Ten Pounds of Gold: A Pro Wrestling Quest

[X] No, you'll take the opportunity in the Gauntlet and you'll be happy for it. Anything to get a few minutes of ring time.

No need to get greedy here.
[X] No, you'll take the opportunity in the Gauntlet and you'll be happy for it. Anything to get a few minutes of ring time.

Lets not be a jerk about this. Especially not when the Charisma DC is that high :p.
It could have become contrived very easily. But we've got a very organic reason to get on the card. Good job. I dig it, and the show-building.

[X] No, you'll take the opportunity in the Gauntlet and you'll be happy for it. Anything to get a few minutes of ring time.
[X] No, you'll take the opportunity in the Gauntlet and you'll be happy for it. Anything to get a few minutes of ring time.
[X] No, you'll take the opportunity in the Gauntlet and you'll be happy for it. Anything to get a few minutes of ring time.
[X] No, you'll take the opportunity in the Gauntlet and you'll be happy for it. Anything to get a few minutes of ring time.
[X] No, you'll take the opportunity in the Gauntlet and you'll be happy for it. Anything to get a few minutes of ring time.

With a +0 to CHA, yeah, I don't want to fail those rolls and I'm all but certain we would.
[X] No, you'll take the opportunity in the Gauntlet and you'll be happy for it. Anything to get a few minutes of ring time.

Hector seems like he's doing well for himself as a booker and we already know he's got professional connections with people in our area like the Sunshine Sisters. Much better to put on a good show and see if maybe he can give us a reference or something for work down the line.
[X] No, you'll take the opportunity in the Gauntlet and you'll be happy for it. Anything to get a few minutes of ring time.

I am so tempted to get greedy and go for the 20 percent chance. But we can make contacts and connections here by taking what we can get.
[X] No, you'll take the opportunity in the Gauntlet and you'll be happy for it. Anything to get a few minutes of ring time.
Maybe we should ask about his plan, and who's going to go over? Because if Tommy accidentally knocks off Hector's plans, that's not going to be good.
[X] It looks like there's a mystery man in the later man's match- some kind of thing to determine the stipulations of the main event. Hector's no doubt got something planned, but maybe you can talk your way into it? (DC80 Charisma Check)

Look, the worst he can do here is to politely decline and tell us to do our job in the arena. We already agreed to the show; his Daybreak fanboyism means nothing short of a crit fail is likely to jolt him out of that. This means we get a chance at something additional. Worth it.
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[X] No, you'll take the opportunity in the Gauntlet and you'll be happy for it. Anything to get a few minutes of ring time.
[X] No, you'll take the opportunity in the Gauntlet and you'll be happy for it. Anything to get a few minutes of ring time.
This ones going to be contentious. I can tell.

I'm at work all day today, so no point having an early cut off. Votes open until late tonight.
[X] No, you'll take the opportunity in the Gauntlet and you'll be happy for it. Anything to get a few minutes of ring time.

I'd love to get greedy but I don't think there's anyway it can happen so... go for the safe option.
You know, I'm not even going to bother with the warning on this one. Vote's closed. Taking the hand you're dealt wins.

Before the next update though, a Minivote. This threadmark will be deleted when I close the next vote.

Tommy shakes Hector's hand again and thanks him for the opportunity in the gauntlet. Hector directs him to go talk to Jackie, one of the veteran girls who moonlights as a road agent (helps put the match together). Tommy does, and Jackie puts him together with a few of the other guys in the gauntlet to plan the match out. After the discussion is done, Tommy will be in the ring for six minutes, eliminating one person and getting pinned almost immediately by their Monster Heel, who will be going on to win.

Jackie takes Tommy aside and tells him that since he's only going to be out there for a bit, there's no time for a full match with heat, psychology, and the whole nine yards; not if he wants the crowd to remember him after the match. She recommends that Tommy go balls to the wall and bust out the most impressive things he's got.

In the back of his mind, Tommy's been workshopping a few spots, and this might be the ideal time to try a few out.

