...oh god.
tell me that the weeabo scientists made them resistant to alcohol. I don't think the thread can handle the girls drunk.

Ahahahaha. No, these girls obviously have negative alcohol resistance. Then things start to hit the fan because they like it. A lot.

As in, we will need Staff NCOs to make the Disapproval Sounds for us a lot.
Ahahahaha. No, these girls obviously have negative alcohol resistance. Then things start to hit the fan because they like it. A lot.

As in, we will need Staff NCOs to make the Disapproval Sounds for us a lot.
Ryan's probably either gonna go through a mental breakdown, or find Jesus. Probably both.
Oh man, alcohol is like a volcano here. We never know when it's gonna erupt, and when it does, things go to shit fast. Moe as all hell, but still pretty shitty. For Ryan, that is. :V
As I mentioned to @theJMPer , the posters in this quest have a strong current of "Put waifu in a mall."

...somehow it just doesn't have the same memetastic ring as "put tank in mall" :p
As I mentioned to @theJMPer , the posters in this quest have a strong current of "Put waifu in a mall."

...somehow it just doesn't have the same memetastic ring as "put tank in mall" :p

Pic Related

Anyway, we must first make sure all the Xenos, a Genotech crap is secured, and by secured I mean burried in concrete and sent to the Boneyard to be protected by bored Chair Force officers with paperwork and GAU-18s. Then we may begin the other waifu-y stuff.
You do realize by 'pants' he's going to give the girls the tightest, curve-hugging pants you can ever imagine?

At least with skirts you wouldn't run the risk of getting aroused at how well they fill out those pants.
I just want to point out that in the anglosphere, pants are underwear. Panties and the like. Where do you think Japan got the loanword pantsu from?

Soooooooo, welllllllll.....

Draw your own owrries. :V
I am trying to go for proper lewds and you're all going TIGHT TROUSERS

I just want to point out that in the anglosphere, pants are underwear. Panties and the like. Where do you think Japan got the loanword pantsu from?

Soooooooo, welllllllll.....

Draw your own owrries. :V

Ye but because the Americans won the war I have to discard my proper British English and switch to American :V
Story Post 10: The New Digs

As you watched your girls strap in for take-off—each and every one of them managing to perfectly frame their… well… you know with the webbing of their harnesses without seeming to notice—you made a mental note to requisition the girls some proper uniforms.

As cute as micro-skirts and thigh-highs might be… that's it. There's no but. that's the problem. The girls look unbearably…let's go with 'cute' for now in their current uniforms. Not like soldiers, more schoolgirls who could tear you in half if they wanted to. You're teetering on the very edge of sanity as it was without them wearing swooshy-swooshy skirts around everywhere.

They're part of the Army now, so they'll be getting proper uniforms. ASUs for dress occasions, ACUs for everything else. You've never known ACUs to look good on anyone, and even your girls' spectacular curves should be spoiled by the baggy digy-cams. Also, the girls will be wearing pants. It's a small victory, especially considering how well Riley filled out her fatigues, but you're going to have to count on small victories from now on. Lord knows you're never gonna get any full victories. Not with these girls.

You leave the girls to themselves and migrate forwards to where Burke's sitting. The lone island in the sea of bizzare cliches that is your girls. Your… Waifus, as they called them.

"Burke," you said.

"Major," he said back. "You know, you should be thankful."

"Hmm?" you said and buckled yourself in.

"It was a long battle convincing them to let the girls wear skirts," Burke nodded towards the girls. Marie was fussing with her harness, apparently unable to make it sit comfortably over her chest, while Riley squirmed around like a squirrel on crack with a beaming smile on her face. Shelby just sat ramrod straight and rested her hands in her lap like a patient schoolgirl. Or maybe some kind of nun.

You blinked. "Please tell me the alternative was pants."

Burke nodded, "Of the British variety."

You scowled. You never thought you'd be so thankful to have your soldier walking around in barely-legal microskirts. This universe in general was just messed up. "Anything the Genotech weebs put into their outfits?"

"Not really," said Burke. "Had to use some carbon nano-thread for Marie's, but other then that, just regular fabric."

You narrowed your eyes. "Carbon… nano-thread."

"Mmm," Burke nodded. "Stronger than steel and lighter too. Three guesses where they used it."

You shook your head. "I'm gonna let that remain a mystery for now."

