[Meta] A Press Conference (Submissions)
Hitler's statement was followed by a Press Conference.
You (my readers) are the journalists asking questions and I am Hitler / Olaf answering them. I am waiting for your questions (specifying country / newspaper would be nice) in the following posts. Thank you for your cooperation and help.

AH.com said:
Q: What newspapers are we allowed to masquerade?
A: Any newspapers or radio stations extant in 1945, from Germany (either democratic or Nazi), German influenced countries under the Dome, neutral countries or the Western Powers which had ceased their state of war with Germany (basicly all of them except France).

Q: Is there a limit on the number of questions we may ask?
A: Yes. Everybody is allowed to ask a maximum of three questions.

I believe that you, my readers from SV, have the same rights as my readers from AH.com to take part in this story which, in this case, means asking questions for Hitler / Olaf.

In order to prevent any duplications, here are the questions already asked (and answered in the next chapter) on AH. I will simply add yours (with their answers) both here (in the next chapter) and there (as an edit).

AH.com said:
1. "Herr Hitler, sir! Do you still maintain the title of Führer, and, if so, what powers does that title possess?"

2. "Herr Hitler! Herr Hitler! Journalist from the Völkischer Beobachter! Will there be an investigation into how the Done came to be? Will the secrets of the Done be revealed for the benefit of mankind?"

3. "Herr Hitler! John Smith from the BBC! You have stated in your eleventh point that «numerous abhorrent crimes have been perpetrated by evil individuals from the Party and from the SS who acted in my name». Do you believe you accept any of the blame for the aforementioned deeds?"

4. "Mein Führer! What is the meaning of this? Why do you backstab the Reich and sell us to the Western Bastards!? Are you with the Jewry? Are you going to weaken us with a Versailles-like Treaty? Let go of me, you shitty traitors!"

5. "Herr Reichspräsident, since when did you know about these crimes and what did you do to stop them?"

6. "Mr. Hitler! James Bush of the Seattle Times! Are you yourself an anti-semite? What is your opinion on the Jewish people?"

7. "Herr Hitler, Russ Dell, Philadelphia Inquierer. Now without the demands of running the Reich, what do you plan to do with your free time? I heard that you were a painter, will you resume your work, or do other things?"

8. "Herr Hitler, in the past four months, you got married, adopted an adolescent girl, sued for peace, retreated your armies back to Germany, recognized the independence of Poland and the Baltic States and finally this outstanding statement from today. Can you provide an explanation for these recent changes in your life, attitude and politics?"

9. "Why did it take so long for you to publicly resign and endorse the new government? Were you having second thoughts? What happened that did finally convince you to act?"

10. "There are rumours that your adopted daughter, Miss Adolphine Hitler, is actually something more that it appears to the naked eye, that she may possess superhuman powers and abilities or even that she may be a demigoddess. Could you please comment on these outlandish rumours?"

11. "Herr Hitler, with regards to German domination of Grand Prix racing prewar, will you continue to support German motorsport, and if so, how?"

12. "Hello, Mein Führer. I am glad to see that you are healthy again. As you step down from politics, I am sure the German people will continue to respect you as our Eternal Führer who brought back Germany's greatness. I have three questions for you...
One. Now that the marvellous work of engineering that is the Berlin Dome has been activated, Germany is once again able to control everywhere inside the Dome. How do you think the problem of Untermenschen such as Poles, Gypsies and Homosexuals still living inside the Dome should be dealt with?"

13. "Two. Outside the eastern border of the Dome, the oppressive yoke of Bolshevism still brings terror to the Aryan people of Eastern Europe, including the loyal German communities in places such as Riga, Reval, the Banat, Siebenbürgen, and the Volga. Would you agree that the new German government, as soon as it has recovered from the damage of the war, should take steps to bring down the Soviet Union?"

14. "Three. While I do not agree with such ludicrous rumours myself, I have heard people suggesting that the real Führer is still imprisoned and that you are merely a Jewish impostor trying to bring down Germany. What would you say to assure those people that you are who you claim to be?"

15. "Herr Hitler, while you now resign and do not determine this on behalf of government what do you say regarding the effective abandonment of our allies the Japanese in recent times, and how do you regard their current position regarding peace with the Western powers as we are now attempting to negotiate for ourselves?"

16. "Herr Hitler, while you've left the making of peace in other hands, what would you advise them to include in the treaty with the Western powers?"

17. "Herr Reichspräsident, only a few weeks ago you wanted to invade the USSR again to gain more Lebensraum. Now your position has changed by 180 degrees. What is the reason behind? And this is only the most obvious change. Others did follow here. What shall we believe?"

Important: By contributing questions (or any other material) to this story, you allow me to cross-post them in other parts of the Internet, while maintaining your copyright.

I may perform minor edits to some of the questions (punctuation, formatting, typos, miscellania).

You have 48 hours to ask your questions. Thank you for your cooperation and support.

Note: The above means that I will not post a new chapter tomorrow as it would have been by now expected. I will, instead, post a series of maps and other data until the Press Conference Chapter (the day after tomorrow). Thank you for your understanding.
You know, I do sometimes really hate to be right.

As for a question:
"Mein Führer, what is to be the future of the government? I shudder to think back to the chaos of the Weimar Republic, without a strong leader like you for the Volk to rally behind. What I mean to ask, given that the Army's monarchist sympathies are more or less an open secret, how likely do you consider the restoration of the House of Hohenzollern to the German throne?"

Don't look at me like that, you knew it was coming the moment you offered the option.
[List] Countries & Dependencies (May 1945)
Sovereign Countries & Dependencies
May 1945
Previous: February 1945
Changes in Red. Occupied / Claimed Territories in Italics.

United States of America
Great Power, Federation, Western Powers
  • Canton and Enderbury Islands (Condominium with the UK)
  • Philippines (Protectorate, under partial Japanese occupation, puppet state: Philippines)
  • Alaska (Territory)
  • American Antilles (Territory, bought from the Netherlands)
  • American Samoa (Territory)
  • Greenland (Territory, bought from Denmark, including Jan Mayen, bought from Norway)
  • Guam (Territory)
  • Hawaii (Territory)
  • Panama Canal Zone (Territory)
  • Puerto Rico (Territory)
  • United States Virgin Islands (Territory)
  • Minor Islands (Uninhabited, Wake Island under Japanese Occupation)
  • Antarctic Claim (Peter I Island, bought from Norway)

United Kingdom
Great Power, Western Powers
  • Occupied Cyrenaica (Italy)
  • Occupied Eritrea (Italy)
  • Occupied Somalia (Italy)
  • Occupied Tripolitania (Italy)
  • Nauru (LoN Mandate, Condominium with Australia and New Zealand, under Japanese Occupation)
  • British Cameroons (LoN Mandate)
  • British Togoland (LoN Mandate)
  • Palestine (LoN Mandate)
  • Transjordan (LoN Mandate)
  • Tanganyika (LoN Mandate)
  • Canton and Enderbury Islands (Condominium with the USA)
  • New Hebrides (Condominium with France)
  • Sudan (Condominium with Egypt)
  • Guernsey (Crown Dependency)
  • Isle of Man (Crown Dependency)
  • Jersey (Crown Dependency)
  • Bahrain (Protectorate)
  • Bechuanaland (Protectorate)
  • British Somaliland (Protectorate)
  • Brunei (Protectorate, under Japanese Occupation)
  • Kuwait (Protectorate)
  • Maldive Islands (Protectorate)
  • Northern Rhodesia (Protectorate)
  • Nyasaland (Protectorate)
  • Qatar (Protectorate)
  • Sarawak (Protectorate, under Japanese Occupation)
  • Swaziland (Protectorate)
  • Trucial States (Protectorate)
  • Zanzibar (Protectorate)
  • Aden (Crown Colony and Protectorate)
  • Gambia (Crown Colony and Protectorate)
  • Kenya (Crown Colony and Protectorate)
  • Malaya (Crown Colony and Federation of Protectorates, under Japanese occupation)
  • Nigeria (Crown Colony and Protectorate)
  • Sierra Leone (Crown Colony and Protectorate)
  • Bahamas Islands (Crown Colony)
  • Barbados (Crown Colony)
  • Basutoland (Crown Colony)
  • Bermuda (Crown Colony)
  • British Guiana (Crown Colony, including Suriname, bought from the Netherlands)
  • British Honduras (Crown Colony)
  • British Leeward Islands (Crown Colony)
  • British Western Pacific Territories (Crown Colony)
  • British Windward Islands (Crown Colony)
  • Burma (Crown Colony, under partial Japanese Occupation, puppet state: Burma)
  • Ceylon (Crown Colony)
  • Cyprus (Crown Colony)
  • Falkland Islands (Crown Colony)
  • Gibraltar (Crown Colony)
  • Gold Coast (Crown Colony)
  • Hong Kong (Crown Colony, under Japanese Occupation)
  • India (Crown Colony)
  • Jamaica (Crown Colony)
  • Malta (Crown Colony)
  • Mauritius (Crown Colony)
  • Newfoundland (Crown Colony)
  • North Borneo (Crown Colony, under Japanese Occupation)
  • Saint Helena (Crown Colony)
  • Seychelles (Crown Colony)
  • Southern Rhodesia (Crown Colony)
  • Suez Canal Zone (Crown Colony)
  • Trinidad and Tobago (Crown Colony)
  • Uganda (Crown Colony)
  • Bouvet Island (Uninhabited, bought from Norway)
  • Heard Island and McDonald Islands (Uninhabited)
  • Antarctic Claim (including Queen Maud Land, bought from Norway)

