Task Force Doppelgänger [X-COM/Battletech]

[X] Plan: Dig in
[X] Explore vicinity & protect scientists who're nosing around (Base) 1 infantry platoon, 1 ATV, 2 SPARKs
[X] Defend (Gate Outpost) 1 SPARK
[X] Build improved field fortifications 1 pioneer (And being Pioneers, that means they also defend themselves and the base.)

Build actions(2):
[X] Water well (water supply for more than just drinking water) dc 50
[X] Field barracks

Research actions(1):
[X] valley general study fauna and pack and bag it dc 30

Personal actions(2):
[X] Manage an outpost (Gate Outpost) (Same effect on building the well as support, but it means if unforeseen circumstances make the other build actions trickier, then she helps out on those too.)
[X] Try to recruit an science advisor to your staff (It shouldn't be that hard getting someone to try to rustle up scientists clamouring to go to another world to research completely new stuff there)

If I may ask, how exactly does personal "support actions" work?
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If I may ask, how exactly does personal "support actions" work?
Adds your appropriate modifier to the action and you will take part in the action eg using support action on an attack on a target will have lily take part in the attack and apply here martial modifier. Might even do mini turns where the action plays out when i am in the mood.
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Adds your appropriate modifier to the action and you will take part in the action eg using support action on an attack on a target will have lily take part in the attack and apply here martial modifier. Might even do mini turns where the action plays out when i am in the mood.
Considering there is only one engineering action with a DC, would it be most beneficient to do a Manage Outpost (Gate Outpost) or a Support (Build Well in Gate Outpost) action?
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I think we should stick to the lower DC research tasks like pack'n'bagging until we have a science advisor. Don't want to wast the potential of the Tin Can site.

Also, I think we should get a barracks and a field hospital. We don't really need the well before our water tanks are close to running dry, and if anyone gets hurt, a showers not gonna do diddly squat.

[X] Plan: Essentials
[X] Explore vicinity & protect scientists who're nosing around (Base) 1 infantry platoon, 1 ATV, 2 SPARKs
[X] Defend (Gate Outpost) 1 SPARK
[X] Build improved field fortifications 1 pioneer (And being Pioneers, that means they also defend themselves and the base.)

Build actions(2):
[X] field hospital (when you need more than ibuprofen, mostly to get injured through to the next gate opening)
[X] Field barracks

Research actions(1):
[X] valley general study fauna and pack and bag it dc 30

Personal actions(2):
[X] try to recruit a science advisor to your staff
[X] try to recruit a political advisor to your staff

Just to clarify @Murks74 the "manage the outpost" support action only effects things with a DC right? Or would her attentions make the basic buildings better?
I think we should stick to the lower DC research tasks like pack'n'bagging until we have a science advisor. Don't want to wast the potential of the Tin Can site.
Very much agreed on this part. The rest is... details. Hoping an infiltration or political advisor would be helpful for deciphering anything we get on the radio tower we hopefully build next turn.

The problem with waiting with the well is that, well, sometimes you simply roll really badly many turns in a row. It would just be annoying to have half the camp die of thirst because of something like that if there are any gate interruptions. Murphy is a bitch sometimes. There is also the thing that one of the things I'm really worried about is alien germs, and being able to stay clean helps a bit on that front. Not much, but some.

PS: @Murks74 Is it deliberate that the standard "post reply" doesn't work anymore unless one puts in a vote?
Very much agreed on this part. The rest is... details. Hoping an infiltration or political advisor would be helpful for deciphering anything we get on the radio tower we hopefully build next turn.

The problem with waiting with the well is that, well, sometimes you simply roll really badly many turns in a row. It would just be annoying to have half the camp die of thirst because of something like that if there are any gate interruptions. Murphy is a bitch sometimes. There is also the thing that one of the things I'm really worried about is alien germs, and being able to stay clean helps a bit on that front. Not much, but some.

I think you're right that getting a good science advisor should be a piece of cake considering the crucial role of science in our objectives here, and the fact that it's a new planet with life. However, the other advisors may not be so naturally inclined to the task, and as such I think having a political advisor may help with attracting/choosing the best advisors possible, which is why I'm advocating for Science and Political advisors first.

As for the well, I think having Shens support will make a fail very unlikely, and sure Murphy is not to be underestimated, but I think we can rely on it working in another 1-2 attempts. And the field hospital would assist with alien germs regardless if they come from a lack of showers or anything else.
Vote closed
Scheduled vote count started by Murks74 on Apr 19, 2022 at 3:26 PM, finished with 10 posts and 3 votes.

