Ten Pounds of Gold: A Pro Wrestling Quest

So he can be visibly black but still have a pleasant interaction with Police in a Baltimore suburb while under suspicion of having committed assault and battery against a couple and their child in family restaurant?

GM made it an option, but it would seriously strain my suspension of disbelief.

I might be wrong, but I don't think Tommy ever actually interacted with the police? I thought he hid and Daybreak told them a pack of lies to cover for him. Could be wrong cos I don't feel like trawling through story posts to check atm.
Just checked, DriftEasy's(I nearly typed Danny) right, Tommy never interacted with the cops. Daybreak handled it. Also, those people were known nuances. Cops don't tend to take people like that seriously and will warn each other about them.

And changing my vote because why the hell not. We're not here to avoid Drama, we're here to have fun.


(As a side note, the best beer I ever had was a Czech Pilsner. But yeah, every culture that drinks has bars. And my favorite restaurant was a Brazilian Steak House. God, the skewers full of chicken hearts...)
@Yeangst, you're kind of stepping into a spotlight of arguing against any possibility of the PC being non-European. Maybe dial back down a step or two?
@Yeangst, you're kind of stepping into a spotlight of arguing against any possibility of the PC being non-European. Maybe dial back down a step or two?
I'm saying that his race hasn't come up in the quest. And the only people for whom
race doesn't come up are white people.

So yes that's exactly what I'm arguing. If he weren't white, then a great deal of his past interactions will cease to make sense. The character was designed and named with the unconscious and understanding that he 's white. Sure it was never mentioned, but for people of color living in America, race is an integral part of their identity whether they like it or not.

And I wasn't the one proposing all sort of implausible racial gimmicks.
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I'm saying that his race hasn't come up in the quest. And the only people for whom
race doesn't come up are white people.

So yes that's exactly what I'm arguing. If he weren't white, then a great deal of his past interactions will cease to make sense. The character was designed and named with the unconscious and understanding that he 's white. Sure it was never mentioned, but for people of color living in America, race is an integral part of their identity whether they like it or not.

And I wasn't the one proposing all sort of implausible racial gimmicks.
40% of Brazil is white. 40. Not mixed, not black, white. But did you really have to bring indentity for this? Really? And no its not. Like, are you seriously saying your SoD will be broken because he didn't suffer racism or someone didn't remind him what his race was?
I'm saying that his race hasn't come up in the quest. And the only people for whom
race doesn't come up are white people.

So yes that's exactly what I'm arguing. If he weren't white, then a great deal of his past interactions will cease to make sense. The character was designed and named with the unconscious and understanding that he 's white. Sure it was never mentioned, but for people of color living in America, race is an integral part of their identity whether they like it or not.

And I wasn't the one proposing all sort of implausible racial gimmicks.

If your entire argument is that Tommy can't be a minority because he hasn't spent dozens of updates bitching about race relations in the United States of America then your expectations of this quest are far and away from every other player in it.
Alright people. See that? That's the edge. This is me backing away from it as I can. Running, if possible, and before you ask, yes I can run backwards.

In other news: LOOK! A TALLY!

Vote Tally : Original - Ten Pounds of Gold: A Pro Wrestling Quest | Page 67 | Sufficient Velocity
##### NetTally 1.7.5

[X] Brazilian
No. of Votes: 16

[X] German
No. of Votes: 9

[X] Israeli
No. of Votes: 7

[x] Spanish
No. of Votes: 3

[X] American (Black)
No. of Votes: 3

[x] Canadian
No. of Votes: 1

[X] Japanese
No. of Votes: 1

[X] Australian
No. of Votes: 1

[X] Hispanic
No. of Votes: 1

Total No. of Voters: 42

Vote closes in two hours, at 8 PM EST.
A little omake I've just finished writing, so it may have a few errors. I haven't mentioned Tommy's race or his father's nationality in case the vote changes. I wanted to write about Tommy's first show, but changed my mind in the end.

"Now son, I expect you to behave." you nod, trying to get away from your father. You could hardly believe what was happening. You'd expected to be shouted at, to get in a lot of trouble after breaking Derek's nose, but your parents had told you that they thought the school had done enough.