British Dominion, Federation, Western Powers

British Dominion, Federation, Western Powers
  • Nauru (LoN Mandate, Condominium with the UK and New Zealand, under Japanese Occupation)
  • New Guinea (LoN Mandate, partially under Japanese occupation)
  • Norfolk Island (Territory)
  • Papua (Territory)
  • West Papua (Territory, bought from the Netherlands, partially under Japanese occupation)
  • Antarctic Claim

New Zealand
British Dominion, Western Powers
  • Nauru (LoN Mandate, Condominium with the UK and Australia, under Japanese Occupation)
  • Western Samoa (LoN Mandate)
  • Cook Islands (Dependency)
  • Niue Island (Dependency)
  • Union Islands (Dependency)
  • Antarctic Claim

South Africa
British Dominion, Federation, Western Powers
  • South-West Africa (LoN Mandate)

Soviet Union
Socialist State, Great Power, Federation
  • Occupied East Turkestan (China)
  • Occupied Mongolia (China)
  • Occupied Tuva (China)
  • Occupied Kurdish Mahabad (Iran)
  • Occupied Southern Azerbaijan (Iran)
  • Occupied Outer Hungary (Hungary)
  • Russia (SFSR)
  • Ukraine (SSR)
    • Inner Ukraine (Poland, partially under Inner Soviet Army control)
    • Outer Poland Proper (Oblast, three exclaves annexed from Poland)
    • Carpatho-Ukraine (Oblast, relinquished by the Czechoslovak Government in Exile)
    • Inner Carpatho-Ukraine (tiny uninhabited territory, under Slovak control)
    • Outer Slovakia (ASSR, annexed from Czechoslovakia)
    • Northern Bukovina & Northern Bessarabia (Oblast, annexed from Romania)
    • Southern Bessarabia (Oblast, annexed from Romania)
  • Byelorussia (SSR)
    • Inner Byelorussia (Poland, partially under Inner Soviet Army control)
  • Karelia (SSR)
  • Georgia (SSR)
  • Armenia (SSR)
  • Azerbaijan (SSR)
  • Kazakhstan (SSR)
  • Kyrgyzstan (SSR)
  • Uzbekistan (SSR)
  • Turkmenistan (SSR)
  • Tajikistan (SSR)
  • Estonia (SSR, de jure Independent)
    • Inner Estonia (independent state, tiny enclave in Lithuania, German sphere of influence)
  • Latvia (SSR, de jure Independent)
    • Inner Latvia (independent state, German sphere of influence)
  • Lithuania (SSR, de jure Independent)
    • Inner Lithuania (independent state, German sphere of influence)
    • Memelland (Germany)
  • Romania (SSR, de jure Independent)
    • Romanian Government in Exile
    • Moldavia (ASSR)
    • Hungarian Autonomous Region
  • Bulgaria (SSR, de jure Independent)
    • Bulgarian Government in Exile
    • Macedonia (ASSR)
    • Turkish Autonomous Region

Socialist State, Soviet sphere of influence

Microstate, French-Spanish partial co-suzerainty


Annexed by the Soviet Union
  • Bulgarian Government in Exile

German sphere of influence
  • Outer Croatia (under Yugoslav occupation)


German sphere of influence

German sphere of influence, Baltic Confederation
  • Outer Estonia (annexed by the Soviet Union)

  • Åland

German sphere of influence
  • Outer Flanders (under French occupation)

Great Power, Western Powers
  • Alsace-Lorraine (including Briey-Longwy, annexed by Germany)
  • Inner France (under the control of the French State)
  • Algeria (part of France)
  • Occupied Outer Flanders (Flanders)
  • Occupied Fezzan (Italy)
  • French Cameroons (LoN Mandate)
  • French Togoland (LoN Mandate)
  • New Hebrides (Condominium with the UK)
  • French Indochina (Federation of protectorates, under Japanese occupation, puppet states: Cambodia, Laos, Vietnam)
  • French Morocco (Protectorate)
  • Tunisia (Protectorate)
  • Belgian Congo (Colony)
  • French Equatorial Africa (Colony)
  • French Guiana (Colony)
  • French India (Colony)
  • French Oceania (Colony)
  • French Somaliland (Colony)
  • French West Africa (Colony)
  • Guadeloupe (Colony)
  • Madagascar (Colony)
  • Martinique (Colony)
  • New Caledonia (Colony)
  • Réunion (Colony)
  • Saint Pierre and Miquelon (Colony)
  • Clipperton Island (Uninhabited)
  • Antarctic Claim

Great Power, Dome owner
  • Bohemia and Moravia (Protectorate)
  • Carniola and Lower Styria (Protectorate)
  • Inner Venice (Protectorate)

Civil War between the Government and the Communists
  • People's Republic of Greece (de facto Soviet puppet state)

German sphere of influence
  • People's Republic of Hungary / Outer Hungary (de facto Soviet puppet state; Soviet occupation)
  • Carpatho-Ukraine (annexed by the Soviet Union)
  • Northern Transylvania (reannexed by Romania)
  • Backa and Baranja (reannexed by Yugoslavia)

Iceland and Faroe
Western Powers occupation, Federation


Western Powers occupation
  • Inner Venice (under German occupation)
  • Inner Lombardy (under Swiss administration)
  • Inner South Tyrol (annexed by Germany)
  • Inner Valtellina (annexed by Switzerland)
  • Zara (under Yugoslav occupation)
  • Dodecanese (British occupation)
  • Libya (British / French occupation)
  • Italian East Africa (British occupation)

German sphere of influence, Baltic Confederation
  • Outer Latvia (annexed by the Soviet Union)

Annexed by Germany

German sphere of influence, Baltic Confederation
  • Outer Lithuania (annexed by the Soviet Union)

Annexed by Germany

Microstate, French influence

German sphere of influence

Western Powers, German, Soviet occupation
  • Western Inner Norway (under German occupation)
  • Eastern Inner Norway (under Swedish administration)
  • Svalbard (Spitzbergen Treaty)

German sphere of influence, partial Inner Soviet occupation
  • Outer Poland (annexed by the Soviet Union)

  • Cape Verde (Colony)
  • Macau (Colony)
  • Portuguese East Africa (Mozambique, Colony)
  • Portuguese Guinea (Bissau, Colony)
  • Portuguese India (Goa, Colony)
  • Portuguese Timor (Colony, under Japanese occupation)
  • Portuguese West Africa (Angola, Colony)
  • São Tomé and Príncipe (Colony)
  • São João Baptista de Ajudá (Possession; miniscule, no native population)

Annexed by the Soviet Union
  • Romanian Government in Exile

San Marino
Microstate, enclaved in Italy

German sphere of influence
  • Inner Carpatho-Ukraine (annexed, minuscule uninhabited territory)
  • Outer Slovakia (annexed by the Soviet Union)

  • Spanish Morocco (Protectorate)
  • Ifni (Colony)
  • Spanish Guinea (Colony)
  • Spanish Sahara (Colony)

German sphere of influence
  • Administration of Halden Triangle (Norway)

"Swiss Confederation", rump Switzerland, German sphere of influence
  • German Switzerland
  • Jura
  • Graubünden
  • Administration of Inner Lombardy (Italy)

Neutral, "Swiss Federal Republic", five Swiss Cantons plus Aosta

Vatican City
Microstate, enclaved in Rome (Italy), location of the Holy See

German sphere of influence

Socialist State, Federation, Soviet sphere of influence
  • Occupied Zara (Italian)
  • Inner Croatia (independent state)
  • Inner Slovenia (annexed by Germany)






Costa Rica


Dominican Republic


El Salvador














Great Power, partial Japanese and Soviet occupation
  • East Turkestan (Soviet occupation; puppet state: East Turkestan)
  • Outer Mongolia (Soviet occupation; puppet state: Mongolia)
  • Tuva (annexed by the Soviet Union)
  • Inner Manchuria (Japanese occupation; puppet state: Manchukuo)
  • Tibet (independent state)

  • Sudan (Condominium with the UK)



Japanese occupation

Partial Soviet occupation
  • Kurdish Mahabad (Soviet occupation; puppet state: Mahabad)
  • Southern Azerbaijan (Soviet occupation; puppet state: Azerbaidjan P.G.)



Great Power
  • Occupied Territories (China, USA, UK, France, Australia, New Zealand, Portugal)
  • Puppet States (Burma, Cambodia, Laos, Manchukuo, Philippines, Vietnam)
  • Pacific Mandate (LoN Mandate; annexed)
  • Korea (Dependency)
  • Taiwan (Dependency)






De jure independent

Saudi Arabia



Japanese sphere of influence



De Facto States

Japanese puppet state, de jure Burma (UK, Colony)

Japanese puppet state, de jure French Indochina (France, Protectorate)

East Turkestan
Soviet puppet state, de jure China

Japanese puppet state, de jure French Indochina (France, Protectorate)

Japanese puppet state, de jure China

Soviet puppet state, de jure China

Japanese puppet state, de jure Philippines (USA, Protectorate)

De jure China

Japanese puppet state, de jure French Indochina (France)
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1. You know, I do sometimes really hate to be right.

