Task Force Doppelgänger [X-COM/Battletech]

dk I guess I'm just not that worried about the meeting. We're getting work done out here, and they'll take what we got. I actually think giving them these incredible machines to increase our optics with a box ticking exercise is a huge waste. They lost the last one we sent to ADVENT infiltrators and we need these things to do the job they want us to do. Later on when we have a solid understanding of mechs and how to build/maintain/use them we can throw captured mechs around like currency. Until that point I think we are missionbound to make the best use of them.

But I'm happy to go along with expanding the gate.

Happily, they actually managed to find that mech again. From turn 19 Plan:
"Commander, I have good news from Agent Brown. Apparently X-Com managed to track down the missing mech and recover it. Multiple strike teams stormed a Haribon Military Industries factory in Detroit and got into a fire fight with local security. The Vice CEO, one Jack Harper, has gone to ground after a failed attempt to capture him and the corporation has been nationalized. The resistance encountered by the strike team tasked with his apprehension was substantial and reminiscent of an EXALT cell. They also employed some alien forces. On completely unrelated news the CEO of Haribon has come down with a fatal case of 4th degree plasma burns in his domicile."
If it wasn't for that, it would have been borderline unprofessional to send mechs back through the gate.

But you're right, it feels a bit like throwing away those mechs for a box-ticking exercise. Which is... hmm. One one hand, the UN has already proven more than a bit unprofessional here by throwing around serious false accusations, and at least as far as we know, never apologized for it. Which is kind of a red flag. I kind of get the feel that they are the typical sleazeball politicians looking for an excuse to grab shinies. And if we handover two mechs to delay a deadline we probably don't strictly need to delay, that means the next mission will absolutely be designed such that we will need to bribe them a lot. Because that has worked as a way to get bribes before.

Of course, if we fumble a roll in the Ruined City, that means we risk getting very little influence for a round or two, but paying two mechs to avoid the risk of that seems... silly. And all the UN really will have succeeded at is raising another red flag. Because this is actually going pretty well. This is actually 20 weeks in the shadows before anyone on the planet knew we were here, and the ones who know are now our allies.

Okay, plan B: We try to keep the Spider for actual use, give the Javelin to the Asian Combine because I personally think the Japaneese and the Koreans will be over the moon to have the chance to try to make Mecha (and it would be funny to me if they succeed), and we keep the Wasp to pick it apart (it has a medium laser). That means we can pay the Doreans out of our own pocket this turn if we need to, and don't have to worry about suddenly being in trouble if the UN decides to be assholes. Again.

This way, they can't go "ah, but the alliance is TECHNICALLY not completed yet", no matter how they try. Then it would have to be "but we can technically still sabotage the alliance", which has A LOT worse optics, for the UN.

Meaning, diplomacy addition:
[] Hand over [Javelin] to [Asian Combine] for 1 Favor
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I'm down with that!

[X] Plan Outline MKIII:
-[X] Diplomacy
--[X] Yes Recruit Auxiliaries
--[X] Hand over [Javelin] to [Asian Combine] for 1 Favor
-[X] Military
--[X] Search ruins
-[X] Intrigue
--[X] Decode data device
-[X] Stewardship
--[X] Prepare Gate Expansion
-[X] Learning
--[X] Advanced Conductors
--[X] Advanced capacitors
--[X] Adjusted Food Crops 1
--[X] Analyse Neurohelmet
-[X] Personal Action
--[X] Soaring Night AAR
-[X] Infrrastructure
--[X] 2 Move Foundry in Gate Base underground (6/12)
--[X] 3 Upgrade Airstrip in Gate Base to Improved (5/12)
--[X] 3 Upgrade Radar in Radar Base to Improved (0/12)
--[X] 1 Build Hangar in Ruined Village (0/3)
--[X] 3 Move Laboratory in Gate Base underground (0/12)

