Voting is open
[X] Plan Damocles

--[X] The immediate release of Virmirean merchants from Lystheni territory (civilians released as a precondition of continued negotiations).
--[X] Full disclosure of Lystheni history and society, including their origins and the nature of their animosity towards the Citadel (Lystheni forced to stop being cagey).
--[X] The resumption of trade, this time on Virmirean terms (resumed trade relations with an open market, economically subordinating the Lystheni to you and proving far more profitable than the previous, protectionist agreement).
--[X] Full Lystheni commitment to the Rachni War effort (all Lystheni military assets placed under your command).
--[X] Full disclosure and surrender of the stations in Sikel in violation of the Virmire-Lystheni Border Treaty (get the artifacts and the stations on which they sit, along with experimental records).
--[X] A Lystheni-funded network of your best observation posts throughout Lystheni space (become Big Sister on the Lystheni's dime).
-[X] Leverage
--[X] A continued complete trade embargo (what it says).
--[X] The dissolution of the Virmire-Lystheni Border Treaty and a complete blockade of Lystheni space (claim the LBZ and put defense platforms in every system to make sure that nothing passes).
--[X] War (make your implicit threat explicit).
-[X] Concessions
--[X] A general withdrawal of military forces (stand down the 3rd RWF).
--[X] The release of captured Lystheni intelligence operatives in Virmirean space (give back their spies).
That's how this vote is supposed to be formatted. Poptart already addressed this issue:
read what said, and that's just stupid, as the only viable vote then is all the options, with nothing excluded. which results in the same vote/plan down the line, just forwarded one post forward.
that makes no sense what so ever.
Ease back on the hostility, folks.
As Kirai has just pointed out, the Lystheni do not so much resemble a government as a cult. They are not ruling over poor, oppressed citizens who will greet us as liberators. Given what we know of their operations, their entire citizenry basically has to be indoctrinated (NB: probably not the Reaper kind) for their society to even function. So yes, I am assuming that the citizenry will resist our occupation. If you have any credible evidence that they will not, I invite you to present it.

I am also, yes, assuming that there are options here which are not war. If we thought war was the only way forward we'd have been better served launching an undeclared strike immediately. We voted to try diplomacy, so let's fucking try it.

Finally: you will note that while we were able to supply the research team with their requested assets, eyebrows were raised at that request. It was not a trivial effort. Not an impediment to the war effort currently, no, but also a smaller commitment than the Lystheni will require. After all, you were earlier arguing for the deployment of tens of millions of soldiers, not the mere hundreds of thousands you cited just now.

Fortunately, this last point is one we should be able to resolve with facts. @PoptartProdigy how much effort do our advisers expect it would take us to deploy the forces necessary to secure Lystheni space and hold it, assuming we were to go to war with them with the intent of full conquest?
Fairly significant. As noted in the Status Screen, due to decades of neglect born of lack of necessity, your Army cannot even reliably deploy beyond Virmire. It was not intended to at founding, and improving it is an unjustifiable expense when your navy still needs fixing. So deploying like this involves seconded naval transports and logistics, with an army not designed for foreign deployments.
@PoptartProdigy - does our intelligence advisor has an idea how much the Lystheni could hurt us if they go on a holy crusade?
Your naval strength estimate hasn't changed, if that's what you're asking.
read what said, and that's just stupid, as the only viable vote then is all the options, with nothing excluded. which results in the same vote/plan down the line, just forwarded one post forward.
that makes no sense what so ever.
Next update is going to see the Lystheni presenting their demands, and nothing more. You're presenting nothing. This is the list Mira has in mind as she walks in the door. The only thing that might come up is the civilian release precondition, if it's in the winning plan. You get to decide how to format the rest of the list once you hear what the Lystheni are asking. You can go ahead and commit yourself to an action plan before gaining that information, though, if you really want. I'll have fun writing that.
Next update is going to see the Lystheni presenting their demands, and nothing more. You're presenting nothing. This is the list Mira has in mind as she walks in the door. The only thing that might come up is the civilian release precondition, if it's in the winning plan. You get to decide how to format the rest of the list once you hear what the Lystheni are asking. You can go ahead and commit yourself to an action plan before gaining that information, though, if you really want. I'll have fun writing that.
So, if we had something like this in mind:
I might even be willing to guarantee Lystheni independence, depending on what they did; the generation that fled from the Citadel is almost certainly all dead by now, given average salarian lifespans, so it's going to be an easier sale to the Citadel anyway. Might consider coupling that to a Marshall Plan type plan, where Virmireans are on the ground helping build their infrastructure to civilian standards.
.. would we need to include the corresponding concessions in the winning plan now? Or, could we still come back to this later in the negotiations without including it now?
Next update is going to see the Lystheni presenting their demands, and nothing more. You're presenting nothing. This is the list Mira has in mind as she walks in the door. The only thing that might come up is the civilian release precondition, if it's in the winning plan. You get to decide how to format the rest of the list once you hear what the Lystheni are asking. You can go ahead and commit yourself to an action plan before gaining that information, though, if you really want. I'll have fun writing that.

