Taylor Hebert and Her Rather Sad Life [Worm/The Gamer/D&D3.5]

An explosion powerful enough to take off the front of a police station is not a grenade like Oni Lee would use.

Wrong. Oni doesn't just use one grenade. He uses multiple that he can make infinite copies of by tele kamikaze spamming.

It would actually take one suicide bombing run for Oni to take out an entrance to the police station, especially since I doubt it was reinforced or anything like that. >.>

Also, you might be underestimating the amount of force a single grenade could generate. Or over estimating the front door of a police station.
Okay, so first off, to all the people worried about getting in legal trouble for this...

By US law, anything up to and including lethal force we make use of here will be legal, so long as it is clear that these attackers are already making use of such themselves.

Which they are.

Quite frankly, if things get to the point here where the PRT/some other government org tries to railroad us into functional indentured servitude for helping officers of the law at a bombed-out police station, and a Jury will actually back them on that...

Then it would be time to go rogue Captain America on this shit, and refuse to respect governmental authority, because it has, in fact, become lawless.

That said, this is a crime scene, and neither weapon will give us any meaningful enhancement to the amount of damage we can deal. The pistol for some ranged capability would be nice, but it's not worth the amount of disruption using it could/would cause. So:

[X]Leave the weapons
Wrong. Oni doesn't just use one grenade. He uses multiple that he can make infinite copies of by tele kamikaze spamming.
It would actually take one suicide bombing run for Oni to take out an entrance to the police station, especially since I doubt it was reinforced or anything like that. >.>
Also, you might be underestimating the amount of force a single grenade could generate. Or over estimating the front door of a police station.
I quote:
She neared the police station and landed in an alleyway. It stank vaguely of days-old garbage, just recently removed. Taylor moved forward swiftly, and as she neared the end of the alley the front of the police station exploded.
This is not grenade damage.
And if Oni Lee was spamming clones, you'd hear multiple explosions, not one.

And I think Hollywood has misled you about the amount of damage grenades do.
Grenades are antipersonnel weapons, with frangible material wrapped around a small core of explosive.
The operative word is small.

There is a reason why jumping on a grenade is a known, if suicidal tactic for shielding everyone else; the actual explosion is rather small.
This as described, was not.

Look at this; first Youtube video I could find

That's a grenade explosion in a car.
No giant fireball, no deafening sound, no doors blown off.
Okay, so first off, to all the people worried about getting in legal trouble for this...

By US law, anything up to and including lethal force we make use of here will be legal, so long as it is clear that these attackers are already making use of such themselves.

Which they are.

Quite frankly, if things get to the point here where the PRT/some other government org tries to railroad us into functional indentured servitude for helping officers of the law at a bombed-out police station, and a Jury will actually back them on that...

Then it would be time to go rogue Captain America on this shit, and refuse to respect governmental authority, because it has, in fact, become lawless.

That said, this is a crime scene, and neither weapon will give us any meaningful enhancement to the amount of damage we can deal. The pistol for some ranged capability would be nice, but it's not worth the amount of disruption using it could/would cause. So:

[X]Leave the weapons

But we are proficient with the pistol, and it deals 2d6 per shot. Likely a glock lookalike, so some 13-17 rounds per mag, dude should have an spar.

Why not just, you know, pick it up, use is when we need?
Okay, so first off, to all the people worried about getting in legal trouble for this...

By US law, anything up to and including lethal force we make use of here will be legal, so long as it is clear that these attackers are already making use of such themselves.

Which they are.

Quite frankly, if things get to the point here where the PRT/some other government org tries to railroad us into functional indentured servitude for helping officers of the law at a bombed-out police station, and a Jury will actually back them on that...

This is Worm, things are that bad and worse. Society is slowly breaking down after all and with it the rule of law. It is a a predictable process.
[x] Picked up a weapon
-[x] Both

could we please just get stuff ? We can heal people, won't get in legal trouble and I would prefer if we started acumulating gear before dealing with someone against wh we may need it
[x] Left the weapons where they lay.

