The Berlin Dome
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An ASB / ROB, for whatever reasons, places a device in Berlin, just under the Führerbunker, at midnight 16/17 January 1945 and instructs Hitler on how to operate it.

The aforementioned device, when activated, produces a spherical structure around it with a radius of 750 kilometres on the ground. Improperly called the Berlin Dome, the spherical structure acts as an impenetrable barrier, saving Nazi Germany from annihilation.


Alternate Historian
The Berlin Dome
Die Berlinkuppel

Warning: The story may contain small portions not suitable for children or sensitive adults (expletives, mentions of sexual acts, some violence, etc). Let's say about PG-13 equivalent. If that bothers you, please do not read this story. Thank you.

Note: This story was started on the AlternateHistory Forums more than one year ago (in the members-only area). If you decide to read the story there (or if you have already read it), please do not spoil it in your comments here. Thank you.

Note: This story includes small contributions from other AlternateHistory Forums users. I have asked for and received their permission to cross-post their contributions on this site. If you want to contribute something to this story, you may start a private Conversation with me about it. By doing so, you understand that I may cross-post it on AlternateHistory or other forums. Thank you.


An ASB / ROB [1], for whatever reasons [2], places a device in Berlin, just under the Führerbunker [3], at midnight 16/17 January 1945 [4] and instructs Hitler on how to operate it [5].

The aforementioned device, when activated, produces a spherical structure around it with a radius of 750 kilometres on the ground [6]. Improperly called the Berlin Dome [7], the spherical structure acts as an impenetrable barrier [8], saving Nazi Germany from annihilation [9].


1. For all intents and purposes, it acts like an ASB (Alien Space Bat), better known on this Forum as a ROB (Random Omnipotent Being).
In the TL, it will have a (rather unusual) backstory and it will NOT be regarded as an ASB / ROB. However, if it looks like a duck, swims like a duck and quaks like a duck...

2. The reasons are not that important right now. They will be revealed later.

3. A very large underground structure had just appeared under the Führerbunker. It contains technology impossible to even comprehend much less replicate by 20th century humans.

4. The exact timing of the ASB POD is very important. It has to be after 16 January 1945 (when Hitler took residence inside the Bunker), but not too late (as to still allow the remaining German armies to defeat the allied armies marooned inside the Dome).

5. The device (while extremely complicated in its internal workings) is quite easy to operate. You only have to provide a continuous stream of water (a small underground stream coming from the River Spree is already in place) and a means to dissipate the heat (keep the already existing ventilation systems running). The helium and the oxygen produced may be kept or leeked into the atmosphere. The controls consist of a large touch sensitive glass-like surface exhibiting a zoomable and pannable map of the World. The whole Dome or arbitrary small individual sections of it may be disabled or enabled at will.

6. The intersection of the Dome with the Earth's surface is a circle with a radius of 750 kilometres. The Dome is actually a sphere, reaching 750 km in the Outer Space above Berlin and 750 km inside the Earth, deep into the mantle. It passes through air, water, soil, etc.

If you want to play with a live zoomable and pannable map of the Dome, you may follow this link.

A significant amount of discussion regarding the political geography of the Dome is obviously needed. While most of it will be available in subsequent posts, its most striking features are:
  • The German armies in Norway, the Courland Peninsula, Northern Italy and Yugoslavia have direct land access to the Dome (and a chance to retreat to the safety it provides);
  • Two neutrals countries (Sweden and Switzerland) are bisected by the Dome, their capital cities being just outside it;
  • In the North Sea, the Dome is less than 40 km away from the British coast;
  • The Baltic Sea outside the Dome is completely shut off from the Oceans, making it impossible to reach Leningrad, Helsinki, Oslo or Stockholm by sea;
  • The Dome has a small sea access to the Adriatic Sea.

7. The term Dome is improper because a dome is a hemisphere and this particular structure is a full sphere, continuing underwater and underground. Its visible part, however, resembles a dome, hence its name. Did I say visible? Well, yes. The Dome is visible, even if only barely, as it glows in the dark with a faint light of a spectral purple-ish hue.

8. Well, not completely impenetrable. Light, heat, air, water, clouds, etc, can pass freely through it. As a rule, any individual molecule, atom or ion (gas or liquid) with a mass less than or equal to 60 daltons can pass. Solids or heavier molecules cannot.

9. Maybe not. Even without the allied armies converging on Berlin, Nazi Germany may still collapse. Only time will tell.

(Necessary) Spoiler: This TimeLine is not going to be a dystopia.

I will try to post one chapter per day until we catch up with the story already posted on the AlternateHistory Forums. As there are already about one hundred chapters posted there, that may take a while. Please be patient and refrain from going there to read it. And no spoilers, please. Thank you.

Questions, comments, likes, constructive criticism, etc, are more than welcome. Please don't be shy. Thank you.
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17 January 1945, Führerbunker, Berlin, Großdeutsches Reich

A small shock could be easily felt by everyone present in the Führerbunker. The water was undulating in the glasses. "This was a rather large bomb", said someone. Adolf Hitler nodded and looked at the large wall clock. It was exactly midnight. The first day in the bunker had come to an end. "It is an ill omen", thought Hitler but tried to chase the thought away. The meeting was adjourned within five minutes.

Those who thought that a bomb was the cause of the small earthquake-like tremor could be easily excused for their mistake. After all, who would think that a gigantic structure sent from the future had suddenly materialized underneath the Führerbunker?


A couple of hours later, Hitler was still trying to fall asleep. He was worried, for no clearly defined reason. "Maybe it's the new bed", he thought, trying to overcome his vague uneasiness.

Hitler got up and took another sleeping pill. Then he heard it. A faint noise, coming from beneath. Hitler listened intently, but there was nothing but silence. "There must be rats... or roaches", he thought. "I'll get this sorted out tomorrow."

He should not have dismissed the problem so quickly.


Hitler was suddenly fully awake, waves of adrenaline pushing through his veins. This time he had clearly heard a much louder noise coming from directly under the carpet. Something had happened. The carpet seemed to be moving...

There was no time to call the guards. And no need to alert the intruder. No, he will deal with the danger himself, like in the First World War. Hitler had his gun clenched in his hand and he waited in silence...

He did not have to wait very much. Somebody pushed the carpet aside and emerged from below... Hitler fired four bullets, hitting the intruder in the chest and head.


Hitler stood up and turned on the lights, the gun still in his hand. The intruder was lying on the floor. It was a girl. She seemed to be alive.

