Task Force Doppelgänger [X-COM/Battletech]

might want to get an APC instead of one of the ATVs. still leaves us some points and give the platoon some heavier backup for transport(and one much harder to eat than sparks)
...that's a good point. Light autocannon and can take more damage. Was worried they couldn't handle all the mountains the ATV's could, but it seems not to be a problem. A bit expensive, sadly, but could be handled. Adjusting plan.

Do note that I think the SOP of X-Com is to actively use the sparks as cover. If the choice is between letting a soldier take damage and a SPARK, always let the SPARK take the hit. So they have lover life expectancy for that reason, but on the other hand, that means we don't take morale damage from a lot of soldiers dying all the time. Generally worth it, I would say.
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Instead, I'd like to suggest:

[X] Safety First Kids
- 3x UAV's = 15p
- 1x Nanomedkit = 5p
- 2x APC's = 30p
[X]Seif Bahar
[X]Tina Emerson

If they'd had warning from UAV that the bear was nearby, it would have been much less dangerous. Additionally with further out scouting they will be further and further from real care, so better medkits is essential IMO.
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Instead, I'd like to suggest:

[X] Safety First Kids
- 3x UAV's = 15p
- 1x Nanomedkit = 5p
- 2x APC's = 30p
[X]Seif Bahar
[X]Tina Emerson

If they'd had warning from UAV that the bear was nearby, it would have been much less dangerous. Additionally with further out scouting they will be further and further from real care, so better medkits is essential IMO.
we have nano medikits already. we get them now, from last turn influence
yeah, but only those with ATVs actually do long range scouting. right now it means 1 platoon

Sure, but with such a low amount of influence it just makes sense to me to buy the cheap small things now, while the bigger purcahases are out of our budget. The UAV's are really what's essential imo, and with a spare 5p laying around, why not? Next turn we may only just have enough for a couple big buys, and we may not be able to sqeeze the extra 5p in, and it'd be good to have it now, so... Ya get me?
Sure, but with such a low amount of influence it just makes sense to me to buy the cheap small things now, while the bigger purcahases are out of our budget. The UAV's are really what's essential imo, and with a spare 5p laying around, why not? Next turn we may only just have enough for a couple big buys, and we may not be able to sqeeze the extra 5p in, and it'd be good to have it now, so... Ya get me?
what we need most rn is vehicles and engineers, both are completely within our budget. and with these 5 points we can get another spark
what we need most rn is vehicles and engineers, both are completely within our budget. and with these 5 points we can get another spark
I kind of wanted another SPARK too, then realised we won't have enough transportation for it at that point. If we have no losses, when the reinforcements come we will have two SPARKs we can send with the scouts, and two for guarding homebase. Three would be nice, true, but it's not critical. If we get losses, however, more SPARKs would be nice. And next shopping round we definitely want more SPARKs.

We have three infantry platoons, two will be sent out once the APC's come, and having the third back at base "frontlines" with UAV and nanomedikits too would be... convenient. Not critical, by any means, but nice.

In the current vote, 2 APC's are basically nobrainers, but whether to use the rest of the points for infantry equipment (3 UAV's & a nanomedikit) or (3 UAV's & a SPARK) or another engineer.... All of it is needed, yes. It's a bit more unclear which one is needed the most "right here right now". Vote for the option you think is best!
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I kind of wanted another SPARK too, then realised we won't have enough transportation for it at that point. If we have no losses, when the reinforcements come we will have two SPARKs we can send with the scouts, and two for guarding homebase. Three would be nice, true, but it's not critical. If we get losses, however, more SPARKs would be nice. And next shopping round we definitely want more SPARKs.

We have three infantry platoons, two will be sent out once the APC's come, and having the third back at base "frontlines" with UAV and nanomedikits too would be... convenient. Not critical, by any means, but nice.

In the current vote, 2 APC's are basically nobrainers, but whether to use the rest of the points for infantry equipment (3 UAV's & a nanomedikit) or (3 UAV's & a SPARK) or another engineer.... All of it is needed, yes. It's a bit more unclear which one is needed the most "right here right now". Vote for the option you think is best!
I think the key here is starting to see a bit more long term. engineers will allow us to get more development for our base. but the infantry equipment might allow us more scouting to discover places to make more outposts, or with something we can use. still, engineers will allow us, if we build a foundry, to build the equioment ourselves, getting essentially both at the price of some time of dedicating the engineers.

