SV Warframe Thread #1: But I don't wanna go on the Solar Rail

So I wished I had realized this however long has had this function for:

Ducanator - Ducat to platinum pricing ratios

Every time Baro comes around, I take quite some time going through my Prime items inventory comparing ducat price with current platinum price (calculating ducat/plat) and judging which items are best to sell to people and which are better to trade for ducats.

No more.

This site does that same calculation automatically, and as far as I've checked seems pretty trustworthy.

Now whenever Baro comes around, I can just go to the ducat kiosk, check what I got and check this list (Ducats/Plat column) instead of having to calculate all that stuff.

Basically, everything that has a Ducats/Plat value of 5 an higher gets traded for Ducats. Everything with lower than 5 D/P value, gets saved for trading with other players for Plat.

There is only one more point of consideration; sets in Warframe are sold for more than the addition of their individual parts, so you might want to keep a part with high Ducat/Plat value instead of trading it for plat, if it lets you complete a set that has a low Ducat/Plat value. But you would have to check and calculate that set's ducat/plat value manually.
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So in pertainance to warframe, apparently this revxdev guy got banned for...
Lets see:
Insulting that aggp guy,
Making fake accounts for plat,
and being quite rude.

So yeah.
Does the Banshee deluxe skin have a record player on its left arm? Hopefully it'll look better in game than on the devstream, or maybe thinking it looks silly puts me in the minority.

Edit: For anyone who was wondering what the next Prime Access would be but hasn't yet seen the codex leak.
The next prime access was confirmed by the Devs to be Saryn Prime, though we've all but known that since NY Comicon. The codex bug from the latest update confirms the Ninkana Prime and the Spira Prime. Ninkana Prime looks awesome and has god-tier stats, while the Spira Prime is pretty lame.
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Does the Banshee deluxe skin have a record player on its left arm? Hopefully it'll look better in game than on the devstream, or maybe thinking it looks silly puts me in the minority.
My problem with the product is that it looks bulkier and plastic compared to the original concept art. I know replicating concept art 100% is virtually impossible, but the compromises made are big enough for me to question it, although not reconsider my intention to purchase it.
Does the Banshee deluxe skin have a record player on its left arm? Hopefully it'll look better in game than on the devstream, or maybe thinking it looks silly puts me in the minority.

Edit: For anyone who was wondering what the next Prime Access would be but hasn't yet seen the codex leak.
The next prime access was confirmed by the Devs to be Saryn Prime, though we've all but known that since NY Comicon. The codex bug from the latest update confirms the Ninkana Prime and the Spira Prime. Ninkana Prime looks awesome and has god-tier stats, while the Spira Prime is pretty lame.

Apparently that's because the stats in the codex are the China's Version of the same weapon. The Spira on the global build has better stats than the chinese version, out Spira has 15 more points of damage and 20% crit chance higher than China's one. Since the adjustment hasn't carried over to the Spira P in the codex the stats should be a bit higher.
  • Total damage: 47 + 15 = 62
  • Impact: 4.7 + 1.5 = 6.2
  • Puncture: 37.6 + 9 = 46.6
  • Slash: 4.7 + 4.5 = 9.2
  • Accuracy: 100
  • Fire Rate: 3.33
  • Critical chance: 15% + 20% = 35%
Dual Wraith Vandal Prisma Dragon Nikana Prime.

I want it. Make it happen, DE.


Blood Rush

While "Blood Rush is crazy" was estabilished weeks ago, the details are pretty fascinating to look at. With 35% critchance weapon fully built for crit (All three critchance mods, Arcane Avenger, Naramon's stuff) you can have more than a 1000% chance to crit.
Indeed: At a x4 or x4.5 Damage Multiplier (generally the highest you can reasonably expect before either O2 or Damage Output become concerns), you're looking at +990% to +1150% Critical Chance from Blood Rush alone. That turns a 30% Crit Rate weapon into a 327% - 375% Crit Rate weapon. If CritChance boosts aren't cumulative as I thought but multiplicative as given in the formula, that's… quite something. I think the numbers are off in a few places (ex: It gives a 104% Critical Chance for a 30% weapon at x1.5 Damage and no other mods / modifiers, likewise at x4 their math puts 30% weaponry at only 203%), but even if they are using True Steel + Deadly Intent to cap yourself at a 402% Critical Chance at a x4.5 Damage Multiplier is beastly. And if they aren't, a 526% Critical Chance at the cost of only two Mod Slots (217% Crit Chance at just five hits!) is a hot fix waiting to happen.

