged down everything to the point where the GM gave it up as unsalvageable. He made a new Quest in a similar vein later, and I think that died too.

Which is pretty relevant for us, since we'd be adding more and more and more powers all of the time, on top of managing relationships, and just no. It is not for me.

So there's two right there to match yours, and to be honest, I'd rather not dig for more. Suffice to say, I dislike the idea of inviting similar situations.
So there's two right there to match yours, and to be honest, I'd rather not dig for more. Suffice to say, I dislike the idea of inviting similar situations.

Fair enough. I don't think we'll be convincing one another, so I'll drop it; you think social management causes problems, while I think tactical combat management does. I like to think both of us have provided pretty good examples, so really, I think it's the players causing 'em since that makes us both right xP

Either way, I don't want to play a psychopath. So, let's just see what happens; best of luck!
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Fair enough. I don't think we'll be convincing one another, so I'll drop it; you think social management causes problems, while I think tactical combat management does. I like to think both of us have provided pretty good examples, so really, I think it's the players causing 'em since that makes us both right xP

Fair enough.

Either way, I don't want to play a psychopath.

I don't mind being a psychopath, some of my favorite characters are psychopaths!

I just want things to be entertaining. I also find, that when handed the keys to great power, that I have a lot more fun when the story keeps a brisk pace, doesn't drag its feet on power mechanics, and gets out there to cut loose.

So, let's just see what happens; best of luck!

If we get Jack Slash, have fun you guys. :p I'm out. Don't want to mess with kill orders and the Slaughterhouse Nine likely figuring out something is up immediately.
I thought I'd list some of the concerns that I have with Veekie's plan to explain why it doesn't appeal to me.
  • Playing as a little girl. This seems like it would make things much more difficult than they need to be. We'd have to deal with nobody taking us seriously, irritating time constraints such as school, and we'll probably have to deal with having to answer/explain ourselves to our parents. That would get irritating really quickly.
  • Drawing Cauldron's attention. Let's be honest, here. As soon as Cauldron hear about our powers, they will pull out literally all the stops to get us under their control. The ability to grant anyone powers, as well as making current parahumans stronger, is basically their dream come true. Further, as broken as we would be, we wouldn't necessarily be able to defend ourselves against Cauldron, since our strongest ability is to empower others, not ourselves. Constantly trying to keep off of Contessa and co's radar would severely limit what we could do.
  • The fact that these powers would mean that a hugely prominent part of the narrative would inevitably be built around forming social bonds and fostering friendships with loads of different people, which isn't hugely interesting to me. We would also be incredibly reliant on the people that we empower to defend and help us, which may well limit our actions to those our friends would approve of. I'd much rather not be so constrained.
There are a few other minor issues I have, but these are the main worries. Taking all these elements together, (Pre-pubescent child, power of friendship, coordinating a team of superpowered minions) I can't help but shake the feeling that we'd end up less of a badass superhero, and more of a pokemon trainer.
If we get Jack Slash, have fun you guys. :p I'm out. Don't want to mess with kill orders and the Slaughterhouse Nine likely figuring out something is up immediately.


I'll probably do the same with Dinah. Part concerns described above, part lack of interest in playing a little girl with Coil after her. Her social circle is pretty limited...

Also, strong possibility of ending up in the Wards/Protectorate. Having seen where this has gone in other Quests, no thank you.
...Y'know, I'm not sure if I would laugh or cringe if the wanderer turns out to be Scion's hobodude. So we'd probably need to wait until the first post either way, if it won.

Laugh, because the guy who calls himself the most powerful man on Earth for his ability to influence Scion, has now been given the opportunity to become the most powerful man on Earth in truth.
*looks at newly-edited first thread post*
Fedora: Increased relationship with Cauldron.

*eyes rapidly shrink to tiny pinpricks* I am now glad that I lost that vote. Cauldron is the death of fun quests.
*looks at newly-edited first thread post*
Fedora: Increased relationship with Cauldron.

*eyes rapidly shrink to tiny pinpricks* I am now glad that I lost that vote. Cauldron is the death of fun quests.

There's been a Cauldron Quest, let alone multiple?

Cause every Worm Quest I've seen has avoided them, right down to the GMs finding reasons to keep them away.
I'm all up for Scion's hobobuddy, though I have noticed a trend here that people dislike female protagonists for Quests for some reason, aside from a handful. I just don't want to deal with being Jack Slash and trying to keep everyone from murdering us to death for being Jack Slash (or in the case of the Slaughterhouse Nine, for not being him).
I'm all up for Scion's hobobuddy, though I have noticed a trend here that people dislike female protagonists for Quests for some reason, aside from a handful. I just don't want to deal with being Jack Slash and trying to keep everyone from murdering us to death for being Jack Slash (or in the case of the Slaughterhouse Nine, for not being him).

