... Yep, not going anywhere near that.

Your google is weird ... my first result is Baka-Updates entry for it. Maybe your browser?

That's because Google takes into account your browsing history. Since you're presumable been to that particular site a lot, it turns up for you, while for somebody who's never looked it up before it doesn't.
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Story Post 9: Resurgance
Part 9: Resurgence!

You stetted down in the back of the big VTOL and let the pilots finish their checks. You'd be here for some time, it wasn't without reason that you called the XV-41 an Osprey but more so. The blasted thing spent days in the hanger
for every hour it spent in the air. And from the reports you've read, it's incredibly unforgiving on its pilots.

You've heard the old joke that helicopters don't actually fly, they just repel the ground with their sheer ugliness. ell, the XV-41 doesn't fly either. It just meanders though the clouds, lifted up by the sheer unmitigated hatred of every crew chief who's had the misfortune to touch it.

"So," you glanced over at Shelby. She's got her back pressed firmly against the mesh back of her seat like a prim, proper lady. A lady in a skirt so tiny it was one misplaced twitch away from flashing the whole cargo compartment. Or it would be, if she wasn't wearing shorts underneath. "Shelby."

"Hmm?" she brushed a strand of that shimmering platnium blond hair behind her ear and regarded you with a quiet, taunt glare. The look on her face says serene, but the tightness in her bare legs says otherwise. Maybe she's just upset at having to wear such a tiny skirt, you made a mental note to look into getting the girls proper uniforms sometime.

"I was just wondering," you said, "What do you girls do on your down time?"

Shelby pressed her lips closed and thought for a second. She was gathering her words, you could tell. She had the look of a person wanting to pick the very best phrasing to express her thought. "We're not let off base," she said. There's no sadness in her voice. Either she doesn't know what she's missing, or she's not that social in the first place. "But there's a few trails around the compound I like to run."

The girl blushed and crossed those sinewy legs of hers. She might not have Riley's curves, but she's got a body that looked chiseled by Michaelangelo himself. "I like reading too. They gave us Kindles."

"Oh?" You smiled. A kindle was truly a soldier's best friend on deployment. Beyond porn, that is. But something tells you introducing lewd films to these girls would be an even more horrible idea than their very existence in the first place. "Any favorites?"

"I like Jane Austen," Shelby fussed with her hair again. "And Downton Abby, when we get new dvds."

"We don't get TV," said Annabelle. She and Sarah had been busy arm wrestling, but evidently your presence as enough to distract them from their games. Shelby's deep blue eyes went momentarily abyssal when she glanced at her gunner, but soon she was back to normal.

"We get dvds though," said Sarah, "every so often, after they've vetted them for us."

"Hey, bossman?" Annabelle leaned over, her seatbelts cutting across her chest to frame her breasts in sharp relief. She wasn't that big, not compared to Marie, but she was big enough.

"Yes?" you said.

"We're gonna have a swimming pool, right?" asked the gunner. "I… I really like swimming."

"Me too!" chirped Riley from the other side of the plane. She was… heh. She looked like she was honest-to-god pouting that she wasn't getting lavished with attention like she was during dinner. It was honestly kinda adorable.

"Yes," you said. The pool might not be very nice… but it was still a pool. If the girls were as hard as the reports said they were, they wouldn't mind swimming in chilly water for a while. And if worst came to worst, you could always drive them into down to visit the local pool.

Wait… no, that's a horrible idea. "Sort of. We'll need to put some work into it."

"Oh," Riley's face falls a few shades, and even the typically unflappable Annabelle looks a little unhappy. You glanced away. They might be your soldiers, but they were also damn cute, and you didn't like seeing them unhappy. "Girls?"

A chorus of responses came your way.

"Do any of you know how to drive?"

You're met by a half-dozen blank stares.

"Like…" Riley wiggled her hips back and forth on her seat. "A humvee or something?"

"Do any of you have drivers' licenses?"

The girls stare at you blankly.

