A random creator
[X]Around Negotiator's age. You're having a teenage rebellion so it makes sense if you were a teenager.
[X]Angel-mode. Keep the wings but tone it down to something… a little more positively viewed by the population.
[X]WOO IM AN ENBRINGA MUTHAFU-*explosion sounds*
-[X] Get your girlfriend (Negotiator) back! <3
--[X] Set up that jerkbag Coil for a fatal fall. Literally. He can't stop true love!
-[X] Set QA/mom up with somebody who actually appreciates her. Like Sting from New York! She's about QA's age, right?
Meanwhile in New York, Flechette and her partner was patrolling the New York skyline, she paused just right at the edge of the skyscrapper suddenly.
Frogger: "What's wrong Flechette?"
Flechette: "I have sensed a great disturbance in the shipping chart, something big must have happened."
Frogger: "Are you sure it's not because someone is writing slashfic about you and that Dad Vader guy again?"
Flechette: "That damned VoidCowboy! But no, that's not it..."
Frogger: *Looked a bit worried* "Oh hey look! The Adept is robbing a bank, let's go beat them up!!"
Flechette: "Oh whatever, it's probably nothing important."
[X]Around Negotiator's age. You're having a teenage rebellion so it makes sense if you were a teenager.
[X]Angel-mode. Keep the wings but tone it down to something… a little more positively viewed by the population.
[X]WOO IM AN ENBRINGA MUTHAFU-*explosion sounds*
-[X] Get your girlfriend (Negotiator) back! <3
--[X] Set up that jerkbag Coil for a fatal fall. Literally. He can't stop true love!
-[X] Set QA/mom up with somebody who actually appreciates her. Like Sting from New York! She's about QA's age, right?
Meanwhile in New York, Flechette and her partner was patrolling the New York skyline, she paused just right at the edge of the skyscrapper suddenly.
Frogger: "What's wrong Flechette?"
Flechette: "I have sensed a great disturbance in the shipping chart, something big must have happened."
Frogger: "Are you sure it's not because someone is writing slashfic about you and that Dad Vader guy again?"
Flechette: "That damned VoidCowboy! But no, that's not it..."
Frogger: *Looked a bit worried* "Oh hey look! The Adept is robbing a bank, let's go beat them up!!"
Flechette: "Oh whatever, it's probably nothing important."