I'm honestly stumped that there keep popping up comments that your tribe is anything like the Ymaryn.

You are far, far away from the tree-hugging peaceniks. In fact, you just picked up a trait called "Subjugation", so I see not much peaceful isolation and acceptance in your future.
it less that we can become Ymaryn (which really isn't possible) and that a part of the voter base thinks we can, and thus will vote in ways that lead to us eating our own tail.
aka people voting to be 'good' instead of taking the path neutral causing us to die horrible because you wont hold our hand unlike in PoC (which is refreshing and fun).
Reign of Bear and Wolf - 1
[X] [Dead] Bury them by the new rites. The exception made for of lesser clans to keep to their old rites is a privilege that these traitors do not deserve.
[X] [Leadership] The council would be restructured. The seats would be no longer tied to one group, but whenever one was vacant, any villager of good standing could become the new Councillor. (Council positions no longer tied to one specific faction, ???)

It did take a whole day to gather the dead and reestablish some semblance of order within the tribe. Many still sat in their huts and waited, unsure if more trouble or bloodshed would come, but none of that came, only the somber work of picking up the pieces of the union that had been shattered. It was not that all the work of the past moons was gone, but it had been altered beyond recognition. Instead of the village and the clans merging as equals, the minor clans had now sworn themselves to Snow-Fox and Red-Wolf, though they hastily corrected that they would still be part of a council and their pledges should go to it instead of them personally. How said council would look was not certain yet.

The death of Crocus had thrown the matrons into a crisis as they tried and failed to find a path forward. It would take far longer then a day to figure out what they wanted to do, the only thing they could agree on for now was that they accepted Snow-Fox ruling that the council needed to be reformed. While they had been hit hard by the loss of their leader, the Elders had been wiped out by the assault of the Elm-Clan. There was simply no one left to fill the seat with any semblance of legitimacy and instead of letting it sit vacant or installing someone else on it, Snow-Fox had abolished the binding of the posts to the three groups his tribe traditionally recognized. Any man or woman would be henceforth able to be chosen as a councilor, a right the tribe immediately exerted to recognize Red-Wolf as one of their leaders.

While not the decisive action many in the tribe had hoped for, it was enough for now. They had two strong leaders who would guide the tribe, and as the day dragged on and no fights erupted, the fear slowly vanished again. With calmer minds and the gossip in the village slowly spreading the tale of what had transpired, many felt it good that there would still be a council instead of a chieftain. It was not distrust in the wisdom or character of Snow-Fox and Red-Wolf, but it was still reassuring to know that there would be at least one person they would have to listen to.

Civil-War ended. Council victorious.
Minor political reform: Council seats no longer tied to factions.
Village reassured, but still chaotic.
Stability: 6/10
Mood: 5/10

Elder Faction defunct after death of nearly all members.
White Clans Faction and Sub-Factions defunct after death of all leadership figures.
Minor Clans Faction reforming as Valley Clans Faction.
Matrons Faction reforming as Villager Faction.

New Faction Stats:

Description: Made up of most of the hunters of the tribe, this faction has come to unprecedented power when Snow-Fox and Red-Wolf obtained one council seat each.
Size: 4 (Small)
Influence: 10 (Overwhelming)
Mood: 8 (Happy)

Main Issues: Glory, Stability
Secondary Issues: Exploration

Description: After the events of the clan uprising, the Matron faction underwent a crisis and reformed itself as the Villagers in response to many others then only mothers flocking to their banner. They now try to represent all the craftsmen, mothers and other groups who are more concerned with peaceful life within the village then ambitions of the hunters.
Size: 6 (Average)
Influence: 7 (High)
Mood: 5 (Average)

Main Issues: Peace, Stability
Secondary Issues: None

Valley Clans
Description: Made up of the remnants of the White Clans who still practice their old ways, this group is rather insular and many of its individual members also identify with either the Hunters or the Villagers.
Size: 4 (Small)
Influence: 5 (Average)
Mood: 8 (Happy)

Main Issues: Maintain Equal Standing
Secondary Issues: Regain Strength

Clans - Fad
While the tribe as a whole has value, it is the own close kin to which the greatest loyalty should is owed. These bonds of blood endure any hardship and shape the lives of the people.

- decreased faction influence
- instability can result in population loss due to migration, which lowers instability
- increased change of civil wars

Endocanibalism - Fad
The body is the vessel of the spirit and after death, some of it lingers. By consuming the flesh of the dead, a person might take some of their spirit into themselves, letting a small part of them live on.