Well, if we worked fast, we could possibly try and 'kidnap' Riley, convince her of our intentions, and then have her reshape us to whatever we want to look like. Probability power and a one-on-one setting will make us very likely to succeed.

Siberian might object, but with the Breaker form we can probably find and kill him pretty easily.

If we don't want to stick around, an exit strategy seems readily available.
Well, if we worked fast, we could possibly try and 'kidnap' Riley, convince her of our intentions, and then have her reshape us to whatever we want to look like. Probability power and a one-on-one setting will make us very likely to succeed.

Siberian might object, but with the Breaker form we can probably find and kill him pretty easily.

If we don't want to stick around, an exit strategy seems readily available.
Isn't it up for debate whether or not Jack originally knew about Manton?

Or the fact that our SI would not really know anything about the people they pop up with, unless they get accompanying memories.
Isn't it up for debate whether or not Jack originally knew about Manton?

Or the fact that our SI would not really know anything about the people they pop up with, unless they get accompanying memories.

Nor was I assuming we'd get them, but we get to cover a very wide range as a Breaker and can sense probabilities as a Thinker, so I figure we could feasibly put the pieces together. At very least, being able to rapidly expand, contract in a new location, rinse and repeat, and fully heal each time we do so will let us make a very rapid retreat if we need to.

That Breaker power has some really bitchin' survivability.
Reading the powers now. Has the OP said anything about what happens to spare points? Do we get a miscellaneous gift for them, or potential to grab something else in the future in a time of need?
Reading the powers now. Has the OP said anything about what happens to spare points? Do we get a miscellaneous gift for them, or potential to grab something else in the future in a time of need?

Spare points get funneled into random stuff to help us.

Any leftover points will be used to provide bonus money and goods that should help you on your journey to be the biggest bullshit cheater to ever bullshit. I will be rolling a D100 on each leftover point to see what you get, so you might get lucky here... or it might just be a huge waste of points. Seriously, what could you possibly receive that's better than Superpowers!?
  • Playing as a little girl. This seems like it would make things much more difficult than they need to be. We'd have to deal with nobody taking us seriously, irritating time constraints such as school, and we'll probably have to deal with having to answer/explain ourselves to our parents. That would get irritating really quickly.
  • Drawing Cauldron's attention. Let's be honest, here. As soon as Cauldron hear about our powers, they will pull out literally all the stops to get us under their control. The ability to grant anyone powers, as well as making current parahumans stronger, is basically their dream come true. Further, as broken as we would be, we wouldn't necessarily be able to defend ourselves against Cauldron, since our strongest ability is to empower others, not ourselves. Constantly trying to keep off of Contessa and co's radar would severely limit what we could do.
These are what the Stranger aspect are for. Dream-like state lets us dodge attendence problems and such, while, since you get powers from isn't a total loss like it would be otherwise, it's dedicated time in a day you can use to build friendships and grant powers.

Also Cauldron isn't BAD if you naturally do something they want.
If they learn about that power, on someone who's not evil inclined, they'd start with funneling people to befriend us and get the power, arrange so you don't get killed, not pull us out of the world so...uh, we can't grant powers worth a damn if we aren't free.
Checkpoint: Part 1.1 Vote Tally and Atl Chapter: "What Could have Been"
Voting is now closed. It looks like the plan by The Grey Mage is a go! If I'm being honest, I was rooting for the other plan a tiny bit more... but they're both awesome, so this is going to be fun! I'm going to start writing the next part now.

I guess I'll share with you what you're getting into. Below is the plan, with the parts I left vague now demystified. I'm not sure why some of you thought that the drifter was Jack Slash... he's quite a notable figure all on his own, so the description for the selected character doesn't really apply to him.

Plan by The Grey Mage:

[X] A drifter, notable only for the company he keeps. [Kevin Norton - "The most powerful man in the world"]

[X] Three's the magic number!

Descriptor: Probability

Category: Breaker

Power Strength: 8

A power that allows you to transform yourself into an invisible, imperceptible cloud of quantum entangled subatomic particles. While in this form you can manipulate the probability of events which happen within your the cloud. You also have clairvoyant perception of everything happening inside of your boundaries. While in your Breaker form you are nearly invulnerable, as you are completely intangible; there is, however, a possibility that exotic effects or powers might be able to harm you. Transforming between your normal and breaker forms heals any injuries or ailments you acquire in either form.

The speed that you can move yourself in your Breaker form is exactly that of your top running speed. The speed at which you can expand and contract your cloud form is amazingly fast, however, allowing you to reach your maximum size and expand yourself over a wide area in a mere fraction of a second. Contracting yourself down to any point within your boundaries likewise takes less than a second.

