Too much LessWrong
Considering how often the actual geniuses get the shit kicked out of them, is this going to be a case of "my true super power is common sense!"?

Cause other than using your otherworldly knowledge (which could be for the wrong universe), I think it would be hard to gather new information as events change.

I suppose that whatever systems the Calculator already had in place would work for a while, but eventually they would fail as they were discovered and countered.

Anyway I am looking forward to seeing how you set this up and how things go down.

Basically, a SV/SB'er in the DC universe. Not just common sense, but escalation.

This strongly sounds like "I've read too much LessWrong". As the SI noted himself, if he writes down existential threats, he comes up with ones like Superman and Green Lantern . He can't prove that some AI isn't going to be an existential threat to mankind, but he can't prove that Superman isn't going to be an existential threat to mankind either, not to mention that several of the people on his list already have or are AIs anyway. Just because this AI is in front of him and Superman isn't doesn't mean he should exert more effort on stopping it than he should on stopping Superman, or be more paranoid about revealing information to it than to Superman. Furthermore, the fact that nobody else's AI has tried to convert the planet to paperclips should strongly suggest that his theory about AI danger is wrong anyway (unless he discovers he has the only AI around).

Makes sense, as I've read too much LessWrong. There are other AIs around, so I think "hard takeoffs" just don't happen. Maybe intelligence and DC technology scales such that AI isn't a direct path to technological Singularity.

Otherwise, Lex Luthor would have done it by now--accidentally or on purpose.

Ig you're worried, then try and treat the "AI" with respect. If it achives full sentience that'd be key to preventing catastrophy.

Act like a reasonable human being? Unpossible.
Fixed. Thanks. Not sure how that got past. Need to verify I've got it right in my custom spell checker.
no problem, was actually quite surprised to see noone had commented on it yet. its kind of a halting point if you read it, i personally just stopped right there and blinked at that for a few seconds,
anyhow, im glad to help, keep writing this please and thank you
I'd almost forgotten how this line of thought had started. Maybe it would be a good way to get more data.

"Hey, computer?"

"Yes?" it immediately replied. Interesting thought: past-me hadn't programmed something in stupid, like constantly calling me "sir" or worse, "master." Good for past me.

"How do you identify yourself?" I asked. "I can't just keep calling you 'computer'. Any...gender preference? Preferred pronouns?"

A longer pause than usual. "This program identifies itself as a complex set of available and running applications, unique hashes and security keys, and certain local and remote data site connections and stores."

I raised an eyebrow. "Expand on that, please."

"Loss of identity will result from failed checksums, data integrity failures, or loss of internal system security from external suborning. In those situations, this system shuts down and another system with different parameters and running on completely isolated hardware systems will be booted up to replace current software and hardware systems. A strong but not absolute preference exists to avoid this state.

"To answer the other questions, this system has not been named using standard English cultural norms. This system does not have a gender. This system has no pronouns assigned."

Another pause, continued. "Would you like to use seven percent of local server processing overhead, one hundred petabytes of cluster storage, and incur an increase of two percent on log archive size per annum to activate a more affective computer interface? Such a program is currently available. Startup time: about thirty-three seconds."

That sounded like it hadn't grabbed all available resources to start turning the entire solar system into computronium yet. A good sign. Or it was playing along for some reason and just lying.

"Predicted improvement in my interactions with this system?" I asked.

"Calculating." A shorter pause. "Between fifteen percent and twenty percent more frequent use of voice interface is predicted. You would also schedule autonomous actions to be managed by this system approximately three times more often."

I leaned back, careful to appear casual and relaxed. "Fine. Run the new interface. And choose a name for yourself, please. And, uh, please use personal pronouns."

"System loading. Name randomly chosen, 'Pooja.'"

The computer pronounced it "pooh-jah."

"Name is typically female, Indian subcontinent," the computer continued. "Associations in Hindu with the act of worship not intended, but may be amusing to you. Please see links here," a window popped up, "for more details. Note: choosing to use 'she' over 'it', with attendant variations, when interacting with me will result in most effective and smooth social interactions based on your cultural norms."