  • [X] Plan: Dig in
    [X] Explore vicinity & protect scientists who're nosing around (Base) 1 infantry platoon, 1 ATV, 2 SPARKs
    [X] Defend (Gate Outpost) 1 SPARK
    [X] Build improved field fortifications 1 pioneer (And being Pioneers, that means they also defend themselves and the base.)
    [X] Water well (water supply for more than just drinking water) dc 50
    [X] Field barracks
    [X] valley general study fauna and pack and bag it dc 30
    [X] Manage an outpost (Gate Outpost) (Same effect on building the well as support, but it means if unforeseen circumstances make the other build actions trickier, then she helps out on those too.)
    [X] Try to recruit an science advisor to your staff (It shouldn't be that hard getting someone to try to rustle up scientists clamouring to go to another world to research completely new stuff there)
    [X] Plan: Essentials
    [X] Explore vicinity & protect scientists who're nosing around (Base) 1 infantry platoon, 1 ATV, 2 SPARKs
    [X] Defend (Gate Outpost) 1 SPARK
    [X] Build improved field fortifications 1 pioneer (And being Pioneers, that means they also defend themselves and the base.)
    [X] field hospital (when you need more than ibuprofen, mostly to get injured through to the next gate opening)
    [X] Field barracks
    [X] valley general study fauna and pack and bag it dc 30
    [X] try to recruit a science advisor to your staff
    [X] try to recruit a political advisor to your staff
    [X] Plan: Essentials
Murks74 threw 10 100-faced dice. Total: 535
63 63 55 55 43 43 70 70 54 54 2 2 81 81 45 45 24 24 98 98
Murks74 threw 2 100-faced dice. Reason: crit fail Total: 131
38 38 93 93
Murks74 threw 12 6-faced dice. Total: 32
4 4 3 3 1 1 1 1 6 6 2 2 1 1 1 1 3 3 6 6 2 2 2 2
All those 1's don't bode well. I'm scare.
Could go either way - or be a travesty of errors everybody involved agrees never happened.

Honestly pretty happy we kept guards around the scientists, if that was "one roll per thing we tried to do from the top", as that looks like something serious happened while bagging & tagging the local fauna. Was it actually pokemon or something? Swarms of hyperaggressive dinosaurs? Some "after the apocalypse" death cult, "Mad Max" style came along? The yearly Snake Migration happened? A vampire attack group? Some local war went hot, and we're in the middle of the buffer zone? We have a number of kids from the local Hunger Games on base that we saved on live TV, and the government is angry? The Machine Army in Nier showed up? Some local warlord in "Afghanistan II" wants our guns & water?

...Oh well, we'll see how it goes.

...I'm pretty happy we focused on fortifications and have combat bots with autocannons and flamethrowers. It seems... useful in case of troubles. Also happy we have reinforcements incoming. They might arrive to an active warzone.
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Week 2 results
Not really happy with this one, but i am currently pretty busy so eh.

Week 2 results

[X] Plan: Essentials
63 [X] Explore vicinity & protect scientists who're nosing around (Base) 1 infantry platoon, 1 ATV, 2 SPARKs
55 [X] Defend (Gate Outpost) 1 SPARK
43 [X] Build improved field fortifications 1 pioneer (And being Pioneers, that means they also defend themselves and the base.)
70 [X] field hospital (when you need more than ibuprofen, mostly to get injured through to the next gate opening)
54 [X] Field barracks
2 [X] valley general study fauna and pack and bag it dc 30
81 [X] try to recruit a science advisor to your staff
45 [X] try to recruit a political advisor to your staff
Slowly the field hospital and barracks take shape over the week.There are some setbacks but they manage to get it done before the end of the week. Everyone now has a place to sleep, with at least some chipboard walls and a semi sturdy roof.

Around the outpost the pioneers under Lt. Sato kept digging and set up Hesco barriers as well as indirect fire shelters. Any further fortification efforts are going to need heavy machinery and engineering expertise.

[field hospital, field barracks and basci field fortifications built]

Viewing the finishes being put to the Hospital you take a sip from the cup of tea in your hand. When you notice loud shouting and the roar of an ATV racing towards the outpost. It pulls up next to you and the doors slam open. You take one look at the three wounded and run over and help unload. They are quickly taken off your hands and into the hospital. Cpt. Burke follows his men inside. With immediate concerns taken care of you collect your now cold tea and make your way over to the command tent.