"Are you listening to me?" You quickly switch focus to your father, who's trying to hide a smile. "Your mother went to a lot of trouble for this. No matter what happens, I want you to be respectful of your teacher and not cause any trouble." Why would you cause any trouble? You were going to learn how to wrestle! You debated which move you wanted to learn first. If Derek gave you any more trouble, you'd pull a Final Calling and shut him up good.

Maybe you'd follow it up with a Shooting Star. It looks difficult, too difficult to learn in just one class, but you're sure you can do it with enough practice.

"Now go out there, your teacher's waiting for you!" Your father pretends to tear up, pulling out a handkerchief. You leave him behind, ignoring him with ease, used to his attempts to embarrass you.

"My little Pitbull, all grown up!" You quicken your pace and enter the ring. You're not too sure about what you're wearing, but you're too excited to care. The second sign that things aren't right is the weird ring. It's a circle and it's got no ropes. Still, you're only just starting so of course you're not going to have access to the ring straight away.

Mr. Peters is a thick heavy set man, but you don't like the way he teaches. He starts with a short introduction, and has you start with what he calls 'the basics'. You promised your father you'd behave but it's a close thing. You're laid down on the mat, with another boy who introduced himself as Brian on top of you, squashing your breath out of your lungs.

You take in a deep breath as Brian gets off you. You glare at your father who's smiling at you. You don't like that smile. Before Mr. Peters starts talking again, you raise your hand. He looks at you and gives a short nod.

"Martin? Do you have a question?" You nod and think about how you want to phrase it.

"Mmm… when are we going to learn how to do other stuff? Like spinebusters, or DDTs?" You're proud of yourself. You were respectful, and didn't ask for any complicated stuff, like the Shooting Star. Mr. Peters doesn't look too happy though.

"I am here to teach how to wrestle. What I am teaching you here is wrestling. What you see on TV, on WPW and UWC is not wrestling." You don't know what to say. You want to say something but Mr. Peters is not finished. "That is all. If you don't like that, you can leave."

You're tempted to leave. You should have known it was too good to be true. Your father's good mood makes sense now. This is your punishment. If you leave, you'll disappoint mom. You don't want to do that. So, very reluctantly, you stay put exactly where you are.

Maybe you'll learn something from these lessons. If not, you'll quit in a few weeks. For now, you focus on planning revenge on your father. You won't let him get away with this.
So yes that's exactly what I'm arguing. If he weren't white, then a great deal of his past interactions will cease to make sense. The character was designed and named with the unconscious and understanding that he 's white.
I don't even

A lot of people just assume that a character is a person and take the story at face value for given interactions. Inferring background is great and all, but sticking to that is potentially problematic when you're proven wrong or are made to be wrong by the consensus of the people making choices. I had a thing where I thought for most of Worm that Tattletale was a black girl with blonde dreadlocks and I was really confused when I first saw fanart of her. But, you know, I said, alright, I guess that's that, nevermind my initial thoughts on the matter.

Sure it was never mentioned, but for people of color living in America, race is an integral part of their identity whether they like it or not.
This can be and can not be true. The guy doesn't have to call people his eses or speak like a jive turkey. The people around him don't have to peg him as "the black dude" or "the Jew" of the group. Here's the contexts we've had Tommy in:
  • Being in the wide world outside and mostly ignoring people around him as he kind of goes about doing his thing. Mostly ignoring people around him because it's all means to an end which is his career (job, exercise, making his way to Daybreak). If someone is being a dick, he doesn't pay them any mind.
  • Being a wrestler: in a community where everyone is fighting for their piece of the pie, or surrounded by enthusiasts. We're in Baltimore, not Western Virginia; in a professional context, it's irrelevant if he's a minority.
  • Reminiscing about his past. He's from the Northeast, he went to school, he's a big fan of wrestling. He got into a fight at a school trip once. This could be anyone, even you or me!
We've never had Tommy described as something like "pasty white kid who's not all in shape" or "a cholo". Nor has it ever really seemed to matter. By taking the setting as given by the author, Vesvius, we can certainly fill in the gaps, but if the author says "I mean he's undefined prior to us giving him a racial/cultural background" then you can't act like the setting and story will be retroactively modified by his race or culture.