- no stability check when forced to cannibalism due to food shortages
- diplomacy malus with any who do not share this value

As the night fell again, the village witnessed an eery sight for the first time. While the village had been busy to make work for them, the Bone-Tenders had finished their task. On the little meadow they had picked now stood a strange structure. Three interlocking circles of high wattle fences stood there, each of the outer sections decorated with carvings in wood and bone awaited their use. One section had fake trees and carved images of the forest on each of its inner walls, with small figurines of animals and fresh boughs hanging between them. The next used carved stones, stacked into piles and strewn with figurines of goats and yaks, while the last was adorned with carved pictures of endless meadows with freshly picked flower garlands around them.

The tribe had always believed that the spirits of the ancestors would rest in the land they were buried in, something the clans seemed to generally agree with. As the task to make a burial ground had been assigned to them, the Bone-Tenders had pondered this for a long while. The tribe had only known the steppe in days past, yet now it had also mountains and forests as its home. For a long while they had debated on which land the dead should find their rest until one of their number pointed out that they would not need to pick one. If they made the place for the bones in the likeness of all these lands, then the spirits could rest in each of them in turn to find which they preferred before leaving their remains.

Thus the three circles had been made and decorated in imitation of the lands they represented. When a new skull was placed in the burial grounds, it would rest one turn of the moon in each of them, before the skull would be left in one of the sections. The center they had left for the living and placed benches there for the kin of the passed to rest and tell stories about the departed, while the fire pits on its side would be used to burn the bodies brought to this place. It was a magnificent place, that all agreed on, and the ancestors surely would be proud of the tribe's work in their honor.

Yet the pits had been dug for a few dead, not the hills of corpses that the uprising had left behind. And thus it was not the burial ground that spooked the villagers that night, but the fires on the hills around it. There the dead had been brought to be cremated and then to be interred in the new structure. It was hard work to gather enough wood for the task and many of the surviving kin of the slain clansmen objected to their dead being burned instead of observing their own rites, but the council would not hear a word from them. They had betrayed the village and brought sorrow over it, so they had forfeited their right to see their bodies consumed as it was their way. The flames of the pyres burned all night, a clear reminder for all surviving clansmen. Their uprising had failed and they had paid the price. The village had accepted them when they came as friends, but it would grind them down if they came as enemies.

It was perhaps the greatest lesson that the tribe had learned from this ordeal. Falsely had they assumed that the clans ways could co-exist with theirs, that a compromise might be reached and even their greatest differences overcome. But that had not come true and many had bled and died for this folly. They would not repeat this mistake. The clansmen who had fought valiantly for the council would keep the special right that had been offered to them, for they had repaid that kindness in kind. But any who would come to the village in the future would not be treated so carelessly. This valley was the land of the people and all who lived in it would live and die by their rules. Never again would they trust blindly that differences could be overcome, not when said differences could be removed. By force if necessary, for no matter how much the villagers hated the night of blood among their homes, it had brought peace back to the valley. They would not forget a lesson they had paid such a steep price for.

The tribe was different for these events. Jaded maybe, yet stronger. Oaths had been sworn in blood to the new order, and never again would they trust as easily as before. From all these trials, the people had emerged victorious, even if they had to make sacrifices and harden their hearts to ensure their survival. Yet their resolve was still strong, and whatever the next threat in their path would be, it would broken.

Gained Cultural Idea: Blood Oaths - Fad
Blood Oaths - Fad
As a sign of life and death, blood is a powerful symbol that is never used lightly. To swear an oath or incorporate it into ritual gives great meaning and value to these acts, with only the most foolish or treacherous willing to break such bonds.

- minor bonus to stability checks
- lower risk of betrayal by oath-sworn subjects sharing this value
- factions more resistant to size and influence loss, except when caused by population drop
- lower chance to detect faction plots
Cultural Idea Ruthlessness - Fad is evolving to Subjugation - Ideal
Subjugation - Ideal
It is the ability to force his designs upon the world that divides man from beast, and why should their fellow man be exempt from this ability? It breeds weakness to blindly accept others and division to let them do as they please while living among you, but decisive action can bring order where once only chaos reigned.

