The Cheating Cheater Who Cheats [Worm Quest]

....Guys, the vote was locked.

Was an interested idea, for the snippet of what-could-have been posted. Wasn't expecting post-Gold Morning.

Being Kevin Norton is even more unique though. This may be the first Quest to use him as a protagonist.
It was kind of a short vote.

Kevin Norton is worth sticking around for at least. Probably.
EDIT: It occurs to me that it'd be a better fit if you swapped the powersets :V
I tole 'em! I tole 'em!
Bugrit. Millennium hand and shrimp, bugrit.

And now we get to God-mode and there's little point in munchkinry past obvious utilizations since we're just that bloody strong. At least we're somebody unique.

Kinda a short vote. Still, not Jack Slash so at least it wasn't totally fatal to the quest.
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to or out of the timestream, making them functionally indestructible or storing them for later. This power works on living and nonliving things, and can affect any object that fits completely into your range.

We can pull people out of the timestream, this has so many awesome applications. We are like Grey Boy, but less horrifying.

@expo1001 Can we do this to the Endbringers? Can we do that to ourselves and still function. What would happen if we target Siberian, because we have seen that time related effects affect her. What about Manton, would Siberian still function if we freeze him?
We can pull people out of the timestream, this has so many awesome applications. We are like Grey Boy, but less horrifying.

@expo1001 Can we do this to the Endbringers? Can we do that to ourselves and still function. What would happen if we target Siberian, because we have seen that time related effects affect her. What about Manton, would Siberian still function if we freeze him?

Those are good questions; you'll have to figure out the limits of your powers yourselves, using trail and error. And if your powers don't do what you want now, then your hidden ability is Adaptation. ;)
TCCWC- A Day in the Sun - Part 1.2
Alright folks, here is the second installment. I hope that you all enjoy it!

The Cheating Cheater Who Cheats
=A Worm Quest=
Entry 1.2: A Day in the Sun

You are... and then you are not. You feel yourself fading from existence, then returning to it in a different form, once again being. You can now see and hear and smell and feel. You smile; your body is corporeal now, just as you wished. You are no longer stuck existing as an entity of light, as you were only seconds before. The smell of salt takes your mind from its existential wandering.

You look around, trying to figure out where you ended up. You are standing on the deck of a moderately sized cruise ship, and you can see the blue-green of the Atlantic ocean staring back at you from beyond the deck's ornate railing. Far off to the west lies land. From the topography of the shoreline and the smell in the air, you learn that you are off the coast of New England, and that it's early-to-mid spring. The day is unusually warm and sunny for the time of year, you reckon.

You briefly wonder how it is that you are able to figure out your location and the time of year based on these small bits of information, but you let it go. You don't know why, but for some reason the ocean and everything to do with it hold no mysteries for you. A better question is this: Who are you?

You are a creature of thought and feeling, energy and light; a being that has no name and no need for one. You are also a man of flesh and blood called Kevin Norton. Your human memories are confusing; you remember one-sided conversations with the world's first parahuman, Scion, and the fruits of your words to him. You also remember dying; alone, unloved, and unmourned. A small shudder takes you as you recall lying there unmoving, waiting for the end to come.

'Never again.' you promise yourself. You vow that you are not going to let ill health and disease take you as it did once before. You doubt that it's common to get a second chance at life as you so obviously have, and you refuse to squander it. If you are to survive in this new life, let alone thrive, then you are going to need information. You begin assessing your situation, as this is the first step in discovering what to do next.

You sit down in one of the nearby deck chairs to make yourself less conspicuous as a well dressed gentleman in dress pants and a turtleneck sweater strolls by. You grimace, wondering if they'll throw you overboard when they discover that you don't have a ticket. From experience you know that people like him don't like people like you anywhere near them… and they're never shy about letting you know. Your thoughts still themselves; do you have a ticket? You've been placed on this boat by some intelligent force, surely it would have provided for you in some way?

[Do you have a ticket and/or other belongings? Roll (1) D100 - Result:77 - Success++]

You examine yourself and your belongings, realizing that you are not only wearing posh clothing of your own, you also have a backpack filled with everything you would expect of an upper-middle class man traveling extremely light. Sure enough, you do find your ticket in the bag. You read it carefully; the description on the ticket identifies you as a passenger staying one night in cabin A35, on the journey from Plymouth, Maryland to Boston, Massachusetts. The date of departure is today, meaning that the ship should be arriving in Boston in mere hours.

You do a double-take at the ticket; it appears to have been printed on a terribly outdated printing system, like the documents you remember from when you were a teenager. That's not what has you startled, however. No. What caught your attention is the date. According to the old fashioned piece of paper today is May 20th, 1982. Your mind briefly blanks before rebooting, bringing you back to awareness.