@Murks74 how hard is it to make UAVs and nanomedikits in the foundry?

also another possibility is outpost materials, to allow us to make additional outpost. with 5 engineers and perhaps more later, and good location might be can site to make a proper lab there or on a peak for a large communication and radar base
[X]Seif Bahar
[X]Tina Emerson
[X] Combat Engineers
@Murks74 how hard is it to make UAVs and nanomedikits in the foundry?
You are better of just buying them. Without a source of materials for them you cant make them. Also your mission is to explore not building up manufacturing that might come later. The foundry is mostly for building oneoffs or to modify stuff with new tech or for local conditions.
Will we have informational thread with list of what the base had and have been built, just to keep thing in-check? Plus probably a map of the base in the future as well?
I list the already build stuff in each update where it matters for now. I will do an extra post if it becomes to much.
also another possibility is outpost materials, to allow us to make additional outpost. with 5 engineers and perhaps more later, and good location might be can site to make a proper lab there or on a peak for a large communication and radar base
We don't have the resources to start making a second base. Or rather, we do... but we won't be able to defend it properly, and it means the main base will not be built up as it should.
Vote closed
Scheduled vote count started by Murks74 on Apr 23, 2022 at 8:00 AM, finished with 24 posts and 3 votes.

  • [X] Plan improved scouts
    -[X] 1p.sol acquire laser weaponry( Infantry Platoon, 28
    -[X] 5p.pl acquire platoon level UAV(same Platoon)
    -[X] 5 all terrain vehicle (holds 6) 3x
    [X]Seif Bahar
    [X]Tina Emerson
    [X] Combat Engineers
    [X] 15 APC (2 soldiers)(holds 12) x2 (armored & light autocannon)
    [X] 20 engineering team
    [X]Seif Bahar
    [X]Tina Emerson
    [X]Seif Bahar
    [X]Tina Emerson
    [X] Combat Engineers
Murks74 threw 6 100-faced dice. Total: 296
3 3 27 27 76 76 88 88 100 100 2 2
Week 3 plan

Week 3 plan

[X] Combat Engineers
[X] 15 APC (2 soldiers)(holds 12) x2 (armored & light autocannon)
[X] 20 engineering team
[X]Seif Bahar
[X]Tina Emerson

Like last week you wait anxiously for the gate to open. But this time, when it does you are quite surprised to stare down the barrel of a tank which is standing behind the gate. You are even more surprised when its engine roars and it makes its way through the gate followed by 3 other tanks. They are followed by the expected two platoons of infantry and a whole bunch of engineers with trucks full of equipment. You walk up to the tanks as their crews start dismounting. Their Officer comes over and salutes you "Ma'am Lt. Ismael Gallego US Army at your service." "Welcome Lieutenant, I was not expecting heavy armor. How did you get to be here?" "Well there was this slight accident and someone misinterpreted a bunch of orders and we got directions to the wrong secret facility. And when we asked the higher ups what we were supposed to do now. There was a lot of discussion and arguing and then we were told, that because we were already aware of this we might as well take part instead of sitting around somewhere in the pampa to prevent us from blabbing. Anyway we got four tanks for you to point at any X Rays. Never thought I would get to use a stargate." "Well, I am happy to have you on board. We'll just have to get our workshop up and running soon to service the tanks."

There are no other surprises while your samples and requests for advisors are handed over without problems. You hope your choices of Bahar and Emerson are the right one. You have talked to Tina a few times while working with vahlen but that was the extend of your interactions sofar and you have never met bahar. Both were recommende though, so someone thought they would do a good job.

Having met and talked to both new platoon leaders, Lt. Valleas a Greek from 2nd Platoon and the dutch Lt.Buren from 3rd. You ask Burke for his opinion, while he is brewing up some tea. "Valleas and his boys are alright, Buren's on the other hand are garbage. I don't know who trained them but he needs a kicking. Give them to my platoon for a week and I will have them decentish." He hands you a cup. "Thanks, what about the tank platoon?" "I have no clue about tanks."

Later you stand in your command tent, the map in front of you has gained a lot of detail over the last week in the area around your base. One part in particular is marked with a cartoon bear and the words "Danger Bears". Clearing your throat you look around the tent at the five platoon leaders under your command. You should probably start exploring now that your reinforcements are here, before someone starts complaining about a lack of results."Okay, listen up! Our plan for this week is the following."

