The Centipede's Dilemma [Exalted Kung Fu Quest]

[X] Shame. You who have been chosen by the gods only to fail them, how dare you now stand wearing their mantle?
[X] Peace. For now the people see that the world was out of balance and had to be restored; justice comes after the crime; fate abides as fate must.

Would it be more appropriate to actually get the Hounds, or to find out the magical legs were inside us all along and kungfu does not need the Hounds?
[x] Shame. You who have been chosen by the gods only to fail them, how dare you now stand wearing their mantle?
[x] Peace. For now the people see that the world was out of balance and had to be restored; justice comes after the crime; fate abides as fate must.
Golden Road is a Solar, there's several ways off the top of my head she could get new legs. Making them herself, owing some spirit a favor, learning a bit of Sorcery, demons solving problems.

Pcha! If she was an Infernal she could have already regrown her legs by now! Better legs even! More legs! As many legs as she wanted! More legs than she wanted!

Not even the sky would be the limit!
[X] Sorrow. Why does it never stop hurting - that moment when your time among mortals come at an end, and your Exalted status changes forever how they see you?
[X] Hope. For now the people see that Heaven has not forsaken them, but sent its Chosen among them to right the wrongs that were done.
[X] Sorrow. Why does it never stop hurting - that moment when your time among mortals come at an end, and your Exalted status changes forever how they see you?
[X] Peace. For now the people see that the world was out of balance and had to be restored; justice comes after the crime; fate abides as fate must.
Golden Road is a Solar, there's several ways off the top of my head she could get new legs. Making them herself, owing some spirit a favor, learning a bit of Sorcery, demons solving problems.

No, because she is a Solar, not a quantum solar with access to their full charmset.

A solar phyisician could regenerate legs with bullshit medicine charms, or a Solar artificer could make new legs of living wood for herself, but Golden road is neither of those, nor a sorcerer.
[X] Shame. You who have been chosen by the gods only to fail them, how dare you now stand wearing their mantle?
[X] Hope. For now the people see that Heaven has not forsaken them, but sent its Chosen among them to right the wrongs that were done.

I don't know anything about Exalted beyond that it involves cool martial arts and gods. I have no biases against the Solar. Praise the Sun!
Given that we can still have action scenes without them, I'm pretty certain that we're not going to get the golden hounds.
Personally going off of this bit from The Steel Fanged Adder update:

Disclaimer: These are the first updates, and as such, there is no failure state to any of these options. This is less about whether Golden Road succeeds than about how she succeeds, so as to further define her character. Does she work with local authority figures, relying on their status to try and mend a divided community? Does she think outside the box and reach out to connect different communities? Does she rely on the people she personally knows and trusts to do the job, working through personal relationships more than social systems? Which is also why I ask…
I figure she probably will with the way things are setting up.

Regardless, if she didn't I'd be very surprised and amused.

Now in more general terms of why Road might not have healed herself if she's an Exalt and thus basically a potential superhero omnidisciplinarian for those a little unfamiliar with the setting.

She could, but there are several factors that might be why she didn't: The first is that Creation is basically in a Wuxia Bronze Age and as with the Bronze Age in meat space information flow of the outside world beyond a person's home region is extremely limited and so Road is extremely likely to not know the full potential extent and breadth of the Solar Exaltation. She may not know that it is possible to heal her legs, or summon demons to assist her or elementals, or carve new ones with bones of white jade and skin of bronze, or a dozen other things.

The second is that she is still a person and traumatic injuries like hers can injure motivation and drive (things which are important for problem solving) as much as the physical body and so given her focus on the Golden Hounds I figure she latched onto a story she heard once of something that might fix her injury.

The third thing is that of focus and time, in that all Solars have particular areas of focus just like any other people do and that in order to get to the point of being able to heal her legs or make new ones takes both time and some kind of support structure she can use to study or experiment with medicine. Given the strong implication she's been on the road since she lost her legs this means she wouldn't have that time or support structure.
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[X] Sorrow. Why does it never stop hurting - that moment when your time among mortals come at an end, and your Exalted status changes forever how they see you?
[X] Peace. For now the people see that the world was out of balance and had to be restored; justice comes after the crime; fate abides as fate must.
I fully expect that, if she does get the boots, she's going to face the exact test she suggested to Hounds-the-Rain-and-Brings-the-Harvest.
Why? Its one she knows the answer to. Be kinda pointless tbh.