"Heil... You... Herr Hitler", said the girl with a soft and faint voice. "Scheiße!", she continued. "I'm sorry, but it hurts like hell. Why did you shoot me?"

Seconds later, alerted by the gunfire, the guards entered Hitler room and pointed their guns towards the girl.

"Hey, don't shoot! I'm a friend! I came here to save you from defeat!"

The guards looked bewildered at one another and then at their Führer. "What are you?" asked Hitler. "And why are you alive and unharmed?!"


The German Reich had unexpectedly entered into a whole new era.
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Chapter 1. Adolphine
Chapter 1. Adolphine

17 January 1945, Führerbunker, Berlin, Großdeutsches Reich

In Hitler's bedroom there were two things that should not have been there.

The first one was a round hole in the floor, approximately one metre in diameter, leading to a vertical shaft which provided a link to some large space opening up a few metres below the bunker.

The second one was a young woman. She looked around 18, had a tall and slender body and a pleasant face with short and uncombed black hair and large beautiful green eyes. She was dressed in a green T-shirt, orange shorts and white flip-flops and was not wearing make-up or any other kind of feminine enhancements.

She had three bullet holes in her T-shirt and a circular bruise on her upper lip, but there was no blood visible and four deformed bullets were scattered on the floor around her.

Adolf Hitler: "What are you? And why are you alive and unharmed?!"

Guard: "Mein Führer, there is a hole in the floor! We should get you out of this room!"

The Girl: "I'm a girl, Herr Hitler. I'm not some damn shape-shifting alien monster or something!"

Hitler: "Nonsense! There is no danger. This creature seems harmless. Two of you, go down that shaft and see what is going on down there! Now, girl, you have a lot to explain and you'd better be telling the truth!"

Guard: "Heil Hitler! Hans, come with me!"

The Girl: "Auch... You have broken two of my teeth when you shot me! It will take days for them to heal! Why did you have to shoot me like that?"

Hitler: "Maybe because you were trespassing... Nevermind, I am the one who does the questioning!... So, you say that you are a girl..."

The Girl: "That's rather obvious..."

Two of the guards started to descend into the shaft.

Hitler: "Do not interrupt me! I am the Führer of the German Reich and I will not tolerate!... Look, even if you cannot be killed... No, it doesn't matter. Let's start this again. Are you a human being?"

The Girl: "Yes, sir."

Hitler: "I see. We will have to check that out... Are you still in pain?"

The Girl: "Yes, of course. I have been shot! Look, I am full of bruises!"

Hitler: "The bruises will heal. We do not want you to suffer any more pain, do we? Do you have a name?"

The Girl: "Sure, I'm Adolphine Heimat..." (trying to get up and extend her hand to Hitler)

Hitler: "That wouldn't be necessary... Please, remain where you are. Nice to meet you, Adolphine. Welcome to my home. Although maybe you should have used the front door... " (laughing) "Tell me, why did you mention... How did you call them? Shape-shifting aliens?"

Adolphine Heimat: "Because you looked at me as if I were one."

Hitler: "I see. But you are a human, aren't you? Yes, you have already told me that... But why are you still alive after being shot in the chest, abdomen and face? Why did the bullets fall on the floor instead of going through your body?"

Guard (yelling from below): "There is like a whole city down here, Mein Führer. But there are no people, only machines..."

Adolphine: "About the thing down there..."

Hitler: "We will get to that too. Now, stick to my questions, would you!"

Adolphine: "The protective layer applied on my skin stopped the bullets. It should be good for the soldiers... Maybe your chemists will be able to find the formula and synthetise it."

Hitler: "Maybe... I see that your bruises are already healing and you told me previously that your broken teeth will heal as well. Why is that?"

Adolphine: "Because of the nanobots. They repair anything, you know..."

Hitler: "The... what?"

Adolphine: "The medical nanobots from my body. Tiny robots who travel through my body and readily fix whatever gets broken by diseases or accidents."

Hitler: "Interesting. So, if you are not from another planet, then you must be from the future, aren't you?"

Adolphine: "Yes, sir. I was born in the year 2174, a hundred years after the Singularity. Yesterday, it was the year 2189 and today it is 1945, so I have been sent 244 years in the past!"

Hitler: "You're only 15? I would have guessed that you were older... We should have recorded all this. Somebody, get me a dictaphone!"

Adolphine: "Oh, but I think that we have it already recorded... Olaf, you are recording this?"

Hitler (looking around): "Who are you talking to?"

Adolphine: "My belt. His name is Olaf... No!" (smiling) "I'm not crazy. It's a computer in there, in the buckle, with a small camera... Yes, he is recording. We can download it later."

Hitler: "You are not supposed to record me without my permission!"

Adolphine: "Sorry. Should I tell Olaf to delete it?"

Hitler: "No, leave the recording alone, will you! Just make sure to ask me first from now on."

Guard (emerging back from the shaft): "Mein Führer..."

Hitler: "Yes, what is going on down there?"

Guard: "It is unbelievable, Mein Führer. It is like a giant factory with all sorts of machinery, some of them moving around the premises..."

Hitler: "Yes, it is unbelievable, indeed... Friedrich, call Herr Goebbels and tell him about this. Ask him to come here immediately... No. He should summon our best scientists first. Come on, Adolphine, let's go down stairs. You will show me your domain!"

Yes, I am going to make Germany great again!
Chapter 2. The Hirn
Chapter 2. The Hirn

17 January 1945, The Hirn, Berlin, Großdeutsches Reich

Three meters under the Führerbunker, Adolf Hitler and his entourage entered what seemed to be literaly another World. Besides a few pieces of furniture and other common household items, the purpose or even nature of everything else down there was completely foreign to a 20th century human.

Little robots were silently sliding on floors or walls minding their own business, the doors were opening and closing by themselves, the lights were turning on when needed, even the damn toilet flushed by itself. Everybody was utterly perplexed.

Hitler was exhausted, both physically and mentally. When approaching a desk, a chair gently slided towards him. He sat down and motioned to Adolphine to take a seat as well. After staring at her for a couple of minutes, Hitler opened his mouth but closed it again without uttering any word. Adolphine smiled cheekily.

Adolphine: "Welcome to my home, Herr Hitler. Do you like it?"

Hitler: "I... Oh... It is nice, I presume... Is this... standard? I mean, does everybody live like that?..."

Adolphine: "I guess so. I mean, there is no poverty anymore, I guess..."