exactly, making this whole vote completely pointless, given the only real option at this point is to take ALL the options. There is no sane other choice, all the options must remain on the table until the actual negotiation starts. there is no need for a plan nor any need for player imput needed at this point.
Next update is going to see the Lystheni presenting their demands, and nothing more. You're presenting nothing. This is the list Mira has in mind as she walks in the door. The only thing that might come up is the civilian release precondition, if it's in the winning plan. You get to decide how to format the rest of the list once you hear what the Lystheni are asking. You can go ahead and commit yourself to an action plan before gaining that information, though, if you really want. I'll have fun writing that.
I cannot help but feel this vote was rather pointless.
Next update is going to see the Lystheni presenting their demands, and nothing more. You're presenting nothing. This is the list Mira has in mind as she walks in the door. The only thing that might come up is the civilian release precondition, if it's in the winning plan. You get to decide how to format the rest of the list once you hear what the Lystheni are asking. You can go ahead and commit yourself to an action plan before gaining that information, though, if you really want. I'll have fun writing that.

So is this vote us outlining what we want before we go into the meeting and what we will do to achieve it then?
Okay, so, we are going to a short victorious war, as all plans include 'no way' break points for the Lystheni. Are we setting up reeducation camps for the cultists or go directly for terminal solutions?

I don't think it's terminal solutions. At most, we're going to deprive them of all space assets and keep them grounded to one world, space is a big place. Hopefully, this world will be devoid of any natural resources that can be used to start a space program. Ideally, a natural prison world in a star system like Alcatraz from which there is no escape. We will continue to monitor their movements from space of course. I don't think anyone wants to start a reeducation program - waste of time and money.
I was more thinking along the lines of terror campaign, pirate activity and (also naval) suicide runs.
That is very difficult to estimate even when you haven't been completely shut out of of their culture. At a guess, there's a limit to how much they can do with the population disparity at play and the level of political capital to maintain a long deployment you have, although maintaining an expeditionary force is, as mentioned, going to be tricky even without the Lystheni's input.
So, if we had something like this in mind:

.. would we need to include the corresponding concessions in the winning plan now? Or, could we still come back to this later in the negotiations without including it now?
Fair point.

Hey, @uju32, to clarify, this vote is about you deciding what you are ultimately prepared to accept or demand, and what is simply off the table. You're determining your shopping list, in other words. if it's something you'd be prepared to concede, put it in concessions.
exactly, making this whole vote completely pointless, given the only real option at this point is to take ALL the options. There is no sane other choice, all the options must remain on the table until the actual negotiation starts. there is no need for a plan nor any need for player imput needed at this point.

I cannot help but feel this vote was rather pointless.
Not so:
So is this vote us outlining what we want before we go into the meeting and what we will do to achieve it then?
You are defining what Mira has decided she wants. That is meaningful information for me in how I write the update and how Mira conducts herself. For instance, if the first words out of the Dalatrass's lips are, "we demand Virmirean protection," and that's a concession you're prepared to make, Mira's reply, by virtue of not being an immediate rejection, will indicate that she is prepared to consider it under some circumstances, thereby giving the Dalatrass information. Furthermore, given that one of the options is explicitly noted as a precondition to further negotiations, that is crucial information, so if you don't want to walk away or else look toothless if the Lystheni refuse to release your people, you may want not to include that option.

Voting for everything is certainly a valid option, but it does means that you might end up seeing Mira negotiating fervently for something you do not in fact want.
Okay, so, we are going to a short victorious war, as all plans include 'no way' break points for the Lystheni. Are we setting up reeducation camps for the cultists or go directly for terminal solutions?