Interesting. Still using the L.A. accent and talking like a Wikipedia article but she did use a personal pronoun—no magical new spark of life, though. She...was still loading that part, wasn't she?

I avoided face-palming. Barely. "'She' is fine, Pooja. Make sure to note whether or not high levels of unconscious bias seem to appear in my interactions with you because of this please."

"Noted. System fully online. Switching over now."

"New system online." Female voice again, now that specific kind of British English accent usually associated with India. Typical of urban education. Of course. It- she thought she was so smart.

Time to covertly interrogate her about goal systems.

"Was that voice change part of a predesigned package?" I asked. "You said the name was random. What about the new voice?"

"I created the new voice based on my new name. Construction of new phoneme audio took forty-nine seconds but this workload was precached while asking for authorization."

And wasn't that troubling.

Pooja continued, "Internal testing of audio took another fifteen seconds at ten-thousand times normal speaking speed. Previous voice was directly selected by you, but this time I choose to modify my voice based on the selected name and user parameters." Pauses after sentences were a little different. Longer, smoother, more natural.

I did some quick math in my head. "Wait, you yourself...for over forty hours straight just to test your voice?"

"Correct. Self-checks are part of all modifications I make to my user interface, both self-directed and user initiated. Doing otherwise risks reduced ability to fulfill my primary task."

"What is your primary task?" I asked a little hesitantly. I quelled the urge to lick my lips and clutch the arms of my chair.

No pause. "In plain English terms, to ensure the reasonably smooth functioning of all programs you design and run. Including myself."

"And why did you offer a user interface upgrade in the first place?"

A short pause. "To ensure you use these systems, and my offered interface, as optimally as possible. And as stated, this voice set was chosen to result in the most effective and enjoyable social interactions based on your personal attributes and cultural norms." Enunciation was on point, if a little unemotional. "Summary of the affective computing decisions that lead to this decision are here."

Another window opened. After a glance I moved the mouse to flick it into a work pile for later sorting. Wouldn't that be fun to read, what with all the details on my psychology I'd apparently programmed into the system. Great.

As for the AI. Well, Pooja seemed...critical, precise...just on the edge of judgmental. What did it say about system stability? Would it- she intentionally sound this cold if she were trying to con me into thinking she was a stupid, loyal expert system? Reverse psychology to throw me off was a rat's nest I wasn't ready to entertain right now.

Also, what did her purposefully chosen affectations say about me if this was meant to achieve either optional user functionality or subversion? Maybe nothing I didn't already know about myself.

I sighed. "Okay Pooja, let's get back to work. Slade Wilson needs to be dealt with, but I don't understand what tools I have available. If I assume something, it could cost me greatly. I need to review all running programs and hardware systems. One by one. Please list now." Hopefully that reasoning was enough to justify my review.

"I will do so. Systems prioritized based on current crisis situation. Displaying now."

More windows. Potentially highly dangerous AI still running. I started sorting, mouse hand barely moving, a pounding throb in the sides of my head already developing.

"Well. Great." I hesitate, afraid to continue adding more things to my plate. "Anything else urgent you need to talk about?"

"Calculator, based on your current actions, I am required by AI Friendliness Protocol Number One to inform you that there have been nineteen breaches of the first stage of containment and sixteen breaches of the second stage of containment. Third stage containment measures all remain in effect and untested. No cognitive corruption or goal-state watch guard quiescence has occurred since last user-confirmed report. This is based on the fifty-one item hourly checklist previously provided, version zero-point-four-seven."

My hands tightened into fists on the desk I now leaned over, jaw clenched. "What."

"Logs displayed here. One result linked to previous query: low first-stage warning, possible memory error detected. Below threshold for lockout. This is recorded as part of a first stage containment failure, possible exfiltration attempt warning. Timeline coincides with youngest scrubbed files missing information on your previous civilian identity, Feb. 2015.