Hitler: "All of these, in just 250 years? It just doesn't seem right. There are robots everywere for God's sake!"

Adolphine (smiling): "You'll get used to them. I hardly notice them anymore..."

Messenger: "Mein Führer, there is something going on. There is some kind of barrier in Italy, hindering our troops' movement."

Hitler: "Adolphine, do you happen to know anything about this?"

Adolphine: "Yes, Herr Hitler, I do. I did it."

Hitler: "I see. And why on Earth did you do that? You have previously told me that you were here to help, not to create additional difficulties..."

Adolphine: "It's the Dome. You see, the single purpose of this plant is to create and sustain this Dome which is protecting Germany. Your soldiers cannot pass through it, but neither can the enemy soldiers. You are safe, for ever. Nobody can ever again invade Germany. And no more bombings. Nothing can pass through, no planes, no tanks, nothing! See, I saved you!"

Hitler: "And what about our soldiers stranded on the other side of this wall? Without supplies, they will be overwhelmed within weeks! This defence mechanism seems very good, don't misunderstand me. But you cannot act on your own. You are not the leader of Germany. I am! You will be guilty for the deaths of our soldiers..."

Adolphine: "Herr Hilter... We can turn the Dome on and off whenever we want. Or any parts of it for that matter."

Hitler: "Then do it! Open up the Italian sector! Where else does this wall pass through? I need a map!"

Adolphine: "Of course, Herr Hitler... Helga, come here! The Dome is a sphere, Herr Hitler, and it makes a circle on the ground. I'll show you right now... Helga! Where are you?"

Hitler: "Another robot?"

Adolphine: "Yes, it's the control center of the Dome. Yes, here you are, finally!"

A small disk aproached Adolphine floating effortlessly in mid air.

Helga: "Good morning, Adolphine."

Adolphine: "Come on, open up! Herr Hitler is a friend of mine. Add him as a user, would you!"

Hitler wanted to say something but then decided not to. The thing called Helga unfloded itself into a large screen approximately two metres in width and one metre in height.

Helga: "Username please..."

Adolphine: "Adolf Hitler. Make him an advanced user."

Helga: "Are you sure, Adolphine?"

Adolphine: "Yes, Helga, just do it."

Helga: "User added and logged in."

Adolphine: "Talk to her, Herr Hitler."

Hitler: "Talk to this... thing?"

Adolphine (smiling): "Yes, it won't bite. It's just a computer, like Herr Zuse's, only more advanced."

Hitler: "I see... Helga...?"

Helga: "Yes, Adolf Hitler. What do you want me to do?"

Hitler: "Could you not call me Adolf Hitler?"

Helga: "Sure, Adolf Hitler. How do you want me to call you?"

Hitler: "Herr Hitler will be fine."

Helga: "Yes, Herr Hitler. What do you want me to do?"

Hitler: "Show me a map of this... Dome, Helga."

Helga: "Sure. Just use one finger to pan and two fingers to zoom. Or ask me for any specific actions."

A couple of minutes later, with the help of Adolphine and Helga, Hitler managed to properly use the map. Extremely accurate and able to zoom in to a scale of 1:100, it was by far the best map in the whole World.

While playing with the map like a child with a new toy, a myriad of questions raced through Hitler's mind...

Hitler: "Why? Why are you here?"

Adolphine: "Because I'm a fan of yours."

Hitler: "A fan...? What do you mean by that?"

Adolphine: "A fan. A groupie... You know... No you don't. It's because I like you. And in my time, that is extremely rare."

Messenger: "Mein Führer, you are expected..."

Hitler: "I have to go now. I'll talk to you later... Can I take Helga with me?"

Adolphine: "Sure. I have absolutely no idea of military strategy and stuff so I wouldn't know what sectors of the Dome to open and close and when to do it. Herr Hitler... Don't be mad at me please. Helga needs to see me from time to time in order to continue functioning properly. It's for my safety... I'm sorry. I did not mean it that way..."

Hitler: (with a forced smile) "I understand. The Jews had probably depicted me as some kind of monster. You are only buying yourself insurance. Don't think about it. It's nothing."

Adolphine: "Good bye, Herr Hitler."

Hitler: "You should rest now. Heisenberg will be here soon and I am sure that he will have a lot of questions for you."


Adolphine: "Olaf, show me a movie..."


What should I do with this girl? If I wanted children, I would have had my own...

Just a reminder: For a live zoomable and pannable map of the Berlin Dome, similar to the one shown to Hitler, you may follow this link.
Chapter 3. [Special] About the Dome
Chapter 3. [Special] About the Dome

In the original story, on, Chapter 3 was a contribution from Vahktang who later left the thread and the plot in his contribution remained orphaned.

This is a Special Chapter. It does not contain the usual narrative of the story but useful additional information. These type of chapters will be rare. In the 99 chapters I have written so far for this story, there are only three or four Special Chapters.

This Special Chapter contains a complilation from from several posts in which I answered various questions posted by other members in the original thread on

A reminder: If you want to play with a live zoomable and pannable map of the Dome, you may follow this link.

However, several maps showing the Dome limit will be available soon in this thread.


While Adolphine, her robots and other things from the future will be featured proeminently, this story is mainly about the Dome and its geopolitical consequences.

Because of reasons that will become clear in the near future, the Nazis are not going to receive significant additional help besides the Dome. Adolphine does not have access to any useful future technology besides what is actually necessary for her own well-being and the proper functioning of the Dome.

Some Information About the Dome

The Dome is not made up of matter. A force field (of an unknown type) keeps objects from passing through. Like gravity and electro-magnetism, the force field producing the Dome manifests itself with the speed of light. At a distance of 750 km from the force field producing apparatus, the effects are, for all intents and puposes, instantaneous (2.5 milliseconds).

Any interaction with the Dome as with a physical object are impossible, because the Dome is not a physical object.

Since no object can pass through the Dome and the Dome is a perfect sphere (i.e. perfectly smooth), the surfaces of the Dome (both inner and outer) are completely devoid of friction.

Anything you attempt to place on its surface will slide downwards because of gravity. You cannot even lean on it!

Something placed exactly on its top would be in an unstable equilibrium. It would need power to compensate from small disturbances in its position or it would eventually slide downwards!

Further Information About the Dome

Underneath the Führerbunker in Berlin, a device is producing a force field of an unknown nature which manifests itself 750 kilometres away, in all directions.

The force field extends under water, under ground, in the air and up to the near outer space, 750 km above Berlin.