Be very careful a short victorious war is one of the more dangerous of human illusions.
@PoptartProdigy ... The trouble is, if we expect the Dalatrass to be capable of surprising us with her demands, and it would be folly of us not to expect that, how Mira reacts isn't just a question of the list of things Mira MIGHT be willing to give the Lystheni.

We can, with a little difficulty, agree on what we want from the Lystheni. We can agree on what sticks we're willing to threaten with, and what carrots we're willing to offer in principle under at least SOME conditions.

But we cannot possibly make a sane attempt to precommit to which carrots we're willing to give out, without talking about the relationship between which of those carrots we give out, and which concessions the Lystheni make.

For example, if the Lystheni ask to simply join Virmire society (unlikely but let's roll with it), we'd want to make a certain set of conditions. Like "okay, but we demand that you do XYZ, allow us to sweep all your stuff for traps and bugs, et cetera." If the Lystheni ask for access to a certain planet, we'd be willing to grant it under different conditions. And so on.

On the other side of the equation, if the Lystheni reveal they have a secret supernova weapon pointed at Virmire's sun, it would significantly change the carrot/stick calculations and Mira's list of "things I am willing to do" would be apt to evolve very rapidly in one way or another.

The price the Lystheni have to pay is inherently tied up in the nature of what they want. Just as the price we have to pay is tied up with what we want.


So it's a bit unclear to me how we can accurately represent Mira's mindset going into these negotiations as a laundry list of things she'd purely hypothetically be willing to concede to the Lystheni, without the context of when or why she'd make those concessions.


Another problem is that the Lystheni have so many terminal break points it's hard to figure out a plan that gives us a workable modus vivendi with them without crossing one or more of those break points.

I mean, just telling us why they're even here is a terminal break point for them, which is just about unprecedented in the history of Earthly nations and in most of science fiction, for example. How do you negotiate peaceful coexistence with someone who won't even answer the question "so, what are you guys up to with all this stuff that looks like it miiiiight be pointed at the back of our heads during our war for survival?"

All in all, they're kind of terrible neighbors, and their most firmly defended prerogative (total secrecy) makes it very hard to trust them to keep up their side of a bargain. If they'd just unbend enough that we could be reasonably confident they were dealing with us in good faith, there'd be a lot more room for coexistence.

Can they do that? I don't know. They seem to have been an isolated commune of fanatics for so long that it's interfering with their ability to think coherently about the outside galaxy and how to interact with it.

[Which incidentally we may want to view as a cautionary tale ourselves]
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Inserted tally
Adhoc vote count started by Miner249er on Feb 24, 2018 at 11:15 AM, finished with 11143 posts and 39 votes.