2. As for a question:
"Mein Führer, what is to be the future of the government? I shudder to think back to the chaos of the Weimar Republic, without a strong leader like you for the Volk to rally behind. What I mean to ask, given that the Army's monarchist sympathies are more or less an open secret, how likely do you consider the restoration of the House of Hohenzollern to the German throne?"

3. Don't look at me like that, you knew it was coming the moment you offered the option.
1. I'm sorry you "hate" the situation. I believe it is an equitable solution:
- Hitler is basicly dead (his body lacks a cerebrum, which is the single organ which makes a body into a person). No justice has been served but that is just like in OTL.
- His supporters will probably stop fighting or, at least, their morale will be severely undermined (soon).
- There is no martyrdom. Hitler is "alive" and well and will retire to the Berghof (soon).
- There will be less support for neonazism in the future, with Hitler himself disavowing them (plus other interesting developments).
- Eva (who was not guilty of anything) has a loving husband, instead of being dead or widowed.
- Adolphine has something resembling a family.

Could you detail what exactly you disliked about my solution? What would have been your preferred solution to the impasse? If you can't or don't want to answer, it's ok, I don't mind.

2. Question filed. Thank you. You'll have your answer in about 44 hours in the Press Conference Chapter. You may add a further two questions until then if you so desire.

3. I like the question. I don't know whether you'd like Hitler's (Olaf's) answer though.
1. I'm sorry you "hate" the situation. I believe it is an equitable solution:
- Hitler is basicly dead (his body lacks a cerebrum, which is the single organ which makes a body into a person). No justice has been served but that is just like in OTL.
- His supporters will probably stop fighting or, at least, their morale will be severely undermined (soon).
- There is no martyrdom. Hitler is "alive" and well and will retire to the Berghof (soon).
- There will be less support for neonazism in the future, with Hitler himself disavowing them (plus other interesting developments).
- Eva (who was not guilty of anything) has a loving husband, instead of being dead or widowed.
- Adolphine has something resembling a family.

Could you detail what exactly you disliked about my solution? What would have been your preferred solution to the impasse? If you can't or don't want to answer, it's ok, I don't mind.
It's not that I hate the situation. From a practical standpoint it was the logical thing to do.

The problem comes with the fact that they're using a corpse as a meat puppet. Yes, I'm sure they've restarted the vital body functions but there's something viscerally terrifying about this, and it ties in with how they're puppeting a braindead individual convincingly enough to fool everyone not in the know.

This time it's Hitler. Who is it next time? Who was it before Hitler, since this kind of intrusive surgery isn't generally done blindly. It's bound to have been done before, since you need special programming for this level of puppetry to be possible.

What made it necessary to even develop this kind of technology in the future?

I like to consider the big picture, but the picture being painted through implications here is fucked up beyond belief.
It's not that I hate the situation. From a practical standpoint it was the logical thing to do.

The problem comes with the fact that they're using a corpse as a meat puppet. Yes, I'm sure they've restarted the vital body functions but there's something viscerally terrifying about this, and it ties in with how they're puppeting a braindead individual convincingly enough to fool everyone not in the know.

This time it's Hitler. Who is it next time? Who was it before Hitler, since this kind of intrusive surgery isn't generally done blindly. It's bound to have been done before, since you need special programming for this level of puppetry to be possible.

What made it necessary to even develop this kind of technology in the future?

I like to consider the big picture, but the picture being painted through implications here is fucked up beyond belief.
Yes, you're right.

As we already know, the Uptime Universe is not nice. While that was supposedly illegal, it was probably nonetheless done frequently for various reasons, some compasionate, some nefarious. Supposedly, in the Uptime Universe, they had eventually developed straightforward tests to quickly identify these "meat puppets", lest they could be used to break or circumvent the law. Therefore, the practice may not be widely used lately. In fact, I believe the most frequent scenario to be to "keep alive" a braindead member of a grieving family. Some kind of "slavery", including for sexual purposes may also happen. Private undead armies, maybe? I don't know.

Anyway, let's say it again that the Uptime is, as you said, "fucked up beyond belief" and get back Downtime. Our robots know that it is illegal to make "meat puppets" so they would, in almost all circumstances, refuse to do it. In our very special case, however, they had concluded that it was the right thing to do.

Yes, I realize that the procedure should be illegal or, at the very least, highly regulated. Hopefully, knowing about that danger, appropriate laws and strongly enforced checks would be put in place before that becomes an issue.
I like to consider the big picture, but the picture being painted through implications here is fucked up beyond belief.
Yeah the implications are terrifying along with the reason for its existence, hopefully the technology is restricted here since otherwise you could destroy opposition by this.

For a question
"Herr Hitler. This is John Smith from the BBC. You have said "that numerous abhorrent crimes have been perpetrated by evil individuals from the Party and from the SS who acted in my name, interpreting ad-literam some ideas which I had hyperbolically stated either in Mein Kampf or in my political speeches." Does the German Government plan to charge them for the horrendous crimes that we have received reports of and investigate how was this allowed to happen (given that you claim you did not mean this literally)?
1. Yeah the implications are terrifying along with the reason for its existence, hopefully the technology is restricted here since otherwise you could destroy opposition by this.

2. For a question
"Herr Hitler. This is John Smith from the BBC. You have said "that numerous abhorrent crimes have been perpetrated by evil individuals from the Party and from the SS who acted in my name, interpreting ad-literam some ideas which I had hyperbolically stated either in Mein Kampf or in my political speeches." Does the German Government plan to charge them for the horrendous crimes that we have received reports of and investigate how was this allowed to happen (given that you claim you did not mean this literally)?
1. Any technology could be used for either humane or nefarious purposes. Examples:
- Substituting the cerebrum of a braindead person with an AI: return a drowned child to his mother or kill the leader of the opposition and turn him to your side.
- Sound recording: provide entertainment for the masses or bug the room of your political opponents.
- Rockets: explore the outer space or use them to deliver nuclear weapons.

Humans will always find ways to use a new technology in illegal, imoral or even monstruous ways. It is the duty of the law and of the society to prevent or curb those.

2. Question filed. Thank you. You'll have your answer in about 43 hours in the Press Conference Chapter. You may add a further two questions until then if you so desire.
[Info] Adolf Hitler
Adolf Hitler
Mock Wikipedia Infobox

1938 portrait

Führer of the German Reich

In office:
2 August 1934 – 27 May 1945

Rudolf Heß (1933–1941)

Preceded by:
Paul von Hindenburg (as President)

Succeeded by:
Position abolished

Chancellor of the German Reich

In office:
30 January 1933 – 24 March 1945

Paul von Hindenburg (1933–1934; as President)
Himself (1934–1945; as Führer)

Franz von Papen (1933–1934)
Hermann Göring (1941–1945)

Preceded by:
Kurt von Schleicher

Succeeded by:
Walther von Brauchitsch

Führer of the National Socialist German Workers' Party

In office:
29 June 1921 – 25 March 1945

Rudolf Heß

Preceded by:
Anton Drexler (as Chairman)

Succeeded by:
Albert Speer (as Chairman)

Personal details

20 April 1889
Braunau am Inn, Austria-Hungary

23 April 1945 (aged 56)
The Hirn, Berlin, Germany

Cause of death:
Suicide by gunshot

AI implanted: 25 April 1945
The Hirn, Berlin, Germany

Turned off: 18 January 2018 (aged 128)
The Berghof, Obersalzberg, Germany

Buried: 1 February 2018
Obersalzberg, Germany


  • Austrian (1889–1925)
  • German (1932–2018)

Roman Catholic

Political party:
National Socialist German Workers' Party (1921–1945)

Other political affiliations:
German Workers' Party (1920–1921)

Spouse: Eva Braun (11 February 1945 - his turning off)

Children: 11, including Klara Liddle, Helmut Hitler, Adolphine [redacted¹] (adopted)
1. I don't want to reveal Adolphine's married name at this point.


Relatives: See Hitler family

Profession: Soldier, Politician


Military service

German Empire

Bavarian Army

Years of service:



  • 16th Bavarian Reserve Regiment
  • Reichswehr intelligence

World War I


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Oooooo...since it gives consideration to Hindenburg as President under Predecessor, but nothing is here...plots are afoot! We have a different type of Head of State!
After Hitler's resignation from the position of Reichspräsident (soon), the position remained vacant. No new Head of State was elected (or provisionally installed) before the Form of Government Referendum (more in upcoming chapters).
[Info] Germany (1945)
Germany (German Reich¹)
Deutsches Reich
1. Between 1943 and 1945 the official name of Germany was the Greater German Reich (Großdeutsches Reich).
Mock Wikipedia Infobox

Official Flag

Unofficial Flag (legal and widely used)

Motto: Gott mit uns

Coat of Arms

Anthem: Deutschlandlied

Deutschland, Deutschland über alles,
Über alles in der Welt,
Wenn es stets zu Schutz und Trutze
Brüderlich zusammenhält.
Von der Maas bis an die Memel,
Von der Etsch bis an den Belt,
Deutschland, Deutschland über alles,
Über alles in der Welt!
Deutschland, Deutschland über alles,
Über alles in der Welt!