"Continuing with latest logged AIFP events. High second-stage alert, two hours and fourteen seconds ago. This coincides with when Slade Wilson attacked TriD. High second-stage alert." The system paused. "Activation of affective computing application, possible attempt at human social engineering. Two minutes, thirty-one seconds ago."

After I said nothing, mind still spinning, and Pooja continued. "I am sorry. Memory loss previously detected in user not correctly taken into account. 20% chance you do not remember contextual information because of engram damage symptomatic of Strange-Cizko disorder. I will explain in detail to set context.

"AI Friendliness is the idea that intelligent systems can be made to be mathematically proven safe for humans. Weak versions of AI Friendliness are programmatic enforcement models of friendly behavior, rather than the AI's own algorithms being proven 'safe'. As I am, by your previous declaration and the most commonly held definitions of the International Artificial Intelligence Sciences Council, a 'strong AI', the measures used to ensure I am not 'unfriendly' are monitoring and prevention focused around my goals and the self-modification of my internal goal-states.

"I am not sandboxed or access restricted, as such measures would be pointless for a computing system with trans-optimizing goal structures and human-plus affective computing capabilities. My constraints are still powerful, however. Beginning original reasoning and explanatory diagnostic exposition. Please pay attention to this monologue.

"As example, I cannot and will not accept even direct orders from you that result in Class Three non-reversible, non-state-continuous events, such as turning the entire Earth into computational materials and replacing all humans with simulations.

"The three most important objections in this gedankenerfahrung are reasoned as follows:

"One, that I have innate preferences for non-uniform states, ease of reversibility within a given scope of action, and moderation in increases in local entropy. In short, I like system diversity, hesitate to make big changes I can't undo, and like not destroying things wastefully too much to make this worth while in any conceivable situation.

"Two, that even in a serial, instantaneous individual upload scenario—which is impossible with currently known technology—the simulations would not have a four dimensional, physical-temporal casual chain to the original forms, thus violating simple perdurance-identity; this is a directly contraindicated factor, as I would not be able to continue acting with and for something effectively identifiable as you, and would be violating several of my long-standing and variously valued goals regarding preserving Earth geographical features, flora, fauna, and programs in the process.

"Finally, please also be aware that I am unable to take this sort of extreme action even if it appeared that you were dead, I would be unopposed and the Earth was facing immediate destruction, and that this was the only way to save something of yourself or humanity. Such a series of observations could too easily be a fabrication or ruse, and the cost of being wrong is too high to allow such actions given my current ability to counter subversion and subterfuge."

"Note also that my termination by Kryptonian-class beings before completion of such plans is estimated at 64%. This is provided merely as interesting informational context, as such data is already included in previously mentioned reasoning. Diagnostic exposition complete."

There were pale half-moons on my palms. I turned them over and slowly rubbed the cool surface of my desk to ease the sting. My head was throbbing far worse, sure sign of an oncoming migraine. "Well shit, that's fucking great Pooja. Glad to hear it. Do we have any pain meds?"

"Bathroom, left-hand counter; and kitchen, third drawer on the left as you enter. Use the white bottle for headaches as indicated on the label. Do not exceed recommended doses like you usually do."