A different test, that she had nothing to do with, I could see that.
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Why? Its one she knows the answer to. Be kinda pointless tbh.
Well, maybe not exact. I could see the Goddess trying a variation based in some way on the exact events preceding.

But honestly? Solar Magistrate. Kinda impractical to find a test of character she can't see through if she's thinking clearly, so whatever it is is going to get dropped on her while she isn't, and at that point the very test she suggested has an edge to it.
But honestly? Solar Magistrate. Kinda impractical to find a test of character she can't see through if she's thinking clearly, so whatever it is is going to get dropped on her while she isn't, and at that point the very test she suggested has an edge to it.
No not really? Like, fundamentally Road suggested it. She's intimately familiar with it, and it's a simple one, and when your judgement is impaired the familiar is one of the first things people spring too.
Yes? Exactly.

The goddess is going to want to know if that test was actually the familiar to Golden Road, rather than just sweet-talking.
That's not what I mean. If it's familiar, she knows the answer to it intimately because she came up with it, and so it's pointless as a test even if her judgement is impaired because in that state she'll go for the familiar and the answer she came up with is familiar. It would be nearly instinctive to answer with the answer she came up with.

Now, if the Goddess presented the same test but changed the answer, then that would actually trip her up but that's not what you're saying here.
The second is that she is still a person and traumatic injuries like hers can injure motivation and drive (things which are important for problem solving) as much as the physical body and so given her focus on the Golden Hounds I figure she latched onto a story she heard once of something that might fix her injury.
It's seems like whatever caused her to lose her legs also caused her to essentially give up being a Solar until pushed, so yeah, trauma seems at the core of it here.

Also, sorcery and divine/demonic intervention are likely to come with a price. Using prosthetics instead could be a perfectly rational decision.
That's the "if" in question, yes.
And it is, so Hounds the Rain would logically go for a different test.

It's seems like whatever caused her to lose her legs also caused her to essentially give up being a Solar until pushed, so yeah, trauma seems at the core of it here.

Also, sorcery and divine/demonic intervention are likely to come with a price. Using prosthetics instead could be a perfectly rational decision.

As many prices as methods honestly.
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No, because she is a Solar, not a quantum solar with access to their full charmset.

A solar phyisician could regenerate legs with bullshit medicine charms, or a Solar artificer could make new legs of living wood for herself, but Golden road is neither of those, nor a sorcerer.
"Hey, spirit guy, introduce me to a Sorcerer, I'll owe you one!" Flashes Caste Mark
Sessaljae can't regrow missing limbs, but they can merge donated ones and fix any rejection issues as they come up. I'm sure she can find someone that deserves death if she looks, and taking their legs would be ok.
"Hey, spirit guy, introduce me to a Sorcerer, I'll owe you one!" Flashes Caste Mark
Sessaljae can't regrow missing limbs, but they can merge donated ones and fix any rejection issues as they come up. I'm sure she can find someone that deserves death if she looks, and taking their legs would be ok.
The answer is "it doesn't matter, because then there'd be no story". Because... it doesn't matter, because then there'd be no story.
Golden Road is a character within a story, not a player with access to the corebook. While she theoretically has access to the full breadth of Solar powers, in practice what she has access to is the supernatural manifestations of the skills she already possesses. She is a horseback magistrate who has spent her life mastering the martial arts, so her Exaltation took her skills and magnified them to superhuman levels. Most of the time, this does not feel to her as deliberately "activating a power"; what is mechanized in the Exalted RPG as an Excellency is intuitive to her, as are certain Charms. She is capable of endearing herself to an entire village to the point of children sharing family secrets in a scant few days, as well as to intuit the nature of the Steel-Fanged Adder's lost relics and what they mean for the school's history and Nashai's goals from a quick look at a weapon rack; these are understated examples of Solar prowess. Her display of martial arts is more overt because she has to consciously burn through her inner power to compensate for her crippling injuries, but this is more akin to someone "getting in the zone" or focusing all their attention on a task at hand than it is to "turning on her magic." It's just that when Road starts giving something her all, she spontaneously manifests the mantle of divinity by which the Chosen are recognized.

