The avatar of the person above you is going to try to kill you.

Based on the fact that you're a symbol, and my luck in this thread in general, chances are you're the emblem of a group I know nothing about which can curbstomp Lucario ridiculously hard.
The trick is to get an avatar that's ridiculously powerful but also has an achilles heel you can get. That way you can win in both threads. Maybe some kind of god-lucario. Maybe this:
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Based on the fact that you're a symbol, and my luck in this thread in general, chances are you're the emblem of a group I know nothing about which can curbstomp Lucario ridiculously hard.
Yep, Gestalt consciousness that accidentaly-ed the entire galaxy. Sorry. As my title says, I am a miserable excuse for a human being.
I don't think bullets are enough to take that out, even if the Aperture Science turret's projectiles contain 65% more than usual and RED's have never been outsmarted.
*Runs back into the thread enthusiastically*
Hey guys, I changed my avatar, now Lucario has a Lucario-mech to go with him! I'm sure this'll improve my win ratio!
*Runs headfirst into [Insert Exalt Bullshit here] from the Unconquered Sun, dies*
funny thing is, they are not organic. if they turn up where mine cant summon i get derped.
Irritatingly, getting a mech has yet to help. I still lose against Doc Scratch, and while I can kill the Persona protags even easier now, I still can't deal with whatever logic bomb mind destroyer thing happens after. That said, I could probably just hide in my mech, not attack them, and wait 24 hours for them to despawn. What are their offensive capabilities like?
i have no idea who that is.

i also have myself eyestrain trying to read your wiki page. who are you?
Doc scratch. Near godlike power, semi-limited omniscience, teleportation and near-immortality. If you actually manage to kill me then I turn into an even more powerful, completely immortal, time traveling angel of double death.
Doc scratch. Near godlike power, semi-limited omniscience, teleportation and near-immortality. If you actually manage to kill me then I turn into an even more powerful, completely immortal, time traveling angel of double death.

ah so like my guys but the BS starts before yours is killed.
Well I am a girl with horns versus a first guardian.

Things do not go well.
Eh, just disintegrate the atmosphere. One Wish later with your domain gone, you dead, and a neat portal will take me somewhere safer.
Welp. Girl with horns, unless there's something I'm missing, gets more-or-less instakilled by the mech. Also, Mega Rayquaza, while certainly not an easy fight, is potentially doable.

Meanwhile an Epic level sorcerer joins the list of people who curbstomp me. Two steps forward, one step back...