Taylor Hebert and Her Rather Sad Life [Worm/The Gamer/D&D3.5]

What are the themes then? I am not a reader of the series, so go ahead and spell it out for me.

Late to this, but as was said, Queen Administrator was originally about modifying other powers. So at its root, that seems pretty core to its identity. I like most of the suggestions already posed for this.

One characteristic is probably the multitasking, but hard to represent this.

Hmm....a passive ability to discern parahuman/shard powers? As in, know a cape when you see one, and know what their powers are. Have to know what you're dealing with in order to make good modifications. Plus, Queen Administrator sits comfortably high in the hierarchy, so everything is used to listening to it and giving it what it wants. Like having a list of all the access codes and passwords. Assuming this doesn't fall under Gather Information with the Parahuman affinity.

Perhaps the ability to speak the language of Entities? Or at least understand the language.

Controlling others is also valid, but it's not just control. I can see it being there, but we're gonna get spells for that so I'm not really interested in being redundant.

Hmm....perhaps some ability that represents controlling/coordinating/leading parahumans?
Seriously everyone is aiming to high, yes manipulating shards is one of QA highest functions, but since this is a watered down bloodline there is no way we are geting close to that (draconic bloodlines don't even have breath weapons). I was thinking that we could fit Telepathy and the Mindsense Feat, and also a Leadership feat who wasthen upgrades to work more or less like the thrallherd capstone class ability (who isn't alll that more powerful than leadership beyond the ability to frely sacrifice the minions like lemingues)
Seriously everyone is aiming to high, yes manipulating shards is one of QA highest functions, but since this is a watered down bloodline there is no way we are geting close to that (draconic bloodlines don't even have breath weapons).

Yes they do. Like, 14th level I think. I'll check.

EDIT: My bad, Gold, Red, and Silver Dragons get it at 16th.
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Speaking of minor, immediate, major bloodlines, copying from here....

Every source has a minor bloodline associated with it. A minor bloodline doesn't alter a character much, and thus don't represent a very significant power increase over an ordinary character. In some cases, the only bloodline associated with a source is minor. This is most often true of sources derived from relatively weak creatures such as minotaurs or hags.

Many sources also have intermediate bloodlines. These affect the character's power level more drastically, and come from more potent races, such as elementals, and many dragons and giants.

Major bloodlines only come from the most powerful and primal of sources, including celestials, demons, devils, and the mightiest of dragons. A character with a major bloodline is a potent scion of his ancestor, displaying significant powers and abilities.

Emphasis for the major bloodline, what we're planning.
Yes they do. Like, 14th level I think. I'll check.

EDIT: My bad, Gold, Red, and Silver Dragons get it at 16th.
well, I will be damed,nest time I will pay more attention, but yet this ilustrates my point, major bloodlines only get the nice basic stuff(Breathing, elemental imunity) at the very final levels, the way I see it QA shard manipulation would be equivalent to the Draconic natural spellcasting ability
Metamagic seems a good idea, and fits with the power modification aspect of QA (though I don't really know where that's from ...)

Maybe the Epic Metamagic Feats at Lvl 20+? That is, Automatic Quicken/Silent/Still? Preceded by the active metamagic effects, in order of how they can be acquired in D&D canon?
well, I will be damed,nest time I will pay more attention, but yet this ilustrates my point, major bloodlines only get the nice basic stuff(Breathing, elemental imunity) at the very final levels, the way I see it QA shard manipulation would be equivalent to the Draconic natural spellcasting ability

GM already approved the Ability Rip and Psychic Reformation inspirations. Plus there's the Shard domain, which we don't know details of yet.

Besides, don't think anyone was saying we'd get it to use it all day every day like QA would at full strength. We essentially get a fragment or daily use of its power, and not even full strength I would think.

Metamagic seems a good idea, and fits with the power modification aspect of QA (though I don't really know where that's from ...)

Interlude 26, from this post.
Metamagic seems a good idea, and fits with the power modification aspect of QA (though I don't really know where that's from ...)

Maybe the Epic Metamagic Feats at Lvl 20+? That is, Automatic Quicken/Silent/Still? Preceded by the active metamagic effects, in order of how they can be acquired in D&D canon?
It was the original job of QA, before Taylor got it.

Also, the power would work best if it allowed Taylor to temporarily grant such feats.

Late to this, but as was said, Queen Administrator was originally about modifying other powers. So at its root, that seems pretty core to its identity. I like most of the suggestions already posed for this.