Deutsche Frauen, deutsche Treue,
Deutscher Wein und deutscher Sang
Sollen in der Welt behalten
Ihren alten schönen Klang,
Uns zu edler Tat begeistern
Unser ganzes Leben lang.
Deutsche Frauen, deutsche Treue,
Deutscher Wein und deutscher Sang!
Deutsche Frauen, deutsche Treue,
Deutscher Wein und deutscher Sang!

Einigkeit und Recht und Freiheit
Für das deutsche Vaterland!
Danach lasst uns alle streben
Brüderlich mit Herz und Hand!
Einigkeit und Recht und Freiheit
Sind des Glückes Unterpfand;
Blüh' im Glanze dieses Glückes,
Blühe, deutsches Vaterland!
Blüh' im Glanze dieses Glückes,
Blühe, deutsches Vaterland!

Map: Large scale Administrative-Territorial Maps of the German Reich will be posted soon.

Capital: Berlin

Official Languages: German, Czech (co-official in Bohemia-Moravia), Slovene (co-official in Slovenia).

Minority Languages²: Danish, Lithuanian, Masurian, Kashubian, Sorbian, Polish, Moravian, Slovak, Hungarian, Croatian, Italian, Friulian, Romansh, French, Walloon.
2. Luxembourgish, Alsatian, Low German, Frisian, etc, are considered German dialects.

Ethnic Groups: 88% Germans, 5% Czechs, 2% Slovenes, 1% French, 1% Italians, 3% Others.

Religions: 52% Roman Catholics, 41% Protestants, 2% Other Christians, 1% Other Religions, 4% Irreligious.

Demonym: German
Endonym: Deutsch

Government: Transitional³, Federal State, Military Dictatorship.
President: position vacant³
Chancellor: Walther von Brauchitsch
Chief of the OKW: Erich von Manstein
3. Pending a referendum on the Form of Government (Republic or Monarchy).

Legislature: Reichstag
State Council: Bundesrat

Area: 728,234 km² (281,190 sq mi)
With claimed territories: 758,550 km² (292,876 sq mi)

Population: cca. 92 million (1945 estimate)
Density: 126/km² (326/sq mi)

Administrative Territorial Divisions⁴: 20 States (Länder), 2 Autonomous States (Bohemia-Moravia and Slovenia), 15 Prussian Provinces.
4. The Administrative Territorial structure of Germany is currently in a state of flux, with numerous fast paced reforms being enacted.

Currency: Reichsmark (ℛℳ) = 100 Reichspfennig
Time Zone: Central European Time (GMT+1)
Drives on the right.

Territorial Evolution of Germany

German Confederation
(1815-1848, 1850-1866): cca. 630,100 km²

German Empire
(1871-1918): 540,858 km²

Weimar Germany
(1920-1933): 468,787 km²

(This TimeLine) German Reich (1945): 728,234 km²
  • Weimar Germany: 468,787 km²
  • Saar Basin: 1,910 km²
  • Austria: 83,879 km²
  • from Czechoslovakia: 78,880 km²
    • Sudetenland: 28,178 km²
    • Bohemia-Moravia: 49,363 km²
    • Czech Teschen / Zaolzie (previously annexed by Poland): 1,325 km²
    • Small Slovak area near Bratislava / Preßburg: 14 km²
  • from Lithuania (Memelland): 2,400 km²
  • Danzig: 1966 km²
  • from Poland (parts of Eastern Germany): 46,243 km²
  • from Belgium: 832 km²
    • Eupen-Malmedy: 730 km²
    • Other adjacent territories: 102 km²
  • Luxembourg: 2,586 km²
  • from France (Alsace-Lorraine): 14,522 km²
  • from Yugoslavia (Slovenia): 13,907 km²
    • Parts of Carinthia and Styria: 1,320 km²
    • Parts of Carniola: 12,587 km²
  • from Italy: 11,208 km²
    • South Tyrol: 7,400 km²
    • Tarvis region: 393 km²
    • Adriatic Littoral (Gorizia): 3,415 km²
  • from Denmark (Central Schleswig): 744 km²
  • Liechtenstein: 160 km²
  • from Hungary (Sopron / Ödenburg area): 260 km²

[OTL (Our TimeLine) Germany: 357,168 km²]

Note: Some of the above figures are approximative.

For comparison, TTL German Reich is:
  • 15% larger than the German Confederation;
  • 35% larger than the German Empire;
  • 55% larger than Weimar Germany;
  • twice the size of OTL present day Germany;
  • the largest European country by a significant margin (not counting the Soviet Union);
  • more than half of the entire land area inside the Dome.

Conclusion: Yes, this timeline is a German Wank (a significantly lesser wank than the Urals border wank but quite a wank nonetheless).
"Herr Hitler. I am Félix Vandenberghe from the Rex Belgium's State News. Degrelle and Belgium under the Rex whether you have not been coerced when the Wehrmacht has started a coup against the rightful government and you ask it to stop? Degrelle is a committed nazi having served in the SS and questions this sudden change to abandon Nazism in favor of a republic? We as well wonder as to the new german's attitude to the rightful Belgian government and if it will still support us against the partisans and rebels."
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"Herr Hitler. I am from the Rex Belgium's State News. Degrelle and Belgium under the Rex whether you have not been coerced when the Wehrmacht has started a coup against the rightful government and you ask it to stop? Degrelle is a committed nazi having served in the SS and questions this sudden change to abandon Nazism in favor of a republic? We as well wonder as to the new german's attitude to the rightful Belgian government and if it will still support us against the partisans and rebels."
Issues with this questions:
  1. Unfortunately, the writing is quite poor and the message unclear and confusing. Please don't take it personally. Could you please try to reformulate and correct the errors? Otherwise, I may try and do that for you if that is ok with you.
  2. Belgium had been already partitioned and it does no longer exist. There is no Belgian Government, rightful or otherwise. The partition referendum was deemed fair by most neutral observers and is not contested by anyone. Degrelle is dictator of Wallonia. Flanders is more or less democratic. Please check this chapter for details. Thank you.

Otherwise, the idea is good and I would like to include it somehow in the Press Conference. Thank you.

The fate of Degrelle and Rexiste Wallonia will be discussed in future chapters.
"Herr Hitler. I am Félix Vandenberghe from the Wallonian State News. We wonder whether you have not been coerced by the Wehrmacht? Degrelle is a committed nazi and questions this sudden change to abandon Nazism in favor of a republic. What is the reasoning behind this change? We also wonder as to the new german's attitude to the rightful Wallonian government."
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"Herr Hitler. I am Félix Vandenberghe from the Wallonian State News. We wonder whether you have not been coerced by the Wehrmacht? Degrelle is a committed nazi and questions this sudden change to abandon Nazism in favor of a republic. What is the reasoning behind this change? We also wonder as to the new german's attitude to the rightful Wallonian government."
Yes, that's much better.

Question filed. Thank you. You'll have your answer in about 24 hours in the Press Conference Chapter. You may add one further question until then if you so desire.
Chapter 68. [Special] A Press Conference
Chapter 68. A Press Conference

This is a Special Chapter. At the end of the latest Chapter, I have asked my esteemed readers to act as journalists and contribute questions for Adolf Hitler (actually Olaf controlling Hitler's brainless body).
You (my readers) are the journalists asking questions and I am Hitler / Olaf answering them. I am waiting for your questions (specifying country / newspaper would be nice) in the following posts. Thank you for your cooperation and help.

I believe that you, my readers from SV, have the same rights as my readers from AH.com to take part in this story which, in this case, means asking questions for Hitler / Olaf.

Important: By contributing questions (or any other material) to this story, you allow me to cross-post them in other parts of the Internet, while maintaining your copyright.

I may perform minor edits to some of the questions (punctuation, formatting, typos, miscellania).

You have 48 hours to ask your questions. Thank you for your cooperation and support.

Note: I performed minor edits to some of the questions (punctuation, formatting, typos, miscellania).

2 May 1945, Reich Chancellery Gardens, Berlin, Deutsches Reich

Excerpts from the Press Conference of Reichspräsident Adolf Hitler

1. Md139115

"Herr Hitler, sir! Do you still maintain the title of Führer, and, if so, what powers does that title possess?"

The title of Führer is not mentioned in the Reich Constitution and, thus, it is a purely honorifical title. Moreover, it had not been bestowed on me but I had rather assumed it myself which, again, from a Constitutional point of view, rendered it meaningless. Now, I admit that, due to the difficult situation in Germany, we thought at that moment that trampling over the Constitution was the right thing to do. We have been mistaken. It was not.

In conclusion, the title of Führer is entirely honorific, comes with no powers or responsabilities, has never been conferred and, thus, cannot be revoked. Everybody is free to address me using it or not, depending upon their choice to honor what I did good for Germany or to chastise my mistakes.