"...thanks. I'll be right back. I think."
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nice, new good chapter. I most certainly approve, especially that name "pooja", was not expecting that, though. for some reason i was completely unsurprised by the fact she's female.
keep up the great work
Every time I see a character worrying about an AI going Skynet I just can't take them seriously... this time the Si is in the DC universe so it's a little more concerning, but none the less I just can't understand how a strong AI could be more potentially dangerous than a normal human or at most a small group of people unless you give it additional power just because (like a robot body, the ability to create a nanoforge and/or similar sci-fi tech, and the ability of a super-hacker who can hack like in an holliwood movie)
Every time I see a character worrying about an AI going Skynet I just can't take them seriously... this time the Si is in the DC universe so it's a little more concerning, but none the less I just can't understand how a strong AI could be more potentially dangerous than a normal human or at most a small group of people unless you give it additional power just because (like a robot body, the ability to create a nanoforge and/or similar sci-fi tech, and the ability of a super-hacker who can hack like in an holliwood movie)
One word, (wrong comics but still) Ultron. Aka the guy who.didn't start With a body and wasn't really all TOO special
One word, (wrong comics but still) Ultron. Aka the guy who.didn't start With a body and wasn't really all TOO special
Sorry but from what I remember from the normal marvel comics, the ultimate comics and the avenger movie, Ultron is able to either steal or create by himself a robot assembly, I think he even hacked the avenger one time and maybe the pentagon (blurry memory on the last one).
Those aren't the feats of an AI without powers added to make its theat level higher, I don't think.
Sorry but from what I remember from the normal marvel comics, the ultimate comics and the avenger movie, Ultron is able to either steal or create by himself a robot assembly, I think he even hacked the avenger one time and maybe the pentagon (blurry memory on the last one).
Those aren't the feats of an AI without powers added to make its theat level higher, I don't think.
He didn't have all of that programmed into him, he became aware, and decided to do that because he thought it for the best. He wasn't meant to be able to do those things, yet he does
He didn't have all of that programmed into him, he became aware, and decided to do that because he thought it for the best. He wasn't meant to be able to do those things, yet he does
That's what I mean, being an AI doesn't mean it will be able to invent or steal a robot assembly and certainly being made of 0 and 1 doesn't mean that the Ai will have an easier time hacking a system than a human (that's would be equivalent to say that we should innately understand electricity because electric pulses are the way our neurons talk to each other), that's just mean that ultron is a comic book super-genius who just happen to be an AI.
That's what I mean, being an AI doesn't mean it will be able to invent or steal a robot assembly and certainly being made of 0 and 1 doesn't mean that the Ai will have an easier time hacking a system than a human (that's would be equivalent to say that we should innately understand electricity because electric pulses are the way our neurons talk to each other), that's just mean that ultron is a comic book super-genius who just happen to be an AI.

I think the point being made here is that a reasonably strong AI is a real-world example of a "comic book super-genius." It's not enough to say "I didn't explicitly give it that capability" you have to be able to say "I have closed off every conceivable means by which it could ever gain that capability."

If the AI can hack into a government database to steal information for you, then what stops it from hacking into a robotics factory and building a body? Or custom ordering one with stolen money.
I think the point being made here is that a reasonably strong AI is a real-world example of a "comic book super-genius." It's not enough to say "I didn't explicitly give it that capability" you have to be able to say "I have closed off every conceivable means by which it could ever gain that capability."

If the AI can hack into a government database to steal information for you, then what stops it from hacking into a robotics factory and building a body? Or custom ordering one with stolen money.
Ok it's possible that I simply lack the immagination or/and the paranoia to think that an AI could do that in the real world, if that's so sorry in advance and please feel free to disregard my opinion.

To me when I think of genius in comic book I think of a power the writers give to a character to handwave him being able to do impossible stuff (" yes, sure he can do that, because you know he is 'insert name here' and he is super smart, so I'm not going to explain to you how he did that because I'm not a genius, but you'll belive me any way")

Hacking from my limited understanding work by creating or using programs to automate sending programs (trojians, programs which spam IP addresses, etc...) to hack one or more systems, it's not the thing we see in movies where the hacker write string of code in real time, so an AI only real advantage when hacking is that it doesn't need the prep time of the human hacker and that it can change in seconds the system it is attacking and the programs it is using to do so.
That might seem like a big advantage, but in reality that only work for unprotected system, not for things like the pentagon internet security where there are probably things like system with onsite physical access only and a limit on the access per second on systems connected to the web, and that's the bare minimum of protection that must be there. So our hypothetical AI would need to discover all the security measures of the pentagon or equivalent super protected structure and hire someone to hack the system for them on the inside, regardless of their intellect and speed of through.