Hm. Have one poor Tenno be the patsy in a Void Survival mission and run with a Limbo (built pretty much entirely to Rift Walk 24/7 all day e'ery day). Limbo will remain untouchable by all enemies present barring the arrival of a Nullifier (which requires a T3 or T4 Survival, and can generally be circumvented by not having them be the first through any door / standing on top of an enemy Spawn Station), and - being visible - will ensure a steady stream of enemies to their location. Everyone else runs a sneaky Naramon build focused around the Invisibility-upon-striking and Critical Chance bonus abilities (to ensure people aren't climbing over themselves for kills / keeping up their multiplier, a 2-3 strong group overall seems most practical).

Limbo - as stated above - just parks his ass in the Rift throughout the entire mission (since it's trivially easy to be energy positive and - again as mentioned - nothing but Nullifiers can drag them out when they don't want to leave), the other Tenno murder everything non-Warframe that moves, the 2-3 players present all slot Corrosive Projection Auras (since the only person who needs to be energy-positive already is), possibly drag a Nova, Valkyr, or Rhino as the other Warframes (for their fat Damage / DPS modifiers) if you're still not confident in your team, a Nekros if so (to Desecrate as much O2 as they possibly can)…

I got to 65 minutes by myself with a Rank 0 Wukong, sans-forma Ichors, and Steel Charge instead of Corrosive Projection. I also probably could have pushed to 70 with the O2 supplies I had left. With a group like the above? 70-80 minute Survival seems like it'd be trivial. Boring as all fuck for the poor Limbo player (who is going to spend most of their time either looking pretty or using Banish to pick off the occasional nook when bored until the 50-60 minute range), but an easy way to get four chances at Rotation C from a single Key.
Boring as all fuck for the poor Limbo player (who is going to spend most of their time either looking pretty or using Banish to pick off the occasional nook when bored until the 50-60 minute range), but an easy way to get four chances at Rotation C from a single Key.
Why I hate half the Limbo strategies.
Screw that.
Pure Power strength build is most fun.
Am I blind or is the Nikana blueprint not in the store? A dragon nikana blueprint dropped for me a while back but without that nikana which I can only find for plat it's not very useful.
Fuck the Jordas Golem. Fuck Archwing in general, really, but fuck the Golem in particular.
I still say AW needs to take a few cues from Zone of the Enders. I'd pay good money to see an Aerial Space Fleet Extermination mission like in that one Mission on ZOE 2, and doing away with the Free Space Tileset for anything but Interception Missions would certainly improve the overall experience.
Also, making everything more visible in general and reducing the grinding for more weapons. To me, those are the big problems with that game mode.

Just to get a discussion going, what do you guys think would improve Archwing?
I still say AW needs to take a few cues from Zone of the Enders. I'd pay good money to see an Aerial Space Fleet Extermination mission like in that one Mission on ZOE 2, and doing away with the Free Space Tileset for anything but Interception Missions would certainly improve the overall experience.
Also, making everything more visible in general and reducing the grinding for more weapons. To me, those are the big problems with that game mode.

Just to get a discussion going, what do you guys think would improve Archwing?
Make it easier to get Archwing mods, because right now I'm lucky if I get one per mission.
Make it easier to get Archwing mods, because right now I'm lucky if I get one per mission.
That falls under reducing the Grind, I guess. I still haven't got the Arch-Gun mod that increases base damage, actually.

Another import from ZOE, being able to actually stand on flat horizontal surfaces. Reduces the drift when you stop accelerating and makes it easier to orientate yourself on Trench Run tilesets and glide near the floor without changing your altitude unless you press the Ascend key.

Situational? Yes, but I'd say it's a nice touch.

Then there's the enemy markers. They work kinda sorta fine, but half the time they drift a bit to the side once the enemy comes within a certain range range, so they aren't actually a good indicator of their position. I end up having to track this tiny speck against a black background and that's just too annoying.
They should be more accurate and visible.

Actually, a rework of the minimap would be great. As it stands it just can't give you good info on where Enemies and pickups are.

It doesn't need to be anything fancy like a spherical 3D radar, just make it show the relative altitudes by making the icons bigger and smaller (within certain constraints, I can already see a bug where the icons of items far above you grow so big they fill the minimap) and what direction enemies are facing and it already works better.
Make it easier to get Archwing mods, because right now I'm lucky if I get one per mission.
For me more loot in general which ideally would include mods because in most Archwing missions I get pretty much no loot just the mission reward.

Loot vacuum or shared looting to help with picking things up at high speed since Archwings are faster than warframes and 3D puts loot everywhere.
More numerous and obvious loot containers to pad out the meagre drops from the kills and make it easier to see them when travelling at higher speeds.

Right now there doesn't seem like there's much point to doing the Archwing missions for me since they don't give me much of anything I need to progress.
It also makes it a pain RE nightmare mode alerts as it's a pain to actually rank up your archwing stuff due to no mods ever, which means you're undergeared for the later planet archwing stuff, which you can't find a group for as nobody does it.

Means you cant get as many planets open for nightmare hunting.