As someone else noted, 40% of Brasil is white, so we can have Tommy's family come from the south where all of the German ubermensch and Italian fascists sought refuge. We could fulfill our happy pasty white kid becomes wrestler fantasies. His father could even be *shudder* part Argentinian.
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And we're all done.
Vote Tally : Original - Ten Pounds of Gold: A Pro Wrestling Quest | Page 67 | Sufficient Velocity
##### NetTally 1.7.5

[X] Brazilian
No. of Votes: 16

[X] German
No. of Votes: 9

[X] Israeli
No. of Votes: 7

[x] Spanish
No. of Votes: 3

[X] American (Black)
No. of Votes: 3

[x] Canadian
No. of Votes: 2

[X] Japanese
No. of Votes: 1

[X] Australian
No. of Votes: 1

[X] Hispanic
No. of Votes: 1

Total No. of Voters: 43

Wave bye-bye to the brink! We won't be coming back any time soon!

...until the inevitable waifu war I guess. See you then, brink.

@Redhawk : I enjoyed that. And it reminded me a little of a similar experience when I was young; mine involved karate though. They never did teach me how to throw fireballs and beat up ninjas, now that I think about it. Anyway, take a minor reward.
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The vote's over , but I feel like my character is being impugned and this was never really about the vote for me anyway.
40% of Brazil is white. 40. Not mixed, not black, white.
That a lot of Brazilians are white is both something I know, and not relevant to what I was saying.

My objection wasn't to the Brazilian vote. If you look back, you'll see that I was the first person to vote for Brazilian, though I changed my vote later. I objected to the discussion surrounding the vote because:

1. It was really, painfully tacky.

First there were suggestions that he do Brazilian Jiu Jitsu moves, and then that he should add some Capoeira to his repertoire, and then stuff about pandering to the Brazilian pro wrestling fans.
Next you know, Tommy's going to be wearing bright yellow, green and blue tights , samba to the ring while juggling a soccer ball, chug capairnha's like Stone Cold Steve Austin chugs light beer and change his name to Martinho.

2. It contradicted what I could infer about Tommy's character and background.

As far as I could tell, Tommy was a white kid from Portland, Maine (one of the whiter states in the country, btw) who never seriously participated in any sort of organized athletic activity before going to Daybreak's academy. And who has never displayed any ethnic or cultural affiliation other than American White and Pro Wrestling Fan.

That's all consistent with him being a white kid who etc. etc. who happens to have a Brazilian immigrant dad, but not with stuff like Brazilian Jiu Jitsu or Soccer (Portland, Maine people, not Oregon). Sure he doesn't actually need to be a BJJ practioner to pretend to do a couple submission moves, but what does that have to do with his Brazilian identity? Millions of non-Brazilians have practiced Brazilian Jiu Jitsu or other forms of submission grappling? Why bother?
But did you really have to bring indentity for this? Really? And no its not. Like, are you seriously saying your SoD will be broken because he didn't suffer racism or someone didn't remind him what his race was?
If your entire argument is that Tommy can't be a minority because he hasn't spent dozens of updates bitching about race relations in the United States of America then your expectations of this quest are far and away from every other player in it.

I'll admit that I got a little carried away here. My point was that a white person of Brazilian descent with name like Tommy Martin is just a white person to American audiences. He'd have to play the Brazilian stereotypes to cringeworthy extent to hammer home the fact that he's Brazilian. And why would anyone mistake him for a Hispanic or an African American. Incidentally, if his dad were a black Brazilian, he'd still be an African American.

As for why I think he's white? Well there are lot of reasons. Again, stuff like that comes up, especially in a place like Baltimore. Take the brawl incident with Delilah. True, I mis-remembered that he had talked to the cops after the brawl incident, but there are other indication. When the trashy couple had trouble identifying and describing him, notice they never said "the black guy" or "the Mexican guy." Though might have chosen less polite terms.

