Path is clear, run back, unite the white clans and bring the wrath of the mountains and ancestors to the plains people.
what little we have anyway, it will either burn out and we go for a new game, or we find a way to survive and hate the plains people for generations, and if we discover bronze before they even get a idea of using copper tools?
then we burn and ransack all the villages of the plains people, throwing their people to the wilderness and taking all tools that's useful for ourselves, anything else is just dead weight.
lets be dwarves people, make a book of grudges and
write those assholes names in the book.
edit: sounds good...
[] Do something else.
-[] Immediately destroy all pops but our 'interpreters' to show our gratitude. Leak to them (by
accidentally talking too loud while they're nearby) that we're marching straight back east to cross the river and escape. March out to the east, towards the river.
-[] Once we're far out of sight, and sure we're not being followed by any villagers, turn north with all units but the light infantry. Their job is to cross the river and be as distracting as possible. Break extra twigs, cut extra paths, look like a larger force, while the main group covers their tracks as best they can. The main force will rely on stealth, not speed; if they see our tracks, we're screwed.
-[] Once we've gotten
faaaar north, cross the river and head into Clans territory in the mountains.