One characteristic is probably the multitasking, but hard to represent this.
Best I've got is an ability to make multiple skill checks, as long as only one of them is physical, or possibly an ability to use multiple spell-like or supernatural abilities at the same time.
Best I've got is an ability to make multiple skill checks, as long as only one of them is physical, or possibly an ability to use multiple spell-like or supernatural abilities at the same time.

Hmm. Maybe something like Arcane/Greater Arcane Fusion? The ability to cast multiple spells or take multiple actions, as long as they're physically possible? Much like what you suggested.

And preferrably something we couldn't do with other spells or feats. As it is, sounds like Tek is interpreting White Raven Tactics to let us take multiple actions within a single turn, which sounds like it would be handily superior to what we're discussing.
Something to let us cast spells using all of the components simultaneously? By which I mean, you could cast a spell with only a verbal component, one with only a somatic component, and one with only a material/focus component all at once, or one with VS and one with M, etc.
Something to let us cast spells using all of the components simultaneously? By which I mean, you could cast a spell with only a verbal component, one with only a somatic component, and one with only a material/focus component all at once, or one with VS and one with M, etc.

Huh, that's an interesting idea. Would that mean that, if there were a spell without any of those components (or are eliminated b Silence/Still feats) they could cast a potentially limitless number of spells? Or at least limited by your spell slots?

Though, with casting spells as manuveurs, it may well be limitless...depends on the interpretation.

I do like the idea, not sure how it works out from a munchkinning perspective, but it's interesting.
ECL 1.6
Taylor Hebert and Her Rather Sad Life: ECL 1.6

Taylor chose, after weighing the pros and cons of each option, to set up shop in the Boat Graveyard. It was remote, yes, but that same remoteness offered protection and anonymity. In Brockton Bay, everyone knew that only capes or gangs went into the Boat Graveyard; and the few figures she'd seen scurrying around the rusted titans of the graveyard stayed well out of her way. She sat on a disused chair, spinning as she thought. This place could use some new stuff - probably some real furniture, and she'd have to knock a few walls down but it suited her purposes just fine. Out here, where anyone who couldn't fly needed a boat to get around, she could be safe to practice and experiment. There was also the other thought - that she could use parts of the ships in the graveyard to fuel her spell research. After all, marine salvage was worth quite a bit of money.

She focused on the form she'd brought with her, and the costume she'd purchased. It was just a basic, cliche starter costume, modified slightly to work with her physiology - lots of dark clothing suitable for fighting in and a very basic mask. She'd bought it from several different stores to disguise her purchases, and she haphazardly changed into it, then looked in the land mirror she'd brought with her.

She looked totally different, and much more like a real cape. Before putting her shirt on, she took a look at her new muscles and whistled in appreciation. She exuded a certain sort of power, lithe and fast; ready to explode into action at any minute. Grinning, she put the final parts of the costume in place and raised the cheap digital camera. She'd had to use the last of her savings on it, but it was an essential tool for any independant cape. Using the delay, she took the requisite photos. She'd have to go down to a police station to do the rest of it, and it was already dark. Taylor stashed her clothes, then locked the door to her lair and, with a single beat of her wings, leapt aloft.

She'd chosen one down near the boardwalk, because they had the staff to process the registration on hand all night. As she flew over the flickering city lights, she thought about her research on the local cape scene. Miss Militia hadn't been kidding when she said that the heros were outnumbered in Brockton Bay. Not only were they outnumbered, some of the villains were just plain dangerous. Lung had fought an Endbringer to a draw, and the Empire-88 had a variety of versatile and psychopathic capes at their disposal.

The statics weren't so hot for independant heros either - most of them either died within the first six months, were recruited into a gang or joined a larger group of heros. Still, she was different from them - she had the versatility and raw power than none of Brockton Bay's failed independents had lacked. Or would have, anyway. She just had to to be careful for the first few levels. Also she had an autosave function, which while she wasn't eager to test it out, was something the failed independants likely didn't have either.

She neared the police station and landed in an alleyway. It stank vaguely of days-old garbage, just recently removed. Taylor moved forward swiftly, and as she neared the end of the alley the front of the police station exploded. Taylor flattened herself against a wall, and she felt the heat of the fire on her cheeks. The noise was deafening, and her ears rang as she tried to take stock of the situation. Gunfire could be heard, even through the ringing in her ears. She felt her heart beat wildly, and as her hearing returned she tried to calm herself.