If Golden Road wanted to fix her legs, she couldn't simply spend XP learning the right powers. She would have to actively seek out training - perhaps spending months or years studying under a doctor, or seeking out sorcerous teachings, or apprenticing to a craftsman to make her own prosthetic legs. And she would have to actually be good at it - Solars are not immune to the simple human condition of just not vibing right with certain skillsets. Some people remain bad at maths no matter how long they spend learning them, and some Solars will never get the hang of wood-carving no matter how long they try. Any of these developments would be an advanture in its own right; there is no reason to assume that learning freaking Sorcery would be any easier or quicker than venturing into a land known to held an Artifact that can cure her condition. Nor are Sorcerers who can be convinced to perform a working that would regrow her legs plentiful or easily available - and if one is found, they might not be trustworthy, or the cost they ask for might be too high.

It's a wide harsh world out there, and a single Solar has limits. Being an Eclipse Caste, Golden Road isn't even guaranteed the degree of invincibility that is often presumed by Exalted fans when talking about Solars in battle - there are plenty of things out there who can challenge her or threaten her life. If the eight students of the Adder had known she was a supernatural being and coordinated accordingly, Road would have had a harder time dealing with them. They underestimated her, and paid the price.
[X] Shame. You who have been chosen by the gods only to fail them, how dare you now stand wearing their mantle?
[X] Peace. For now the people see that the world was out of balance and had to be restored; justice comes after the crime; fate abides as fate must.
Golden Road is a character within a story, not a player with access to the corebook. While she theoretically has access to the full breadth of Solar powers, in practice what she has access to is the supernatural manifestations of the skills she already possesses. She is a horseback magistrate who has spent her life mastering the martial arts, so her Exaltation took her skills and magnified them to superhuman levels. Most of the time, this does not feel to her as deliberately "activating a power"; what is mechanized in the Exalted RPG as an Excellency is intuitive to her, as are certain Charms. She is capable of endearing herself to an entire village to the point of children sharing family secrets in a scant few days, as well as to intuit the nature of the Steel-Fanged Adder's lost relics and what they mean for the school's history and Nashai's goals from a quick look at a weapon rack; these are understated examples of Solar prowess. Her display of martial arts is more overt because she has to consciously burn through her inner power to compensate for her crippling injuries, but this is more akin to someone "getting in the zone" or focusing all their attention on a task at hand than it is to "turning on her magic." It's just that when Road starts giving something her all, she spontaneously manifests the mantle of divinity by which the Chosen are recognized.

If Golden Road wanted to fix her legs, she couldn't simply spend XP learning the right powers. She would have to actively seek out training - perhaps spending months or years studying under a doctor, or seeking out sorcerous teachings, or apprenticing to a craftsman to make her own prosthetic legs. And she would have to actually be good at it - Solars are not immune to the simple human condition of just not vibing right with certain skillsets. Some people remain bad at maths no matter how long they spend learning them, and some Solars will never get the hang of wood-carving no matter how long they try. Any of these developments would be an advanture in its own right; there is no reason to assume that learning freaking Sorcery would be any easier or quicker than venturing into a land known to held an Artifact that can cure her condition. Nor are Sorcerers who can be convinced to perform a working that would regrow her legs plentiful or easily available - and if one is found, they might not be trustworthy, or the cost they ask for might be too high.

It's a wide harsh world out there, and a single Solar has limits. Being an Eclipse Caste, Golden Road isn't even guaranteed the degree of invincibility that is often presumed by Exalted fans when talking about Solars in battle - there are plenty of things out there who can challenge her or threaten her life. If the eight students of the Adder had known she was a supernatural being and coordinated accordingly, Road would have had a harder time dealing with them. They underestimated her, and paid the price.
So she doesn't actually serve any of the gods she venerates? Directly. I mean.
Golden Road is a character within a story, not a player with access to the corebook.

If Golden Road wanted to fix her legs, she couldn't simply spend XP learning the right powers.

Solars are not immune to the simple human condition of just not vibing right with certain skillsets.

Going back to this:
And so my dastardly plan is revealed. After seeing so many (very good) Exalted Quests about weirdo splats like Infernals and Abyssals and sorcerous Dragon-Bloods and hearing people complain that Solars were boring and generic, I was spurred to go and show that Solars are cool actually.

Clearly, what you're doing wrong here is that you're trying to write Golden Road as a person instead of a character sheet. That's a big mistake. How is your protagonist supposed to become a proper stealth archer if she's too busy having human weaknesses?