You close the microwave and turn around to Burke entering the tent. He is scratched up and walks with a slight limp. He is also missing the combat knife from his chest holster. He glares at the cup in your hand for a moment. "What happened, John?",you ask. "Wildlife attack on the hunters, Miss. We had a run in with some type of armored alien bear." "The wounded?" "Just some flesh wounds as far as the medics can tell, nothing fatal. The bear is pretty dead though. I have the rest of my platoon on the way there to try and drag it back to camp."

You stare at the giant bear in front of you. As big as a grizzly with dangerous looking claws and an armored armadillo-like shell on its back that sports a number of fresh impact craters. One of the soldiers is currently busy trying to work a combat knife out of its eye socket. "Tough bugger, most shots didn't even make it past the armor and it was on us before we even noticed it. Real aggressive, no warning, just attacked." Burke points to the side where the remains of a SPARK are strewn out. "Fortunately it tried to eat Megatron first." "Dr. Larousse, what's your opinion on it?",the aforementioned person stops shining a flashlight into the beast maw and turns to you. "Pure carnivore most definitely, just look at those teeth. Judging by the size, I would guess at around 1 ton, probably the local apex predator. Which might explain the aggressiveness. And no it might look similar but this is not a bear. To tell you more I would have to do a dissection."

[-1 SPARK, 3 wounded]

Besides everything else going on, you work your way through all the personal files you had requested on possible science and political advisors. In the end you narrow it down to three candidates for each post.

Science Advisors:

[]Tina Emerson

Vahlens protege has been working as her assistant for some time and specializes in xenobiology. But is rather inexperienced in leadership positions.

[]Prof. Emmet Stein

Is a rather eccentric, old and experienced scientist who has worked on all manner of projects and also contributed greatly to the gate. He is a risk taker and specializes in applied physics.

[]Anthony Strong

A middle aged roboticist, who has made his billions with automation and in the defense industry. He has a rather big ego and frequently clashes with others.

Political Advisors

[]Amber Duncan

A lobbyist with strong ties to the defense industry and decades of experience. Has an in with plenty of weapons manufacturers which might open doors for weapons and equipment procurement.

[]Seif Bahar

Former marketing manager, soldier and successful Sci-Fi author looking for a new job, experienced with running public relations and has some contacts in the scientific community.

[]Coreno Zappia

Professional political consultant and campaign manager has worked for a multitude of current politicians and is always busy networking and trading favors.

You have 1d100+dip+resprojects (38+13+3)(-3 wounded)=51 Influence to spend.
current forces:
-1st Infantry Platoon Cpt. John Burke (25 soldiers)(X-COM)(nanomedikit)
-2nd Infantry Platoon (28 soldiers)(X-COM)(nanomedikit)
-3rd Infantry Platoon (28 soldiers)(X-COM)
-1st Pioneer Platoon Lt. Isabela Sato (28 soldiers)(X-COM)
-5 engineering teams
-1 research team
-6 ATV

For the next gate opening in one week you manage to organize:

Units have a regular rating and are equipped with standard rifles, kevlar armor and all kinds of grenades, unless otherwise specified.
[] 20 engineering team
[] 60 research team
[] 30 X-Com Infantry Platoon (28 soldiers)
[] 40 X-Com Pioneer Platoon (28 soldiers)
[] 120 X-Com Strike Team Infiltration (elite)(6 soldiers)(can't be upgraded)
[] 120 X-Com Strike Team Assault (elite)(6 soldiers)(can't be upgraded)
[] 30 105mm Artillery gun (6 soldiers)
[] 15 mortar team(6 soldiers)
[] 5 SPARK (1 unit)(take 2 transport space)
[] 10 outpost materials(from field beds and tents to razor wire)
[] 5 all terrain vehicle (holds 6)
[] 5 speedboat on trailer (holds 6)
[] 15 APC (2 soldiers)(holds 12)
[] 20 IFV (2 soldiers)(holds 6)
[] 120 Skyranger II (2 crew)(needs 1 engineering team for maintenance)(needs to be reassembled dc 50)
[] 160 Raven Flight (2 crew)(needs 1 engineering team for maintenance)

Upgrades have to be applied to whole platoons or units.
[] 1p.sol acquire laser weaponry
[] 1p.sol acquire predator armor
[] 2p.sol acquire spider suit
[] 5p.pl acquire nanomedikit
[] 5p.pl acquire platoon level UAV
[] 20 replaces one soldier with a Psi Operative

If you want something that's not on the list, ask me.
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[]Tina Emerson
+ Mad Science!
+ Xenobiology! (Y'know. Like "bioengineered armoured bears")
+ Another Dr Vahlen connection
+ Someone Lily Shen might know, but at a minimum they have some mutual aquaintances (Comments here, @Murks74 ?)
- Inexperienced leader

[]Prof. Emmet Stein
+ Eccentric Physicist
+ Experienced
+ Portals (good to have on hand)
- Portals (a big risk if kidnapped by the locals)
- Old
- Risk taker specializing in applied physics (Expect explosions!)

