The Centipede's Dilemma [Exalted Kung Fu Quest]

[x] Sorrow. Why does it never stop hurting - that moment when your time among mortals come at an end, and your Exalted status changes forever how they see you?

[x] Hope. For now the people see that Heaven has not forsaken them, but sent its Chosen among them to right the wrongs that were done.
You're like little baby. Watch this:
What's a solar?
Golden Road is among the chosen of The Unconquered Sun, Sol Invictus, the greatest of the gods of this setting
At some point in time she committed some great feat of heroism at just the right moment when fate was paying attention and an Exaltation happened to be available, and so a spark of divinity from Sol found and fused itself to her, giving her incredible power and the divine right to rule Creation
This is a bit problematic as in the current age the Solars have been overthrown and are currently hunted by their once subordinates, the reason for this being that due to an unfortunate series of events the Solars of the past went mad with power and had to be stopped

There is rather a lot to the backstory of this setting but that's the basic gist of what you asked
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[X] Shame. You who have been chosen by the gods only to fail them, how dare you now stand wearing their mantle?
[X] Hope. For now the people see that Heaven has not forsaken them, but sent its Chosen among them to right the wrongs that were done.
[X] Sorrow. Why does it never stop hurting - that moment when your time among mortals come at an end, and your Exalted status changes forever how they see you?

[X] Hope. For now the people see that Heaven has not forsaken them, but sent its Chosen among them to right the wrongs that were done.

The trick with Solars is they are generic, in that they can't rely on their powers or infrastructure to supply hooks, but that doesn't mean the hooks can't be there.
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[X] Shame. You who have been chosen by the gods only to fail them, how dare you now stand wearing their mantle?
[X] Hope. For now the people see that Heaven has not forsaken them, but sent its Chosen among them to right the wrongs that were done.

And so my dastardly plan is revealed. After seeing so many (very good) Exalted Quests about weirdo splats like Infernals and Abyssals and sorcerous Dragon-Bloods and hearing people complain that Solars were boring and generic, I was spurred to go and show that Solars are cool actually.

That's right, fuckos! I lured you in with a story about an ambiguous martial artist who might be anything, only to spring the Solar trap on you once you were invested! I am a genius.
As one of the people who fell for your cunning ruse, I am really hype to see what you do with a Solar.
"Dawn," Abanya says behind you. You turn to find the old man sitting up on his bed, looking out his door. He looks older than yesterday, and far more tired than when he went to sleep. "The festival is upon us."
This was pretty good foreshadowing in retrospect, although I am unsure if we are a Dawn or a Zenith given our propensity for shonen speeches
You're like little baby. Watch this:
What's a solar?
Generally considered one of the strongest Exalted, Solars embody excellence at human skill, like being able to wrestle a Daikaiju into submission, or apparently disabling seven martial artists with only two functioning limbs.

After striking down the enemies of the gods in ancient times, the exalted host was put in charge of Creation by the mightiest of the gods. Solars, also known as Lawgivers or the Chosen of the Sun were put in leadership positions. They ruled nobly and justly for a time, but eventually they became power-hungry and corrupt, in spite of having all of Creation. Some members of the exalted host began to worry at this, forseeing great doom if the Solars could not be turned away from their path. The Solars were slain at the annual feast of the exalted host, their Exaltations bound in a prison so that they would not seek out new hosts. Solars are known in most of Creation as demons who have possessed an unwitting mortal, causing them to turn evil, and you cannot trust them, for lying is a thing humans can do, and therefore Solars are the best at lying. When one is spotted, a squad of weaker Exalted are usually sent to kill them before they grow too powerful.
Ah what the hell

Way back at the beginning there were the Primordials, they created Creation to be their little sandbox to play around in and being lazy, created the Gods to run it for them. Think of the Ancient Greek Titans and you've got the basic picture, the specifics aren't too worth going into right now.

