Year 0: Obinna I
For a second time, work brings me to Amadioha-1, the main space station of the UWAS. Unlike before, however, the station serves not as a stopping point, but as the location of my prospective interview.

The station is far less crowded than the previous time. As the Colonization Fleet approaches, non-vital space traffic has gradually been brought to a halt, and Amadioha-1 now fulfills its secondary purpose- as a TGDF observation base. Rather than the usual throng of civilian contractors and tourists, I see scientists and TGDF members floating down the hallways.

Lieutenant Chinua Obinna greets me in the CIC of the station. Gaunt, almost skeletal, he nevertheless proves a lively individual as he gestures about the heart of Amadioha-1.

Q: Thank you for agreeing to talk to me, Lieutenant.

A: It's no problem. I know a lot of the older officers tend to be wary of journalists, but I think it's good to embrace our transparency policy. People need to be able to trust those in power, and times like these matter the most.

Q: I agree wholeheartedly. Now, let's get to the subject at hand. At what point were the procedures regarding the Colonization Fleet solidified?

A: A lot later than most people would think. It wasn't just because people were arguing about what to do, though I've heard there's was... is... a lot of arguing. It's mainly that our procedures are heavily reliant on available resources and technology, and that changes a lot more quickly than it does in other spheres. Fifteen years ago, we had fewer ships, fewer weapons... fewer everything. And the equipment we did have was of considerably lower performance.

Trust me, I know. I can still remember the freaky rattling the walls of our old tugs made when we turned the engines on. Nothing quite makes your testicles go up into your chest like feeling the fragile tin can, the only thing keeping you safe from dying a horrible and lonely death in the unforgiving vacuum of space, rattle like an old bus.

The biggest changes, I feel, came with the Homeward Bound project. The breakthroughs in engine technology meant that we could have warships capable of engaging in deep-space interception with the Fleet, and the laser we developed to push the Ramesses provided a comfortable buffer.

Q: A comfortable buffer?

A: Let me rephrase that. From the beginning, it was decided that regardless of what we did... do with the Fleet, we weren't simply going to destroy it. In case you forgot, that was, you know, a pretty big deal? Clinching the Schism and Armistice kinda big?

Still, we're kinda paranoid. It's our job. If someone in the Fleet got a whiff of the impactors used in the war, or just went bugfuck nuts hearing of what happened, and decided to accelerate... well, even blowing up the ship could mean there'd still be relativistic shrapnel heading to Earth. The laser provides a means of ablating the shrapnel away from the planet, in case of that nightmare scenario.

Q: How concerned were you of a relativistic strike from the Fleet?

A: Me? Not very. It's not just a civilian fleet, it's a Race civilian fleet. They had these kind of ships for millennia, and yet even their military forces didn't think of weaponizing them until they were exposed directly to such ideas. Meanwhile, we had sci-fi authors writing about the idea decades before we even made a fusion drive.

Command, however, is paranoid. Again, our job. We actually did drills on what would happen if the Fleet didn't decelerate, and instead started heading our way with intent to wipe out the planet.

He looks around, then leans in, as if worried about being overheard.

I know we're meant to be very transparent, but I also know that a lot of the brass probably wouldn't like me telling you this. Basically, the laser probably wouldn't be able to ablate all of the debris if a few starships decided to martyr themselves. Even a hunk of steel the size of your fist could pancake Lagos. One ship hitting us could have, like, thirty times the energy of Footfall.

If that's the case, then our fleet would be ordered to regroup at our bases on the other planets within the few years we'd have left. Some would try to help set up shop, preparing as large and as self-sufficient a colony as you can.

The rest... well, let's just say we'd use the laser to pay back the favor.

Q: How serious were these considerations?

A: Like I said, it was mainly just a scary thought exercise. And besides, it's no longer relevant. The Fleet decelerated, and it's too close to begin a proper acceleration. Of course, when I mean "close", I mean "they're passing the orbit of Neptune". That isn't stopping our fleet from intercepting them, though.

I don't know if proper communications have begun, since they might not have woken up yet. But you don't need to hear it from them to know that our situation's going to be a bit complicated.

Q: In what regard?

A: Interstellar travel definitely isn't as simple as point and go. Here, lemme show you.

