What Tone will this game take overall?

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He spent 13 years travelling the world, training himself in various cultures to be the ultimate party animal.

This is the Batman AU we all deserve. Instead of dead parents, Bruce was traumatized by a REALLY boring party, so he trained for years to become the master of partying.

He still dresses as a bat, for some reason.

Also, I'm kinda amused with the idea of two different people independently deciding to become bat-themed vigilantes within a few months of each other. Then having their first meeting look something like this:

More seriously, having Bruce and Katherine becoming bat-themed vigilantes together seems like it'd be an interesting twist, although it would kinda ruin Batman's too-cool-for-school loner vibe... Plus then Katherine could fill the "childhood friend" role in the inevitable Bat-Harem :V
I can roll with these decisions.

after all, cats always land on their feet
You are just going to milk the cat puns for all their worth huh?
get it. because cats and milk and immagonnashutupnow
Also, I'm kinda amused with the idea of two different people independently deciding to become bat-themed vigilantes within a few months of each other. Then having their first meeting look something like this:

Now the question is who tracked down who first to file a copyright complaint and to cease and fucking desist?
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Our new co-GM is the person that ran the single greatest quest ever! :O

*hero worship intensifies*

I figure Bruce could justify offering his old pal Oz a job as a consultant for an urban redevelopment fund at some point with a few names of the local muscle for my nocturnal friend to visit and work up the chain of command. Not sure if anything could happen with Catwoman or Batwoman, but i could see the Cavalier having an encounter with Batman whilst the suit is still a work in progress?

That works for me. I did write the backstory for Hudson on the assumption Bruce had started, but was still very early into his 'career' and still getting a feel for the life of the Dark Knight.
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By the way, an observation: We got a bunch of customed heroes and one short, overweight english gentleman in a classy suit. Nice.
By the way, an observation: We got a bunch of customed heroes and one short, overweight english gentleman in a classy suit. Nice.
In fairness, what kind of self respecting street tough is going to admit that the under average height night club owner with a paunch beat them and their friends into unconsciousness with an umbrella?
This sounds the most fun

and also the most drama inducing

which also means fun

--Or does he own a vast fortune and investment in a huge multi-industry Wayne Enterprises conglomerate, with companies in basically every industry ever? This will place you as one of the largest companies in the USA, and Bruce Wayne as one of the richest people on the planet, if not the richest. At this scale it is impossible for even the Batman to know every pie his company has its fingers in, as well as taking up the most time. (Comics)
Plus then Katherine could fill the "childhood friend" role in the inevitable Bat-Harem

she's a lesbian, harold

way more interested in catwoman :V

Anyway, I don't know if I'll be able to participate right away if the rp shoots up tonight. It is International Gaming Day, after all, and my local library's doing an all-day thing I've been very interested in.
she's a lesbian, harold

way more interested in catwoman :V

Anyway, I don't know if I'll be able to participate right away if the rp shoots up tonight. It is International Gaming Day, after all, and my local library's doing an all-day thing I've been very interested in.
She likes women? What a surprise! So does Bruce Wayne! They have so much in common.

So...Bat-wing person?
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So..while we wait, @Crow any idea how we ended up sharing a theme?
@AProcrastinator i'm guessing we run into one another during one of our nightly excursions to liberate the contents of one of Falcones safes?
Ponders important questions to pass the time like "How many Orphans can a billionaire playboy adopt without it getting weird?" to pass the time.
Ponders important questions like "How many and which birds can I carry around in town without it looking too weird? Also, which would be worth the effort to use them against Thugs?" to pass the time.
Ponders important questions like "How many and which birds can I carry around in town without it looking too weird? Also, which would be worth the effort to use them against Thugs?" to pass the time.
You mean its possible i've been wasting my time making Alfred train law enforcing bat-cops?
So..while we wait, @Crow any idea how we ended up sharing a theme?
no matter what happens Kat will keep insisting she thought of it first.

anyway...I have no idea! in the comics Kat was kinda inspired by Bruce in his first few outings, but here Alice was the catalyst for such a thing, immediately after these experiences she used her family's resources to go on a sabbatical to git gud and stuff in a much briefer montage than Bruce's training arc.

So either she met Bruce when she inevitably came across the ninjas who seem to appear to young doods on sabbaticals to get gud and train them until they betray them or when she came back and started staking out stuff she found a certain person going around at night dressed as a giant bat putting the fear of A GIANT FUCKING BAT upon the common peasants and felt that that was really fucking metal and decided she wanted in.

Which probably leads to her trying to track down Bats constantly cuz he's got some cool toys and not many doods would have the resources to get those cool toys.

Etc etc Bruce does his pitch on "hey imma gonna fund an international PROFESSIONAL ASSKICKING LEAGUE u want in?"

To which Kat goes "DO I"

Or Bruce is the one who got wind of Kat's family funneling some funds into some toys and the young socialite dissapearing from the scenes for a while to go on a super special training course after an incident that concerned her family and decided "This feels oddly familiar" and stuff.
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