The whole Dome or arbitrary small individual sections of it may be disabled or enabled at will.

What is blocked?

When activated, the Dome does not allow any macroscopic object to pass through.

Examples: Humans, animals, vehicles, rockets, microbes, large molecules, etc.

What can pass through?
  • Electromagnetic radiation: visible light (sunlight, etc), radio, infrared (heat), ultraviolet, X-rays, Gamma rays, etc;
  • Other kinds of radiation: alpha particles (helions), beta particles (electrons), neutrons, neutrinos, etc;
  • Substances in liquid, gaseous or plasma phase, composed of particles (atoms, ions, molecules) with a mass less than or equal to 60 daltons: almost all air components, water, salt (in solution), etc.

What is the Dome like?

The Dome is not an object but a force field. You cannot stick anything to it and you cannot place anything on top of it. Any object, paint, glue, etc, would simply slide down due to gravity. The surface of the Dome does not have friction.

The Dome glows with a very weak violet (and ultraviolet) light which is barely visible during the night.

Dome Geography

The Dome is a sphere with a diameter of about 750 kilometres.

Its centre lies about five metres below the floor of the Führerbunker in Berlin, Germany; Geographical coordinates: 52.5125° N, 13.3815° E; Altitude: cca. 21 metres above sea level.

The intersection of the Dome with the surface of the Earth is close to a circle with a radius of about 750 kilometres.

What lies inside the Dome?
  • almost all of the Greater German Reich
    • Germany Proper
    • Austria
    • Sudetenland
    • Memelland
    • Bohemia and Moravia
    • Danzig
    • the directly annexed Polish areas
    • most of the General Government
      • Warsaw District
      • Radom District
      • almost all of Kracow District (including the city of Krakow)
      • almost all of Lublin District (including the city of Lublin)
      • small areas of Galicia District (without Lvov)
    • most of Byalistok District (including the city of Byalistok)
    • almost all of directly annexed Slovenian areas (including Ljubliana)
    • the northern half of the Operations Zone Adriatic Littoral (without Trieste, Istria and Slovenian areas)
    • almost all of the Operations Zone Alpine Foothills (including Bozen and Trento)
    • Alsace-Lorraine
    • Luxembourg
    • Eupen-Malmedy
    • small areas of Reichskomissariat Ukraine
    • some areas of Reichskomissariat Ostland
      • the western half of Lithuania (including Kaunas, without Vilnius)
      • a small area of SW Latvia (without Riga)
      • a small area of White Russia (without Minsk)
  • Slovakia
  • the NW half of Hungary (including Budapest)
  • a small area of NW Croatia (without Zagreb)
  • a small area of the Italian Social Republic (without Salò)
  • a small area of NE France (without Paris)
  • almost all of Belgium (including Brussels)
  • the Netherlands Proper
  • Denmark Proper
  • two small areas of southern Norway (without Oslo)
  • the southern third of Sweden (without Stockholm, including Gotland Island)
  • the NE half of Switzerland (without Bern)
  • Liechtenstein

Isolated sea areas:
  • the SE third of the North Sea + the Strait of Skagerrak + the Strait of Kattegat + the Danish Straits + the SW third of the Baltic Sea (inside the Dome)
  • a minuscule area of the Adriatic Sea (inside the Dome)
  • the Oslo Fjord with Oslo (outside the Dome)
  • the rest of the Baltic Sea with Stockholm, Helsinki, Riga, Talinn, Leningrad (outside the Dome)

The Dome limit:
  • the North Sea, cca. 30 km east of Lowestoft and Great Yarmouth, England, United Kingdom (outside the Dome)
  • Southernmost Norway, cca. 30 km north of Kristiansand (inside the Dome)
  • the Strait of Skagerrak
  • the mouth of the Oslo Fjord, cca. 80 km south of Oslo (outside the Dome)
  • South-easternmost Norway (near the Swedish border), cca. 12 km south of Fredrikstad (outside the Dome)
  • Southern Sweden, cca. 60 km SW of Stockholm (outside the Dome)
  • the Baltic Sea, Swedish Island of Gotska Sandön
  • Latvia, near Ventspils (outside the Dome), cca. 80 km SW from Riga (outside the Dome)
  • Lithuania, through Šiauliai, near Kaunas (inside the Dome), cca. 60 km west of Vilnius (outside the Dome)
  • Byelorussia, cca. 30 km west of Grodno (inside the Dome), cca. 30 km west of Brest (inside the Dome)
  • Westernmost Ukraine
  • the General Government, cca. 80 km SE of Lublin (inside the Dome), cca. 40 km NW of Lvov (outside the Dome)
  • Hungary (areas annexed from Slovakia), cca. 10 km NW of Uzhhorod (outside the Dome), cca. 40 km SE from Košice (inside the Dome)
  • Hungary Proper, 20-40 km NW of Nyíregyháza, Szolnok, Kecskemét (outside the Dome), cca. 30 km SE of Miskolc (inside the Dome), cca. 50 km SE of Budapest (inside the Dome)
  • Croatia, cca. 30 km south of Varaždin (inside the Dome), cca. 20 km north of Zagreb (outside the Dome)
  • Italy, cca. 30 km south of Ljubliana (inside the Dome), cca. 10 km north of Trieste (outside the Dome), cca. 40 km north of Venice (outside the Dome), cca. 20 km south of Trento (inside the Dome)
  • Switzerland, through the northern outskirts of Bern (outside the Dome)
  • France, through Vesoul, Vitry-le-François, Châlons-en-Champagne, Reims, cca. 120 km NW of Paris (outside the Dome), near Lille (inside the Dome)
  • Westernmost Belgium
  • the North Sea

Stranded armies
  • German Armies outside the Dome:
    • Channel Islands (no access)
    • Dunkirk pocket (cca. 10 km away)
    • other French coastal redoubts (no access)
    • most of Norway (direct access)
    • Courland Pocket (direct access)
    • Croatia (direct access)
    • Greek Islands (no access)
    • Northern Italy (direct access)
  • Allied Armies inside the Dome:
    • Belgium, Luxembourg, NE France, southern Netherlands, western Rheinland (Western Allies)
    • Central Hungary, eastern Slovakia, eastern Poland, eastern East Prussia, western Lithuania, SW Latvia (Soviets, Romanians, etc)
  • German Navy outside the Dome:
    • some U-boats
  • Allied Navy inside the Dome:
    • North Sea (Western Allied ships and submarines)
    • Baltic Sea (small numbers of Western Allied and Soviet ships)
  • Neutrals:
    • Southern Sweden
    • North-eastern Switzerland (mostly German speaking)
    • Baltic Sea (Swedish ships)

Other Issues

Is the limit of 60 daltons on what can pass through the dome arbitrary, or is there a reason for it?