So I'm happy with this, any final objections?
They lost the last one we sent to ADVENT infiltrators and we need these things to do the job they want us to do.
I never said it was Advent.
Murks74 threw 11 100-faced dice. Reason: ACtions Total: 455
24 24 47 47 17 17 94 94 5 5 69 69 21 21 57 57 62 62 3 3 56 56
Murks74 threw 1 100-faced dice. Reason: gacha Total: 28
28 28
Murks74 threw 12 6-faced dice. Reason: infra Total: 42
4 4 2 2 5 5 1 1 3 3 4 4 3 3 5 5 4 4 3 3 3 3 5 5
Murks74 threw 1 100-faced dice. Reason: x Total: 27
27 27
I'm afraid of what those rolls might mean. And I just realised "Jack Harper" as far as we know is still at large. A weapons dealer/designer with alien friends and knowledge of battlemech design. This does not bode well.
I'm afraid of what those rolls might mean.
Yeah, a bit hard to say exactly what the different rolls are for, and there might even be one missing. But what is obvious is that the construction projects at least went well. EVERYTHING completed except for the "move laboratories underground", and even that ended up with 11/12.
And I just realised "Jack Harper" as far as we know is still at large. A weapons dealer/designer with alien friends and knowledge of battlemech design. This does not bode well.
..they are going to make the memetic Cerberus Taco Cart. Calling it now. Mind you, part of what made Cerberus pants-on-head retarded in Mass Effect canon was the fact that Tim was at least partially indoctrinated from the get-go. On the other hand, considering how the Ethereals and Advent have run around playing with minds, the inherent craziness is probably covered.


Just worried if one of the science rolls made another scientists team blow up. We currently have 20% casualties (10 of 50) among the scientists (stress, fires, explosions, extended leave and shell shock combined), having that jump to 40% would kind of make us the "Cerberus Taco Cart" contestants.
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Yeah, a bit hard to say exactly what the different rolls are for, and there might even be one missing. But what is obvious is that the construction projects at least went well. EVERYTHING completed except for the "move laboratories underground", and even that ended up with 11/12.
Yeah hell yeah.

..they are going to make the memetic Cerberus Taco Cart. Calling it now. Mind you, part of what made Cerberus pants-on-head retarded in Mass Effect canon was the fact that Tim was at least partially indoctrinated from the get-go. On the other hand, considering how the Ethereals and Advent have run around playing with minds, the inherent craziness is probably covered.

Just worried if one of the science rolls made another scientists team blow up. We currently have 20% casualties (10 of 50) among the scientists (stress, fires, explosions, extended leave and shell shock combined), having that jump to 40% would kind of make us the "Cerberus Taco Cart" contestants.

This really threw me for a loop bc I'm taking part in another quest that's an XCOM / ME ck2 style quest. Lost track of which quest thread I was reading for a moment. Yeah yikes. Maybe I just have Reapers on the brain, but now I'm imagining horrific biosynth hybrid battle mechs with psionic powers. Nothing good can come from this.
Week 20: Justifications

Week 20: Justifications​

[X] Plan Outline MKIII:
-[X] Diplomacy
--[X] Yes Recruit Auxiliaries
--[X] Hand over [Javelin] to [Asian Combine] for 1 Favor
-[X] Military
--[X] Search ruins
-[X] Intrigue
--[X] Decode data device
-[X] Stewardship
--[X] Prepare Gate Expansion
-[X] Learning
--[X] Advanced Conductors
--[X] Advanced capacitors
--[X] Adjusted Food Crops 1
--[X] Analyse Neurohelmet
-[X] Personal Action
--[X] Soaring Night AAR
-[X] Infrastructure
--[X] 2 Move Foundry in Gate Base underground (6/12)
--[X] 3 Upgrade Airstrip in Gate Base to Improved (5/12)
--[X] 3 Upgrade Radar in Radar Base to Improved (0/12)
--[X] 1 Build Hangar in Ruined Village (0/3)
--[X] 3 Move Laboratory in Gate Base underground (0/12)

[X] Yes Recruit Auxiliaries
You've made the decision to enlist the help of the Dorians. While they may not be as effective as X-Com troops, having infantry with local knowledge and the ability to hold ground is invaluable. However, it will be crucial to acknowledge the limitations of your new troops. Their enthusiasm, while commendable, can not compensate for their lack of training and firepower, especially if they were to face a well-trained and organized opposition.

[+2 Light Dorian Infantry Platoons]

[X] Hand over [Javelin] to [Asian Combine] for 1 Favor
Yoshito stood there, his eyes locked in awe at the colossal machine sprawled out before him and the team of engineers. The journey to this moment had been one of enduring patience and unyielding determination. Proposal after proposal had been rejected, each one dismissed as unfeasible by the skeptics who could not see what Yoshito envisioned. The dream of a young, naive boy had nearly perished.