If you recall correctly, you turned 17 years old in 1982. That was over 33 years ago, back when you still gave a shit, and when your life still had some form of value. That spring you dropped out of school to take a job in a little tourist shop in Leeds, working for your buddy Jim's uncle Cecil. You thought that you didn't need school, that a making a quick buck would be the best decision for you. The job didn't last long, and soon enough you were out on your ear; it was the beginning of your transiency. The beginning of the end for your life, really. You decide to accept that you're in the past and move on; this is your second chance, after all, you're not going to let a little thing like temporal paradox mess it up.

Coming back to the mysterious possessions that you had discovered, you think to wonder if there are more belongings in the cabin your ticket claims your stayed in last night. It would definitely be worth it to check, as the bag contains little beyond two changes of clothing, a wallet with several pieces of photo ID and a forty dollars, and a few travel basics. Just in case you missed something. you give the bag another once-over, double checking it for anything interesting.

[Do you find anything interesting in the bag? -2 Points. Roll (2) D100 - Results: 96, 87 - CRITICAL SUCCESS!, Success+++ - Unique Item 'Unknown Phial' and Epic Item 'Kara kesh' obtained]

After a little searching, you discover that the bottom of the interior of the bag does not quite match up with the exterior. In addition to that, the bag is just too heavy to explain the few items that you've found inside of it so far. Some judicious poking around reveals that the padded bottom of your bag is false. You trace the edges of the bag's floor, eventually finding a hidden zipper under a cleverly disguised velcro flap. After scanning the area of the ship you are currently inhabiting to make sure no one is close enough to see what you're doing, you undo the zipper and peel back the false bottom, revealing some rather interesting items.

The first thing that catches your attention is an intricately wrought silver and crystal phial, containing a greenish fluid. At least you think the glittering material which makes up the majority of the phial is crystal--it couldn't be diamond... could it? There is not much liquid in the fancy container, perhaps the volume of a shot glass. There is an elaborate old-english inscription etched into the beautiful phial which reads "Mars".

The two ideas that cross your mind regarding the phials contents are discordant, yet interesting. You imagine that it might contain either some kind of ultra high class hooch… or some kind of rare and deadly poison. You're not jonesing for a drink just now, so you decide to hold off consuming the strange fluid for the moment. Especially as it might be poison, or something. Maybe. You don't really know. You suppose that you'll figure out what to do with it later.

The second object of note in the false bottom is a stylized gauntlet, which seems to be composed mainly of gold and jewels. Your hobo half nearly squeals in joy upon seeing it, and you wonder how many hot meals, bottles of rotgut, and nights in a roach motel such an item would net you, if pawned. Probably a lot, your brain supplies. The gauntlet has a very large and very odd looking jewel embedded into the center of its palm. You wonder what the purpose of this thing is; frankly the thought of concentrating such an obscene amount of wealth into what amounts to a fancy glove is ludicrous to your way of thought.

Underneath the two very interesting bobbles you just examined are six money clips, each one bulging with a thick stack of folded American currency. Your hands trembling, you flip through each stack. All of the bills are hundreds. Still shaking, you glance around furtively, your head moving rapidly from left to right. There's still no one nearby, thank God. You feel nervous anyway.

Quickly counting your new windfall, you find that each of the money clips contains fifty bills. Good God, you realize, that's thirty-thousand dollars! A fortune to last a lifetime! You know that it's not real money, as they're not pounds sterling, but it's still a shit-ton of scratch. You're not exactly sure how dollars translate into pounds, but even if they're only worth half as much it's still a staggering sum. You probably won't need to pawn the fancy glove for quite a while.

You finish rooting through the backpack that the universe seems to have gifted you with, finding nothing more. You replace the false bottom, and after closing it up you swing the pack onto your back. You stand up and began walking around, wondering what to do next. According to your ticket you're due in Boston at 4:15PM, and the inexplicable watch on your wrist indicates that it's 10:34AM right now.

You consider your next move. How should you spend the rest of the morning? You want to be back here and ready to depart a couple of hours before it's time to disembark, so you have around 4 hours to kill.
Pick two actions if you wish to take your time, or three actions if you don't mind hurrying.

[ ] I want to see if the universe gifted me with more free stuff. I'm going to head to my cabin and scour it from top to bottom!

[ ] I want to examine the goodies I fond in my bag in private. I'm going to go to my cabin to do so.

[ ] I'm starting to get hungry. I'm should to look around for somewhere that I can get lunch.

[ ] You've heard that cruise ships often have casinos. You're going to look around to see if there's any truth to these rumors.

[ ] I have no clue what the ship offers. I'm going to find a member of the crew and ask them what there is to do here, and then follow their suggestion.

[ ] I'm single, on a cruise ship, and recently resurrected. I'm going to have as much fun as humanly possible! Time to hit the bar! Maybe I'll meet a girl?

[ ] Write-In.