  • It has to be greater than the main components of the atmosphere in order to let air through (molecular oxigen: 32-36*, molecular nitrogen: 28-30*, argon: 36, 38, 40*, carbon dioxide: 44-50, ozone: 48-54);
  • It has to be greater then sea salt ions to prevent a buildup of nasty osmosis presure gradients (ionic sodium: 23, ionic chloride: 35, 37*);
  • It has to be lower than most chemical weapons to prevent gassing the perimeter (lowest is molecular chlorine: 70, 72, 74*);
  • It has to be lower than nuclear blast fallout / radioactive fission products (lowest I know of is germanium 76).
In conclusion, I had to pick a value 54 <= X <= 69 and I have picked 60.

* Different isotopes, for example molecular chlorine can be ³⁵Cl-³⁵Cl (70u, 58%), ³⁵Cl-³⁷Cl (72u, 36%) or ³⁷Cl-³⁷Cl (74u, 6%) and so on.

Note: I have a Master's degree in Chemistry, so I believe I know what I am speaking about here.

Musings on salinity gradients in the seas (or why is it important to let sea salt pass through)

Let's just say that just one percent difference in salinity on a surface of hundreds of thousands of square metres... Well, if the Dome goes off we could have megatons of energy released suddenly. Not like an atomic weapon because it's not localized but not nice anyway.

First of all, before even thinking about what would happen after the Dome is released, let's ponder about what the situation would be without sea salt allowed to equalize freely through the Dome. The Inner Sea (Inner Baltic + Inner North Sea) would become less and less saltier due to the large amount of fresh water provided by the multitude of rivers flowing into it (the Baltic is already significantly less salty than the Oceans). Because the sea water volume is relatively small (low depth), the drop in salinity would be noticeable and marine life would start feeling uncomfortable with a possible mass death, especially in the Inner North Sea.

Now, let's go further and take a quick look at the forces involved in the osmotic pressure differential. Let's assume that the Outer Atlantic Ocean has an average salinity of 3.5%, most of it being sodium chloride (Na+ Cl-). This means that each kilogramme (which can be approximated to one litre) of sea water has about 35 grammes of salt, i.e. cca. 0.6 mol, giving us a molar concentration of cca 0.6 mol/L.

If we feed these values into this online osmotic pressure calculator (number of ions = 2, osmotic coefficient = 1 since the solution is diluted, concentration = 0.6 mol/L, temperature = 20 °C), we get 29 atm.

If on the other side (the Inner North Sea), the salt concentration drops by one percent (around one quarter) to cca. 2.5%, we get a molar concentration of cca. 0.43 mol/L and an osmotic pressure of only 21 atm.

So, at the Dome limit we have a pressure differential of 8 atm or 0.8 MPa (megapascals). To get the force we have to multiply this by the area affected. We estimate the area to be around 100 million square metres (cca 1000 kilometres in length and an average depth of cca. 100 metres). Then the force is about 80 trillion newtons (approx. equal to the weight of 8 billion metric tonnes of matter).

So, suddenly releasing the Dome is equivalent of 8 billion tonnes of stuff being suddenly released in the North Sea. Scary, huh? To put things in perspective, 8 billion tonnes is the mass of an iron asteroid cca. 1200 metres in diameter or of an icy comet cca. 2400 metres in diameter.

Well, that mass does not actually impact there, because there is no intrinsec velocity involved. Actually, in order to assess damage, we need the energy / power released and for that we need distance / velocity.

Now the calculations become more speculative but I opt to err on the low side. Let's say that the front wave speed of that release of energy is only one metre per second. Then the total power released would be cca. 80 TW, equivalent to a powerful hurricane. If we presume that the front wave collapses in one minute, the total energy released would be cca. 4.8 PJ (cca. 1 megatonne of TNT, or cca. 80 Little Boy atomic bombs). It would be certainly noticeable.

A sphere with a radius of 750 kilometres does not produce a circle with a radius of 750 kilometres on the ground because the Earth is not flat

This is correct but not significant. Actually, the radius of the Dome is a little smaller than 750 km in order to create a 750 km circle on the (very slightly) curved away ground.

A quick calculation...

Radius of the Earth: R = 6371 km

Circumference of the Earth: p = 40075 km

Radius of the Dome limit: r = 750 km

Unknown radius of the Dome sphere: ρ (to be calculated)

Angle at the centre of the Earth between Berlin and a point on the Dome limit: α = 2π * r / R = 0.11759 rad (the angle opposite of ρ in the isosceles triangle with edges R, R, ρ)

Then α/2 = 0.058795 rad (the angle opposite ρ/2 in the rightangle triangle with edges R, ρ/2, h)

Then ρ/2 = R sin(α/2) = 374.365 km,

Yielding a final result of ρ = 748.730 km.

...which gets us a value for the Dome sphere radius of 748.730 km, which is only 0.17% away from the 750 km radius of the Dome limit.

So yeah, 0.17% it's a decent approximation.

Anyway, to make things absolutely clear, I repeat: The radius of the Dome limit on the ground is 750 km. The fact that this yields a Dome sphere radius of 748.730 km is interesting but irrelevant.

A couple of drawings with the Earth and the Dome to scale will be available soon.

Of course, more questions about the Dome (or anything else related to the story) are more than welcome.
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[Graphic] The Dome and the Earth at the Same Scale
I realized that, perhaps, many members might not visualize the scale of the Earth compared to the Dome and the fact that the curvature of the Earth's surface inside the Dome is minimal. So, without further ado...

The Dome and the Earth at the Same Scale (one pixel per 10 kilometres)

Detail (one pixel per kilometre)

I hope that these images make everything clear. And yes, even Greater Germany is really that tiny.
[Map] Central Europe (17 January 1945)
For a live zoomable and pannable map of the Dome, similar to the one shown to Hitler, you may follow this link.