But now, right in front of him, the tangible proof lay. It was possible. Achievable. The surge of emotion was overwhelming. He clenched his fists, the determination burning in his eyes. He was going to prove them all wrong. He was going to build mechas, and he was willing to give everything, even if it meant this would be the last thing he ever did.

[X] Search ruins 24+18
Walls are broken down and basements dug out, but it seems generations of scavengers have picked the place clear. Nothing of particular note is found.

[X]Prepare gate expansion [1/- Weeks]
Preparations for an expansion of the rail net to increase the gates throughput have been proceeding at good speed with a multitude of areas surveyed and equipment ordered to jumpstart the eventual expansion of logistical capacity.

[X] Decode data device 17+24
"The Data device?" you inquire, while starting to scroll through the files. Numbers and more numbers you have no idea what you are looking at.

"Yes, we've just managed to crack it. We believe these are bank accounts and financial data. The most recent entry dates back more than two centuries."

Your disappointment is evident as you continue scrolling through the seemingly mundane data. "So, nothing of real value. It would have been a pleasant surprise to find a treasure map or something."

Agent Brown offers a wry smile. "Well, unless the bank is somehow still operating,then these accounts might hold some value. Although, given the thermonuclear free-for-all between these neo-feudal states, I wouldn't hold my breath on that front."

[X] Advanced Conductors dc100 94+30=124 success
Project Report TFDP1377
Our efforts in advancing conductor technology have finally paid off. While their production remains costly and they exhibit some brittleness, we have undeniably established the groundwork for the creation of more efficient lasers, gauss rifles, and fusion reactors. The potential applications for these advanced conductors are numerous, promising even more breakthroughs in the future.
Dr. Emerson

[X] Advanced capacitors dc70 5+30=35 failure
Project Report TFDP1401
Progress on enhancing our capacitors continues to move at a frustratingly sluggish pace. While we have successfully crafted a few semi-functional prototypes, the challenge lies in finding a reliable method for mass production that meets the required quantities.
Dr. Emerson


[X] Adjusted Food Crops I
Project Report TFDP1434
Codename: Eden
We've resumed our work on developing food crops using our advanced gene splicing and manipulation techniques. Following the setback we experienced a few weeks ago, we've implemented numerous additional security measures. Now, all cargo destined for our research efforts must undergo extensive screening. These collective efforts have successfully restored us to the point we were at before the contamination incident, and we're fervently hoping that such an event will not reoccur.
Dr. Emerson

[X] Analyze Neurohelmet 21+40+15=76 dc60 success
Project Report TFDP1422
Neurohelmets allow a pilot to directly interface with their machine. Near subconsciously controlling and interacting with the computer system enabling far more precise control than what conventional controls would permit.

These bulky pieces of equipment also serve plenty of other purposes. They not only provide vital data to the pilot but also enhance situational awareness through a compressed 360-degree camera feed. A heads-up display offers immediate access to critical information, and they allow weapons to be aimed simply by the pilot's line of sight. Additionally, a basic auditory system relays external sounds into the confines of the vehicle.

What makes these helmets particularly intriguing is their apparent simplicity in design, given their remarkable capabilities. However, their true complexity lies in the programming and software, which remains indecipherable to us. Any attempt to replicate these helmets would require a significant and painstaking effort. Unless a one-to-one copy is the goal, but such an endeavor is not recommended given their unwieldiness and lack of safety features. A piece of equipment that can accidentally melt the brain of the user requires some refinement.

Furthermore, limited testing with Brauer has shown some enhanced resistance to mind-influencing psionics while actively piloting a walker. This resistance is likely attributed to the way the human brain interacts with the transmissions, possibly drowning out attempts by our psi operatives to influence the pilot's mind
Dr. Emerson

[X] Soaring Night AAR 57
TF Doppelgänger
AAR Operation: Soaring Night

Engagement of forces of the Barony Von Strang to diminish their capabilities and the acquisition of ..

1. Walkers, if countered with infantry, are to be engaged at short ranges with massed firepower whenever possible to prevent them from bringing their superior mobility and range to bear.