I'm sorry you two were so triggered by social justice terminology, but I did try to pussyfoot around the subject. But then @Dromon accused me of being racist so *shrug*
I don't even

A lot of people just assume that a character is a person and take the story at face value for given interactions. Inferring background is great and all, but sticking to that is potentially problematic when you're proven wrong or are made to be wrong by the consensus of the people making choices. I had a thing where I thought for most of Worm that Tattletale was a black girl with blonde dreadlocks and I was really confused when I first saw fanart of her. But, you know, I said, alright, I guess that's that, nevermind my initial thoughts on the matter.
There are couple things here. One, you had an impression and it turned out the Author had something different in mind the entire time. Happens all the time. Here, it would be a retcon since the "truth" was determined by a vote halfway through the story.

Second, it's funny you bring up Worm. Brian and Aisha being black is an important part of their characters and their experiences. It wasn't brought up over and over again in a every chapter like in @Dromon's strawman, but it was definitely there.[/QUOTE][/QUOTE]
41. Week Four: No Place Like Home
Yeah, you definitely got your looks from your father. From the black hair, to the tanned skin, down to the perpetual stubble on his face. Your faces are similar, your builds are near-identical- though you're slightly more muscular right now, which fills you with pride. The only real difference is that you took your mom's bright blue eyes, not his dark brown ones.

Well, that and you didn't inherit his fashion sense. You may wear nothing but wrestling t-shirts, but at least you don't own seven different Tom Brady jerseys, one for each day of the week. Sure enough, he's got the Thursday one on now- you can tell by the faint coffee stain over the lower part of the two.

You don't get much more of a chance to study your father before he embraces you tightly. You retaliate in kind, and the next few moments are full of much manly backslapping. He pushes you away finally, holding you at arm's length as he looks you up and down. "There you are!" he says, low baritone still carrying a light accent even after all these years. "Glad you made it!"

"I wouldn't miss it." You respond with a smile, and you find yourself slightly surprised that you're telling the truth. You'd have thought that after over two decades of living with your parents that you'd be eager to get out of the house again; but now that you're back here, you can't think of a place more comfortable for you.

A slight mewing from behind you grabs your attention, and you bend down to scoop up Gronk before he can start clawing at your pants. The Maine Coon rubs against you eagerly, making up for all this time that you weren't marked with his scent. Dad laughs and grabs the cat. Gronk isn't nearly so eager to nuzzle him, and signals his displeasure with a few strong swats.

You watch the byplay, chuckling. "Oh, what's that I remember?" you ask mockingly. "Was it some guy in this place saying that he'd never like this mangy animal? Was it you? Or was it someone else?"

"Must've been someone else." Dad jibes back. "Because I'd never dream of saying something like that." He holds the cat up and meets his eyes. "Seriously, I never did. Letting you stay was my idea."

Gronk gives him another swat and takes off. Dad watches him go with a fear that's only half-feigned. "My side of the bed is so crapped on." he mutters. "Thanks for that."


"But that's a problem for later! Look at you!" he says again, staring at you like he hasn't seen you in years. "How goes the wrestling? How many matches have you had? You world champion yet? And are those muscles?"

You stand in shocked silence as you try and digest all of his questions. He waits, practically bouncing on the balls of his feet, inventory completely forgotten. You've got no options besides just answering him. You raise a finger and start checking off his questions. "In order: it goes good. Nothing huge yet, but it's just… just great. Five so far, mostly losing, but that's about what I expected. And no. Anything else?"

"So many things!" he replies. "How about that teacher of yours? How'd she-"

"Tony!" Mom calls from the bar. "While you're back there gushing, we've got people out here who need a drink!" Her words are met by a rousing chorus of applause.

Dad shakes his head. "She's right. Not the time, not the time. Take a seat, grab the furred menace, make yourself comfortable. We'll continue this later!"

But despite Dad's words, you follow him out to the bar almost on a reflex. You've helped out here so often after school and before work that working Shifty's is like a second nature to you. You don't realize what you've done until you're pouring one of the newbies a Guinness and Mom starts glaring at you. "We didn't ask you visit to work!" she hisses, sounding completely appalled.

She doesn't however, tell you to stop. A key distinction. If Mom really wanted you not to do something, she'd tell you not to do it, and that would be that. So you shrug at her guiltily and get back to mixing drinks. Dad needs the help right now; there must be some party letting out nearby. The entire night is a marathon of new faces asking for new drinks.