Central Europe
17 January 1945
(superimposed over Google Maps Zoom 6)

  • Black Lines: Borders of Neutral Countries;
  • Red Lines: Frontlines;
  • Red Circle: Dome limit;
  • Red Dot: Dome centre (Berlin);
  • Light Pink Hue: Dome area;
  • Pink: Axis;
  • Light Green: Allies;
  • Light Yellow: Neutrals;
Chapter 4. Heisenberg
Chapter 4. Heisenberg

17 January 1945, The Hirn, Berlin, Großdeutsches Reich

: "No, Olaf, not that crap! Show me a war movie or something, not a damn cartoon!... What happened, Olaf? Where are all my movies?... Fuck! The bastards deleted my movies! Oh, no! Damn Jews! Olaf, what else has been deleted during the last three days?... Fuck! Fucking dirty Jews!... Can you recover anything, Olaf?... Shit!"

Everything was gone, the encyclopaedia, the history books, the weapons resources, the chemistry books, most of the movies and many useful pieces of software that Adolphine had tirelessly bundled into Olaf during the previous months.

Before sending her downtime, the authorities have wiped out anything which could further help the Nazis. It was, after all, understandable. The idea was to protect the Reich and save it from certain destruction in order to allow Adolphine a first hand experience of Hitler's Germany. They did not want Germany to actually win the war, they merely wanted to make sure that it wouldn't lose it.

Adolphine started to use Olaf to please herself, as she usually did in order to relieve stress and calm down. It worked like a charm every single time.

Half an hour later, she lay exhausted on her bed and her mind drifted to the past. She remembered her parents and started to sob.

I miss them so much. I am not a warrior like Mutti and Vatti, I am just a child... I cannot live alone, I will go mad. Probably that's why they sent me here anyway...

Adolphine wiped her tears and tried to toughen herself...

No, I am not allowed to dispair. I must fight on. My parents died for the cause. I must cherish their memory and find inspiration not dread in their martyrdom.

She started crying again...

Was it really necessary to blow up that slimy Jew puppet? Yes, he deserved to die, but why my parents? Couldn't have somebody else done the deed? Somebody with no family?...

Somebody knocked at the door.

Adolphine: "No, don't come in! I have to get dressed!"

She dressed quickly, made the bed and answered the door.

Adolphine: "Good day, Gentlemen!"

Werner Heisenberg: "Good day, Fräulein..."

Adolphine: "Heimat, Fräulein Heimat"

Heisenberg: "I am honoured to meet you, Fräulein Heimat. I am Professor Heisenberg and these are my colleagues."

Adolphine: "I know you! You are the scientist with the cat who is neither dead nor alive..."

Heisenberg: "Umm... That would be Professor Schrödinger, I presume... Anyway, we are very excited to have you here and we would like to ask you some questions. The Führer said that you would gladly cooperate..."

Adolphine: "Nice to meet you, Professor. I am sorry about the mistake with the cat... I hope that you were not offended."

Heisenberg: "No, I'm fine. Now, you are saying that you are from the future... From the year 2189 to be more precise. Is this correct?"

Adolphine: "It surely is. I wouldn't have lied to Herr Hitler, would I?"

Heisenberg: "Yes, yes... And just by looking around, one can clearly see that you are not from our times. But there is an interesting aspect to this time travelling... thing. I mean, of course, you are from the future but from what future?"

Adolphine: "What do you mean?"

Heisenberg: "I mean... Are you from our future or from some other future?"

Adolphine: "I don't follow you. I'm no scientist, you know, I'm just a little girl."

Heisenberg: "Let me rephrase it... Had you not come here, the history would have progressed to your future, isn't that so?"

Adolphine: "I don't know, I suppose so."

Heisenberg: "But since you appeared here, the history had changed and I can say it had changed dramatically. So, it is just natural to enquire what had happened to your future. I mean, everything would be vastly different 244 years from now. You may not be born! Your ancestors may not even meet much less have children together! But you are still here. Something must have happened. Is this a different reality? A parallel Universe? Please understand that these are important theoretical questions. Time travel is inherently a paradoxical phenomenon and I am very interested..."

Adolphine: "Yawn. Please, Herr Professor, I am not at school here. And believe me that I don't understand anything you are talking about. It just seems like Jewish philosophy to me... Please."

Heisenberg: "I understand. Sorry. Please tell us what do you know."

Adolphine: "About what?"

Heisenberg: "You may start with a little history, some details of your life and then everything about your time travel, I mean the why and the how. Then, of course, we would like to know what you know about the purpose and functioning of everything here..."

Adolphine: "Oh, we'll be quickly ready then because I don't know a thing about technology and stuff. About history, I'm not good at it either but at least I know a few things..."

Heisenberg: "I'm sorry to interrupt you. Before you begin, one more question. Do you know anything about an atomic or nuclear bomb? A bomb made of Uranium."

Adolphine: "Uranium? I'm not sure..."

Heisenberg: "A very powerful bomb which can destroy a whole city! Is it feasable?"

Adolphine: "Oh, an AMB, of course. But I don't think it uses any Uranium. It is an anti-matter bomb. You see, a small amount of anti-matter makes a gigantic explosion. You will be able to easily win the war with those bombs!"

Heisenberg: "I see. And how do we make this anti-matter?"

Adolphine: "Oh, it's simple. You just smash some particles together and you get it!"

Adolphine smiled sheepishly. The scientists murmured among themselves. To say that Heisenberg was disappointed would be an understatement.

This girl is totally dumb. And all these marvels are completely useless... We are not going to reverse engineer anything! If this technology were from the year 1989, maybe, just maybe we had a chance, but from 2189, no, not a chance in hell! Even if she knew some basics, it wouldn't have been enough. The gap is simply too large... Hitler will be furious... Damn!...
Chapter 5. Goebbels
Chapter 5. Goebbels

17 January 1945, The Hirn, Berlin, Großdeutsches Reich

: In order to accurately portray Adolphine, I spent some time doing research on several Neo-Nazi sites. The ideas exposed here by Adolphine are common place in those parts of the Internet. If you are offended, I am sorry, but it was needed for the sake of authenticity.

Adolphine: "I'm really sorry I cannot help you guys, I'm not some nerd, ok?"

Heisenberg: "Don't worry, I understand. But please, do continue."

The door opened and Joseph and Magda Goebbels entered the room.

Joseph Goebbels: "Good day, fair Aryan Mädel!"

Adolphine: "Who the hell are you and why don't you knock first?"

Joseph Goebbels: "How dare you talk to me like this? I'm Reichsminister Joseph Goebbels!"

Adolphine: "Oh, I didn't recognize you. Anyway, next time, please knock on the damn door! This is my home and I really want to have some privacy, you know."