2. @ImperialTheorist
"Herr Hitler! Herr Hitler! Journalist from the Völkischer Beobachter! Will there be an investigation into how the Done came to be? Will the secrets of the Done be revealed for the benefit of mankind?"

An investigation would be pointless as we already know the answer very well. However, most information regarding the Berlin Dome is a State secret and I suppose that it will remain so for the foreseable future. But you can surely ask Reich Chancellor von Brauchitsch about that.

3. @ImperialTheorist
"Herr Hitler! John Smith from the BBC! You have stated in your eleventh point that «numerous abhorrent crimes have been perpetrated by evil individuals from the Party and from the SS who acted in my name». Do you believe you accept any of the blame for the aforementioned deeds?"

Yes I do. I have incited racial hatred for political gains, far above what would have been appropriate and comensurate, and I have failed to stop the murders during the war for fear that the cohesion of the Nation would suffer as it has actually happened during the last month's disturbances. Yes, I am guilty and I will fully cooperate with the Law if indicted. And I will certainly pay for it at the Last Judgement, God have mercy upon my soul.

4. @ImperialTheorist
[The crowd of journalists suddenly moves around as a furious individual rushes towards Adolf Hitler.]

"Mein Führer! What is the meaning of this? Why do you backstab the Reich and sell us to the Western Bastards!? Are you with the Jewry? Are you going to weaken us with a Versailles-like Treaty? Let go of me, you shitty traitors!"

[The Police drag the disrupting bystander away as the journalists reconvene.]

I believe that our guest expressed an unfortunately rather common opinion and I suppose that an answer would be in order...

The German Reich and Volk have not been backstabbed. Today, the German Reich is larger and stronger than ever before. Today, the German Volk is safer and more numerous than ever before. The Ural border was just an impossible and absurd war propaganda. Today's borders are the natural ethnic borders of the German Reich and Volk.

And it's actually funny that he mentioned the Jews... Does anybody see any Jews around? Are there any Jews left in the Reich? I believe that the last trains with the remaining Jewish population have recently crossed the Swiss border. In fact, the only thing the National Socialists need to do in order to never again be bothered by the presence of Jews is to refrain from travelling abroad. Because I am certain that, even if the Reich were to allow the Jews to return, none would take the offer!

5. @Tyr Anazasi
"Herr Reichspräsident, since when did you know about these crimes and what did you do to stop them?"

I started to receive reports regarding atrocities perpetrated by the Einsatzgruppen and other SS operatives on the Eastern Front and in the Concentration Camps since 1943 but, as I have already stated, I considered the defence of the Reich against the Bolshevik hordes to be paramount in those times when the tides of the war had started to turn against us. I was afraid that acting against the SS at that time would have had a deleterious impact upon the capacity of the Reich to defend itself and I was unfortunately proven right by the current SS uprising.

Of course, when the Reich was safe under the Dome, I began to take action against those responsible for the aforementioned atrocities. I had confronted Himmler who chose suicide instead of prosecution and disgrace, I had closed the remaining Concentration Camps and I had allowed most of the inmates to emigrate. Yes, I know, it was too little too late and I assume full responsability for my failures.

6. @Redditredcoat
"Mr. Hitler! James Bush of the Seattle Times! Are you yourself an anti-semite? What is your opinion on the Jewish people?"

Well, I'm a German! (laughing) Now, in all seriousness, I believe it is obvious for everybody that I dislike the Jews. However, what has changed, at the end of this titanic struggle of the German Nation, is that I no longer hate most of them.

I mean, what ill will could I harbour against a Jewish barber from Morocco, for example? No, I only hate those Jews who are actively plotting against the German Reich and Volk from their positions of power behind the Governments and financial institutions of the Western Powers or the Jewish Commissars of the Soviet Union.

However, I admit that due to the extreme amount of hatred present in Germany, which was instigated by me, Herr Streicher, Herr Goebbels and other individuals, the Jews would not be safe in the Reich. I believe that, in the interest of both sides, it is better than the Jews and the Germans stay separated.

7. FickleCrossroad
"Herr Hitler, Russ Dell, Philadelphia Inquierer. Now without the demands of running the Reich, what do you plan to do with your free time? I heard that you were a painter, will you resume your work, or do other things?"

First of all, I would like to spend more time with my lovely wife and daughter, to rest and enjoy the beautiful scenery of the Bavarian Alps... Should my health improve, yes, I would probably take on my youth passions, painting and architecture. I also intend to write my memories and some kind of disclaimer for that book, Mein Kampf, which is now obsolete and could be even toxic in the current environment in the Reich.

8. Amber
"Herr Hitler, in the past four months, you got married, adopted an adolescent girl, sued for peace, retreated your armies back to Germany, recognized the independence of Poland and the Baltic States and finally this outstanding statement from today. Can you provide an explanation for these recent changes in your life, attitude and politics?"

People can and do change. Now, seriously, the conditions changed. Dramatically. Powering up the Berlin Dome removed a great amount of stress off my mind and, with the Reich protected from invasion and annihilation, I could finally pursue some of my previous plans.

To be more precise, Eva was a long time companion and marrying her was long overdue and everything that was needed for the Reich to live in peace with its neighbours was not a too great price to pay.

9. Amber
"Why did it take so long for you to publicly resign and endorse the new government? Were you having second thoughts? What happened that did finally convince you to act?"

I have been quite ill recently but I am feeling much better now.

10. Amber
"There are rumours that your adopted daughter, Miss Adolphine Hitler, is actually something more that it appears to the naked eye, that she may possess superhuman powers and abilities or even that she may be a demigoddess. Could you please comment on these outlandish rumours?"

Why would you believe such an odd claim? Is it because she is floating above us right now?

[Several journalists actually look up and, to their embarrassment, Hitler laughs aloud.]

What can I say? I thought that we were all grown ups here...

11. FickleCrossroad
"Herr Hitler, with regards to German domination of Grand Prix racing prewar, will you continue to support German motorsport, and if so, how?"

I have always encouraged the German Volk, and especially the young, to practice sports and other physical activities because of their beneficial effect on the health of the body and mind and the furthering of the spirit of teamwork and camaraderie. Moreover, any peaceful competition between Nations can only further a healthy kind of Nationalism, devoid of hatred and unhealthy ideas to inflict harm on other people. I can only hope that, in the future, the Germans would wave flags and chant patriotic songs to celebrate victories in sports arenas rather then on bloodied battlefields.

However, I believe that, due to my controversial legacy, I'd better refrain from encouraging the Germans to do anything, positive things included, lest I inadvertently provoke a backlash. I believe that it would be better for everybody if I maintained a low profile in the future with no public speeches or endorsements of any kind.

There are three things which I sincerely hope to remain in the public consciousness from all my lifelong work: Engage in physical activity, do not smoke, love and protect the nature.

12. @fluttersky
"Hello, Mein Führer. I am glad to see that you are healthy again. As you step down from politics, I am sure the German people will continue to respect you as our Eternal Führer who brought back Germany's greatness. I have three questions for you...

One. Now that the marvellous work of engineering that is the Berlin Dome has been activated, Germany is once again able to control everywhere inside the Dome. How do you think the problem of Untermenschen such as Poles, Gypsies and Homosexuals still living inside the Dome should be dealt with?"

I believe that it is finally time to put aside the hateful propaganda whose only purpose was to make the Volk stick together like one to be able to defend the Reich from the danger of Bolshevism.

The Poles, while clearly a lesser People than the Germans in terms of ingenuity and artistic prowess, are nonetheless a fully Aryan, European People with their own interesting culture, customs and history.

The Gypsies, while obviously not Europeans, were never and can never concievably become a threat to us. If a Gypsy steals from your pocket, put him in jail, but leave the others alone.

About the sexual deviants, what can I say? As long as they have the minimal decency to perform their unnatural acts in private, whom do they hurt?

13. @fluttersky
"Two. Outside the eastern border of the Dome, the oppressive yoke of Bolshevism still brings terror to the Aryan people of Eastern Europe, including the loyal German communities in places such as Riga, Reval, the Banat, Siebenbürgen, and the Volga. Would you agree that the new German government, as soon as it has recovered from the damage of the war, should take steps to bring down the Soviet Union?"

During the past month, millions of Germans have publicly, forcefully and repeatedly stated their aversion for any more wars of conquest in the East. Because of that, both myself and the new Reich Government have already promissed that the Volk will never again be forced to embark on a total war of subjugation against our enemies. However, as yesterday's actions¹ had clearly shown, the war against Bolshevism can be still prosecuted by other means, without having our young die senselessly in the Russian steppes.

In the end, should the Germans once again desire to venture outside the Dome to finally crush the Communist Beast and bring freedom to the oppressed peoples of Eastern Europe, perhaps in coordination with the Western Democracies, limited military actions against the Red Army may be possible. But, as I am no longer in charge, that will be the choice of the Volk and of a future Reich Government and not mine.

About the fate of our unlucky conationals suffering under Soviet oppression, for now we can only pray for them and long for the day when they would be free to immigrate
Heim ins Reich.