  • [X] Plan Damocles
    -[x] Demands
    --[X] The immediate release of Virmirean merchants from Lystheni territory (civilians released as a precondition of continued negotiations).
    --[x] Full disclosure of Lystheni history and society, including their origins and the nature of their animosity towards the Citadel (Lystheni forced to stop being cagey).
    --[x] The resumption of trade, this time on Virmirean terms (resumed trade relations with an open market, economically subordinating the Lystheni to you and proving far more profitable than the previous, protectionist agreement).
    --[x] Full Lystheni commitment to the Rachni War effort (all Lystheni military assets placed under your command).
    --[x] Full disclosure and surrender of the stations in Sikel in violation of the Virmire-Lystheni Border Treaty (get the artifacts and the stations on which they sit, along with experimental records).
    --[X] A Lystheni-funded network of your best observation posts throughout Lystheni space (become Big Sister on the Lystheni's dime).
    -[x] Leverage
    --[x] A continued complete trade embargo (what it says).
    --[X] The dissolution of the Virmire-Lystheni Border Treaty and a complete blockade of Lystheni space (claim the LBZ and put defense platforms in every system to make sure that nothing passes).
    --[X] War (make your implicit threat explicit).
    -[x] Concessions
    --[x] A general withdrawal of military forces (stand down the 3rd RWF).
    --[X] The release of captured Lystheni intelligence operatives in Virmirean space (give back their spies).
    [x] Plan Hammer Time
    -[x] Demands
    --[X] The immediate release of Virmirean merchants from Lystheni territory (civilians released as a precondition of continued negotiations).
    --[x] Full disclosure of Lystheni history and society, including their origins and the nature of their animosity towards the Citadel (Lystheni forced to stop being cagey).
    --[x] The resumption of trade, this time on Virmirean terms (resumed trade relations with an open market, economically subordinating the Lystheni to you and proving far more profitable than the previous, protectionist agreement).
    --[x] Full Lystheni commitment to the Rachni War effort (all Lystheni military assets placed under your command).
    --[x] Full disclosure and surrender of the stations in Sikel in violation of the Virmire-Lystheni Border Treaty (get the artifacts and the stations on which they sit, along with experimental records).
    --[X] A Lystheni-funded network of your best observation posts throughout Lystheni space (become Big Sister on the Lystheni's dime).
    -[x] Leverage
    --[x] A continued complete trade embargo (what it says).
    --[X] The dissolution of the Virmire-Lystheni Border Treaty and a complete blockade of Lystheni space (claim the LBZ and put defense platforms in every system to make sure that nothing passes).
    --[X] A commitment to allowing the Citadel unfettered passage through Virmirean space in dealing with the Lystheni however they please (promise to let the Citadel do what they like to the Lystheni when the time comes).
    --[X] War (make your implicit threat explicit).
    -[x] Concessions
    --[x] Allow Lystheni citizens not involved in espionage operations to return to Lystheni space.
    --[x] Allow Lystheni to retain claimed systems.
    --[x] Return Lystheni equipment in disassembled and sanitized manner so they may be rebuilt.
    [X] Plan Aggressive Negotiations
    -[x] Demands
    --[X] The immediate release of Virmirean merchants from Lystheni territory (civilians released as a precondition of continued negotiations).
    --[x] Full disclosure of Lystheni history and society, including their origins and the nature of their animosity towards the Citadel (Lystheni forced to stop being cagey).
    --[x] Full disclosure and surrender of the stations in Sikel in violation of the Virmire-Lystheni Border Treaty (get the artifacts and the stations on which they sit, along with experimental records).
    --[X] A Lystheni-funded network of your best observation posts throughout Lystheni space (become Big Sister on the Lystheni's dime).
    -[x] Leverage
    --[X] The dissolution of the Virmire-Lystheni Border Treaty and a complete blockade of Lystheni space (claim the LBZ and put defense platforms in every system to make sure that nothing passes).
    --[X] A commitment to allowing the Citadel unfettered passage through Virmirean space in dealing with the Lystheni however they please (promise to let the Citadel do what they like to the Lystheni when the time comes).
    --[X] War (make your implicit threat explicit).
    -[x] Concessions
    --[x] The resumption of trade on the Lystheni's terms (give them their lifeline back).
    --[x] A general withdrawal of military forces (stand down the 3rd RWF).
    --[X] The release of captured Lystheni intelligence operatives in Virmirean space (give back their spies).
    [X] Plan Soft Touch
    -[x] Demands
    --[x] Full disclosure of Lystheni history and society, including their origins and the nature of their animosity towards the Citadel (Lystheni forced to stop being cagey).
    --[x] Full Lystheni commitment to the Rachni War effort (all Lystheni military assets placed under your command).
    --[X] Write-In: A mutually-binding agreement to dimplomatically declare and allow cooperative and unrestricted access to all archaeological finds, be they Prothean or other, from this point forward and retroactively, to allow for joint examination and furthering of scientific research.
    -[x] Leverage
    --[x] A continued complete trade embargo (what it says).
    --[X] The dissolution of the Virmire-Lystheni Border Treaty and a complete blockade of Lystheni space (claim the LBZ and put defense platforms in every system to make sure that nothing passes).
    --[x] Allowing the resumption of trade, but no longer making terms a concern of the Virmirean government (cut your trading companies off the leash and stop telling them to play nice with the Lystheni's terms).
    -[x] Concessions
    --[x] The resumption of trade on the Lystheni's terms (give them their lifeline back).
    --[x] A commitment to maintaining the sovereignty of the Lystheni state as a priority of Virmirean foreign policy (guarantee the Lystheni's independence).