2. Massed Power armored Infantry trivializes the destruction of enemy infantry assets without heavy fire support.

3. The effect of light artillery and gun only airstrikes on walkers is sharply limited due to the nature of their armor.

4. Limited mobility of our current power armor leads to problems when crossing obstacles or getting through rough terrain, severely limiting usefulness. Further training in their operation will also be required for the operators.

5. Ablative armor makes singular infantry carried missile launchers considerably less effective requiring repeated hits to actually destroy a target. Making repeated engagements without resupply problematic.

6. Walker pilots seem to be somewhat resistant to mind influencing psionics, likely due to their neuro helmets influence.

1. Results are likely going to be considerably worse under most other engagement profiles.

2. Any weapons platform able to keep up and destroy walkers should be given priority. Alternatively a highly mobile spotter might be able to guide in air and missile strikes.

3.The Hercules Power Armor should be iterated upon as soon as possible to improve mobility.

4.Infantry should whenever possible be supported by vehicles carrying weapons able to engage walkers at range.

You had not been looking forward to this. Hours-long meetings were already bad enough, but having them with some of the most powerful men and women picking apart your every decision and asking for your justifications was hell all upon itself.

The severe woman, representing the governments of Canada, Mexico, and the USA, seemed particularly intent on ruining your day.

"Well, yes, progress was made, and the technology will likely prove useful," she drones on. "But the expenses involved were significant. With the Elerium stores expended so far, we could have built a whole fleet of Firestorms. Your mission was and is to take steps to secure the planet; research can wait and be done later. Getting distracted and running after every little piece of scrap has its place, but this is not it. I propose to send in an armored brigade combat team. The US military should make short work of these natives."

The unspoken "And not waste everyone's precious time" at the end of her statement is crystal clear. Her suggestion to transfer the mission leads to general sounds of protest all around the table, including your own.

"Remind me again who managed to misplace a fifty-ton war machine?" you quip. The room falls silent for a moment before you continue, "Oh, sorry, that's not what happened; some corpo managed to buy it off your military. Sounds really reliable." In hindsight you probably shouldn't have said that.
Shen Diplomacy 3+14=17 crit fail umh bahar? 56+18+15=89 pfuuh
Bahar chooses that moment to interrupt. "Calm, please," he interjects. "I would like to get everyone back on track and point to the newest acquisitions we made as well as the…"

In the end, after heated debate, you manage to secure three more weeks from the council to sufficiently secure Erin, that means ensuring no potentially hostile forces can jeopardize the colonization efforts. You don't think you will be able to continue acting as a X-Com Commander if you fail that deadline. You have a feeling that Miss bitchface would make sure of that.

Infrastructure (11 engineering teams, 80 BP cap):
--[X] 2 Move Foundry in Gate Base underground (12/12)done!
--[X] 3 Upgrade Airstrip in Gate Base to Improved (12/12)done!
--[X] 3 Upgrade Radar in Radar Base to Improved (12/12)done!
--[X] 1 Build Hangar in Ruined Village (3/3)done!
--[X] 3 Move Laboratory in Gate Base underground (11/12)

Standardizations: nanomedikit, uav, laser weaponry (p), Spike-SR launchers

1st Company Assault 102
((predator armor)(PsiOp))
-Infantry Platoon Cpt. Panikos Valleas (28 soldiers)
-Infantry Platoon Lt. Tommy-Lee Atkins (28 soldiers)
-Infantry Platoon Lt. Karen Cardello (28 soldiers)
-Pioneer Platoon Lt. Isabela Sato (28 soldiers)
-Pioneer Platoon Lt. Isto Uppa (28 soldiers)
-SPARK OP Team (2 soldiers)
-6 APC(2 crew)
-2 IFV(2 crew)
-Cavalry Platoon
--3 Pursuit Special Mk1(2 crew)
--2 Pursuit Special Mk1 PL (2 crew)
--1 Pursuit Special Mk1 EMP (2 crew)
--3 Medusa Mk1(2 crew)

2nd Company Motorized 130
-Infantry Platoon Cpt. Jurrian Buren (28 soldiers)(PsiOp)(predator armor)
-Infantry Platoon Lt. Lucca Warner (28 soldiers)(PsiOp)
-Infantry Platoon Lt. Elias Wojcik (28 soldiers)(PsiOp)(Hercules)
-Pioneer Platoon Lt. Zhang Yanyu (28 soldiers)
-3 Mortar Team (6 soldiers)
-2 Spike NLOS