Now the Primordials weren't the best rulers as things went and the Gods plotted to overthrow them, namely the Celestial Incarnae who were the greatest of the Gods; The Unconquered Sun Sol Invictus, his counterpart and closest peer Luna, and the Five Maidens; Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter and Saturn. However the Primordials were cautious of the possibility of betrayal/rebellion and took appropriate precautions; when they created the Gods they made sure to program the complete inability to harm their creators into them, this Geas rendered the Gods helpless against them.

But one day one of the Primordials, Autochthon the Great Maker, stumbled across the solution, Autochthon was the runt of the Primordials and constantly bullied and pushed around by the others, he was also deeply enamored by humanity as he identified with how they were so small and weak in comparison to the world around them yet so driven and creative, this eventually led him to create what is known as Exaltation. Due to his mistreatment by his fellows the Celestial Incarnae were able to convince him to help them and turn on his brethren and so he gave the secret of Exaltation to them, this allowed them to bypass the Geas preventing them from harming their masters by imbuing mortal vessels with sparks of their own divinity to act in their stead, Exalts.

Exalts are the chosen of the gods, they were their warriors in the war against the Primordials, each Celestial Incarnae creating their own form of Exalt; Sol created the 300 Solars, Luna created the 300 to 400(ish) Lunars and the Five Maidens created the 100 Sidereals
Among them were also many, many more Terrestrial Exalts, the Dragonblooded, who were created by the only other Primordial to side with the Gods; Gaia the Emerald Mother (to make a long story short she and Luna fell in love), to serve as the army to the Incarnae's generals
Autochthon also did his own thing off to the side and made the Alchemicals

After the cataclysmic war for Creation was over the Exalted came out victorious either slaying their Primordial enemies or imprisoning them within their own king who basically became hell. The Incarnae withdrew to take over heaven leaving Creation to the Exalts to rule over. Unfortunately the imprisoned and dead Primordials (they can't really die as Creation wasn't built to accommodate such an event) bore something of a grudge and uttered the Great Curse as they fell which afflicted the Exalted as a final parting gift, it affects each of the Exalted differently but for our purposes we really only need to know about the Solars. Over the years as the Exalted rebuilt and ruled over Creation the Great Curse, which went unnoticed by everyone, slowly drove the Solars mad, it twisted their virtues and magnified their flaws warping them into insane tyrants. Faced with the prospect of these mad god kings destroying everything the Sidereals and Dragonblooded came together and ultimately decided that the only solution was to kill every last one of them and trap their Exaltations so they didn't reincarnate (When an Exalt dies their little spark of divinity leaves and eventually seeks out a new person to bond with, each kind of Exalt has different parameters for who they will bond with).
The Lunars were somewhere between bystanders and collateral damage for the most part, most of them fled the carnage.
Since then the Dragonblooded rule a large chunk of the world, preaching the Immaculate Philosophy which states that Solars and Lunars are actually demons pretending to be the chosen of gods, and hunting down any that surface where they can find them, the Sidereals manage things from the shadows
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[x] Sorrow. Why does it never stop hurting - that moment when your time among mortals come at an end, and your Exalted status changes forever how they see you?
[x] Hope. For now the people see that Heaven has not forsaken them, but sent its Chosen among them to right the wrongs that were done.
Damn, Bury Our Friends is a sexy track. Thank you for introducing me to this band, Omicron!
Eclipse caste I did not see coming in all honestly, then again she was a magistrate, a travelling judge and Eclipse caste are the best at moving.
And so my dastardly plan is revealed. After seeing so many (very good) Exalted Quests about weirdo splats like Infernals and Abyssals and sorcerous Dragon-Bloods and hearing people complain that Solars were boring and generic, I was spurred to go and show that Solars are cool actually.

That's right, fuckos! I lured you in with a story about an ambiguous martial artist who might be anything, only to spring the Solar trap on you once you were invested! I am a genius.
Oh what treachery! What woe!

*hand to forehead*

I have been BAMBOOZLED!

Why I should... Keep reading!

