That's my point. Nimal Pak seems in a blatantly worse starting position than Assilia as a colony.
It's going to outproduce Assilia eventually just due to astrographics, but it's not stated to become profitable faster.
And since we don't even have Assilia completed as a benchmark for how long it takes a colony to become self-sustaining.
This isn't true.Virani has been preparing Nimal Pak's system for colonization for years, and it is set to dramatically increase profit when that actually starts:
Virani only got to Nimal Pak infrastructure in Year 18.One. Year. Ago.
And she has been investing in mining infrastructure. In space.
Terrestrial infrastructure is a different matter.
Which is not producing cash while it's being invested in Nimal Pak. We went into this.The tens of thousands of credits would all come out of the FDO's budget, which we have sitting at 70k, and the colony would not be the same size or scale as on Assilia:
Furthermore, Assilia is literally next door, less than twelve hours journey.
Nimal Pak is a week or so travel, possibly more IIRC. Even with fewer people, it's running costs are going to be higher .
It's supposed to START that way, sure. It's also meant to grow. You know, like colonies do.It is explicitly intended to be a similar size and scale as a normal mining outpost. It is explicitly supposed to take a similar amount of time to set up. The differences are that it takes more money to start, it takes more labor, its existence actively improves every other mining colony in the system, and it gets even better over time.
And while it grows, it's going to need to be supported. And the money the FDO spends there, isn't spent elsewhere.
TANSTAAFL. There Ain't No Such Thing As A Free Lunch.
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