The smaller you make yourself while in your Breaker form, the stronger your ability to manipulate probability. The larger your form, the weaker your ability to manipulate the probability of events. At your maximum size you can only change the probability of events in very minor ways; at your minimum size you can change the probability of nearly anything within your boundaries as long as the resultant event is not outright impossible. Your maximum volume varies somewhat, but it is roughly 500 meters cubed. At your smallest, you could fit inside of a tennis ball.

You have no special ability beyond an extremely vague feeling to tell how probable or improbable an event is, or exactly how your size corresponds to which events you can manipulate. This makes each exercise of your power a process of trial and error. Don't expect to be an expert with this power until you accumulate a decent amount of experience using it.

Your hidden ability, <Adaptation> allows this power to slowly get better over time, overcoming any weaknesses or deficiencies in this power that you find. You may direct the <Adaptation> of this power, causing it to slowly mutate and grow stronger in new and interesting ways.

Descriptor: Probability
Category: Shaker
Power Strength: 7

This Shaker power allows you to partially manipulate the eigenstates (probability of location, velocity, value, and time) of discrete physical objects around you. This is a very versatile ability, allowing you to change nearly anything relating to position and momentum as they relate to material objects. You also have a limited ability to manipulate time as it relates with physical objects. This ability cannot directly manipulate energy, unless it is energy surrounded completely by matter.

A few examples of the things you can use this ability for include: changing the physical location of objects within your range, including yourself, imbuing objects with velocity, taking velocity away from objects, and placing objects into or out of the timestream, making them functionally indestructible or storing them for later. This power works on living and nonliving things, and can affect any object that fits completely into your range.

Your creativity, ability to track multiple targets, and range of effect are the major limiting factor of this ability. The range of this power is around 30 meters in all directions from yourself, however your range is partially based on your willpower, and is therefore somewhat flexible.

Your hidden ability, <Adaptation> allows this power to slowly get better over time, overcoming any weaknesses or deficiencies in this power that you find. You may direct the <Adaptation> of this power, causing it to slowly mutate and grow stronger in new and interesting ways.

Descriptor: Probability
Category: Thinker
Power Strength: 7

A Thinker power which uses post and precognition to determine the probability of certain events coming to pass. It is triggered when the user sees a person, place, or thing, and mentally activates this power. It can be used to predict the probabilities of abstract situations and ideas, but it doesn't accell in those situations, and using your power in that way rapidly tires you out. This is mainly a vision-based power, and does not do well with other types of input.

This power lets you filter the world around you for probability of any event that you wish to find the outcoming of occurring. You are able to take in and comprehend this information almost instantly, much faster than the brain is typically capable of working in normal humans.

With this power you can quickly identify threats and predict their responses in nearly any situation, especially combat situations. You are also able to turn this ability around and predict the probability of failure of success of your own attacks and movements. This facet of the Probability Thinker power gives you the ability operate as a "Combat Precog". In order to use this power, your brain, nervous system, and musculature have been greatly enhanced, allowing for super-human reflexes and reaction speeds in all situations.

Uses of this power include: Finding out the probabilities related to nearly anything that can be seen. Fighting at high speed by predicting the probabilities of success and failure of attacks, movements, and counters. The user is able to move at Mover 1 speeds due to enhanced musculature and reflexes. The PRT would also considered you a "Brute 2" for your vastly enhanced reflexes and slightly enhanced strength.

Your hidden ability, <Adaptation> allows this power to slowly get better over time, overcoming any weaknesses or deficiencies in this power that you find. You may direct the <Adaptation> of this power, causing it to slowly mutate and grow stronger in new and interesting ways.

Total Point Used: 92
Points Remaining: 8 [ (1)D100 will be rolled for each point in the next installment, to determine what loot you get.]

[X] A cruise ship at sea, on a sunny afternoon. [May 20, 1982 - Atlantic Ocean - Off the Coast of New England - Cruise Ship Atlantic Star]

[X] A futuristic looking portable Computer. Small and sophisticated, it almost seems to be alive. Mother Box - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Hidden Ability?
[X] Adaptation [Allows all of your powers to grow and mutate over time]

[X] Beanie [Increased relationship with common workers] [Write-In Special: Roll (1)D100 - Result:63 - Skilltree: Nautical fully learned. You are now an expert in every skill having to do with working on and navigating the ocean.]

P.S. When I looked at the thread earlier, it looked like veekie's plan was going to win, so I wrote a tiny bit of the introduction for that one. I'm going to post it here, so you can see what would have been if "Plan veekie" had won.

Plan veekie: What Could Have Been
Dinah Alcott - Earth Bet - Feb 24, 2011

You awaken in a chic little ice cream shop, sitting on an art deco chair made of wrought iron. On the glass topped table in front of you sits a half-melted banana split, complete with two spoons. There's no one with you, and you fail to taste ice cream in your mouth; the presence of the second spoon briefly baffles you before you put it out of your mind.