Yeah… this is gonna go brilliantly.
- - - - - - - -
>Continue talking to the girls? (who and what?) If you choose no, the next update will be you landing and touring your new base.
>You wanted them in proper uniforms. What constitutes "proper uniform" You can send them shopping/requisition stuff when you land.

(Apologies for the short post and the great length between updates, I've been busy recently)
Guys we should talk about swimsuits for them, give them permission to go to the mall and buy them, maybe using the guy(Burke) who used to handle them as a guide, he seems to know a lot about the girls and will know where to take them.

We could go to the mall as well to get to know more about them, and get more used to their personalities, and avoid certain swimsuits that the girls will try to buy and avoid a threat against the Life/Sanity of our MC.
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Guys we should talk about swimsuits for them, give them permission to go to the mall and buy them, maybe using the guy(Burke) who used to handle them as a guide, he seems to know a lot about the girls and will know where to take them.

We could go to the mall as well to get to know more about them, and get more used to their personalities, and avoid certain swimsuits that the girls will try to buy and avoid a threat against the Life/Sanity of our MC.
You realize that, if we do take them to the mall, they'll be swarmed by every hormonal young man for miles around? We've already got our hands full with babysitting them, why add romance to the ever growing headache?
That'd require them to file the report on us. I think they'd be thrilled. It's our character that's going oh god why.

[x] timeskip to landing

[x] You wanted them in proper uniforms. What constitutes "proper uniform" You can send them shopping/requisition stuff when you land.
-[x] White blouse, pencil or pleated skirt about knee or slightly above knee length, no shorter than mid thigh length. Yes they can wear pantyhose/stockings/thighhighs. Maybe a blazer too...?
--[x] White Blouse
--[x] Pencil/pleated skirt (length see above) or trousers. No short-shorts.
--[x] Whatever kind of leggings they want.
--[x] Hair decs are whatever they want too.
---[x] Also find out whatever kind of crazy stuff the Genotech weebs put into their uniforms.
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[x] You wanted them in proper uniforms. What constitutes "proper uniform" You can send them shopping/requisition stuff when you land.
-[x] White blouse, pencil or pleated skirt about knee or slightly above knee length, no shorter than mid thigh length. Yes they can wear pantyhose/stockings/thighhighs. Maybe a blazer too...?
--[x] White Blouse
--[x] Pencil/pleated skirt (length see above) or trousers. No short-shorts.
--[x] Whatever kind of leggings they want.
--[x] Hair decs are whatever they want too.
---[x] Also find out whatever kind of crazy stuff the Genotech weebs put into their uniforms.
[x] You wanted them in proper uniforms. What constitutes "proper uniform" You can send them shopping/requisition stuff when you land.
-[x] White blouse, pencil or pleated skirt about knee or slightly above knee length, no shorter than mid thigh length. Yes they can wear pantyhose/stockings/thighhighs. Maybe a blazer too...?
--[x] White Blouse
--[x] Pencil/pleated skirt (length see above) or trousers. No short-shorts.
--[x] Whatever kind of leggings they want.
--[x] Hair decs are whatever they want too.
---[x] Also find out whatever kind of crazy stuff the Genotech weebs put into their uniforms.
I thought we buying them garrison uniforms. That seems kind of fancy.

Also, not sure about the no short shorts rule. The Engineer guy did say he'd just convinced them to stop wearing thongs if I recall correctly.

Then our nosebleeds will be the stuff of legends as we toast our fallen brothers in arms in valhalla!


The only reason why I put that condition in there is that I'm not 100% sure I can handle Riley in short-shorts.

Those hips, I'm telling you. Sooner or later I'm going to lose all of my SAN points.
Let's be honest. Whatever we choose is going to san death us somehow. It wouldn't be anime without it.
Let's not limit our options needlessly on the off chance it's less risque than what they'd choose to compensate.

Edit: Also, think we should probably run our outfit choice by the engineer guy before we implement it now that I think of it.
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