He floats over to the control panel, and pulls up an image on one of the larger screens. In the picture, I can see a tight cluster of silvery objects, consisting of massive spheres with bullet-shaped bodies trailing behind, looking as though they are standing on pillars of flame.

Q: Is that the Colonization Fleet?

A: No, it's my gourd collection.


Joking aside, that's indeed the Fleet. This image is a composite, made of images taken by a few flybys we did and our Kuiper listening posts. The resolution on these photos are astounding- just five years ago these probably wouldn't have been possible.

Q: They look quite different from the Conquest Fleet ships.

A: It's the fuel tanks. Race ships have an absurd efficiency when it comes to fusion, which is always something that messes with my head when I think about how they still used floppy disks for a lot of stuff, but to get to that cruise velocity they still need a considerable fuel to mass ratio. The Conquest Fleet discarded them as they came in, which is why when they land they just look like bullets.

Not just fuel tanks, however. They also serve as protection from debris and radiation, along with the Whipple shielding and a beryllium coating that kinda goes over the bulbous part like an eggshell. They actually look a lot like the...

He grins and waggles his eyebrows.

Eggman starships?

Q: Enzmann starships, actually.

He frowns.

A: Damn. I thought I had a good joke there. In all due seriousness, though, the tanks demonstrate the issues at hand. Look at them.

He zooms in on one of the starships, pointing with a long finger to the fuel tank. Though slightly grainy, I can tell that the tank looks as though it has been sandblasted, with white striations and the occasional pockmark marring its normally silver appearance. A heavily-chewed disc seems to rise a little above the bulb.

That's all that's left of the Whipple shielding, and even the beryllium coat. Out there is some of the vacuum-iest vacuum to have ever vacuumed, as in a few atoms per cubic meter, and yet there was still enough interstellar medium to do that, just because of how fast they were going.

It's like I said. Interstellar travel is not easy, even for them. From Home to here, there was probably as much mass in their way as there is in a fart after you eat my mother's jollof rice, and it chewed these ships up. It's a miracle they didn't have any significant fuel loss from punctures to the tank. Hell, it's a miracle they got here in one piece, if you ask me.

Q: Then this is where the complications come from, I presume?

A: This is the crux, yes. Those tanks are useless, now. They'll have to discard them and get new ones if they want to seriously refuel, but there's still the issue of damage to radiators, and overall mechanical stresses. After all, they've been running nonstop for twenty years, or maybe a little less if you take time dilation into account.

Refueling alone would be tough. That's tens of millions of tons worth of fusion fuel we'd need to give them. And even if we could manage that quick enough, they'd still need new fuel tanks, some downtime so they can be extensively overhauled, and new shielding. If they were just refueled and sent back, I doubt any of them would make it. Whether their radiators break down, or the little shielding they have left fails and fleck of ice rips them open, they'd probably all die within the first light year.

That's the complexity I'm talking about. Even if we don't want them here, the Colonization Fleet isn't heading back to Home anytime soon.
I'm a little surprised that nobody has seemed to seriously contemplate sending the Colonization Fleet back. They've had a good long time to prepare in advance, and they should have had access to the broad strokes of the designs for Race interstellar ships from captured examples and questioning any Race engineers once a settlement had been agreed on. They ought to have been capable of building their own knockoff Colonization Fleet, so that when the Race one arrived they could transfer the colonists to new ships/cryotubes/etc. and just send them back on their way. It would be expensive, but it would be a fairly uncomplicated and pretty moral decision from an ethical standpoint. It would also have been a very strong signal that they weren't just going to murder all of the Race colonists when they arrived, which was enough of a factor towards political stability that it deserved mention, so it's not like there wouldn't be reasons other than ethics that could convince people to vote for major expenditures like that.

I can understand why it wouldn't end up being chosen (expense and not everyone wanting to cut the gordian knot of their arrival by having them leave), but the lack of it being mentioned as an option at all is surprising - especially when discussions of sending vessels to Home for other reasons are mentioned, so it's clearly within their capabilities to send at least some form of interstellar ship across that journey.
I'm a little surprised that nobody has seemed to seriously contemplate sending the Colonization Fleet back. They've had a good long time to prepare in advance, and they should have had access to the broad strokes of the designs for Race interstellar ships from captured examples and questioning any Race engineers once a settlement had been agreed on. They ought to have been capable of building their own knockoff Colonization Fleet, so that when the Race one arrived they could transfer the colonists to new ships/cryotubes/etc. and just send them back on their way. It would be expensive, but it would be a fairly uncomplicated and pretty moral decision from an ethical standpoint. It would also have been a very strong signal that they weren't just going to murder all of the Race colonists when they arrived, which was enough of a factor towards political stability that it deserved mention, so it's not like there wouldn't be reasons other than ethics that could convince people to vote for major expenditures like that.