She was a hero, and someone had just attacked a police station. She couldn't let herself be paralysed with fear now. She was needed, finally needed and she wasn't going to let anything stop her from answering the call.

Taylor went to the side door of the station, which opened on to the alley. It was locked, but figuring that nobody was going to hear her over the gunfire, she kicked it down. Inside the station was almost pitch black, with only the occasional flicker of light. A man stood in the corridor ahead of her, carrying a pistol and some kind of sheathed sword. A woman was dead beneath his feet, and with her darkvision Taylor could see the expression of pure, utter terror etched permanently onto her face. She felt sick, but she couldn't let herself falter now.

The man turned in response to the noise, but Taylor was faster. She was there before he could get a good shot off, and she leapt into a spinning kick that sent the man crashing to the ground. There was a nasty crack when his hand hit the ground at an awkward angle, but he'd live.

[+100 XP!] Exclaimed a pop up, and Taylor felt an odd kind of rush. There was tangible sensation of moreness when she gained the xp.

The man's dropped weapon lay on the ground, and his sword - a japanese one, she noted - was still haphazardly attached to his hip. She could take either and expect to use them as if she'd trained with them, and her sky high ability scores would certainly help her here. She reached down to pick them up, but hesitated. Her fists only dealt subdual damage, and she could safely beat on people all she wanted with them.

If she picked up the weapons? She was going into lethal territory there. She might be able to heal them with her stance to stabilize them, but it'd be risky. People could die, and people would certainly be maimed.

Taylor made her mind up and...

[x] Picked up a weapon
[x] The pistol
[x] The sword
[x] Both
[x] Left the weapons where they lay.
[x] Left the weapons where they lay.

Too many potential witnesses of the official variety to risk doing lethal damage. I do not want to get Taylor forced into the Wards on probation.
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[X] Make the weapon unusable (i.e break the sword, take away the ammo for gun)

if write ins are not allowed

[] Pick up both

I don't think leaving any weapon lying around is a good idea.
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[x] Left the weapons where they lay and made sure the criminal was unconcious and wasn't going to shoot us in the back.

Fuck the Wards. Also, the weapons are instruments of murder. We should not leave our fingerprints on them. To make this worse, if we pick the sword up and someone innocent has died because of one during this attack, we might be accused of being responsible for that. If we want a gun or a sword, we can get them later, without stealing evidence of murder.
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[x] Picked up a weapon
-[x] Both

Free, hopefully decent, gear! Those guys are killing cops, no one is going to bay an eye with lethal self defense.
[x] Left the weapons where they lay and made sure the criminal was unconcious and wouldn't shoot us in the back.

Fuck the Wards. Also, the weapons are instruments of murder. We should not leave our fingerprints on them. To make this worse, if we pick the sword up and someone innocent has died because of one, we might be accused of being responsible for that. If we want a gun or a sword, we can get them later, without stealing evidence of murder.

I had forgotten about fingerprints... Double Plus Ungood weapons. They could get us drafted even if we don't kill anyone, though it is less likely they could go that far.

[x] Picked up a weapon
-[x] Both

Free, hopefully decent, gear! Those guys are killing cops, no one is going to bay an eye with lethal self defense.

Except the PRT trying to force us into the Wards. Life is not fair for capes. Remember Canary
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Why? it only takes one dead criminal to put us in Sophia's situation and this is a Police Station.

Fuck the Wards. Also, the weapons are instruments of murder. We should not leave our fingerprints on them. To make this worse, if we pick the sword up and someone innocent has died because of one, we might be accused of being responsible for that.

We were not out for patrol, we were going to the Police Station. 100% self defense.

Calling bullshit on 'instruments of murder', the blade is sheated, there should be a fuck ton of cameras on the station to prove is was that guy.

You can't really trace a bladed kill. Picking up at least the sword, even if we don't use, could easily be seen as 'spoils'. The gun isn't that big of a deal, but the guy isn't dead, lets not leave someone to shoot us in the back on our way into the building, yeah?
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Is that Oni Lee?
Random ABB members don't carry or afford katanas.

[X]Leave the weapons
They're evidence of a murder, for one thing, and we're better off not unduly messing with the evidence.
Make them unusable, though, just in case.
We were not out for patrol, we were going to the Police Station. 100% self defense.

Calling bullshit on 'instruments of murder', the blade is sheated, there should be a fuck ton of cameras on the station to prove is was that guy.

If we chose to go after them then is can't be self-defense. A good lawyer could make a case for murder especially before a biased jury.
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