    --[X] Permit the relocation of Lystheni installations in violation of the Virmire-Lystheni Border Treaty (let them have the artifacts and stations).
    --[x] A general withdrawal of military forces (stand down the 3rd RWF).
    --[X] The release of captured Lystheni intelligence operatives in Virmirean space (give back their spies).
    --[X] Write-In: An agreement to avoid military escalation on your part towards the Lystheni until and unless the Rachni threat is dealt with, provided the Lystheni promise the same; the agreement to be renewed upon final defeat of the Rachni.
    [X] [Plan] Core Interest
    -[x] Demands
    --[X] The immediate release of Virmirean merchants from Lystheni territory (civilians released as a precondition of continued negotiations).
    --[x] Full disclosure of Lystheni history and society, including their origins and the nature of their animosity towards the Citadel (Lystheni forced to stop being cagey).
    --[x] Full disclosure and surrender of the stations in Sikel in violation of the Virmire-Lystheni Border Treaty (get the artifacts and the stations on which they sit, along with experimental records).
    -[x] Leverage
    --[x] A continued complete trade embargo (what it says).
    --[x] Allowing the resumption of trade, but no longer making terms a concern of the Virmirean government (cut your trading companies off the leash and stop telling them to play nice with the Lystheni's terms).
    --[X] War (make your implicit threat explicit).
    -[x] Concessions
    --[x] The resumption of trade on the Lystheni's terms (give them their lifeline back).
    --[X] Economic support of Lystheni interests, working towards a common understanding and cooperation (pay them).
    --[x] A general withdrawal of military forces (stand down the 3rd RWF).
    --[X] The release of captured Lystheni intelligence operatives in Virmirean space (give back their spies).
    [X] Plan Dont be stoopid, stupid!
    -[x] Demands
    --[x] Full disclosure of Lystheni history and society, including their origins and the nature of their animosity towards the Citadel (Lystheni forced to stop being cagey).
    --[x] Full Lystheni commitment to the Rachni War effort (all Lystheni military assets placed under your command).
    --[x] Full disclosure and surrender of the stations in Sikel in violation of the Virmire-Lystheni Border Treaty (get the artifacts and the stations on which they sit, along with experimental records).
    -[x] Leverage
    --[x] A continued complete trade embargo (what it says).
    --[x] Allowing the resumption of trade, but no longer making terms a concern of the Virmirean government (cut your trading companies off the leash and stop telling them to play nice with the Lystheni's terms).
    -[x] Concessions
    --[x] The resumption of trade on the Lystheni's terms (give them their lifeline back).
    --[x] A commitment to maintaining the sovereignty of the Lystheni state as a priority of Virmirean foreign policy (guarantee the Lystheni's independence).
    --[x] A general withdrawal of military forces (stand down the 3rd RWF).
    -[x] Demands
    --[X] The immediate release of Virmirean merchants from Lystheni territory (civilians released as a precondition of continued negotiations).
    --[x] Full disclosure of Lystheni history and society, including their origins and the nature of their animosity towards the Citadel (Lystheni forced to stop being cagey).
    --[x] The resumption of trade, this time on Virmirean terms (resumed trade relations with an open market, economically subordinating the Lystheni to you and proving far more profitable than the previous, protectionist agreement).
    --[x] Full disclosure and surrender of the stations in Sikel in violation of the Virmire-Lystheni Border Treaty (get the artifacts and the stations on which they sit, along with experimental records).
    -[x] Leverage
    --[x] A continued complete trade embargo (what it says).
    --[X] The dissolution of the Virmire-Lystheni Border Treaty and a complete blockade of Lystheni space (claim the LBZ and put defense platforms in every system to make sure that nothing passes).
    --[X] War (make your implicit threat explicit).
    -[x] Concessions
    --[X] Economic support of Lystheni interests, working towards a common understanding and cooperation (pay them).
    --[x] A commitment to maintaining the sovereignty of the Lystheni state as a priority of Virmirean foreign policy (guarantee the Lystheni's independence).
    --[X] The release of captured Lystheni intelligence operatives in Virmirean space (give back their spies).
    [X] Plan: Dreadnought diplomacy
    -[x] Demands
    --[X] The immediate release of Virmirean merchants from Lystheni territory (civilians released as a precondition of continued negotiations).
    --[x] Full disclosure of Lystheni history and society, including their origins and the nature of their animosity towards the Citadel (Lystheni forced to stop being cagey).
    --[x] Full Lystheni commitment to the Rachni War effort (all Lystheni military assets placed under your command).
    --[x] Full disclosure and surrender of the stations in Sikel in violation of the Virmire-Lystheni Border Treaty (get the artifacts and the stations on which they sit, along with experimental records).
    -[x] Leverage
    --[X] The dissolution of the Virmire-Lystheni Border Treaty and a complete blockade of Lystheni space (claim the LBZ and put defense platforms in every system to make sure that nothing passes).
    --[X] Taking the Dalatrass as a hostage.
    --[X] War (make your implicit threat explicit).
    -[x] Concessions
    --[x] A commitment to maintaining the sovereignty of the Lystheni state as a priority of Virmirean foreign policy (guarantee the Lystheni's independence).
    [x] Plan: Initial round
    -[x] Demand 1
    --[X] The immediate release of Virmirean merchants from Lystheni territory (civilians released as a precondition of continued negotiations).
    ---[x] Leverage: War
    ---[x] Concession: A general withdrawal of military forces (stand down the 3rd RWF), half imidiatly on acceptance, the other half after the merchentsare returned.
    ---[x] Concession: The release of captured Lystheni intelligence operatives in Virmirean space (give back their spies), swaped at the same time the merchants are.
    -[x] Demand 2