- may use Subjugation actions even outside of wars with that war-goal
-- can destroy Pops to eliminate cultural values of a Faction
-- can destroy Pops to eliminate a Faction entirely
-- can forcibly resettle Pops
- Morale penalty to all polities weaker then you
- Diplomacy penalty to all polities weaker then you
- large Diplomacy penalty to all polities with values centered around acceptance
- massive decrease in stability and mood effects of Subjugation action on unaffected Factions

It was not the fate of future generations that weighed on Snow-Fox and Red-Wolf's minds in these days, though. Diminished as the council was, they still had to rule and as the spring came to a close, it was clear they would have to do so alone for a bit longer. The Matrons, now calling themselves Villagers in reference to the widened group of people following them, would need a while longer to present a candidate for the free seat. The Valley clans had accepted Red-Wolf as their own representative and the Hunters were more then content with two seats in the hands of their leaders, so the whole tribe agreed to wait for them to finish their deliberations. The summer had arrived and after all the death, the people were happy to see more mundane things discussed in the hastily rebuilt council hut.

What did the tribe do in that summer?
Location: Clearing in the forest near a river bend.
Size: Medium Tribe
Development: Sturdy wattle and daub Village
- Wattle Fence
- Burial Ground
- Obsidian deposit
- Loam deposit

Stability: 6 / 10
Mood: 5 / 10
Dominant Factions: Hunters

Type Amount Current Task Allegiance Notes
Hunters 4 Hunting - Hunters (3)
- Valley Clans (1)
Workers 3 None - Villagers (2)
- Valley Clans (1)
Crafters (Obsidian) 1 Craft Simple Obsidian Goods - Villagers (1)  
Good Supply Demand Stock
Simple Obsidian Goods 1.0 0.8 1.0
Simple Wooden Goods   0.8 1.0
Food 4.0 to 8.0 8.0 5.0

You currently have 4 Hunters and 3 Workers to assign task to.
[] Hunters:
-[] Hunt Food (default action for all unassigned)
-[] Explore your surroundings.
--[] Write-In where.

[] Workers:
-[] Train the workers to do more specialized things:
--[] Train Hunters
--[] Train Fishers
--[] Train Woodcrafters
--[] Train Night-Stone-Crafters
--[] Train Gatherers
-[] Build something
--[] Hunting camps and trails (2/3 completed) - Increases hunting output.
--[] Palisade (0/4 completed) - Better defense for the village.
-[] Survey your immediate surroundings.

[] Snow-Fox:
-[] Aid the hunters. (Increases hunting output)
-[] Explore your surroundings.
--[] Write-In where.

[] Red-Wolf:
-[] Aid the hunters. (Increases hunting output)
-[] Explore your surroundings.
--[] Write-In where.

You have also one action that can be performed by the council:
[] Council:
-[] Try to make contact with the White Clans in the mountains.
-[] Try to make contact with the Goat-Men. (Requires exploration action to be performed.)
-[] Try to increase a factions influence:
--[] Hunters
--[] Villagers
--[] Valley Clans
-[] Do nothing.

AN: Congratulations to obtaining Subjugation. It's one of those traits that can massively change you entire strategy and playing style. As always for the turn-vote, plan format only please.
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Well, you can now do some nasty stuff to people whose ideas you don't like, so it's not exactly a value centered around picking flowers and frolicking through the woods in peace and harmony. :V
Well i have a feeling that more than a few people are going to get mad at the trait and stuff.
Meh, I can see the writing on the wall.
Might take a break and come back in a few weeks to see if anything has changed.

Good luck with the quest @Azel
[X] Plan Valley Subjugation
-[X] Workers:
--[X] Train the workers to do more specialized things:
---[X] Train Fishers
---[X] Train Woodcrafters
---[X] Hunting camps and trails (2/3
-[X] Hunters:
--[X] Hunt Food (default action for all unassigned)
--[X] Explore your surroundings.
---[X] River
-[X] Snow-Fox:
--[X] Explore your surroundings.
---[X] River
-[X] Red-Wolf:
--[X] Aid the hunters. (Increases hunting output)
-[X] Council:
--[X] Try to increase a factions influence:
---[X] Villagers

This plan is intended to position us to best take advantage of our home, finishing off the hunting trails, exploring the River a major feature of our environment, provides food(Fishers) and a defensive line and future transportation system (Boats).

There's a great forest with high quality wood to make Bows and we just lost the Elm clan so we want Woodcrafters to retain the talent in the rest of the clans.

Woodcrafters+Fishers also is how we get boats.

The increase for the Villagers faction is due to our lopsided pop, more hunters than Workers is getting awkward.
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@Deliste, fair warning, if you retrain all workers, you won't be able to finish constructing the Hunting Trails. Also, the Valley is not a valid exploration target. If you want to look for resources, that's Survey, otherwise it's fully explored.