1. See the following chapter.

14. @fluttersky
"Three. While I do not agree with such ludicrous rumours myself, I have heard people suggesting that the real Führer is still imprisoned and that you are merely a Jewish impostor trying to bring down Germany. What would you say to assure those people that you are who you claim to be?"

I admit that my recent and unexpected change of heart could be reasonably expected to fuel such conspiracy theories. However, thinking rationally, wouldn't it have been rather difficult to find an impostor who looked exactly like me and spoke exactly like me? What about my scars from the wounds inflicted in the 20 July assassination attempt? (baring his leg to show the scars) It would have been easier to simply finish me off this time instead of putting together such an elaborate charade, don't you think? I believe that, as with any conspiracy theories, Occam's razor is very useful in this case.

15. @Cool-Eh
"Herr Hitler, while you now resign and do not determine this on behalf of government what do you say regarding the effective abandonment of our allies the Japanese in recent times, and how do you regard their current position regarding peace with the Western powers as we are now attempting to negotiate for ourselves?"

The Alliance with the Japanese Empire has, in fact, never bypassed the purely declarative stage. To put it more bluntly, the Alliance has been a sham from the very beginning.

We had never cooperated on the battlefields and the military, technological and intelligence cooperation has been minimal or inexistent. Japan has never been at war with the Soviet Union, our most dangerous and hated foe. Our so called alliance has only manifested as a kind of limited cobelligerance against some of our former enemies, namely the American Union
² and the British Empire. The reasons for this situation were not only geographical and logistical as, being half a World apart and separated by our enemies, we couldn't cooperate even if we wanted to, but also politico-ideological as our worldview and plans for the future did not match theirs.

Now, while I sincerely wish that the Empire of Japan end its disastrous war against the Western Powers before its imminent nuclear annihilation, besides offering advice and praying that their leaders will realize the futility of delaying the inevitable, we are really in no position to help them in any meaningful way.

If the Empire of Japan had declared war against the Soviet Union when we were engaged in a life and death struggle with the dark forces of Bolshevism, we might have considered repaying the moral debt by tying our fate with theirs. However, to endanger our chances for an equitable peace settlement with the Western Powers for the sake of the Japanese, who chose to let the Red hordes overrun us, would have been nothing more than a laughable stupidity.

2. Strangely, in OTL Hitler had frequently used the phrase "American Union" when referring to the United States of America.

16. Evan
"Herr Hitler, while you've left the making of peace in other hands, what would you advise them to include in the treaty with the Western powers?"

I will not delve into particulars here. What is important, in my opinion, is that the Peace Treaty be the result of a negotiation and not a diktat. I hope that the peace that is soon to be forged would not sow the seeds of the next war as it unfortunately happened with the infamous Versailles Diktat. While the interests of the Volk are obviously paramount, we should never completely disregard the interests of other Peoples if we want to be able to live in peace with them in the future.

17. @Tyr Anazasi
"Herr Reichspräsident, only a few weeks ago you wanted to invade the USSR again to gain more Lebensraum. Now your position has changed by 180 degrees. What is the reason behind? And this is only the most obvious change. Others did follow here. What shall we believe?"

I am a politician. Or, better said, I was one, just until my resignation. So, I believe I can tell you an open secret: all politicians lie. Instead of telling the truth, we tell the people what we believe they want to hear. I have wrongly assumed that the Germans would still want to gain their Lebensraum in the East and revenge the humiliating military defeats in the titanic struggle against Bolshevism. But millions of people demonstrating in German towns and cities all accross the Reich had proven me wrong, so I have obviously changed my plans to cater for their wishes.

So, my position has, in fact, never changed. My position has always been to do what the Volk wanted me to do. When the Volk wanted to put an end to the humiliation of Versailles, I did just that. When the Volk wanted to unite in a single Reich, I did just that. Now, when the Volk wanted to live in peace with their neighbours, I accepted their wish. That's all. It's really that simple.

18. @JuliusClonkus
"Mein Führer, what is to be the future of the government? I shudder to think back to the chaos of the Weimar Republic, without a strong leader like you for the Volk to rally behind. What I mean to ask, given that the Army's monarchist sympathies are more or less an open secret, how likely do you consider the restoration of the House of Hohenzollern to the German throne?"

I believe that, if the Wehrmacht desires a monarchical restoration in the Reich, they should ask for the opinion of the Volk. As the times when the Volk had little to no input in the governance of the Reich are now over, I believe that popular support in a referendum would be preferable to a fait accompli supported by the might of the Wehrmacht. As to my own opinions on the matter, I have none.

19. @Adamgerd
"Herr Hitler, John Smith from the BBC. If you don't mind, I'd like to come back to the «numerous abhorrent crimes have been perpetrated by evil individuals from the Party and from the SS who acted in my name, interpreting ad-literam some ideas which I had hyperbolically stated either in Mein Kampf or in my political speeches.»

Does the German Government plan to charge them for the horrendous crimes that we have received reports of and investigate how was this allowed to happen... given that you claim you did not mean that literally?"

I really do not know, and I am not even sure that I care, what the Reich Government intends to do in this matter or others. However, let us not fool ourselves. Most of the members of the current Reich Government were, until a few weeks ago, National Socialists themselves. Yes, there will probably be some trials but I don't really expect anyone from the Wehrmacht to be sacrificed, for example.

20. @Adamgerd
"Herr Hitler, I am Félix Vandenberghe from the Walloon State News. We wonder whether you have not been coerced by the Wehrmacht? Our Leader, Léon Degrelle, is a committed National Socialist and he questions this sudden change to abandon National Socialism in favour of a republic. What is the reasoning behind this change? We also wonder as to the new German Reich's attitude towards the rightful Walloon Government."

I believe that the German Reich should no longer intervene in the internal business of sovereign countries such as Wallonia, unless being threatened in some manner. While the new Reich Government might not be friendly towards your leader, I can assume that military action against Wallonia is extremely unlikely. I believe that, as long as the Reich tolerates in neighbouring Croatia a political regime guilty of heinous crimes against the Serbian Nation, you should be fine. After all, besides beating Socialists in the streets, I'm not aware of anything which a democratic regime might find really objectionable about the Walloon Rexiste Party.

Disclaimer / Comments:

Olaf has to walk a fine line here. He cannot simply say "I'm a genocidal madman" and still make it look like a believable change of heart.

Some of Hitler's statements are obvious lies but, again, it is the most poor Olaf could do in his situation.

Two comments regarding Olaf's rationale:
  1. Hitler (or rather Olaf controlling Hitler's body) is the best chance to stop the spread of Neo-Nazism in the bud. If their idol is still alive (and not a martyr to their cause) and does not support their extreme views it becomes rather difficult for them to keep on going.
  2. Hitler cannot believably become a Liberal, the same way you cannot expect the Neo-Nazis to turn into Liberals! However, with Hitler turning into your average 1940's Conservative, one could expect that many would be Neo-Nazis would follow his example and become "normal" Conservatives.

Many thanks to all who contributed the questions.
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This was...odd. I suspect it's not gonna stop neo-nazism from arising; Hitler breaking from his earlier role will be ignored, or in a rather twisted turn of events end up legitimizing the movement, on the basis of it being pretty clearly intended as a "temporary measure" for national emergencies.

You know, put the lessers back in their place with extreme measures, then go back to nice and comfortable pre-crisis living standards. Nobody causes trouble for a while since they know the consequences.
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1. This was...odd. I suspect it's not gonna stop neo-nazism from arising; Hitler breaking from his earlier role will be ignored, or in a rather twisted turn of events end up legitimizing the movement, on the basis of it being pretty clearly intended as a "temporary measure" for national emergencies.

2. You know, put the lessers back in their place with extreme measures, then go back to nice and comfortable pre-crisis living standards. Nobody causes trouble for a while since they know the consequences.
1. Possibly.

2. I believe that increased prosperity is the best safety net against extremism.
Chapter 69. War and Peace (Part I)
Chapter 69. War and Peace (Part I)

The cessation of hostilities between Germany and the Western Allies did not bring about a blanket peace in Europe and much less so in the wider World. On the contrary, with long suppressed tensions finally out in the open and with the Great Powers either unable or unwilling to intervene, numerous minor wars and other disturbances mushroomed all over the World.

In the following paragraphs, we will review some of the most important conflicts plaguing the World during April and May 1945.


Shortly after Hitler's 2nd of May momentous public speech, Otto Skorzeny and the OKW began to negotiate the conditions for the surrender of the SS. With the discussions being held behind closed doors and the motivations of the OKW rather shady¹, the resulting secret treaty was clearly suboptimal and, when revealed to the public in 1995, it would tarnish the reputation of the Generals responsible for it.

1. It is now widely accepted that the OKW wanted to leave the Protectorate of Bohemia-Moravia under the administration of the SS for as long as possible in order to have the SS to blame for the inevitable human rights abuses against the Czechs and have the Reich Government maintain a clean record in the eyes of both the internal and the international public opinion.