There is an eerie quiet in the air. The shop is completely deserted, and several of the tables and chairs are overturned. You look outside through a large picture window, and fail to see any of the myriad signs of life that a modern city like the one you seem to find yourself in should boast. There are skyscrapers and gleaming steel buildings nearby, and several automobiles "parked" haphazardly in the street, seemingly abandoned.

You take stock of your situation. Just seconds before you remember existing as a non-corporeal entity composed solely of thought and light; you know this to be the truth. Just second before you were also a being of flesh and blood, and this is true as well. Your name is Dinah Alcott, and you are one of the relatively few survivors of an apocalyptic battle that claimed billions of lives as it was waged across an untold number of alternate worlds.

You weren't one of the untold billions clinging to their loved ones in their homes, cowering and waiting for their inevitable doom. No. You were one of the Generals leading the fight, sacrificing everything to put down a Godlike being that threatened the survival of the entire human species, not just on a single world, but on every Earth in the whole of the multiverse.

You remember the end of the battle, of losing one of your most precious people. The woman who saved the species. The same girl who saved you from a pitiful, captive existence, as nothing more than the pet oracle for a third-rate megalomaniac named Coil. The battled that they called the "Golden Morning" had been over a year ago from your perspective, but recalling it now, it felt as if it could have taken place yesterday.

You take stock of yourself, looking into a conveniently placed mirror on one of the walls of the ice cream shop. Your mother, God rest her soul, would never be able to reconcile your current appearance with that of the cute little 12-year old you had been when you first Triggered. You are a well-muscled and confident woman of 16, with a somewhat modest figure and short hair in a pixie cut. Your eyes are hard, unflinching chips of eyes set into your still-youthful face. Your look dangerous, and you are. You are proud of this fact, as you should be.

[1 Point Left Over. Roll (1) D100 for Useful Items - Result: 81 - Obtained Epic Tinker-Tech Sidearm]

You are wearing your perpetual set of forest camo pattern BDUs. You have on the BDU pants and jacket, a tee with the same camo pattern underneath. Riding above your hips is a web belt, which holds a dozen different pouches and containers, each containing a useful item. A holster on your right side contains a powerful tinker-tech energy weapon, designed and built by your world's copy of Dragon, the greatest Tinker in all the worlds. It has several firing modes; from a low-lethality lased electricity beam that merely stuns, to high-intensity pulsed disintegration blasts that can turn even Tinker alloys into dust. It's your pride and joy, and you spent several months learning how to maintain and repair it yourself so that it would always be in top shape.

A special forces beret rests on your head, a hat that was given to you by one of the few military veterans who survived Zion's rampage. Captain Juan "Johnnie" Rico had been in the service up until his forced retirement in the wake of the Army's irrelevance in the face of parahumans. His long history of service was shown in his every word and action, marking him as a military man through-and-through. He had was very kind to you, and after realizing how many skills you lacked, you had become his disciple. After you lost your own parents Captain Johnnie (Cap to you) had become a second father, teaching you everything he knew. With the mastery of your powers, you have become of the most skilled parahumans on Earth Lambda, the world that you settled after the Golden Morning.

Something is different now, you notice, as you try to call on your power. You realize that the parahuman ability that you once had is gone, as if you had never Triggered in the first place. In it's place however, is a suite of several different power that are practically begging to be used. As you start taking stock of your new powers, you are rudely interrupted by the building across the street from the one you are standing in exploding, rubble flying everywhere. A piece of concrete the size of a breadbox narrowly misses your head, embedding itself into the mirror you were just looking into.

You snort and shake your head, checking your sidearm's charge as you walk out of the door. The sorry looking portal is now is hanging askew from a single hinge. Whether they just tried to kill you or not, you're not about to let whoever blew up the building this get away with it; some asshole just signed his own death-warrant. Your weapon hums to life as you flip the activation switch, and you hug the contours of a flipped car in the middle of the street as you look around for the one responsible for this mess.

A terrible noise fills your ears and your brain as you look into the sky. You see dozens of flying capes, more than the entire amount that exist on Earth Lambda, doing battle with the enormous form. An alabaster colored faux-angel darts through the sky, an enormous cloud of floating debris circling around her position in the air. You watch as she swats a nearby cape out of the air with ease.

"Well, shit." you hear yourself say, as you crouch down. You take aim at the Simurgh, thumbing the power selector on your weapon to maximum and the beam aperture to the widest it can go. She's alive, it seems, and up to her old tricks again. You wonder briefly if whatever new powers you have now will be up to killing her outright. If not, you imagine, then destroying the third Endbringer is liable to take a little bit of work.

Your grin is downright nasty as you pull the energy weapon's trigger. You've always been up for a good challenge.
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