    --[x] Full disclosure of Lystheni history and society, including their origins and the nature of their animosity towards the Citadel (Lystheni forced to stop being cagey). remind them that we will eventually get it from the Citadel when contact is restablished with them anyways.
    --[x] Leverage: Isolation and containment of Lystheni, containing the following
    ---[x] A commitment to allowing the Citadel unfettered passage through Virmirean space in dealing with the Lystheni however they please (promise to let the Citadel do what they like to the Lystheni when the time comes).
    ---[x] A continued complete trade embargo (what it says).
    ---[x] The dissolution of the Virmire-Lystheni Border Treaty and a complete blockade of Lystheni space (claim the LBZ and put defense platforms in every system to make sure that nothing passes).
    --[x] concession: None, other then Further negotiations. Though the end to the trade embargo is highly likely assuming there is no glaring problem with their history and society.
    [X] [Plan] Core Interest
    [x] Plan Hammer Time
    -[x] Demands
    --[X] The immediate release of Virmirean merchants from Lystheni territory (civilians released as a precondition of continued negotiations).
    --[x] Full disclosure of Lystheni history and society, including their origins and the nature of their animosity towards the Citadel (Lystheni forced to stop being cagey).
    --[x] The resumption of trade, this time on Virmirean terms (resumed trade relations with an open market, economically subordinating the Lystheni to you and proving far more profitable than the previous, protectionist agreement).
    --[x] Full Lystheni commitment to the Rachni War effort (all Lystheni military assets placed under your command).
    --[x] Full disclosure and surrender of the stations in Sikel in violation of the Virmire-Lystheni Border Treaty (get the artifacts and the stations on which they sit, along with experimental records).
    --[X] A Lystheni-funded network of your best observation posts throughout Lystheni space (become Big Sister on the Lystheni's dime).
    -[x] Leverage
    --[x] A continued complete trade embargo (what it says).
    --[X] The dissolution of the Virmire-Lystheni Border Treaty and a complete blockade of Lystheni space (claim the LBZ and put defense platforms in every system to make sure that nothing passes).
    --[X] A commitment to allowing the Citadel unfettered passage through Virmirean space in dealing with the Lystheni however they please (promise to let the Citadel do what they like to the Lystheni when the time comes).
    --[X] War (make your implicit threat explicit).
    [X] Plan Strong Pimp Hand
    [X] Plan Explanations or Blockade
    -[x] Demands
    --[x] Full disclosure of Lystheni history and society, including their origins and the nature of their animosity towards the Citadel (Lystheni forced to stop being cagey).
    --[x] Full disclosure and surrender of the stations in Sikel in violation of the Virmire-Lystheni Border Treaty (get the artifacts and the stations on which they sit, along with experimental records).
    -[x] Leverage
    --[x] A continued complete trade embargo (what it says).
    --[X] The dissolution of the Virmire-Lystheni Border Treaty and a complete blockade of Lystheni space (claim the LBZ and put defense platforms in every system to make sure that nothing passes).
    --[X] A commitment to allowing the Citadel unfettered passage through Virmirean space in dealing with the Lystheni however they please (promise to let the Citadel do what they like to the Lystheni when the time comes).
    -[x] Concessions
    --[x] The resumption of trade on the Lystheni's terms (give them their lifeline back).
    --[x] A commitment to maintaining the sovereignty of the Lystheni state as a priority of Virmirean foreign policy (guarantee the Lystheni's independence).
    --[X] Permit the relocation of Lystheni installations in violation of the Virmire-Lystheni Border Treaty (let them have the artifacts and stations).
    --[X] The release of captured Lystheni intelligence operatives in Virmirean space (give back their spies).
    --[x] Full disclosure of Lystheni history and society, including their origins and the nature of their animosity towards the Citadel (Lystheni forced to stop being cagey).
    --[x] Full disclosure and surrender of the stations in Sikel in violation of the Virmire-Lystheni Border Treaty (get the artifacts and the stations on which they sit, along with experimental records).
    [X] Plan Damocles
    --[X] The immediate release of Virmirean merchants from Lystheni territory (civilians released as a precondition of continued negotiations).
    --[x] Full disclosure of Lystheni history and society, including their origins and the nature of their animosity towards the Citadel (Lystheni forced to stop being cagey).
    --[x] The resumption of trade, this time on Virmirean terms (resumed trade relations with an open market, economically subordinating the Lystheni to you and proving far more profitable than the previous, protectionist agreement).
    --[x] Full Lystheni commitment to the Rachni War effort (all Lystheni military assets placed under your command).
    --[x] Full disclosure and surrender of the stations in Sikel in violation of the Virmire-Lystheni Border Treaty (get the artifacts and the stations on which they sit, along with experimental records).
    --[X] A Lystheni-funded network of your best observation posts throughout Lystheni space (become Big Sister on the Lystheni's dime).
    -[x] Leverage
    --[x] A continued complete trade embargo (what it says).
    --[X] The dissolution of the Virmire-Lystheni Border Treaty and a complete blockade of Lystheni space (claim the LBZ and put defense platforms in every system to make sure that nothing passes).
    --[X] War (make your implicit threat explicit).
    -[X] Concessions
    --[x] A general withdrawal of military forces (stand down the 3rd RWF).
    --[X] The release of captured Lystheni intelligence operatives in Virmirean space (give back their spies).
Based on PoptartProdigy's clarification of how concessions word, might I suggest adding
--[ ] A commitment to maintaining the sovereignty of the Lystheni state as a priority of Virmirean foreign policy (guarantee the Lystheni's independence).
to your plan, as it is something you were already willing to consider if they meet the rest of your demands?

