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[ ][SALVAGE] No soldier left behind. You can't do everything for which you'd planned, but you can rush to get as many quarians out as possible. Past that, you can't responsibly risk it. Will need a moderate degree of delay.

[ ][SCREEN] In addition to the above, you will disperse your fleet's corvettes in a pair of clouds to foul all FTL solutions within an AU of your fleet or the relay, buying a significant amount of time if successful.

[ ][BESHKAR] If the Rachni can pull one fleet this size from nowhere, why not two? Who knows? You don't. Beshkar stays where he is.

[ ][HERO] Delaying actions like this fit the EC's mission statement, and finished or not, they've been activated along with everybody else just in case. Throw them at the delaying efforts. Commits Kurik's bonus to SCREEN actions.

I think throwing all our screening forces to cover retrieval of Quriaran sailors are acceptable, using the Hero has it's risk but there are enough other ships for shielding. The raider fleet will remain in place in case our main fleet got wiped.
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So it looks like we get to roll for a delay. On success we get the specified delay, on failure we get some kind of catastrophe.

Does a successful delay lose the screening force that's used to foul the FTL lane? IOW, are we sacrificing people to buy time or is there a chance the delaying force also gets away?
We are in no shape to fight them even with Beshkar right?
No. They have ten Dreadnoughts.

[ ][SALVAGE] No soldier left behind. You can't do everything for which you'd planned, but you can rush to get as many quarians out as possible. Past that, you can't responsibly risk it. Will need a moderate degree of delay.

Realistically, this is the only viable option. Anything else requires some extreme delaying action which will lose us ships and crew. Frankly, keeping our working ships active is more important than completely salvaging the quarian ships. However, quarian lives are extremely valuable and delaying for them is certainly worth it. There is that old saying that "a life is irreplaceable." The quarians will forgive us for destroying the salvage, they won't for letting their people die.

[ ][SCREEN] Picket forces from all in-system relays are to jump into position to foul multiple FTL approach corridors for the Rachni fleet, buying a moderate amount of time if successful.

Minimum, we need this option to complete "No soldier left behind." This is hilariously risky as a fleet could jump in from the other relays and we wouldn't be able to properly respond. More importantly, it leaves the Attican relay unguarded and we risk the rachni blockading us.

[ ][SCREEN] In addition to the above, you will disperse your fleet's corvettes in a pair of clouds to foul all FTL solutions within an AU of your fleet or the relay, buying a significant amount of time if successful.

If this option didn't come with the caveat of "In addition to the above" it would be much better. However, if we are picking the previous option, we might as well take this and make it easier on us.

[ ][BESHKAR] Okay, you know what the Hades Gamma fleet is doing. Attican Beta is safe. Call Beshkar through to guard this end of the NE-AB relay set, just in case.
[ ][BESHKAR] If the Rachni can pull one fleet this size from nowhere, why not two? Who knows? You don't. Beshkar stays where he is.

I'm actually unsure of this. We need that relay open, but at the same time, we can't really leave Attican uncontested.

[ ][HERO] Delaying actions like this fit the EC's mission statement, and finished or not, they've been activated along with everybody else just in case. Throw them at the delaying efforts. Commits Kurik's bonus to SCREEN actions.

We need this. I know it's risky for the EC, but we need Kurik's bonus. SCREEN absolutely has to succeed no matter what option we pick. More importantly, I would feel more comfortable leaving Beshkar where he is if we had the surety of Kurik's bonus.
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What two degrees of success? The roll was a 23 on a d100.

They one earlier were we rolled well on successfully reaching the quarian fleet. Which still got us a completely wrecked fleet needing further good rolls to save what hulls could be.

All I am saying is the former roll were to decide how well the Virmireans managed to do in reaching the Quarians. It felt more like a bare success, only a salvageable action if we rolled well on this.
[ ][SALVAGE] Game's up. To tarry risks both of our fleets. It's time to cut and run. Fall back to the relay, we're going home. Will retreat uncontested.
[ ][SALVAGE] Hammer down. You do not have the time to get those sailors clear. They're dead already. Make it quick and deny the Rachni that tech. Will need some degree of delay to avoid an engagement with the Rachni fleet.
[ ][SALVAGE] No soldier left behind. You can't do everything for which you'd planned, but you can rush to get as many quarians out as possible. Past that, you can't responsibly risk it. Will need a moderate degree of delay.
[ ][SALVAGE] Smash and grab. Get the sailors out, and then launch torpedoes. Bombard everything. Take the time to destroy anything without life signs attached. Will need a significant delay.
[ ][SALVAGE] Mission unchanged. Continue as you have. Go all-in on delaying the rachni or else you're fighting another fleet action today.
In the end each of these, will rely on what kind of SCREEN we are willing to risk.