After your sojourn you head up to the promenade to move around a bit and watch the shore gradually get closer. Walking around, you notice that something is not quite right. The boat is moving a little slower that it should be, and several people seem to be rushing excitedly toward the bow of the ship. Very odd. What will you do next?

[ ] Confront the issue head-on. You are going to head up to the bow of the ship with the rest of the passengers so you can find out what is going on.

[ ] Maybe you should hide. There might be trouble, and you don't want any part of that. You should head to to your cabin and lock yourself in until the ship reaches shore.

[ ] Investigate the disturbance covertly. There is an observation deck above the area people are headed to; you should be able to see what is happening from there with nobody being the wiser.

[ ] Try activating your powers. You know that you are a parahuman now; you can feel multiple powers shining in your soul… but you have no clue what they even are or what they do. Maybe you should try to activate them?

[ ] Write-In.
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[X] I want to see if the universe gifted me with more free stuff. I'm going to head to my cabin and scour it from top to bottom!

[X] I'm starting to get hungry. I'm should to look around for somewhere that I can get lunch.

[X] Confront the issue head-on. You are going to head up to the bow of the ship with the rest of the passengers so you can find out what is going on.
We have all of the luck.

[X] You've heard that cruise ships often have casinos. You're going to look around to see if there's any truth to these rumors.
[X] I want to examine the goodies I fond in my bag in private. I'm going to go to my cabin to do so.

[X] Try activating your powers. You know that you are a parahuman now; you can feel multiple powers shining in your soul… but you have no clue what they even are or what they do. Maybe you should try to activate them?

ALL OF IT!!!!!!!!
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Dem rolls. Kevin Norton is truly a blessed man. Such wonderful shinies....and I thought the Epic Tinker Tech Gun was awesome. Don't even know what these are yet but they look lovely.

But I am sad. I am the saddest. Because Duke is not here. ;_;


Also, did we just get some kind of fancy Cauldron vial? Goddamn more power? Or to give to a sidekick?

Gonna think on the actions we take here.
[X] I want to see if the universe gifted me with more free stuff. I'm going to head to my cabin and scour it from top to bottom!
[X] I'm starting to get hungry. I'm should to look around for somewhere that I can get lunch.

[X] Investigate the disturbance covertly. There is an observation deck above the area people are headed to; you should be able to see what is happening from there with nobody being the wiser.
Oh man, this is the Kara Kesh?

Fancy. Stylish too.

And we've already gotten the Mother Box.....very nice.

Okay, question time to try and cheat our way into maximum results, as given in the title:


If we choose to thoroughly search our cabin and to examine our stuff in the cabin, both of which take place in the same location, and still take a third (thereby hurrying), will any associated penalties be mitigated?

Next, could the Mother Box potentially be used to scan our room and speed up any searches for unusual items?

If we search our cabin, will this spend the rest of our points? Because so far having them cover our random appearance has been pretty nice...having one help us tilt the odds in random situations (such as the first appearance of Scion) would also be helpful.

Can we use our hidden, Adaptation trait to help merge our new kara kesh and Mother Box together, or merge them with us? Or find a way to make this happen? If nothing else, I figure our Breaker state and future sight could let us accomplish this so long as it is theoretically possible to happen. It'll just take time.

And speaking of which...using this power, and our tech, to integrate other tinkertech into our arsenal would be pretty badass. Hell, that Breaker state should let us quasi-PTV our way to fixing or producing tinkertech, in time.
[X] I want to see if the universe gifted me with more free stuff. I'm going to head to my cabin and scour it from top to bottom!

[X] Investigate the disturbance covertly. There is an observation deck above the area people are headed to; you should be able to see what is happening from there with nobody being the wiser.


Roman name of Ares.

Of the God of War.

Scion is the Warrior and very godlike.

...If that vial of powers works along these lines, then it is going to be something truly epic.
[X] I want to examine the goodies I fond in my bag in private. I'm going to go to my cabin to do so.
[X] I'm single, on a cruise ship, and recently resurrected. I'm going to have as much fun as humanly possible! Time to hit the bar! Maybe I'll meet a girl?

[X] Confront the issue head-on. You are going to head up to the bow of the ship with the rest of the passengers so you can find out what is going on.
[X] I want to see if the universe gifted me with more free stuff. I'm going to head to my cabin and scour it from top to bottom!
[X] I want to examine the goodies I fond in my bag in private. I'm going to go to my cabin to do so.
[X] Confront the issue head-on. You are going to head up to the bow of the ship with the rest of the passengers so you can find out what is going on.

Time to go meet Scion.
[X] I want to see if the universe gifted me with more free stuff. I'm going to head to my cabin and scour it from top to bottom!
[X] You've heard that cruise ships often have casinos. You're going to look around to see if there's any truth to these rumors.

[X] Investigate the disturbance covertly. There is an observation deck above the area people are headed to; you should be able to see what is happening from there with nobody being the wiser.