3rd Company Armored 48
(US ARMY)(veteran)(UAV)(nanomedikit)
-Tank Platoon Cpt. Len Cribbs (4 M1A2 SEP XR)(16 crew)(Heavy Armor)
-Tank Platoon Lt. Vince I. Warren (4 M1A2 SEP XR)(16 crew)(Heavy Armor)
-Tank Platoon Lt. Marie Williams (4 M1A2 SEP XR)(16 crew)(Heavy Armor)

4th Company Airmobile 120
-Psi.Ma Annette Durand
-Infantry Platoon Cpt. John Burke (22 soldiers)(spider armor)
-Infantry Platoon Lt. Michael Martinez (20 soldiers)(spider armor)
-Infantry Platoon Lt. Shuaib Wells (28 soldiers)(spider armor)
-Pioneer Platoon Cpt. Anna Harding (26 soldiers)(Hercules)
-3 Skyranger II (4 crew)(2 platoons capacity)(1 damaged 1 weeks)

5th Company Artillery 114
-Infantry Platoon Lt. Zeng An (28 soldiers)
-Infantry Platoon Lt. Zhou Hu (28 soldiers)
-Infantry Platoon Lt. Lai Gen (28 soldiers)
-5 105mm Artillery gun (6 soldiers)
-12 Spike NLOS

6th Company Motorized 124
-Infantry Platoon Lt. Deng Mingyu (28 soldiers)
-Infantry Platoon Lt. Mo Wei (28 soldiers)
-Infantry Platoon Lt. Ye Jiayi (28 soldiers)
-Pioneer Platoon Lt. Qin Peizhi (28 soldiers)
-2 Mortar Team (6 soldiers)

7th Company Motorized 124
-Infantry Platoon Lt. Julieta Santos (28 soldiers)
-Infantry Platoon Lt. Giovanna Costai (28 soldiers)
-2 Spike NLOS

8th Dorian Auxiliary
-Light Dorian Infantry Platoon (30 soldiers)(green)
-Light Dorian Infantry Platoon (30 soldiers)(green)

Independent Elements 22
-X-Com Strike Team Lynx (Infiltration)(elite)(6 soldiers)(can't be upgraded)
-X-Com Strike Team Squid (Infiltration) (elite)(6 soldiers)(can't be upgraded)
-X-Com Strike Team Swallow (Assault)(elite)(6 soldiers)(can't be upgraded)
-X-Com Strike Team Wasp (Assault)(elite)(6 soldiers)(can't be upgraded)
-1st Raven Flight (2 crew)
-2nd Raven Flight (2 crew)
-Demon Royal (damaged)

Noncombatants and Equipment 280
-1 Hercules MK1
-30 engineering teams
-4 science teams
-1 Stockpile explosives
-1 Krak(atoa) 0.1-0.5 Kiloton demolition charge
-2 GLCM Cluster Warhead
-1 GLCM TACN 5 Kiloton Warhead
960 manpower

(If you want you can order Col. Salcido to arrange your forces a different way)
[]reorganize forces (write-in how you want them)

Influence: 62(1d100)+90(research)+14(dip)+7(left over)=173
[]Use favor on (council nation) to provide support to xcom netting you 80 influence.(may be used multiple times)
Units have a regular rating and are equipped with standard rifles, kevlar armor and some grenades, unless otherwise specified.
[Current Favors: 1 US; 1 Asian Combine]

[]supply Arms 150
[]supply Medicine 50
[]supply Water pumps 50

[] Include (upgrade) in all X-Com Platoons (platoon cost=platoon cost +upgrade cost)(gain influence equal to upgrade cost because of standardization)