[X] Sorrow. Why does it never stop hurting - that moment when your time among mortals come at an end, and your Exalted status changes forever how they see you?
[X] Peace. For now the people see that the world was out of balance and had to be restored; justice comes after the crime; fate abides as fate must.

Also I wonder if that story where she fought the Robber Prince was the story of what lead up to her Exaltation.l
Also, Tenacious Centipede Technique was putting in some work in that fight scene. The writing was excellent as always.
[X] Fear. How many times have you revealed your true nature, only for the people to turn on you in fear or hate?
[X] Peace. For now the people see that the world was out of balance and had to be restored; justice comes after the crime; fate abides as fate must.

GLORIOUS SOLAR BULLSHIT is always a plus. Can't wait to see what comes next.
[X] Sorrow. Why does it never stop hurting - that moment when your time among mortals come at an end, and your Exalted status changes forever how they see you?
[X] Peace. For now the people see that the world was out of balance and had to be restored; justice comes after the crime; fate abides as fate must.

[X] Sorrow. Why does it never stop hurting - that moment when your time among mortals come at an end, and your Exalted status changes forever how they see you?
[X] Peace. For now the people see that the world was out of balance and had to be restored; justice comes after the crime; fate abides as fate must.

And in this moment we are no longer cripple, guest, storyteller, or wanderer, we have the respect offered to one of might, and to stand apart even if you stand with them.
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[X] Sorrow. Why does it never stop hurting - that moment when your time among mortals come at an end, and your Exalted status changes forever how they see you?
[X] Hope. For now the people see that Heaven has not forsaken them, but sent its Chosen among them to right the wrongs that were done.
[X] Sorrow. Why does it never stop hurting - that moment when your time among mortals come at an end, and your Exalted status changes forever how they see you?
[X] Hope. For now the people see that Heaven has not forsaken them, but sent its Chosen among them to right the wrongs that were done.
I don't much about Exalted honestly but that was an amazing fight.
[X] Shame. You who have been chosen by the gods only to fail them, how dare you now stand wearing their mantle?
[X] Hope. For now the people see that Heaven has not forsaken them, but sent its Chosen among them to right the wrongs that were done.
Being an Eclipse Caste is cool, because we can magically enforce any spoken oath we hear, which can be useful when we hear our enemies making rhetorical promises "I promise you you won't leave here alive," can be broken by simply leaving the room, at which point they will be cursed, but knowing the genre, I suspect Golden Road will mostly use it for shonen promises that are magically enforced.

We can also learn some abilities normally reserved for gods, which tend to be nice utility effects.
Ya know, I too honestly thought she was some kinda Fey-Blooded burning Motes like water to try and barely eke out a victory up until the moment her Caste Mark showed.
You know, with all the talk about how she knew Ruvia personally and the initial mention of the castemark, some part of me was kinda hoping we'd be seeing Golden Road, Chosen of Ruvia, Exigent Exalted. Which, as a type we know both everything and yet very little about, would've been neat to see how you handled it.

[X] Sorrow. Why does it never stop hurting - that moment when your time among mortals come at an end, and your Exalted status changes forever how they see you?
[X] Peace. For now the people see that the world was out of balance and had to be restored; justice comes after the crime; fate abides as fate must.

"Why must power dwell in selfless people?" We lament, about the Exalted for the first time ever. "Why must kind people be drawn into conflict and pain, separation and loss?" The operas and traveling minstrels will cry. And when she has moved on to other injustices and left naught but the dust of her cloak and another tale behind, such is her selflessness that her own glory will be left wayside for the good of all in their minds.
Given that we can still have action scenes without them, I'm pretty certain that we're not going to get the golden hounds.
Golden Road is a Solar, there's several ways off the top of my head she could get new legs. Making them herself, owing some spirit a favor, learning a bit of Sorcery, demons solving problems.
[X] Sorrow. Why does it never stop hurting - that moment when your time among mortals come at an end, and your Exalted status changes forever how they see you?
[X] Hope. For now the people see that Heaven has not forsaken them, but sent its Chosen among them to right the wrongs that were done.