Hours later, the last drink's been poured, the tabs have been settled up, all the glasses are running through the dishwasher, and you finally feel comfortable getting off your feet. You plop yourself down in your favorite booth across from Mom. Dad joins you a few moments later once he's shut down the register, and Gronk hops up into your lap for another nuzzling session. The gang's all here.

You trade idle chatter for a few minutes, talking about ordinary things- how Mom's new cookies killed at the last church bake sale, and how Dad nearly got the cops called on him again for screaming at some soccer fans. He still has a frown on his face when he talks about it. "Real football my left buttcheek." he says, wincing as Mom slaps his arm. "Everyone knows real football is played by men! Men who don't fall over if a fly lands on them! Imagine Welker flopping like that! You can't!"

With the ease of long practice you manage to tune Dad out; you've heard enough of the 'soccer is not football' rant to last you a lifetime. Next he'll get into the 'why does everyone like I like that thing?!' part, and then there'll be no stopping him. "Hey!" you interrupt before he can really get rolling. "I brought you guys some stuff!"

Dad cuts himself off as Mom leans forward. "Aw, honey!" she sighs. "You know you didn't have to! You need every cent you can muster right now!"

You shake your head. "If I can't afford to get you guys something, then you'll know I'm in trouble. Please, just take it." You reach into your bag and scoop out their presents; a small plant for Mom, and a Pat's picture for Dad. Both of them take their gifts the appreciative noises.

"Well," Mom hedges. "Since you already went to all the trouble, it'd be a waste not to accept it."

"It wasn't any trouble!" you protest. "And you-"

"Then that makes this easy!" she chirps, prior hesitation forgotten. "Here you go!"

The next thing you know there's a small bundle in your hand wrapped in red and green paper. You hesitantly rip it open to reveal a new wallet, still with that new leather smell. That was nice of them. And after all the protesting you just did, it'd be hypocritical not to-

Wait. A wallet. Did they…?

You peek inside the billfold. Sure enough, Benjamin Franklin's crisp green face looks up at you, right next to a few of his identical clones.

"Guys!" you sigh. "I don't need your-"

"It wasn't any trouble!" Your mom parrots. "Imagine what would happen if you tried to give it back to us though. We'd have to deposit it right away, and then the books would be off, and we'd have to hunt for the discrepancy for hours, and-"

Point taken. Accept, or they'll make your life miserable.

You thank them for their gift, and more hugs are exchanged. The three of you stay up talking for a while, stopping only to fill a few glasses with cider and move up to the actual house part of the bar. You tell some stories of your own, talking about your training and your matches, even pulling out your collection of your work when pressed. Mom, of course, thinks it's just wonderful. Dad's more concerned with your partners.

Or rather, one of them. "Who's that?" he asks, staring at Allie. "That a friend of yours? She's nice. You should-"

Mom elbows him so hard you hear a thump. "-you should enjoy your relationship, without any pressure from anyone else, no matter what kind of relationship it might be." she finishes, glaring daggers through Dad. You nod in thanks; you never were quite the same after Dad decided to get involved in your hunt for a junior prom date.

Soon after that, Dad lets out his first yawn of the night, and you take that as your cue to head back to your old room. It's just as you left it, posters everywhere and a thick green blanket left rumpled on the mattress. You'll have to ask about taking that back to Baltimore; even in your sleeping bag, things get a bit chilly in the apartment.

That's a thought for tomorrow though. As for right now, you throw yourself onto your bed- and actual bed!- and tuck yourself in.

It's good to be home.

Tommy has two days in Portland before he takes the bus back to Baltimore; New Years Eve, and New Year's Day. Most of that time will be spent with his parents, catching up and spending time. But some of it will be his own. After looking around, he's found a few things he could do with that time. What does he do with it?
[] New England Wrestling is having their big New Year's Eve show coming up. It's one of the biggest events on the local indy's calendar, and promises to be a solid card. It's probably too late to try and get on the show, but you can at least go and take it in. You never know what you might learn by watching!
[] Shifty's promises to be just as busy over the next couple days as it was today, and your parents have no intention of closing until they've wrung every cent they can from the people. You might as well help out some more. Mom might protest, but you can convince her; plus, you'll earn some good tip money!
[] An event reminder just dinged you on Facebook for a party one of your old High School buddies is throwing. It's been forever since you've seen any of the gang, and it might be good to go reconnect. Maybe something will finally top that scene that Cindy Sanders put on a few years back; you missed it, but from the pictures you saw it was wild.
Mechanics Changes