[] 1p.sol Replacements (have a chance to move rating towards green)
[] 40 engineering team
[] 60 research team
[] 40 X-Com Infantry Platoon (28 soldiers)
[] 50 X-Com Pioneer Platoon (28 soldiers)
[] 120 X-Com Strike Team Infiltration (elite)(6 soldiers)(can't be upgraded)
[] 120 X-Com Strike Team Assault (elite)(6 soldiers)(can't be upgraded)
[] 30 105mm Artillery gun (6 soldiers)
[] 15 mortar team(6 soldiers)
[] 5 SPARK (1 unit)(take 2 transport space)
[] 5 SPARK OP Team (2 soldiers)(can remotely direct up to 5 sparks in their vicinity)
[] 15 APC (2 crew)(holds 12)
[] 20 IFV (2 crew)(holds 6)
[] 120 Skyranger II (4 crew)(needs 1 engineering team for maintenance)
[] 160 Raven Flight (2 crew)(needs 1 engineering team for maintenance)
[] 40 Krak(atoa) 0.1-0.5 Kiloton demolition charge
[] 120 GLCM TACN 5 Kiloton Warhead
[] 20 GLCM Cluster Warhead
[] 30 plasma cannon
[] 30 emp cannon
[] 120 fusion lance

Upgrades have to be applied to whole platoons or units.
[] 1p.sol acquire predator armor
[] 2p.sol acquire spider suit
[] 5p.pl acquire nanomedikit
[] 5p.pl acquire platoon level UAV
[] 20 replaces one soldier with a Psi Operative

[] 10 dorian auxiliary Light Infantry platoon

You have production equal to the Foundries last upgrade cost times 100 times 1.5(shen bonus) available (3600 Production)
[] 100 Hercules Mk1
[] 215 Hercules Mk1 J
[] 470+2 Inf Pursuit Special Mk1
[] 375+32 Inf Pursuit Special Mk1 EN/PL
[] 230+2 Medusa Mk1
(for now production cost is basically C-bill through 1000 rounded down)

As usual please tell me if you find any errors. I am currently not enacting any moratorium. You guys have been decent so far with discussing your plans before voting for them, try to keep it that way please.
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3 weeks. To secure the place, not just to go loud. Ugh.

We're not engineering a peaceful change of power in three weeks, and if we conquer the city by main force we're gonna be dealing with an urban insurgency for the rest of time.

We're gonna have to pull a few tricks from the colonization book, I think. Engineer a coup and cut a deal with new, more amiable leadership. We do have a lot we can offer in that regard: we have a fully operational planetary industrial base even if it's in tatters at the moment. Industrial development, water infrastructure, etc all things we're gonna have to do anyways. Carrot and stick.
Yikes, that didn't go too well. Uh @Murks74 why does it say we have 0 influnce?

Well 3 weeks is a much shorter timeline than I expected, and I tend to agree, I think it's time to make friends with the power players and cut the head off the snake asap. Carrot and stick indeed. I shudder to think about the right mess it will be when the nations of earth begin carving the planet up. I wonder if there will be enough space for all of humanity here, or if we'll have to find another planet to spill out onto. Maybe that will be mission 2: electric boogaloo if we are succesful in the next three weeks.
Funny thing about an armored brigade?

It would just die. Horribly. With a lot of the personell ending up as slaves in the local mines. One medium laser destroyed two US MBT's in one shot in our first engagement with Mechs. Short version: The UN doesn't actually know what they are talking about, but are our bosses. Let's hope we can do something about them actually being our bosses at some point down the line.

Anyway! First idea for a plan, that probably could use some refinement:

Plan: Proper Military v1
- Shopping
-- Use favor on (US) to provide support to xcom netting you 80 influence
-- Use favor on (African Union) provide support to xcom netting you 80 influence
-- Use favor on (Asian Combine) to provide support to xcom netting you 80 influence
-- Supply Arms 150
-- Supply Medicine 50
-- Supply Water Pumps 50
-- 18 Soldier Replacements
-- Dorian auxiliary Light Infantry platoon x 4 (To hold ground on the flanks in the city, and for scouting in the mountains.)
-- 40 engineering team
-- Elerium for the Medusa fusion reactors 30
-- SPARK OP Team x3 (We can TECHNICALLY push through production of SPARKS in the next turn, if we really want to.)
-- IFV
- Production
-- Medusa Mk1 x 15 (3.45 million C-bills)
-- Can we use the spare production (150k C-bills) to make assorted other supplies for the Dorian auxilliaries? Mech machine gun emplacements? Artillery guns?