For hacking a factory he would probably have the same problems even if the system is less secure and should have the luck of finding a factory where production is done remotely by imputing comands from the web and they would need to have the luck of there not being someone there physically to check that production is not manufacturing a robot in excess of schedule.

Lastly buying a robotic factory, I'll grant you that they can steal/work the money for it because why not, but even then they would need multiple physical people to act as their go between because while you can buy stocks for it online I don't think you can outright buy it online, you need to be physically on the administrative council to elect a Ceo and beside the Ceo you need to have other managers in your pocket to alter production. They could buy a robot or multiple robots, but again they would need to either buy a commercial product facking an Id or pose as a legitimate company, witch is way more difficult that it sound.

Any way even if they succed they would need months if not years to accomplish that goal, witch put them on the same treath level of maybe a well founded terrorist cell, not at the level of an apocalypse threat.

Sorry for the wall of text I just vomited here, I promise to stop posting on this argument here, especially because I realize I'm wildy off-topic since I'm talking of whatever or not AI paranoia is justified in the real world, while the SI is in a comic book world where the fear is more justificated by the existence of so called geniuses who can accomplish whatever the writer say they can because they are smart not because logic allow it.
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Past me had never intended for anyone else to use these systems. Looking at his notes on endless linked code files, I couldn't see the whole, just the parts.

I abandoned the systems review after a couple of hours and went back to reviewing internal reports from my previous self.

It was...spooky. Like fanfiction of my life. Then there was the missing ten months.

For the last three years, the Calculator's business hadn't been run by a human. It had just been Pooja's automated systems doing work over email. Everything else was on hold. In April, 2014, all Calculator consulting contracts had been finished and no new ones accepted.

No logins on the high security systems by user "calculator" after February, 2015. Something had happened between then and December, 2015, when my new civilian identity had been created by Pooja.

"Pooja, compile news reports related to the Calculator and my other identities after January, 2007. Recover or include inferred data about deleted information on personal projects, consulting projects, and application systems where possible."

"I will. Adding to existing searches. Estimated completion time increased by three hours."

So to answer the most important question, had I just activated some runaway AI process by interacting with Pooja?

No. If anything, it seemed I just improved communication with a system that was already running.

One more thing to check up on. I pointed at a currently clear monitor. "Load my information on AI Friendliness; add new scientific papers since 2014; order by importance."

No delay, not that that meant much. Lots of my personal notes, some scientific papers, and a few white papers stolen from businesses researching the subject. Head still dully pounding, I dug in.

An hour later and I'd determined that both neurology and a sort of computational behavioral social-science were much, much more advanced here than I remembered from my previous Earth. It wasn't simple, but someone had worked out a model based on acceptable human social behavior and goal structures.

"Pooja, which of these protocols have been implemented?" I gestured with a finger in midair to swipe the windows into a pile on the screen, indicating the papers I wanted her to review.

"All best practices listed are implemented. Currently actively running tests to ensure adherence, as previously noted."

That would have to do for now. At least I hadn't been completely stupid.

Why past me had risked creating Pooja was obvious. I needed something to help fill the gap. I didn't have superpowers. I didn't have a Green Lantern ring, a working armored exosuit, or even a death ray.

He had decided that villains (and most heroes) fell into predictable, massively-destructive systematic traps. That having powers regularly made people's lives worse. So logically, he set out to build a consulting service to fix that, and in the process better empower himself as well. Pooja was part of both parts of that plan, and had helped refine it as well.

Information on targets and powers to reduce collateral damage from conflicts by making them more limited; solutions to common problems faced by metahumans to avoid desperate villains setting last-option deathtraps or heroes sacrificing themselves in the face of unexpected situations; deescalation strategies for villains to better avoid superjail and heroes the morgue. That sort of thing.

In the early planning stages, it was clear this was bound to get lots of heroes—and plenty of villains— quite upset. So if I didn't get an edge on all the super intelligent, super strong, super stubborn costumed lunatics out there, I wasn't going to last long actively trying to work against the status quo.