Before the two of you can converse further, the transport roars forward in a howl of turbo-prop and jet power. The thing shakes itself half to death before the nose comes up and it slowly lumbers into the air. The takeoff is so loud and ungraceful that you barely notice someone hugging your hip.


You blinked, and looked down at the seat beside you. Emma King, the short, wiry brunette from the sniper team, has her hands wrapped around your middle and her head all but buried in your chest. Her scruffy brown ponytail's looking more frazzled than usual, and her big brown eyes stare up at you like a wet dog's.

"Um…" She squeezed you a bit tighter, "Hi."

"Hi," you said in return.

"I don't like flying," explained Emma. "Is all." She scooted a tiny bit closer until her slender leg brushed against yours. "I don't like you, uh, Major. Just… hold me?"

You blinked, then slid a hand around her to hold her tight. She's… surprisingly strong for her size. There's none of the softness you anticipated, just lean muscle with just enough give to lend some feminine warmth to her body.

You glanced back into the cargo area. Shelby offers you a brief wink and a kindly smile, Abigail's quite blatantly pouting, and Riley's face is cycling though emotions so fast you haven't the slightest clue what she's feeling.

This sets the tone for the rest of your flight.


Emma doesn't let you scrape her off until well after the plane comes to a full and complete stop, and the roar of the engines fades into the distant burble of pilots finishing their landing checklists.

It's a nice day outside. Warm, but not to the point of making you uncomfortable in your heavy uniform. The sky's dotted with a spare handful of clouds, and the gentle breeze smells lightly of cut grass and jet fuel. You hobble down the ramp onto the battered concrete tarmac.

And almost instantly get an eyefull of Riley stretching after her long flight. You had no idea she was that flexible, and the gentle breeze keeps making her tiny skirt flutter around her hips. If she wasn't wearing those shorts, you'd probably kill someone.

"Heya." Before you can look away, she notices you and pivots on her heel. A bright smile graces her face and she keeps looking past you at the trees. "It's so pretty, isn't it?"

You shrug. It's not the most spectacular place you've ever been. But then again, it's not the worst. You leave the girls with Burke and hobble off to check out your new base. According to the report you got from The Brass, you've got a wealth of rooms to explore.

Not only is there the usual sleeping quarters and kitchen, but there's a library, a gaming lounge/common area, and even a swimming pool for your girls to relax in.

"Heya, Ryan!" Marie bounces over with a smile on her face and a duffel bag slung over her shoulder. It's not a very large bag, especially considering it contains literally all her worldly possessions.

"Marie," you said. You stare at the grass and mentally count off seconds. Knowing these girls, there's got to be some kind of gratuitous bouncing with heart-shaped blurs and inexplicable slow-motion, but you're just going to think about grass until things are back to normal.

"Nice place?" she half-said half-hoped.

You shrug.

"Think you can show me around?" asked Marie. "Riley's still getting unpacked, if that's what you're wondering."

You shrugged again. "Sure."

"Yay!" Marie bounced into the air and smiled even wider. "Where should we start?"
- - - - - - -
>Where do you start?
>Do you go now, or wait for more girls?
[X] Wait for more girls
[X] Dorms

I thought about leaving now. But then I thought of leaving some of these girls to their own devices unsupervised and my mind just noped the fuck out of that decision.
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This is going to end so badly I can see my SAN finally dipping into the negatives.

This is okay though, because I'll have Riley in the end. :>

[X] Wait for more girls?
[X] Common Room

Because the Dorms have that sense of SHENANIGANS to them that I don't want to bother with.

... Yet.
Girls without at least 3 pieces of luggage on a trip?! These girls are REALLY, REALLY socially stunted, aren't they?
Also... *anticipation of dresswear change resolution intensifies*

[X] Wait for more girls?
[X] Drop the bags off at the Dorms, then do a quick full circuit of the base. Together.

If the "Circuit" vote is not legit, let's start with [] Dorms.
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[X] Wait for more girls?
[X] Common Room

You have no idea how tempted I am to vote for dumb shenanigans right now. No. Idea.
Also, I'm starting to suspect there's a hidden stat in this quest that causes us to always drift our sight towards BEST GIRL.
It'd certainly fit with the Wifu theme :D
[X] Wait for more girls?
[X] Drop the bags off at the Dorms, then do a quick full circuit of the base. Together.
[X] Wait for more girls?
[X] Common Room

Probably should avoid going anywhere alone with any of the girls. Seema like that'd be a good rule of thumb.