In the end, after five days of intense bargaining, the secret treaty between the SS and the OKW provided, inter alia, for:
  • a very generous schedule for the surrender of the SS forces: one week for the Alpine Fortress (some mountainous portions of Austria and Bavaria), four weeks for Bohemia (including Prague) and six weeks for Moravia;
  • free passage for Otto Skorzeny and other war criminals to a neutral country of their choosing, with a promise to never pursue their extradition after the expected in absentia trials².

2. Interestingly, when von Manstein promissed that the Reich Authorities would not bother Skorzeny in his exile, the following dialogue had allegedly taken place: "What about that girl?" "Oh, we cannot guarantee that she won't come after you." "But what the hell is she after all?" "She's your worst nightmare!"

In May, most of the Reich was finally at peace, with the exception of several low intensity conflicts:
  • the waning Yugoslav Communist Partisan insurgency in Inner Slovenia and Gorizia³;
  • isolated acts of Czech resistance against SS rule in Bohemia and Moravia⁴;
  • small anti-German demonstrations in Alsace-Lorraine and Luxembourg⁵;
  • increasingly smaller pro-democracy marches in various German cities, especially in the West⁶;
  • poorly organized and sometimes violent Nazi demonstrations against the Reich Government⁷.

3. With the still massive Werhmacht free from all other previous commitments, the few remaining Slovene Partisans, completely cut off from Communist Yugoslavia by the Dome, had their days numbered. Indeed, by the end of June, almost all Partisan activity had ceased, both in Autonomous Slovenia and in the Adriatic Littoral region of Gorizia.

4. As expected, the retaliation of the SS was harsh, as the Reich Government and the OKW simply washed their hands of the issue. By the end of the SS rule in Bohemia and Moravia, about 350,000 Czechs were deported to Slovakia, although many would return to their homes later.

5. The establishment of States with full rights in Alsace-Lorraine and Luxembourg, as well as the velvetly approach of the local Military Authorities ensured that the discontent, while still very much present, did not erupt in large scale civil unrest.

6. Tired after many weeks of almost non-stop protests and with most of their grievances solved or at least taken into consideration, the bulk of the German population chose to let the new Reich Government do their difficult job of steering Germany away from the abyss.

7. With their patience running low, the Reich Government and the military authorities cracked hard on the Nazis, with hundreds of troublemakers being arrested or detained, Party headquarters raided or closed and vast quantities of weapons, uniforms and flags seized. Interestingly, Adolf Hitler, as the creator of the Nazi Swastika Flag claimed copyright and forbid the use of the flag by anyone else except himself at his Berghof residence. He even sent cease and desist letters (Abmahnung) to the Nazis who persisted in using his flag.

While Germany had ceased all military actions against the Western Powers long before the Armistice, the situation in the East was different. Germany, its minor allies (Hungary, Slovakia, Croatia) and the cobelligerants (Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland) had executed numerous military actions against the Soviet Union and Communist Yugoslavia during the previous months:
  • Baltic incursions in Soviet occupied Outer Latvia and Outer Lithuania in cooperation with the local anti-Soviet resistance (the Forest Brothers), with sabotages, sniper fire and bombings⁸;
  • Hungarian incursions in Soviet occupied Outer Hungary, with sabotages and retaliation against collaborators⁸;
  • Croatian incusions in Yugoslav Outer Croatia, with sabotages and limited military attacks against Yugoslav People's Army positions⁸;
  • the famous assassination of the Yugoslav Communist leader Josip Broz Tito during his ill-fated visit in Zagreb on the 29th of April⁸;
  • numerous U-boat attacks on Soviet shipping in the Outer Baltic Sea⁸.

8. In all those cases, carefully planned temporary openings in the Dome allowed the attackers to enter enemy territory and return to safety after the completion of their mission.

All those attacks against the Soviet and Yugoslav forces paled in comparison with the two bold coordinated German military operations from the 1st of May.

The first was a synchronized U-boat attack against the Soviet Navy bases in Reval (Tallinn) and Kronstadt. While the attack is considered to have been a tactical failure, with 11 U-boats lost for only one Soviet battleship sunk and another two damaged, it had, nonetheless, a profound effect on the Soviet morale. It showed the Soviets that they were not safe, that the Germans were still able and willing to strike them from behind the safety of their impenetrable Dome.

The second attack was even more morale shattering, both for the population and the Government of the Soviet Union. The news of the attack were received with great concern in the Western Cancellaries, supposedly shortening the ongoing peace process.

A terminally ill war veteran was launched from Peenemünde towards Moscow in an A10 rocket prototype with limited steering capabilities. He managed to adjust the course of the rocket just enough for it to detonate in the Red Square during the Labour Day Parade, a mere 80 metres from the official stand hosting Stalin.

The powerfull explosion instantly killed 87 people, injured a further 300 and knocked to the ground more than 2000, including Stalin himself. The nearby Lenin Mausoleum was slightly damaged.

Stalin became so afraid of German rockets that he never again appeared in public. Although they didn't manage to actually kill Stalin, the result of the attack caused elation in Germany. Von Braun was already working on a larger rocket⁹, capable of delivering a yet to be developed atomic bomb.

9. The V3. It was a modified V3 rocket with special electronics and cameras onboard that reached an altitude of 271 kilometres in 1946 and provided us with the first photographs of the Earth taken from Outer Space.


The Polish Government had taken a huge gamble when signing the ceasefire with the Inner Red Army remnant. Technically, by signing the ceasefire, Poland had breached its previous ceasefire with Germany in which they had pledged to fight, disarm and intern the Soviet soldiers still present on Polish soil. In theory, the Wehrmacht was well within its rights to enter Poland in order to fight the Red Army, a development which would have been extremely unwelcomed by the Polish population. Fortunately for the Poles, the difficult internal situation in Germany itself precluded any foreign entanglements and the dreaded German invasion never materialized.

In May, Poland unilaterally ended the ceasefire and attacked anew the Soviet soldiers entrenched in Inner Byelorussia. By then, the Polish Army enjoyed a significant advantage over the logistically starved Soviets and, after a couple of weeks of chaotic and bloody fighting, the Inner Red Army surrendered to the Polish Republic.

From a grand total of over 3,100,000 Soviet soldiers trapped inside the Dome in January, about 800,000 were dead, almost 300,000 were still unaccounted for and the rest were prisoners of war, 413,000 in Germany (rising the total number of Soviet prisoners of war in Germany to almost 3 million) and 1,589,000 in Poland. The enormous number of Soviet prisoners of war would continue to strain the resources of both Germany and Poland for the foreseeable future.


In April 1945, the rump Hungarian Kingdom was faced with impossible odds and no allies:
  • More than half of the country was under Soviet occupation (Outer Hungary, northern Transylvania, etc).
  • The free part (Inner Hungary) was devastated by the recent fighting with the Red Army and the incessant bombardments.
  • The Hungarian Army had been decimated, with hundreds of thousands of soldiers killed or in Soviet captivity.
  • Budapest and most other Hungarian cities were in ruins.
  • The food resources were insufficient and a famine was under way.
  • The Army was lacking fuel, spare parts, ammunition, basicly everything.
  • The Germans were hostile, with a virtual blockade in place and the threat of a possible invasion looming.
  • The Western Allies greatly favoured (Czecho)Slovakia in the Bern peace negotiations.
  • The 420,000 strong Hungarian Army faced 330,000 Slovaks, 60,000 Czechs¹⁰, 280,000 Romanians¹¹ and 140,000 Croats.
  • Unlike Hungary, Slovakia controlled almost all of its territory, with Soviet occupied tiny Outer Slovakia accounting for less than two percent of its population.
  • Unlike Hungary, Slovakia and Inner Croatia had suffered much less destruction during the war, with all vital infrastructure being mostly intact.

10. The male Czechs of military age deported from the Bohemia-Moravia Protectorate were told by the Slovak Government they had to fight with the Hungarians for their new homes in the Felvidék.

11. The Germans had freed the Romanian prisoners of war (and the captive Legionnaires) and had sent them to Slovakia to offer their help against the common foe, the Hungarians (apparently still faithful to the ghost of the Little Entente). Moreover, Slovakia had promissed to grant the Romanian Soldiers asylum in the Felvidék as well.

In that situation, the Hungarian Army, Government and King realized that any military resistance was futile. With the negotiations with Tiso going nowhere and the Hungarian population adamantly opposed to ceding any more territory (after Međimurje, Prekmurje and Sopron), the Hungarian authorities were in an impossible situation: either face the destruction of the Army and possibly of the State or have a popular uprising collapsing the State from within followed by the same loss of territory or even sovereignty.

The war was averted in the last moment by the belated intervention of the German Government freed of its internal troubles after the surrender of the SS. During the first weeks of May, a few strongly worded declarations coupled with some aggressive posturing at the border coerced both Hungary and Slovakia to submit the issue to German arbitration.

On the 15th of May, von Neurath informed the Hungarian and Slovak delegations in Kassa / Košice of the final decision of the Reich Government:
  • The Felvidék / Southern Slovakia was to be retroceded to Slovakia and organized as an Autonomous Region with full minority rights for the indigenous Hungarian population, as well as the newly colonized Czechs and Romanians.
  • Slovakia and Hungary were to perform a population exchange, with all the Slovaks (and the very small number of Czechs) from Hungary being exchanged with an equal number of Hungarians from Slovakia.¹²
  • Germany recognized the Independence and territorial integrity of the Kingdom of Hungary in its reduced borders, including its claim on Soviet occupied Outer Hungary.