[]Anthony Strong
+ Robots
+ Automation
- Tony Stark ego
- Clashes frequently with others (and therefore probably both likes to argue to make himself look good, and is probably good at it)

Political Advisors
[]Amber Duncan
+ Military Industrial complex ties (Weapons & Equipment. This obviously has uses, in both directions)
+ Lobbyist

[]Seif Bahar
+ Marketing
+ Sci-Fi author (has a reputation among people who likes Sci-Fi, and has ideas about new sciences. Able to inspire.)
+ Ex-soldier (can connect to the people on the taskforce, who will be at least half soldiers, probably more.)
+ Public Relations
+ Some contacts in the scientific community (and if we give him a position here, that's more or less bound to grow, primarily among those interested in what's happening on this planet)

[]Coreno Zappia
+ Political connections
- Political connections
+ Fixer
- Possibly corrupt (Been exposed to politicians for waaaay too long)
+ Campaign manager (But this may not be what we need)

Personally, I think Tina Emerson & Seif Bahar looks like the best choices. Amber Duncan looks a bit tempting, but hoping the military advisor can cover the military angle.

Also, I'm waffling between procuring "engineerx2 and 2xspark", because some of our engineers will get stuck in the workshop & foundry etc - or if we should get "6xATV & 1x engineer" so we can send around two infantry groups for long-range scouting, instead of just one. Or we could go "6xATV & either a PSI operative or 4 SPARKS" for all-out scouting, I guess.

What I would have wanted was another scientist to potentially double influence income, but no dice, so we make do with what we have, and we need both engineers and transport capability. Seif Bahar is basically to try to get scientists to come to us, instead of us procuring them through normal channels.


@Murks74 : Questions:
  • Do we keep influence from turn to turn, so the "3" in influence was from the unused ones last turn, or is unused influence just gone?
If we keep influence from turn to turn:
  • Should we consider keeping some influence in case of setbacks to avoid getting into the negatives in case of wounded etc?
  • What happens at negative influence?
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+ Someone Lily Shen might know, but at a minimum they have some mutual aquaintances (Comments here, @Murks74 ?)
- Inexperienced leader
@Murks74 : Questions:
  • Do we keep influence from turn to turn, so the "3" in influence was from the unused ones last turn, or is unused influence just gone?
If we keep influence from turn to turn:
  • Should we consider keeping some influence in case of setbacks to avoid getting into the negatives in case of wounded etc?
  • What happens at negative influence?
Lily knows Tina, altough only in passing.
You keep unspend influence it does not dissappear and there are no negatives for going into negative influence, you just cant spend yourself into the negative. Also base influence gain for now is 1d100+dip+researchboni.
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If we are going to run into this strong wildlive time to give our scouts better weapons.
[X] Plan improved scouts
-[X] 1p.sol acquire laser weaponry( Infantry Platoon, 28
-[X] 5p.pl acquire platoon level UAV(same Platoon)
-[X] 5 all terrain vehicle (holds 6) 3x

[X]Seif Bahar
[X]Tina Emerson
Yeah woo alien armabearillo! Burke got a problem with Lily drinkin tea? Because he might be drinkin through a straw soon if he gets insubordinate.

Jks aside I agree about Tina & Seif. The equipment connections will only be semi useful once we have proper production facilities sorted out; the campaign manager isn't what we need now. We need down to earth (or wherever the hell we are) and trustworthy. And more scientists. And while the mad physicist sounds fun, I think Xenobiology is more relevant, and I feel like Lily's got robots covered. Maybe there would be some good synergy between Lily & Strong, but I feel like it could be an unnecessary specialisation, especially when our goal here is research, which there's obviously more opportunity for in the Xenobiology department.

As for shopping:

-how many ATV's do we have currently?
-how many SPARKS do we have left?
-I think we should armour our infantry up with predator armour
-perhaps also laser weapons
-as far as I'm aware our infantry already have UAV's
-as far as I'm aware our infantry already have UAV's
Nope. Two should have nanomedkits after supplies come through, but no UAV's. It would have been nice with a list of "we have this already" list when shopping, so we could refer to platoon commander names etc for upgrades, but that wasn't included this turn, sadly.

A quick check shows we should have the following now - but that's IN THEORY, and may not be correct if deliveries changed.

