SV Warframe Thread #1: But I don't wanna go on the Solar Rail

So I wished I had realized this however long has had this function for:

Ducanator - Ducat to platinum pricing ratios

Every time Baro comes around, I take quite some time going through my Prime items inventory comparing ducat price with current platinum price (calculating ducat/plat) and judging which items are best to sell to people and which are better to trade for ducats.

No more.

This site does that same calculation automatically, and as far as I've checked seems pretty trustworthy.

Now whenever Baro comes around, I can just go to the ducat kiosk, check what I got and check this list (Ducats/Plat column) instead of having to calculate all that stuff.

Basically, everything that has a Ducats/Plat value of 5 an higher gets traded for Ducats. Everything with lower than 5 D/P value, gets saved for trading with other players for Plat.

There is only one more point of consideration; sets in Warframe are sold for more than the addition of their individual parts, so you might want to keep a part with high Ducat/Plat value instead of trading it for plat, if it lets you complete a set that has a low Ducat/Plat value. But you would have to check and calculate that set's ducat/plat value manually.
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Finally got the shards and ducats needed to craft the fancy sentient killer sword.

and my mastery level is too small
Completing maps with the teal rhombus markers progresses Mastery, as does progressing the Duviri and Railjack-specific skillsets. So, if you're low on platinum to buy weapon/warframe slots to progress to 30, you've got options to raise your Mastery.
got maxed paracesis.
also beat Duviri and got the overworld horse.

theres an event on where you can go back to the mall in 1999 and Apparently get a free glyph, but i havent gotten the message yet for some reason
theres an event on where you can go back to the mall in 1999 and Apparently get a free glyph, but i havent gotten the message yet for some reason
Know about the 1999 bit and someone on Reddit thinks the time it's gonna be available is a sneaky way for DE to sneak a In-Game Countdown in, but what's that about the glyph?
almost finished new war.
few bugs.
invisible warframe during qte's.
Drifter not keeping the custom amp i grinded for and just having the Mote one that cant be changed.
and now Ballas's figth having the mirrors be indestructible.


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2 hours ago
Always love the ominous slightly infested perspective lyrics that draw you out of the vibe, but not enough to set off alarm bells. Like a parasite slowly working it's way into your mind.

I will add, much more than the previous song. This one almost feels like the boys are noticing something is wrong because of the fact they've been infected, but it's not enough to genuinely set off alarm bells. Particularly the mentions of seeing things and how the end is near. Yes they fit in one of these classic pop breakup songs, but they feel... Oddly desperate and out of place here. Like it's the last cry for help before they're just... Gone.


Also Nyx rework, new minigame, and you no longer have to wait 24 hour after Failing a mastery challenge
"Your indifference lets you come back with nothing."

Isn't the time travel part of the fuck-fuck games of The Indifference?
is it just me or despite the emphasis on Love being wally's weakness, entrati is a horrible lover to Loid and a terrible father to Eularia? Hell both their names were password candidates but it was his Kavat Kalymos
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True ending was available Way earlier than its supped to be.

.......that's pretty disappointing if she permanently loses it since DE is already having fun with Eleanor screwing around with her tongue (the fact that she can actually be playful regarding what she can do with it rather than just seeing it as some disgusting mutation she can't wait to get rid of) was actually a pretty neat bit of characterization you don't normally see with characters in Eleanor's situation.
the player in the screenshot said:
I'm talking to Eleanor about her tongue, DE you've really thought of everything and yall are slightly nasty for it

Like, come on DE, you can't have Eleanor decide to fuck around by trying to type with her tentacle tongue for the lulz (and to tease "spanglyboots the space elf") and then have her lose it for good rather than either just having a way to control it or shift back and forth between it and a regular tongue. *grumps*
.......that's pretty disappointing if she permanently loses it since DE is already having fun with Eleanor screwing around with her tongue (the fact that she can actually be playful regarding what she can do with it rather than just seeing it as some disgusting mutation she can't wait to get rid of) was actually a pretty neat bit of characterization you don't normally see with characters in Eleanor's situation.

Like, come on DE, you can't have Eleanor decide to fuck around by trying to type with her tentacle tongue for the lulz (and to tease "spanglyboots the space elf") and then have her lose it for good rather than either just having a way to control it or shift back and forth between it and a regular tongue. *grumps*
i hope
she figures out a way to regrow it in a more controllable form.

Edit: @1986ctcel another post says
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When it comes to the lore of 1999, there's something that interests me

Despite 1999 using the Gregorian Calendar, Christianity was supplanted sometime ago by Dualism
I wonder if, in the scene where we have the choice in the 1999 quest Wally isn't messing with what Albrecht says. Like it sounds super weird like bits and pieces have been cut and moved around. Not that I don't think we should kill grandpa yaoi anyway because he's an Orokin, but this part and the videos where he tells us to let the reactor explode have a very weird delivery, different from the one scene where we see him talking to Wally.

Also, I wonder what Albrecht took for the Indifference to be so... well, not indifferent. I guess the fingers in the reactors were harvested, given the whole speech about butchers and their flesh being stolen for greed? So it's not just that Albrecht's fear took shape when he entered the Void, but he Orokined all over it and it's basically the Sentients all over again, except this time it comes from magical space hell. Would link it nicely with the unexplained comment about Tau waiting, at the end of the quest.

The location text at the end of the quest are glorious, too. If we didn't go one year back, it'd have been rad to have that sequence but changed each time we ranked up with the Hex, showing them working together better and doing better each time. Well, maybe we do, I've just finished the quest and haven't started the grind.
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