[ ][SCREEN] All scouting and screening forces are to immediately retreat to the NE-AB relay. Buys no time.
[ ][SCREEN] The picket force at the NE-CR relay is to place itself to foul the Rachni fleet's jump solutions to your fleet or your relay. Force the Rachni to either engage or jump around, buying a little time either way if successful.
[ ][SCREEN] Picket forces from all in-system relays are to jump into position to foul multiple FTL approach corridors for the Rachni fleet, buying a moderate amount of time if successful.
[ ][SCREEN] In addition to the above, you will disperse your fleet's corvettes in a pair of clouds to foul all FTL solutions within an AU of your fleet or the relay, buying a significant amount of time if successful.
[ ][SCREEN] In fact, you'll deploy your frigates too. All of the delay...if successful.
Each one makes it harder for the Rachni to pull off a successful jump and attack. At the same time, they leave our fleet even more undefended.

[ ][BESHKAR] Okay, you know what the Hades Gamma fleet is doing. Attican Beta is safe. Call Beshkar through to guard this end of the NE-AB relay set, just in case.
If we look to SCREEN am (almost) one hundred percent behind this one. There's really no reason for the Rachni to bluff us by playing some sort of shell game with their fleets.
[ ][BESHKAR] If the Rachni can pull one fleet this size from nowhere, why not two? Who knows? You don't. Beshkar stays where he is.
On the other hand, maybe they got some sort of Thrawn-style Queen looking to draw away our fleet from Attican Beta so they can attack it unmolested. Paranoid? Of course.

So the question is how badly do we think our event roll is going to go next turn?

[ ][HERO] Delaying actions like this fit the EC's mission statement, and finished or not, they've been activated along with everybody else just in case. Throw them at the delaying efforts. Commits Kurik's bonus to SCREEN actions.
If we decide to SCREEN on the heavier side, I saw we bring in Kurik. We will need the bonus and at that point we will already be gambling at high risk.
[ ][HERO] No. The EC is still developing. If things go wrong, you could end up having to restart the whole project from scratch. Does not commit Kurik's bonus, does not risk loss of EC.
If we decide to play it more conservatively, go with this one. It will be a gamble for Kurik either way, but we won't be as reliant on his bonus.

In the end, I'm inclined to either do a bare-minimum SCREEN to cover a Hammer Down and pull out, or to go all in for either a Smash and Grab or Mission Unchanged.

My unreasonable paranoia is starting to get to me about Beshkar's fleet though. Do we think the Rachni are subtle?
[ ][SALVAGE] Hammer down. You do not have the time to get those sailors clear. They're dead already. Make it quick and deny the Rachni that tech. Will need some degree of delay to avoid an engagement with the Rachni fleet.

[ ][SCREEN] Picket forces from all in-system relays are to jump into position to foul multiple FTL approach corridors for the Rachni fleet, buying a moderate amount of time if successful.

[ ][BESHKAR] Okay, you know what the Hades Gamma fleet is doing. Attican Beta is safe. Call Beshkar through to guard this end of the NE-AB relay set, just in case.