This should give us a total of 173+ 240 = 413 influence.
Cost of alliance 250. Replacements for wounded and dead: 18. 145 left.
The basic idea is that 6 Dorian platoons are probably useless in the open ground, but helping hold a city should be doable. The elerium we HAVE to buy, the Medusa we HAVE to buy, the engineer we really, really should buy... but the 35 used for SPARK OP teams & the IFV is very debatable. Ditto with the Dorians, but it seems like a good idea to me.

@Murks74: Can we use the spare production (150k C-bills) for stuff like "Mech machine guns" on tripods - or more solid foundations (AA that can target the ground too? Or just a field machine cannon) for defensive emplacements? Around bases or in the city? Or to make field guns and/or better gear for the Dorian auxilliaries?

Also, really liked the Yoshito bit.
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" I propose to send in an armored brigade combat team. The US military should make short work of these natives."

"Yes, your military has an extensive record of making short work of natives. Just ask the Native Americans, or the First Nations people of Canada, or read up about the Trail of Tears sometime. It's called genocide. But the key issue with taking over this planet is to do it in such a way to avoid an ongoing insurrection after taking over the planet. Try to familiarise yourself with how the US military fared in the Vietnam War, or the Russians and Americans fared in their attempted occupations of Afghanistan. And that's not counting the aid of BattleMechs for a potential insurrection. You should be familiar with the capabilities of BattleMechs, as you've had one to study for several months - oh, wait, it was sold off to a corporation under the table, so that potential research time was wasted.

Or are you advocating the genocide of the entire planetary population as a security measure to prevent insurrection? I would not put that beyond the government of the United States. Nits make lice, after all."

So we've had a total of 23 weeks from the gate opening and TF Doppelganger starting to build its base, with absolutely no intel about the situation. Less than six months to conquer an entire world and our commanders are already bitching us out.

Fuck 'em.

What are the chances we can seal the gate from our side and just go it alone?
Also, really liked the Yoshito bit.


And I think it's definitely a good idea to stock up on Medusa's etc. bc there's no guarantee our coup works, and if it goes hot we want to be prepared. Of course, even if our coup does work, there's no telling what pissed off Mechwarriors might do if they feel like they're being toyed with.

I would think that "supply arms" would ensure the Dorian Auxilliaries have laser rifles and gear etc. no?

@Murks74 now that the timeline is rapidly approaching and we have a rather large strike force, would it be possible to have multiple military actions? Feels weird that having the power-armoured troops train means our other units can't go do other things.
"Yes, your military has an extensive record of making short work of natives. Just ask the Native Americans, or the First Nations people of Canada, or read up about the Trail of Tears sometime. It's called genocide. But the key issue with taking over this planet is to do it in such a way to avoid an ongoing insurrection after taking over the planet. Try to familiarise yourself with how the US military fared in the Vietnam War, or the Russians and Americans fared in their attempted occupations of Afghanistan. And that's not counting the aid of BattleMechs for a potential insurrection. You should be familiar with the capabilities of BattleMechs, as you've had one to study for several months - oh, wait, it was sold off to a corporation under the table, so that potential research time was wasted.

Or are you advocating the genocide of the entire planetary population as a security measure to prevent insurrection? I would not put that beyond the government of the United States. Nits make lice, after all."
Gigantic oof.


What are the chances we can seal the gate from our side and just go it alone?

I don't think anyone on the TF would be down for that. Our entire purpose here is to save humanity, the UN are just proving to be a sometimes obstacle in that endevour.

There's an old saying that diplomacy is telling someone to go to hell in such a way that they look forward to the trip.

Also there's another old saying - 'Truth hurts'.

I don't think anyone on the TF would be down for that. Our entire purpose here is to save humanity, the UN are just proving to be a sometimes obstacle in that endevour.

I was thinking shut the gate until we have secured the planet, then reopen it once we've secured it as a fait accompli This would stop the UN from interfering with our own plans by sending through a military units led by a gung-ho leader ordered to replace us, like the American delegate seemed to want. Once we've secured the world we re-open the gate and tell them "Job's done, you can send the refugees through."