Current Forces
-1st Infantry Platoon Cpt. John Burke (25 soldiers)(X-COM)(nanomedikit)
-2nd Infantry Platoon Lt. Panikos Valleas (28 soldiers)(X-COM)(nanomedikit)
-3rd Infantry Platoon Lt. Jurrian Buren (28 soldiers)(X-COM)(green)
-1st Tank Platoon Lt. Ismael Gallego (4 M1A2 SEP XR)(16 crew)(US ARMY)(green)
-1st Pioneer Platoon Lt. Isabela Sato (28 soldiers)(X-COM)
-5 engineering teams
-1 research team
-6 ATV

Military Actions (assign vehicles and SPARKs to units if you want to use them and assign units to tasks):

[] Scout towards the valley entrance to the West (forest)
[] Scout towards the head of the valley to the East (forest)
[] Scout towards the South (mountain)
[] Scout towards the North (mountain)
[] Defend (location?)
[] Explore vicinity (location?)
[] Build (what?)(Pioneers can build field buildings)
[] Train 3rd Infantry Platoon dc 50 (which platoon?)

Build Actions(5):

Gate Outpost
- basic gate
- basic field fortifications
- field hospital
- field barracks

[]comms tower (set up a comms tower nearby for better reception)
[]water well (water supply for more than just drinking water) dc 50
[]improved fortifications (get the welders and the concrete lets build a proper bunker) dc 40
[]basic hospital (put that operating table in that corner) dc 30
[]field workshop (maintenance and repair of vehicles)(needs engineers to man)
[]field foundry (construction and modification of equipment)(needs engineers to man)
[]basic barracks (you can live here for some time) dc 30
[]field laboratory (better workspace for researchers to analyze and preserve samples)
[]field storage depot (open up options to stockpile larger amount of supplies e.g. all the mines or months of food)
[]field command bunker (dig a hole get some sandbags, make a roof and viola mortars are unlikely to behead the whole force and you also get a nice big space for organizing your forces)
[]field airstrip (needed for the operation of raven interceptors, kind of obvious from above)
[]field hangar (can hold 2 raven or 1 Skyranger)
[]lay the groundwork for a small nuclear plant. Eventually you will want to keep the gate open indefinitely this will require you to supply large amounts of power from your side.(long project with multiple steps)

Research actions(1)(these will net you influence):

[]valley general study fauna and pack and bag it dc 30
[]valley geological study and pack and bag it dc 50
[]dissection "Armabearillo"
[]search for beneficial plant life
[]search artifact site "Tin Can" for any other artifacts or hints

Personal actions(2):
[]manage an outpost (supports all build actions in an outpost)
[]support action
[]work on your support drone project
[]modify an existing piece of equipment (what?)

-Form staff, officers have those don't they? (advisors will cost influence)(advisors may take actions on either side of the gate e.g. a political advisor could champion for more support on earth)

[]try to recruit a military advisor to your staff
[]try to recruit an intelligence advisor to your staff
[]try to recruit an engineering advisor to your staff

As usual something not on here that you want, ask me.
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Hell yeah! Tanks 🤩
-Burke's Platoon Trains Green 3rd Platoon.
-2nd Platoon takes 5ATV's and 1SPARK for scouting the North mountain to get a better view of the surrounding area, and assess the viability of a comms tower.
@Murks74 can Burke's injured soldiers drive remaining ATV and operate three remaining SPARKS from within the ATV as a guard for the research team while they research?
-Tanks remain and guard base
-Pioneer platoon build Field Command Bunker

Engineers Build:
- field lab
- water well
- basic hospital
- field workshop
- field foundry

Scientists Research:
- Search for beneficial flora

Personal Actions:
- Support build well
- Recruit Military advisor

I'd say we leave most of the DC research and dissections until we have our chief xenobiologist.

Others thoughts generally?
Casualties get brought back to earth whenever possible.
Is it possible to send just a couple soldiers from burks platoon (given that he will be training the green platoon there's probably no issue splitting a few off?) with the scientists to pilot the atv/SPARKS? And how many operators are required for 3 SPARKS?
we are better off with manage an outpost. lets us support all build action including build well

From what I understand manage an outpost only effects build actions with a DC, and only the build well action has a DC this turn. Can you confirm @Murks74 and does 'manage an outpost' cover ALL DC actions including research etc? Or just the build actions?

@Blademaster if it does make a difference then I'll change it :)