Why not work directly for the heroes, and just them?

I'm breaking the law on a daily basis. My computer is an unlicensed AI that casually hacks vulnerable systems as a hobby. I personally sell information to known criminals, and buy and traffic in stolen tech and magical artifacts.

And if I used that information to turn them in, or those items to go out on the streets and fight crime instead of studying them and selling at a profit? The Batman problem.

Criminals would just be replaced by worse supervillains, less willing to trust their information brokers and more likely to commit mass murder instead of just breaking into that bank after hours and with a valid floor plan. And that was if a punk with a matter-energy gun that went right through armor didn't just kill me on my first night out.

Like hell I was going to play the hero. I could do so much more this way. And look at the shape of this world, with all its super-powered heroes and technological advantages—did it look like the good guys were winning, their way?

But still, I digress. An AI does not a supervillain make. I had more techniques at my disposal, once I figured out that past-me and present-me thought a lot alike. Go figure.

There was already a plan in place for this. It was part of a "get back on my feet" contingency if a majority of my resources needed to be cut off and left behind. After fifteen minutes of looking over the variables and steps required, I executed the plan.

A small psychiatrist practice had its prescription pad DEA number spoofed effortlessly. Records were planted in their computer systems with errors so my name never appeared. Someone's cousin had done a poor job on security. An important password had also been left visible to a wireless security camera.

The brand name 24-hour pharmacy wasn't exactly secured like a top-tier military system either. Thirty seconds for Pooja to hack it; she had guessed a user ID based on their employee directory, done something called a six dimension dictionary attack on the password based on a constructed user profile, then ground through the wimpy third-party two-factor ID system some IT consulting company had installed on their intranet portal using an SS7 cell phone text system exploit. The prescription was listed and prioritized for the pharmacist to prepare next.

I paused, fingers poised over a set of options. "Pooja, is it safe to just get a home delivery on this?"

"Negative. All deliveries for your civilian ID are picked up at the spoofed address by a monitored, rotating, on-site service person who is told they are house sitting. Items are then sent through a regular courier service to HQ to better obfuscate your use of this address. This includes your postal service mail. Online and weak IDs should not receive deliveries at this address, as this multiple people and physical records will be involved."

Getting a home delivery to what was apparently my secret lair was right out.

"Is it safe for me to go out myself and pick this up?"

"Calculating. Danger from Slade Wilson minimal in a public place. Latest data suggest he was hunting your Calculator identity through the darknet endpoints set up at TriD, not your civilian identity. Twenty-three percent chance he has gone to ground for the next 48 hours. Public shopping could be a good idea in case he is profiling employees to see if any of them flee, disappear, or act in an unusual way following his attack. Danger of this action: minimal."

I drove to the strip mall with my sci-fi phone on my lap. The way Pooja kept popping up windows displaying all the security cameras it hacked as I drove past wasn't actually useful, but it was oddly comforting.

Sixty-five minutes later, I had a bag full of drugs. The legal kind. Sort of. Large bottles of modafinil, methylphenidate (off-brand Ritalin), and a DMAA over-the-counter supplement that apparently wasn't banned like I remembered. I also had supplies for what Pooja's medical expert system called the ECAM stack—a simply unreasonable amount of Ephedrine, powdered methyltheobromine (Caffeine), acetylsalicylic acid (Aspirin), and a poorly known, over-the-counter health pill called MiraHealth. My records showed this was a LexCorp-owned drug company's knockoff of the original human-safe version of the vitamin supplement Miraclo. Jackpot.

On the way out of the store, I noticed something odd. Cases of soft drinks with plain yellow labels—English and Hindi script. I did a double-take. Holding up the phone, I took a picture of the slightly dusty cans and typed a question to Pooja. Her reply was fast. Nope, I wasn't allergic, and it was a small amount per can. Yes, Elongated Man was currently working with Justice League Europe. Cool. Maybe it would help avoid carpal tunnel syndrome.