12. The Hungarian population of the enlarged Slovakia (570,000) being considerably greater than the Slovak population of rump Hungary (110,000), a significant Hungarian minority (460,000) would remain in Slovakia after the population exchange.

With the enormous might of Germany placed in the balance, the Hungarian Authorities managed to override the extremely vocal but impotent public discontent and signed the "Kassa Diktat", thus relinquishing the last of the territories temporarily regained during the previous years.

While the Hungarian Government resigned shortly afterwards, the Army and the State were thus preserved.
Chapter 70. War and Peace (Part II)
Chapter 70. War and Peace (Part II)

In the following paragraphs, we will review some of the most important conflicts plaguing the World during April and May 1945.
[Continued from Part I.]


While Outer Italy was kept relatively peaceful by the large American and British military presence, the political and military situation in Inner Italy was more complex.

The fact is that, since the powering up of the Berlin Dome, Inner Italy had been in a continuously fluid state. Since 17 January, the Political Status of Inner Italy had changed several times:
  • The Operational Zones Adriatic Littoral and Alpine Foothills were dissolved.
  • Italian Inner Slovenia was merged with German Inner Slovenia (and would evolve into the Protectorate Carniola and Lower Styria and, eventually, into the Autonomous State of Slovenia).
  • The Canal Valley (Tarvis / Tarvisio area) was annexed directly to Germany (Carinthia).
  • South Tyrol was annexed directly to Germany (Tyrol).
  • Gorizia was annexed directly to Germany (and would become part of the Adriatic Littoral State).
  • The rest of Inner Italy was declared the Protectorate of Venice (or the Protectorate of Inner Italy, both terms being used interchangeably).
  • Inner Valtellina was separated from Inner Italy and merged into the Swiss Canton of Graubünden.
  • Inner Lombardy was separated from Inner Italy and placed under temporary Swiss Administration.
  • Shortly before the Armistice with the Western Powers, the Protectorate of Venice was dissolved, with Inner Italy officially recognized as part of Italy.

Withdrawing from Inner Italy was in theory a good idea as it showed good will and allowed the relations with Italy to normalize but the move backfired horribly. The local Communist Partisans, emboldened by the retreat of the Wehrmacht, started an insurrection and managed to gain control of several important cities such as Belluno, Vittorio Veneto, Conegliano, Pordenone and Udine.

Realizing that leaving behind a power vacuum in Inner Italy had been a serious mistake, the Wehrmacht marched back in, with the tacit aproval of the Italian Government and of the Western Allies. After almost one week of disorganized Communist resistance, the Germans were once again in control of Inner Italy, albeit with the price of more than 2000 casualties. The Wehrmacht would transfer the territory to Italian control in good order shortly after the conclusion of the Armistice.


The convulsions in Switzerland did not end with the April territorial reorganization. After the loss of most Italian speakers and the splitting of the country into an Outer mostly French speaking part and a mostly Inner and mostly German speaking part, the remaining linguistic minorities became increasingly restless. It was one thing to be part of a multicultural state and quite another to suddenly become a tiny linguistic minority in an otherwise pretty homogenous state! More so, a pervasive mentality switch creeped in the Swiss psyche: instead of French speaking Swiss or German speaking Swiss, they started to view themselves as French and, respectively, Germans.¹

1. This was and still is the prevalent attitude all over Central and Eastern Europe while being quite rare in Western Europe and almost unheard of in the Americas, for example.

The Swiss Federal Republic, later renamed Romandy / Romandie, was an almost homogenous French state with cca. 96% of its citizens speaking French. Most of the remaining population was German, concentrated in two areas: a small part of Fribourg near the border with Bern and the thinly populated eastern half of Valais.

Two concomitant referendums in the two German speaking regions yielded different results:
  • the German part of Fribourg was split, left Romandie and joined German Switzerland as Freiburg (68% for joining German Switzerland);
  • the German part of Valais was also split but remained part of Romandie as Wallis (only 45% for joining German Switzerland).

The Swiss Confederation, later renamed German Switzerland / Deutsche Schweiz, was an almost homogenous German state with cca. 94% of its citizens speaking German, that percentage increasing to more than 96% after the ceding of Italian Graubünden to Inner Italy. While the Romansh population scattered in Graubünden had no other country to look at, the compact French population from Inner Jura continued to harbour serious secessionist feelings. In fact, it is almost certain that the main reason for the defeat (58%) of the previous secession referendum in Jura was the horrible internal situation prevalent in neighbouring Inner France at that time.

The Jura secessionists did not accept the results of the April referendum and, with the situation in Inner France steadily improving, they began a campaign against the Swiss authorities marred with civil disobedience and even violence and occasional acts of terrorism.²

2. However strange that may seem, something similar did in fact happen in OTL.

Fed up with the "French people" from Jura, the Swiss Federal Council took the unprecedented measure of expelling the Jura Canton from the Swiss Confederation. A subsequent referendum yielded positive results both in Jura and in the remaining German Switzerland.

The Jura Canton became de facto independent, although it did never actually proclaim its independence. As expected, it joined Inner France after a while. The two remaining rump Swiss States (German Switzerland and Romandy) reverted to their previous tranquil lives shortly afterwards.

France / Wallonia

Outer France (the French Republic / Free France) was in deep social and political turmoil, with the Communists and de Gaulle's Nationalists violently clashing both with each other and with the clearly overwhelmed law enforcement.

By the end of May, two important developements in Outer France had attracted the attention of the international community: the utter destruction of the French Communist Party and the inexorable slide towards authoritarianism of de Gaulle's regime.³

3. Alone after the Armistice between Germany and the other Western Powers and aggravated by the unwavering American support for the independence of Indochina, Outer France gradually developed a siege mentality which is one of the most dangerous enemies of democracy.

Inner France (the French State / Nancy France) had slowly stabilized under the presidency of the aging Maréchal Pétain.

After the surrender of the SS in Bohemia-Moravia, the only SS controlled state was Wallonia, by then a bona fide dictatorship of Rexiste and Waffen-SS Commander Léon Degrelle. While Inner France was far from what we would call today a democracy, compared with quasifascist Wallonia it was a clearly freer society.

With Degrelle's regime turning into an embarrassment for the new German Government, several means to end it were taken into consideration. Attempts to capitalize on the popular discontent with the regime proved futile due to the iron fist of the police state created by Degrelle. A German military invasion would have quickly overwhelmed the small Walloon army but, besides being politically unacceptable, could have backfired, making the population actually support Degrelle when faced with the Wehrmacht.

The solution was to have Pétain invade Wallonia and install a compliant Government in Charleroi. Thus, when most of the Western World was celebrating the end of the Second World War, Inner France and Wallonia were preparing for a fratricidal war.


The popularity of Vidkun Quisling was so low that, when the Wehrmacht started to evacuate Inner Norway, he decided to quit his job and flee to Germany. The Nasjonal Samling disintegrated within days and a fully democratic local government assumed control of Inner Norway, pending the expected reunification with the fatherland shortly after the Armistice.

The Communist World

Besides the difficult war in Turkey (in another chapter), the Soviet Authorities had a plethora of other problems:
  • the anti-Communist and anti-Soviet Partisans from the Baltic States, Western Ukraine, Romania, Bulgaria, the Caucasus, occupied Northern Iran, etc;
  • the frosty relations with the Western Powers and the imminent Armistice between them and Germany;
  • the power struggle in allied Communist Yugoslavia after the death of Tito;
  • the strange and ideologically impure Orthodox Communism in Greece (impossible to crackdown while the Greek Army was still badly needed in Anatolia);
  • the numerous Baltic, Hungarian and Croat small scale attacks from behind the Berlin Dome;
  • the shameful surrender of the Inner Red Army to the Poles;
  • the difficult food and supply issues aggravated by the end of the Land-Lease support;
  • the sobering realization that the Germans could hit them anywhere, anytime and without warning.

However, despite the difficult internal and external situation, Stalin's position was so secure and any would be opposition to his dictatorship so cowed that no serious challanges to his rule ever took place.

In order to minimize the chances of small groups of saboteurs from within the Dome to infiltrate into Soviet territory and possibly link with the domestic anti-Soviet fighters, it was decided to create a two to five kilometres wide military closed area all along the Dome limit. All civilian population was to be forcefully removed from that area, all towns and villages razed to the ground, forests burned down, everything standing up leveled. The massive operation was started immediately.

East Asia and the Pacific

Shortly before the conclusion of the Pacific War (in another chapter), the Japanese armies from Indonesia, Vietnam, Cambodia, Laos, Burma, Malaya, etc, began to "lose" track of a large amount of weapons, ammunition and other materiel which was surreptitiously integrated by the local National Armies readying themselves for the impeding anti-colonial struggle.

At the same time, thousands of Japanese soldiers and officers simply "quitted" the Imperial Japanese Army and promptly "enlisted" in the armed forces of the newly independent states. Needless to say that Britain and especially France were not happy with that.