I'd also suggest adding
--[ ] Economic support of Lystheni interests, working towards a common understanding and cooperation (pay them).
under the assumption that we can use it to bargain for a renegotiated trade agreement. We want the trade agreement mostly for the economic clout, not the income. If they stop abiding by our agreement in the future, we can cut off the funds that they'd have been relying on to purchase our products (after having lost their domestic industry), and would almost immediately face economic collapse.
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[X] Plan Damocles

Honestly this feels like it gets as close as possible to "ideal result" in this, if I may use the words of Udina, political shitstorm.
--[ ] A commitment to maintaining the sovereignty of the Lystheni state as a priority of Virmirean foreign policy (guarantee the Lystheni's independence).
to your plan, as it is something you are willing to consider if they meet the rest of your demands?
--[ ] Economic support of Lystheni interests, working towards a common understanding and cooperation (pay them).
We are not here to help them. We are not here to cut a deal or to negotiate a settlement. We are here to deliver an ultimatum. (And most likely declare war.)
We are not here to help them. We are not here to cut a deal or to negotiate a settlement. We are here to deliver an ultimatum. (And most likely declare war.)
This is not about the ultimatum. This about what options we want to take with us into the negotiations.
Like uju explained in the reasoning for his plan. IF we can come to an agreement with the Lystheni (Spy-satellites, warships, artifacts, trade,...) then guaranteeing their independence and offering a 'marshall plan' might acutally beneficial to us.
Should the Dalatrass not show any signs of acceding to our demands, than we will never bring those up.
This is not what we open up with. This is what we keep in our backpocket to sweeten the deal at the end of successful negotiations.
Well I know what I want and what I'm willing to conceed, but making plans is hard on phone and also I'm busy, but nobody else made a plan that matches :c

Short form, so ya'll can tell me if there's any shared interest:

Concessions: Privileged trade, protection from Citadel, freedom to roam and expand while under our management
Demands: Full disclosure, Annexation
Threats: Full war, Orbital bombardment if neccessary (see below)

Do not demand to have Virmirian merchants freed. Instead declare that any of our civilians who are killed will be repaid in kind, magnified. Otherwise, we'll limit our war targets to obvious military threats and blockades. Alternatively, prisoner exchange, our merchants for their spies.
Voting is open