[ ][HERO] Delaying actions like this fit the EC's mission statement, and finished or not, they've been activated along with everybody else just in case. Throw them at the delaying efforts. Commits Kurik's bonus to SCREEN actions.
[] Plan Save and grab
[ ][SALVAGE] Smash and grab. Get the sailors out, and then launch torpedoes. Bombard everything. Take the time to destroy anything without life signs attached. Will need a significant delay.
[ ][SCREEN] In addition to the above, you will disperse your fleet's corvettes in a pair of clouds to foul all FTL solutions within an AU of your fleet or the relay, buying a significant amount of time if successful.
[ ][BESHKAR] If the Rachni can pull one fleet this size from nowhere, why not two? Who knows? You don't. Beshkar stays where he is.
[ ][HERO] Delaying actions like this fit the EC's mission statement, and finished or not, they've been activated along with everybody else just in case. Throw them at the delaying efforts. Commits Kurik's bonus to SCREEN actions.

ok rescue everyone than destroy what is left. Using Kirk's bonus to buy time. Also keeping the raiding fleet where it is.
He's talking about the battle roll against the rachni to save the quarian fleet from the last post.
They one earlier were we rolled well on successfully reaching the quarian fleet. Which still got us a completely wrecked fleet needing further good rolls to save what hulls could be.

All I am saying is the former roll were to decide how well the Virmireans managed to do in reaching the Quarians. It felt more like a bare success, only a salvageable action if we rolled well on this.
I see. You dusted up with a fleet containing six dreadnoughts and lost none of your battlecruisers, and only one of the dreadnoughts that spent a significant amount of time fighting while heavily damaged and outnumbered before you arrived to the fight. And you lost it recoverably. That is...a very good result.
So it looks like we get to roll for a delay. On success we get the specified delay, on failure we get some kind of catastrophe.

Does a successful delay lose the screening force that's used to foul the FTL lane? IOW, are we sacrificing people to buy time or is there a chance the delaying force also gets away?
FTL computers won't plot a solution if there's an obstruction. Impact at FTL is a mutual kill for everybody involved. So using your screen to block approach corridors means the Rachni have to close to engage or jump around, far enough away that your blockers can't pick them up in enough time to block them again, vent heat, and then jump to your fleet or the relay. Either way, your ships will block the jump. A fail there means that the Rachni decide to go through rather than around, and your screen fails to hold the distance. Theoretically, you could go all-in on delaying and salvaging, and on a success, lose no ships due to denying the Rachni any kind of engagement while securing everything.

It depends on the success, mind.
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I say go with Hammer Down. It's a shame, but it's the safe choice. At least this way we'll be able to save some of the quarians.
I agree that the choice is either Hammer Down or Smash and Grab. The question is, do you feel lucky?

It's not about luck but how much we are willing to pay for the Quriarans. Of course my muse would be different if my roll was higher.

The smaller ships we can make in bulk and sailors are replenishing in sufficient numbers. So using those renewable to get the non-renewable Quriaran good will and political capital is good business.
[ ][SALVAGE] Smash and grab. Get the sailors out, and then launch torpedoes. Bombard everything. Take the time to destroy anything without life signs attached. Will need a significant delay.
[ ][SALVAGE] Mission unchanged. Continue as you have. Go all-in on delaying the rachni or else you're fighting another fleet action today.
Am I correct in assuming that what differentiates the latter is that we would attempt to tow even more Quarians ships back to AB? Or, is there something else we would try to achieve?
Am I correct in assuming that what differentiates the latter is that we would attempt to tow even more Quarians ships back to AB? Or, is there something else we would try to achieve?
The latter is that your mission is unchanged; as described in the winning vote, you try to retrieve, rather than destroy, everything. Down to the floating scrap.
It's not about luck but how much we are willing to pay for the Quriarans. Of course my muse would be different if my roll was higher.

The smaller ships we can make in bulk and sailors are replenishing in sufficient numbers. So using those renewable to get the non-renewable Quriaran good will and political capital is good business.
I think anything but fleeing immediately is going to invoke luck. From what I've seen the situation is something like:
  • Catastrophic failure: lose most delaying ships and get no delay.
  • Major failure: lose a lot of delaying ships and get very little delay.
  • Failure: lose some delaying ships and get reduced delay.
  • Success: lose some delaying ships and get the specified delay.
  • Major success: delaying ships survive and we get the specified delay.
  • Critical success: delaying ships survive and we get some bonus delay.
Which, if true, suggests we might not want to be completely precise in lining up our delay choice and our salvage choice.
I say go with Hammer Down. It's a shame, but it's the safe choice. At least this way we'll be able to save some of the quarians.
Look, I get that it is eminently practical, but it is cold as all fuck and won't engender good relations. Yes, their admiral and politicians will understand the logic of it, but it is still 56k quarians that died from our guns.
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