Okay, so first off, to all the people worried about getting in legal trouble for this...
By US law, anything up to and including lethal force we make use of here will be legal, so long as it is clear that these attackers are already making use of such themselves.
Which they are.
Quite frankly, if things get to the point here where the PRT/some other government org tries to railroad us into functional indentured servitude for helping officers of the law at a bombed-out police station, and a Jury will actually back them on that...
Then it would be time to go rogue Captain America on this shit, and refuse to respect governmental authority, because it has, in fact, become lawless.
That said, this is a crime scene, and neither weapon will give us any meaningful enhancement to the amount of damage we can deal. The pistol for some ranged capability would be nice, but it's not worth the amount of disruption using it could/would cause. So:
[X]Leave the weapons