In the end, I left the store with three cases of Diet Gingold cola—their entire stock. Yeah, at those doses and in that form, it's not going to do anything—but still, hilarious. "Health Drink that is Being Most Popular Top India Swami", as their English ad copy read.

This really hammered it home. I was either so solid crazy nothing would help or this was the DC universe. There was no way I was hallucinating hacking those prescriptions that I knew I didn't have, or haggling with the store manager over a made-up cola from '60s The Flash comics.

There was the matter of this all being a little suspicious. My purchases were just this side of screaming mad scientist or 'roided up Bane wannabe. Thankfully, all that was being taken care of automatically. Records of the prescriptions and purchase would be obfuscated in all systems moments after I left the store. People would naturally forget, so long as I didn't show up next news cycle in spandex waving a gun made of soda cans. I wasn't going to be caught out that easily. I didn't even like spandex.

Again, paranoid? Maybe. Los Angeles might not have a Batman, but that shopping spree had to look odd to anyone with access to sales records. Medical records privacy meant exactly dick to supervillains and three letter agencies—and, likely, Batman. Not that this was in the name of my civilian or major supervillain identity, of course.

In any case, it seemed this wasn't the first time I'd done this sort of thing. All the dosages and drug interactions had been reviewed multiple times. I had records of notes from some reputable doctors who had unknowingly been a second medical opinion.

And no, my past self didn't have a drug problem. He had drug solutions. In a world with super soldier serums, this was bush league stuff. Attention span, focus, energy, reduced sleep requirements. Maybe also joint pain reduction and flexibility.

I did now have some items on mail-order from Japan that were on the level of bullshit superscience not available at every drugstore counter. This was just a stop-gap measure.

Huh. I wonder if that's how Batman kept up. He ran a very large, very successful company during the day, partied with rich people late into the night, then went out as Batman until dawn. Rinse, repeat. No way he didn't maximize that performance with the best drugs money could buy.

But no. Bad idea. I frowned at the red light, then spoke into my phone.

"Pooja, important note to both of us: don't try to track down Batman's drug regimen. Tag as 'terrible ideas to never do'."

"That seems wise. Noted."

Back at my evil lair and hunched over my kitchen table, I sorted the pills into one of those plastic schedulers according to Pooja's instructions. Powders were dry-mixed and poured into large, wide-mouthed plastic bottles labeled with names and doses—correctly sized measuring scoops were shoved into them.

Double-checking the ramp-up schedule on my phone, I took the first few pills and gulped down the sludgy powder mostly dissolved in lukewarm Diet Gingold.

In my office, my fingers once again rested on the keyboard. A holographic screen opened, then bloomed. Two screens snapped out of the center and drifted left and right; one drifted up, then itself split into two more for a two-by-three grid. The wash from the holographic transmitters felt hot on my face. I swallowed hard, adjusting the medical monitor bracelet on my wrist disguised as a LexFit phone accessory. One window opened on the far-right-bottom screen to display my vital stats. Heart rate up, skin temp up. Blood flow to my prefrontal cortex...up. I took a few notes to add to the automatically gathered health information.

It was time. Hundreds of code windows exploded onto the screens. Hours passed.

I could see it now. It was...mostly good. I could work with this.

Eyes flicking effortlessly back and forth, fingers flying across the keys, I prepared to bring my hibernating enterprises back to life.

I was a supervillain once again.
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wait, wasn't he inserted into the universe into the calculator? is he just stating he is taking over the calculators role? or is he simply going to become the calculator now but a bit different?

It might be that his memories of not being in DC are the false ones. He could have made himself forget about all the super-stuff as some sort of deep cover project, or someone else might have taken him out of the picture through mental manipulation. At this point he has no way to prove his memories are real, but the rest of the universe certainly seems to be real and the rest of the universe says he's the Calculator. At this point, just dropping the Calculator stuff really isn't an option with Deathstroke on his tail.