Financial Changes

+1 Expense: It was take the money or start a fight. You took the money.
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[X] New England Wrestling is having their big New Year's Eve show coming up. It's one of the biggest events on the local indy's calendar, and promises to be a solid card. It's probably too late to try and get on the show, but you can at least go and take it in. You never know what you might learn by watching!
[X] Shifty's promises to be just as busy over the next couple days as it was today, and your parents have no intention of closing until they've wrung every cent they can from the people. You might as well help out some more. Mom might protest, but you can convince her; plus, you'll earn some good tip money!

We're nearly broke.

[X] New England Wrestling is having their big New Year's Eve show coming up. It's one of the biggest events on the local indy's calendar, and promises to be a solid card. It's probably too late to try and get on the show, but you can at least go and take it in. You never know what you might learn by watching!

Welp, I should finish reading before voting.

EDIT: @Vesvius if you have the time can you add information about Tommy, Allie and Jack's money situation in the character sheet?
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[X] Shifty's promises to be just as busy over the next couple days as it was today, and your parents have no intention of closing until they've wrung every cent they can from the people. You might as well help out some more. Mom might protest, but you can convince her; plus, you'll earn some good tip money!

We're nearly broke.

[X] New England Wrestling is having their big New Year's Eve show coming up. It's one of the biggest events on the local indy's calendar, and promises to be a solid card. It's probably too late to try and get on the show, but you can at least go and take it in. You never know what you might learn by watching!

Welp, I should finish reading before voting.

EDIT: @Vesvius if you have the time can you add information about Tommy, Allie and Jack's money situation in the character sheet?
I'll put up Tommy's. He's not entirely sure of the others, except he knows they have their cut of the rent.
Nice update.

Yeah, you definitely got your looks from your father. From the black hair, to the tanned skin, down to the perpetual stubble on his face. Your faces are similar, your builds are near-identical-

What build does ol' dad have?

You peek inside the billfold. Sure enough, Benjamin Franklin's crisp green face looks up at you, right next to a few of his identical clones.

Mighty generous of them. Guess we have dosh for those furnitures!

Or rather, one of them. "Who's that?" he asks, staring at Allie. "That a friend of yours? She's nice. You should-"


[x] Shifty's promises to be just as busy over the next couple days as it was today, and your parents have no intention of closing until they've wrung every cent they can from the people. You might as well help out some more. Mom might protest, but you can convince her; plus, you'll earn some good tip money!

Since we're here with family, we might as well spend time with family and help out.
Current Expenses On Hand: 3
Is this with the money given to us by the parents?

If so,
[X] Shifty's promises to be just as busy over the next couple days as it was today, and your parents have no intention of closing until they've wrung every cent they can from the people. You might as well help out some more. Mom might protest, but you can convince her; plus, you'll earn some good tip money!
Tommy's father disgusts me. #NotMyFootball

That aside, it was a nice reunion update. Got a good feeling of implied familiarity with every character. Moving forward, let's continue our trend of being the little workaholic that could, and make life all wrestling all the time. I think that the parents will support us looking out for the wrestling event, and if we won't be on any cards maybe we can make it a family activity. Working at the bar... eh. Let's keep investing time and potential gains into learning more about our career. Nobody cares about high school. We can relax with our bae Jack.

[X] New England Wrestling is having their big New Year's Eve show coming up. It's one of the biggest events on the local indy's calendar, and promises to be a solid card. It's probably too late to try and get on the show, but you can at least go and take it in. You never know what you might learn by watching!
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[X] New England Wrestling is having their big New Year's Eve show coming up. It's one of the biggest events on the local indy's calendar, and promises to be a solid card. It's probably too late to try and get on the show, but you can at least go and take it in. You never know what you might learn by watching!

As a note, I currently live in Portland, and yeah. People do watch soccer a bit up here, but it's considered a Kid's Sport, something you outgrow. So I can totally see someone from anywhere it's well regarded being disgusted by the attitude.