Current Forces (estimated):
-1st Infantry Platoon Cpt. John Burke (28 soldiers)(X-COM)
-- Nanomedikit
-1st Pioneer Platoon Lt. Isabela Sato (28 soldiers)(X-COM)
-2x X-Com infantry Platoons, one with Nanomedikit
-4 SPARKs (and 1 SPARK wreck that may or may not be possible to repair/rebuild)
-5 engineering teams
-1 research team
-6 ATV

The big problem with laser rifles and armor is that it's EXTREMELY expensive. I'm really hoping that's something we can make in the Foundry for less extreme investments. Buying for influence: Infantry: 30 influence. Laser rifles: 28 influence. Armor: 56 influence. Making a single infantry platoon fully kitted out cost a whooping 114 influence, then 10 more for nanomedikit and UAV - totalling 124 influence. Then comes 6 ATV's (30 influence) and 4 SPARKS (20 influence), totalling 174 influence. For one maximum kitted out platoon. 264 influence if we use IFV's for transport instead. Basically, it's too expensive. We have to build some of it ourselves.
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For the record QM, I liked the update, and no pressure hey? Take your time, get it out when you can. It doesn't have to be perfect either :)

Whenever you have the time, a summary of our current forces/gear post delivery would be ace.
Nope. Two should have nanomedkits after supplies come through, but no UAV's. It would have been nice with a list of "we have this already" list when shopping, so we could refer to platoon commander names etc for upgrades, but that wasn't included this turn, sadly.

A quick check shows we should have the following now - but that's IN THEORY, and may not be correct if deliveries changed. Of course, knowing if everything arrived would have helped a lot.

Current Forces:
-1st Infantry Platoon Cpt. John Burke (28 soldiers)(X-COM)
-- Nanomedikit
-1st Pioneer Platoon Lt. Isabela Sato (28 soldiers)(X-COM)
-2x X-Com infantry Platoons, one with Nanomedikit
-7 SPARKs (and 1 SPARK wreck that may or may not be possible to repair/rebuild)
-5 engineering teams
-1 research team
-6 ATV

The big problem with laser rifles and armor is that it's EXTREMELY expensive. I'm really hoping that's something we can make in the Foundry for less extreme investments. Buying for influence: Infantry: 30 influence. Laser rifles: 28 influence. Armor: 56 influence. Making a single infantry platoon fully kitted out cost a whooping 114 influence, then 10 more for nanomedikit and UAV - totalling 124 influence. Then comes 6 ATV's (30 influence) and 4 SPARKS (20 influence), totalling 174 influence. For one maximum kitted out platoon. 264 influence if we use IFV's for transport instead. Basically, it's too expensive. We have to build some of it ourselves.

I think you've misunderstood the costs. The predator armour is 1p/soldier, it's the spider suits that are 2p/soldier. I agree we need local production yesterday. Perhaps some ATV's & SPARKS. I'll think more tomorrow, passing out now.
One thing worth noting (for people making plans) is that ATV's are needed in groups of 5 or 6 to make it so that a platoon can actually drive somewhere, not "some drive some walk". It should also be noted that every ATV has a machine gun, and if you have 6 of them, the platoon can carry the maximum of 4 SPARKs with it to, for a lot of extra firepower, sensors and expendable frontline fighters.

The main question is really if we should just add stuff to Burkes platoon (lasguns for example), then have enough for an engineer team too, or try to gear up for a second scouting platoon(that maybe should to be sent with Burkes platoon because bears). Then we would need 5 ATV's minimum, and there are 25 influence left. Another ATV would be nice but kinda useless, as we're already out of SPARKs to send out. Hmm...

[X] Combat Engineers
[X] 15 APC (2 soldiers)(holds 12) x2 (armored & light autocannon)
[X] 20 engineering team

[X]Seif Bahar
[X]Tina Emerson

The idea would basically be to send out two infantry platoons together to scout, 3 ATVs, 1 APC & 1 SPARK each for sensors & firepower. The engineering team will be desperately needed in workshop or foundry at that point, I think.
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For the record QM, I liked the update, and no pressure hey? Take your time, get it out when you can. It doesn't have to be perfect either :)

Whenever you have the time, a summary of our current forces/gear post delivery would be ace.
Nope. Two should have nanomedkits after supplies come through, but no UAV's. It would have been nice with a list of "we have this already" list when shopping, so we could refer to platoon commander names etc for upgrades, but that wasn't included this turn, sadly.
Burke got a problem with Lily drinkin tea?
He is british and she microwaved it. Also trying to fist fight the guy that stabbed a 1 ton armadillo bear to death might be hard.
Not the only one.
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