Magda Goebbels (smiling): "Good day, Fräulein Heimat. I am Magda, Herr Goebbels wife, and I apologize for coming here uninvited. We are so excited that we forgot to follow the proper etiquette..."

Adolphine (calming down): "It's no big deal. And you can call me Adolphine... Please make yourselves comfortable. I was just starting to talk about history..."

Magda Goebbels: "Thank you, Adolphine. What a nice name. Did your parents give you this name because of our Führer?"

Adolphine (sighing): "Yes."

Joseph Goebbels: "Do not interrupt her, Magda. Adolphine, we are very interested to learn about what happened in the future... What will happen, I mean..."

Heisenberg: "Or, more likely, what would have happened?"

Goebbels (slightly irritated): "Yes, that. Please, do proceed. But before that, I have a small question... I see that your German, while good enough, does seem a little off. I mean, is German your native tongue? Are you really part of the Volk?"

Adolphine: "Of course, I'm German! My DNA is ninety percent Germanic! You may do a test if you don't believe me. And, as a matter of fact, I find your German to sound rather funny..."

Goebbels: "What do you mean? That I am not German or what!?"

Adolphine: "No, not specifically you. I mean, all of you. You are all talking quite funny, you know. Not like it's not proper German, it's German all right, but it just seems like some kind of an odd dialect or something."

Heisenberg: "Please, let's stop arguing about this. The German language must have evolved in 244 years. I am sure that we would find a German from the year 1701 to talk funny as well."

Goebbels: "Yes, thank you, Herr Heisenberg. Adolphine, you just said that your something is ninety percent Germanic. Can you elaborate on that."

Adolphine: "Well, my DNA test showed that I am about 89% Germanic and the rest miscellanious European. What else can I tell you?"

Goebbels (very interested): "Do you mean that it is actually possible to quantify the race of a person? A measurement, yielding precise values?"

Heisenberg: "What is this DNA you are talking about?"

Adolphine: "You don't know about DNA?! The stuff in your cells, that you inherit from your parents. I thought that it was known in the 20th century."

Heisenberg: "The 20th century is not over yet."

Goebbels: "Is this test... complicated?"

Adolphine (laughing): "Oh, no. You just spit in a vial, place it the analyzer and you get hundreds of pages of information in seconds!"

Goebbels: "Do you have one of those with you? An analyzer?"

Adolphine: "No... I'm sorry. It would have been useful in exposing hidden Jews, wouldn't it?"

Goebbels: "You are a very smart girl! But it's no problem. Our top geneticists will be surely able to reproduce this marvellous invention."

Heisenberg: "Can you at least tell us more precisely what this DNA is?"

Adolphine: "Umm... Dexo... Ribi... Dexobiro... It's a very big chemical substance. You shall look in the saliva with a microscope or something... Should I start the history lesson now?"

Goebbels: "Yes, by all means. Start with the war, please."

Adolphine: "Yes, this war... How should I say it?... I mean... Umm..."

Goebbels: "We lost. That's why you're here. Please go on."

Adolphine: "Yes, the White men lost and the Jewry won. Our Gods deserted us as we have deserted them when we started to follow that Jewish Prophet!"

Goebbels: "Our Gods..."

Adolphine: "Yes, Thor, Wotan, Odin..."

Goebbels: "I see. You are not a Christian."

Adolphine: "No! I'm a Germanic Neopagan. Christianity is nothing but a Jewish scam meant to make our Volk weak and easy to control by the JOG."

Goebbels: "JOG...?"

Adolphine: "Jewish Occupation Government"

Goebbels: "I see."

Adolphine: "So, the Americans invaded from the West and the Russians from the East. The Wehrmacht collapsed. The Russians were the first to get to Berlin. On 29 April 1945, Herr Hitler and his wife commited suicide in the Bunker..."

Goebbels (mortified): "What?!"

Adolphine: "Yes. And you killed yourself as well... And you, Magda. Everybody just offed themselves."

Goebbels (almost yelling): "No! I mean, so soon!? And what wife?! And why are you referring to our Führer as Herr Hitler? You said you were a German! You shall use Mein Führer!"

Adolphine (irritated): "Calm down, Herr Goebbels, and let me answer all your questions... So, Herr Hitler married Fräulein Eva Braun the day before their suicide. I can't believe that you didn't know she was his girlfriend... "

Goebbels (looking at the group of scientists): "Yes, I knew... But you should really avoid talking in public about the personal life of the Führer..."

Adolphine (sheepish): "Sorry... Guys, could you please pretend to have missed that... Please..."

Goebbels: "Please go on."

Adolphine: "What were the other questions?... Olaf? Where is Olaf?!"

Heisenberg: "I was just looking at it... him... Here you are."

Adolphine: "Give him back to me! Oh, Olaf... Everybody, just leave Olaf alone, would you?!..."

Goebbels: "This had already turned into a circus!"

Magda: "Joseph, give the poor girl a break!"

Adolphine: "Will you let me speak or no? You know, I can just play a game or watch a movie instead of talking to you."

Goebbels: "If you love your Vaterland you should keep talking."

Adolphine (buckling Olaf on her waist): "Yes, the Herr Hitler question. You do realize, I presume, that, while I idolize Herr Hitler and regard him as a Saint and Martyr, he is not really my Führer..."

Goebbels: "What?!"

Adolphine: "Well, Herr Hitler is the Führer of the German Reich and until I gain German citizenship..."

Goebbels: "You are not from Germany?! Where are you from then? You said you were German! I can't follow you!"

Adolphine (crying): "I was born in Dresden, but Germany does not exist anymore in 2189. I am a citizen of the European Federation. It is a monstrousity created by the Zionists after the end of this war in order to fulfill their genocidal agenda of complete annihilation of the European Race and run by a Jewish Cabal and their traitorous puppets..."

Goebbels: (solemn): "I think we heard enough. Please excuse me."

Joseph Goebbels left the room amid generalized perplexity. Magda Goebbels shed a few tears, hugged Adolphine and left without saying a word.

Heisenberg: "You must be tired. We shall leave you alone. Good bye."

Alone and depressed, Adolphine laid on the bed, crying.
Then, she suddenly jumped to her feet and performed a Nazi salute.

I can fix this. We have to stop these Jews!
Chapter 6. Rebellious Adolphine
Chapter 6. Rebellious Adolphine

17 January 1945, Führerbunker, Berlin, Großdeutsches Reich

Hitler was in very bad shape. He had slept less than two hours and, since being abruptly woken up in the middle of the night, his emotions had run wild. His tired mind made repeated futile attempts to wrap itself up around the whole absurdly impossible situation.