I can understand why it wouldn't end up being chosen (expense and not everyone wanting to cut the gordian knot of their arrival by having them leave), but the lack of it being mentioned as an option at all is surprising - especially when discussions of sending vessels to Home for other reasons are mentioned, so it's clearly within their capabilities to send at least some form of interstellar ship across that journey.

Maybe its subconscious spite on the part of Earth?

Earth wants the Race to get the headaches, the worries about their colonists. Even at the cost of Earth's piece of mind.
They probably had an idea of it, but put those resources into rebuilding Earth, and building up the Sol System's infrastructure, which would be considered more important.
Maybe its subconscious spite on the part of Earth?

Earth wants the Race to get the headaches, the worries about their colonists. Even at the cost of Earth's piece of mind.
If we're going to get into the really cold-hearted realpolitik here, the colonization fleet represents a sufficiently large fraction of the Race's total manpower and economy that holding onto it "until the interstellar shields and tanking can be replaced" makes them very effective hostages against the Emperor doing something... rash when he gets the news or when the Rameses shows up.
Sorry for the long time away- Xi'an has no data, and I spent 15 hours on the overnight train.
They ought to have been capable of building their own knockoff Colonization Fleet, so that when the Race one arrived they could transfer the colonists to new ships/cryotubes/etc. and just send them back on their way.
Let's see... what would Earth rather want to dedicate an absurd amount of infrastructure, time, and resources towards- repairing the lingering damages from the war, colonizing the other planets in its solar system, creating a proper orbital infrastructure to ensure its growth continues, building and maintaining its defenses against other alien invasions... or making an interstellar fleet capable of launching 100 million across the void, just on the off-chance that they decide that's totally what they're gonna do?

Anyway, sorry I've been AFK for a bit. I was hoping to post a chapter today in time for the 50th anniversary of us landing on the Moon, but I spent all day gawking at the Terracotta Army instead. Whatcha gonna do?
Anyway, sorry I've been AFK for a bit. I was hoping to post a chapter today in time for the 50th anniversary of us landing on the Moon, but I spent all day gawking at the Terracotta Army instead. Whatcha gonna do?
Which is a shame, because say a chapter from a domed city on Luna, maybe Armstrong Dome would have been certainly appropriate. But exploring the history of another culture is in the spirit of exploration, and seeing unique things, is a fair reason to not post. And to read your story anyway is a privilege not a right, so you don't owe us anything.
Weird question, since I don't have access to the books in China- were Colonization Fleet ships also named? If so, what was the flagship named?
Audio Transcript - Transmission From United Nations Special Assembly to 198th Emperor Sstalak. November 3rd, 2041.
Audio Transcript - Transmission From United Nations Special Assembly to 198th Emperor Sstalak. November 3rd, 2041.

3/10, 2:02.12 [UN Special Assembly]:
"This is a transmission directed towards the Fleetlord of the Colonization Fleet. Transmitting this message is a representative assembly of the 190 sovereign nations of Earth, known to you as Tosev Three. Intercepting you are spacecraft of our own design. You are to remain on your present course to orbital insertion- any deviance from this course will not be tolerated. Do you comply?"

3/10, 3:39.23 [198th Emperor Sstalak]: "This is Reffet, Fleetlord of the Colonization Fleet, as decreed by the 42nd Emperor Risson. Though I have not personally met my contemporary in the Conquest Fleet, allow me to commend his sense of humor. It is certainly a warm welcome to our newest holding."

The translator rises from her seat, allowing Atvar to sit down in front of the interface.

3/10, 3:40.41 [UN Special Assembly]: "Reffet, this is Atvar, Fleetlord of the Conquest Fleet, as decreed by the 42nd Emperor Risson. If you had personally met me before coming here, you would know that I am not one to make a jest. Tosevite spacecraft are indeed on an intercept course, and should be there within five hours from the time you receive this message. I am sending the emergency verification code to assure you of my identity."