Pick Five (5) of the following spots. They will be what Tommy does in the gauntlet:

[] Double-Underhook Backbreaker (Mat Wrestling)
Daybreak's old finisher, the Setting Sun. Tommy's seen enough people get hit by it to know how it goes.
[] Flying Elbow Drop (Aerial)
A textbook flying elbow is harder to pull of then it looks. You've wanted to use one with the Jokers, but you haven't really gotten the chance yet. Might as well start perfecting it now.
Something Tommy used in the match against Fractured Fairy Tale. He points behind the opponent and tells them that there's a distraction behind them. When they look, he takes advantage.
[] Missile Drillkick (Aerial)
Tommy's top rope, spinning dropkick. Tommy has used this a few times, and is starting to get comfortable with it.
[] Moonsault Knee Drop (Aerial)
An idea Tommy's had, he'll stand over a downed opponent and do a backflip, as if he's going to land in a body press on the guy. But while he's flipping, he'll pull his knees to his body and hit a knee drop instead.
[] Punch/Palm Strike/Knee Strike Combo (Brawling)
A simple combination of strikes. It starts with a punch to the face, is followed up with by a palm thrust to the gut, and then a jumping knee-strike to the face.
[] Running STO (Mat Wrestling)
A tried and true wrestling move. The STO is a clothesline-leg sweep combo. Tommy's always thought the running version looks coolest, where he runs at the opponent, clotheslines them, and sweeps their leg out at once.
[] Sling Blade Lariat (Brawling)
Something Tommy picked up from watching some tapes. He runs at the opponent like he's going to hit a lariat, but at the last second he jumps and spins around the guy's shoulders, extending his other arm mid rotation. He lands in a seated position and his opponent lands flat on his back.
[] Spear (Mat Wrestling)
The simple running shoulder tackle, Tommy's been using this as finisher for the moment. It definitely needs work, but hey, no time like the present.
[] Talk and Dodge (Showmanship)
Perhaps the simplest spot he can do, Tommy will run his mouth at his opponent non-stop, dodging out of the way of every strike the opponent tries to hit him with.
[] Taunt (Showmanship)
What kind of wrestler doesn't have a good taunt? Well, you for one. You'll try a gesture or two out in the match; maybe mime like you're dealing cards or something.
[] Who Can Hit the Softest? (Comedy)
A game Tommy was tricked into during recess once or twice. He challenges his opponent to a who can hit the softest contest. After his opponent goes first and hits him lightly, he levels the guy with all of his strength.
[] Write-In
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[X] Double-Underhook Backbreaker (Mat Wrestling)
[X] Missile Drillkick (Aerial)
[X] Who Can Hit the Softest? (Comedy)
[X] Punch/Palm Strike/Knee Strike Combo (Brawling)

Not sure for a fifth, I wanted some variety.
[X] Who Can Hit the Softest? (Comedy)
[X] Missile Drillkick (Aerial)
[X] Flying Elbow Drop (Aerial)
[X] Talk and Dodge (Showmanship)
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[X] Missile Drillkick (Aerial)
[X] Who Can Hit the Softest? (Comedy)
[X] Punch/Palm Strike/Knee Strike Combo (Brawling)
[X] Moonsault Knee Drop (Aerial)
[X] Sling Blade Lariat (Brawling)

This is not a No-Risk No-Reward scenario. We are literally an extra in someone else's story. Our Mat Wrestling is Disappointing. Our best stats here are Aerial and Brawling, with Comedy a distant third. We do well, maybe someone remembers us.

So I picked our best. Even if we're just the Jumping Guy, hopefully we're something. Even if we get nothing from this but a chance to talk to people. We're going to do our best.
[X] Missile Drillkick (Aerial)
[X] Who Can Hit the Softest? (Comedy)
[X] Punch/Palm Strike/Knee Strike Combo (Brawling)
[X] Moonsault Knee Drop (Aerial)
[X] Double-Underhook Backbreaker (Mat Wrestling)

Disappointing as Mat Wrestling is, if nothing else the Daybreak Fanboy would probably get a kick out of it.