Too many potential witnesses of the official variety to risk doing lethal damage. I do not want to get Taylor forced into the Wards on probation.
There isn't a court in the country, or a prosecutor for that matter, that would convict/charge someone using lethal force to defend policemen from armed gang members.

[x] Picked up a weapon
-[x] Both
Do you have any idea how cheap a crappy katana intended for display is?
Actually, it varies. A lot. For about $80-100, if you select right, you can get a decent, carbon-steel blade. It's mostly knowing the manufacturer, and what material and processing they use. It won't be top quality, but more than sufficient for unarmored humans.
could we please just get stuff ? We can heal people, won't get in legal trouble and I would prefer if we started acumulating gear before dealing with someone against wh we may need it

This stuff is not that valuable/unique, and it seems to me that it would be smarter/safer to try to get a good public reputation as an actual independent hero before we start doing anything that could backfire on us. And thats regardless of what the strict letter of the law says. Not like it would be the first time laws were ignored (especially in Worm-verse), and we don't really/fully know whats happening.

If we want to take risks, lets take risks with stuff thats actually rare/unique. If we desperately need weapons, lets find some gangmember later committing a robbery and punch him. Lets not start looting stuff in the crime scene in the police station. Its not valuable enough to be worth it.
Do you have any idea how cheap a crappy katana intended for display is?
Dude took the weapon into an attack, instead of simply taking his gun.
That suggests it's at least minimally functional, not a prop.
Which means he's invested some money into it.
Especially since in Endbringer America, frivolities are not going to be as cheap as they are now.

I don't expect he's spent a couple thousand dollars, no.
But I assume he's spent at least as much as you would for a new Glock.

But we are proficient with the pistol, and it deals 2d6 per shot. Likely a glock lookalike, so some 13-17 rounds per mag, dude should have an spar.

Why not just, you know, pick it up, use is when we need?

After the fight is over?

Sure. Pretty sure the cops will let us claim a couple weapons as 'trophy' after they're properly logged, especially if we give part of our reason for not already taking them as 'didn't want to mess up the crime scene for you.'

As-is right now, while inside the police station, a 60ft fly speed with perfect maneuverability means that anybody we need to hit 'this round' we can just Charge.

And also, with our Strength Bonus, we're doing 1d4+4 damage, or average 6.5. That's .5 less average with a higher minimum and lower maximum than 2d6, and is better than 1d6 period.
Okay, so first off, to all the people worried about getting in legal trouble for this...

By US law, anything up to and including lethal force we make use of here will be legal, so long as it is clear that these attackers are already making use of such themselves.

As a gun owner, and someone with a concealed carry license, I find this to be grossly incorrect. If we had been inside the police station we'd have a solid case, as that's where the gang members are attacking, but in many states, you have a duty to retreat unless you are in your own home. Specific states with laws like this include New York, Connecticut, Rhode Island, Massachusetts, and Maine, or nearly the entire New England coastline (excepting New Hampshire's small strip).

Now, I'm not saying I'd expect us to be charged (much less convicted), but we would technically have no legal protection, since we clearly not only didn't attempt to retreat, but actively moved to engage to the point of breaking and entering (the door).

Now, that's not why I'm voting against it. I'm voting against it because I don't want to be shot at by cops. We're pretty much dressed in dark clothing, are extremely tall (thus threatening), and entering a very confusing and stressful situation. Sure, they'll figure out that we're against the ABB when we start beating them up, proper...but what if we run into cops first? They turn a corner and see a huge, dark figure carrying a katana. Do you want to bet they wouldn't open fire on us?

[X]Leave the weapons
After the fight is over?

Sure. Pretty sure the cops will let us claim a couple weapons as 'trophy' after they're properly logged, especially if we give part of our reason for not already taking them as 'didn't want to mess up the crime scene for you.'

As-is right now, while inside the police station, a 60ft fly speed with perfect maneuverability means that anybody we need to hit 'this round' we can just Charge.

And also, with our Strength Bonus, we're doing 1d4+4 damage, or average 6.5. That's .5 less average with a higher minimum and lower maximum than 2d6, and is better than 1d6 period.

So we punch harder than a hand gun? Makes sense since we are a PC.