What Tone will this game take overall?

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Anything I can do in the meanwhile? I can wait until we're out of the prologue and into the real team meat of the game if you want.
. . . Okay, I'm lost now. *Scrambles to try to catch up*
Random civie wants to be a usual upstanding citizen of Gotham and if he's not breaking the law, the Batman doesn't see the point in acting on suspicions of why someone would decide to hide when a gang has a fight. So instead he's on the roof waiting to have the talk in private.
Anything I can do in the meanwhile? I can wait until we're out of the prologue and into the real team meat of the game if you want.
We can try to cook something up for you if you like, I'm just mostly playing reactive right now while @torrmercury is laying some groundwork for early plots. This is supposed to be the "prologue", I'm trying to let you guys play in the sandbox until you figure out how to get all 5 of you working on the same team at the same time.

@Dovahsith feel free to sound out plans in here and I can give insight as to how good or bad the idea is...
I'm going to be honest, my main plan is to follow canon, get in contact with Dent and start working my way up the Mob hierarchy, till their organisations fall apart. I'd be hoping i can come into contact with Gordon during that time seeing as how it's unlikely he would organically immediately trust a vigilante.

As for the others, i would guess i'd ask them to deal with their parts of the city, maybe with Cobblepot handling the actual corruption a bit more, so the utilities can be repaired, the Cavalier dealing with the gangs so people can walk safe at night and Batwoman freeing up time for the Batman to be Bruce Wayne more easily.

I'm guessing Catwoman just does her own thing.
@torrmercury i get you are trying to give us plot hooks and set up future events and i appreciate the effort, but we're kind of dependent on you to give us the relevant information before we've made our decisions, especially when some of the other players are waiting for us to wrap this up so they can continue playing the roleplay. Otherwise we're flipflopping and in this case metagaming seeing as how i'm no longer even in a position to see this new infomation.

Would you rather we sort out these characters introductions or chase down your NPC?
@torrmercury i get you are trying to give us plot hooks and set up future events and i appreciate the effort, but we're kind of dependent on you to give us the relevant information before we've made our decisions, especially when some of the other players are waiting for us to wrap this up so they can continue playing the roleplay. Otherwise we're flipflopping and in this case metagaming seeing as how i'm no longer even in a position to see this new infomation.

Would you rather we sort out these characters introductions or chase down your NPC?
Hey, I totally get where you're coming from. Sorry for not explaining more thoroughly earlier, so here's basically what I'm trying to do:
  1. Give you plot hooks to grab on to should you so choose.
  2. Give any players present the chance to start going down that plotline, even if others don't want to. We can have multiple storylines happening simultaneously with some characters in one and the other characters in the other.
  3. Give the players who are not currently in a scene a way to jump in. (And regarding how quickly you can meet with Catwoman and get the team ball rolling, I had plans in place to make sure that this encounter is short and that can still happen.)
I guess TL;DR - You as a player have the freedom to interact or not interact with the scenarios that I as a GM put out. If you decide to follow them, then I and the other GMs will make sure that other things that are currently happening can still continue OR are interrupted properly.

Shorter story even shorter: Do whatever you want. Things will continue to move and the GMs will problem solve a way to make everything happen.

I hope that helps/answers your question! If you disagree or have different expectations with anything I laid out, please let me know. I'm more than happy to modify anything in my MO to make this RP as fun as possible for all parties involved. :)
Hey, I totally get where you're coming from. Sorry for not explaining more thoroughly earlier, so here's basically what I'm trying to do:
  1. Give you plot hooks to grab on to should you so choose.
  2. Give any players present the chance to start going down that plotline, even if others don't want to. We can have multiple storylines happening simultaneously with some characters in one and the other characters in the other.
  3. Give the players who are not currently in a scene a way to jump in. (And regarding how quickly you can meet with Catwoman and get the team ball rolling, I had plans in place to make sure that this encounter is short and that can still happen.)
I guess TL;DR - You as a player have the freedom to interact or not interact with the scenarios that I as a GM put out. If you decide to follow them, then I and the other GMs will make sure that other things that are currently happening can still continue OR are interrupted properly.

Shorter story even shorter: Do whatever you want. Things will continue to move and the GMs will problem solve a way to make everything happen.

I hope that helps/answers your question! If you disagree or have different expectations with anything I laid out, please let me know. I'm more than happy to modify anything in my MO to make this RP as fun as possible for all parties involved. :)
Cool, thanks for not taking what i said the wrong way. As i mentioned i do appreciate the world building, but i guess in this moment its up to @Teron and @Crow to decide what happens.
Sorry for not being able to type. Uni stuff happening. I'll get a post out once I arrive at night.

I hope Natural 1s aren't automatic failures, because otherwise, I still got a pretty good roll, but
An assumption here but the thugs we just beat to a pulp are not members of that Crows gang right?
I'm sorry to have to say this, but I'm withdrawing from this RP. You can take me off the second wave list. Sorry.