Edit: Hunting trails need mostly some wood clearing by now and that's a Worker task.
Also, keep in mind that you need to produce at least 3 food this turn or you will face starvation.
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@Deliste, fair warning, if you retrain all workers, you won't be able to finish constructing the Hunting Trails. Also, the Valley is not a valid exploration target. If you want to look for resources, that's Survey, otherwise it's fully explored.

Edit: Hunting trails need mostly some wood clearing by now and that's a Worker task.
Also, keep in mind that you need to produce at least 3 food this turn or you will face starvation.

Cheers, changes made.
[X] Deliste

@Azel, how's Snow Fox's and Red Wolf's relationship progressed at this point? It's strange to realize a few months ago they were trying to kill each other, then they married, then they ate the bear, and now they've fought through a civil war together. Talk about things moving fast. :confused:

Would blood-oaths help us field better units? That is, I'm getting the vibe that our absolute best military unit would be an Oath-sworn melee unit composed of veteran troops. I'm guessing in the best case this would be a bonus from Perseverance, a bonus from Oath-sworn, and a bonus from Subjugation?
@Azel, how's Snow Fox's and Red Wolf's relationship progressed at this point? It's strange to realize a few months ago they were trying to kill each other, then they married, then they ate the bear, and now they've fought through a civil war together. Talk about things moving fast. :confused:
They are still in the same awkward "What am I supposed to do!?!?!"-phase with each other. Kinda hard to work on your relationship in the middle of all of that, though there is genuine affection between them after all the times where they murdered things together.

Would blood-oaths help us field better units? That is, I'm getting the vibe that our absolute best military unit would be an Oath-sworn melee unit composed of veteran troops. I'm guessing in the best case this would be a bonus from Perseverance, a bonus from Oath-sworn, and a bonus from Subjugation?
That requires either the development of a dedicated warrior class through technology or a value in that direction like the late Elm-Clans "Warriors" value. However, the first will take quite a bit and the latter is now unavailable to you by virtue of the Elm-Clan having a nasty case of being eradicated.
The first was the Elm-Clan, named thus for their great skill at making bows from these trees. While the method to make good bows for hunting was known to many among the clans, that clan was still renowned for making the very best and training many of their members from an early age to use them. As a result, some of the greatest clan hunters had come from this clan, many others looking up to them or outright currying favor with the clan in the hopes of being gifted one of their bows.

Any of our loyal clan hunters from the Elm clan and retain some Bowyer knowledge?
They are still in the same awkward "What am I supposed to do!?!?!"-phase with each other. Kinda hard to work on your relationship in the middle of all of that, though there is genuine affection between them after all the times where they murdered things together.

That requires either the development of a dedicated warrior class through technology or a value in that direction like the late Elm-Clans "Warriors" value. However, the first will take quite a bit and the latter is now unavailable to you by virtue of the Elm-Clan having a nasty case of being eradicated.
Would advancing Blood Oaths and making one with another tribe or village weaker than us help Negate the Diplomacy malus with them?
*trying to understand the possibilities*
Also Subjugate is a REALLY powerful trait.
[X] Plan Valley Subjugation

Ehh, not particularly liking the new trait. Don't hate it mind, but would have preferred something which basically meant: We will give no quarter and and use every tool available against our enemies (with the ideal version having the added clause that it is limited only to our enemies).
[X] Deliste

Ehh, not particularly liking the new trait. Don't hate it mind, but would have preferred something which basically meant: We will give no quarter and and use every tool available against our enemies (with the ideal version having the added clause that it is limited only to our enemies).

That's what I wanted to, I think we can still swing it that way, Subjugation was used against and can still be framed for traitors.

@Azel are we less able to be Ruthless to our enemies now that it's subjugation?

Quite a few actually, though the bows they make are not that great anymore, since most of the good crafters went down with the mob at their camp. Bow technology in general is still available to you.

Fingers crossed we retain what we can.
Would advancing Blood Oaths and making one with another tribe or village weaker than us help Negate the Diplomacy malus with them?
*trying to understand the possibilities*
Also Subjugate is a REALLY powerful trait.
That would be a possibility. Once people know you enough to understand that you value these oaths greatly, they will generally trust any treaties sealed that way a lot more.

See the marriage between village and clans. That was Tall-Peak trying to make the strongest possible commitment to an agreement in is culture, while keeping it on a level that he was certain you guys would understand. He was a crafty and clever bastard. Shame that he died so early.