Joseph Goebbels: "I'm telling you, Mein Führer, this girl is pretty smart. She understands the Jewish problem perfectly. I don't know why Heisenberg insists that she is stupid. It may be because of his intellectual superiority complex. Obviously, she is not very learned and she may be rather rude, but she's only 15... Mein Führer, are you listening to me?"

Adolf Hitler: "What did you say?... No, I cannot concentrate right now. I have to get some sleep first. Compile a report for me, would you! I want to read it before the eight o'clock War Council."

Goebbles: "Yes, Mein Führer!... No, not that way, Mein Führer. There is that hole in your bedroom..."

Hitler: "So what? It's not like she will try to murder me or something. She could have easily killed us all or even blow up the whole planet if she wanted to!"

Goebbels: "Yes, Mein Führer, I suppose that she is trustworthy, but... there are construction workers in your bedroom, Mein Führer. They are excavating around the shaft in order to install an elevator."

Hitler: "Very good, Joseph, very good. I'll go to Eva's room then. By the way, when will she arrive?"

Goebbels: "Tomorrow morning, Mein Führer."


While serving lunch, Goebbels was disturbed by a commotion of some sort taking place in the hallway. A guard knocked at his door and Goebbels let him in.

Guard (SS Obersturmführer Schumacher): "Heil Hitler!"

Goebbels: "Heil Hitler!"

Guard: "Herr Reichsminister, it's that girl..."

Goebbels: "Yes, what's the matter with her?"

Guard: "Er... She was wandering through the Bunker, looking for the Führer. We did not know what to do... At first, we tried to dissuade her. I told her that the Führer is busy... I don't know, is she supposed to come here whenever she wants?"

Goebbels: "Continue."

Guard: "She insisted that it was important and, after knocking at several doors, when she was approaching the Führer's room, we decided to stop her. I believe that, lacking precise orders in this regard, we did the right thing..."

Goebbels: "Yes, continue."

Guard: "When we attempted to restrain her, she resisted. She used foul language and bit one of my men."

Goebbels: "She did what?!"

Guard: "She bit SS Sturmmann Roth. The laceration needs medical attention. Probably due to being in pain, he could not control himself and hit her with his gun. She lost her consciousness."

Goebbels: "Bring her in here."

Guard: "Yes, sir... We were only doing our job..."

Goebbels: "I did not reprimand you. We should have set up some clear rules here but, with everything happening so quickly, we failed and now we have to deal with this rather unfortunate situation."

SS Unterführer Traube entered the room carrying the unconscious Adolphine in his arms. Goebbels pointed to the couch. Traube laid Adolphine on Goebbels' couch.

Goebbels dismissed the two SS guards who saluted and left the room.

Adolphine was motionless and had a large bump on her head but was breathing normally. It looks like I have time to finish my lunch.

He was wrong. A couple of minutes later, Adolphine began to groan and woke up.

Adolphine: "Auch... Scheiße! What's wrong with you, people! First Hitler shoots me and now your gorillas knock me out. What the fuck?"

Goebbels: "Young lady... No, shut up and listen to me! While we are grateful that because of you the Reich is secure, you have to understand that you cannot ignore the laws of the Reich and the rules of civilized conduct in society. Shut up and let me finish! Here is the centre of the Reich's Government. It is not... normal for you to come in here, enter rooms and disturb the Führer, the Reichsministers or the Generalfeldmarschalls from their work whenever you want. Not only it is not normal, but it is actually preposterous! And, besides being the centre of the Reich's Government, due to the hardships of the war, this place is also the home of the Führer. You are not supposed to come uninvited into someone's house, are you?"

Adolphine: "I am sorry. I called, but nobody answered..."

Goebbels: "How did you call and where? Do you have access to our telephone lines?..."

Adolphine (trying to get up): "Auch... No. I just called Helga... the map... Nobody answered."

Goebbels: "I see. You want to visit someone, you call and nobody answers. What do you do next? Go there anyway? No, you try again later, obviously! What did your parents teach you?... Oh, I'm sorry."

Adolphine: "No, you needn't be. My parents sacrificed themselves for National Socialism and I am proud of their martyrdom."

Goebbels: "Yes, that's the attitude I want to see... And now the rules. Rule One: don't come here uninvited. If you want to talk to the Führer, you tell someone and the Führer will be notified as soon as his schedule permits. We will also install a normal telephone in your room so a secretary be able to take your calls at any time."

Adolphine: "And what if it's urgent?"

Goebbels: "If it is really urgent, although I can't see what could be that urgent, only then you may call Helga. If the Führer does not answer your call it means that he cannot talk at that moment and he will call for you later. Do you understand?"

Adolphine (sighing): "Yes, I do."

Goebbels: "Good. Rule Two: be courteous and do not swear. A lady is not supposed to speak like that."

Adolphine: "Then make sure nobody hurts me! If I'm in pain, I can't control what I say, I just scream and curse, everybody does so."

Goebbels: "If you behave yourself, we will not be forced to hurt you. Do we have an understanding?"

Adolphine (extending her right hand): "Ok, we have a deal."

Goebbels (theatrically shaking her hand): "Then be it a deal."

Adolphine: "When can I talk to Herr Hitler?"

Goebbels: "The Führer is asleep. You woke him up in the middle of the night and he could not rest until now. Can you tell me what is so important that it couldn't wait a couple of hours?"

Adolphine: "I think I'll wait... Can you give me something to eat?"

Goebbels (embarassed): "Sorry. Sure, I'll call for another plate... Did you eat anything today?"

Adolphine: "Sure, I ate my morning portion of concentrate. I have enough food for a year down there. But when I saw real food... It smells so good..."


Adolphine: "It was delicious, thank you very much. You know, I haven't eaten anything but concentrate for months..."

Goebbels: "You are welcome. Now, could you help me with something? The Führer wants to know everything about you, your World and the Hirn [1], but has little time to chat and wants a report, a summary. Would you write it down?"

[1] The whole system from underneath the Führerbunker had been called das Hirn (German for the Brain).

Adolphine: "Sure, anything for our beloved Führer!"


Adolphine: "Herr Goebbels..."

Goebbels: "Yes"

Adolphine: "Did the Holocaust actually happen?"

Goebbels: "I'm afraid I do not understand you... The holocaust? It must be a neologism."

Adolphine: "It's nothing, nevermind."