3/10, 4:26.39 [198th Emperor Sstalak]: "Exalted Fleetlord Atvar of the Conquest Fleet, what else could it be but a jest? Tosev Three has no industrial civilization. The natives should not be even capable of making primitive gunpowder, let alone spacecraft. Industrialized Tosevites... Utterly preposterous! I am making a note in my log of your gross misuse of emergency verification codes."

After a heated debate, it is ultimately decided that they will wait for another message from the Colonization Fleet.

3/10, 7:33:14 [198th Emperor Sstalak]: "Fleetlord Atvar, there are fifteen spacecraft approaching, but the flares of the drives don't match our specifications. Did the ships in your Fleet suffer any mechanical difficulties during the forty years here?"

3/10, 7:34.31 [198th Emperor Sstalak]: "By the Emperor."

3/10, 7:35.20 [UN Special Assembly]: "Reffet, do you acknowledge?"

3/10, 8:40.12 [198th Emperor Sstalak]: "This is Shiplord Tsestil. The Exalted Fleetlord is currently in the infirmary, recuperating from a nervous episode. I... I am currently in acting command of the Colonization Fleet. Exalted Fleetlord Atvar of the Conquest Fleet... Exalted Fleetlord... are we safe?"

3/10, 8:41.37 [UN Special Assembly]: "The Colonization Fleet will not be harmed by the peoples of Tosev Three, Shiplord Tsestil. There is much to inform you of. Put most succinctly, the war has... not arrived at an outcome favorable to the Race. Not only did Tosev Three, known as Earth by the inhabitants, undergo a technological development more rapid than previously conceived, but another spacefaring species attempted its own conquest at the same time. Both failed."

3/10, 9:02.22 [198th Emperor Sstalak]: "The Tosevite spacecraft have rendezvoused with the Fleet, and are maintaining a distance of 2000 kilometers from the perimeter. ...I must profess my concern, Exalted Fleetlord. Another spacefaring species, in addition to this madness regarding Tosev Three? This is a... security risk to Home."

3/10, 9:04.44 [UN Special Assembly]: "The other species, who designate themselves as the fithp, hail from Jarasev. However, they are no longer a threat- the population here represents the last of their species. You will be provided with a full data packet regarding the war and its aftermath. I advise that you study it as soon as possible, as to avoid lunging towards deceptive conclusions. We have enough problems for a hundred lifetimes, Shiplord. There is no need to fabricate more."

3/10, 9:05.11 [UN Special Assembly]: "Shiplord, this is the representative assembly of Earth's nations. You will establish yourself in orbit approximately 900 kilometers from the surface of the planet. Until an official decision has been reached, you will keep the colonists in hibernation."

3/10, 9:21.58 [198th Emperor Sstalak]: "It shall be done, Tosev... Earthev. However, I must inform you that select specialist colonists have already been awakened from coldsleep."

3/10, 9:23.51 [UN Special Assembly]: "Acknowledged. That issue will be discussed at a later time."

3/10, 9:42.34 [198th Emperor Sstalak]: "I... I understand. We are beginning the final course corrections."

3/10, 9:44.16 [UN Special Assembly]: "Our ships will ensure that you enter orbit as directed. For your own safety, do not deviate from your course. There should be no orbital infrastructure that poses a hazard."

Communications take on a lull, primarily technical data as the Fleet updates its trajectory and confirms with the UN.

3/10, 19:06.00 [198th Emperor Sstalak]: "The final burn has been completed. We are now in orbit."

3/10, 19:06:09 [UN Special Assembly]: "Acknowledged. On behalf of the 190 sovereign nations of this world, both human and fithp... welcome to Earth."
Well. Those poor Race bastards. They are about to be introduced to the concept of diplomacy and/or prostitution. Also rape and abortion as concepts with with an almost eldritch twist of scale. I'm going to assume that as ordered as their culture is they know what contraception is at least in some parts of society for the purpose of population control if nothing else. Let's not forget that ginger drives Race females into estrus and with that drives Race males into heat. I look forward to how you will handle the rapid series of very large atomic explosions that is going to be the Race Society discovering the experience of both constant/personally regulated reproductive cycles and recreational sex.

