Tangled Fate [Ranma 1/2 / Exalted]

It's nice to see an update here. Your writing is very enjoyable. I hope you don't take the number of errors I'm commenting on as being a sign I disliked the chapter. I moved the responses to specific bits that are not about errors to the top so people are more likely to read them instead of skipping the whole thing.
ah, thank you~ I'll have to go through before pushing the next version to FF.net.
Am glad this story got an update! Now, however, you have left me wanting more. This is unforgiveable! (Until you write another chapter, of course.)
They were dispatched to counter the slaughters following the Black Exaltation of a now nameless warrior maiden who had been spurned by Ahlat. Then they had discovered that it had all been a ruse, an exchange of favors between the enemies of Creation. While they were occupied with the Most Demure Harbinger Who Scatters Silver Petals in Anticipation of the Ivory Bride (and why, he privately groused, were the titles getting LONGER),)
Because it is hilarious. Also did lunar girl exalt as an abyssal or is that just a common backstory in the south. I loved all the sideral jokes though.

... poor meat vendor.
Funny thing, you know... the other day I saw this thread had an update, and a quick check later I realized it was atually a new chapter! It was good news, but I realized going to read it directly was just making me miis a lot since I'm sure I had forgotten a lot so why not? Let's start over again to have a not-at-all-quick refresher.

(In retrospect, it was a good decision to reread some for reference and the rest was a straight good read: from the first interactions of Ranma and Lily, to Kodachi and coming to terms with herself, Ranma taking up responability, Kasumi finally reaching her breaking point, Kiku's scenes, etc.)

It took me a some days but I finally caught up again, great chapter. Thanks for updating this story, even after so long.