For our plans we obviously need to build up our military, but what is there which requires resources from Earth rather than those we can gather here?
-- Use favor on (African Union) provide support to xcom netting you 80 influence
You already used that one.
@Murks74: Can we use the spare production (150k C-bills) for stuff like "Mech machine guns" on tripods - or more solid foundations (AA that can target the ground too? Or just a field machine cannon) for defensive emplacements? Around bases or in the city? Or to make field guns and/or better gear for the Dorian auxilliaries?
1. I want to see the tripod that you can put a gau 4 on.
2. You want to develop a fieldgun?
3. I assume that the dorian auxiliaries alreay get some equipment from you. They just dont have much training and barely any vehicles. But they got mules so there is that.
Also, really liked the Yoshito bit.
@Murks74 now that the timeline is rapidly approaching and we have a rather large strike force, would it be possible to have multiple military actions? Feels weird that having the power-armoured troops train means our other units can't go do other things.
I will think about it. But you get 2 anyway if you use shens action. Maybe an option to send units to training? Will see.
es, your military has an extensive record of making short work of natives
On second read that sounds a lot worse than I intended at first. But well let's assume that ten years of war did not nice things to the political landscape.
Less than six months to conquer an entire world and our commanders are already bitching us out.
To be fair the entire world has one big city. And they are rather pressed for time on their side too.
I was thinking shut the gate until we have secured the planet,
You need supplies. Like tons of them to keep your operation running.
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There's an old saying that diplomacy is telling someone to go to hell in such a way that they look forward to the trip.
Haha that's golden, I've never heard it put like that. Perhaps the iteration of it I remember most is Ashley Jenkins iconic question "Why is it that one someone says 'with all due respect' they really mean 'kiss my ass'?"

1. I want to see the tripod that you can put a gau 4 on.
2. You want to develop a fieldgun?
3. I assume that the dorian auxiliaries alreay get some equipment from you. They just dont have much training and barely any vehicles. But they got mules so there is that.
1. Yeah good luck X'D
3. I love the idea of these auxilliaries riding into battle on mules with laser rifles. It's beautiful.
3b. Wait I've got it, let's put the gau 4 on a mule.

I will think about it. But you get 2 anyway if you use shens action. Maybe an option to send units to training? Will see.
Awesome, thanks for considering it.

On second read that sounds a lot worse than I intended at first. But well let's assume that ten years of war did not nice things to the political landscape.
Yeeeeup, that'll do it!
-- Use favor on (African Union) provide support to xcom netting you 80 influence
You already used that one.
...ooof. We actually did. Dammit. Okay...

Plan: Proper Military v2
- Shopping
-- Use favor on (US) to provide support to xcom netting you 80 influence
-- Use favor on (Asian Combine) to provide support to xcom netting you 80 influence
-- Supply Arms 150
-- Supply Medicine 50
-- Supply Water Pumps 50
-- 18 Soldier Replacements
-- Dorian auxiliary Light Infantry platoon x 3 (To hold ground on the flanks in the city, and for scouting in the mountains.)
-- Elerium for the Medusa fusion reactors 30
-- SPARK OP Team (We can TECHNICALLY push through production of SPARKS in the next turn, if we really want to.)
- Production
-- Medusa Mk1 x 15 (3.45 million C-bills)

This should give us a total of 173+ 160 = 333 influence.
Cost of alliance 250. Replacements for wounded and dead: 18. 65 left. 30 must go to fusion reactors.

2. You want to develop a fieldgun?
Yes. Because we need something cheap to fill in the budget with. Let's see... a mech machine gun is 7k C-bills, then add half a ton armor plate in front and some ammo and something to mount it on. Hmm. Can't see anything in megameklab for that. Trailer? But that's definitely something else... Would we need to design a field/AA gun as a research project?

Would love to use a medium laser for it, but then we would need proper capacitors first, not to mention that I have no idea how to handle the heating issue. Water cooling, maybe?

If we can't do anything else useful with that surplus, I would say just build 20 mech machine guns, tons of ammo for them, and just ship them back to XCom and see if they can use them for anything interesting. Shooting bugs, for example.
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I wanna finish the Gremlins before we design another thing. If we can do both at once I'm down for it but I want those support drones. I want every XCOM infantry personel to have a gremlin of one kind or another. Think of the things a squad could do with a cloud of gremlins. The size of the smoke clouds that could be made on demand. We could have our mechs and medusa's engage at range, and then whenever we want we can drop a smoke wall and dip without them having any idea where. And we can produce lots of them. And they'd definitely be ueful back on earth. And they can be mobile repairbots for any mechs or tanks we have.
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