Edit: Made this post read less psychopathic.
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I'll just ignore that. I do have to wonder though, what is earth going to do with all the ships? If they won't be used to send anyone back then there's not much reason not to just scrap them for resources, though converting them to more military ships is also plausible, as is using them to expand interplanetary hauling.
Yeah, I think I need to bleach my eye turrets after reading the fourth sentence in Dmol8's post. To quote Reffet from my own post:

"By the Emperor."

This is Sufficient Velocity and you are the author who has already written about a lot of ugly stuff that comes from war and sudden cultural disruption in this very story. So if anybody has the skill to explore the whole ginger causes Estrus thing completely with any sort of tact fully it would be you. If you don't want to fair enough, but come on this isn't most of the net where such a topic being fully explored would inevitably end up near either daemonculaba or boat ending in category (Or both. Both is an option unfortunately.) of grimderp if touched.

So no I don't want an edgy 13-year old's take on this. I would like to see the cultural and ideological responses to the new ginger situation the same way you did them for the ginger is a drug situation in the previous thread.
So no I don't want an edgy 13-year old's take on this. I would like to see the cultural and ideological responses to the new ginger situation the same way you did them for the ginger is a drug situation in the previous thread.
I'm already fully intending on covering that, but the way you phrased it was kinda… nope-y. When has anyone wanted to read the term "rape on an unimaginable scale" before?
I'm already fully intending on covering that, but the way you phrased it was kinda… nope-y. When has anyone wanted to read the term "rape on an unimaginable scale" before?

Ah. My bad. I'll go and edit that post to be less psychopathic then.

Edit: Less psychopathic post edit made.
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I think the fleet is moving too fast, possibly contradicting previously stated concerns about the fleet being a KKV hazard. The light lag between exchanges drops from 1.6 hours (1.7 E9 km, 0.5 E9 km outside of closest distance to Saturn) to realtime in under 17 hours, indicating an initial speed of more than 0.1 c. Couldn't the UN have placed Atvar and its representatives aboard an intercepting ship to cut down on light lag and ascertain the compliance of the Colonization Fleet sooner?

Audio Transcript - Transmission From United Nations Special Assembly to 198th Emperor Sstalak. November 3rd, 2041.

3/10, 2:02.12 [UN Special Assembly]

[~1.6 hours light lag]
3/10, 3:39.23 [198th Emperor Sstalak]

3/10, 3:40.41 [UN Special Assembly]

[~45 minutes light lag]

3/10, 4:26.39 [198th Emperor Sstalak]


3/10, 8:41.37 [UN Special Assembly]
[~20 minutes light lag]

3/10, 9:02.22 [198th Emperor Sstalak]
[~2 minutes light lag]
3/10, 9:04.44 [UN Special Assembly]

3/10, 19:06.00 [198th Emperor Sstalak]: "The final burn has been completed. We are now in orbit."
3/10, 19:06:09 [UN Special Assembly]: "Acknowledged. On behalf of the 190 sovereign nations of this world, both human and fithp... welcome to Earth."
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The light lag between exchanges drops from 1.6 hours (1.7 E9 km, 0.5 E9 km outside of closest distance to Saturn) to realtime in under 17 hours, indicating an initial speed of more than 0.1 c.
The time listed with the Sstalak is not the time it receives the message, but rather the time its reply reaches Earth. This means that during the initial communication, the message round-trip was 1.6 hours, which means that the Fleet was 48 light minutes away from Earth. The math is still a bit wonky, so I'm gonna fix it, but it's not as bad as you claim.

Anyway, does anyone think there should be a tropes page for this fic, like with its predecessor?
The time listed with the Sstalak is not the time it receives the message, but rather the time its reply reaches Earth. This means that during the initial communication, the message round-trip was 1.6 hours, which means that the Fleet was 48 light minutes away from Earth. The math is still a bit wonky, so I'm gonna fix it, but it's not as bad as you claim.

Anyway, does anyone think there should be a tropes page for this fic, like with its predecessor?
And that's a consequence of living in a civilization that doesn't spacefare long distances regularly - I forget that light has to go both ways.
Idea: you know how Race military technology was more or less equivalent to Earth by the time of writing but way ahead of the combatants of WW2? How advanced would the race be to have a similar leg up on modern Earth, or if you want to be parallelistic like Turtledove, 2042 Earth during WW4? :wink: